The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 13, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Page 2, Image 2

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Central Oregon
LOWER BRIDGE, Fob. 10. Tho
young pooplo's class ot tho Lowor
Ilrldgo Sunday school has sent out
invitations (or a Valentino party, to
ho given at tho school houso Febru
nry 14.
Air. ana Mrs. Frcu waltors, uar
win Walton and Mrs. A. J. Fuller
attended tho salo near Redmond on
Deo Vcddor returned homo Tues
day from Camp Lowls, where his
company was demobilized.
Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Uausor and son
Dwlght woro In Redmond Tuesday
afternoon and also attended tho pic
turo show In tho evening.
T. J. Qulgloy and Geo. Tuck well
attended tho Pratt salo on Tuesday.
Mrs. Frank Nowbold was n caller
nt Mrs. Howard's on Tuesday.
li. A. Hunt was at Redmond Tues
day afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Holmes wcro
shopping In Redmond Thursday.
Chapmans nro hauling tho hay
which they bought ot A. J. Fuller.
L. A. Hunt and Jerry Groszkrousor
attended tho Pratt salo near Red
mond Tuesday.
Geo. S. Roberts went to Bend,
whero ho will work for a whllo.
C. F. Hosklns purchased a large
hay cuttor and will cut his hay for
sheep hereafter.
PLAIXVIBW. Fob. 11. A fine
largo crowd gathered at tho Plain
view school houso last Saturday
evening to discuss plans for n com
munity hall. After a short enter
tainment ot songs, dancing and Jokes
given by a local cfilorcd troupe, H. A.
Bcoggln acted as speaker and pre
sented plans for an organization,
which were followed by an open dis
cussion. A. W. Armstrong. A. E.
Hoss, M. W. Knickerbocker, Mr.
Dawson and P. Van Tassel wcro ap
pointed as a comtnittco to make esti
mates and recommendations (or size
and cost of a suitable building. Later
in tho evening tho committee recom
mended a building 40 by 60 feet
and estimated tho cost around $400.
Practically ovoryone in tho vicinity
is willing to donate work (or the
Jiow ImlMlnir. Tho Plnlnvlnw Pro
gressiva club was tho name chosen J
for tho now organization. H. A.
Bcoggln was elected chairman and
liny Armstrong secretary. Various
committees were appointed to look
after tho different divisions ot tho
club work. A lunch ot sandwiches
and coffeo was served by tho ladles.
Ray Armstrong returned homo last
Wednesday from Camp Lewis aftor
spending nearly six months In tho
service. Ray is tho first to return
homo ot tho eight Plainvlow boys
who wcro in tho U. S. army.
A series of very excellent services
woro conducted by Rev. JIarpor of
tho Presbyterian church nt tho school
houso for tour evenings last week. In
splto of stormy weather and heavy
roads, tho attendanco was good.
Mrs. Alox. Lovcronz returned home
Saturday aftor spending tho wcok In
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Chnltnn and
Mr. and Mrs. Varrcn Chaltan and
family wcro entertained at tho A. E.
Hoss homo Inst Friday avcnlag.
Jim Pulllam attended tho athletic
club mooting In Tumnlo Friday even
ing. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson and family
arrived In Plainvlow last Wcducsdny.
They will mnko their homo nt tho
old Martin placo, which has been
purchased recently by Mr. Anderson.
Miss Frieda Clark of Demi spent
several days with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. D. Clnrk.
Mr. and Mrs. Grovor Pulllnm havo
returned to their homo nt tho Pino
Trco mill.
A. W. Armstrong was a Dend
caller -on Wednesday.
G. C. McCalllstcr and'Ror. Harpor
wcro entertained at dinner at tho
homo of J. 1). Elklns last Wednes
H. T. Hartley was a caller at tho
Pino Lawn ranch Saturday.
Mr. Brookings ot Lower Drldco
brought a bunch at cattlo to Plain
vlow on Saturday.
Rov. McVIcker of Redmond spont
Wednesday and Thursday with
friends In Plainvlow.
