The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 23, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Page 8, Image 8

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Note Ieft Telling of Contemplated
Weed Difficulties Over Finnu
., cliU 'Matters Thought to
i ' " Havo Prompted Act.
(From Monday's Dally.)
Worried ovor financial troubles In
which ho had hecomo Involved, J. C.
Dodson, pioneer stockman ot tho
lakevlew section, yesterday morning
ended his llfo In his room at tho
Iledmond hotel. That the sulctdo
was carefully planned was Indicated
ty h noto which ho loft tolling ot his
contemplated act, and by the fact
that ho had purchased a .52 callbro
rlflo to kill hirosolt a few hours he
foro retiring tho evening before.
The tragedy was discovered about
9 o'clock yesterday morning -when
tho maid at the hotel failed to ro
ccivo nn answer on calling at his
room. Entering, she found him ly
ing dead In his bed. The authorities
were promptly notified, and at an In
quest held later in tho day a ver
dict ot self-inflicted death was found.
Dodson motored to Iledmond Sat
urday afternoon, leaving his room at
tho Pilot Butte Inn, where he had
heen stopping, still reserved. The
driver who took hlia from Bend was
given Instructions to call for him
tho next morning. lie thon bought
the rifle, and later went to his room
In tho hotel.
According to all Indications, tho
fatal shot was fired hetween tho
hours ot 7 and 8 o'clock in the morn
ing. Before ending his llfo, Dodson
spread newspapers on tho floor along
the edge of the -'bend, and placed a
basin on the papers. Placing the
muzzle of (he gun In his mouth, he
pulled the trigger. '
Mr. DodBon was a resident ot the
Central Oregon country tor nearly a
quarter of a century, homestcadlng
In the- Lakevlew country over 20
years ago. About six years ago, he
-went to New Mexico and Texas, re
turning to Lakevlew two years later.
Recently he la known to have had
' trouble In regard to money matters,
and his death is attributed to this.
No funeral arrangements will be
xnado until Word1 Is received from
relatives, who have been communi
cated with.
What old Inhabitants declare to
ho one ot the 'hardest, if not the
most violent, windstorm on record
liere raged yesterday afternoon and
last night, and showed slight signs
at abating today. Signs were blown
to tho sidewalk through tho busi
ness district, awnings were torn and
a plate glass window in the Bend
Hardware company store on Bond
street was crushed in by the terrific
pressure ot the gale.
Even autolsts were not safe, for an
unusually powerful putt of wind
literally toro the top from County
Clerk J. H. Hancr'o car.
Jianks BUI, Providing for 20 .Minutes
T x of Exercise Dully In Schools,
I Passed hy Senate.
I (By United FrcM to The Band Bulletin.)
SALEM, Jan. 23, The senato
unanimously-passed the Banks hill
yesterday, making physical educa
tion in the public 'schools compul
sory, The, bill provides that at least
20 minutes dally shall ho given to
physical Instruction.
The seriate alup passed a hill com
pelling public officials to give prefer
ence to soldiers and sailors for all
publo positions and Jobs, if the men
frnm tl.a 71 fl. sarvlr.n nrn aa efficient)
as other applicants.
Kffnrt to Ho Made to Cash In on Old
Improvement Liens Council
Will Sleet Twice .Monthly
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
A general hottorment of health
conditions throughout tho city will
havo a promlnont place in tho pro
gram ot the now city government, It
developed last night when tho Bend
council held its second mooting ot
the year. Cleaning up of streets and
alleys, Installation of sanitary do
vices throughout tho city and Im
provement ot conditions at tho city
disposal tract were among tho plans
Tho subject camo up when E. L.
Payno, chairman ot tho health com
mittee reported' on tho Influenza
situation In Bend, doclarlng that
drastic measures taken by tho com
mlttco had effectually proventod tho
recurrenco ot an epidemic hero.
R. P. Mlnter assorted that tho city is
In a doplorable condition from tho
standpoint ot sanitation, and urged
an immediate Improvement tot con
ditions. Mayor J. A. Eastes advlBcd
the committee to look into tho matter
ot dirty streets and alleys, and City
Attornoy Benson asked that tho com
mittee moot with him and map out a
plan ot action for tho spring health
campaign. 'Mr. Mlnter spoko again,
requesting that tho streets committoo
make a survey of tho city with the
object ot eliminating pools ot stand
ing water.
