The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 13, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    . .'."TMrrefriyvrn'r"1 ftV"'f lifc'PfWii'"liFM"'iT "Mfr,'Jh-'-Jtitf-h'H"i''
mayo mnfliinnw, bknd, orkoon, viiurhdav, vRnnuAtiY is, ii
(From Friday's Dally.)
a Tented criticism by Chief ot Follco
L. A. W. Nixon ns to tho service
Klven by tho gnrnge which hns chnrga
o( tho city Are equipment, was given
today ns tho sequel to tho flro which
last night destroyed tho homo ot
James Dottroll In Park addition. Tho
blazo started from unknown cnuses
while Mr. Dottroll was attending tho
Shrlno party at tho Masonic temple.
Insurance covered tho building, but
tho furnlturo wns a total loss.
According to Mr. Nixon, M. D.
Enloo, proprietor ot tho Modern
Garage, whero tho tiro truck Is kept
could not bo reached by tolophono
calls Bent In by peoplo living near the.
Bottrcll house, for thirty minutes
after tho flro broke out. After tho
truck finally arrived, Mr. Nixon
eays, tho hoso was found to bo too
short and tho gnrago man wns ord
ered to wait at tho sccno ot tho flro
until more could bo procured. In
stead of this, however, tho truck was
driven back to tho garage, tho driver
refusing to return to tho flro after
Mr. Nixon had procured ISO feot
moro hose. Another driver was
found at Inst, tho poss'iblo spread of
tho flro provented and tho truck was
returned to tho garago nt 3 o'clock
this morning.
Sir. Enloo was Interviewed this
morning and stated that ho had mado
no agreement with the city to act as
driver for tho truck, having refused
to renew tho contract mado with
Jl. H. Dcyariuond when tho .garage
changed hands last spring . Ho de
clared -that when he had gono out
to tho flro last night ho had been
instructed by Chief of Police Nlxen
to remain until Night Officer Frank
Culp appeared, and that ho had fol
lowed his instructions. Afterward,
ho said, ho had been called up by Mr.
Kulp, who ordered him to bring tho
truck back to tho Are. Ills question
as to tho reason for tho order was
answered In- an Insulting manner by
tho officer, ho said, and because of
this he refused (o mako the second
Albert &C 'Dcpew
Ei-GutuMr nj Chitl PUy Oflitr.
JJ. 3. Nrr Mmbr ol IS Forvlf n
lfton ol Franc CapUlrt Cun .
Turrl. French IUlllhlp Cwrd
Wbuwrol U CroUrGurt
wfjnin injs or niuiir una nruioa via., TMwtttb
flpMltl Attntmniim tba Utorz
Landed In Gertnanv.
Tliey had n coollo crew on tho Tnr
rowdnlo and when they routed them
on deck tho coolies began to pray, nnd
ttlOUCh It Is Iintlilno tn Innc). n T m.i.i
not help but chuckle nt tho way sonio '
or tnem went about Milking to their
various cods. The were bcclnnlni- o
swell danger nnd wcro pretty norvbus.
Every OHO Ot tho coolies hml n rnnn
nnd n pair of Palm Beach "trousers.
Tho Iluns wero loading them in tho
....uvula io uu iaKcn oncK to tno
Moewe with their sea bags nnd one ot
them got too nervous nnd was slow
.nnout getting Into tho lifeboat, bo tho
Germans shot him without saying n
Then tho .Germans called out the
names of thoso who had volunteered to
go stoking nnd this Included me. We
were drilled down the flddlcy Into tho
flro room. The flddlcy Is a shnft that
runs from the main deck of n ship to
tho engine room. I looked nrnmni n
bit anil saw n German standing not
very far from the flddlcy, so I asked
him If wo would bo given shoes. IIo
said no. Then I asked him If wo had
to fire In our faro feet and ho said
yes that we did not need shoes. Then
ho went Into the engine-room.
