The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 23, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Page 4, Image 4

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    tA-p ftiNnwit.i! .linoi
- ttfS"-V -
The Bend Bulletin
(Weekly Edition)
1'UbllBhod By
inn iiKNi hullktin
KstnblNhed 11)02.
An Independent nowspnpor stnnd
Ins for tho square doal, clean busi
ness, clcnn politics nnil tho best In
terests of Bend and Central Oregon.
Ono Year - $2.00
Six Months 1.00
Throo MonthB ........ 60
of tho definition of n tight reservoir
floor, from delays tind postpone
ments such ns Iihyo nuirkod Jnson
Moore's connection With tho liiimmnr
nnd Abort Inkes purchase. How
ever, tho work should bo ilono, nnd it
tho stnto will not do It it nilitht well
glvo Robertson n chance.
With final payment .short,!' couvv
iB duo on aubscrliUlonsj't'o theIaVj
ln rtiiA nn milmrrltttlnns to the Mat!'''::
n m .. . ., --- . r
est Liberty loan tho question of ac
crucd interest again arises. It is
also a matter to bo taken into ac
count on thjo salo of, a bond, all bond
quotations representing tho market
prlco to which accrued interest
should be added.
To aid In -making clear just what
accrued interest is wo reprint here
today a statement -Issued by Port
land Llborty loan headquarters, as
follows: ,
"Tho word 'accruo means to pllo
up or add to anything, and tho term
'accrued interest' means the Interest
piling up continuously or added to
the valuo of tho bond which Is earn
ing it. Interest coupons on Liborty
loan bonds aro equivalent to cash on
tho dato they maturo, as shown on
tho faco of each coupon. On these
dates coupons may bo exchanged for
cash at full faco value at any bank
In the United States.
"If the holder of tho bond falls to
cut off and cash In an interest cou
pon Iho dato it is due it makes no
dlfferenco in Its value, for It Is the
government's promlso to pay on tho
due dato or when presented there
after for payment. Therefore, when
a'ocrued Interest is calculated, it is
figured from tho date on which the
first coupon commenced to earn In'
terest or from the date tho previous
'coupon matured. If several past due
weapons are attached to the bond,
the value of all the$e)shpuldbo In-
Asido from the Industries already
established horc, which cannot glvo4
employment to nn Indefinite number
of men, tho only chauco of providing
work for returned soldiers In and
around llond lies in irrigation de
velopment. In Irrigation, however,
tho possibilities aro tremendous.
In soiling tho presont moment to
bring before government otllclnls
the'rrlgijtioti po8s)lblIlt,osot ho De-
achates vnlloy thtf commercial bodies'
or this spction are showing a spirit
and nn activity that should bring
results. Wo, have always wanted
federal aid for our projects. Now,
when tho government Itself Is look
ing for feasible openings for recon
struction work, is our golden oppor
tunity. Only a start has been made,
however. Much as has been accom
plished here In Ironing out differ
ences and obtaining local nnd state
support, there remains a still greater
work to do In nctually setting tho
red tape cut and wheols moving
back In Washington.
Ono feature of land development
in a reconstruction .program, whether
swamp drainage, clearing cut-over
land or In reclamation for irrigation
gives It a standing far ahead of any
other work. Not only Is immediate
employment furnished, but tho work
when done will provide homes and
lifo Jobs for hundreds of soldiers
who want to get back to tho laud.
These features are big arguments
for reclamation. If wo couplo with
them the arguments' wo havu for
reclamation in the Deschutes valley
wo should get what we want.
added pleasure In angling in tho
river, would nioro than repay tho ex-
Tho DcHChutos rlvur, Its tribu
taries nnd tho many lakes nnd ponds
of this noctlou nffort, nt present, iho
best fishing In tho statu of Oregon
As our local population Increases,
however, nnd nu Increasing numbers
of pcoplo come In from distant
points to try thu fishing, tho supply
must tend to bocomo smaller. y
tho establishment of tho new hatch
ery on tho Tumalo a flno work Is
being dono to porpotuato our. angling
attractions and to furnish n constant
supply of trout for our enjoyment.
A small expenditure wUl ndd still
more to tho total, by adding salmon
to (ho fifth In our streams nnd every
effort should bo madu to obtain the
necessary funds..
. cyt1"?.
Love' of Homo Chnrm't-'Htcri Cn
ndlan nnd U. H. Koldlcrs
OverseiiM Many In Audl-V
. once .Moved to Teiir.