Old Liens Outstanding.
Plans for general work by stand
ing committees were held In nboy
anro pending tho filing ot a deflnlto
report as to tho state ot tho city's
finances. Tho city attornoy reportod
that Bond Is 13 months behind on
Its warrants, mentioned that In pay
ment ot bills It Is often necessary to
allow moro than tho faco valuo, to
allow for discount ot warrants. Ho
Bald that non-collection ot improve
ment lions on property Is largely re
sponsible for this condition, and stat
ed that with Recorder D. H. Peoples
he would start collection In tho near
future. Some of the Ileus, ho said,
go back as far as 1912.
In complianco with Instructions re
ceived at tho previous meeting," Mr.
Benson introduced an ordinance pro
viding for two council meetings each
month. Mr. Minter Introduced a
resolution to fix the meeting tlmo at
8 o'clock, with a fino ot $1 tor absent
or tardy codncil mombers. Rules
wore suspended and tho ordinance
Woman PoIIco Officer Named.
For the first time In the history ot
Bend the city will havo a woman
policeman, tho council decided, au
thorizing Chief ot Polico Nixon to
deputize Mrs. Anna E. Curry as a
member of tho force. Tho appoint
ment Is to make possible more ef
fective work in her position as truant
Chlot Nixon appeared boforo tho
council to request an ordinance pro
hibiting the sale of hair tonic and
othor preparations having a high al
coholic content, which bo declares
are being used In Bend as a substi
tute for whiskey. Ho also spoke of
the difficulty of keeping hoys under
21, but over 18, out of pool halls.
Both matters were referred to the
polico committee.
Sprinkling Bill Unpaid.
In a roport submitted by City En
gineer Robort B, Oould, it was
shown that tho city sprinkling hill
tor 1918 was $1531,48 and that
similar work for the year previous
made a total of $2500 still unpaid
by the property owners who had
benefited by tho sprinkling.
Tho council ratified tho appoint
ment by the mayor of Mrs. A. F.
Larson and R. W. Sawyer as mom
bers of the library board. In answer
to u request made by Mrs. E. M.
Thompson and Miss M, E. Coleman,
representing tho Library club, a com
mittee composed of D. 0. McPhor
son, R. P. Minter and 0. Benson was
named to meet with club representa
tives in an endeavor to solve tho
problem of securing now quarters
for'tho library.
A number ot Jotters wero received
asking to leaso tho city disposal
tract. They wero roferred to tho
committee on public proporty.
Try a Bullotln Want Ad, They
get results.
Bulletin Classified Ads for results.
Colonel lrlnjilo Prolines America for
Entering War as a Mutter of
Principle Describe
Llfo at tiio Front.
(From Tuesday's Dally.)
Woorlng tho uniform ot tho High
land soldier, Lloutonant Colonel
John Pringlo, Canadian chaplain,
spoke last night to a capacity crowd
at tho gymnasium, sketching tho his
tory ot tho world war as soon by him
during four years at tho front.
Praising tho inilomltnblo courngo ot
tho allied troops, ho declared that
tho part played by a real Britain was
sometimes underestimated.
Ho quoted figure showing that
while Canada lout 00,000 tnon In ac
tion out ot a total onllstmont . ot
500,000, tho mothor country sus
tained losses totalling 1,250,000 out
ot 6. 250,000 men nctunlly sont over
sons. "Britain saved tho situation
hundreds ot times, first with her
(loot, and afterward with her daunt
loss army that could not learn ttho
meaning ot dofcat," ho said. Ho told
how 130,000 British soldiers had
been pitted in tho early part ot the
war against 800,000 Gorman Invad
ers, and showed tho work ot tho
fleet in tho fact that out ot 20,
000,000 troops convoyed by British
warships only 4394 wero lost nt sea.
"America camo Into tho conflict as
a matter ot prlnclplo, to uphold tho
right," tho spcakor assorted. "This
country had nothing material to
gain, as did tho European nations
engaged In tho war. And after be
coming a belligerent, tho greatost
thing America did wus lo place hor
troops undor General Foch, making
posslblo the scries ot tremendous
blows jvhlch brought tho Germans
to their knees."
Colonel Prlnglo related stories ot
tho training camps and tho trenches,
described tho front lino, tho plac
ing ot bnrbed wlro entanglements,
giving hero and thoro a glimpse of
tho stoical humor ot tho British'
Tommy. Whether In pursuit ot tho
Hun or tho clustvo "cootie," ho de
clared them to bo equally steadfast.
