The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 06, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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Central Oregon
POWELL 1JUTTE, Fob. 4. Tho
thoroughbred Porchoron owned by
tho Powell llutto Slnlllon club died
BUddcnly at the Beach ranch re
cently. This is n Bovcro loss to tho
club which owned him and to tho
community at largo.
Mr. and Mrs. Ageo have- moved
back to their Powell Jlutto ranch to
remain (or tho summer.
Mrs. Hoss Russott wan n guest 'of
Mrs. RenVos Wllcoxen In Redmond
Friday last.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Trucsdalo and
daughters Dorothy and Cathorino
vera Prlnavillo visitors Saturdny.
Postniastor JMooro and wlfo ot
Redmond attended tho ilanco.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Bussctt went
to Redmond last week to attend tho
funeral ot thotr neighbor and friend,
Mr. Whitman.
Mr. and (Mrs. Wallace Smith
shipped mora turkeys to Portland
last week.
J. E. Warner shipped a carload of
Bhcop Wcducsday to tho Portland
Frederick Rico and slstors, Mrs.
Edith Ring ot Portland and Miss
Marian Rico of Redmond, attended
tho danco at Community hall Fri
day night. Frederick has but re
cently returned from overseas.
Mr. and Mrs. E. II. Stewart gavo
a dinner Friday ovonlng to which
Mrs. C. O. Foster ot Portland and
Harved M. Charlton of this vicinity
vero honor guests. Mr. and Mrs.
Stowart nro delightful entertainers.
Joel Elliott and C. M. Charlton
were witnesses in u final proof land
caso nt Redmond Fobruar 3. Mrs.
Jonnlo Juries was making final
proof as heir of Al Juries, deceased.
Robert Smith of Prinovillo camo
out Monday to do some work for
Hans Jacobson. Ho wlirbo occupied
about ono week papering and paint
ing. Tho Misses Dlanch and Dernlco
Shlpp and Messrs. Vernon and Har
ved Lister of Prinovillo attended tho
danco at Community hall Friday
Mrs. Horton of Bend camo tfut to
play for tho danco at Community
An officer of tho Salvation Army
spoko nt Community hall Sundny at
11 o'clock on the Army and recon
struction work. Her talk was much
Messrs. Lloyd Bussctt and Jack
Mm-nra with MIsB FnV BUSSCtt and
Crystal Sturdovant, motored to Red
mond sunuay nigiu, wneru muj .r
guests nt tho homo of Miss Sturdo
vant for dinner.
Mr and Mrs. Reaves Wllcoxen at
tended tho danco at Community hall
Friday night.
Arthur Michel brought out an auto
load ot young people to tho dance
Friday night. Mr. Michel is very
popular with tho Powell Butto
Mr, and Mrs. Bert Reynolds and
Infant son ot Redmond were guests
nt tho homo of E. A. Bussett Sun
day. Jack Meyers was a dinner guest of
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bussett Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Roberts enter
tained Mp and Mrs. E. H. Stowart
and Mr. Jackson and Harold M.
Charlton with n dinner Sunday.
MILLIOAN, Fob. 3. W. E4
Moore mado a trip to Bend
Saturday, returning Sunday. A danca
was glYon at his place Saturday night
nevertheless, and all report a good
J. J. Holland spent Sunday and
Tuesday night at homo.
C. H. Graffenbergor mado a busi
ness trip to Bend Tuesday,
uoveral days this week;, but is again
Hovoral days this wee but is again
ublo to be up and around.
R. R. Keller and family and Bonny
Graffonbergor wero Sunday dinner
guests at tho J. J. Holland homo.
George Cook and son, Roy, wero
out from Bend Sunday.
R. R. Kellor called on Mr. Brooks
at tho Tauscher homo Wednesday,
Mrs. Henklo and children camo to
stay at tho homo of her parents, Mr.
mil Mm V.W finoncor. whero uho will
I. make hor homo for tho present. Mrs.
JienKio lias iuo Bympuwiy ui win raw
multy, Mr. Henklo having died re
cently. Mrs, J. J. Holland called at tho R.
