I FAOK0 HWNB BUIiliKTIN, RNn ORISON, VIIUlMUMhY, FUmiMAllY I. Itfo ,' ! BUSINESS MEN WIN IN BOWLING MATCH Take Two Out of Three from Brooks- Scaulon Team Pnlmcrton ami II) berg Tlo for lllfilk Hcore. (From Friday's Daily.) Htundiujr of the Tcninn. Won. Lost. Pet. Shovlln-IIlxon 5 1 .833 Business Mot 4 2 .CGG Professional Men., 2 4 .333 Brooks-Scanlon .... 1 5 .167 Tho Bond business men's tonm boosted Us average Inst night 'by tak ing two out ot thrco gamos from tbo Brooks-Scanlon bowlers In tho Bend Amateur' Athletic club tournament match last night. Pnlmorton and Bybor-g tied tor high score, with 1G3 each, but Pnlniorton had tho high overage ot ICG, to Ryberg'B 143. Tho members ot tho teams woro ns follows! Brooks-Scanlon, By berg, Bogers, Oovo, Janot, Parkins; busl-' ness men, Balrd, Powers, Pnlmerton, lllchmond. BIRTHDAY PARTY IS GIVEN AT PINEHURST PINEHUKST, Feb. G. Mr. nnd Mrs. F. V. Swisher entertained nt a very cnjoyablo birthday party Satur day evening, tho ovent being In honor ot Viola Swisher, Lenoro Snyder, Mrs. C. M. Pholps, Miss Elder, Raymond Wlmor and Ethel Graham, whoso birthdays occur In tho month ot January. About 30 wero present. Tho evening was spent In playing games, after which lunch was served. Harry Noising ot tho Midway ranch on tho Motollus was calling on friends In Plnohurst recently. C. W. Howell has been hauling grain to Bond the past week. ilr. and Irs. C. M. Phelps nnd daughter, Harry Simpson and Mrs. Garner wcro guests at a blrthdny dinner at tho homo ot Mr. and Mrs. John Bollnian at tbo Pino Tree mill Sunday. Mrs. Harry iMcGulre spent tho week-end "with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Howell. H. T. Hartley of Plalnvlcw was a business caHor at D. W. Delterlch's Tuosday. J. L. Couch motored to Redmond Tuesday nnd spent tho day attending to various business matters. Mrs. Luther Clarkston loft Tues day for her home at Pullman. -AVash., after a month's visit with relatives here. She was accompanied homo by her sister, Nelllo Howell. I. E. Wlraer and Chas. Spaugh wero business visitors In Bend Wed nesday. Harry McGulrc, C. H. Spaugh and Mnhlon Couch attended tho cattle men's meeting In Tumalo Tuesday evening. Mrs. G. V. Snyder and daughter Ivy were visitors at school Wednes daytaftomoon. C. Pederson delivered a load ot hay In Bend Wednesday. Harry Uelslng was a guest at tho J. L. Couch homo Wednesday. Robert Smith has been hauling hay from Edgewood farm this week. R. H. Bayloy was a business vis itor In Redmond WednosdJy. return ing with a load ot sulphur for agri cultural purposes. Ed Dean and Arthur Dickinson wero out from Tumalo Thursday, re pairing a break in tho ditch. Ethel Graham and Violet Spaugh were absent from school sevoral Uys this week on account of sick ness. .Mlkcl Bros, of Bend have rented the L. J. Wlmor farm and will tako possession about the first of March. Alva Silvers of Deschutes was a guest over ntsht at tho J. L. Couch home Wednesday. Frank McNanlmon arrived homo from Camp Lewis Friday. