m WEEKLY EDITION ' THE BEND BULLETIN. rK. VOL. XVI. HUM), DKHOHUTKH COUNT V, OIUJCIO.V, 'Jill HMD AY, FHIIIll'AHY 0, JUKI Xo, Iff M'NARY SENDS WORDOFCHEER THINKS AID NEAR FOR IRRIGATION. MORE MILLS AID IN FINDING JOBS CITY MAY HAVE CAMPING PLACE SKIN OF DEER DECIDES CASE LEGISLATOR LOYAL LEGION HALF THROUGH JOINING Z (Jovcriiiiicnt May Undcrtuho. Do mliUti'H Project Development. This Hoiinkii Kiititrliilnmriit of !t Klork RnNerti Planned. (From Wednesday's Dally.) KncuiiniRliiK iiowh In regard to llio progress of tint moviinioril to ho euro fodornl it I it for Mm DBBchuton Irrigation project wuh received to day liy tho Commercial chili In n tulogrum from Hunutor Charles L. McNnry, rontl at tltu weekly club mooting at tlin I'llot Hullo Inn thin noon. "Am endeavoring to do every thing poimlblo to iiuhIiCi In obtaining government aid for tho Deschutes project," Henittor McNnry wired, "Ilolluvo from present conditions that government will undurtnko tliln project tliln Benson." Anotlmr tologrnm from T. II. Foley Vft In Portland working on road innltoin linked for n wlrn from tliu club to Mm Central Oregon delegation in Salem requesting nupport of tho 910,000,000 road hill, with slmllnr uomuiunlcatlniiH from the Redmond Commoralnl cluh nml the Tumnlo De velopment long"". Tho required Mops httil iilrimily liuuu taken by tho oluh illniotom, It won roporjod. Tit Wi'lmmo .Stockmen. Appearing before tho clth, George . Russell of Prinevlllo urged that Immediate preparations )in niiulo for tliu untortalnmeut of tho. Orogoit Cnttlo and Horse Unison' nssocln tlon, which will hold it nnnttnl cn volition hero during "tho latter part of April. Mr. Kunaull wnn largely Instrumental In Hocurlne tho con 4 ventlon for Ileud. lie advised tho uppolntmont of committees on en- lertnlnment, proKram mid sollcltn tlon of now memberx. llo wuh ns hiired hy Vlco President II. A. Miller that tho matter would bo taken In hand at once. Mr. Russell also spoku In rrnnl to tho nun to which tho stuto road fund Ih being put, declaring that tho Central Oregon counties nro not getting their nharo and urKluK that tho representatives from thlit dlu trlct bo liiHtructvd to register n com plaint, nt Bnloni. In regard to tho returned nol'dlor problom, ho ntutrd that tho money appropriated In not being lutellliteutly mod and tliat be muse of this many men returning from tho service nro developing Mrong I. W. W. loanlaxH. CoMi Lerturo Aiinoiinred. A. WMilnirnt ipoko In regard to tho Iticjtiro to ho glvun by Irvln 8. Cobb, noted war correspondent, nt tho Bond Amateur Athletic cluh gymnasium on tho night or Fobrunry 10, nml naked that reservations bo mado ns rapidly its possible, nn tho athletic club Ih under n heavy guarantee. Twenty rosOrviitloiia' hovo nlrondy booumiudu by Prlnuvlllo people, ho HtaTed. GJydo At,. McKay, of tho special library committee, reported that tho library In endeavoring to rouialu in ItH prcsont qunrtors uud that no other mutters have been considered In thin connection. KEEN COMEDY IN LIBRARY BENEFIT Amateur Actor Who AVI 1 1 Appear Friday .Night In "Ulrl or Huglo Itiiiich" Aro Prollrlont. (From Wednesday's Dally.) "A hundred lnugha In 100 mlii 'utcti" Ih what tho munngomont of "Tho Qlrl of lOanlo Hunch" promlaoa those who attend tho parfnrmuuco to bo Riven at tho Ilond Amateur Ath lotlo club RymuuHlum Friday nlulit. Tho character of tho production iu ito calculated iih to appeal to all .claunoH, and tho playoru, undor tho Tllroctlon or Jay 11, Noblo, nro at tulnliiK a high iloKruiTot prollctouoy, Tho aceno or tho pliry la laid In Arizona, and a ploluroaquo portrayal of riiuch llfo Ih kIvoii. Indlcationa nro tlmt tho production will bo on Joyed "by a crowdo'd houao. UWA1M Alti; OHOAMi:i AT TWO of hiikvmn-iii.vo.v c'asii'h hi'okam: ma.vai:h to aiu ItlVi; ItUIti: IN XKAH FUTUItK. (From Tunnilay'H Daily.) OrKanlzntlou or localn In tho Loyal I.okIoii or 'J.oKKorn and Lumbertuou wiih continued lant nlKhl when C. M. lloniior, head or thin dlntrlct, npoko to tho employed or Tho Hhovlln IIIxou Company at Camp No. 0. Ho outlined tho recoiiHtructlon work which muni follow