WEEKLVf: EDITION BEND BULLETIN. , VOL. XVI. IHCND, DrJHCHUTKH COUNTV, OHI5GON, THURSDAY, JANUARY, 'Ml UHU No. 47 Turf "I "'" . f w k In ff c & t& JLf I ""IT. "C OUTLOOK FOR IRRIGATION IS BRIGHTER vs? nrcdr'.MT wit's v AT.T.w.v trn '?? f "''" BE FIRST. I ,; I , .DELEGATE IS NEEDED Nluuntt Write Hlnlo Knglneer Advls; JtiK Hpeelnl Representation In WhIiIiik(m If iMUli jtlll In Passed. (Akl 3 TbaHllo.).' fSALKM, Ja"n.20,Tho 1)MhutM vn'lley will bo tlio first In Oregon to bo given post-bellum consideration nuil Representative Hlnnutt, In a lotter' to Stato Knglnoer Cupper, urges Hint thoso Interested la irrl Kollon along tlio Deschutes camo to Washington and bo heard' 'on. their proposal In ovnnt tho $100,000,000 tilll of Secretary Lano becomes' law. Ho stales to Mr.'Cuppor ho hsk writ tun to several persons interested to Hint effect. "I havo written," ho says, "to various parties Interested In Irriga tion alonjj tho Deschutes "river; to tlio officials of tho North Unit proj ect near Madras; to tho prostdont of tho SuUIcm Lako Irrigation district as- near Grand View; to It. A. Ward, county agricultural agent at Red mond, suggesting tho wisdom and ex pediency of sending nomeono es pecially acquainted with these vari ous projects from tin engineering ntnndpolnt to press their respective merits to tho reclamation service and to Secretary lnno." Over U0,OOO Acre Included.. In a letter to Goorgo Quoylo. prominently Identified with land Bottlomont In Orv'Kon, 8(nta Engineer Cuppar has sent tho following data rolatlvo to tho Deschutes projoct as fonslhlo for post-holfnm develop ment: k "Tho Deschutes projoct consists of tho north, south, west and, north canal units with adjacent lauds and Includes wall over 200,000 acres of Irrlgntrio land and would scorn to furnish an opportunity for stato and national co-operation. "Tho north unit of tho Deschutes project, consisting of approximately lOOiOOO acres of I'rrlgahlo lahd, has boon' organized aa nn Irrigation dis trict and has voted bonds In amount "df 15,000,000. Should the reclama tion norvlco. boo lit to take part In tlio reclamation of tho Deschutes proJcct,..JhU organlzod district with Its 15,000,000 of bonds votod should furnish an excellent basis for be ginning operations. - y North Unfr to Co-operate. " "Whllo tho laud In this district is all In prlvato ownership It might aeom to furnish no basis for oo-opera,-tlon with tho federal government In Ita soldier settlement plan, however, It. Is expected that this session at the V legislature will mako It possible for ' largo landholders within an Irriga tion district to turn Into the district, a part of their holdings, receiving : credit thoreforo on tho reclamation charge against the remainder ot ' their lands and that the district will itM authorized to co-operate with the; ' fjt'ederal government In securing the Improvement and settlement ot them lands, Under this plan, both the district nnd the federal government ;'would recolvo back tho money ex pended In securing and Improving ' tho lands under Bomo deferred pay ' mont plan. The Nqrlh .Untt Irriga tion district has Indicated a willing ' hobs to co-operate in this matter and '" whltu tho effectiveness ot the co :, operation doponds upon the" indi vidual landholder,, I am- cojjyjnefld, that tho plun can bo .BUCcosHfully worked out on Oils project, , ' "Tho North Cnnnl unit consists npproxlnjntoly of 3B.O0O acroa of ir 1 rlgatod hind nogrogutod under tho iirovls'lons of tlio Cnroy act nnd un entered. This tract would furnish nn oxcolle'nt basis tor co-operation -. between tho atnto and fedurul gov , ornmont in carrying out Us soldier .fmatUement vlan. Curtain contract ,;for tlio reclamation of theeo lauds i uro outstandlnR but It Ut bellovod ' (Coutlnued on last Pge.) NEW ACTIVITY IS FORESEEN HERE WAHIIINGTON' TIMIiKU MAN IIUVH OUT h. L. IX)X AND WIMi