The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 13, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Image 1

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No. no
Million Cut from t'lty'N Inconio in
Production, WiiwN nml Hulea
UN HlViult of Five I)ll)M
jt of InnctUlty,
lly Unltnl Vim to 11.. lUnd Jlulletln.)
BBATTLK, Fob. 11. Hoaltlo toot
ed ltd whlntlcn ut noon today nml
nwltchod Km civic gfnr Into high
again when tlio five-day sympa
thetic strike cloned, A majority of
workmen who hiul boon out until
then 11 ru now linck on their John.
Merchant tllil tlmlr bent to mnko
up for tout tf mo, unit crowdn hastened
to do their nhoppliiK. thronging tlio
iivonuu Rtorifn, In nnuounclnj that
tlio general ntrlko liml boon doclnrod
on ntrlko officials inserted that thin
depended on tliolr being no trouble
for workman In getting back their
old inltlonti.
Street cum weru operating today
on schedule despite thu pica of tlio
general ntrlko cotnmlttco yesterday
that till union inun who had gono
Click to work nhould leave their John
ngaln until noon today. A number
of othor craft remained at work,
although tlio number In In dispute.
Teamsters lnnt night woro reported
(o luivo acceded to tlio appeal of tlio
ntrlko committee. Individual team
uteri and truck drlrcrn were ob
nerved In bo working ngnln thin
morning, however. Tlio numbor of
ntrlkorn who had returned to their
Job early thin morning wnn ciitU
Hinted an C00O out of 40,000.
Mayor Hanson ban (sailed ordorn
that street. cur men who aro absent
from their posts on municipal lines
nhnll bo hold to havu relinquished
tholr John.
Preliminary losses duo to tlio flvo
lays of thu ntrlku tiro estimated an
follow: Loss lit output to manu
facturers, Including nhlp production,
94,000,000; lotin In wagen to 70,000
htrlkliiR workorn, $.1,750,000.
Thoro nro also to bo considered
lioavy Inroadn on ntrlko bonoflt
fuudn mid upon tlio city ftronsury
duo -to emergency protectee' und
othor moanuruM. Tlio Ions to whole
unlcrn nnd rutalloni In novorul mil
lions mora
Tiiglosn to merchant" In mini
mized by tlio fact that for novoral
days provloun to thu ntrlko tho vol
ume of purchases by Scuttle resi
dents Inylng In supplies -tripled or
iuadruplud tho normal nnlos.
Will Meet Team from Went or Cas-
nulcM In Near Intiiro Lmikuo
of Nations Hubject Cliimen.
(From Frlday'n Dally.)
A debating team from tho Demi
high school will meet n team ropro-
Hentjng n nchool from went of tho
Cascaded In tho nixt taw montliu to
decide tho nchool dobatn cliamplftnj
nuiii ui urugou, ma uonor coming to
llend becauuo of tho default of other
uchoolii In tho eastern part of thu
ntnto, Tho dnto of tho mooting In
not yet known, nor him tho uubjoct
been announced beyond tho fact that
It will deal with noma phaso of tho
proposed Longuo of Nations.
', Teams from tho high school nro
' now working In preparation for tho
uyent, pp preliminary training to In
oludo n dobato to bo hold noxt Wed
nesday night on tho subject "Ilo
aolved: That states, countloa, and.
munlclunlltleti, othor than school
(llntrlotH should not bond for Im
provements." doorgo Ourtlfl nml
Jpyco Kuloo will uphold tho ufflrin
nt,lvo of tho question and William
WllllnniH and Irv)n McNeal thu nogu
tlvo. . .
Tho toama nro bulu conched by
Principal 'Johnson ot.tjia' high
school, v,
Much Iteiualim to Ho Douo for Iif
iikvcm Homo Hertlco Department
in llentl ! litis)'.
, (From Wodnondny's Dally.)
Need for morn Hod CroHS workorn
In Iluud wan emphasized today by
Mm, Vernon A, Forbes, chairman of
tho homo scrvlco committor). Pro
vlounly work wan practically all dono
nt tho chapter rootnn, but It may
now bo douo nt homo, Mm. Forbes
ntntcn. Thin In particularly truo of
tho so-called refugee work, for
which thoro In n great domnnd.
