The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 23, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Image 2

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    T '
Central Oregon
TLAINVIEW, Jnn. 22. A b)K
crowd gathorcd nt the A. E. Hoss
homo last Saturday evening for the
plo social given hy tho O. D. O. club.
After Rood games of cards
tho crowd ;wns divided Into two
teams to play cliaradcs, In which
much tun was provoked. Tho club
realized tho sum of $3.15 from tho
nalo of plo and coffee.
Mr. nnd Mrs. P. A. Scoggln, Miss
Nolllo Scoggin, Mr. nnd Tdrs. P. W.
Lovcrenz, Mr. and Mrs. II. T. JInrtloy
nnd Mrs. Louzcttn Pulllani nnd Jim
attended a surprise party on Mrs.
Ellis Edglnslon at Sistors last Wed.
ncsday evening. Everyone present
hnd a splendid time.
P. W. Powers helped A. E. Hoss
Inst Thursday.
A. W. Armstrong -was a business
callor In Deud last Tuesday.
II. A. Scoggin made a business trip
to Clovordalo Thursday. '
Thursday afternoon tho pupils of
tho Plalnvlow school surprised Km
mctt Knickerbocker at his home, tho
occasion helng Rmmett's ninth birth
day. Tho children enjoyed many In
teresting games as well ns the nlco
lunch and tho bis birthday cake.
A crowd ot fellows met at tho
John McKlnncy place for a "Wolf
mooting last Friday evening. Mr.
Scarth ot tho Pino Trco mill was
Initiated Into tho real Wolf tnctlcs.
The wives ot tho Wolves mot with
Mrs. Loutetta Pulllam for a jolly
evening and ended with a taffy pull.
Tho Plainview Ditch compnny held
a meeting at tho school house last
Saturday ovenlng tor tho election ot
off! cars.
Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Burgess nn
nounco tho arrival of a little daugh
ter, Martha Jean, last Friday even
ing. Homer Conlco camo down from tho
Sisters mill Saturday ovenlng and re
turned Tuesday.
Mrs. A. Olpsou has boon quite sick
tho past woqk and has been taken
to tho Short home, near Tumalo,
whero Mrs. Short will caro for her.
A. E. Hoss was a Bend caller lost
The regular meeting ot tho 0. D.
O. club will bo hold with Mrs.
Howard Hartloy next Thursday
afternoon, January 23.
Mrs. R. Li. Scoggln Is spending
several days at the Pine Tree mill
with Jier daughter and family.
direct causo ot their deaths. Mrs.
Honthmnn Is critically 111. Thotr
present homo Is in Mllwnukoo.
Ed. Molvin who has hnd tho I), E.
N'icholas place, rented for tho last
yonr loft Saturday ovenlng.
Ed. Johnson loft for Bond Sunday
ovenlng to rcsumo his work in tho
mills there.
J. Williams sold n boot to Georgo
Kcntonor Inst week.
TBnitBDONN'E , Jan. 21. Mrs.
. William Hall Is now taking Miss
Nolllo Italston'a placu as a teacher.
After having tho influenza Miss Ral
ston has found it necessary to tako
medical treatment. Sho Is now -in
Bend where sho will remain for two
weeks or more.
Mrs. R. O. Rcigal had tho mis
fortune to bo thrown from a wagon
last weak, hurting her shouldor. She
has not been ablo to uso her right
arm since.
The Terrebonne school enjoyed a
vlalfMast Saturday from Paul Wil
liams and Herbort Runnell. Tlipre
was a largo attendance from both
Bend and Redmond. 'Fred, Lucas
and Spoc Young ot Bend wero tho
musicians. 'Miss Matilda Rommel
won the ladles' prlzo. '
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knorr went
to Bend Monday morning.
Mrs. J. S. McVoy has been on tho
nick list this weok.
Mrs. McGregor ot Bend spent
Monday visiting tho school.
Word has been received hero that
L. A. Heatbman died Thursday morn
ing and William Heathman died tho
same ovenlng. Influenza was the
TOWELL BUTTE. Jan. 21. This
year sees a marked change In the
feeding In tho Powoll Butto section,
acnornlly tho hay raised horo has
boon sent away to markot, but this
year hundreds of cattle nnd sheep are
being fed on tho ranches whero tho
hny was raised. Stock has been sent
in hero for feeding purposes from as
far ns Klamath nnd Lnko counties
and (ho Powell Butto country is fnst
becoming a popular feeding ground.