In concluding his address ho
urged that tho lesson ot the war
that pcaco and rlghtcouBriCM are one
ahd tho sarao thing be taken by tho
people of America to bo made a part
ot their dally life. - .
J. Hawkins Napier and F. L.
Young havo formed a partnership
nnd will shortly open a law offlco In
Bend, according to an announcement
nindo hy Mr. Young. ,Mk"NapIer is
now practicing 'In Lakevlew, whoro
ho recently camo from tho south.
Mr. Young Is woll known hero, hav
ing boon nctlvo tor a number ot years
In tho dovolopment ot tho Alkali
lako proporty and having hoadquar
ters at Paisley.
Daily Market Report.
(FurnUhed br arrangement with the
Central Orezon Hank.)
Ono hundred cattle received. Mnr
kot uncflangod.
Prime steers, $12013; good to
choice, $10.25011.26; medium to
good, 8.759.25; fair to medium,
$7.75(98,75; common to fair, $6,76
07.25; cholco cows and heifers,
$9.25010.25; good to choice, $8.75
0$9.75; medium to good, $7,500
8.60; fair to medium, $5.7600.76;
canners, $3.5005; bulls, $009;
calves, $8.50013; stackers and
feeders, $6.6008.60.
Hog Market.
Six hundred hogs received. Mar
ket unchanged,
Prlmo mixed, $16.80017; me
dium mixed, $16.60016.76; rough
heavy, $15016; pigs, $14016,25;
bulk of sales, $16.80,
Sheep Market.
Fifty sheep received. Market
Prime lambs, $13.76 014.25; fair
to medium lambs, $9 011; yearlings,
$10011,60; wethers, $9010; owes,
(Continued from Pago 1.)
that an adjustment of theso con
tracts can bo readily obtainpd.
Great Opportunity Been.
"Tho South unit at tho tlmo whon
tho comparative roport was mado on
tho Deschutes projoct was regarded
as undesirable undor thon existing
conditions, but owing to tho fact that
it contains a largo area ot unentered'.
janas u may now won ue regarueu
n a tho most desirable from tho stand
point ot reclamation hy thu federal
government. This unit contains ap
proximately 48,000 acres ot Irrigable
laud, most ot which Is unentered.
"Tho West unit Ih composed ot ap
proximately 20,000 acres of Irrigable
land, largoly hold In private owner
nhlp. No at ops have boon taken for
thu organization ot thin unit, though
It Is helluved that no difficulty will
ha encountered In organizing the
samo us nn irrigation district. Tho
Htuno opportunity would exist on this
project to secure lands through thu
iltntrlct organization for thu sojdlur
Hottlument plan irn exists on tho
North unit, Tho Investigations
which havo boon made on tho De
schutes project In co-operation with
tho federal goverumuut nnd thu largo
area Involved, much ot It bulng un
entered land, would commend It to
tho favornblu attention ot tlia fed
eral government.
Five miles west of Lnptno on tho
8th of October, two mares, one hay,
11 yearn old, weighing nbout 1300,
branded H on loft stifle; nnd one
black mare, 9 years old, weighing
nbout 1150, branded V undor P.
Both had roaohud manes; also kind
and gontlo. Any information as to
their whereabouts will be thankfully
received. BILL JOHNSON,
42-tfc Powoll Unties, Ore.
(Continued from Pago .1.)
gamo, unless nn onttroly now tlngo
develops during tho next tow weeks.
Ilniul Program I.lkrd
Tho road program seems to havo
a fair chance to "getting along with
out much difficulty, nlthough a
momhor or two sees a chance for
playing politics with this Important
part ot legislation by howling about
tho paving trust nnd throwing out
Inucndoes that tho present highway
commission tins boon flying undor
tho flag of that cupposcdly Iniquit
ous organization. This sort ot po
litical bunk la not setting very woll
with tho majority of members, as
tlruy know that tho hlgllway com
UtsltTa hasn't bean .catering to tho
paving trust, nnd they know that Its
peraonnol Is doing oxaclly all it can,
and has been doing all that it could,
t6 givo to tho people the sort ot a
road development accomplishment
that tho -people want.
