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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1919)
v" Ik TAOK a M8ND BULLKTIN, HHND, OliRGON, THUlttrtAY, JANUAIIV SO, 1019 Central Oregon Neighborhood News MILLICAN PEOPLE RELEASE HOMESTEAD MILL1CAN, Jan. 27. Tho 0. B. Connwuys lmvo sold their houso fur nishings and fcnco to Fred Klgor and relinquished their homestead to tho government. Mr llrookn wan n caller nt tho Holland homo Wednesday. Mr. Hoi Innd also spent the day nt home. Mrs. J J. Holland was a visitor nt tho F. TnUschor homo and at tho school Friday. Win, A. Jtrthn spent Friday even ing at tho Holland homestond. Messrs. A. T. Shaver and Ferdi nand Tnuschcr roada a business trip to Bend Saturday. J. Brooks called nt tho Holland and Keller homes Saturday. Denny Graffcnbcrgcr and tho Hol land family dined -with J. Brooks Sunday at tho Geo. Cook homo. Mr. nnd iMrs C H. aruffenborgcr and family and Win. A. Rahn were Sunday visitors nt tho Tauschor homestead. A danco Is announced for this Sat urday night nt W. Ed Mooro's store. AH aro Invited. Vlvynn Doxtor Is reported to bo sorlottsly 111 with Influenza. Miss Irmn Keeney spent tho vcolc end nt hor homo In Culver. , Fred 12. Closo finished his winter seeding last week, Georgo Gates of Iledmond visited tho Torrebonno school Inst Saturday. Bryan Lowo has boon employed to run tho tractor nt tho Fred Itnwson ranch. Plans nro being mndo to hnvo tho long deferred lied Cross sale tnko plnco somo tlmo In February. Marvel Knorr, n sailor on tho Be storer, who has boon visiting his parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. llobcrt Knorr, loft Inst Thursday. Georgo Whltols has purchnicd tho Garletz building, formerly used as n wnrohouso. Ho Is tearing It down preparatory to adding somo to tho buildings mi his place west of town. A gold star has been added to tho Torrebonno service flag In honor of Jnko Smcdenga. This is tho second gold star that has been added. Tho other one was for Leon 'McEltrcsh. lllliissisBMBHHBMHHBBBBHBBHHiMIHHHHHHBHHBHKilll lJ " I (Jwtek Service Open Day and Night Pri1lt5 Fl I o APIs' AI J M. A mMJ mm w. P. DOWNING, Prop. W I and Vegetables Tho Moat Populrr Entlntf House in bond? I wmmmmfmmimmmm THEUFS A REASON I WT"?""' ' ' '"" "!' , '" '.'1 1MI H'lllll Mil II i II J I " -T- I I ifcJJBmC& III IH HM l .1 nil Illl .1 IfP .Hil it I Ji I Candies, Cigars Tobaccos PRACTICE THRIFT by buying of the Independent Fruit Co, SOCIAL ENJOYED AT LOWER BRIDGE LOWER BRIDGE, Jan. 2S. The old-timers of Lower Drldgo cntor tnined tho newer settlors nt a din ner Friday afternoon. Thero wero a hundred pcoplo In attendance. A very enjoyable program by both tho school and community was given. An appeal was mado tor Armenian relief, for which a very good collec tion was taken. Darwin nnd Fred Walters attended the sale nt Brown's garage in Red mond Tuesday. G E Stadlg was in Redmond on Thursday. A J. Fuller v,hns been papering Scoit's now house tho past wcok. Mr and Mrs. John Scott wero shop ping In Bend Thursday. Joo Howard has been pulling trees tho past week. G. E. Stadlg was a Redmond vis itor Wednesday. Mr and Mrs. A. S. Holmes were nhopping in Redmond Thursday afternoon. Miss Marion Hosklns taught tho Lower Bridgo school Monday and Tuesday, duo to tho Illness of Mrs. Elsie Hnuscr, who was In Redmond with a bad caso of tonsilitis. L. A. Hunt was In Bend on busi ness Wednesday afternoon. WAS KKSTLKSS AT NIGHT. Sufferers from kidney troublo ex perience backacho, rheumatic pains, aches in Joints nnd muscles, shooting pains and other torturous afflictions. E. W. Kitt, R. F. D. 2. Box D. Short ers, Ala., writes: "I used Foloy Kidney Pills as I was so restless over night with pains In the-small of my back nnd slllo. Thoy did mo good." Sold overywhero. Adv. TELEPHONE REPAIR IS .ON AT LA PINE TO WARD OFF ILLNESS. If you aro bloated, languid or Inzy, linvo "tho blues," headaches, palpi tation, biliousness, bad breath, bus. constipation or Indigestion, you will feel better In tho morning it you tako n Foley Cathartic Tablet tonight. This is a wholosomo laxative und cleansing physic that acts without In convenience, griping or nausea'. Sold ovcry w here. Adv. HEAVY RAIN STORMS PLEASE TERREBONNE I TERREBONNE, Jan. 