The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 16, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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Crowd in
f the Store
frfl.y wore trying to josh tho Tobacco Man
A IUYU U UilUW U1I ,U lUllU Jl UU9U liUl-a
in extra to chew
tnis ciass 01 lODac-
mc,"says hc."Break
off just two or three
squares. That's a
man's size chew of
Real, Gravely. It
holds its good taste
Real Gravely Chewing Plug
each piece packed in b pouch
FJWiWri i fiVd jViMi tf'I'Til t iBf-eTi7rjlssyiaBVIf
goes further that's
why you can get the good
taste of this class of tobac
co without extra cost.
PINIMIUHST. Jnn. 7. A reception
In honor of Mr. and Mm. l.uthor
Clnrkntnu of Pullman, WiihIi,, wns
hold nt tlio 0. W. Howell homu Fri
day evening. About it) peoplo woro
pro-out from Tumnlo nnd vicinity,
mill tint evening wuh spout with music
unit various canto. A. A. Dlcklu
noil of Tumnlo won tlio prlro In tint
guessing content, whllo Itiiyinouil
Churchill hold honors In I ho lmlnnc
Iiik net. A ilollclniiH lunch win
PI.AINVJI5W, Jan. H. Tho O.
of Ilond spent several days tho vast
A. 10. Hosn homu mat Baturday even
ing, Jnnunry 18. Hvoryono Ik cord
hilly Invltml to attend and u good
timet Is assured.
Mr. I.ouls llonuutt nnd children
ofK Bond HMiut novo nil dayn tho pant
wook visiting with relatives und
friends In I'luf nvlitw,
MrH. A. K, Ilium, Mrs. Kmmn Tutor
non mid .MrH. C. F. Chnlfmi worn In
DHHC'HUTKfl, Jnn. 14, - Mm
II run do n bur it Ih cookliw nt tho Doh
chutuH hotel far ncouplo of weeks.
Mm. Hwnlloy linn boon very nick
with tho Influmizii for n amnio of
weeks. Mr. AhlHlrom will tuko hor
to Ilimd to tho hospital,
Mm. Kay Thornton spent tho nftor
noon with Mni. Jones yuntorduy.
Mr. llutnhllu Ih cutting wood alonn
Mm. Silver spent tho dny In Hcnd.
Mr. Hon hum linn boon cngngod In
pulling trues on his inrm tho lns"l
two weeks.
Sunday nchool was started Just
Huiiduy with u Rood nl tendance,
Mndson llolton culled nt tho homo
of IiIh hrothor Friday evonlng.
Mm. Uiinihllu wan u caller nt tho
Hllvor homo Friday.
Mm, Thu niton nnd son Lylo wcro
Unud cullers Friday.
Lylo Thu niton upont n dny tUls.
weak with hi undo, Mr. Hcott.
served nt midnight, nnd nil dopiirtod ' Hodinond on n shopping trip 1'rldUy.
In tint wo small hour of tho moru p. A. Hcroggln nnd Phil Hnillh
lug, having hud n moat delightful worn rldliiK for ntock In tho Powell
tlmo, i llutto country Ihhi Wednesday.
Mm. (1. W. Bnydor loft Monday for
n with rohulvon nt Wnltaburg,
John MoN'nnlmon In n unvv pupil In
tho seventh grado, entering nchool
"W, P. Myom nnd family of Horn!
worn cnllorn nt Ihn U. M. Couch homu
Sunday ajtornooti.
Harry Dlotorlch returned homo
laxt wook from Camp Btovcim, whoro
lio linn boon nlntlonod lnco lout Bop
Inmhor, hnvliiK received hln din
chnrnu from tho nriiiy.
A watch pnrty wna Hold nt tlio i:.
If. BpaiiKli homo Tuiwday ovodIiik.
Thoiio pronont worol C. W. Ilowoll
nnd family, Mr. nnd Mm. V. H.
Bourcy, 'Mr. nnd Mm. I. K. Wlmer
mid non. Mr. mid Mm. Hurry Mc
(lulni, Mr. and Mm. I.. Clarkitou
nnd Itntli Ilnyloy. Tho ovoulnn wa
punt with came- nnd candy pulllu;.
A dollclnun lunch, connlitltiR of enko,
coffuo nnd nandwlcbo. wuh mirvud,
nnd all departed nt n Into hour, wlnli
ItiK tho host and lioalemt a happy
Now Year.
Mr. nnd Mm. Hownrd Hurtloy mid
non Jack upont Thumdny nt thu Mc
(lulro homo.
ilcunfo Bnydor had tho honor of
ntnudliiK up tho loniuit In tho iipolt
Ins content Friday ovuiiIiir.
Frank Mc.Siinlmnn
Cnmp I.owli
MioiidliiK tho wook with rolntlron
Minn Kthol Bnydor rolurncd to
Ilond Monday, IiuvIiik npout tho holl
dnyn with hur purentn. Mr. mid Mm.
H. w. Bnyilor.
Mr mid Mm. I'rontlco Van Tassel
Hindu it trip lo llcnd on WuduuMilny.
Mm. H. T. Hartley npont two dayn
hint wook with Mm. Hurry McOulru.
Mm. Mcdulrn hun boon iiulto 111.
Mm. M. V. Knickerbocker won
culled to Ilond Thurnilny mornliiR to
nttund hur daiinbtor, Conntmico, who
In kupl In by n nuvoro cold. Minn
Conntaiico In much bettor now.
Mr. mid Mm. C. K. Chnlfan nnd
Mr. mid Mm Warren Clialfan and
family had it very enjoyublo time
nt tho F. V. I'owom homu lant Wed
uomliiy oveultiK.