R. Keller placo Thursday.
BEND R. F. D. No. 1, Fob, 4.
Thoso who enjoyed tho delightful
party given by Miss Vera Sherwood
ut her homo at tho Ten-Bar ranch
wero the Missos Virginia Colver,
Edith Hooch, Lucilo Merchand and
Vera Shorwood, Messrs. Napoleon
Merchand, Henry Colver, Molvln
Seaburger, Fatloy Elliott, Robert
Colver, Loo Puctt, Raymond Mar
chand, Cecil Young. Dowoy Allen
und Elmer Young. Everyone Joined
in playing games, after which ico
cream and cako wero served.
Frank Whlttlman has recently
purchased a Ford car.
Mr, and Mrs. Almus Noff and
bods Ruy and Elmor wero Sunday
visitors nt tho J. P. Young homo.
Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Stookoy Imvo
roturned from Oswego nnd nro now
living on tho Elmor Wornstnlt placo.
Tho C. L. Smith family wero vis
itors nt Walter Stricklands of Bond
Lee Young, who has been visiting
Abordcon, Wash., Is expected homo
this week.
Miss Allca Chnrmloy'8 mothor from
tho cast Is hero visiting hor.
Tho Juniper Covo school will give
a program at tho Grango hall Fri
day, February 21, In honor ot George
Washington s oirtiuiny.
Mrs. Leo Young called on Mrs.
Doyarmond ot Bend Tuesday.
Tho C. L. Smiths havo Installed
a now phono In thotr homo.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pow
ers, a baby girl. Mrs. Powers was
formorly MIbb Bcnulah Cook of our
G. 11. Slack. A. Ncff and H. S.
Morsdorf, lnnd appraisers, wero down
to Deschutes and Alfalfa appraising
lanij, Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Ncff wero cnllere
at W. L. Coffey's in Bond Saturday.
Mrs. H. C. Hilton nnd her daugh
ter, Miss Blackstock, who Is visiting
her from Astoria, wero visitors at
tho Hooch school.
Thoro will bo preaching as usual
at tho Mountain View next Sunday
nt 3. Rov. Hart ran ft, is commenc
ing a scries ot sermons. Next Sun
dny ho will preach on "Tomptatlon."
Cecil Young has been hauling lum
ber for iMr. Puctt, who is erecting a
now houso on his ranch.
M. J. Bcdlent has recently bought
two cows and three calves from Mrs.
E. A. Knotts.
A. Neff and daughter Myrtle
nutoed to Tumulo Monday on business.
C. L. Gist in contemplating mov
ing back to Slstors this month,
E. M. Harrington in hauling hay
from tho Lovoronco ranch.
Hays It In tho Rent in tho World.
Are you looking for n unto, roltabto
romedy for coughs, colds, croup and
whooping coughT A. It. McDanlel,
Box 51, Llndsldo. W, Vn., writes! "I
nm glad to toll you thnt Foley's
Honoy and Tar Is tho best medicine
In this world. I had a sovoro cough.
Someono recommended It nnd before
I usod half a bottlo I wua bettor."
Sold ovorywhoro. Adv.
You Know, hut Soiucl lines Forget.
Everybody knows an Imitation is
nevor so good as tho genuino article.
Foley's Honey nnd Tar stands at the
top ot the list of family remedies tor
colds, croup, -whooping cough, bron
chial and grlppo coughs. W. L. Ang
lln, Antloch, Ln writes: "I have
used Foley's Honey nnd Tar 15 ycara.
It Is tho best." Sold overywhoro.
SISTERS, Feb. 5. Gcorgo DavlB,
Alvln Grady, Allen Harrington and
Dorothy Taylor secured tho honors
at tho spelling contest Monday even
ing. Mr. and Mrs. Perry A. South,
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Stldham and Mrs.