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Snyder wero shopping In Bend Thursday. Aaron Johnson was a caller at D. W. Dolterlch's Tuesday. F. V. Swisher was hau'lng hnv fHII ; H f Just because the war is over, don't let the Government's motor slip out of high gear. Keep it there by paying your Liberty Bond Payments promptly. V , - FOURTH LIBERTY LOAN v Twenty per pent was due January 10, 1919 rfliirty per cent will be due January 81, 1919 C ' . The First-National Bank " OF BEND Sill jpi , My from Hill Crest farm several days this week. Mr. and Mra. D. W. Doltorlch nnd daughter Esther woro In Bend Wed nesday. Miss Esther was having sumo dental work dono. Mr. nnd Mrs. G. M. Couch motored to Bend Friday. PLAN TO IMPROVE ' SQUAW CREEK DITCH LOWER BRIDGE. Fob. G. C. F. Hosklns, L. A. Hunt, A. F. Iluusor, Hornco Brooking and T. J. Qulgley formed n committee, who with Harry Kcnnnrd looked over tho upper por tion ot tho Squaw Crook Irrigation ditch to decide on Improvements to bo mado before noxt year. Mr. and Mrs. Jack woro shopping In Redmond on Monday afternoon. Miss Marlon Hosklns nnd Mrs. C, F. Hosklns wcro Redmond visitors Monday. Tho Lower Bridge farm bureau held n meeting nt tho school bouse Saturday afternoon, January 2G. L. A. Hunt was n Bend visitor Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Hosklns, Marlon Hosklns, A. J. Fuller, Harry Kcn nnrd nnd L. A. Hunt wcro In Red mond Tuesday evening to attend tho entertainment ot tho Knights of Pythins lodgo. Mrs. A. J. Fullor nnd son George returned on Wednesday morning's train after visiting for tho past month with relatives aud friends at Albany and Corvullls. Mr. Hausor nnd Mr. Jack woro In Redmond Thursday afternoon. Harry Kennnrd was staying at tho Hosklns home tho first part ot tho week. Mrs. A. J. Fuller. Mrs. Fred Wal ters and Darwin Walters woro in Redmond Friday afternoon. Mrs. Young spent Wednesday visiting Mrs. C. F. Hosklns. A. S. Holmes purchased a milch cow from Jerry Grosrkrougor. The Lower Brldgo Red Cross aux iliary met at tho Hosklns hoaiio Wednesday afternoon to resume work. Geo. S. Roberts mado a business trip to Bend on Wednesday. Chapmans shipped a carload ot steers to Portland Saturday, which they expect to top the market. They have been feeding alfalfa hay, sllago and grain. Dan Angland nnd wifo wcro down from Alfalfa Friday to look after his band of sheep, which Is bolng fed at tho Hosklns place. E. Bangs went to Redmond Wed nesday. Word was received that Roy Kid dor has been rolorfsod from tho navy and that Mr. and 'Mrs. Kidder ex pect to movo to their ranch hero very soon. Mr. Young wont to his ranch, near Redmond, on Wednesday. Geo. Tuckwoll brought out his car Monday from Redmond, whero ho had It overhauled. G. E. Stadlg was a Redmond vis itor Wednesday. One cent a word Is all a ltttlo Want hi will cost you. CITY MAY HAVE CAMPING PLACE (Continued from Pago .1.) of tho sale of bay rum and other preparations used us substitutes for liquor, tlio pollco commlttco was ad vised by tho city attornoy that the committee Is given full power by tho Bend, charter and antl-llqutfr laws to tako action. ' Plan Bljj Improvements. A comprehensive program for street Improvement was outlined by J. C. Rhodes, chairman of the streets committee. Under tho head ot maintenance, streets nro enumerated as follows Wall street, from Frank lin avenue to tho Reld school; Broad way, from Franklin avenue to St. Helens Place; Third - street from Greonwood avenue to Ponn streot. All streets cindered last year will bo smoothed up as soon as weather w TEN DEER HIDES ARE SEIZED; - TWO KILLERS EACH PAY $125 (From Wednesday's Dally.) District (lame Warden George Tonkin mado his biggest haul slueu ho nrrlvod In Bond Inst week, yes terday afternoon when ho arrested Chorion Allen and James Tomb, trappers, u tow miles below Prluglu Falls. Ton deer hides woro noised nnd 20 pounds ot freshly kilted veni son brought Into Bond as evidence. A benvor tall was found near tho house, but