The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 23, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Page 6, Image 6

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    nwNi bumictix, hkni, orroon, tiujhrday, January,
:i into
JJlbcrt 5 'Depew
Et-Gunncr and CKlfl P(tr Officer,
U.S. Ntt Mmbr ol lh Foiln
fUglon ol Franc CapUln Cun
Tumi. French lUttUihlp CmmI--Winnwot
U Croix da Quaint
rirljhV 11. by HelUr ol Ilrltlon Ox, Throath
flplU.Arrui(mN)t With IDs Oorx
ItiuuK Aaunt brle.
Tho concussions felt llko ono long
Ftring of boxes on tho car, nnd our
throats wcro so dry that It hurt to
rwallow, which always makes your
rare feci better after a strong concus
elon. Ono after another of our bojs
was slipping to tho grouud and digging
his fists Into his ears, and tho rest of
them Pat on tho parapet Are step with
their heads between their knees and
their arms wrapped around their
Onr sergeant came to me after a
while and began acting Just llko
people do at n show, only he shouted
Instead of whispered In my car. When
people are looking at one show they
always want to tell you how good some
other show Is, and that was the way
with tho sergeant. ,
Xou should seo what they did to
us at St Klol," ho said. "They Just
baptized us with the big fellows. They
did not know when to stop.' When you
see shelling that Is shelling, you will
know It, my sop."
"Well, If this Is not shelling, whnt
tho devil Is It? Are they trying to
kid us or are yon, mon vlcuxf which
Is a French expression that means
something like "old timer."
"My son, when you 6cc dugouts
caved In, roads pushed all over the
map, guns wrecked, bodies twisted up
In knots and forty men killed by one
shell then you will know you are
seeing shelling."
Then one of our men sat up straight
against the parapet and stared at us
and began to shako all over, but we
could not get htm to say anything or
move. So we knew ho had shell shock.
And another man watched him for a
while, and then ho began to shake,
too. Tho sergeant said that If we
stayed there much longer we would
not bo fit to repel an attack, so he
ordered us Into tho two dugouts we
had made In the hole, and only himself
and another man stayed outsido on
Tho men In the dugout kept asking
each other when the bombardment
would end, and why we were not rein
forced, and what was happening, and
whether the Turks would attack us. It
was easy to seo why we were not rein
forced no body of men could have
sot to us from the reserve trenches.
Tho communication trenches were
quite a distance from us and were
battered up at that Some of the men
said we had been forgotten and that
the rest of our troops had either re
tired or advanced und that wo nnd
the men in tho trench who had tried
to signal us were the only detachments
left there.
Pretty soon another man and I
relieved the two men who were out
side on watch, and as be went down
into the dugout the sergeant shouted
to us that he thought the Turks were
afraid to attack, lie also ordered one
of us to keep a live eye toward our
rear In case any of our troops should
try to signal us. When I looked
through a llttlo gully at the top of
tho hole, toward the other trench, "
I could see was barbed wire and
smoke and two or three corpses. I
began to shiver a little, and I was
afraid I would get shell shock, too.