When thu accusation Is mndo that
tho paving trust Is having a high
hand undor tho capltol dome, it In
accusing the most solid body ot
fnrmors, professional mon and law
yers that has ovor gotten together
qndor that same domo, of skuldug
gery and trickery, nnd they roscnt
it Thoy nlso resent tho allegation
when directed against three ot tho
stato'n best known citizens and these
allegations are not going to in any
mannor or form disrupt tho greatest
road program which has every been
attempted In Oregon. That much
may ho written down horo -with cer
tainty. Consolidation Ihsiio VtiNcttln
Tho consolidation question Is still
ono which it is too early to predict
much about. Harmony for ono
mlnuto hovers over tho situation
and the. next mlnuto It doesn't hover
so sweetly. There are good chances
for somo concrete consolidation pro
gram being put througlt and thon
ngaln thoro nro good chances that
thore will not ho. Tho samo mem
bers who havo boon trying to Jimmy
around with road legislation havo
lined up with somo pro-concoctcd
plans to pay off political debts and
they want It nil their own way, or
they won't play. Consequently thoro
may bo consolidation and there may
not be. As a matter of fact, as far
as any real genulno economy la con
cerned, it doesn't mnke much dif
ference whethor thoro is or there
isn't. Anyono who has studied the
consolidation question to any extent
knows that tho best that could bo
effected in the saving lino would be
$20,000 or $30,000 a year, and that
sAich a saving would bo based on
tho doubtful proposition ot whether
tho state was not losing moro in
efficiency than it was gaining in
cutting down tho oxpondlture of
But anyway, an nttempt will bo
mado to do somo consolidating, and
that is about all any legislature has
over lone in tho past.'
It may 'bo said it thore Is over
going to he much ot a consolidation
program accomplished it will prob
ably bo dono through tho poople.
Tho averago legislator wants to
consolidate, but tho nvorago legis
lator has vory llttlo Idea about stato
goyornmontal functions, no matter
how honest tls Intentions, and as a
result ho doesn't got fur. About
tho tlmo ho has boon horo 40 days
ho begins to understand that he
doesn't know half us much about
such functions us ho was certain ho
know whon he took bin seat. Con
sequently he drays in hlsiiorpu and
tfidskhY'Jiadn't 'hotter mopkey
with the buzz saw,
Doctor Said "Keep
On Taking Tanlac"
Mrs. Hlenl (Inlim Twenty PoiiihIn
Wants Oother to llo
"I havo not only gained twenty
pounds since I began taking Tnnlao,
hut It has dono mo ho much (good
that my doctor after seeing tho Im
provement this modlulnu hroughti nd
vlxtml mo to keep on taking It," de
clared Mrs, Mary Ideal, ot 619 Day
ton Ave, Seattle, a few days ago,
"I fool so grateful for Tonlno, I
don't know what tosuy," continued
Mrs. Illcnl. "For three years ! suf
fered such agony with my stomach,
thnt I wasn't able to do a thing
around thu house. In fact, I was
hardly ablo to get around at all, 1
completely lost my appetite, , nnd
what I did force down caused mu ho
much pain, I could hardly stand it.
Of course this got my nerves In a
terrtblu condition, and I hnrdly know
what it was to sleep at night. I'd
Just roll and tons until mornlmt.
"At last I 'got so bad off Unit I
was taken to tho hospital, nnd had
an operation performed. I' wmi
there tor live weeks,, and when I
finally 'got back home, I wus a per
fect wreck, I was ho weak I couldn't
move around tho house at all and
had to stay right In bed and my hus
band had to leave his work and wait
an me. 1 had tho bent attention 1
could got hut nothing seemed to glvu
mu any strength and although I
tried and tried to get up and movo
around, It was no use. I was too
weak; 1 Just couldn't do It. Every
body Insisted that I go back to tho
hospital, hut I said: 'No.' I hud
been through so much I Just couldn't
bear tho thought of going hack
there again.
''Then 1 decided to try Tanlac, as
I had heard so much about It and
It's tho honest truth this medicine
did moro for me than 1 over thought
anything could do. I havo taken six
bottles now, and my stomach is In
solendld condition. I have a fino u'p-
petltu and ran eat anything I want
and never tumor tnu least mi attor
wards. "Tanlac certainly has built mo up
wonderfully. Just think, before I
took it, I didn't havn strength enough
to net my own table, and now I can
do every bit ot my house work, even
to tho washing, If necessary,,, and I
sleep like a child and wake up in
tho mornings feeling refreshed and
full of life. I've gained twenty
pounds nnd look so well that my doc
tor told me to keep right on taking
Tanlac, nnd you may bo suro I'm go
ing to do It. I'm glud for everyone
to know whnt Tanlno has dono for
mo and hope tho story of my case
lll help other sufferers to gut tho
samo rellof."