was not used la tho caso against tho two. Tho hides had been hidden In tho barn. Allen and Tomb pleaded guilty today In Judge Eastca' court to tho charge ot having venison killed out ot season In their posses sion, and ench paid a (lno ot $125. Gamo Wnrdun Tonkin was accom panied by Forest Ranger Harold Smith when hq mado the urrest. It was his second trip to tho Prluglo Falls country within two days, and tho trappers had evidently supposed conditions permit, It tho report ot tho committee Is followed out. Under now Improvements, tlio following Items woro advised: New port avenue from tho Deschutes river to West Sixth streot, grading, cindering nnd building ot cement walk on north sldo; Aubrey road from Newport nvonuo to West First streot, grading nnd cindering and building ot wood walk; St. Ilojotrn Placo, front Brondway to Delaware, grading, wldonlng, cindering and building content walk on southeast sldo; Greenwood nvenuo from Divi sion to Fourth street, smoothing and cindering; Wall streot, from Frank lin nvenuo to tho Reld school, cin dering nnd smoothing. Tho committee also recommended that stops bo taken to prevail on tho county to Improve Greonwood nvenuo from Fourth street to tho city limits. Knlary Set for Physician. In tho course of a discussion of health matters, Councilman Mc Phorson moved that tho salary Ot tho city physician be fixed at $ 100 n year, that ho be required to present him self nt ono council meeting a month nnd that in caso ot any omorgsnclae ho confer with tho health commlttoe. Tho motion was curried unanimously. An ordinance contemplating tho en forcement ot proper sanitary meas ures throughout tho city may be In troduced at the next meeting ot tho council. It was Intimated, and In this connection Mayor East.os asked tho health committee to bring In a writ ten report at tho next meeting with recommendations. Bancroft Act Invoked. Tho .public proporty commlttco was authorized to ndverttso for sealed bids for tho city rock crusher, and to tako action In regard to tho le lin ing of the disposal tract. Mayor Eastes asked that a full Inventory of city property bo brought in nt tho noxt meeting. In tho matter of sower lateral No. 43, tho mayor and recorder woro authorized to sign n contract with tho Lumberman's Trust componyof Portland for tho notation of bonds" to cover tho Improvement under tho provisions of tho Bnncrott bonding act. That Newport uvonuo may pos sibly bo Improved undor tho same net was Indicated uliun City En gineer Gould was Instructed to tnko tho preliminary stops for such work. On request of City Attornoy Bon son, n resolution for advertising the collection of sprinkling lions for 1917 and 1918 was carried. Attention was called by Mayor FULL STOCK OF WILLARD BATTERIES THE BUST KQl'IPPKD VULCANIZING SHOP in Cental Oregon, and the liofhe of the GATES g& TIRES c wait! a o BEST & HARRIS GREENWOOD AVE. that ho would mako hut one visit. Signs ot law violation woro noted on tho llrst trip, hut uvldeuco was tnsutllclunt to warrant nn urroat. "Yesterday, however, tho vigilance of the suspected men had evidently re laxed, for search' showed that many deer had been taken by tho trappers. iMio law provides that gamo killed out ot season, confiscated by tho authorities, may bo given to charity, nnd Mr. Tonkin, un tho conclusion of tho hearing this afternoon, presented tho 20 pounds ot venison to tho Hud Cross. Fines lovled today mako a total ot $525 assessed against men appre hended by tho district warden (or gamo