tho ondliiK of the war, nhownd that tho Four Lh will play mi important part in thin pro Krani of development and oxplalued the organization and Ideals df tho Loyal Leclon. Forty men hIkiioiI up for memborHliip and proceeded to tho election or Hokoii Ilndlcy nn chairman, C. II. Front vlco proiddont and H. Llttlelleld nocrotary-troniiiirnr. Huiulay a local wan organized, nt Hhovllu-Illxou Camp No, 8, with a tnembernhlp or 37 men, and orKanlzn tlnn will coutlnuo until all the em ploye or tho mill companies hnvo had tho mattor placed before thorn, Mr, Honour liax received word that Manager :. I). lllrkholz, from I.oynl Legion hondijunrtora In Spo kane, will bo In Ileud from February 13 to 1 5 to bo over ptann for tho year with the various localn, FEDERAL AID LOOMS NEARER (From Saturday'! Dally,) That tho toloxrnm Just Kent by tho Ileud Commercial club to tho OroKon delegation In Con nro nnklnK for n 110,000,000 appropriation for the development ot tho Donchutoti pro ject, hiiH produced immodlnto rc hiiIIb, Ih shown In a ntory carried under a WaHhliiRton date lino In n 1'ortland paper today, announcing that tliu OroKou aeuutors and repro neiilntlveii tiro to nee iJccrotnry I.nno today to urge counlderutlon ot tho project when tlm tlmo comcfl for tho itolectlon of now units for reclama tion. Tho Oregon delegation will contend that nt least two projects In thin atnto tihould bo Included' In tho reclamation program. Tho telegram nout by tho Commer cial club outlined tho progron al ready inailo In tho campaign x to secure federal aid nnd rouutMtod de velopment of tho DoHchutoa project as ono of tho mot,ffliilbli) wnyn or moI vlni: tho unotuployineut problem. BEND WOMAN TO AID IN ARMENIAN WORK Mr. V. V. Hurt to Hall from Now York Xi't Week as Meiuber or Ilollef i:pedltlou. (From Thursday's Dally.) Mm. 1'. C. Hurt, who left In Do combor for n visit with her winter, MIhh A, a. Anthony at Horkloy, Cal lfonilu, will Halt from Now York next week as a member or tho Ar-inonlau-Syrlan relief expedition. Her sister nccompnnloH her, First plnuiiliiK only a Hhort vaca tion In California, tho opportunity to Join tho Jurty enmo to Mm. Hurt noon nttor nor arrival uud nho availed horsulf or it. Mm. Hurt and her slstor nro couhIiib of tho Into Hunan II, Anthony, tho well uown prohibi tion advocuto, ONE DAY IN JAIL ENOUGH FOR DICK Ileud Man Who lU'fuscrt to Pay Finn of JjtlOO for CSnnio Law Violation lluys Frocdoin with HomK (From 'Tuosday's Daily,) Aflor spending ono day In tha countv lull. V. T). II Ink of llnnil iln. cldod that It would bo tho nnrt ot wladom (o pay tho fine Imposed by tliu court tor violation ot tho enmo laws. One. hundred dollnra in Liberty bonds wiib tho prlco ot rroodotn. Dick pleaded millty Satur day to tho change of havliiK vunlsnu killed out of Benson In his possession. u PREVIOUS ! MEN TAKEl SERVICE ON All Kmployew Who Went to War Arc AMhuretl of Kiiiployment liy tho Lumber Concerns Here, anil Htvcnil Others (let Jobs. (From Tuosday's Dally.) That tho Ilend lumber mills nro doing their part In urnishlnn cm etiiploymoiit for returned soldiers, is shown In statements rclvon by offi cials or Tho Shovlln-llixon Company and tho Hrooks-Hcaiilon Lumbor Company to tho effect that 44 men discharged from tha United Btates service hnvo been (given positions slnco tho signing ot tho armistice. Of theso 18 hovo boon put on by tho Urooks-Hcaulon company and 2G hy Tha Bhovlln-Hlxon Company. A majority of tho men given employ ment formerly worked in tho mills or woods lioro, but a number liavo been put to work who wero not con nected with tho local companies ut tho tlmo they ontered tho scrvlco Kvory man who left tho employ of cither of tho companies to enter tho army, navy or marina corps, Is assured of a placo on his return, tho officials announce, and for other pre vious servlco men tin endeavor will bo made to find positions, although tho mill officials cannot make defi nite promise as to tha latter clans. The Ifulletln extends tho fro uso of Its classified advortlslng columns to soldiers, willow or marinas seek ing employment. Tho lumbor companies