28. A party was held at tho homo of L. Alderdycc, lust Thursday evening in honor of his C7th birthday. Jupltor Plavlus has been smiling on this section of tho country more than usual this year. He Is surely rewarded by the smiles of tho fanners. John Almoter of Portland spent the week end nt his ranch north west of Terrebonne. L P Snupp ot this community has recently finished baling his hay. Tho TcsulU wero very satisfactory, W. O Ralston was a passenger fori Uend Friday. LA PINE, Jan. 2S. Georgo Sto koo was repairing the telcphono linos in this vicinity ono day last week. Mrs. M C. Boguo has rccovored from tho flu and was visiting frionds in La Pine last Wednosday. Geo II. Eaton nnd E. II. Hsney re turned from n business trip to Bend last Saturday. Alfred H. Shultz. who has been In training nt Camp Fremont, Cal., was mustered out of the service and re turned to his homo on Llttlo River Saturday. ilrs. E. L. Clark nnd Helen and Mrs. Foss and Sylvia visited at the Donahue homo at Roslnnd Sunday. Ernest Boesley has boon sawing wood for W. R. Riley tho past wook. E. L. Clark- is spending a few days with Rabcr Bros, nt Fort Rock. Mr. and Mrs. Fay L. Howard have been quite sick with thollu at Port land. Mrs. W. P. Vnndovert and llttlo granddaughter Betty are spending a rew Hs visiting friends and rela tives at Bend. Grover Caldwell has moved his fnmlly from Paulina Creek to Uend, where the children can attend school, Mrs. S. M. FIndley of Marcola, Oregon, arrived Monday to visit her brothor. W. II. Holllnshend, and family. Asgar Mlllor ot San Francisco has been holplng at tho creamery for tho pat two weeks. Ami Howard and M. S. K. Clnrk wore In town on business Monday. Miss Edith Mantel), who was quite ill with tho flu at tho hotel, has almost recovered and is visiting hor .parents on Little River until she Is able to work again. Mrs. Nettie Shultz was In from tho homestead ono day last wcok. Mrs. A. R. Dounhuo returned from Seattlo nnd Tacnmu, whero sho vis ited friends and relatives during tho holidays. SULPHUR NEEDED AT POWELL BUTTE POWELL BUTTE, Jan. 2S.- Quito a number of our rancliers aro taking advnutagu ot tho sulphur shipments ordered through tho county agricult urist's office. Thoso who tlld not tako ndvautago ot tho first and sec ond shipments hnvo signed for the third shipment. Mrs. John Skccn Is improving from a very severe attack of Influ enza. Mr. Jackson, fnther of Mrs. E H. Stewart, Is much Improved after u sovoru Illness ot tho Influenza. J. A. Rlgg8, C. M. Chnrlton nnd HaroM M. Charlton wero in Bond on business on Monday. Mr. and .Mrs Roy Roberts nnd Mr. und Mrs. E. II. Stowart visited In Prinovlllo Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Stono bus leased hor fnrm to Mr. Ferguson nnd has moved to Prinovlllo to make her home. Mrs. B. Mnncwin nnd dnughtcr, MIm Cecelia have returned homo after a very pleasant visit with rel atives in Tncomn, Washington. Mrs. J. J. Chapmnn npont tho day visiting school Inst Thursday. Domlnlck Burgess, a young mnn who but recently located In this vi cinity, Iuih purchased tho ranch of Tom Cronln, known us tho Laugdou place. Tho Directors of tho Community Hall association held n meeting nt tho homo of tho secretary, Mrs. Mary V. Charlton, Friday evening und per fected plans for tho danco to bo given January 31 Good music and a flno lunch will bo served. Best Tire Service Means Firestone and It Means Us It menns that you get the hencfit of expert tiro building in the first place by equipping with ftre$tone Tires It menna tho expert tiro ncrvlco, cottrtoottu tint rcllublo help which i;i always available nt our thop. Remember that Firestone Tiros nro mndo by HpcclnlhiH In tho World' h Lnrnctit Excliititvo Tire Pnctory. Hut Firestone building mcthoch nnd thin imincuitn volume, ndded to their economical distribution, euublo thuin to churco us low mi for ordinary tires. And ourtshopbucku tip tho Firestone. Service. Callouua MORE SHEEP WINTER AT PLEASANT RIDGE Poisonous Wnito Cnusc.s Sickness. When tho kidneys aro well thoy (liter waste mnttor from tho blood. Whon sluggish or overworked, tho kidneys fall to clean tho blood, and poisonous substances lodgo In Joints and .muscles to cnuso aches, pains and soreness. Foley