law violation during his short visit to this section. Ho expressed his appreciation today ot tho co-operation given him by tho courts nnd local authorities, us well as the to rout service. Eastos to tho fact that tho new nro engine will soon arrive In Bend, and to tho need for a suitable building to house this equipment. Tlio mnt tor wns turned over to tho lire com mittee. Bills ordorod paid wore as follows: Robert B. Gould,, city ougl- noor's foes .... f G3.25 A. L. Snyo, Jitney hire 3.50 II. J. Ovorturf, rent ot coun cil rooms 30.00 L. A. W. Nixon, salary as chief ot police, etc 142.00 h, A. W. Nixon, rent of horse 15.00 Benton Cook, tabor. 4.00 Frank Mny, salary ns quaran tine otflcor 7 COO M. E. Coleman, salary as city treasurer, etc.... 25.50 Anton Auno, oats and hay 19.55 C. J. Nicholson, labor 12.00 Bob Dlnckwoll, Jltnoy hire... 3.00 Oscar Matchott, Jltnoy hire .. .75 Frank Kulp, salary as police 120.00 Bond Water, Light & Power Co 370.28 Modern Garage, caro ot Ore truck 20.00 C S. Bauson, salary as city attornoy 20.00 D 11. Pooplos, salary ns olty recorder, etc 30.07 Totnl .$026.50 Her Troubles Had Cost Thousands Mrs. While tyi) Taulac Owrruttio Troubles After Everything: EIho Failed. "Actually, a tow bolt I oh of Tanlnc did moro for mo than nil tho other medicines nnd treatments Hint have cost mo thousands ot dollars," re cently declared Mrs. Kittle White, whoso husband Is proprietor nt tho University Paint company, and who lives nt 1312 Forty-sooond street, East, Soattlo, Wash. "Fifteen years ngo," sho con tinued, "I was as strong nnd honlthy a woman ns you ever suw, weigh ing In tho neighborhood of a hun dred and seventy pounds. My .troubles started whon I contracted asthma, which got so bad that many a time I have had to sit up night niter night wheezing nnd gagglnc, hardly ablo to get my bruath and Htiiforlng so terribly I mally thought I was going to die. Then my stonir neb went back on me, my food would sour, and tho gas that rose up In my throat would almost strangle too, and start mo to vomiting till 1 would bo In such misery I would al most go distracted. My head ached llke.lt would split and my back hurt like It wan going to break In two. I lost over forty pounds, I uas hut u shadow of my former self, and was so weak, and felt ho worn out that I was barely ablo to get around. "Now this was Just tho awful con dition I was in wliou ono of my friends told mo about Taulac, aud I thought If I could gut my stomach in good condition and regain my strength, maybu I could stand tho asthma bettor, so I got mo a bottle, Well, sir, tho results have far sur passod anything I expected. Why, my appetltu Is so great that I feel ashamed to eat enough to satisfy myself, and ny stomach is In good. condition, iint tho grctcm sur prise of nil Is I haven't suffered a particle from asthma slnco I have been taking Taulac. I felt so flue on finishing my llrst bottle that I Just couldn't get another ono quick enough, for I couldn't afford to mins a slnglo doHo, I sloop so sound now thut I don't know a thing from the time I go to bed till I got up In tho morning. I nover know what a headache is and thoso awful pains in my buck nro all gone. I liavo already gained sevoral pounds and um gaining In weight and strength every day, Why, I can do any amount ot hard work now without gottlng tired, and can't remember tho timo whon I felt as lino us I do today, I am so happy over my great improvement (hat I want ovorybodj' to know what a splondld medicine Tanlao