Taking things In thoIr"iargo,r as
pects, congressional efficiency In thu
big matters of public concern I's not
anything for thu country to bo proud
of. It was almost cortnln that sooner
or lator wo would bo taking part in
tho war, yet no preparation was
mndo. Onco In thu war wo know
that somo day It would bo over, but
no plans for penco construction were
worked out. Wo know, too, that tho
bills must bo met, but tho rovenuo
bill, under which taxes on Inst year's
business aro to bo paid, Is not yet
a law. No ono can dony that the
war department has been slow and
Inefficient in roportlng casualties,
but when n congressman gets up and
criticizes Its slowness and Inefficiency
in this mntter thu spectnelo Is n sad
one. "
cl-ked In the amount of accrued In
terest. V lir
"Each day a bond Is outstanding
it earns one more day'a interest, and
In selling or buying lionds accrued
Interest should be added to the sell
ing price.
"For instance, take a $1000 war
"bead of the second Issue, Scaring 4
per cent annual Interest, or 120
May IS and Kovember-'IS each year.
The Interest t cannot be collected
from the government through a bank
before it Is due. iDut suppose that
John Jones had the bond in his pos
session until October 15 and sold It
then. He would be entitled to tho
interest at the rato of 4 pec cent,
yearly from May 15, and If ho sold
.the bond to George Smith at tho
market price of, say par and-accrued
Interest, ho should reccivo I100Q
for tho bond plus the interest to
October 15, the day of sale. Smith
would pay to Jones five months' In
terest, which ho would collect when
he cashed in the interest upon tho
coupon due November 15. He also
would get interest for the one month
since he bought the bond from Jones.
"This is the proper method of sell
ing Liberty loan bonds on any date
other than the Interest-paying date
without loss of interest to tho orig
inal holder." .
The proposal of W. II. Robertson
of Portland that he -bo allowed to
try to stop the leaks in tho Thmalo
reservoir, sell tho unsold lands and
retain air hut $75,000 of the. pro
ceeds, jiuta the Tumalo question up
to the legislature In a manner which
it will And difficult to avoid. As
the slang phraso has it, the legisla
ture must "fish, cut halt or .come
Plainly, the Robertson proposition
is a gamble. (But the stake is high
Rud'the winnings, If It should suc
ceed, would be well worth while.
Only a few thousand dollars are
needed; .according to competent au
thorities', to discover whether or not
the reservoir can be made leak-proof.
If it can be made to hold water much
sore land can he reclaimed and sold.
Asido from our desire to see tho
stato reimbursed for its outlay on
the project, according to tho original
plans which contemplated tho state's
receiving all the sales money for
land watered from tho reservoir, we
Have no interest in tho question as
to who stops tho leaks. But we do
want the leaks, stopped and the
lands settled. Wo want moro settlers
on the project; .and citizens in tho
county.; We want all our fertllb land
brought' Into usb,
- It a few thousand dollars will de
termine 'whether or not tho leaks
-en be 'stopped! afcifceijnlq. to ;u that)
the stele should spend them. Wo
a see ill sorts h dMci-Uy'lir'haVr
tt' irlvate Individual make the
wt, tMiftrtUe 'riB tr4m?m
JHet 01 authority, from the question
i. v. v
The announcement made in this
paper todny oil the possible construc
tion by the Brooks-Scanlon Lumbor
company of n new mill in connection
with Its present plant is tho fore
runner of what Is confidently be
liovcd by the pcoplo of Dend to bo
the best year In the city's history.
Until a definite decision to proceed
with the plans is made it would be
a manifest mistako for the public to
assume that the mill will surely be
built, but tho mere fact that tho
company has the Idea under con
sideration and expects ultimately to
go through with it, it it does not do
so now, is an Indication of what our
industrial leaders are thinking. And
surely, if Industrial development is
to take place It will proceed no moro
swiftly anywhere than at Bend
Acres ' of Motherland in Central
Orogon are owned by other com
panies than those now operating
here. It the lumber markot is good
wo may expect other construction In
addition to that now under consider
ation. By taking advantage of tho
reconstruction Idea in connection
with local reclamation opportunities
tho Commercial club Is on the way
toward gaining federal assistance In
our development, while Its activity
In the matter of a woolen mill Is ex
pected to bring results. Let these
matters once get started, let build
ing begin again here, and then,-In
the words of our enthusiastic boost
ers, "Watch Bend Grow."