Clydo Gist wero present. Vern Kief
has completed all of tho work In tho
tenth grade with tho exception of
algebra, and all ot tho work In tho
eloventh grndo with Jho exception of
algebra. Ha secured a standing of
100 in botany and 98 in civil govern
ment in the final examinations. Tho
sixth and seventh grades havo com
pleted tho study of agrlculturo and
the sixth has completed physiology
and Is now rovlewlng tho ontlre work.
There aro 23 recitations in tho upper
rnnm nnrl of I., ttw. n,lmnii pnnm !
vwM. M..M . ... .w J.....IM.J avw.,
an averago ot but 14 minutes In tho
uppor and 1C minutes In tho primary
room to tho recitation,, which is en
tirely too short time to give thorough
instruction in all of tho studies pur
sued by tho students In tho stato
courso of study. Tho attendance for
tho month of January was 90 per
cent. Four days, which were lost on
account of Iniluenza Just before tho
Chrbtmax holidays, havo been mado
up by Saturday attendance.
John Allen and Van Wilson have
been enrollod in tho United States
Boy's Working reserve force.
Mrs. J. Qulborg visltod with Mr.
and Mrs. B. L. Tone nnd Mr. and Mrs.
John Uruns Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Kiof went to
Bend Monduy.
C. W. Allon was ut Bond on busi
ness Thursday.
.Mrs. Warron Farthing roturned
from Bend Thursday where sho has
boen visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Tay
lor and family.
J. II. Taylor and son, Elba wero at
Sisters Wednesday.
Tho annual meeting ot tho Sisters
and Metollus Livestock association
has been postponed from tho 8th to
the ICth of February.
Mrs. M. R. Grogan and Mrs. W.
A. Arthur and children wero shop
ping at Sisters Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Updyko havo
returned from a visit with relatives
at Dayton, Washington.
M. nnd Mrs. B. J. Tone returned
from Portland Thursday.
Max Wurzweller went to Portland
Wednesday with a carload of beef
William Burns has sold his ranch
to tho Burnsldo 'brotheru of Clover-
Warren Farthing and J, H. Stld
ham camo In from Four Mllo spring
Thursday, with three vuluablo furs,
ono red fox, ono marten and ono
Clydo Gist camo In from Three
Mllo creok with several valuablo
furs Saturday.
A largo crowd attended tho danco
at Allen's hall Saturday evening.
Rov. D, Stowart of Tho Dalles
conducted services at tho church on
Sunday evening. His subject was
"World Peace." A largo crowd wbb
in attendance
Warren Farthing'sold 20 cords of
wood to tho Redmond (school dis
trict. Mr. and Mrs, Ellin Edglngton und
Mrs. E. 'M. Harrington wore at Bend
Monday. Mrs. Harrington had some
dental work done.
LA PINE, Fob, 4. Robert L.
Covey, who was In training nt Camp
Lowls, has boon discharged from tho
Borvlco and returned to hln homo
oad horo last Saturday. His mothor,
Mrs. M. E. Crystal of Dufur, Oregon,
camo with him.
Mrs. J, M. MnRtnn spout last week
with her son, William nt Bend.
Mrs. C. J. Callow nnd children vis
ited Saturday nnd Sunday with hor
father nt tho "Old Uomested."
Grover Caldwell was In La Pino
Sunday ovonlng.
P. 11. Heal was transacting busi
ness In Ln Pino Wednesday. . ,
Mrs. A. R. Donahun and daughter,
Miss Marlon, woru making calls in
town Wednesday.
Frank Iloguo moved soma ot hist
cnttlo from tho Rosland ranch to
Paulina prnlrln last week,
U, w. Raper and J. N. Mnstcn
wont to Bend Inst week. Mr. Raper
said It was his first trip to that city
m four years, nnd ho hns been treat
ing a sovero cold as a result ot tho
A. Gebhardt nnd C. O. Certain of
Ft. Rock woro In town Tuesday on
their way to Bend. Fred Shlntnffor
wont with thorn.
W. O. Fordhnm roturned from n
business trip to Bond Friday.
Mrs. C. H. Clow has been sick with
a cold tho past wook.