lu." Tanlao Is sold lu Bond by Ow Pharmacy, Jin SIstorB by George F. Altkon, aud la Bend by Horton Drug Co. Adv. NOTICE OK VltiAh HETTLEMUNT, Notion Is hereby given by the un designed that ho hun mndo nnd Mod with tho county cihtrk nt DoncluiUm county, Oregon, liln Muni account nn tho ndminliitrntor nt the entnto nf Loron 1). Rohh, deceased, and that mild court has not Monday, the 3d day of March, 1011), at 10 o'clock A. Mi of nnld day, at tho county court room In llend, Oregon, as tho limn and placo tor tho hearing nnd mittlo nimit of said Final account, at which time nnd placo any person Interested lit said ostato may appear mid object to said settlement. , ' Dated this 30th day ot January, 1910. L. 1). WIEHT, Ah executor of tho ostato of Loron B. Rohh, deceased, 48-510 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS CUulflo.1 mlvfilUin thurso l"f l"u SO ccnU fur to woriU or -. Otw rnl ivt word for nil awr SO. All ilnMlftnt mtmtUhiK trlctly rli hi mlvunci'.. l'OR HALE. FOR BAIjK OR TRADE 1 (57 a. stock nnd grain ranch, located lu Southern Oregon on the 8, P, railroad and Paclllc highway, newly constructed. Ouo-halt bot tom land, rest gently rolling. 125 a. lu cultivation, balance In tim ber and pasture, well watered and fenced aud cross fenced with wovon wire, mllu to Htutldn, on rurnl route. Six-room house, two barns and other necessary out building!!. Homo fruit nnd good 'garden. Will consider Central Orogon land In trado or good rental properly lu lleud. For par ticulars aud price, write owner, John (!. Martin, 1020 Fourth St., Collage Grove, Ore. DiMS-COp FOR SALE Deschutus river ranch, 44 0 acres. Little Deschutes river runs through entire placo. Abend, unco ot river bottom pasture and hog laud. Three room house, well and dairy house. Now larger barn, cow barn, with patent steel stan chions for eleven cowm. Largo ma chinery sheds. Good fencing, About 2 million feet Hue yellow saw timber. Situated about 38 miles south of Rend, Ore. This ranch for sale at n bargain.' Ad dress II .0. Fawcott, Terrebonne, Ore, 80-49. 51p FOR HALE Dried prunes, Klevou dollars, Red Mexican beans, Nino dollars, White Beans, Klevou dollars, Hundred pound sacks, transporta tion charges prepaid. Direct lo consumer from lite pruducer. Oarllold Fruit and Product Co., Gnrlleld, Wash. 45-4S-51e FOR SALE Kverbonrlug struwlwrry plants. C. F. BckHr,.Tumalo, Oro. au-tsirc. , FOR SALE Pair of small mules and wagon and burnt, nt the brtok yard. F. 8. Wiser, Band. Or SS-49-f.0p FOR 8ALK IflO A. river bottom meadow, 25 mlltm up Dtwehuitw. Price 1200.00. Tornu. lumin al IlulUtln office. 7-4'Jp FOR SALE Good grain drill. 10 hose Roderick Lean, $50. Frank Lomay, near Grunge Hall, north east or Bend. 84-U-53p FOR SALi: -Two extra good red Durham range hulls; weight 1000 lbs. Phone Red 1771, or write Box 4C0, Bend, Oro. 70-48-9p FOR HALE 50 bushols of Rosen ryo, a pedigreed winter ryo. 6.50 per cwt. W, N. Ray, Tumalo, Oro. 31-47-Op FOR BALI: 10 nqros, well Im proved, good wntur right; C-room houso.blg barn; 12 tons hay; farming Implements; close to uohool. Apply 131 Oregon Kt. U5-49o FOR HALE -N-arly nttw 10-foot Kentucky groin drill. Grnss sed attachment. Adolph Kotxiuan. Phono 10F13. 08-47-50c FOR SALE ICO-ncro relinquish ment undur good Irrigation sya tern; 0 miles front Bend; cheap. C. V. Sllvls. f 2G-47-51C FOR HALE 1100 lino wool owm, young nnd In good condition; will '. lamb lu April. Write or phone Claude Dunham, Roberts. On-. 23 -i?