Bond has been honored by tho
visit of Lieutenant-Colonel John
Prlnglo, chaplain with the Canadian
fqcos overseas during tho great war.
Thu truo typo of Chrlatlnn gentle
man, Dr. Pringlb has tho broad hu
manity which comes from long .and
varied contact with tho world, toler
ant nnd yet earnestly Insistent on tho
simple virtues nnd tho power .of
righteousness. Wo trust that ho'hjny
return soon to Bend to make a' longer
This season ought to go down In
tho records as tho winter of tho big
Theresa a reconstruction period
now facing dlstillorles, browerics and
saloon keepers.
Scratch a Russian and you find a
Tartar; starvo him and you produco
a Bolshovlk. ,
Would it bo correct to call a Ford
that will not o nn Edsel?
Tho figures' "36" mean the tamo
as "23" for the liquor forces.
Somo othor uso will Iihvo to bo
found for snako bites hereafter.
Readers of The Bulletin will have
noticed in recent Issues advertise
ments of Oregon manufacturers
grouped under the slogan, "Use
H6me Products." Tho advertising Is
a part of the campaign of tho Oregon
Homo Industry leaguo and, with tho
underlying Idea, should be given
thorough consideration by the people
of the state.
The Bulletin has frequently urged
that local merchants be patronized
to the exclusion of mall o'rdor houses
and merchants in other sections who
have no interest In Bend, pay no
taxes hero, and who spend none of
their money here, The idea of tho
Home Industry league is the same
In advocating uso of Oregon prod
ucts. Every dollar we can keep in tho
state moans a dollar available for
development, moro Industry, moro
payrolls. Every dollur wo send east
for a product manufactured her Is
a dollar gone.
JJuy Oregon made goods from local
merchants and you will be doing
yoursolf, your town and your state
a good turn.
Fifteen Years Ago
This Week
(From Monday's Dally.)
Then,, J(v 4 no,f , 7el,u,rnc ,d .nyMnC
Irobleijjju olt.heP!tho'Unltd Htn(ct
or CuiMijla. Tho real problem lies In
tho nttltuda of tho people ut home.
This was tho declaration or Llouton
ant Colonoi John lrlnlo, missionary
warrior of tho First Canndlan Divi
sion, who' spoke yestorduy nt thu
PruHbyterlnn church. "Tho boys nro
coming bnck to mako their homeland
bottpr, not to couro trouble," Colonoi
Prlnglo said. Ho touched briefly on
tho subject of prohibition! hut wan
enthusiastic over tho stand taken by
tho American people In ruling out
liquor, assorting that thu open sa
loonswquld bo tho ono thing which
could mako tho homo-coming of thu
nrmy n "hell on earth,'"
Tho speaker purpoaoly avoided
mentioning tho more gruesome
aspects of tho world war, hut, empha
sized tho love of homo which char
acterized tho American and Canadian
armies. Anecdotes, full of human
Intorcst, drawn from his long exper
ience nt tho front held his nudlonco
spull hound, nnd his simple f tory of
tho death of tho first Canndlan sold
ier ho was callod on to attend In hi
capacity ns chaplain brought tent
to tho eyes of many.
.Speaking of tho arrival f tho
Canadian troops In England in tho
fall of 10H nnd of the enthusiastic
reception given by tho British,
Colonel Prlnglo took occasion to men
tion tho loyalty of tho territories to
tho mother country. "Tho boys ans
wered tho colors to fight In the cause
of righteousness and because of their
loyalty to Qreat Britian," ho declared.
Tho advantages of tho aoroplano
over old stylo methods of transporta
tion wore shown when tho speaker
told of making a trip from Franco to
England across 'he English channel
by air, in Just 10 minutes.
In civil life Colonoi Prlnglo Is pas
tor of ono of the largest Scottish
Presbyterian churches In tho world,
located in Nova Scotia. Ho entered
thu ministry forty years ago,
He spoko twicVut tho Presbyterian
church yesterday, appeared this after
noon at the' high school and wilt
apvakagaln at tho gymnasium this
I !'. ,
!. f
An Ounce of Prettntdltve h refill q'Pound of Cure."
m&a.Xil Jt J
I 1
Tho linrdwt winter wealhur Is yet Moro you. Our stock lia a Koodly
number of choice colors nnd the very best stylos of Winter Cou,Sul's
Dresses, SklrU and Waist, nt prlcos that ydu cannot luilp saylnj,' aro
tho nija'ciU UarjfnliiM you over saw, tor iuli Quality untl Htylu".