IIUINO IIKAVY lAKHllSa TltUCKM TO JIK.VI). HP9.V. (From Wednesday's Dally.) Indications ot fresh activity Iq tho lumber business In Ilend aro seon In tho plans of It, 8. Iloyco, wealthy Washington timber mnn, outlined In hln purchase from L, L. Vox of this city of tho tntter's drnyago IiusIuohs. In connection with this, Mr. Itoyco has leaned the Fox burn on Ilond streot and will uso It to houso a number of live-ton trucn which ho Ijnd used In logging In Wanhlngton. He has also mado tentntlyo arrange menu for'the construction ot nn ad ditional garago building next spring. Mr. Itoyco gave no definite state ment as to his plans, but predicted that Dviid will be ouo or tho Uveal towns In tho northwest within a few months. Trucks of tho typo which ho proposes bringing to Central Oregon could bo profitably used In hauling logs, but it could not be lonrned from what tract, or for what mill, operations might be con ducted. BOXING TO START AT BEND ATHLETIC CLUB All Mm and Hoys InlermttsI In King Hjxrt Akrl ro Itcport to C A. Htcvrnon. (From Tuesday's Dally.) Work In boxing will bo started Immediately at tho Ilend Amatour Athletic club gymnasium Is tho an nouncement ot C. A. Htuvonson, man ager of this branch ot club activity. In order to get classes stnrted at onco Mr. Stevenson asks thnt all men and hoys Interested report to him at the Windmill cigar storo so that tho hours for work may bo deter mined on. Mr. Btovonson bnlloves thnt first class talent can bo developed In Ilond, nnd plans to work -with Jack Cnrsko, wrestling malinger ot tho club, In putting on monthly amateur smokers. COUNTY COURTS IN CONFERENCE TODAY (From Monday's Dally.) In an endeavor to clean up. old Crook county business, tho members ot tho courts of Crook nnd Deschutes counties met In lloud.thls afternoon. Judgo Wallace, Commissioners H. T. Lilt hoy nnd Hugh Lister nnd District Attoniey Wlllnrd Wlrtx wpropresont, representing Crook county, whljo L, I-:. Smith, formor commissioner ot Deschutes county, was callod In to assist Juilgo W. D. Uurnes and Com missioners Stookoy nnd Miller, the pr.eaunt mombors ot tho court. BEAVEItTON KILLER WELL KNOWN HERE (From Tuesday's Dally.) Charles W. Colby, who killed his wlfo and then shot himsolf at his Uoavorton homo Saturday night, was formerly a resident ot this .section, owning a ranch on the Dear Creek road. In a letter written to J. Frank Stroud ot Uenverton, Colby claimed lo have killed three mon during hla life. JUDGE DUFFY WILL .ARRIVE ON MONDAY (From Tuesday's Dally,) In n tologrnm received today by County Clerk J, II. Ilunor, Circuit JUdgo T, H, J. Duffy stated thnt ho wuh louIng 8t. Paul this morning and would hear casei requiring his attention horo on January 1 nnd 28. FUNERAL YESTERDAY FOR MRS. CARTER (From Monday's Dally,) Funornl aorvlcos woro hold yeator day afternoon from tho iNlswQjigor ohnpol for Airs, J. C. Cnrtor, who died horo Friday night. Rov, II. O. Ilurtrunft Of tho Presbyterian church was tho officiating minister. Inter mont was made in Pilot Dutto ceme tery, , ERECTION OF NEW MILL NOW BEING CONSIDERED BY BR00NNL0N GO. DECISION EXPECTED IN FEW WEEKS' TIME, t ORDER PLANS DRAWN Clinnco Is Keen to Help Kolvn I'roncnt I'rohlctu of Unemployed Mirny v Ficforx to Ito Considered Hays J, V. Keyvm. (From Wednesday's Dally.) Tho matter of the construction of a now sawmill In connection with Its presont plant U now under con sideration by tlio- DrookS'Bcanlon Lumber companyand within a fow weeks a definite decision will be reached. Plans and specifications aro to bo proparcd nt once and by tho tlmo thoy nro completed It is expected that n decision will bo rgached whether to go ahead Imme diately or. to postpono construction until n laTor dato. In spoaklng ot tho matter yester day, J. P. Keycs, genoral manager of tho company, said that among the mutters which must ho tnkeu