I looked nt the narrow passage ho
went through nnd nt tho narrow pas
sago of tho flddlcy to tho main deck,
and I talked to my feet like I used to'
Artillery Officer Discharged After
Overseas Service Formerly
with !Locnl Bank.
(From Friday's Dally.)
B. A. Stover, first lieutenant of ar
tillery, recently discharged from tho
service, arrived in Bond this morn
Ins and Is visiting friends hero.
Lieutenant Stover was commissioned
second lieutenant at tho training
camp at Presidio in tho fall of 1917,
was promoted and saw service over
seas at Chateau Thierry and Verdun.
JIo was formerly a member of the
offlco forco of tho First National
bank of this city.
Kaalammaamanw TBMKatHWSBW
aarMaTMawkaTaTM aTaT laSli Ll A vMbVH
5wElH i 1 1
U bunkers. irwnBsImpIy terrible there,
Coal dust to brentho and eat nnd sleep
Also, by this tlmo somo of tho men
hnd lost tholr lieiuln completely; In
fact, hnd gono violently entity, nnd tho
rest of us wero nfrrild of them. Wo
wero nit thinking of the light tlmt
might occur nny moment between tho
Ynrrowilnlo nnd somo other vessel nnd
we know wo wero III tho likeliest nlnw,
for the vessel to bo struck. Even
though we wero not hit amidships. If
th ship wero sinking wo did not think
tho Germans would give us u chnneo to
escape. Wo figured from what they
had Hald that wo would go down with
tho ship. And going down on u ship In
whtch you uro n prisoner Is qdlto dif
ferent from going down with one for
which you lmvo been righting. You
arrive nt the snmo pluco, but tho feel
ing Is different.
Some of us thought of overpowering
tho crow nnd tnklng tho vessel Into our
own hands, nnd wo got tho rest of
tho suno or nearly sane 'men together
nud tried to get up n scheme for doing
it. 1 wns Rtrong for tho plan nnd so
wero several others, hut tho Limey of
ficers who wero with m nd vised
ngnlnst It. They said the Germans'
wero. tnklng us to n neutral country,
whero wo would bo Interned, which
wns Just what tho Germans had told
us, but what few of uh believed.
Then somu others said Hint If we
started anything tho Germans would
lire tno time bombs. Wo replied thnt
at least tho Germans would go west
with us, but they could not seo thnt
there wns nny glory in thnt. For my
seir, i uiougnt tho Germans would not
flro tho bombs until tho Inst minute,
nnd thnt wo would hnvo n chnneo nt
tho bonts before they got all of us
nnywny. Thero wero only thirteen
German sailors on board, besides their
commander. This, last Hun was
named Badewltx.
So tho pacifist! ruled, because wu
could not do anything unless w were
nil together, nnd there wns no mutiny.
They Bald we were hotheads, tho rest
of us, but X still think wo could have
made u dash for It nnd ovirnnwiril
our sentries, nnd either gone over tho
sldo with the lifeboats, or taken over
tho whole ship. It would lmvo been
better for us If we had tried, nud If
tho pacifists had known what was
coming to us they would lmvo flred
tho time bombs themselves rnther
than go on Into tlmt future. How
ever, that Is fpllt milk.
Wo were not allowed to opcotho
portholes while wo were In tho hunk
ers, under penalty of death, nnd there
In tho dark, In thnt stinking nlr, It Is
no wonde,r many of us went crazy.
Among us wns n fellow named Har
rington, nbout six feet tall nnd weigh
ing 250 pounds. IIo seemed to bo nil
right mentally, but somo of us
thought afterward ho wns crazy.
Anyway, I do not blame him for what
ho did. Harrington rushed up tho
flddley nnd opened the door. Thero
wns n German sentry there, nm Har
rington mado a swing at him and then
BndowlU, who begun mauling lilm be
fore tho sentry nven hnd told his
story. After n while Uadowlts quit
puuuumg tno cook, nntl listened to tho
sentry. Then Bndewlts said tho cook
had put n nolo. In thu dlxlo before ho
dropped It, so they bent him up again
and put him In Irons. After that they
sent tho rest ot tho cooks back, nud
would not let them on deck again.