F. G. Powers has received a grati
fying numbor ot pledges to npply on
tho pastor's salary tor tho coming
Mrs. Louzctta Pulllam, Miss Nolllo
Scoggin, iMi and Mrs. F. W. Lovercnz
and family, H. A. Scoggin and It. L.
Armstrong wcro business callcra in
Dend Monday.
Mrs. W. D. Clark, who has been
qulto HI at her homo for -several
weeks, was taken to tho Bend surg
ical hospital Monday.
A. E. Hoss was a Redmond caller
on Saturday.
Miss Luella Burgess, who has been
nursing in Redmond for tho past
month. Is spending a short tlmo at
the Box A ranch.
Mr. and Mrs. John McKinnoy and
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Edglngton and
family of Sisters, attended tho meet
ing at tho Plainvlow school Satur
day evening.
11. T. Hartloy has purchased sever
al hundred head of cattlo tho past
woek which he is (ceding for tho
Portland market.
A number of young people gath
ered at tho J. A. W. Scroggln ranch
Friday evening (or a minstrel re
hearsal. A very dainty lunch was
served by .tho hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Armstrong and
family spent Sunday ut tho homo of
Mrs. Homer Conlee at Sisters.
Thero will be a plo social and
entertainment at tho A. E. Hoss
home on tho evonlng of Washington's
birthday, February 22. Tho proceeds
ot the social aro to be applied to the
deficit In the pastor's salary. At this
Mmo tho O D. O club quilt will
bo resold,
Kvcryono In Invited to
lim Know, but. Sometime IVrRtt.
Kvorybody knows nit Imitation Is
novor so good as tho genuine article.
Foley's Honoy and Tar Btamls at tho
top ot tho list ot fninlly remedies for
colds, croup, -whooping cough, 'bron
chial and- grippe coughs'. . W. L. Ang
lln, Antloclt, Ln., writes: "I havo
used Foley's Honoy and Tnr IB years.
It is the boat," Sold everywhere,
POWELL BUTTE, Fob. 11. Clif
ford L. Morrell and Mrs. . Mnrv
Shooloy woro married nt 8 o'clock
Thursday evening by Rov. Hntlaton,
pastor ot tho Redmond M. E. church.
Tho brldo and groom woro attended
by Miss Flora M. Katsch as brides
maid and Mr. Herman K. Allen as
boat man. Aftor tho coromony tho
happy couplo, with tholr uests, nnl
down to an olcgant banquet, during
tho service of which thoy woro ontor
talnod by music from tho now gruf.
onola. Thoso prosont at tho wedding
were Mr. and Mrs. I). Yates, Mr. and
Mrs. Rico, Henry Hanson, Miss Flora
M. Kntsch, iMr. Herman K, Allen and
Mr. and Mrs. Hazleton.
Miss Elnoro Kcsslor has tho In
fluenza. Roy Skeen also la a sufferer
irom tuo snmo disease.
Miss Fay Bussutt visited with Mrs.
neaves wucoxon ui iteumoml over
the week-end.
Fred McCaffrey nud Harold M.
Charlton wont to Prlnovlllo Frldny,
whero they played basketball with
others ot tho high school nlumnl.
Many people from Powell Butto nt
tonded tho Pratt oale, near Redmond,
last wcok.
Mr, and Mrs. Agoo entertained n
happy hunch of tiny tots Sunday In
honor ot their llttlo son, John Rey
nold's, fifth birthday. Thoso present
woro Juno. Mnrgnrot and Bllllo
Chapman, Gladys and Wayne Klsslor,
Cnthcrln Truesdalo, Tholma Smith.
Dainty refreshments woro sorved and
tho llttlo folks enjoyed n delightful
Mrs. E. R. 'Agoo conducted tho
seventh and eighth grndo exams at
tho Wilson school Inst woek.
On February 21 thoro will bet a
social hold at Community hall, tho
proceeds ot which will o to tho
Sunday school and Community hall
In equal shares. A cafeteria supper
will bo sorved, beginning at G:30
and continuing until tho opening ot
tho program at 8 o clock. Tho com
mittee having the social and program
In charge aro Mesdnmcs Geo. Trues
dalo, Carl Lindqutst. Wallace Smith
and E. A. Bussctt.