J. S. iBoeslcy, who has been quite
ill is not reported as much improved.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Shlntnffor nro
now living hero, having moved Into
housekeeping rooms In tho Fordham
building last Saturdny.
Edith Masten took up hor duties
at Hotel Ln Pino Inst Saturday attor
an Illness ot two weoks.
Carl Clow wont to Bend with
Cecil Holllnshcad, Monday.
Arthur Waters was In from hln
ranch on Long Pralrlo last Saturday.
Mrs. Harry Riley and liltlo son
camo up from Bond Sunday to spend
n few days with Mr. and Mra. W. R.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Springstube wore
shopping In town Wednesday.
C. E. WIso was In from Lima river
Miss Lucy Sprlngstuba has been
helping with tiro work nt Hotol La
Fred Shintnffer roturned from a
trip to Bend Inst Friday and on Sun
dny loft for a business visit to his
resort at East Lake.
Clarcnca LoRoy, E. G. Rourku nnd
Eddlo Gentry of Crosoont wero in La
Pino Sunday.
Percy Sponcor left for Crane
pralrlo Saturday.
Mrs. D. T. Tryor, It. F. D. 1, Frank
lln Ave, Otsego, O., writes: "I
realized bo great a benefit from tho
ubo of ono box that I fcol snfo In
recommending Foley Kidney Pills to
any kldnoy sufferers." They relievo
bnckaclio, soro muscles, stlfr Joints,
rheumatic pains and bladder all
monts. Sold ovorywhoro. Adv.
go re brought 150 head ot cattlo from
tho high desert last week, which ho
will wlntor on his ranch near horo.
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Van Matro wont
to Redmond Thursday.
Mr. and Mrx. Ivan Miller nnd their
daughter. Carrol, Miss Viola 'Miller
and H. C. Miller mado n trip to Red
mond on Monday.
A pleasant danco was held In tho
Allon hall at Slstors, Saturday even
ing to which a largo number of tho
Clovordnlo people woro present.
Charlod Abbey of Redmond was a
business visitor in Clovordnlo on
Wednosday and Saturday.
LaDonu Cyrus spent Saturdny and
Sunday nt homo.
Frank Arnold mado a huslnoss trip
to Redmond last Saturday.
Mrs. F. J. Burling is quite HI this
Mr. Burnsldo nnd Cal Burnsldo
mado a trip to Redmond last Satur
day. Bert Hudson and Hnrold Kllno
attended tho wrestling mutch ln Bond
Frjduy evening.
Mr. and Sirs. Dean Van Matro
mado a trip to Redmond Wednesday,
returning Thursday,
Viola Mlllor spent Thursday at tho
Burberry residence.
Roy Pottor and Mr. Frumo -woro
callora at tho Parborry homo last
A danco will bo hold at Dolkln's
hall on Friday evening, Fobruury 28,
all aro Invited to nttend.
Tho Burnsldo brothers havo pur
chased tho William Coombs placo ut
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Parborry woro
In Bend last Monday.
Sunday school was held ut tho
BChool house last Sunday morning,
tho first to 'bo held slnco tho In
iluonzn epidemic. Thoro wero many
persons present.
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Skolton and
son, Verno, motored to Bond luHt
Madison Holton wan visiting with
friends nnd relatives in Tumalo and
Deschutes last Sunday,
George Cyrus and son, Wayne, at
tended tho moving plcturo show in
Redmond Sunday evening.
'Don't forget 'tho Council club on
Saturday, February 8.
.Mr. nnd (Mra. Cutllp of Redmond
wero Sunday visitors at tho Lantz
homo. ' "
MIbs Viola Mlllor was a caller at
tho Lantz homo ono day this week.