Wursweilcr nnd Sons sold to Dan
Clark 203 hoad of cattle, which wero
shipped into Idaho ns feeders last
A. largo force ot men was called
out Inst week to clear tho ditches and
laterals ot tho C. O. I. In order that
tho water which had already been
turned In might get through.
Mrs. Brown is visiting with tho
family ot her daughter, Mrs. Georgo
Shobert. Mrs. Brown has but ro
contly returned from an extended
visit to Vancouver.
Peter Paul's now houso la ncaring
completion. Tho will probably movo
in tho last ot tho weok.
Lloyd Bussott nnd his sister, Miss
Fay Bussott visited in Prinovlllo
Saturdny. Miss Bussott will rcsumo
teaching this week as sho has recov
ered from her recent nttack ot influ
enza. Mrs. Stella Shearer returned to
Orowellcr'a mill Sunday, as llttlo
Ruth has entirely rpcovered from tho
LOWER BRIDGE, Jan. 20. Mrs.
C. F. Hoskins ontcrtained Wednes
day afternoon Mrs. R. S. Towno, Mrs.
A. S. Holmes, Mrs. Fred Walters.
Mrs. Joo Howard, Fern Waltors and
Mrs. Frank Xewbold. Tho ladles do
elded the old settlers ot Lower
Brldgo would entertain- the. new set
tlers nt dinner at 1 o'clock Friday,
January 24. Thoro also will bo a
meeting of tho Farm bureau on tho
BaDio afternoon.
Mrs. Frank Nowbold entertained
for dinner Sunday Mr. and ilrs.
Young and T. J. Qulgley.
Frank Chapman and Jorry Grosz
hreugcr went to Sisters Wednesday
for stock.
M.r. and Mrs. Young, who rented
tho "Mllburn place, havo bought an
SO-acro ranch two miles from Red
mond, to which they will move soon.
Darwin Wnltors nnd Marlon Hos
kins wero in Redmond Saturday.
G. E. Stadlg returned Sunday from
Portland, whero ho was attending
tho irrigation congress.
Frank Chapman took a load ot
grain to Fullers to 'grind Friday.
Chapmans are feeding a carload of
steers which they expect to turn off
in about three wcoks.
T. J. Qulgley, Frank Nowbold and
Mr. Young woro Redmond visitors
John Stone Is working for L. A.
Hunt during his absence In Portland.
John Staff sold bis stump puller to
John Scott.
Joo Howard was In Redmond on
business Friday. '
The thing that works just as
well at 30 degrees below zero
as at 70 degrees above
Have you a Savings Account
paying Afo interest and per
fect security?
The First National Bank
11 m ' ' M
SISTERS, Jnn. 21. John Alton.
Georgo DuvIr, Margnrot Qulbong mid
Dorothy Taylor Secured tho honors
nt tho npolllug contests Monday nnd
Thursday evenings. .Mm. J. M. Kief
visited tho school Monday. Cool!
Rnbblns nnd Alvlu Brady huvo
reached u standing of 90 pur cent. In
tho Pnlmor method ot penmanship.
Lynn Wilson Is working for. I). L,
Tone at Black Butto.
Mrs. M. N McKlnnoy has boon nt
tho B. L. Tono ranch taking caro of
Mrs. John Hrtinu, who Is very sick
with cancer,
J. P. Duckott wont to ltodmnnd
Sunday to meet his wife, who hnt
arrlvbd from Clwhalls, WubIi,, to
visit fct SHtora for somo Unto.
Mrs, M. A. Holnmnn went to
Prinovlllo Sunday.
Jenulo Stovous went to Bond Fri
day. A danco wnn glvon nt Alton's hall
Saturday ovenlng.
Tho Van Tassel family attended
Sabbath school at Sistors Saturday.
Mrs. Dan Winkle and children nro
visiting with tho Van Tassel's at
Plalnvlow Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. nnd .Mrs. B. L. Tono woro at,
Prinovlllo several days.
Wnrron Farthing and J. H. Slid
ham mndo n trip to Four-Mllo springs
to look nt their traps Sunday.
County Clerk J. II. llanor and
Forost supervisor Norman O. Jacob
son panned through 8lsters Monday
on their way to tho Motollus for an
Forester Perry A. South nnd wlfo
and son Carl woro nt Grandvlow
Tuesday, whero an election ot officers
for tho Suttlo Lake Irrigation district
took placo. Mr. and Mrs, South own
land on this irrigation project.