Tho school In to furnish tho pro
gram and booths nro arranged (or
thu evening. One of tho booths In
under tho nusplrcH ot the Junior Rod
Cross, to bo managed by tho high
school, Tho other In under tho nup
orvlHton ot tho Rol CroHs ladles.
Word has boon received horu by
Mr. and Mrs. Daw, that tholr sou
Grant Is not expected to live.
Mr. HughCH, who In feeding Mr.
Pollock's cattlo on tho Nelson place,
found it uuccssnry to drive tho boot
cattlo to tho DcschutoH river for
water ns tho supply at tho ranch
had run out
Leonard MoFaddon, who upon tils
return from Franco was stationed
nt Camp Luwls, linn returned homo.
Ho brought n fow (ionium trophies.
A hnrd tlmo danco was held at
tho Farmor'a Union hull, Frldny ev
ening. A vory onjoyablo affair wan tho plo
social given by tho Furmor's Union,
Tuesday, Fobruary 4. Tho social was
given for tho purpose ot securing
now inombors and increasing tho
funds ot tho organization. Cnrda and
dancing took up thq evening.
Tho mc who woro hauling tho
hny for J, Almetor woro compelled
to stop Inst Thursdny on account ot
tho heavy snow Jail.
Hays It In tho llwl In tlm World.
Aro you looking for n safe, Tollable
romeuy ror coughs, colds, croup and
whooping cough? A. II. McDnnlol,
Box Gl, Llndsldo, W. Vn., writes: "I
am glad to toll you that Foloy'n
Honoy and Tnr In tho best medlclnu
In this world. I had n sovoro cough.
Someano recommended It and before
I used halt a 'bottlo I was bettor."
Sold ovorywhoro. Adv.
" ----")" SHOES
Serviceable J
Guaranteed ...,.. LjT
Black or Tan J -, ' f
Button or Lace..., I -' v-J V Mis IN
Union Made Up-to-Date Shoe Repairing
I All Priced J at Right Prices
The Owl Pharmacy
a woman's recommendation.
Mrs. II. T. Tryor. It. F. D. 1, Frauk
lln Ave, Otsego, O., writes: "I
realized so great a benefit from tho
uso of one box that I reel eafo In
recommending Foley Kidney Pllln to
any kidney sufferors." They rellovo
backache, soro muscles, stiff Joints,
rheumatic pains and bladder ail
ments. Sold ovorywhere. Adv.
MILLICAN, Feb. 12. R. R. Kollor
returned (rom Bond Sunday evening.
Ho called on his friend, C. Lyman,
whllo In Bond.
Mrs. L. Shaffer visited at tho Hol
land homo Tuesday,
F. TuUBchor's strayed calves ar
rived nt tho Ell Spencer placo Thurs
day morning.
Hollands nro trying out ono nt
tho Mooro Bros.' horses, with tho In
tention of buying.
II. R, Kollor called nt tho F.
Tauschor placo Tuesday,
Tho well drilling on tho Tauschor
placo Is progressing vory slowly.
Tho W. W. Grlnstend tamlly ex
pects to movo onto tholr homestead
vory soon.
W A. Halm called nt tho Tauschor
place this wcok.
HOW to ki:i:i WELL.
"Keep tho bowels open" Is ono rule
of health recommended by nil schools
of mcdlclno. Foley Cnthartlc Tablets
clcanso tho bowaln, sweetun tho stom
ach and bonout tho liver. For Indi
gestion, biliousness, bad lireath,
bloating, gas or constipation, no
remedy is mora highly rocommended.
Flno for stout persons. Sold every
where. Ad v.