PLAINVIEW, Fob. 8.- Bvoryono
la Invited to tho school houso Satur
day ovonlng to dlnouim plans for n
community hull. A nhort program
ban been arranged for thu ovunlng
nnd thoro will alao bo good oatn. ,
Howard Nelson has boon very 111
tho past week with a Buvoro attack
ot nppomlloltlH. Ho wuh taken to tho
Bend Surgical hospital, nnd IiIh con
dition In roported to bo much Im
proved. P. A. Scroggln nnd Goorgo Cal
vorly snout several days In tho vi
cinity of Redmond tho past week,
Mrs, Grover Pullman visited nl tho
home of Alex Lovorons. u part of Inst
Mr. Harpor, tho Presbyterian Gun
day Bchool missionary, who Is now
assisting Rov. MoVlckur of Redmond
delivered u good sermon nt tho school
houso on Sunday afternoon. Ho Is
to hold nurvlccs onch ovonlng during
this week except Saturday, at 7:30.
Mr. und Mrs. M. W. Knickerbocker
and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hartley
ruturucd homo Friday evening after
n three days' trip to tho Hampton
Butto country. Tho ladles report a
very pleasant time.
Miss Ida Hon Bpont Sunday with
Miss Wllma Bennett.
Mr, and Mrs. A. W. Armstrong nnd
Mrs. Conleo woro cnllorn In Bend
Mr. Nootnngle of Sisters was a
Plalnvlow caller last Wednesday.
J. A. W, and Mnt. 11. A. Scroggln
mado a business trip to Bend Thurs
day. Miss Ida Nlswonger of Bund vis
ited Miss Rnu Knickerbocker ut tho
Pino Lawn ranch last week.
Wllma Col fold t was enrolled as a
now pupil nt tho Plalnvlow school
last Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Coulee, who
hnva been visiting nt tho Armstrong
homo tor soma tlino went to Sisters
on Sunday. They expect to make
their homo thoro.
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Luvorcnz and
family spent tho week end In Bend.
Jim Pullman und Paul "Scroggln
took a bunch of horses to pasture
noar Redmond Inst Monday.
. Mr. and Mm. H. A. Scroggln wero
guests for dinner and spoilt tho ov
onlng at tho A. E. Houh homo Inst
Mr. and Mra. H. T. Hartley woro
callers nt tho J. A. W. Scroggln homo
' Mr. Harpor was entertained nt tho
A. E. Hoss homo on Sunday und
Serviceable I
, Guaranteed I J j
Black or Tan O V F NT S
Button or Lace.- -U
Union Mado Up-to-Dato Shoo Repairing
Ail Priced at Right Prices
The Owl Pharmacy
TERREBONNE, Feb. 4.-A car
load of sorted potatoes will bo ship
ped from this point somo time this
week. Ralph Mlllor nnd Francis
Webster are shipping large amounts.
Robert Gould of Bond has been
surveying tho ground for tho now
Torrobonno cometory.
Miss Iona Keono and Miss Ruth
Vaughn havo purchased a now Vic
trola. Mra. J. S. McVoy has been ser
iously III tho past week.
Mrs. Gcorgo Gates of Redmond
spoilt Frldny nt tho homo of Mra.
II. D. Gntes.
A Burprlso party was held at tho
homo of I). Wimp last Friday even
ing. W. R. Davidson nnd W. J. Hall aro
pulling trees at tho Fawcott place
wost of Terrebonne.
Norma Miller was thrown from a
horao last week Injuring hor arm.
E, II. Metcalf Is pulling trees on
tho George Whltels place north of
John Dietrich nnd Evorett Parr
havo oach purchased n Ford car.
Wayne Morgan Is reported to bo
sick with tho measles.
Lylo Mcl-'nddon Is working for
Barney Roderaldo.
II, Gray was helping repair tho Itumu
on the Swalley ditch this week.
Oust Nelson of Bend came down
Thurndny night to spend n short limit
nt the home of hln cousin, Anton
Enrl Wood was a Bend visitor
W. II. Gray wont to Redmond
Tuesday after a load of sulphur.
Mra. Geo. Holton called on Mlim
llllnia Nelson Thursday afternoon.
Hans Mlkkolsen went to Bend on
business Thursday,
Mr. Nolnon, who was recently dis
charged from tho army, having
served In the spruce production dlvN
Blon, Is visiting Rasmus Peturanu.