Possibility that tho ncopa of tho
homo norvlco dopartmunt may bo
r.renlly enlarged In shown In n qucs
tlonnalro Just received by tho Ilond
chapter, In which tho opinion of tho
local organization Ih naked In regard
to adopting a policy for giving aid
to fituilllen other than thoso of sol
dlom, mi I lorn nnd marlnen. A vote
on tho 'question In to bo taken by
tho dlroctorn of tho chapter In tho
near future.
Figures Junt completed nhow that
23 noldlern' families In Ilond woro
aided by tho homo norvlco durliiK
tho pant month. Of thunu, wevun re
quested Information In rogard to
men In tho norvlco, whllo ono family
wan found to bo In dlro need. In
regard to ono cane, In which parents
who desired to attend tho funeral of
tliolr nan at a military camp In Jlall
foruln woro not advlncd of tho dato
of burial until uftor tho funeral had
actually taken place, Mm. Forties
ban wrltton to momhon of tho Ore
gon delegation nt Washington, I). C,
asking mi investigation. ' .
(From Wednesday's Daily.)
Discussion of vnrlous piano, for
districting tho city nnd for tho or
ganization of n volunteer 11 ro depart
ntont featured n mooting at tho city
rest rooms, called last night by Flro
Chlof Tom Carloiu hir. Curlon stutod
that ho Intended to dlvldo tho city
Into four districts, and at n central
point In each district to nnvo n hoso
root always on hand, It watt decided
that u canvass should bo made today
for members for tho department, tho
lira chief being iuixIoub to hava
everything In readiness by tho tlmo
tho now equipment arrives.
A point brought up for futuro
consideration was In tho matter of
flro hydrants. It wan complained
that on, dark nights It In very diffi
cult to locitto tlioni, nnd It wan sug.
KOdted that they bo painted whltu
'as n nolutlon of thu problem. T. II,
'Foley, ninniigdr of tho Ilond Water,
Light & Powor Co,, promised to tnko
tho muttor under consideration.
Another mooting will bo hold next
Monday night, so that nil action
takon by tho flro dopnrtmont may bo
roportod to tho. city council on tho
following night,
JtFrom Wednesday's Dally,)
Two annual meetings of Central
Orogon llvo utock associations will
bo hold this month, It was announced
today, Tho Slators-Motollus asao
elation mombors will convono ut
Slstors on February 15, whllo tho
Northern Lnko County association
will moot nt Fort Hook on Fobru
nry 22,
$75,000 RANCH
70 Acrrii and iMOO JJivcn IiicIuiIimI
J. I', anil DviiiiU 4)'Cullauliau to
Mtnn Onto IVojKTly W. M.
Wllnnn Will lioroto Here.
(From Monday n Dally.)
Ono of tho blggoNt farm land stock
Uenln closed In Central Oregon within
recent yearn wan consummated this
morning when J. I. O'Callaghnn
nnd Dennis O'Callaghnn of 1'alsloy
took over tho holdlngn of W. M. WIN
Hon nt Powell Dutto and on tho
Arnold ditch, cant of IJond. Tho
consldoratlon Involved wan I7C.000.
Tho nolo wan mado through tho Firnt
National bank of thin city.
Tho property takon over by tlio
O'Callagliuun Includes 440 ncrcn at
Powell llutto, 400 of tho ontlro area
under Irrigation, 320 acres of un
irnprovod lnnd on tho Arnold ditch,
2300 owen, some 200 tons of hay,
horncn, cattle, farm machinery and
nil other property, with tlyj excop.
tlon of Mr. Wilson's personal effects.
Tho purchasers will raovo tholr
liendfjuarters from Paisley to tho
Powoll llutto ranch, whero earlier
nprlng nnd lighter snow affords more
Ideal conditions for nhcoprnlslng.
Tho O'Cnllaghann aro considered
among tho wealthiest nhcepmon in
tho Paisley nectlon, whero they own
1080 ncres of rnngo land, 111 under
cultivation nnd 0000 head of owen.
