' Y 1 iK'Sih)Whi,:rfHKm.onKaos, thuiwmv, piihifaiiy i, into --" rnfmi YOUR DRUG STORE SAFETY RAZORS $1.00 to $10.00 Ha.oi Strops Shaving Brushes Shaving Soup Talcum Powder ! Ci in fact everything t6 help 'make a shave enjoyable. 1...1 X1-' J.1 L- J PALACE Meat Market Just Remember Magill & Erskine o'icani: nuiLniKo Our I'frcti4ion Dfpitmnl it Complcls in Ilvciy Drtid. YOUR DRUGSTORE LOCAL NEWS ITEMS (Prom Wodnomlny'a Dully.) J. J. Klllur.or f Tornibonno was In Ilia city thin iiiurnliiK. llr. nnil Mm. Dan J. Angtand of ATVnlfu woro In llmul today. Reuben I.onn iiml Lmiton I.lno. haugh of Silver ijiko vnrit transact ing bimlnuM In Clio oily today. W. C. lllrdanll returned to Ilond thla morning from a bimlninw trip to 1'ortlniul. C. W. Iliimllton nml P. C. Wllllnma tiro spending (tin iluy In Iloml from tliolr homes In Terrebonne. M. V. Knickerbocker onino In from liln homo nt (Hat today to trammel bualncaa In tho city. Dr. J. P. KohcIi or Redmond wan looking nftar business mutters In Iloml today. Mr. nml Mr. Oron C. Ward npunt Ihhi ulghl In tlio city from their homo In l'rlnovlllu. "" Ollbort I), llrown, Hupervlsor of tho Fremont national forest, In In Vend today conferring with nfflclalu from tho district officii In regard to nllotmunU for tho comliiK fiscal year. BEST MEAT HAM BACON SAUSAGE ut the Host Prices according to QUALITY Palace Meat Market W. II. IIO YD, Proprietor Phono Mack 001 ir Oregon St, Mrv mid M8. II. A. Kendall woro In tlio city yesterday oil IhhiIiicbh from llinlr homo In Redmond, ' Mm. A. J. Kroonort returned Ihln mornliiK from Portland, whoro iilio wmi called by tho IIIiiohm of lior nlii tor. Word was rocolvod lioro today of tho arrival ut tho homo of Mr. and Mm, J, 'I', IlooHloy In Portland of mi eight-pound 1mby ;lrl, Mr. mid LMm. Ilooiiloy woro former residents of llend, Word Iiiih boon rocolvod horo Hint Ca;italn Frank Prlnco of Uond, who milled from Pranco on January 21, will arrlvo In Now York nbout Feb ruary C, whun Mm. Prlnco will meet him. They will Hpond n month In tho cant boforo returning to Ilond. Nowh Iiiih boon received of tho death! of 3lr. Ella Thompson ut Ht. Luko'fr; hospital In Hpoknno. film died of pnoumonla, tho uttor-ofrocta of Influenza. Whllu u rualdont of Ilund alio wan with tho llund Park company, BKOOKS-SCANLON TEAM IS GAINING 'J'mi Guinea Taken from PnifexMomil .Mm on Club Allvytt Tourna ment Ditto In Advanced. (From Tuesday's Dally.) It. I., Townb of l.ownr Ilrldgo was In Ilond, thin ufturiinoii, T.- II. Foley loft hint night for Portland on liuntniHM. Mm. W. P. Vnmlovort In vlnltlnK her Hon, Dr. J. (3. VTuiduvort, lit lluniL Mm. Mnrgarot Wlnlluld In In Ilond today from lior homo In Terrebonne. W. I). Cynm of Culvor U spending tho day In tho city. 'tf The EXIDE Battery is one of the hest on the market, We have them on sale all the time. WELDING THERMIT ELECTRIC OXY-ACETYLENE Electric Work on Cars in'Spccialty. H.R. RILEY Near Pilot Butte Inn John M. Porry of Torrobonno wan In Ilond ymtorduy afternoon. Wnltor II. May wiih ovor from hla Clovordulo ranch yeatorday. II. K. llrookn und W. C. Illrdsull tuft lout nljclit on u btinluosH trip to Portland. W. 0. Kordhnm of La Pino woa trnmutctlng bunlnusH In Ilond yon turday. W. E. Vnn Allen ami Clnudo Mc Cailloy of Dovchiileii are IjubIiichb visitors In Ilund today. Members of tlio Presbyterian IjuIIiii' guild will meet tomorrow afternoon with Mm. 0. C. Morgan. (loorgo Roberts Iiiih como In from Lower Bridge and taken n position with tho Ilund Oarage. Craig Coy nor, former Ilund high aoliool uthletu, Iiiih returned to thlH city, having received hl discharge from thu army. Tho Ladle' aid of tho M. ' 12. church meiitn with Mm. I.. L. Pox Thursday iitlernoon, Pubrunry C, for a biiNlniMH meetliiK. Annell M. Hlewiirt, who wan ro cently dlncharKod from tho