Kidney Pills strengthen, act quickly and relieve kldnoy and bladdor troublo. Sold overywhero. Adv. BUCKHECH REG. U. S. PAT. OFF. iwnr sho Acknowledged the standard Army Shoe on the Coast and small wonder; "Extra Service Every Step Comfort Every Minuto" Tliat's why it u being worn by thousands of men In all walks of life- Office Mea Hikers Motormen Attorney Farmer Conductor Pbyrfci&a Orchard!! Hunter Look for the name BuaUiEarr stamped on the sole of every Shoe HHBHUHL jF tJHV PLEASANT ItllKlE, Jnn 23. Con Hreen brought over about 800 more sheep to feed with thoso he al ready Is feeding on the Anderson place. Anton Ahlstrom was In Uend do lng somo trading Friday. Mrs. W. II. Gray returned from Uend, whero sho spent a week nurs ing her son John through an attack ' of tho flu. Tho latter Is improving rapidly at latest reports. Hans Mlkkolticn and son Alfred wero Itedmond visitors Saturday Marsh Aubrey of Uend visited nt tho Cray homo Saturday und Sun day. Mr. und Mrs. John Edwards at tended Sunday school nt tho De schutes school houso on Sunday morning. W. II. Oay was a Uend visitor Saturday. Mw, O. E. Anderson Is recovering from her recent Illness. Mr. und Mrs. Geo. Holton of I)o schutes wore callers in this neighbor hood Sunday.. J. W. Peterson mado his ctiHtomary weekly trip to Uend Saturday. W. II. Gray was sawing wood with his engine for O. I'. Anderson on Friday. Mrs. Ed Swalloy Is recovering from her Illness and is ublo to bo about again. Huns Mlkkelsen sold all his small potatoes to Carl Hanson ot De schutes. I i 'I . :i Ml Most .-. mm 1 1 1 : MUea u Mr Hi per TLwKi 1S ; Dollar ,-f WMM I xJmmw I AST j WKk I w m CENT-ORE MOTOR COMPANY hi:ni, oitnnoN Exclusive Agents and Scrvico Station orod to Tumalo Friday eveniriB A serins of revival meutlnRa. nro LnDoua Cyrus spent tho week end being held nt tho school houso on visiting at home each evening of IIiIn u.'i'k Tho Hmv. Harper ot Ilodmond U conducting tho Horvlct'M. (Cnntlnuud on 1Vko 11.) BLACK GUN METAL OR INDIAN TAN CALF If not obtainable front your dealer, tend name and our mltr direct to BUCKINGHAM a HECHT MANUKACTOUBBS I'BAWCISCO $7.00 to $8.00 TANLAC FOR SALE BY The Owl Pharmacy SOLE AGENTS TELEPHONE MEETING HELD AT CLOVERDALE CLOVBItDALE, Jnn. 28. A moct Infj ot tho telephone directors was held at tho II. C. Kllnn homo on Mon-. day evening for tho purposa ot trans ferring three shures ot telephone stock. Mr. nnd Mrs. Hurold Kllno und Mr. and Mrs, J. I). Hodson motored to Torrebonno to tho mask ball last Friday oveniug. Miss Ada Job ot Uend spent a tow days last wcok visiting at tho II. J. Skolton home. Mrs. Schulto Is visiting at tho W. F. Fryrear homo. Tho first meeting this year of tho Council club was hold at tho school hoiiHO on Friday ovonlng. As tho prosldont und vlco president wero both absent, W. F. Fryrear acted as tomporary president. After a short business mctting Harold Kllno and Ilort Hodson donned tho gloves for a few rounds. Tho noxt mooting will bo hold on Fobrunry 3, nnd now of ficers will bo olocted, A ood pro gram is promised und a largo attond- nnco desired Wr. and Mrs. A. K. reacrson nnu children woro Sunday visitors at tho A. E. Parborry homo, A Jolly crowd ot young folks mot- 'IT:,:; ll Oprririt ii hr,. H.j.lurooldi Ttcc3 Co. r jn BB YOU can't help cutting loose Joy'us remarks every tlmo you flush your smokespot with Prince Albert it hits you so fair and square. It's a scuttle full of jimmy pipe and cigarette makin's sunshine nnd as satisfy ing as ft is delightful every hour of tho twenty-four! It's never too late to hop into the Prince Albert pleasuro pasture 1 For, P. A. is trigger-ready to give you more tobacco fun than you ever had in your smokecareer. That's because it has the quality. Quick as you know Prince Albert you'll write it down that P. A. did not bite your tongiio or parch your throat. And, it never willt For, our exclusive patented process cuts opt bite and parch. Try it for what ails your tonguol Toppy red bngi, tidy red tin; handiom pound and half pound tin fwmldori and that clevtr, practical pound cryttal gla$ humidor with ' iponge molitenir top that htepi the tobacco In Much perfect condition, R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, N, C 'Tl J,vz