Thoy started In Central Orogon an
nhoophordcrn In 1892, nnd hayo
steadily worked up to their present
Tho Powoll llutto ranch wan pur
chased by Mr. Wilson 10 yearn ago,
when ho came to this ncctlon from
Alaska. Tho properly Is now con
nldorad to bo tho most highly Im
proved of- any In tho ontlro rich
Powoll llutto district. Jlr. Wilson,
nftor winding up n few smnllor bual
iiesti matters, will locato In Ilcnd, nnd
may go Into business hero.
(From Tuesday's Daly.)
Tho first general meeting of tho
mombors of tho Loyal Legion In this
district since reorganization begun a
short tlmo ago will bo hold at S
o'clock Saturday night In tho llend
Amateur Athletic club gymnasium,
District Munagor K. M. Ilonnor an
nounced today. Tho gathering will
bo In charge of K. D. Ilerkholtz, divi
sion manager from Spokane, and In
addition to speaklns nnd plans for
futuro work good mtiBlcnl features
will bo provldod.
Air. Ilonnor also announced a
meeting to bo hold Thursday night
at tho Rogers boarding house for
tho organization of a Loyal Legion
local of Th.o Shovlln-IIIxon Com
pany mill men.
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
Many events nro scheduled to
tnko placo nt tho Hand Amateur Ath
letic club during tho next three
wooks, tho following schedulo being
announced today:
Fob. 13, high school social, Junior
cfnss bowling: Fob. 14, grand masked
ball; Fob. 16, Loyal Legion district
mooting; Fob. 17, opening game of
lijdoor basoball, Shovlln-IIIxon vs.
Ilrooks-Scnnlon; Fob. 18, bowling;
Fob, 19, Indoor basoball; Fob. 20,
bowling; Fob, 21, social night, undor
direction of Jny B, Noblo; Fob. 22,
high sohool; Fob. 2"4, Indoor baso
ball; Fob. 25, bowling (flnalsX; Fob,
2G, indoor baseball; Fob. 28, bowl
ing (finals), sooiiil night; March 1,
Lycoum courso (Sohubort soxtottq);
March 7, "Out of tho Fold," another
Noblo popular play,
Noted War Correspondent Hliown
Mht nnd HIiimIomh of World Con-
flirt In Lecture on KxiH-rJcnccfl
on I ho Wculerii I'rout.
(From Thursday's Dally.)
A powerful sermon for national
propnrcdncss wan given to Ilond lost
night by Irvln B. Cobb, famous
wrltor, humorist and war correspond
ent, who Hpoko nt tlio athletic club
gymnasium on tho subject, "My
Kxporlonccn on tho Wentorn Front."
Tho C0.000 American boys who
gavo tholr liven on foreign soil would
have been saved If tho United States
had been In readiness for war, for
America's threat to enter tho con
flict would liavo been sufficient to
cuuno Germany to withdraw, tho lcc
ttiror declared. "I bcllovo in a
trained standing army, universal
military training to provldo reserves
nnd a nnvy of sufficient slzo to keop
oil all Intruders, an Undo Sam's
wntchdog; that Is tho way, nnd tho
only wuy, to Innuro ponce," ho said,
ansortlng further that If tho advlco
of Colonel Itooaovelt had been fol
lowed America would never havo
been plunged Into wnr.
Scouea of tho devastation wrought
by tho Huns were graphically deplet
ed by tho speaker, nnd hints of the
atrocities committed woro given. Ho
branded thoso who aro anxious to
send food to Gormany as maudlin
sentimentalists, and maintained thnt
if any supplies nro nent to tho Teu
tonic people it should bo only after
tho children of Franco nnd
Ilolglura and other allied countries
liavo received their full share.
"Whllo tho Huii wns triumphant
nono wns moro arrogant, more cruel,
mora bestial than ho, but when ho
was licked ho was tho color of a
coso of grapfrult," was tho way tho
speaker characterized tho attltudo of
tho Qorman nation.
Stories of Southland Please.
Mr. Cobb's remarks, howovor, woro
not confined to tho horrors of war
faro, for stories of tho colored peoplo
of tho Southland, told In his droll,
Inimitable way, enlivened tho lecture
Of tho valor of white and black
troops nllko ho could not sny too
much, typical Incidents being tho
stories of tho two dusky troopers
who, unaided, repelled tho attack of
30 Gorman raiders, and of tho com
pany from tho "wildcat" division
which, surroundod by tlirco times Its
number of enemy troops, took its
would-be. captors prisoners,
Bmv Tnscnnln Sink.