The Parisian
Pringlc Building
Drnil, Ore if on
ri.YAL Hi-rrrii-'M'-'NT ok joint
Doputy Game Warden Kadley'a
proposal that fish ladders bo con
structed at tho threo falls In tho De
schutes, which now Impose a bar to
salmon coming up Uio river, should
haw tho support of tho entiro Dot
schutes valley. At a cost of a f6w
thomVand dollars the -whoio rlvor can
be opened to those .splendid fish and
WTrHRiSua..'ii 'peoplei ln'JCofld
value alone, to say nothing of the
(From Tho Bullqtln, Jan. 22, 1004.)
Secretary Hitchcock and President,
Roosevelt havo finally approved tho
plans, segregation list and contract
of tho Columbia Southern Irrigation
company In tho Tumalo country.
M. C. Awbroy was in town from
his ranch this week. Ho has sold
his Interest In tho saloon building.
near tho postofflco to his former
partner, James Low, who will rent
It to anybody who wants it.
Yesterday's mild weather at Bchd
did not reach far south Eight Inches
of snow tell at tho Moadows,
Shaw and Brosterhous havo made
arrangements for erecting a sub
stantial framo building on a lot near
the Caldwell market and nearly op
posite the Pilot Butto inn.
More than two miles of tho Pilot
Butte ditch havo been completed,
and now the crew will work north
from tho camp for an Hquul distance
A. M. Drake, president of the Pilot
Butto Development Co., reached
home last Saturday night after a two
months' abaenco in Portland and tho
oast. i
Mercury went down to nine above
zero Tuesday night, Just matching
tho coldest previous record for tho
season. The othor cold spoil was In
"William flJntes left Wednesday
morning for Shaulko to bring back
3500 pounds of furniture for'Trlplotl
& Co., and about a ton for William
Staats, tho Deschutes merchant. ,
is presented by Iho division of films,
commlttco on public Information, in
order to show tho millions of con
tributors to jho several Llborty
loons, tho purchasers of thrift nnd
war stamps and thoso who have' so
generously glvon In other wnyH for
tho needs of tho war Just how tho
great sums havu been expended and
what, in a physical way, has boon
accomplished In Franco during tho
first year of America's participation
In tho struggle for domocracy, ".v
(By special arrangement wlth'ho
government It will be shown at tho
Llborty theatre at their regular ad
mission prices of 10c and 20c at tho
mutlneo nnd ICo and 25c at nights.
A special matlneo will 1jo given on
Wednesday uftornoon at 4 o'clock,
following regular school hours.
(From Wednesday's Daily.)
Comploto settlement botwoon Do-
schutes and Crook counties of finan
cial questions arising us tho result
ot county division has been finally
mndo, following tho Joint meeting of
tho courts of tho two counties,
County Judgo W. D. Barnes stated
lust night that tho slato Is finally
wiped cloan.
questions of Indebtedness on pub
lic buildings brought up showed thi.t
Deschutes county's account was on
tho credit sldo of tho ledger, hut It
was agreed to balance this with th
vnluo of tho road machinery pur
chased by old Crook' county, which
Deschutes had takon 'over. Tho
matter of. division of delinquent
taxes, It was stipulated, should bo
loft to tho decision of thu attorney
.. I. Wlrnt nt CotniiiercUlCJul)
Luncheon, Ansucra CrltlcU'tiw,"Aji.'
nrrtinjr Cnpnrlly of Klumo
Not Yet Kxlmuxtctl.
Erection of New Mill
Now Being Considered
By Brookti-Scanlon Co.
(Continued from Page 1.)
"America's Answor," which wij"
bo presented at tho Liberty theatre
Wednesday and Thursday, January
29-30, is not the ordinary press
agented film.1 play. It is a chapter
of tho great drama, of the war, .regis
tered,, by U 8. signal corps Photog
raphers. The picture was mado and
Prospective Stato Legislation Hulled
ns of Great Valuo to tho
Country Road.
Road legislation to limit the
weight ot loads to bo carried by auto
tracks on this side of the mountains
will probably bo enacted, according
to County Judgo W. D. Barnes. A
law of this kind is already in effect
in tho western part ot thu stute, and
Judge Burncs believes that it would
bo highly honoflctnl in preventing
country roads from bolng torn, to
pieces by over loaded motor vohlclcs.
In connection with thu work of
thu legislature at Salem, Judgo
.Barnes has asked tjiut tho Bend Com
mercial club tuko somo recognition
of the bill recently Introduced by
Burdlck of Deschutes county, which
has as (its object tho raising of sal
aries of) county officials.