nro in ro colpt of uuiny loiters and UilegraniH from mon in tho sorvloe who dtslra to bo Hiiroof work on their return to civil llfo. BEND BOY SCOUTS ARE REGISTERED Many Turn Out in AiiMtrr to Scout Comml.HHluufr'M Cull Ilatinuct I'Iiiiin Am Discussed. (From Wednesday's Dally.) Yesterday was registration day for the Hand. Hoy Scouts', nnd 7C old nnd now members gathered at tho Heud Amateur Athletic club gymnuHlum In ruspousq to tho call by Scout Conimlsalouor W. C. Stew art. An hour was taken up Iu class work In cnllRthonloH nml gamos, and later plsns were discussed for the "father and son" banquet to be given at tlin Pilot Hutto Inn. From the number or ltyn who ovlnoed tliolr with to attend, It Ih OHtlmnted that nt least 100 Scouta and fathom will bo proHunt. Other boys -who nro not Scouts may bring their fathom, nnd will be wolcomed, it whh explained. DESCHUTES PROJECT GAINS IN FAVOR IN WASHINGTON (From Tuesday's Dally.) Thnt tho ' Deschutes project is galuluK in favor In Washington la indicated by dispatches appoaring In Portland papers telling ot Secretary Lane's desfro to hnvo thoproposcd geologlcul oxamlnntlan speeded up. Ab mattors now atnnd, It Is expected that ns soon as congress has mado tho necessary appropriations tho uur vory will bo begun, and thoroaftor, It tho survoy does not disclose roa hoiib why it Ih Impossible, storage rosorvolru will bo constructed and reclamation beguu, Tho reports from Washington aro as follows: "Socrotnry or tbo Interior Lnno Indicated a doslro nt a contoronco at tended this morning by Senators Chamberlain nnd MoNnry, He-pro-sontatlvo Slnnott nnd A. 1). Ander son ot Madras, pro., roprosontlng tho DoDChutos Irrigation project, to navo uu immodlnto oxaminutlou mado of tho largo area. In Deschutes and Jot- PLAN ADVOCATED BY BEND COUNCIL Varied ISiimIiic Disposed of nt Last NIIiI'h Meeting Hlj Improve ment Program Outlined by tho Htrtt'ttt Oimiiilttvc. (From Wednesday's Dally.) Hend should liuvo a public camp ing ground. This was tho declaration last night of K. L. Payne, momber or tho city council, at tho regular mooting ot thai body lust night. Ho declared that freo accommodations of this kind for tourists would bo ono of tho biggest advertisements tho city could have and Btatcd that ho had already picked out n likely spot, owned by tho Ilond company, near tho foot lirldgo. Ills plan was supported by tho council, and with Councilman Mlntcr and Hhodcs ho was named on a commlttco to confer with D. E. Hunter of tho realty company to en deavor to securo tho uso of tho land i'for this purpose. ' Auditing of bills nnd reports of Standing committees wcro tho order Of business at Inst night's mooting, but many other matters camo up for discussion. An objection against tbo Hend Wntor, Light & Power com pany bill was filed by It. P. Mlntor, who. declared that tho city Is being discriminated against. Tho bill was recommended for paymont, undor protent.jby the flnnnco commlttco. The council passod a resolution vacating that part of tho second ad- Million to Horn! park lying betweon Second and Third and Talt and Cleveland to allow for replatting by tho owners In such a manner that the Californla-Tho Dalles highway will no longer extond through tho block In a diagonal. .Monthly HrMirtM Given. The report of Miss M. B. Coleman, city treasurer, showed bills unpaid, oxtondlnc over a period of nearly two years, ot 20,772.04, a balanco in tho flro fund of I19.C27.4S, flllG.GO In tho general tund, and 154.35 in tho sewer rund. City Hccordor D. II. Peoples reported receipts in his de partment aggregating 219 tor tho month, and Chlof or Pollco Nixon's roport showed J7C.T.0 collected in pool hall llcenuo feos. Ho reported ono small flro and threo liquor cases for January. Fire Chief Carton re ported that dangerously largo quan tities ot indamablo rofuso nro piled near a building in tho alley from Oregon to Greenwood, between Wnll and Ilond streets. In rosponso to this Mayor Bastes ordered a thor ough Investigation ot conditions by the pollco and fire committee. On tho recommendation ot D. G. McPherson, ot tho police