Rov Wnrnstnff. llav Nun. Cecil
Young, Elmer Young. Loo Priuitt,'
Milton Hukaln, Roy Nuff. John Warn-
staff, Floyd Stookoy, mid Belli
Than) woro no church service ur
Sunday nchonl at tho Mountain View
church Sunday on account ot bud
Eunice No ft conducted thu seventh
grade examinations la geography
and physiology nt tho school linum
Inst Thursday. TIiohq taking tho
oxamluntlonn In geography woro:
Margnrote Warnstaff, Yoliim Cald
well, Ruth, Ray and Roy Neff. Thoso
taking In physiology worn: Votinn'
Caldwell and Margareto Wariintaff.
iMIsn Miriam Grimes loft Inst Hun
day for her homo at Snlem nfter
spending uovorul moths visiting at
tho homo ot hur brother It. E.
Myrtle NefT spent Thursday night
with Mrs. Loo Yonug.
Elmer WnniHtnfr returned lionio on
Portland whoro ho hail been on busi
ness. Dona Cook wnn a visitor ut tho
O. L. Mooro homo Friday night.
Several ot the residents ut thlM
vicinity aru nufferes from colds and
thu la grippe.
Mrs. Loo Young, Cecil Young and
Mrs. W. L. Coffey and daughter woru
visitors at A. Nod's homo Thursday,
Roy, Margareto and John Worn
staff nro staying at tho hohio of Mr.
and Mrs. Elgin Stookoy whllo their
father has gone to Portland.
Mrs. Chuno has recently returned
(rom Grants Pass, whoro sho has
been visiting with relative.
Tho regular mooting o( tho Farm
er it' Cooperative union which watt
to havo mot Wednesday evening was
postponed on account of tho rough
Ruth Neff was n visitor nt tho W.
L. Coffey homo In Bund Saturday
A largo crowd (rom this neigh
bzorhood met nt Anils Moore's homo
In Bond Tuesday to chlvnrl Mr. and
Mm. Chester Russell. Mrs. Russell
wiim formerly" JMhii Grace Cook. Thoy
worn married nt tho Cook homo on
Mr. mid Mrs I. en Ynimtf
.visitors ut flnth Slookuy'n Monday
Mildred Trlplett, (rom ovor In tho
valley, wan a visitor at thu Pruotl
homo Monday,
cloverdalTshTps '
many beep cattle
TERREBONNE. Fob. 11. Tho
boys ot tho Tnrrobonno school havo
organized a scout troop with DoWitt
Williams as scoutmaster. Scouting
work has been started and will con
tinue throughout tho Hummer by tak
ing up somo special phaso of tho
Tho long deferred Red Cro3 snip
Is planned for th" 21s of this month
i "J -;
" i mum .
"- - -
Best Tire Service
Means Firestone
and It Means Us
It means that you get the benefit of expert tire
building in the first place by equipping with
restone Tires
It mean3 the expert tiro service, courteous and reliable,
help which Is always available at our shop.
Remember; that Firestone Tires are madc'lSynpccialists
in the World's Largest Exclusive Tire Fnctoy. But
Firestone buildlnsr methods and this immense volume,
added to their economical distribution, enablo them to
charge as low as for ordinary tires.
And our shop backa up the Firestone Service. Call onus
I . ' - J - - - - . - -J v - . - , -. ...
Moat -ft. (fflH i II
rV mHV fin
Miles Jr W ffat
I per t3HK ill frfl
Dollar si SMjJ I
1 1 tiiSi Vol added to their economical distribution, enablo them to I
i EjflftEflL.
w 11
IMflr ot9
BEND. It. F. I) .NO I. Miss Jesalo
Stookey was pleasantly surprised nt
hor homo Friday evening by a Inrgo
numbor of her friend. Tho occasion
colobrated bolng In honor of Miss
JossIq'b Hth birthday. Tho crowd
cougrgntcd at tho O. B. Caldwell
homo and went from thoro In n body
to tho Stookoy residence. Gaines and
music wero tho fcaturon of tho evon
lng. nfter which nil enjoyed tho re
freshments which wero served Those
present were: Tho Misses Velinu
Caldwell, Margareto WornstunV
Fannlo Moorn, Dona Cook, Glonda
Caldwell, Dorothy Cook, Geneva
Caldwell, Mildred Stookoy, Mrs. O, B.