After telling of two supply train
men who, sorely wounded and left
bohlnd, trudged flvo miles to tho first
stopping place or tho train and tliere,
covered with blood, saluted and re
ported "fit for duty,'" tho spenltof de
clared that "tho kaiser must liavo
had his psychology on backwards to
think that ho could ovor whip a na
tion which raised such boys."
Mr, Cobb was oi tho slater ship
to thp Tuscnnln,, and wns nn oyo'
witness of tho sinking of tho 111
fated transport. Tho wonderful
discipline shown by tho greou soldier
boys, who, with their ship slowly
sinking, lined up on tho decks n
oompauy formation, Blnging "Whero
Do Wo Go From Hero," was typical
of tho Americans throughout tho
war, ho Bald.
Frequent applause interrupted tho
address, and when tho nanio of
Jtoosovelt was mentioned n storm of
hand clapping and cheering paid
tribute to tho memory of the formor
(From Thursday's Dally.)
That n geologist has boon secured
to start on March 1 tho examination
of tho llenham Falls and Crano
Pralrlo rosorvoir sites on tho De
sohutos project was tho information
contalnod in u Washington dispatch
printed In n Portlni'd papor rccolvod
bore today,
Tho roport on tho two sites men
tioned is of vital Impprtnnco to the.
carrying on of tho Central Orogon
irrigation campaign.
WAHinXfiToKV f I.VDH pUTLOo'lf.
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
A. D. Andorson of Madras, who
loft recently -for Washington, D. ""C.,
to seek to stimulate action In regard
to tho Deschutes irrigation project,
in greatly encouraged as to tho out
look for Central Oregon after n short
stay In tho national capital, states
a Washington dispatch published ,ln'
tho Oregon Journal. Tho'followlrig
intervlow with Mr. Andorson is pub
lished: '
"Whon,I camo I had an Impression
that wo might come Into conflict
with tho Owyheo project," ho said.
"I am glad that that sort of a situa
tion docs not develop. It appears a
certainty thnt If now projects 'nro'
taken up In Oregon, two units will
bo taken up, and there will be room
for both of us on tho program.
"Secretary Lano told un ho wanted
to do all that can bo done with' tho
Deschutes project. Ho has been
over it, and that is an advantage,'
for ho knows what wo aro talking
"Whllo I am secretary for" tho
north unit of tho Deschutes project,
I camo to urgo tho project as a
whole, and not any particular part
of Jt. I am pleased with tho attl
tudo taken by Secretary Lano, who
has agreed that tho further Investi
gation as to a reservoir slto should'
bo hastened, and has ordered it mado
at onco."
Tho falluro of tho Tumalo pro'Jcct
reservoir to hold as It shouldhaa
been noted by tho officials of tlio
reclamation service, and this is bo
llovc'd to bo the occasion for direct
ing a moro mlnuto examination of
sites for tho Deschutes, so'that every J
precaution may bo taken against a
falluro of tho reservoir. '
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
Moro men aro needed In tho box
ing and wrestling departments of. the
Uend Amateur Athletic club to train
for an amateur smoker to bo held
early next month, according to an
announcement mado by tho heads of
tlio departments today. A numbor of
men and boys aro already at work,
but An additional numbor aro urged
to enroll In theso departments in
preparation for tho coming event'.
In adherenco to amateur rules, cash
prizes may not bo given, but valuable
uwnrds aro promised tho winners In
tho various departments.
Volley ball and basket ball teams
aro being organized at tho club
and it Is probablo that contests in
both sports will be started somo'.tltuo
noxt week.
Considerable Interest Is being
manifested In tho coming election
at tho club, to take placo on March
17. It Is understood that fowJ of
tho present officials of tho club will
bo up for re-election and Jt is ex
pocted, as a consequence, that an
ontlro now administration will 'come
Into being.
