HHND IlUIifcKTltf, IIKNI), OTIKOOS, THUItWlAY, JANUARY 2rt 10J0 r7? STATEMENT OF TAXES ISSUED am TO BEGIN WORK AT ONCE you betchai I I t 'V . ?. '' 'p 90 . "TJ16 nioro n man " Iciiowh about ficfui inu tobacco, the surer lie in to sec the valuo of Real Gravely in compar ison with ordinury Plug." , Peyton Brand REAL CHEWING PLUG Plug packed in pouch Good taste, Hinullcr chew, lotiJor life h what tnakes Genuine Gruvcly cost Iosh to chow than ordinary, plug. Writ tat-' GliNUINIt GltAVIJLY IKNVIIXl', VA. fir Ivolttl on dituliit tJt SALARY RAISE ASKED IN BILL Itlll'HKNKNTATIVK Hl'llPldC IN. TltODlTiat MCAKI'Hi: AI'I'Kri' INO COMPI'.NHATIO.V OF OJVI cintn of iikkciiutix. (Ilr Unltmt Vint Li Ttw IWnJ DutMln.) HAM.M, Jun. 10. In u Mil Intro duced liy Itcprenitntntlvo llurdlck of lloilinond Into yontorcliiy afternoon, tlio following chnngos of snlury for tliu county officer of Deschutes county nro proposed: County judge, from $700 trt It 000; clerk, from 11 COO to $1300; sheriff, from 11800 to $2200; us nessor, from $1300 to $1500; school superintendent, from $1200 to $1500; treasurer, from $400 to $1200; clerk's deputy, from $000 to $1000 a ycur. MASONS HONOR T. I BALDWIN li:i,IXIATIO.VOF SO I'llO.M IIKNI) J.I.AVIIH TO ATTKM) IT.NKUAl, OP PAHT OIIAN1) JIAHTKK IN CIIOOK COUNTY HKAT. OKNKIIAIj liKVIKH TOTAI. 9 1 -! 7II.HH, WIIII.K rll'IMHAI. TAXJCH 1lltl.NO OltAND TOTAIi IN TIH2 BOUNTY UP TO $'-!l)l!,0t)7.2I. AUTO OWNERS MUST SECURE LICENSES (From Tuesday's Dull) Aftor warning some 30 onto own. ors of thn necessity of liuiiiedlntcly securing 1019 nuto license tax, l'o llnu Judge I), II, Peoples announced today tiiut failure hi comply with tint Inw after enr own urn hud boon noil find -would result In tho nppllcutlon of lumvy flitCM. Tho delay, It Iti bo- 1 1 ii red, Ih duo to tliu fact that ninny did not initko nppllcutlon for license until tint tlntt of tho ycur, One cur wus Interned yesterday by To do honor to tho memory of T. M. Ilaldwln, Prlnovlllo hanker nnd pimt grand master of tho Masonic onlur In tho ntnto of Oregon, who died Monday In l'ortlnnd, twenty lluud Masons loft tlilrt morning by nuto to attend tho funeral services In the Crook county "neat. Members of Pilgrim Comruiindry, Knights Tout plnr attended In full uniform to act an tin CMCort to tho body. It woh expected that tho members of tho Kruud lodge would 1o present from Pprtlund. Those leaving from horn were: I). II. looplos, J. L. anlthcir. It. M. Htnjth, .Mr. and Mm. U. M. Fori, J. I). Davidson, Clydo McKny, A. F. Iiiron, K. I. MuhafTey, II, C. Kills, W. It. Speck, J. C. Rhodes, J. Alton Thompson, I,. A. W. -Nixon, Dr. J. C. Yunduviirt, K. M. Thomps6u, L. C. Whltted, V. T. Mullurkoy, II. 1 1. Lamping. J. Kdwurd Larson nnd II. II. Ilrudcu. order of tho court when tho owner pleaded mi hlit excusu thill ho did not huvo sufficient money to pur chose u ntnto permit. The nuto wan placed In tho cuutody of tho city un--III tho llconno price can bo ruined. ' (From Friday's Dully.) Tho statement of tuxes for Do schutos county for 1010 was com plotcd Ifldny by Assessor W. T. Mullurky, showing it total for Ron oral levied for state, und county pur poses of $120,744.38, niado up of tho following Itenm: Htnto, $28, 070.811; county, $73,883.07; school, $22,070.38; high iichool tuition, $801.38; llbrury, $313,07. State, couhty, school nnd library lories nro made on n valuation of $0,201,328, with tho tuition tux on n valuation of $2,228,458. Apodal tuxes levied In Ilcnd nnd Ilcdmond nro $28,848.87 lind $C, 710.2C, respectively, tho valuations In tho sumo order being $1,012,241 and $248,272. Iloud's mlllnKe Is 28,5 and that of Itedmond 23. For lire patrol a tux or $014.40 Is listed, for tho Hquuw Creek Irrigation district $3380.01, nnd for tho Central Oro on Irrlffiitlon district $10,515.47. Special taxes In school districts aro us follows: No. 1, $70,102.08; No. 2, $9,085.09; No. 3. $4,472.88; No. 4, $0,960.04; No. 5, $3,801.74; No. 0, $918.12; No, 7, $401.10; No. 8, $498.55; No. 9, $1205.41; No. 10, $778.21; No. 12, $118.27; No. 14, $408.05; No, 10, $102.35; No. 17. $207.27; No. 18. $002.71; No. 20', $380.02; No. 21.' $045.22; No. 22. $039.99; No. 23, $898.03; No. 24, $599.50; No. 25. $406.05; No. 20, $1089.03; No. 28, $397.05; No. 29, $484.78; No. 0, $747.27; No. 31, $110.17; .No. 32, J3.58; No. 33, $100.05. 