U. H. nurvlco at Vancouver barrackn, Wanh,, ban returned to Ilund. (luy II, WIIhoii, formerly of Ilond, arrived yentordny mnriilni; to ntudy local condition. Mr. WIIhoii wan formerly n contractor hero und ex peclH Jo return In tho nprliiK. Tho Ilulletln In In receipt of a photograph of Captain Ovorgo 8. Vounr; of thu iMiKlneorn, Captain Youiik wo formerly county Hurvoyor horo, mid In now on duty In Prance. Tho Ladle' Aid Hoclety of' tho Chrlntlun church will meet with Mm. I-:. K. Haniio, 11(77 Wunt Seventh Htreet, Wedneaday iitlernoon. All are cordially lulled to uttend. (From Monday a Dally. V J. II. Ilanor made a bunlneaa trip to Redmond Innl nlijlit. A. M. Stewart of llrothom In n buultDMH vUltor In tho city. J. (I, Wllnon of BUtern wan In tho city .Sunday. Mrif. L. A. FtemliiK of Portland npunt tho week-end vlnltliiK with frluudn In Ilond. Mm. Flora Thomon In taklntj tho placo of Minn Thompson an Instructor tat tho Tumalo achool thin week. Mr. und Mm. OeorKo Menkennialn nro In llend today from their homo III JIUIIIUIU. K, T, I.uthey, commlHnloner of Crook county, woh In Ilond today on llUdlllCHB. MIhr ICIhIo OIhIii, who wan called to Medford Hiivurnl weokn ago' by thu HorloiiH lllneKS of lior mother, hnn returned to Ilund. . Tho regular meetlnR of tho Library club ban beuu pontpouud from to morrow to Tuesday, February 11, C. 1). HprliiKor, S. W. Smith, C. h. Morgan und 10. O. Itourk are business vlnltora In tho city today from Cres cent Frederick Illco of Iledmond, nc compaulod by his mother and two HlHlem, was u Haturday night visitor In Ilond. Word wuh rocolvod today by frluudn In llend of tho doath of Ivan T, ThalHtrop In Washington. Mr. Thalntrop formerly homestoadod up tho DenchuteH. Demi mid Itoland Itaymoud, who ciiiuo horo recently with tliolr pnr uiiIh from Pullman, Washington, hnvo purchaued three Iota on Flrat B,troot, near tho depot, und will orcct it modern residence thoro hi tho near futuro. Tho huIo waa oft'ectod throufili thu IIokIii Lund company. (From flaturdny'H Dally,' Mr, and, MrH, Uert Smith of Ilond are ronlntorod nt tho Hotel Portland, Portland, Oro,, -"V. . Aaron Norton nml Hownrd F. Dyor of Mllllcau woro vtaftpra In tho blty yoatorduy, ' ) ' 4 JnmoH Scott of Lowor'llrldgo was traiiBuctliiK buslneu 'at Htho court ,,0U.M!; -XM'iT '' (From Friday' Dally.) Mm. W. C. Illrdnall nnd Mm. Harry llrookn aro In Portland thin wouk. J, L, Owon of Hampton In In tho city today. Htirton Onoy of La Pino In In Dond today on bualnenn, Mr. nnd Mm. Harold Shumwny are In Ilond from Portland vlnlllni; friends. 31m. F. M. Chrlnmnn of Kllvor Lako arrived In Ilond lant night and In romalnliiK ovor today. Franklin Smith wan In tho city last nlKht from bin homo In Vrlno-vlllo. (From Thunidny'n Dally.) Mr. nnd Jilm. 12. K. Woodcock of Lukuvlow wcro In llend yoHtorduy. Mm. M. R. Hock of Canby, Mliino- nota, In horo to spend thu next fow montbii with her son, J. K. Hock. J. II, Ilnner, county clork of l)o- n chut en county, ban roturnod from a buslncHs trip to Vancouvor, Wash. C. W. Allen and .M. L. Parbcrry of Slalom spent yeatorday afternoon In llend lookliiK after bUHlnoaa mattura. (Jeonio Tonkin, district game warden, In In Iloml on official bunl ni'sn from headquartom ut Pendlo ton. W. F. Loverciu, Fred McAlllator, M. W. Knickerbocker und Mr. nnd Mm. K. A. Ilona of Olnt wuro In Ilund yeatorday. C. P. Ucckcr, F. K. Dayton, Fred N. Wallace and J. W. Urown wero anionu tho visitors In tho city from Tumalo today. 'A. M. llrown, of tho apruca produc tion division, returned to Uond yes terday, havliiK received his dlachargo from thu service. Chnrlea W. Eraklno, sergeant major In tho chemical wnrfaro do pnrlmont, U. S. urmy, returned to llend laal night, having received IiIb dlschiirgo from tho service. Ho waa atatloned near Ilaltlmoro, Maryland. (From Wodnoaday'n Dally.) NtandliiK of tlio Tcaiim, Won. Loflt. Pet. Shovllii'HIxou r, 1 .833 IliiHlnesH Men ... 