So I began to think about Murray and
how ho looked when they took him
off tho wall. But that did not stop the
shivering, so I thought about my grand
mother and how she looked the lost
tlmo I saw her. I was thinking about
her, I guess, and not keeping a very
good lookout, when a man rolled over
the edge and almost fell on me. lie
was from the other trenches. I carried
him Into the dugout and then went out
again and stood my watch until the
relief came. We were doing half-hour
When I got into tho dugout again
the man was coming to. He was Just
about as near shell shock as I had
been by this time I was shivering
oaly once in a while, when I did not
watch myself. Uo said four men had
been sliced, up trying to got
$500,000 $2,000,000
NONE $100,000
brick? BEND
fore he earner tlmt they hod lost;
11 men out of their US, Including tho
sergeant-major In commond nnd two t0 climb In mid out of n shell hole,
(corporals; that they wcro nlmost out f nnil parts of them were blocked wliero
of nmmunltlonj tlmt the trenches on L t,ell i,nd caved In tho wall. In otlo
both Bides of them hud been blown In ,,inco i nw corpses all torn to pieces,
and tlmt they wcro likely to go to 80 I know tho Turks bud found tho
pieces nt any niivnent. Ho sold theyJrnngo and had got to thin trench In
nil thought the Turks would attack srpnt shape. At another place 1 found
behind their barrage, for ho said tho i lots of blood and equipment but no
curtain of lire did not extend more ; bodies, ' mul I tlRiircd that reinforce
: than n hundred yards In front of their tnetita bud been anight at this spot nimi iiivj uim.u us ill uu
was to relay n man back with the
news and either got tho word to ad
vance or retlro or nwnlt reinforce
ments, they did not care which only
to bo ordered to ito something. There
twas not n commissioned ofllcer left
! with cither of tho detachments, you
Ueo, nnd you might say we wero up
In tho air only wo wero really as far
in tut; fiivuuu as nw viiuiu &vw
Tho man thought there were other
of our lines not far behind us, but wo
knew better; so then ho said be did
not see how any one could get tynck
from thero to our nearest lines. I
did not seo either. Then We nil tig
nrcd we wcro forgotten and would not
route out of thero alive, and you enn
believe me or not, but I dirt nut much
rare. Anything would be better than
Just staying there In that awful noise
with nothing to do, and no water.
Our sergeant said he would not nsk
any man to attempt to carry the mes
sage, because he said It was not only
certain death, but absolutely useless.
And he began to show that ho was
near shell shock himself.
Then I began to shiver again, nnd I
thought to myself that anything would
be better than sitting In this hole wait
ing to go "enfard," so I decided to vol
unteer. I did not think thero was any
chanco to get through, but it seemed
as if I Just had to do something, no
matter what. I bad never felt that
way before, and had never been
anxious to "go west" with a shell for
company, but I have felt that wny
since then several times, I cun tell
The man was telling us that somoj
time before they had seen tho Turks
bringing up ammunition from soma
storehouses, but they did not come
. V. ..... I
anywhere near. He said their sergeant
wanted our messenger to tell them
that, too. Ho would say n few words
very fast, then he would shiver again,
and his Jaws would clip together and
ho would try to ralso his hand, but
could not.
Then our sergeant asked tho name
of tho other sergeant, and when tho
man told him he said tho man was
senior to himself nnd therefore in
command and would have to be obeyed.
lie seemed to cheer up n lot after
ho said this end did not shiver any
more, so I thought I would volunteer
then, so I said to him, "Well, mon
vleur, do you think we aro seeing real
shelling now?" And then I wns going
to say I would go, but be looked nt
me In a funny way for a second and
then said, "Well, my son, suppose you
go and find out"
I thought ho was kidding roe at first,
but then I saw he meant it I thought
two tilings about It one was that any-
thing wns better than stnylng there,
and the other was that the old dugout
was a pretty fulr place after all. But
I did not say anything to the ser
geant or the other men Just went
out of the dugout Tho sergeant and
pnother man went with me and boost
ed me over the back wall of the hole.
I lay flat on the ground for n minute to
get my bearings, aud then started off.
I set my course for where I thought
the communication trenches were, to
the rlcht and I just stood up and ran,
for I figured that as the snclls were
falling so thick and It wus open
ground I would not have any better
chance If I crawled.
I tripped several times und went
down, and each time thought I was
hit, because when I got It In the thigh
at Dlxnyido it felt a good deal as
though I bad tripped over a rope.
And one time when I fell a shell ex
ploded near me and I began to shiver
again, and I could not go on for a
long time. All this time I did not
think I would get through, but finally. ,
when I reached what had been the ,
communication trench I felt I had
done tho worst part of It, and I began
to wish very bard that I would get
through I was not at all crazy about
going west
The mouth of the communication
trench had been buttered In and the
trenches It Joined with were all filled
up. There wero rifles sticking out
of them In several places, and I
thought probably the men had been
burled alive In them. But it was too
late then, If thcy had been caught, so
I climbed over the blocked entrance to
the communication trench and started
back along it It led up through a sort
of gully, nnd I thought It wus a bad
place to dig a communication trench
In homiiRQ it cavo tho Turks somo-
J thing llko thoRldo. of irfilinoTmooFaf.