committee, City Attorney Honsou wns authorized to draw up an ordinanco amending the prosont city law to allow boys IS years ot ago In pool halls, Imitoad of 21, as formorly. In tho matter ( Continued on last page) forsou countlos, Oregon, which it la proposed to reclaim. "Director Davis ot tho reclamation service, who was called into conter onco, snld that nrraugotnonta had boon made for Profeasor O. Crosby, noted ideologist nnd ongiueor ot Cambridge, Mass., to oxamino tho Uonhnm Falls and Crnno Prntrio rosorvoir sites as to whether they aro loitk proof, with u view to docldlus their availability iu dovoloplng this project. Secretary Lnno displayed uu cagoruesa to liuvo tho examination started at onco by inquiring ot Di rector Davis tr somo other ongiueor could not bo round to tnko tip tho work without delay, "Ho said that tbo dopnrtmont wished to tnko up tho most avail--ablo projects In tho United Stnt03 Just as soon us tho $100,000,000 which this congress -Is expected to npproprlato becomes offoctlvo. Two now projects for Oregon undor this appropriation wore urged upon Sec rotary Lane." AXIMAL FHOM WHICH IIIDK WAH TAKKX WAH KILLKI) IIBCBXT JiY, JUIIY 1'IXDS I. J. MAIX W.VKIJ JM0 WILL AVl'KAh. (From Tuesday's Dally) Conflicting evidence nn to tho age of a dcor hldo found at tho M. J. Main homo was glvon yesterday afternoon In Judgo Bastes court, but tho major- Ilty of expert witnesses called on, (ho stand by District Attorney ' Moore, declared that tho skin had been taken not more than two weeks ago. Tho Jury returned a vordlct on the chargo of violation of tho game laws, and tho court imposed a flno ot tlGO. W. P. Myers, representing tho 'de fendant, stated that ho will appeal tho case. WItnescs tor the stato wcro DIs trict Gamo Warden Gcorgo Tonkin, Deputy Gamo Warden W. D. Hadlcy, Chris Brans, John Stcldl, and Doug Ins Johnson, whllo Jeff and Jack Kelley, trappers frtfhi tho Prlnevllle section were called by the defense. Tho Jury "was composed of J.iX,. Galther, Claude Kelley, M. H. Sy. mons, It. M. Chlldora, J. A. Thomp son and B. M. Thompson. WASHINGTON MEN TO START NEW GARAGE JL H. Itoyco nml Son Secure ARcrtcy for Overland, nml Take Over HusIiicao of L. L. 1'ov. (From Wednesday's Dally.) Tho opening of a new garago and automobllo agency In Bond was an nounccd this morning by II. S. Royco, who, with his son, Byron P. Hoyce, has takon over the drayage business of L. L. Fox on Bond street. "The old Fox barn will bo remodeled, an option has been taken on tho (Mod era Garago with a probablo sale or leaso early In the summer. A&'thatH tlmo Mr. Itoyco expects to hnvo tho old barn torn down and a ', no garago building? brcctcd In Its place. Tho agency for the Overland, car has been taken by the now concern, and Mr. Royco stated that some high grado truck might also bo handled later. Tho older Mr. Royco will leave soon for his homo In Washing ton, his Hon, an export auto mechanic, to remain In chnrgo ot the business A number ot heavy trucks form erly used in logging in Washington may bo brought to Bend later, Mr. Royco said. In addition to the auto agency, tho new garago will carry a full lino or tires and accessories. ALFALFA MAN PASSES AFTER BRIEF ILLNESS Funeral Service for Pat Ilrcon to Be Held from Catholic Church' Tomorrow Morning. (From Tuesaay'a Dally.) Aftor an Illness or nearly two weeks. Pat nreen ot AUaKa died yos torday attomoon, aged 36 years, at St. Charles' hospital. Ho had boon delirious for the last three days bo foro death came. Two brothers, Con nnd Stephen, also ot Alfalfa, survive him, and other relatives aro living in Now York. Funeral services will be hold fronv tho Catholic church at 10 o'clock tomorrow morniig. Intarment."wll bo at Pilot Hutto comotery. PIG CLUBS FAVORED BY SUPERINTENDENT (From Wednesday '8 Dally.) Organization of pig clubs by the chlldron ot Deschutes county Is be ing advocated by County School Bu porlntondent J. Alton Thomuson. Reports from tho clubs ot tho state, which ho Iuih Just received, show that 402 children In Oregon miido a clear profit ot $11,112.97 durlijgUho year Just past. ". ' , " FUNERAL