They had plenty of ennned goods nnd
meat aboard, but they would nut gtvo
us nny.
Five of thu men worn Inirlixl nt urn
that day, Moro men wero milnir mnil
every minute, nnd It was n terrlblo
pincu; pitch dnrk, grimy, loose conl
underfoot, coal-dusty nlr to breathe,
uody-lltth everywhere! Homo of tho
crasy men howled like dugs. But wo
wore not us much afraid of these ns
wo wero of tho others who kept still,
hut slipped n round In tho dark with
lumps of conl In their hands. Wo
got so wo would not go near each
other for fear wo wcro running Into u
crnsy man. Thoso of us who wcro
anno collected ns near tho flddley ns
wo could, nnd wo would not let tho
others get near us, but shoved, them
back or shied lumps of conl nt them.
And every onco In n while somo ono
of us would begin to net queer. May
bo ho would let out n howl suddenly,
without nny warning. Or ho would
Just quit talking and begin to sneak
around. Or ho would aauat down nnd
begin to mumble. Wo could not tell
Total of 22 Now BcIiir Treated, Says
J. D. Donovan DIseuM! Appears
In No Other Part of County.
Six now cases of Spanish Influenza
were reported at Brooks-Scanlon
logging camp, No. 1, by J. D. Dono
van, director of tho Lumbermen's
Hospital association. Tho total at
the camp is now 22 and most ot thoso
suffering from tho disease have an
excellent chanco for recovery, Mr,
Donovan states. No othor outbreak
of influenza in tho city or county was
"Feet, Do Your Duty."
at Dixmude. I said: "Feet, do your
duty." They did It and I flew up tho
flddley. I never wanted to see that
stoke hole again.
I sneaked up to where the rest of
the fellows wero nnd tho iruards
drilled us Into No. 4 hold. There wns
nothing but ammunition In it They
battened the hatches down on ui.
which made tho hold waterproof. And
as that mado It practically airtight tho
only nlr the 580" of us got was through
the ventilators. That hold was cer
tainly foul.
They next day come of the men had
got cigarettes somewhere. In u few
minutes, they as well as tho rest had
lit up and wero puffing kwny in great
stylo. I divided a cigarette with an
other fellow. Beracmber, wo wero sit
ting und standing on ammunition nil
this time. It shows how much wo
cared whether school kept or not
The Germans saw tho sraoko com
ing out of tho ventilators und they
wero crazy with fright A gang of
them laid below and rousted us out
with whips.
They lined us up on deck and read
ns tho riot net
They drilled us down into tho conl
grabbed his baronet Tho sentry
yelled and somo others camo down
from the brldgo nnd shot Harrington
through tho hand. After they had
beaten Harrington pretty badly, tho
bull of the bunch, Ilndewltz himself,
camo over and hammered Harrington
all around tho deck. Then they nut
, him In Irons and took him to tho chart
I Will.
Tho next day wo were sitting In tho
flddley getting warm when tho door
J opened and there was Budcwltz, Ho
'yelled "HerauMl" und began Hrlng nt
i us with n revolver, so wo beat It back
onto tho coul. Pretty soon tho door
opened ngnln. But It wns only a Ger
man sentry. Ho throw down n note.
It was written In English and read,
"Pick out eight men for cooks." So
wo picked out eight men from tho vn
rlous vessels and they went on deck
and rigged up u galley aft.
But wo did not recelvo any knives,
forks, spoons or nlutes. Tho first
meal wo got was nothing but macaro
ni, plied up on pieces of cardboard
boxes. Then wo appointed four men
to servo tho macaroni, nnd they got
uur )m-i'i's ui woou, mo cicanesc wo
could find, which was not very clean
at mat, ana tliey dug around In tho
macaroni und divided It up und put
it in our hands. Wo had to eat It
nftcr that from our grimy fingers.