Caldwell, Mrs. G. L. Moore, Mrs. Sot)
Stookoy and JpkhIo Stookoy, Claud
Kelloy, Harold Ilunuull, Hugh Kelloy
and Harold Kelloy ot Bend,
bwbwm iwim-iiim mibwh mm
ou.ut m au. suti
CLOVERDALE. Fob. It w. ir
Fryrenr. J. E. Aldrlch and E. E.
Ilesso shipped a total of flvo carloads
of hoof cattlo lo Portland on Hat
lirday .J. E. Aldrlch, Dean Van
Matro. A, E. Hosso and Hlorllng Fry
rear wont to Portland with the cars.
Sunday srhool and church wero
hold at thu school houso Inst Sunday
afternoon. Rev. I J. McVIcker of
Redmond conducted tho services,
Thu second mooting of tho Coun
cil club was hold at tho school houso
on Saturday evening . Tho (ollowlng
program was given:
Hong "Flag Wo Lovo tho Best."
uuortolto; rucltnlluii "Flag on the
Farm," Rtusul Long; song "Kuly,"
Alelhea and Juneta llodnon, accom
panied by MIhn Roxy Monio; song
Llttlo illrown Church." iiiartelto:
pi,yT-Freoilng n Mothor-ln-Lnw,"
Harold Kline, Mrs. Biirnsldo, Mrs.
II, Kline, Mr. and Mrs. W. It. Abbey.
Mr. and Mrs. W R. Abbey took a
un-nni-u uuoi m nenii Frldny.
Harold Kllno too a load of hogs
to Bend Frldny.
Gladys Barberry was a visitor at
the school Jiouso Tuwidny nttornoon.
A. L. Hoss o( Glut was n culler at
tho Parborry, Long mid Klllgoro
runchwi Monday morning.
A. IC. Patterson was n caller at tho
Parborry ranch Monday.
Mrs. Irving Parborry spent Frl
lv afturnooii with Mrs. j.
Vernu Hkelton was In Hli(1r ....
Sunday oveulng.
Miss (llail)H Pnrborr and Mm.
Irvln Parborry inado n trip to Slstorn
on Sunday.
Mrs. Cyrus went to Rednfoud Tuo.
dny on account of tho Illness o( hur
Mr and Mrs. W. It. Abboy aro ex
pecting to lenvo this country soon
for Washington.
-Mrs It. J. Hkelton who has been
visiting friends In Redmond tti past
wiink, returned homo Saturdny.
F W. Weber, Mrs. Cly.lo Gist,
Inex McKinnoy and Van Wilson, all
of Sinters attended tho club nioetlnjf
Saturday evonlng
Mr and Mrs. Ray Abboy woro
dliiuir itutMttf at tho Burusldo homo
Mr and Mrs. W. It. Abby spent
Tuewduy ovanlng at thu Parborry
Mrs. Cyrus returned lo hor homo
hero Monday, called by tho IIIiiush of
hor son Wayne, with tho Influenza.
Exclusive Agents and Service Station A
Reading advertisements has
helped to make this a united
Jim Hawkins props his feet on Che You can meet up with anybody in
rose-festooned porch railing in an the United States and quickly get
Oregon suburb and reads the same on a conversational footing because
motor car advertisement that Cousin you both read the same advertise-
Peter is studvincr as he rides home ments..
from work in the New York subway.
In Arizona you can buy the same
tooth paste and tobacco that aro
used by the folks in Maine.
California fruit ' growers advertise
their oranges and lemons to the
people of the Bast. New Hampshire
factories make ice cream freezers
for Texas households.
Advertising is the daily guide lo
what's good to buy.
Advertisements give you the latest
news from the front line of business
Heading advertisements enables you
to get more for your money because
they toll you where, what and when
to buy.
m, , ,. . . . And it is ,a well-known fact that ad
There can be no division m a coun- yertised goods are more reliable and
try so bound together by taste, habit better value than the unadvertised
and custom. kinds.