N. I). Wood was n cnllor ut tho
Anderson homo Weduesdny.
Anton Ahlstrom made u hustni-ns
trip to Redmond Wednesday,
Mr. nnd Mra. Phil Smith or Tumalo
wero In this neighborhood on busi
ness Tuesday.
Marsh Aubrey of Bend was n vis
itor at tho Gray home Monday nnd
Mr. and Mra. J. A. Chaso and
daughter Etta wero Redmond ylsllora
Mra. John Edwards was shopping
In Redmond Saturdny.
Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Anderson woro
in Redmond Saturdny.
Rasmus Peterson and Mra. Cnth
nrlno JohaiiRcn attended tho funeral
of Mra. Sanford In Redmond Thurs
day. Hans Mlkkolsen wan helping Uiui
niUH Peterson Maw wood Saturday.
Mr. mid Mm. O. E. Anderson and
Mr. nnd Mrs, W. II. Gray were guest
nt tho Thomas Alt home, near Bend,
Marsh ubroy t-utno down from
? Unit! rrcw to Tti Ikiwl Uullttln.)
NEW YORK, Fob. 4. Tho Rub
shin soviet government wunts peace
and will muku concessions to get It.
If the allies ItirlHt on war, however,
tho Soviets will light to the end,
Premier Lenlnu declared today In it
copyrighted article published by tho
Now Vork World.
Lenlno told the World correspond
ent that tho soTletn aro even Inclined
to pay tho debts of tho old regime If
by that means war can ho stopped.
Anked what he thought of Run
ula's eligibility to memberaslp In
tho longuo of nations, Lenlno replied!
"They'ru not forming a league of
nations, but a league of Imperialists
to strangle the nations." lie added
thnt Prosldont Wilson Is a shrewd
IB i ..,.-. i i. .
Lia M - ft
ItUlkl in rLk DKL9
nuiUT in i a- Ant'.
Bend Sunday to visit ut tho Gray
Mr. and Mra. John Edwards at
tended Sunday school nl the sahool
house In DusohutiM Sunday.
Reginald Bnyley of Tumalo wan a
vlxitor In thin iiHlghborhood Sunday
II. T. MlkkeUrn nnd family visited
at the Hanson home, near Deschutes,
J. W. Peterson nnd family spent
Sunday visiting Rov. and 'Mra. J.
Scott ut Terrebonne.
.Mr and Mra. J. A. Chase accom
panied Alex. Duval to Bend Frldny.
Con Breen of Alfalfa was here it ,
abort time Thursday nftttrunon to
look after his sheep.
DON'T I'OOL yoi:iwi:m
A man surferlug from backache,
rheumatic pains, stiff Joints or sore
mtiHiioM may laugh and say these
symptom of kidney trouble "don't
amount to anything." It Is folly to
Ignore Nature's warnings. I'oluy
Kidney Pills give quick relief In kid
ney or bladder trouble nnd "It Is
bettir lo bo safe than sorry." Sold
everywhere. Adv.
Try n Bulletin Want Ad for quick
1 results.
Reading advertisements has
helped to make this a united
Jim Hawkins, props his feet on the
rose-festooned porch railing in an
Oregon suburb and reads the same
motor car advertisement that Cousin
Peter is studying as he rides home
from work in the New York subway.
In Arizona you can buy the same
tooth paste and tobacco that arc
used by the folks in Maine.
California fruit growers advertise
their oranges and lemons to the
people of 'the East. New Hampshire
factories make ice cream freezers
for Texas households.
You can meet up with anybody in
the United States and quickly get
on a conversational footing becauso
you b.oth read the same advertise
ments. Advertising is the daily guide to
what's good to buy.
Advertisements give you the latest
news from the front line of business
Reading advertisements enables you
to get'more for your money because
they toll you whero, what and when
to buy.
m, , ,. . . And it is a well-known fact that ad
There can be no division in a coun- vertised goods are more reliable and
try so bound together by taste, habit better value than the unadvertised
and custom. kinds.