Thoso who wcro helped first had to go
farthest back on tho coul to eat it,
and thotio who wero helped lust got
less, because tho dividers got moro
careful toward the end nnd cava
smaller portions.
But wo did not get macaroni -very
long. A cook from the Voltaire was
cleaning a copper dlxlo thnt tho mac
aroni had been cooked In, nnd ho was
holding It over I ho sldo when tho ves
sel rolled heavily, and dromx-d tho
dlxlo Into (ho briny. A sentry who
waw mm riron it forced lilm tin to
Nono or Us Was Much Better Than a
Just when n man hnd begun to loso
his mind. He would seem Just llko
tho rent of us, because nono of us was
much bettor than n beast
We coald not tnko turns sleeping
and standing watch against tho crazy
men, becnuso when we talked nbout
it, wo agreed tlmt nono of us could
tell whether or not Uio sentries would
go crazy while on watch nnd hnvo tho
rest of us at their mercy. It was aw
ful to talk about going crazy In this
way, nnd to flguro that you yourself
might bo tho next.'nnd that It wns al
most sure to happen If you did not
get somo sleep soon. But It wns worso
to And n man near you going, and hnvo
to boot him nut with tho other Insntro
men. .
Tho days passed llko thnt, with
nothing to do but suffer, and slarvo
and freeze. It got colder nud colder,
nnd all wo could wrap ourselves In
wns the coal. Wo hegnn to Hpecnlato
on where wo were. It wns not till
later than an old skinner In our hunch
told us that wu had rounded-tho north
ern coast ot Iceland.
Finally, ono day, n lad yelled down
"Land!" and wo nil dovo for tho fld
dley llko wild men, und thoso who
could get near enough looked out, and
suro enough! thero was the coast of
Norway, very rugged nnd rocky nnd
covered with suow. Wo thought It
was all over then, and that we would
bo landed ut Bergen sure. Then thero
was tho umuuI runnliiL' around and
yelling on deck, nnd wo wero not so
suro wo would bo landed, nnd very
suddenly it got colder than over.
I wns In tho flddlcy, aching to get
out, nnd ready for anything that
might happen, when tho door opened
suddenly nnd Ilndewltz grabbed me,
and asked mo in English If I was u
quartermaster. I nuld yes, und ho
pulled mo by tho arm to u cabin. I
did not know what was going to hap
pen, but ho took an oilskin from tho
wall and told me to put It on.
Thero wcro two suljors thero also,
and they put life -belts on, und then
I was moru jmzzled tliun oyer, and
$500,000 "
. $2,000,000" -
. $100,000
(From Monday's Dally.)
.Tho Bullotln Ih In receipt of u
consignment of garden suods Hont by
Congressman N. J, Sfnnott. A packet
of huot, lettuce, musk rnolon, onion
and tomato sued Is Includod in each
envelope All adults desiring seeds
may socuro them ns long as they
last by applying nt this' offlco.
fFrnm Mnnilnv'n nnllv.t
Announcement was mado today of
tho sulo by C. IC, Norcott of his share
In tho photograph gallory on Oregon
near Wall to his partnor, J. n, Todd.
Tho consideration was not given, Mr,
Todd plans to huva n lady attendant
shortly td assist In tho work,
scared, loo, because 1 TTiouglit maylio
they wero going to throw mo over
board, though what that had U do
with being a quartermaster I could
not Rce.
But Oioy drilled mo up onto tho
brldgo nud told mo to take (ho wheel,
What their Idea wiih I do not knew,
lWllily they wanted u iioncomlmtnut
nt tho wheel In case they wero over
hauled by n neutral vessel. Wo weru
going full speed at thu time, but ns
soon as 1 took tho wheel sho cut down
to halt speed, nnd stayed that way for
half ait hour. Then up to full speed
Pretty soon there was n tramp
steamer on tho starboard how, und nl
most before I saw It, therti weru two
moro sentries on each Hide of me.
prodding mo with their revolvers and
warning ma to keep cm tho course
They hnd civilian clothes on.
