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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 23, 1919)
-tf,f- 1 .1, f V & YOU KNOW THAT WE MjXJ GERMANY WHEN YOU SBII THIS PICTURE YOU WILL KNOW HOW IT WAS DONB, l)y ipecM tjryritfeinriit with ilia Government ve will aliow at our regular pri'oei Ni'kIiU, 1 fo and 25o Matinee, lOcandaOo-DONTMISSlTI Wednesday and Thursday, Jan,, 29-30 Matinee Wednosdoy at Pour Oclock raw JifJiAiiritTJJi rciauMmma TUB VUUAUIEB LOCAL NEWS ITEMS (From Wednesday's Osllv.) II. Wlthycombo lit In from Molollus today. Dr. Ilnrry Mooro ruturtiod to lfuntl yesterday from n trip to Kugmiu. A. J. ICroonorl Iiiih returned from n trip to 1'ortlnnd. A. F. La mon Ih remaining In Port land for tlio remainder of tho woek.! Gixirgo Sodgowlck nnil Max Cun ning worn In llunil from Itedmond yeatordny. George I'. Hornier of I'rlnovllla In NpuuitltiK tlio ilny In ilend looking after business interests. Fred H. Htnnloy has returned to Iftonchutes after apundliiK tho lioll-' ' Hugh O'Knnu la buck In Ilond nftor it trip of several days to, tho Willamette vnlluy. Tho Deschutes national forestry service la enlarging Ita office in tho Klral National Hank building, to provldo for Increase In business. A a 'tint result of tho recent oxainln-J ntlon horo, teachers' certificates wuro 4rocolvud today for Mr. Ituth Htuv mm, Minn Mildred Morsdorf, Mm. (lion Hlnck nud Miss Vera Shorwood, Tho Ladle of tho llaptlal church will hold food salo In Pomunt'a Gro cery Htoro Saturduy, Jan. 25. (From Thursday's Dally.) Lowls Kulght of I'rlnnvlllo wur n liualncaa visitor In tho city today. Forest Itnuaor C. D. Springer was In Ilond today from Creacunt, K. I., Clark In In tho city from hi homo at I.u 1'lno. II. J. Ovorturf roturncd to Ilond thin morning nftor uttondliiK thu Ir rlKntlon congress In Portland. . 0, II, Ilakor Ih III with Influenza, tntt r a itti iliirlmr )tl rtittif I rlti In V Portland. Mlas Ida Hodman of Culvor In nt thu Ilond HurKlcnl hospital recover InK from un operation for appendi citis. Mm. A. J. Hodge will return to Culver tomorrow, uftor having been , In Hoild thu pual month for medical treatment. Dlatrlct Attorney II. II. Da Armoiid roturned thin mornliiK from Port land, whoro ho went luat weuk to attend tho stato IrrlRntloti coiiKrvak. Tho Infant aon of Mr. nnd Nth. Ouy Moltoynoldu, horn 10 days ago,, i dlod nt 4:10 thla morning. Funoral, service woro hold thla afternoon. , Mm. Kv M, Gashar was called to Portland Inst nlKh't by h teluKram HtatliiK that la or daughter and daughter-in-law aro sorioualy III with in $' Jluonzn, (From Friday's Dally.) Mm, A. H, Donahue of La Pino iu a visitor In tho olty today, J. II. Upton of Prluuvlllo wua in tho city today on biiHlnesa, Mlchaul Murphy of Sllvor Lnko In apundliiK tho day In lluud. Advance Are beginning to come Ivtf- New Models in Copen, Tan, informal' wear. Very reasonably priced at $ 1 9.50 to $33.50. h Ms .-) n V I'M 4(1 I w-w -.ii . OISKIIsi THB U. 8. QOVBnNMKNT PRCOCNTS THE SECOND ' OFFICIAL WAR PICTURE. ITW Of yutmCA'S rutST MAR IN m fllKtOWAR "FOUOWINGTHEFIAGTO FRANCE f Offered by the Division or Films coMMirrnn on public information; mSS!iS!a' Taktn by th U. 6. Signal Corpt,.A. B. P.,byonlr of dinars) John J. PtranlR(' JU J. ('. Dodaon, Ouy W. Ingram and Tom Kutton oC Prlnovlllo aro In tho city today 12. n. Owaliy arid Chester Downs arrlvod In tho city thla morning from DuVna. ( August Anderson loft thla morn Ine'for Portland to utteiid thu Hhriiiu convention. nll, C. Kills, J. I). 