Mentioning a petition regarding
club, Carl A.-Johnson declared today
that only ono. classification of mom
burs is being made. "Ono class, Is
composed of thoso who pay their
dues and boost, and tho other Is
mudo up of thoso who knock' and
who do not pay," ho said. ( '
In mentioning a petition regarding
tho proposed pool room ordiuauce,
circulated nt services held at tho
gymnasium Sunday night, Mr. John
son explained that It bad neither ha
official sanction nor tho coudomua-
tlon ot tho club.
club members doubtless havo opin
ions one way or tho other on. this
question, tho club Itsolt stands abso
lutely neutral on all political Issues,1'
ho declared. "Tho fact that" this
petition was circulated at n meeting
held In tho gymnasium is not to bo
construed as signifying that tbo club
has taken, or will tako, any at ami Jh
tho matter." ' '
Commercial Club Opposes Draining
of Mnllicur Lnko nml Fnvonj Ap
propriation for Northwest
Tourist Association.
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
Criticism of tho part played by
Stato Koprcscntativo Burdick of Iled
mond In looking out for tho Interests
of Central Oregon In connection with
tho $10,000,000 road bill was given
this noon by T. H. Foloy, president
of tho Dend Commercial club, nt tho
weekly luncheon at tho Pilot Dutto
Inn. A letter written by Mr. Dtir
dlck, in which ha mentioned thut
tho interests of Central Oregon wore
well taken caro of, accompanied a
copy of tho bill and provoked the re
mark from Mr. Foloy that the repre
sentative from thta district is, to say
the least, decidedly optimistic.
"According to tho provisions ot
tho 910,000,000 road bonding bill,
17,000,000 will bo used In tho con
struction of three trunk highways, '
two In tho Willamette valley and one
for Eastern Orogon," Mr. Foley said.
"Of tho remaining $2,500,000 Cezr
trnl Oregon may gt a share, but this
section is not definitely Included."
Special Taxes Only Hope.
,IL H. Do Armond. concurred with
Mr. Foley's opinions and asked that
Immediate action bo taken by the
club. It was explained, however,
that nn effort had already been made
to. gain recognition tor Central Ore
gon in tho road bill, but that no
definite promises from the state
highway commission In regard to tho
expenditure ot the $2,500,000 had
been given. There is still approxi
mately $10,000,000 to be spont for
road work, tho sum bolng available
as tho result of gasolino nnd auto
taxes, and this section of tho state
may havo a sharo ot this amount,
Mr. Foley explained.
A communication from William L.
Finley of the state fish and game
commission was read asking that the
club tako action supporting legisla
tion now pending to prevent the
draining ot Malheur lake for agri
cultural purposes. Tho letter ex
plained that tho land which would
bo made nvallablo by draining tho
lako has been soaked by alkali water
and would thoretore bo ot doubtful
value, whllo great harm would be
dono by tho elimination ot tho Mal
heur fedoral gamo reserve. On mo
tion from A. Whlsnant action was
tuken In accordance with Mr. Fin
ley's wishes. ,
Woolen Mill Up ARuln.
A letter was read from tho Wilbur
Woolen Mills Co., at Stayton, Oregon,
In which the owner of tbo plant de
clined to accept tho Commercial
club's proposition that .ho should
turn in his entire machinery, valued
at $25,000, tor stock in tho ovent
ot tho plant being moved to Dend.
Tho matter wa3 referred to tho board
ot directors.
It. W. Sawyer spoko on the bene
fits accruing to Oregon from tho ad
vertising douo by the Northwest
Tourist association, and n unanimous
Yoto was ta.ken favoring tho appro
priation by tho legislature ot $50,
000 with which to continue tho work.
Professional Men Tuko To Out of
Tlirco Gamo in Contest on
Athletic Club Alleys.
(From Wednesday's' Dally.)
Standing of tlio Toaiiw.
Won. Lost. Pet.
Shovlln-IIIxon G 3 .666
Business Men........ 7 5 ,583
Professional Men.. 5 7 .416
Brooks-Scanlon .... 3 6 ,333
Winning two gamea out of three
in their match with thu business
men's team, tbo professional men's
quintet advanced to third place In
tho athletic club bowling league last
night. Some of thu highest scored
mado so far during the season wer
chalked up during tbo cqntest, Shep
herd, of tho business men, making
195, while Johnaou, ot tho
stonal mou, rolled 192,