Tanlno Is sold In Bond hy Owl
Drug Co., In Sisters by Oeo. F. Alt
ken, and In Hand by Morton Drug Co.
Ono cant word is all a little Want
Ad will cost you.
P. A. Dovors k Hon, Tumnlo, Ore
gon, nro prepared to winter stock'ut
their place six miles west of Tumnlo.
Ample running water on place.
. Ho Knows Whereof Ha Speak
I V. Ilnrnnr. 41(1 Nnvnrru St.. Ran
Antonio, Tex., writes: "I consider
Foloy's Honey nnd Tar absolutely mo
best cough remedy on tho market, I
know whereof 1 speak, having tried
It in my own family. Your remedy
nets quickly and relief Is permanent'
Good for colds, coughs, croup. Con
tains no opiates. Sold ovorywhoro.
Notlco Is heroby given that thu
City ot Bond tins takon up tho fol
lowing described Ilvo stock, to-wlt:
Ono liorso, color blue or stool gray,
has pair hobbles nround nock, brands
undecipherable. Tho coat ot redeem
ing said ilvo stuck will ho $1.00 per
day in addition to actual expense qX
keeping, together with cost ot ad
vertising. In caso of failure to ro
doom on part of ownor, said Ilvo stock
will ho sold as provided hy the
chartor of tho City ot Bond on tho
24th day ot January nt 3 p. m. at
city pound.
40-7p L. A. W. NIXON,
Kx-Offlclo Poundmastor.
Thdro will bo a special mooting
ot tho stockholders in tho Arnold
Irrigation company nt 1 o'clock on
Saturday, January 25, In tho county
court room in Bend for the purpose
of changing tho by-laws to provide
a now date for tho annual mooting
and to dlscuss'tho formation of an
Irrigation district. 46-7o
Wra. Barnes, San Antonio, Texas,
writes: "Foley's Honey and Tar ban
been worth $60.00 a bottle to mo, I
had 'tho flu,' followed by pneumonia,
which loft mo weak, with a porsistont
cough. The cough hung on, Somo
ono advised Foley's Honoy and Tar.
I have completely recovered and do
not cough at all." Bold everywhere.
Cltulfled advertUinit chant per Imuo SO
cent (or 20 word or Inn. (na cent iier
word for all over 20. All claulfled ndvertUInic
atrletly cali In lidvance..
FOR 8ALI3 60 biiHhols of Roson
rye, a pedigreed winter rye. $ 6'60
por owt, W, N. Ray, Tumnlo, Oro.
FOR SALE Mttlo Poland 'China, ling,
wolght 260 lbs, tillglblo for
register, Price, $40. Don A.
Slaughter, Docuhutetr, Oro, 20j4f
FOR BAIE Nearly now lO-fpot'
Kentucky grain drill, Grass seed
uttaohinent. Aolph 'Kptzauin.
I'lmno 10F13. i 08.47-fiOo
FOIl BALB lOO-uorb roltlifiulnli.
tiient Under good Irrigation sys
tem; It in lies from lleml; clump,
CW.flllvlHt 2IH7-R1U
FOIl BALM- 1100 lino wool owes,
young and In good condition! will
lamb In April, Write or phone
Claude Dunham, Itoborln, Ore,
FOIt SA'M'3 80 nureii laud hnlu'nun
Tumnlo mid Detichiitiw; IH hhureti ,
Bwnlloy dltuhj clear tltln. Turin
lo right party. F. M Hay, owner?- '?
46 Norton Avo., Bond, Ore. Ilox
367. 16-47-Op
FOIt RALU Uookurols from Tan
ered strain (trap ih-hUhI), While
Leghorns, from heavy layers, $2.00
each. Mrs. Nellie O. Hay, 40 Nor
ton Ave., Iliind, Ore. Box 367.
FOIl SALK -160 ncros, all Irrigated,
under Arnold ditch system; 136
acres cultivated, 30 In alfalfa,
clover and timothy? level; deep
soli, froo of rooks; 7-room house,
hum. 2 cisterns. Ilmisoii for sale
am widow. Prlcn reanunahltt. 15
cows and young stock, Mrs, Mary
Knotts, G in llo from Bend, Ore.