4 2 .000 ProfoHiilonn! Men.. ' (i .333 IJrookH-Scanlou .... 3 C .333 An tho result of tho match Inst nlcht In tho athletic club bowling tournament, the Ilrookn-Scaulon and tho professional nicn'n teams are tied for tho collar chumplohnhlp. Thb liimbnrmcli took two out of three KumuH .from tho professionals, IlyborK of tho Ilrookn-Scaulon pin men roll ing tho blfb score or 20C and IiIrIi avuru'o of 1 CO. Hocuuro of tho library benefit to bo given' Friday night, tho match scheduled for Hint tlmo between tho Shovlln-Iilxon nnd tho business men's teams will bo played off tomorrow ovetilne. WITNESS FOR STATE HAS MEMORY LAPSE (From Tuesday's Dally,) Ilecauno Jeff Kolley, complaining witness In tho trlnl of Harnett Lowell, could not remember having liquor In bin possession when ho wan arrested last Thursday night, tho Jury in Judgo Peoplea' court re turned n verdict of not guilty to tho chargo of bootlegging Inst last night. II. II, Do Armond conducted tho prosecution, K. O. Stadtor acting as counsel for tho dofondant. Chief of Police Nixon and Shorlff S. K. Hoberta testified to having ar rested Kolley and finding n partly filled bottle of whiskey on him, while Kelley to hi of buying thu liquor. Lowell domed any knowledgo of tho aalo and produced evidence to es tablish an alibi. Tho J dry In tho case wan made up of It. L. Do Courcuy, Arthur Schill ing, Sylvester L. Staata, Andrew V. Clarno. K. K. Hanna nnd T. W. Carlon. Cut ThU Out It In Worth Money. DON'T MI8S THIS. Cut out this slip, enclose with Gc to Foley & Co., 283G Sheffield Ave, Chicago, III., writing your namo nnd address clear ly. You will recelvo In return n trial packago containing Foley's Honey nnd TnriCompound. for coughs, colds nnd croup, Poloy Kidney Pills und Foley Cathartic Tabletn. Sold every where. Adv. ANNUAL HTOUKIIOMtKllH' .MKKTINfl. Annual meeting of tho stockhold ers of tho Arnold Irrigation company will bo hold Fob. 10th. 1919. ut 1 p. m., In tho court room, Flrat Na tional Hank Dldg. (Signed) CHAS. SIPCHEN. Sec. 49-S0p Worth Your While Values! Are always to be found here at this store. Here now New Spring Ginghams in the desired patterns. PRETTY NEW PLAIDS-priced from 29c to 65c LINWEAVE-the Guaranteed ' White Goods Voiles Lawns Dimities-Batistes-Skirtings, priced from 20c to $1.25 NEW LERNER BLOUSES-in Georgette and Crepe de Chirie-' pretty new shades and styles moderately priced from $5.95 to $9.75 Gossard Corsets Nemo Corsets Royal Worcester Corsetswe can fit any figure. Special fitting ser vice to be found only at this store Watch for the arrival of our New Spring Apparel. Our buyer, is now in the style markets. Slop and Shop at ' Bend's Oldest Mercantile Store w ARNER HF.ND'S ECONOMY CENTKH S Bringing Down The Cost of Living This store leads ' in Reducing Prices Others Follow Now Look Over This List and See-. Dress Ginghnm, 27-in fnst colors, the lend- 1 Q er of the season, yard Jrl Percale, 27-inch, n good cloth, yard 19c Cnlico Standard American Print, yard 15c Sheeting, 81-inches wide. A value you can't dupli cate, yard 55c Bleached Muslin A great value, yard 15c Curtain Voile A fine igrade voile for curtains, yard -JSL 25c Snap Fasteners goodjefiies, all sizes 5c Hook and Eyes all sizes, 2t on card... 5c Coats Thread all nuinbers, 0 spools 25c Aprons Women's Percale, bungalow style 98c , Brooms 4 sewed corn j. a 59c J ergon's Royal Palm Soap, bar - 9c NOTICK OP FKOPOSKI) ASSESS 3IKNT. Notlca la hereby given that tho city engineer haa apportioned tho cost for the construction of tho Improve ment of Sowor Lateral No. 43 and mado a proposed assessment thereof which Is on fllo in tho office of tho City Recorder and subject to exam ination, and that any objection to such apportionment that may too mado must bo mado in writing to tho Common Council and filed with tho City Recorder within ten days from tho publication of this notice nml that tho same will bo heard by tho Common Council boforo tho pas sago of nny resolution usscsslng tho cost of sntd Improvement. I Uy order of tho Common Council tills 4th day of February. 