J. P. Duckott, who has chargo of
tho construction work nt tho Tum-A-Lum
mill, was at Chehalls, Wash ,
for n tow days to attond to business
C. E. Griffith of tho Sqonw Creek
section wns In town Tuesday.
E. M. Harrington Is hnullng hny
for his cuttlo from tho Alex. Lovorenz
ranch In Plalnvlow.
Fred McKlnnoy and wlfo nnd J. O.
McKlnncy were nt Bond Saturdny.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Alton nnd Mrs.
P. B. Davis woro at Bond Thursday.
II. K. Allen nnd wlfo nnd C. L.
Gist of Bend wero at Sistors Thurs
Mr. and 'Mrs. Earl Updlko went to
Portland Thursday to visit Mr. Up
dlko's brother Harry, and from thoro
thoy will go to Dryad. Wash., to visit
Mr. Updike s parents.
P. B. Davis attended tho funeral
of T. M. Baldwin at Prinovlllo Thurs
day and roturned Friday ovenlng.
Sufforors from kidney trouble ex
perience backacho, rheumatic pains,
aches In joints and muscles, shooting
pains and other torturous afflictions.
E. W. Kltt. R. F. D. 2, Box D, Short
ens, Ala., writes: "I usod Foley
Kidney Pills as I was so restless ovor
night with pains In tho small of my
back and sldo. Thoy did mo good."
Sold overywhore. Adv.
LA PINE, Jan. 21. J. S. Beosloy
was ablo to sit In tho lobby of tho
hotel Sunday. Ho has been confined
to his bed for tho past six weeks
and his many friends will bo glad to
hear of his. Improvement.
William Fobs Is tho owner ot an
Overland car now, having bought
ono from a Sliver Lake man tho
first of tho week.
Raber Bros, of Fort Rock woro In
La Pino Monday.
Carl Wlso and James Rogers woro
in from Llttlo River Monday,
E. L. Clark was a passenger on
last Wednesday's stago for Bond.
Ho returned Friday.
W. II. Helneck took his mothor to
Bend Saturday. 8he was returning
to tho valloy nfter a short visit with I
her son.
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Vnndovort havo
Best Tire Service
Means Firestone i
and It Means Us
It mentis that yon pet the benefit of expert tire
building; in the first placo by equipping with
fmstont Tires
It mentis tho expert tire Bervlca. courteous and rollnbla
liolp which lit nlwnya nvnllnblo nt our Hlioj).
Remember that I'lrentono Tiros nro iiimla by npecinllstii
in the World' Lnriiest ISxcluttivo Tiro Factory. Hut
Fireatono huikUnir mcthodu nnd thin Immense; volume,
lidded to their, economical dhitributlou, cunblo them to
charce ua low nu for ordinary tlreti.
' Audourahopbacku un tho Flrentono Service. Call onus
1 1
1 - Ml
Miles vrA m Hi
per JTfcHl ill
I Dollar sf &Jr
ill OPB
I m Wi
m Sr ) v in -" (i.
n BsMTiTin liTWllBMaJ l i iii "i" isdMreTiSrfsMBmJMsT'MWr tl
m y..T----.-. . .- ti,,-.., i t. ''iimiliMs' - i wi mt
Exclusive Agents and Service Station
received nows Hint their son Clnudo
was tn start from tho en nip In Routh
Cnrollnn to Camp Lewis, whero he
will ho mustorud out.
W E. lloguo purchased n Ford
runabout from Wni. Foss Inst wnuk.
R. C. Stonor ot Hond was hero last
weok lookltuc utter his homestead,
which- Joins (Jcorjjo Mnyflcld's much.
Miss Cushlonherry ot Crescunt wns
in La I'lno Inst Thursday on her
way to liend. Sho returned on Sun
ds'y's stagq and Uolbort Sly. mid Leo
lloguo took her on to Crescent, whore
alio Is teaching.
If you nro bloated. lancujd or lazy,
havo "tho blues," headaches, palpi
tation, biliousness, bad breath, gns,
constipation or Indigestion, you will
feel better In tho morning It you tuko
a Foloy Cathartic Tahlet tonight.
This Is n wholesome lnxntlvo nnd
cleansing physic Hint acts without In
convenience, griping or nausea. Sold
ovorywhoro. Adv.