Conscientious Objector.
Tm'a 'conscientious objector," ex
clultQfdUho Prussian general wha ml
about to go out ot offlce. vrl
-To war?" wi ',,'
.typeset,., w-witate-,
pected to be la charge of construc
tion. Late yesterday afternoon confirma
tion of the rumors was given by Mr.
Keyes, who made the following state
ment: "It is true that we ha've a
new mill under consideration, but no
decision has yet been reached,
Many latre Considered,
"We are expecting' to havn corn-;
plete plana made for a new plant' at
once as we think these will be needed
sometime it not at present and we
are expecting Mr. Huffman and his
partner, Mr. Weldllch, here in a few
days to do this work.
"Thoro aro maiy feutures entering
Into tho problem affecting tho ad
visability of constructing the plant
at tho presont timo. Ono of theoe
Is tho demand for tho product. There
Is ho assurance at this time that
the (Ido will turn either to greater
activity or to a duller period, An
othor Horn affecting the construction
of a plant hero is tho labor situa
tion. Thoro Is protty certain to bu
a superabundance of labor thu com
ing year nnd while tho company is
not assuming to carry on Jts business
for philanthropic reusoiiB it "does
feol that It will bo doing its' bit In
hulplng to hoIvo tho problom ot tho
rotumlng soldiers by increasing Its
operations so as. to furnish work for
a considerable numbor of thorn."
Confidence Blioivn Jn Labor.
"While tlioro are tnany indications
pointing to labor disturbances all
oyer tho country, Iho managomont
hue -.ono.ugli, confidence 'In the sanity
and fair-mindedness of tho greater
massif ,ef, the working popa'a .and
4 J ltin kVUJWWI J SJ Bl -tv
(rVom Wednesday's Dally,)
Internal troublu In tho affairs of
tho Arnold Irrigation company was
disclosed today when L. C. Roborls,
.a spjllcr in the district, speaking At .
tho Commorclnl c l,u b luncheon,
charged that tho ditch company, In
extending Its flumo to water thu
"desUrt" lands, Is contomplatlnglho
sale of wator which It cniitlbt deliver.
Hja-HRMrtcd that after Iho old tracts
in tho. 'district hnvo been Irrigated tho
water remaining would tnko caro of
llttleworo than 200 acres Inktood
of the' four or flvu IhousanJvwkjch it
Is nuppoH'd to rondor productive
L. D. Welst, manager of tho Arnold
Ditch company sllico 1908, replied to
Mr. Roberts' accusations, maintain
ing that alt tho water In tho flumo
Is not yet sold, quoting tho slato law
to alow that ono foot for two aero
Is allowed and asserting that sottlern
must If arn to uso wator economically.
Ho sketched tho history of the com
pany,, relating tho struggles 'of its
founders up to 1008 and , telling
how Its dlteh. system was Anally built
up. He quoted massrs of figures
from Irrlgatoii projects In this and'
other sjates, and trough! his uddresn
to a close beforo ho liad muchmi tim
,fog(ea end of his remarks because
of lack of tline.
. K'A fchMHftanotlior water us'or.
spoke? far the; settlers, and nt Dm
kmelBslon of his talk, President T.
H. Tel$y of the club stated that tho
business men's organization could
not take sides In tho mutter, as its
only Interest would bo to soo that
Individuals brought to .Bend through
Commercial club advertising should
not be misled,
In the matter of the proposal;
moving of tho Wilbur Woolen Mills
plant to Bend.Jt was reported that
ft Jitter hud been written to the com
pany asking that tho full equipment
of tho mill bo turned In for stock In
the contemplated 100,000 corpora
tion. Acting on nn Invitation from tho
Stnto .Ghnmbor of Commerce;ithe"
clubtvjated to akTo out" u' moraliST
ship Jn that' organization. ' "
oporatlvos who ondoavor to furnish
them omploymont.
"Tho forogolng is Blmply n Indl
catlon'of somo of the problems tho
company has to consider In connec
tion wit") tho enlarging of its opera
tions her,
"Itls' expected that by thu time
the, pla-) nnd specifications have ;
been complelod the comminv will
"'y-vjMl.a decjslon whe'tSef
t get ahoajdff vllth cmrntriint tnndt
'once 6f not, whleh'may be a toaatter
ttoMmemtoX r&itexz-qexsts,
l i'