1. (Larson woro ami Davidson and A. tnona .those IoiivIiik lo'tiiy to attend thu gathering of tho HhrTnern In -Portland. Lieutenant II, A. Htovor, formerly of thu offlcu forco of thu Flrat Nutlonal Hank la expected to nrrlvo In Ilend tomorrow (o frlunda In thla city. W. T. Andrews, IorrIiiic engineer for tho Unltod Statea foreatry service, rut timed to dlatrlct headquarter! nt Portland lnsl night after spending thu paat week Inspecting tho timber on thu III Illver water abed. (From Saturday's Dally.', 7'!F. JI. Wllllama la in from Summer Lttko today. Mm. W. II. Snook of Madras waa In tho city laat night. ' I. J. Cavandur of Duma spent laat night In Ilend.' "Mra. Hattlo Clark and Mrs. Nelda Woodnrd of Hummer Lake nru vlall ors In Ilond today. Mm. W. W. Faulkner will leave tomorrow night to mnko hur homo In Ilosuburi;. S. H. Kulaoti and Van Morao of Itcdmond wero vlillors In Ilend last night. , Mlas I.ucllo Rnydnr la u now mom Ver of fho office forco at tho Des chutc.1 national forest hcadquartura horo. " Kugono Young, Fred I.ucaa mid Jack Ilny oh woro among thoao from lleud ntteudliiK tho dauco at Torro bonno luat night. Mr, and Mrs. J. A, Eustoa nru making their homo nt tho II. II, Do Arraond resilience, turning 'over their houao to Mlaa Darl Uurtou, who has boon taken III with lufluonza. (From Monday's Daily.) Judgo II. C. Kills roturncd to Pond this morning from Portland, Mr. and 'Mr. 4, Churlen Smllh loft on tho morning train for Tho Dalles. Mlas Nolllo Halatou of Terrebonuo la vlaltiug Airs. V, P. Wray tills wouk. II. A, Muruska of Sliver Lnko 11 in tho city. , I), McArthur of Madras was n wuok-und visitor tu tho city. J, J. Simpson of Lnko vlow Is n huslnosS visitor in Hand today. Con Ilroon and Tim Carroll uro in from Alfalfa today. ( Mrs. H. D. I)rowor, 13, L. Pltchr nnd II. IS'. Aldrlch woro In ovor tho wook-oud from Sllvor Lake, County Judgo W. D, Ilarnea nud CommlBslonor Miller roturncd from Portland this morning. Dr. J. 0. Vnndovort roturncd to Ilond thu morning from Portland, Styles in Silk Dresses express. Our New York buyer has sent us several clever Burgui ndy,-Navy and Black, t v. MTTT'i 1 TTTTr-yi il-ni5l VMlW lilMM WXWM. . . to 7mT'inr , MSTIN, IlKND, OrtKOON, whoro ho attended (ho Hhrlnnrs' con vonllon. Mrs. W. 1L Ilond and Ms, W, W. Fatilknor will lonvo (his ovonlng for lloaoburg, whoro vMrs, lluud will visit her (laiightor, Ituth IIuiirli)iiu6l left Innt ovonlng for .Minneapolis nud St, Paul, whoro nlio will nt inly thu spring mlllliiury styles for n local mllllnory storo. Oho was accompanied by hur sister, Mrs, Ceo, KrloiiHon, Mr, and Mrs. If, N Lynn wero In from Ln Pino on Saturday on tholr way to Cooluy City, Washington, whoro thoy expect to start u nowa paper, Mr. Lynn, wits formerly ptib llnlier of tho La Pino Inter-Maun tain, Hugh II, Ilraden, II. II. Lamping nnd V, H. Speck wuro among tho Ilond Masons who nttondod, tho Vic tory seoiiloii bt M Ifddttr1 tomplo Irf Portland, Mrs, John Coc, whoso husband, a former omploy of llrooks-Scanlon, dlod recently, haa written from Weed, Cat., to tho effect that sho has recolved tho 11000 Insuranco carried by tho llrooks-Scanlon Lumber com" puny for its employes, Leonard McFadden of Torrobonno, who has been serving In Uat. D, 340 Field Artillery, 01st Division, lias arrived safely in Now York, ac cording to a message, received hero by his sister, Mrs. V. P. Wray. Fred N, Wallaco of Tumalo, re turning from Portland last night, suffered