1919. 49o D. II. PEOPLES, City Itecorder. I CLEAN-UP PRICES PREVAIL ON SWEAT ERS, CAPS, MITTENS,, BLANKETS, ETC. i' NOTICE OF ItESOIiUTIO.V CON I'llOHNU Kl'lllNKLINC; AS SESSMENT POH 11)17. Tho i following resolution was adopted by the Common Council of tho City of llend ut its regular meet ing on February 4th. 1919: "Whorcas, Tho City Itecorder has heretofore caused to be published n notice to tho effect that tho City En gineer has madu an assessment upon tho property benefited for sprinkling certain streets und parts of streets within said city for tho year 1917 nnd tiled same In tho oftlco of the City Itecorder and that all Interested persons might fllo written objections thereto with tho City Recorder with in five days from the date of salit notice; and, "Whereas, Said notico has been duly nnd legally published und no objection has been filed or made to Bnltl assessment und to tho conflrmo. tion thereof; now, therefore, "Ilo It Resolved by tho Common Council of tho City of Rend, That said assessment for sprinkling cer tain streets and parts of streets within said City of Rend for tho year 1917 bo nod tho same Is In all things approved and confirmed; und, "Uo It Furtlior Resolved, That tlio City Recorder cause this resolution to bo published In one publication of a weekly newspaper published In snlil city." Dated this Oth day of February, 1919. 41)0 1). II. PEOPLES. City Recorder , NOTICE OF RESOLUTION CON- FIRMINO SPRINKLING AS- HESSMENT FOR HUH. Tho following resolution was adopted by the Common Council of tho City of Ilond nt Its regular meut Ins on February 4th, 1919: "Whereas. Tho City Recorder has heretofore mused to bo published a notico to the effect that the City En gineer has made an assessment upon tho proporty benefited for sprinkling certain streets and parts of streets wRhln suld city for t.ho year 1918 and filed samo In tho ofilco of tho City Recordor and that all Interested persons might fllo written objections thereto with tho City Recorder with-, in five days from the date of said notice; and, "Whereas, Said notico haa -been duly and legally published and no objection has been filed or mado to said assessment find to the confirma tion thereof; now, thcroforc, "Be It Resolved ,by tho Common Council of the City of Rend, Thut said assessment for Bprlnkllng cer tain street and parts of streets within said City of Dcnd for tho things approved and confirmed; and, year 1918 bo and the same Is in all "Bo It Further Resolved, That tho City Recorder cause this resolution to be published In ono publication of a weekly newspaper published In said city." Dated this Cth day of February, 1919. 49c D. II. PEOPLES. City Recorder. NOTICE. Notico Is hereby glvcn.that pur suant to an order made by the Jus tice of Peace, Bend district, De schutes county, Oregon, the following estrny cattle, to-wlt: Ono yearling Jersey holfer, branded but which brand cannot bo determined, and ono yearling steer, red and white color, not branded, will bo sold at tho Eltc Watson ranch, G$ miles northeast of Bend, ut tho hour of 2:00 o'clock IV m., on the 21st day of February, 1919, to pay tho damages and ex penses of tho undersigned In tho keeping of said est rays and the costs incurred in connection with this proceeding, Including advertising costs, said sale to be n public salo to the highest bidder for cash. Dated this 5th day of February, 1919., 49-50C OTTO KAESEJMYER. For Sle by Owl.PfyfMrnwcy ' Trim t - J w '- j 5