into account in deciding tho question wero tho condition of tho lumber market and tho labor situation. Tho fact Is recognized thnt In the coming reconstruction period thoro may bo JUNIPER LUMBER . HAS REAL VALIJE Letter Hecclved'by Commercial Club Inquires ai to Source of Supply for. Pencil Industry. Tho possibility that Juniper lum bor, abundant In Central Oregon, may bavo valuo from an' Industrial standpoint Is indicated in a letter received by Tho Shqvlln-Hlxon Com pany from tho International Lumber Kxpurt company, the Dolkcna Lum Dond Commercial club. A correspondent ot tho Lumber Kxport company, tho Dalkcna Lum bof company, Is desirous of getting In touch with Individuals or a com pany able to supply small Ju'nlpor logs. It Is explained that those would bo used In tho manufacture of poncll slats. WRESTLING CLASSES ARE TO BE STARTED Jack Oarsko Placed In Charge of Im- portaut Athletic Work at Hcml Athletic Club. (From Monday's Dally.) Under tho direction ot Jack Oarsko wrestling classes will bo hold twice weakly, from 7 to 8 o'clock, Monday ahd Friday evenings at tho Dond Amateur Athletic club -gymnasium, it was announced today. Mr. Oarsko ljas had years of experlonca in ath letic club work and was recognised as one of tho premier grapplora ot tho northwest up to' three years ago when ho rotlrod from tho gnnio, Ho has lookod ovor tho available material In Mond nnd believes that a forraldablo wrestling teum can bo built up In addition to offorlng an oxcollont form of oxorclso to thosa who might not develop into crack mat mon. All who nro Interested In this branch ot club activity aro roqucsted to roport to 'Mr. darako nt tho gyni- liaslum. BEND CONSIDERED IN SASH FACTORY PLANS (From Monday's Dally.) Quoationa In regard to tho opon Ing, for nnothor sash nnd door, fuc tnrv in Jlond aro contnlnod In a letter Just rocolvod by tho Commer cial club from tho Soutnwostorn SiiBh & Door factory, Phoenix, Arizona. considerable unemployment through tho demobilization of tho army and tho company Is desirous of doing what It can to relievo tho situation by undorUiklng new work, If possible. No statement has been mado aa to tho oxact location of tho mill, but it is understood that It will bo on the existing log pond and not far from tho present mill. Vlnnn tn Ho Drawn Koon. Wash. Huffman, who had charge ot tho construction of the present plant, and "Hilly'; Weldllch, drafts man on tho same Job, and now In partnership with 'Mr. Huffman, haro been engaged to prepare tho plans and specifications and 'aro expected horo In a few days to begin tho work. It will take only three or four weeks to finish tho plans, according to Mr. Keycs, and by that tlmo tho decision as to nctual construction wilt havo been made. Humors havo been current for some tlmo to tho effect that new mill construction In tho vicinity of Ilond would bo undertaken this spring, but It has been Impossible to obtain any confirmation. New Im po'tus was given to tho talk last week when Mr. Huffman arrived for a con fcronco with Drooks-Scanlon officials and. In conversation with friends, stated freely that a now mill was under consideration and that ho ox- (Contlnuod on Pago 4.) CROSS FOX PELT BROUGHT TO BEND lllnck StrcAked Fur Indicate Exist t- en co of Ituro Animals In This Vicinity. (From Tuesday's Dally.) . JndlcaUng tho prcsonco ot valuable black foxes Intho Central Oregon country, Is n cross fox skin which n C. Griggs, focal pelt dealer, ro ectved recently In a consignment ot furs. Tho 'narnb of tho trnppor, or tho point ot which tho fox was taken, could not bo learnod. Tho polt held by tho Dcnd dcalor was apparently worn by a rnthor young animal, has black feet and further: shows mixed parentngo In tho tact that dark tipped hairs aro numerous on tho back. Cross fox skins nro listed at from ?CC to 100 lii tho local fur market. NEED STATE MONEY ,TO MATCH U. S. FUNDS SUito KiiRlncor Writes to Show That Government Money from Ochoco Is Not.'OthenvIso Available. (From Tuesday's Dally,) -In -a letter received today from Porcy'A. Cupper, Btato engineer, the Dond Commercial club Is notified that monoy returned to tho government from the Ochoco project cannot be allotted for Investigation ( ot the Deschutes, project unles an equal amount is put up by tho state. The sum turned in to tho govern ment Is ?1,000 greator than that which the state recolved. JOHN GAGEN BUYS BQTTLING WORKS (From Wednesday's Dally,) Announcement waa mado today ot tho salo by L. L-. Fox ot tho Plonoor bottling -works to John Qagon ot this city. Tho consideration was not made public. Tho plant Is designed to ultow for a dally output ot from 200 to 300 case's. NURSE APPOINTED DEPUTE SHERIFF (From Wednesday's Dally,) Friends of Mrs. M. M. Pntton, tho Portland nurso who assisted In cor ing for Frod N, Wnllnco, of Tumalo, during his recent Bovoro Illness, havo boon advised of her appointment as deputy sheriff ot Multnomah county. BOND ELECTION IS NOT VALID I.VHUKKICIKNT NOTICH OIVK.V JIB- row: voting on north unit 90,OQO,V(M JHSUH HAYH-J8TATK HUPHKMB C'buitT. (From Wednesday's Dilly.) 8ALBM, Jan. 22. That Insuffi cient tlmo notice of election renders Invalid the $5,000,000 bond Issue voted by the .North unit irrigation district In Jefforson county Is tho de cision handed down by tho stato on promo court yesterday. Tho provi sion of tho statuto specifying the number of days for which notice ot election must bo given was not fol lowed, tho court holds. This finding is a reversal of the decision of Circuit Judgo Duffy, who held that all the proceedings ot the district were valid. Tho supremo court sustains him In regard to the validity of tho pro ceedings connected with tho organ! zatlon ot the district. Tho caso was brought beforo the court on petition of tho board ot di rectors of tho North Unit Irrigation district for the txamlnatlon, approval and confirmation of tho proceedings In tho organization of the district and tho proceedings In connection with tho bond Issue CAST IS SELECTED FOR LIBRARY PLAY Tho Girl of KjirIc Ibinch" to Do Put on at Athletic Club Gymna sium February 7. (From Wednesday's Dally.) Tho Bend Library club will pro sont tho three-act western drama, "Tho Girl ot Eaglo Ranch," at tho athletic club on Friday evening, Feb ruary 7. This play is a comedy, replete with thrilling situations and side splitting Incidents. It has proven a big success wherever produced In tho past. Tho following cast Is announced: Frank Marvel, ranch foreman ....... .M... Ted Sexton Billy Wilson, his chunar. ..... ... ... ......Eugeno Fulton Richard Huntley,' an easterner.... . ...... . -Ralph Curtis Doc Ryo, n woman hnter..... .,.. .....-............-....;Jay B. Xoblo Moqul, a Mexican cattle rustler.... . ................Ray Golden Florence Curtis, "Tho Boss''v.... ...............-....Mra. R. S. Dart Arabella Marshall, Florcnco'a adnt . . ............ Mrs. Amy Noble Mndgo Marvel, Frank's sistor........ ...............................-....Fern Allen Commlttco on music and special ties, Mrs. Dart and Mrs. Noble. Mrs. M. H. Horton has been placed in chargo ot tho orchestra, work. Tickets will bo on salo at all the drug stores. Tho following high school girls have been secured as ushors: Beryl Catt, Ethel Vincent, Cora Dates, Thoola Loveridge, Mario Catt, Margaret Inablt. Constanco Knickerbocker and Hilah Brick. ' Further details will be announced later. CENTRAL OREGON COWS MAKE GOOD (From Wednesday's Dally.) The summary ot tho reports ot all cow testing associations ot tho state tor the month ot November gives the Holsteln cow Prlscllla, belonging to P. C. Dart ot Bend, as high cow for milk production with 1878 pounds for tho month. Tho grade Holsteln hord ot H. A. Helmholtz of