an attack of pleurisy, and Is now ut tho Pilot lluttu Inn. Mrs. Wallaco Is with him. (From Tuesday's Dally.) H. L. Clark of Ln Pino Is a busi ness visitor In Ilend today. J. D. Davidson returned to Dond this morning from 11 trip to Portland. J. J. Dlllugor was In tho city last night from his homo In Te'rrebonuu. Ladles of tho Ilaptlst church wjll moot at S o'clock Thursday afternoon at tho homo or Mrs. T. II. Foley, Matt and Peter Itabor arrlvod in Ilond Inst night from Fort Hock, and are romalnlng over today. Mrs. M. Kotzinan loft last night to attend tho funoral of her "brother, Manuol Ingram, who died 8jtturdaV night of Influenza.- - -isii" Mrs. L. L. Fox will entertain tho Ladles? Aid of tho Methodist Episco pal church Thursday afternoon, Jan uary 23. All members and their frlonds aro Invited to bring their work. Members of tho Library club will hold an important meeting at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon at tho Ilond public library. All ladies who aro Interested In tho work of tho club aro Invited to attend. .- . Four chairs at your service at the Metropolitan. No waiting. Adv. Cold Weather Suggests suitable for afternoon and iu:ni nui, j YOUR DRUG STORE Face Cream I Wo havo n full lino H at rlKht.prlcoa I Juit Remember I Magill & Erskine I O'KANK I1UILD1NC- M Our Pf ociiption Department u Complete HI In Every DeU'J. I YOUR DRUGSTORE -r--tj-m--a---taasr---a-as-SMa----a--- A STORE tiUU y 4 . fc. TIIUII.HDAY, JANUAHY.'affl 1010 Shoe Soap Kid We do not hesitate to recommend shoes mndc of this wonderful kid leather. We know y o will he pleased with the New, Fashionable, Comfortable Style we ofFcr. "Shoe Soap Kid" means shoes that will wear longer, look better and feel more comfortable. The Queen Quality endorsement should be sufficient evidence; you will never see Queen Quality in connection with any questionable-shoe product. rl. Our Shoe Department led all , K if you buy Jr M LOYAL LEGION REPORTGIVEN OUTUNI-J OF-AIMS OF OUOAXI7 TIO.V MADK I1Y KMI'IiOYi: 3IKM JIKRH WHO ATTKXDKI) IIKCKNT lKJUTLAM) CO.VVKXTIOX. PORTLAND, Jan. 23. -Following tho recent meeting of tho board of directors of tho Loyal Legion of Loggers and Lumbormon, tho cm ployo members, In order to Inform thu public regarding tho purposes of tho organization, havo issued thu following stntenicnt: "At the meeting of tho bonrd of directors of tho L. L. L. L com posed of 12 employes, who arc chair men of lliolr districts, and 12 em ployers from tho snmo districts, both tho omployo and employer wero unanimous In their dcslro to con tlnuo thu L. L. L. L. on a S0-G0 basis Tho L. L. L. L.' was organized a llttlo moro than n year ago by Gen eral Hrlco P. DIsquo and every mem ber of tho L. L. L. L. pledged him self to bo loyal and patriotic and through tho efforts of his labor en deavor to meol tho requirements of tho government for tho period of tho war. Tho omployo and employer nllko havo been successful In meet ing theso requirements nnd havo beon highly commonded by tho army officers and officials of tho United States government, and now that tho war is ovor it ts tho unanimous bpln Ion of the employes, representing mora than 100,000 mombors, that wo continue on tho samo lino, working hand In hand with tho omploycrs on a co-opnrativQ plan nnd with a fine determination t6 Insure Industrial peaco; to avert strikes; to keep Bol shovlk and I. W. W. idoas out of our ranks and to educate and olevato our mombors to that spirit of true Amorlcnnism and