Every onco In while T would hnvn
nlm fltnt tllOy Imtl retired, ttlKIIIg tneir
casualties with them.
Tho Turks still had tho range, nnd
they wcro sending "n Miell Into thu
trench every onco In n while, nnd I
was knocked down again, though tho
shell was so far nwny that It knocked
mo down with force of habit more
than anything else. I felt dizzy ami
shivered a lot, nnd kept trying to think
of Murray or anything else but inyself.
So finally I got to tho top of tho
llttlo hilt over which tho gully ran,
And on tho other sldo I felt almost
safe. Just down from tho crest of tho
hill was one of our artillery positions,
with tho good old '75" giving It to the
Turks as fast as they could. I told
tho artillery officers what had hap
pened, had n drink of water and
thought I would tnko n nap. Hut when
they telephoned tho message back to
division headquarters tho man at the
receiver said something to tho olllccr
and be told me to stay there and be
ready. I thought sur'o he would send
mo back to whero I ciuno from and
I knew I never could mnke It again,
but I did not say, any thing.
When I looked around I saw that
our real position wus to tho right of
i whero the artillery was, and that thero
were three Hues of trenches with
French Infantry In them. So tho
trenches I had come from wcro more
llko outposts than anything else, nnd
were cut off. I felt pretty sure, then,
that the boys In them would never
como back alive, because as soon ns
their fire let up the Turks would ad
vance, nnd to keep them back our guns
would bavo to wlpo out our men, nnd
it they did not, tho Turks would. At
first I was glad 1 had come out, but
then I remembered what Uio artillery
umcvr Jinu wim nun i iiKun-u i uuiu
Davo t0 0 ,)ack nml Btuy .,, hem
ofllcer had said and I figured I would
or bring them back. Either way there
was not ono chance In a hundred that
any of us would mako It. Becauso
when I got through It was really Just
a rolraclo and nobody would have
thought It could happen.
Then tho olllccr told mo to go bock
to tho beach, whero our naval guns
were, and that I was detailed to them.
May ho you do not think I wus glud?
But there was rough work still nhead
of me, because when I got behind tho
third lino I saw n wide open field that
was light gray from tho shell smoko
banging over It, and I could see tho
flashes where tho big ones wcro doing
their work, and I had to go through
that field.
I fell tlmo and again, sometimes
when I thought a shell wan near, and
sometimes when 1 had no reason for
It only I wns thirsty ugaln, nnd wns
shivering all the time, ' and was so'
weak I could not have choked n gold-
flj,. I do not remember hardly any
thing about going through that Held.
and you might say tho next thing I
knew was when I wok overtaken by
a dispatch runner, nnd got In u tin
tub nt the side of a motorcycle, nnd
was taken to tho guns.
I felt ready for a Hip Van Wlnklo
nap then, but the officer In command
would not let me. Ho said they wero
short of gunners the terrific shelling
had killed off dozens of them and us
ho knew I could point a gun ho bad
ordered them over tho telephone to
get mo to tho bench as fust as possi
ble. JIo spotted Uio two warehouses
I have spoken of for mo and said It
was up to us to put them out of com
mission. Tho gun was a 14-Inch naval,
and that looked good to me, so I
bucked up n lot. Tho warehouses wcro
about 10 or 11 miles uway, I should
judge, and about 30 or 40 yards apart
I felt very weak, as I havo said,
and shivered every onco In a while,
on V ,11,1 nnt flilrtlr T fntilil li mutfi
, worth whll)l,lnt. nt. Bot thcy
,,,,, fl, ,,, -m.i.,-1, nni1 ,.,, ,,i.
loaded the old 14-Inch and mado rendy
nnd wo got tho rango and all was set
Tho ofllcer told mo, to lot her ride.