-r.nn ?' : - New MOON 6-36 a e $ 1 685 f. o. b. Portland "" The Moon Six-3G was designed, built And priced to fulfil a definite purpose to provide tho man of moderate means with a high-grade Six that is economical to,, run. Road flioso specifications part of tho Moon HIX'30's equip- in (i nt; 114-Inch whoelbase Coulluolital slx-cyllndor motor polished solid walnut Instrument hoard, front and roar swooping doublo' cowl Fodder radiator stylishly extra high sluutlng wlndshlold Splcor, Joints Tlmken bearings, Lot us show you UiIh car iJiikI show you whut It can do on tho roads, ' Te Deschutes Garage (Formerly The Hoover Gnrnge) GREENWOOD AVENUE FOR HAMS dlMJA'P-Two good Jer.t- any cows; Will uxuliniign ono for n good, wldO'tlred wagon. .1 mile out on lluriiH road. II, F. Morn dorf, l'liono 4F1U, 92-4011 FOR HALM- HO iicres laud between Tuniulo and Dustihtilosj 111 MiitriiH Hwnlloy ditch; clear tllln. Terms to right party. F. At. Hay, owner, 111 Norton Ave, Heinl, Oro. Ilox 307, 10-47-Htf FOR HALE 1017 Chevrolet for 1500.00. Now tiros and lu good running condition. Wrlto Box 345, I'rlnovlllu, Oregon. R8.4rt.fiOp Willi !U' I V " "I "- '" ' '- WANTED. OAHH FOR CLEAN BI'RINO BYE, 'any quantity. Want price dellv orml In Bund. Wrllo l. O. Ilox 057, Bond, Oro. 08-40.50O WANTED Wo will call anywhere, any placo, any time, to look nt your used furniture. Let us know whul you have, Wo pay cash, Tho Hluudard Furniture Co. 97"49lfo WANTED Discharged soldier wauls work on ranch; 0 years experi ence; single. Inquire clnrk ot Commercial Club, Bend, Oro. 07.48111? WANTED TO TRADE Hotlso III Bend for nheup, P. O. Box 521. H0.48.0o iiirimr- rtitsa I.O.HT. LOST Collin nnd shepherd dog with dark body and white head aud shoulders. Has collar with largo ring on II. Finder plouso call drover (lurking, Tumalo, Oro. Ho ward. 02.40.60p LOHT Reward will ho given for In formation leading to. the recovery ot cattle branded winged V on right hl, crop aud split in right ear and undorlilt and crop In loft. Wall In on throat. (lurking & Smith, Tumalo, Ore. 01.49.5lp LOST Reward will bo given for Ill formation leading to tho recovery of cattle branded Hying 0 ( 0 ) on right hip, undorlilt lu each car aud spill In left. Ray (lerklng, Tumalo. 00-49-52p 8TIIAVUD lllnck yearling steer, spot lu forehead aud on left llaok, while hind feet. Branded rowfne J, open Inverted VH right hip. Notify Redmond Bank of .Com merce. 5148'9p. STRAYED Red yearling e,a 1 1 branded "shoe" on left hip, mark ed, uudur-bll nnd swallow fork In both ears. Notify Winter & Spaugh, Tumalo, Oro. 4448tfo- TAKEN VV TAKWN ITI MtMir, 1 ymr old, Hereford. Both wars split; un dMolphamltlH brand un left hip. Nols Anderson. Bend. Ore. KS-t9-60p TAKEN UP On md yearling steer. Brand uuilolpherubto. White spot on forehead, while on holly and four fti, nnd end of tall. Both oars split. Right oar lops. (I, K. Toomy. C mites north of Bend Redmond road. 53-48-50p TAKEN UP Yearling Jersey stffr about January 1. Branded on right hip Invsrtd Y, with bur ncrpss Htem. Owner may have sume fcr proving propor;y and paying tho charges. H. J. Pierce, 54 miles east of llend at oltl Griffon mill. 49-48-9p TAKEN UP One Jersey holfor, ono year old, with undecipherable brand on left hip, and one red nnd white steer with no brand or mark. Inquire Otto Kaesomuyer, 0 ml Its northeast at Bond on Prlnuvtllo road. 99-4Cp47tfo Brand Directory 4 FRANK PERC1VALL Mlltlcnn, Orrguii. odr.89p Right sldo; right oar crop pod; wnttlo right hind log, 11. L. TONE, HUtrn, On?. ndv.lOOo fce-e"JeJfc