patriotism which Is necessary. We havo these condi tions existing botweon employer nnd omployo, which aro Instrumental In encouraging prosperity; namely, tho eight-hour day, no reduction ot wngea below the minimum, nnd n square deal for all. Wo aro opti mistic In our yIowb and as employes fool it is our duty ns Americans to furthor tho prosperity ot our great nation through our offorta and co operation." Quo of tho 12 district chairmen signing the roport is Charles N. Hughes ot iHond. BOWLING TO START ON FRIDAY NIGHT (From Wednesday's Dally.) With four strong toams organized, bowling will bo started at 7:30 o'clock Friday night at the Ilond Amateur Athlotlo club alloys, in tho form of a double hondor, W. R, Speck, manager ot this form ot club activity, 'announced today, Tho teams which -will compete are from -V r:- J 1 1 Ji ap H1WU i ie ui Mr orr Shoes of "Shoo $anp Kid" at Other Qtioen Quality Shoes. In black, cordovan, gray and field niotue at W.00. tG.rjO. (0.75, $7.00 $7.C0, 48.00, iHM, I&76, 10.00,., eio.oo, $io.&o,'ii,co. Children's Shoes, too, in de- , pendablo grades, at 41.15 to &5.60 per pair. Just received 3 now styles Men,s Work U Semi-Dress Shoes on tho Munson Army Last, $0,50 to 17.60 other department in gains for 1918. hoe here! Why not your next pair Stop and Shop at The Quality, Store of And Tlio Shcvlln-Hlxon, Company, the llrooks-Scanlon Lumber Co., and two drawn from professional men In the city. A series of eight matches has been arranged by Mr. Speck, the schedulo to bo completed on February 25. Everyone Interested In ten pins is Invited to bo present Friday night. Whllo tho teams have been formed, there is still a chance far new play ers to find a place. SHEVLIN-HIXON MILL TO CLOSE SATURDAY Temporary Khut-Dowu to Alloir for llc-Milm toJJuroer Will Ho First filnco Operations Hogan. On Saturday night, for tho first time slnco operating began on March 28, 191VJ. the Shovlln-Hlxon mill will bo shut down to glvo opportunity for IPSBSSSW WARNERS Clean -Up Sale of Cold Weather Goods at Saving Prices Men's Heavy Cotton Union Suits $1.49 Men's Shirts or Drawers, heavy cotton 69c Boys' Heavy Cotton Union Suits; all sizes....89c Girls' Heavy Cotton Union Suits; all sizes....89c Women's 2.79 Wool Union Suits; all sizes $2.19 Children's Knit Caps; 75c and 85c line 65c Children's Knit Mittens and Gloves; 35c line 25c Men's Mackinaw Mittens; extra special 29c Men's Canvas Gloves, the heavy kind; 3 prs. for 50c Calico, standard American print; yd , 16c Gingham; a good grade; special, yd ,.24c Wool Blankets;. $8.00 line, at..., $7.20 Brooms, 4-sewed corn; special '. 59c Clean-Up Prices prevail on all short lines, odds and ends. Come and see. It yill pay, you.. I r I You are sure of hoe satisfaction at Mannheimer ? repairs to the burner. It Is expected that the work will takeTat least threo weeks to finish and about 100 men will bo Idle during that time. Log ging will contlnuo as usual, as well as work In all other departments at the mill. MOORE QUALIFIES FOR NEW POSITION Official NotiftcnUoa Receive! fro a Governor WW Become District Attorney Satarday. Official notification from Governor Wlthycombo of the appeiatHient ot A. J. Moore of this' city to succeed H. II. De Armond, resigned, as dis trict attorney was received last night by Mr. Moore and, Mr. De Armond. The new district attorney has already taken tho oath ot office and will as sumo his official duties Saturday. i K ' " i 'i or OMuIfl i)iIm,i(w.SJ.iJ .'j. Hf t I It