'With tho Itedmond union high school tax of $7,902.29, lovlod on a valuation of $1,094,104, at 4.7 mills tho grand totul of till levies In" tho county Is $292,097,21. ATllIiKTir DIUIXTOK WIM. IIK HKrUUKI) IN A FKW DAYH AM DKPAHT.MKNT HKAIIH AHK. ItKADY TO BTAIIT AOTIVITIKH. (From Friday's Daliy.) Finnl orKonlzatlon of tho Hand Amateur Athletic club for aotlvo work will be effected Haturduy after noon at a meeting to bo held by, tho nowly appointed managers of club activities. Tho directors aro now en deavoring to secure an aOilctlc di rector, and It Is expected -that ono will bo retained wlthjn a fow days. IDues will bo payablo nt tho club of- fico on und after Monday, January 20, and notices will bo mailed at that tltno to oil members. Among tho first sports to bo rec ognized will bo basketball, a gamo being already arranged to bo played between the Dond high school and tho Madras team tomorrow night. In addition, Indoor basketball, In charge oC It. S. Hamilton; boxlhg, under tho direction of C. A. Steven son; music, with Mr. Ivgglcston und Mr. Mnhney In charge; wrestling under llio supervision of Charles J. Dugiin, nnd bowling, with William It. Speck us bond of tho committee, will bo started soon. Theatricals will bo handled by J. II. Noble, C. M. Dormer and Dr. J. II. Connurn, volley bull by Georgo Oovo and basketball by Mr. Sexton. Additional activities will bo Intro duced from time to time as desired by tho club members. I'oliionoH Waste Cuu. Klrkncn. When tho kidneys aro welt they filter wnsta matter from tho blood. When sluggish or overworked, tho kldnoys fall to clean tho blood, and poisonous substances lodgo In Joints and muscles to cause aches, pains and soreness. Foloy Kldnoy Pills strengthen, act quickly and relieve kldnoy ana bladder trouble Sold ovorywho-a. Adv. SALMON SPAWNING IN DESCHUTES FORESEEN Installation or Ladder Would Make Itlver Accomlblc Co Fish from Columbia, Is Heller. (From Frldaya Dally.) Mastering English Words , i """ , frJIJAszMlm "FLU" SITUATION HERE ENCOURAGING Hocrul Under Qiinniutlnn Already Convalc-icliiK nnd Danger of I'pl- ilemlo Is Virtually Oicr. FRENCH FACTORY GIRL"ttAftHlH6NCUSH IN ACLASSi CONDUCTED BY THE Y.W.C.A f BUGKHECHT E With only ono new caso of Influ enxn reported slnco yesterday morn ing, tho danger of nil epidemic hero Is believed to bo virtually over. A number of those quarantined nro al ready convalescing, nnd City Health Officer Dr. J. C. Vandevert roports that oncournglng co-operation Is bo Ing given by tho physicians of tho city nnd by quarantined families as woll. Continued obscrvanco of tho rules laid down by tho health committee of the city council may result In an almost comploto -wiping out of tho disease In Ilcnd in tho near future, authorities bellovo. That steps may bo taken through tho fish and gamo commission to make tho Deschutes river a salmon stream Is Intimated by District War den W. D. Hndley, now In Dond to superintend pipe lino construction at tho now fish hatchery. At present the river Is Inaccessible to fish from the Columbia river be- cauio of falls which provent them from coming upstream, but with tho Installation of a sufficient number of fish ladders, Mr. Hndley believes thnt the salmon. In considerable numbers, would como ,up tho De schutes to spawn. It Is thought at present thnt throo ladders might be sufficient for this purpose. lira! Pi iiiii. 