CLOVBItDALK, Jan. 21. Tho
mooting of tho Slslonr National Farm
Loan Association wns hold at tho
Clovcrdaln school houso on tho oron-
Inff of Tuosday, .January H. and tho
following officers ulected: W, F. Fry
rear, prcsldonl; C. A. Utirnsldo, vlco
president; A. K. Peterson, secretary
nnd treasurer, with II. C. Milter on
tho board of directors.
.Mr, nnd Mrs. Henry Hoard nnd
daughters 'woro cullurn nt tho Par
borry'homo on Saturdny. '
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Ilndsnn. F. J
Hurling, Mrs. A. K. Pvlnrson nnd
Mrs. Harold Kllno wero IiuhIiiikh vis
itors In liend Saturday.
J. A. Aldrlch wont to Portland on
Saturdny with n 'carload ot steers,
nnd from thoro mndo n flying trip
to Corvnllls and returned to Clover
data on tho followlnr .Monday.
iMrs Arthur Temploton nnd Mrs.
Irvln Pnrburry weru luncheon guests
at tho Purling homo on Saturdny.
Mrs. Tompleton has Just roturned tn
Sistors from California with her
daughlor, Mrs, Kd Spoo. of Sister.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Harold Kllno and
Miss Koxy Morno spent Sunday
afternoon at tho Hny Abbey homo.
Tho Miller family has broil III with
tho flu, but nil aro rupldly recover
ing. Mr. and iMrs. Dean Vnn Matro nro
III with tho llu.
Huy Abbey was a hue In ens visitor
In Sistors on Wednesday.
Mrs. F. W. Lnntz was a cnllor nt
tho Harrison homo nu Saturday.
School comnmncod lust Monday
after a two months' vacation. About
30 pupils nro mirnlled nt proscut,
and school Is running on Saturdays
now to make up for thu tlmo lost.
Announcements havo boon re
ceived by friends In Clnvurdnlo toll
ing of tho marrlrvRO of Miss Anna
N'nottingle, a Sisters girl, to Mr. Otto
Sclienck of Tncomn on Juuunry 4.
They will mnku tholr homo In Tu
comii. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Pnrburry woro
Sunday callers nt thu J. II. Fryrvar
homo on Squaw crook.
Jmuilo and Dorothy Iloyd spent
Sunday with tho D. It. Long chil
dren. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ceo. Hiirnsldn weru
callers at tho Hurling homo on Sat
urday nfturnooii.
During his ubsouco to Portland
and Corvnllls. Mr. Aldrlch lost two
sleurs from bloat.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Hurling woro
callers at tho Hurmtldu homo on
Mrs Tompleton spent Friday nnd
Saturday night al tho Skoltou homo.
Mrs. Hurling urn! Mrs. Irvln Par
berry shopped In Sisters on Friday.
(Joo. Cyrus was a Hedmond visitor
on Saturdny.
Mrs. J. II. Fryrenr of Squaw Creek
was visiting at Ihn homu ot her son,
(Continued on Pago 7.)
By special arrangement
we can now ofFer you a
1 Year Subscription
The Bend Bulletin
and a '
1 Year Subscription
The Oregon Farmer
for only
Thit special price for both piperi It
good only (or a ihort time.
The Dead Bulletin,
Deed, Oregon.
Encloied find $2,00, (or which lend
me The Bend Bulletin and Tho Orcgoa
Farmer (or one year each.
Name........... ....... ...w......
Po'oflice ...j.....................
State.... ............. ........ ...j
You've often heard the saying, "It pays to advertise." That is
true. And it also pays to read advertisements pays you. If
you read advertisements consistently for any length of time
you will agree that this statement is also true.
It pays you in money saved. There are many real bargains of
fered from time to time in the advertisements appearing in
'this paper. Watch for them.
It pays you in satisfaction. "When a merchant asks you to
come to his store he obligates himself to sell you quality '
goods "as advertised." You have a right to expect satisfac-,
tion from what you buy and you get it. , ,
It pays you in time saved. When you know exactly what you1'
want to buy and where you want to buy it, you don't have'
- to "look around" and waste time finding it, . .
Don't you want to save money and time? Wouldn't you like-to
be sure of getting satisfactory service and" quality goods every
time you go to a store? Then read the advertisements and
patronize the stores which can serve you best.