So I said to myself, "This Is ono for
you, Murray, old boy, Let's go from
So I sent that one along and sho
landed direct and the warehouse went
up In Are and smoke. I felt good then,
nnd I laid tho wires on tho other ware- j
houso and let her go. But sho was too
high and I mado a clean miss. ' Then
I was mad, becauso I bad sent that
one over for myself. So I got tho cross
wires on tho warehouse ugaln and,
I said to myself, "This Is not for any
body, Just for luck, becauso I uuro
havo had plenty of It today."
Then tho Julco came through tho
wires nnd Inlo thu charge, nnd away
sho went, and up wont tho socond
warehouse.. Tlmt iiiiulo two directs out
of three, iiitd I guess It hurt tho T'lH''
somo tn lose nil their niiiimiittttnn.
Tho olllcor kissed mo beforo I could
duck tuul shipped mo on tho hack mill
1 keeled over, I was Just all In,
They brought mo to with rum, mid
they said I wan Hinging when I cniuo
to. AVIioii tlmy tried to sing, to show
mo what song It was, I figured lt.wim
"Sweet Adeline" they meant. But I
do not believe I cumo to, singing, be
cause I nuvor sang "Sweet Adeline"
L before, tlmt I know of, or any other
snug when nnyjiody wan In rango. But
I heard It lois of times, ho maybo 1
did Hlug It at that
Then I went to sleep feeling fine.
Tho next morning thu detachment,
from tho Onward wan withdrawn, and
I saw somo of the men who hud been
In tho two trenches, but I wns not
near enough to speak Hi them. So 1
do not know how they got out
You never sitw n happier bunch In
your life than wo wero when wo piled
into the lifeboats and started 'for the
Cassard. Tho old ship looked pretty
good to us, you can bet, and wo snld
If wo never put our hoofs on that place
ngaln It would bo soon enough.
Wo wcro shelled on our wny out to
tho Cassard, and ono boat wns over
turned, but tho men wero rescued.
Two men In tho launch I was In wero
wounded. But we did not pay any
attention to tlmt shelling tho Turks
might Just an well have been blowing
pens at un through a soda straw for
till wo cared.
I noticed that when wo cumo near
tho Cusxnrd tho other boats held up
and let our launch get Into tho lend,
and that wo circled around thu Can
sard's bows und cauio up on tho stur-
board side, which was tiniisimt. But
I did not think anything of It until I
enmo over the hide. Thero wero tho
sldo boys lined up, and tho Old Man
was there, with the ship's steward
beside him.
He took tho log book from tho stew
ard and showed It to me, and thero
wns my iiomo on It. Now when yoa
nro punished for anything you aro
logged, but I could not figure out what
I bad dono to get punished for, so I
was very much surprised. But tho
Old Mnn stripped mo on tho back mid
everybody cheered, nnd then I saw It
was not punishment but Just tho op
posite. When peoplo ask mo what I havo
received my decoration for (Croix do
Guerre), I tell them I do not rightly
know, and that Is a fact I do not
know whether It wns for going back
from thoso trenches or for destroying
the storehouses. So I nlwnys tell them
I got It for working overtime. That
Is what tho Limeys say, or If thcy
have the Victoria cross they say they
got It for being very careless. Ask
ono of them mid sec.
All of us wero certainly glad to bo
aboard tho Cassard again, nnd If any
place ever looked llko homo to mo It
was tho old ship. Our disunities wero
very high and wo were thercforo or
dered to put back to Brest Wo hail
n great llttlo celebration that night,
and next morning weighed anchor anil
started back, after clearing for action.
I wns still pretty blue about Mur
ray, but very much relieved ns to tho
safety of myiwn skin, utid I figured
that after tho Dardanelles nnd mylnst
day thero they had not made tho right
bullet for me yet Tho rest of us felt
about tho same way und wo wcro sing
ing ull tho time.
(To Bo Continued.)