1 I JIB) 1 I ! ni I mm ,l I ", "I " (L'l'l f K. 8Hi an 1 llii Be Sure to Get lllLtT HE wax -wrapped sealed package with WRtGLEV'S upon it is a guar antee of quality. The largest chewing gum factories in the world the largest selling gum in the world: that is what . WRIGLEVS means. SEALED TIGHT KEPT RIGHT WTUrffO m 17 11 The Flavor Lasts! Something to sellT Advertise, la Tho Bulletin's classified column. It Pays to Patronize Our Advertisers. Read Th.o Bulletin Class Ads. BAY RUM POPULAR WITH THE THIRSTY TANLAC FOR SALE BY The Owl Pharmacy SOLE AGENTS Much Hair Tonic Heing Used no Sub stitute for Whiskey Believes Chief of Police. LIBRARY CLUB WILL GIVE BENEFIT PLAY Production to Bo Put on nt (lyinnn slum February 7 Oood Hpcclnl- tlcs Aro Promised, REG. U. S. PAX Why accept on In 'r fcrior Army Shoe when you can get I tho standard article i at tho same price or . less? Ask for the BucMinaiT Army j Shoe and get what I you a A for. ! Then-ydu'resurt . to be satisfied I Look for ths name DucKiinarr Kimfxd on tho iol of tvwy Shoefor our mutual protealon. iie- BC vi r JIT SHO BLACK 1 GUN t"5TAL x ttmmmk INDIAN TAN JTSbbbbbbbbW H CALF llH H SBBBBBBWrLlBBBBBBBBBBBW ' Builc sturdy and serviceable for Office Men Attorney ' PhysicJant Hikers Farmers Orchardists Motormen Conductors Hunters and others in every walk of life rabwawb (Prom Saturday's Dnlly.' To raise funds to carry on tho work of iho Bond publlo library, a three act comedy drama will bo given by tho library club nt tho B. A. A. C. gymnasium on Friday, February 7, It was announced today, Tho uso of thn gymm8!um la being do nated by tho Athletic club. Tho momborn scoured for tho cast of tho play, nnd, tho director aro donating tholr sorvlcos nnd first Bpeclaltlca nnd a full orchestra will also bo donated. Popular prices luwo boon doclded upon. If bay rum would actually cause hair to sprout, many n human ali mentary canal In Bond would bo lined with a luxuriant hirsute growth. This Is tho belief of Chief ot Pollco L. A. W. Nixon, who bases hla opinion on tho number of empty hair tonic bottles ho has found In various places about tho city and on tho fact that cranial baldness hero Is not decreasing in tho least. Tho activity of county nnd city of ficials In running down bootleggers this winter Is thought to bo respons ible for tho Increased consumption of substitutes, and tho scouted prep aration designed primarily for ex ternal use with lta CO per cent, of al cohol, 1b proving a soro temptation to tho thirsty. Chlof Ntxoii Is planning to ask the city council at lta noxt meeting, Tuesday night, for an ordinance which will eliminate this varloty ot alcoholic boveraso. Shoes for Real Service OUlt SPECIAfcTY IS TO MAKK SHOES THAT STAND THE TEST NAP-A-TAN SHOE J. E. TILT SHOE A. HANSON LOGGER. BOND STREET R. H. LOVEN BEND OREGON RAINBOW NOVELTY FOR BEND WINTER It not obtaluabte from your dealer, tend name and your enter direct to BUCKINGHAM MaNOVACTUKKKS & HE CUT Ban PaAMCiaco $7.00 to. $8.00 HOSPITAL IS READY FOR GENERAL WORK (From Saturday's Dally.', With tho withdrawal of ho cou tract for taking caro ot mill employes, St. Charles' hospital Is now In a po sition to do gonoral hospital work, tho slatora In chango of tho Institu tion announce Phenomenon J lakes Its Appearance After Four-Tenths of an Inch of Unlit Fulls DurliiK Night. Try a Want Ad, For Quick Results, (From Friday's Dally.) A comploto rainbow, with n fnlnt Supplementary oow, lasting for three hours, wns tho nild-wlntor novelty which prosontod Itsolf to Bond todny. Tho bow was also vlslblo for a Bhort tlm.0 Into yestordny artornoon. This morning's phenomenon fol lowed a rainstorm during tho night which resulted in n precipitation of four-tenthB of an inch ot water. Con tinued wet weather, at tho tlmo when Central Oregon la usually covered with snow, is predicted. The ' BEND BULLETIN and The Oregon Farmer Both for the Price of One By a special arrangement with The Oregon Farmer yon eaal euro The Oregon Farmer with this paper at the price of thia Siper alone. la other words, when yon subscribe for YOUR OME FAFJ3B, er retuw year preseat sahscriptioa. you are entitled to - Receive The Oregon Farmer for the Asking 33Q5 OXBQOV TAXMEM, k OreC-Js treat state fans pasM lamed every weak and devoted to the Oregon fans aad the Mraa farm hone, Jeai as this paper fa derated to ike pigeiU aad to jtae faietsts at tti leeal eeauaaaitT. This Opportunity Hay H.t Last Leag GRASP IX NOW,