Then wo went through tho Skager
Back and Cuttcgat, which nro narrow
strips of water leading to tho Baltic,
nnd wo wero only u mile from shore
witn vessels nlj nbout us. It would
have been an ensy thing for mo to
signal what our ship was and who
wero aboard, but they hud six sentries
on my neck all thu tlmo to keep mo
from It. I never wanted to do any
thing worso in my life than Jump
overboard or signal. But 1 would
hnvo been nhot down before I hnd
moro, than started to do either, so I
Just stayed with the wheel.
Wo wcro nearlng one of tho Dan
ish islands in thu Baltic when wo
sighted n tug. Shu began to smoku
up and blow her siren. Tho sailors got
very oxcltoq nnd ran around In crnay
style, and Budawits began shoutlug
moru orders than they could get nwuy
with. Tho sentries left mu nud run
with tho rest ot tho Frltxles to thu
boat deck urtd started to lower ono of
tho lifeboats. But Badowltx was right
on their heels and kicked tho whole
bunch around In great shape, roaring
llkn u bull ull, tho time.
(To Bo Continued.)
with Hcom: oi' a to ut nv
Liberal Prlr I'romUrd ut Affair nt
Gyiminlum uu, Ih cuing of Hi.
Valentino' Day.
(From Thursday's Dally.)
Announcement of n St. Vnlon
tlnu's day masquerade ball, to bo
given under tho nusplces ot flio Bond
Amateur Athletic club nt tho gym
nnnlum on tho evening' nt February
It, wns mndo today. During tho
latter part ot tho danco suppor will
bo sorved.
Thirty dollars In prizes will bo
given, 10 each to tho gentleman
and lady best sustaining tho char
acters taken, and two 5 second
prizes. Freo dancing nnd supper
will bo tho reward of tho funniest
.(From Monday's Dally.)
In tho easiest gamo so far tlila
season, tho Ilend high school has-
kolvors defeated tho Prlnuvlllo play
ers Saturday urn lit at thu athlotla
club gymnasium hero by u score nt
20 to 21. Tho final tally, however,
Is not n true Index us to thu strotiKlh
ot tho opposing teams, for during the
lattor part ot tho second half tho
local oulntntto, with a substantlaf
lead piled up, took IIiIiiru easy up to
the und of tho porlod, nud It was In
(his tlmo that thu greater part ot
the Prlnuvlllo scores was mado. '
. Brontorhous, llund centor, was tho
star ot tho gamu, contributing six
goals in nplto nt thn fact thnt tho
Prlnuvlllo center had at least flro
Inches advantage In reach. Haudont
chalked ui seven points In kobIk
nnd fouls, and Coyuor found thn bas
ket four times, using tho drlbbft
effectively In working up to shooting
distance, Helfrlch mado mm goal.
For tho visitors, O'Kolluy netted
the ball for six points, Itoxanhorg
for oluht and (.Inter, In onls nnd
fouls, mndu seven.
Chllils nnd Kills worn officials.
Tho gnmu was much moro free from
fouls than prsrlnus contests hero.
Tho tennis:
Bend. Pmlllnn. Prlmivlllit
Hauders Forwnrd MKlfr
Coyuer Forward .... Itosonhorg
DroNturhous.... Center Mstur
Helfrlch Utiunl Ilourlcnn
Curtis Guard .... .Mills, Prist
Al Ynnwy Inc I.lfo In lagging Ae-
chlcul Victim Chler or Police
Hero Yritr Ago.
(From Monday's Dally.)
Al Yancey, formerly chief of
police nt Bond, wns Instantly killed
nt Weatwnod, California, while op-
unuine n inrgo nigging crane, accord
Ing to word received hero by friends'
today. Few dotalls wore learned,
but it Is known that tho crane upsetjl
crushing Mr. Yancey under thu tre
monduous weight.
The Flavor Lasts
All three kinds sealed
in air-tight, impurity
proof packages. Be