(From Saturday's Dally.' '
Tho Neodlocraft club met with
Mrs. V. C. Clovolaud Friday cftor
noon and resumed their work for tho
Bed Cross. Tho club will meet with
Mrs. Oeorgo Sellurs next Krlduy,
January 24,
Cut This Out It Is Worth Money,
DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this
slip, cncloso with Cc to Foley & Co,,
2835 Shoffleld Avo., Chicago, III.,
writing your name and address
clearly. You will recolva In return
a trial package containing Foloy's
Honey and Tnr Compound, for
coughs, colds and croup, Foloy Kid
ney Pills and Folpy Cathartic Tablets,
Sold everywhere. Adv.
Justlco of tho Peuco J, A. Kastes
haudwd down a decision for tho
plaintiff todny In tho cuso of II, B.
Bukor vs. John Ilynn, awurdlng 00
damages ulleged to havo been cuused
to Mr. Baker's rosldenco property by
stock bolonglng to tho defendant.
Tho caso was heard yewtorday. A
similar complaint, lodged by K. E.
Sawyer, Ib still pending.
WJ)IB8! '?'
AA lrcrtl
r Uraccbt for ClII-CIIKrVTKK
Colo metallic boitt, sealed with Blu
kjddoo. TAII MO OTBII, Vnvsrjcar
BraMlll ui uk f CMI.CM2S.TA1I
llllOHU BH AND PIL.LS. for twtntr-fl
yctri regarded Uctt,8(Mt, Almuyt KclUblc.
Tho Intelligent trontmoiit mid pre
vention of Spanish Inllueiiza In out
lluod In a pamuhlot. Iionied by thu
war diiimrtinont of tho United States,
a copy ot which bus Just bean re
eolved hero. Chief among tho sug
gestions made itro tho 'following!
Whan takon ill consult n medical
olllcor without delay mid follow IiIh
Gargle Jhroat every two or throo
hours with warm suit water (small
tcuspoontu' to tho glass) or any mild
nntlsoplto solution.
Uso carbolatod vnsullno lu nostrils
at bedtlmo.
Breathe through nono always, nnd
whan snoozing or . coughing, bold
hmidkerchluf, gnuio or cloth to nono
nnd month, to ho destroyed or dis
infected (by boiling) itttor using,
Avoid crowds or usHombluKCH of
peoplo Indoors ns much nn pnnslblu
during prevalence ot any (IIsquho In
opldomla form. You might bo u
it I'ltr.K CONTKST IH lll'INO
(From Friday's Dally.)
As n feature of the obiervauco of
Thrift Day In llend thu students of
the high school will glvo n special
thrift program at 2:30 o'clock, Mon
day, February 3, It was announced
today. It Is planned to bavo ad
dresses on various Aspects of the
main subject nnd tentative arrange
ments are being made for n prize
composition contest with thrift as
tho subject for tho writers.
A definite program will bo ready
within u few day, Principal Johnson
Former I'rrahltMil Ono of tlio Grout
Men of All Tlmo lltvlhro Speaker
nt Hporhil 'crclNf).
Lauding Theodore Koosovolt ns
ono of tho grout men of all time,
City School Superintendent Monro
spoke yesterday nftorunon nt tho
high school auditorium at tho exer
cises hold In memory of tho former
American president. To tho students
Mr. Monro pointed nut that Uooso
volt's nntural ability had been ru
enforced by education.
Iiach of tho classes of tho high
school wns represented. by a speaker,
the following uddresses being given
by members of tho student body:
"Tho Karly Llfo and 'Education ot
lloosovolt," Krvln McNeil.
"ItooMovelt's Knrly Public Life,"
Margaret Ilnabnlt.
"Ilooxovelt tho Bulldor," Bruco
"The Later Years ot lloosovolt,"
Bomnlno Nicholson,
"Hoosovelt's Contributions to Lit
erature," Dovoro Holfrlch,.
In tho musical part of tho pro
gram n vocal solo "by Joyco Wood
was given, and selections wero given
by tho high school doublo quartet.