Redmond bad tho high est avorago tor tat production (hords over 10 cows), with nn average ot 41.9 pounds, almost double' tho uturugo of tho next highest herd, HATCHERY PIPE LINE NEARING COMPLETION (From Wednesday's Dally.) Aided by tho hoavy ratiiB ot. the past fow days, which removed all the frost from the ground, ranger of the Doschutea national forest wero working today tp comploto the In stallation ot the plpo lino at the Tumalo fish hatehory, It t was thought that the work would 'bo fin ished by this evening. LEGISLATURE WORWHARD LAWMAKERS AT SALEM MUCH IN EARNEST. Log Rollins; 1ai In I'vldence Tha In Former Sessions Clianccn for Consolidation Pro gram Still Uncertain). (8U1 to The BuIMIn.) SALBM, Or., Jan. 23. The first 10 days ot tho legislative sessloa havo disclosed that Oregon has aa earnest-minded, conscientious and honest body of men grinding away In Its legislative halls as It over has had in Its history. Prompt aette on Important measures, Inclination to abandon trifling or possibly detri mental legislation to the scrap heap, and a laudable desire to do up their business on schedule time and re turn to the farm, tho office or the factory, are determinations whlek are written on tho taco ot nearly every member or crop out In their, talk. Experience through over sir Ore gon Legislatures convinces tho writer that the Oregon taxpayer in golag to get moro for his money this ses sion than ever bofore; that he Is going to see less Juggling, leas leg rolling and less political hypocrisy la this session than over before. Tnw bo Is going to hear a lot about those particular things, but they are go ing to develop from a very few ot the members and a very few ot the news writers, who have come up here for the avowed purpose of "starting something." Petty Acts Criticized Even in the first week of the ses- ;slon a member or two Jerked loose the Veils which have been conceal ing their .aspirations and began to let their political and personal am bitions get full sway. It is evident however that these members will not get very far at this session, aa already they are being criticised br thcir colleagues who declare that the time has come for tho Legislature to forget petty political ambitions and to bo a medium for tho enactment of bona fido decent legislation, and I to let It go at that. Tho big Important issues ot the session seem to havo gotten away under rather decent auspices and have a good outlook for 'being brought to some successful termina tion. Tho members aro all agreed that there must be some sort of a concrete reconstruction program laid out which will hold water and will actually accomplish tho ends sought. A Joint reconstruction committee will grapplo with thso problems and tho members have shown their good faith by appealing to the leading men ot thp atate for their views on the subject. Little politics will be injected Into tho reconstruction (Continued on Last Page.) ERNEST EVERINGHAM DIES THIS MORNING Death Follows That of Brother, Little Mare Than Week Ago Funeral yfiU Bo Tomorrow. (From Tuesday's, Dally.) Little more than a week after the death of his brother Harry. Kraest EverlngRnm. aged 33 yesrs. died early this morning at his home in Bend aa the result ot a severe attack ot pneumonia. His parents aad one brother living iu this vicinity sur vive him, while another brother is Mlvlng in Portland, and a third Is in tua qetYlce in France. Funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock, tomorrow afternoon from the NtsWonger chapel, JKqv. II. 0. Hart rauft of the Preabytorlan church of ficiating. RANGERS AT WORK, ON HATCHERY PIPE LIGNlE (From Monday's Dally,), t -. Rangers of the forestry ixtrvlco were working today to elear-iho rlght-of.-way for the ;plpq llq fy the new-fish hatchery en 'the TVmalo. The survey was made Saturday by County Surveyor Robert B. Gould,