FOIt BALM 20 tons good oat buy,
$16.00 per ton. At farm nuxt to
l'lalnvlaw schoolhouse. Gist.
70-450 (1
FOIt BALK 1010 Ford, In goodicon- M
dltlon, with trailer. Will sell for
rash or tako two good milch cow
as part payment. Uoo, B. HoIioMm,
Lower Bridge, Ore, 63-45-6u
FOIl BALI-: 3000 lbs. white beans,
home grown, 8 lbs., for $1.00, De
livered parcels post, cash with
order. Oeo. Junker, Terrebonne,
Oro. 62-463p
FOIt BALK 1017 Chevrolet for
$600.00, Now tiros and In good
running condition, ' Write Box
346, Prlnovlllu, Oregon.
TO TitADB For cow nnd calf, No.
17-450 capacity U. B. cream sepa
rator, practically now. Asa I'rlcli-
TO TitADB 11 ncros commercial
orchard near Spokane to trndyfar
house or whnt havo you? Ilox 33,
Tillamook, Oro. 43-7p
WANTKDTwo Mammoth Bronze
hen turkeys nod a nobbier. Mrs.
Nellie O. Hay, 46 Norton Ave.,
Bend, Ore. Ilox 367. 15-47p
WANTBD Bhoepherder with dog
wants Job with responsible, sheep
man at fair wages. Add reus Slump
herder, Box 217, Bund, Ore.
WANTBD Oood milch cow nnd six
hens. Must 'bo reasonable for
cash. Mrs. J. Qulgloy, Brooks
Bcanlon Camp 1. 03-46-7p
WANTBD Dressed moat, hags, veal,
mutton, lambs, young goat nnd
hoof, all kinds of poultry. Will
obtain tho highest price. Our
commission for selling, 5 per cent.
per cent. I
Co.. IU fl y I
C8.45-7P C
Wrlto for tag. Doges &
Front St. Cap. stock, $20.
Aisr -srsssvs
Savo money and Insure with Ore
gon Flro Relief, reliable, mutual.
Ask for rate. C. J, Hoskln.
agent, Iledmond. 69-4 56p
TAKKN UP --Camo to my place, 7
miles Dfist of Bend, about Nov. 1,
1018, ono muley roan cow and
cult and ono red, whlto-fnco, two
yeurold steer with horns. None ot
animals have brand that are vis
ible, excopl steer ha right ear
cropped. Ownor may havo said
stock hy proving and paying ex
penses. J, II. Ovurturf, Bund. Ore.
2 0-4 7c
TAKBN UP Ono Jorsoy helfor, orto
yoar old, with undecipherable
brand on loft hip, and ono rod and
white stoor with no brand or mark.
Inqulro Otto Knenemeyer. 6 miles
northeast ot Bond on Prlnovlllu
rosd. 09-40p47tfo
Address O.' L. Moore, Pros., or
0. II Slack, Hoc, Bond Cattle Assn.,
Rend, Ore.
Brand M left hip, swallow fork loft
Brand C 0 8 loft hip.
Brand box right hip, both ears
split. ,
Brand M II left side, undor hit
both ears.
Brand brldlo hit or rnvorso O-H-O
connoctod, left onr split, wattle loft
side nose,
Brand writing C N connoctod Jolt
shoulder, right oar cut off, hole" in
Brand crescent rovorso B IC con
nected right sldo, right ear cut oft
uud double split.
Brand 3 lazy II loft hip, ft
Brand lazy J 11 right hip, both
oars cut off.
Brand M H connected over crescent
on left hip or right side, swallow
fork both ears.
Brund milk bottlo loft flank.
Brand II C connected left hip.
Brund F. bar luzy 8 on hip.
Brand bar L bar T connoctod loft
hip, undor bit both ears.
Brand writing A t connected or
o v t connected loft sldo, under hit
both cars,
Brand L C right hip, loft oar spMt.
Brand Y right nock or crooked
stick loft hip, wnttlu undor chin.
Brand J left hip. 47-80
Brand Directory
Mllllcwu, Oregon, p
Right side; right oar crop
ped ;"wBttB right hind log,
11. JL, TONK, Bisters, Oro.
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