Tho audience Joined In singing
"America" uu the concluding num
ber. 444TU44K
Call und sec ,
"currier" and thus Infect otliorn nt
n tlmo when you mtidit not foul vury
sick youiHolf,'
Vuutlliito woll, day mid night, thu
room you occupy, but avoid driiflu
at all Union.
llomovo wrnpH on antorlug u room
comfortably boated when reijulrod to
remain thuro for a whllo.
When hoarse or troubled with soro
throat or an ucuto cold, talk nn llttlo
nn, pnnnlblu outdoors, imnoclully at
Don't forget Mint tho so-called
"Spanish Inllueiuii" now prevailing
In mi onldomlo form In certain partii
ot the country In exactly tho sumo
typo ot dlsnano which first cutnu to
tho United States from Ilussln In
1888, and has recurred nt Irrugulnr
Intvrvnlu epidemically nluco (hat
time, but that tho physlclmis at to
day undurstiiiid It butler mid treat
It inoro successfully now than then,
If you will but consult thum curly
und obey them Implicitly.
Dl'HTUY IN lll'ND.
(From Saturday's Dally.'
If thu Wilbur Woolen Mill plant In
moved herufrom Sluytnii, as Is pro
posed In negotiations now being
carried on between tho company and
tho llend Commercial club, thero will
be no difficulty In securing n proper
locution for tho now industry for u
M-lol site has been already tend
ered ns an out and out lft by John
Steldl. The offer mado by Mr. Bteldl
was disclosed today by T. II. Foloy,
president of tho Commercial club.
Tho tract which Mr. Steldl would
donate Is In Lytlo acres, close to tho
cinder road with power, water mid
sower connections within eusy rach.
In addition tho main railroad lino
could easily bo tupped by tho con-j-.
structlon of a short spur. ' '
.Mr. Stoldl's offer will probably not
be acted upon definitely until final
action on the proposed mill Is taken
by tho club directors.
IIUHbaiid mid I'lglit Children LrU to
.Mourn--Funeral KervlreM to
Bo Held Tomorrow.
(From Saturday's Dally,
After a brief attack ot Inlluoniu,
following n protracted Illness of sev
eral months, Mrs. Churlotto It, Car- Y
tcr, wife of Joseph C. Carter of thin
city, died at tho family rosldenco nt
11:41! o'clock last -light, aged 58
years. Funeral services will be held
tomorrow from tho Nlswonger
chapel, Itov. 11, C. Hartranft ot tho
Prcsbytorlun church officiating.
In uddltlon to hor husband, Mrs.
Carter Is survived by eight nous mid
daughters, us follows: James, Henry
nnd Frank Carter of Bend, Mrs.
Kthril Cnrnlno of Bond, Mrs. Suslo
Anderson, Colfax, Washington; Mrs.
Anna Ilouory ot Vole, and Mary ami
Daisy Carter of Bend,
Tho Sundny school board ot tho
Methodist Sunday school mot last
night and elected tho following offi
cers to servo this year:
Superintendent, j, o. ailson:
assistant superintendent, Orvlllo
Brown; cradle roll superintendent.
Mrs. M. P, 1 toy nobis; homo depart
ment Hupurlntondunt. Mrs. Chariot
Nlswonger; missionary Htiparlutond-
out, Mrs. W, C, Btowurt;' soerotary.
Miss Hazel Hazluton; tronsurer, 13.
0, Snydor; organist, Miss Nolta Huz-
loton; chorister, Mrs. J, W. MoDon
ald. Touchers: Mon'a blblo class. J.
O, Hawkins; women's blblo class,
Mrs. J, W. McDonald; young pooplon
blblo class, N. S. Olson; boy's Intor
modlato, Floyd' JtoynoldH: kIHs' In.
tormodlato cIubb, (Mrs. H. a Snydor? t.
girls' Junior, Mrs. II. Howard nnd ?
Mrs. Reynolds; boys' Junior. Mrs. J.
Alton Thompson: primary class. Mis
M, A, Thompson; boglnner's class,
Mrs. mhos and MUs Mildred