IS HELD FOR ALFALFA MAN (From Wednesday's Dally,) Roy. Father Shoohuu officiated, thltf mornliiR nt tunornl services hold 4at tho Cathollo church for Pat Hr'oou, Alfalfa ahoopman, whoso deaUi ,yV, announced yesterday. lntonuunt was In Pilot Butto comotery, ' MANY BILLS STARTED, BUT FEW FINISHED. Limitation to He Placed on New Measured During Remainder of Bcnilon Good Ilond Iamuo Most VI fnl Before lawmaker. (SpttU! to Th Dall.tln.) SALBM, Feb. C Over hair of tho thirtieth legislative session has slipped by and in a concroto vray not much has been accomplished asldo from tho Introduction ot a largo amount of proposed legislation and tho enactment of two or three bills ot major importance and a number ot bills or minor Importance. Tho two houses havo In a way largely shut down on the Introduction ot further bills and the balance of the session will be given over to sort ing orcr, sifting and enacting Into laws, or consigning to the waste basket, tbo legislation that baa come up In tho form or trills. Tho foregoing paragraph gives about as intelligent resume of tho legislative situation as may bo given at this time. Out of it all, howovor, considerable good legislation Is go ing to be evolved, and somo bad legislation no doubt will crop up. In these columns an effort has been mado a tlmo or two previously to outline tho big issues before tbo legislators. There is no reason now to chango those outlines in any way so far. Tho one big, vital question thnt is appealing to the dlscourslvc senso ot every man and woman In the legis lature is the question of good roads. There is little doubt thnt this has9 stepped out ahead of tho procession and is tar In tho van ns tar as uni versal Interest Is concerned. Road Policy Xot Fixed. But up to dato thero Is still an open question ot Just where the final program will end up and, as far as that goes, as to Just whoro it will begin. Tho writer, has reached tho con clusion thnt no two men in the state can agree ns to any doflnlto policy of good roads. He has also reached tho conclusion that thero is about as much hypocrisy and demogoglsm over this subject, and perhaps a littlo more, than about any other subject which Is mado tha topic for political discussion. The object Is presented in this session ot a number or mem bers who were roost bitterly opposed to tho $0,000,000 bond issuo two years ago fawning about tbo hlghwny commission, talking bond. Issues in fabulous sums, and In every way re pudiating tho stand 'that they took at tho last session. Some ot tho membors who two years ago declared thoy wore nover for bonds, wero not then for bonds and nover would bo for bonds, talk uow as though their ontlro lives from tho tlmo thoy wero In swaddling clothes had been ono long chant nnd symphony In n chorus favoring Innumerable and in- eahnustlble bond issuos. Predictions Unreliable. But these membors are In the minority. It Is true that practically all of tho legislators favor bond issues, but by no means all of thorn have had tho sudden chango ot heart slnco 'being given an opportunity to scientifically study tho election re turns and tho popular clamor which has arisen for good roads through a centralized plan of construction. What the good rouda program will bo may bo told lucidly after tho ses sion has adjourned slue die and tho governor has placed his seal ot ap proval or disapproval upon tho last bill. Until then thoro will be no prophesying as tho members aro swinging and veorlng tn all different dtroctlons and while all ot them seem to be, in n measure, heading toward tho samo goal, whother thoy will over got there, with tholr widely divorgont Ideas as to which path they should pursuo, Is a question tor somo guycr of sooth or prophet wluo, or reader ot riddles sago. l'owcr Plans Aro lllg. A resolution Introduced, by several ot tho representatives really h about as big a thing as wus over attempted by a legislature, aud that provided for lifting the constitutional in- dobtednesa limitation on unincor porated sections, or on lncorp6ratod cltlca and towns, bo that they may t Continued oa Page I,)