Itt'V. McVlckur of Itcdmond will ho
at thu nchool houno next Bunduy
nfternuou, Jnuuury l'J, at 3 o'clock,
to hold preachliiK ncrvlcen.
Mr. mid Mm. Joo Hownrd of Lowur
llrldcu worn wcuk-end euentn jit thu
nnruey rnncu.
0, F. mid Warren Chnlfan holped
It. A flrrnriflii nint A. .. Arrnatrnni
! put up Iro on Friday.
J. A. W, BcorkIii han been kept
ludnore by n nuvoro cold for several
An uuunually largo number of
ludloi ntlundud tho O. 1). O. club
muutlnx nt thu homo of Mm, Jnmcn
Klklnn lant Tlitimdny. Thu next
"?.S,1"V,i.0V"',K: "MOr Mt. Howard Hurtloy. on Thursday
nttornoon, January -3.
Mhui I.uollrt HurRitsH Vent to Ilond
Inst Thumday ovoulnn and In nun
Iiik In tho Ilond RurKlciil hospital.
Mm. W. I). Clark linn been qulto
Harry Dlutnrlcu wan confined to
hln homo several dayn thin weok III thu past week.
with nn nttnek of thu nmnslen. arvir Pullman from tho Pino
Mm. Mildred Hnrtur vlsltud at tho froo mill wnn n cnllur at tho Pullman
homo of hur mothor Bunduy. ruiieli on Monday.
Kthol (Irnlmm, Myrtlo Bpuurjli nnd .Mm. varrun Chnlfan nnd family
Itnymond Wlmor wero Rtiuntn nt (1. H,,cnl irlduy nl t,0 ,ox A ranch.
ww,"..Hp0"1. '.". "K,i,t.1"';:. Joyed tho good tlmo nt tho party nt
Tumnlo hull hint Friday ovenlnic.
oral dayn this wouk at tho McOulru
Mm. J. I,. Couch spent Friday on
tho KUcst or Mm. J. K Ilrnmhull of
A Jolly crowd enmo out from Turn
nlo Thumday ovonliiK, nnd after
bulldhiR bonllron, spout tho uvunlnK
nkntliiR on llnyloy'n pond.
John Kmcreon of KIlunnburK,
AViish., In vIsttliiR nt tho McNiinlrnon
C. II. BpniiKli hauled n load of
lumbur from tho Tumnlo mill Frldny,
which ho will usn In Initnlllux u net
of acalun for wulchlng hay nt hln
C. M. PholpH wan n callur at tho
Anron Joluwoit ranch Baturday.
I'olsonouit Wnsto i'miie) Hlckncfm.
When tho kldnoya aro well thuy
filter wnnto matter from tho blood.
Whon hIurkIhIi or overworked, tho
kldnnyn fall to clean tho blood, nnd
poisonous substances lodgo In Jolntn
and muscles to ciiubu nchoa, pnluii
mid soronoas. Foloy Kidney Pills
ntruiiRthen, net quickly mid relieve
kldnoy anil bladder troublo. Bold
ovory where. Adv.
Claude Mutz of Hcnd was u Plain
vluw callor Frldny.
M. V. Knlckorbucker wnn In Hcnd
Friday aftorunon.
Mr, nnd Mm, II. T. Hartley woro
ahoppom In Ileud, Saturday.
Homur Connloy arrived nt tho A.
V. ArmstroiiR ranch Baturday, nftor
work Iiik ut tho fllstura' mill tho past
wook. An noon an tho weather In
favorable for tho mill to start. Mr.
Connloy will return to Bisters.
A KuthorliiR of iielRhbora nnd
friends woru ontortalnod nt tho J. A.
V. BcoRRln homo on Sunday evening,
Thu occasion was n fnrowull party for
Mm. I.ouln Ilonnott nnd family of
Ilond, who aro movliiR to fillvor Lako
In tho nonr future. All onjoyed In
turestltiR Karnes of cards and music.
A delicious lunch was served by tlio
Misses Wllmn nnd Mary Iloimott
woro outortaluou nl tlio llox A ranch
Saturday nvonlnj and Sunday.
Tho N'ursliall brothoro will lirlnR
tholr wood sow from Tumnlo nnd
cut wood for (i numbur of Plulnvlow
rnnchoni thin week.
CLOVKHDALK, Jnn. 1C. Jlrn.
Frank HurlliiR received n letter from
hor non, Prlvato Itobort Uurllni-, A.
K. F In which ho nnyn ho In on tho
blR drlvo Into llcrmany nnd linn
pannud tlirnui'li tho following Ocr
muii towns: HeklnKun, LuxomburK,
to ItolIliiKon nnd on throupli Mlkel,
Htedone, 'MulburR, JjolnulRour, Illllos
liolm mid Ilodcnbnch. Prlvnto Hur
ling ntso-nuld that hln next letter
would most likely bo mailed from
Mr. nnd Mm. Goo. Hurnnldo nnd
family- spent Bunduy afternoon ut tho
I). II. Lone homo.
llurold Kllnq tok n Ind of dressed
hoRn to Iloiul on Friday,
J. U. Parborry mid II. J. flkolton
mndo n trip to Cloverdnlo ditch head
gates ono dny lunt week.
A. K. Pcteraon roturned from Port
land Monday, whoro ho has been nt
tondltiR tho stuto water convention.
II. O. Wilson nnd family took In
tho movies In itcdmond on Bundny
Ooo. F. Cyrus wnn a business vis
Itor In Ilond on Wednesday.
Mm. Frank Hurling wnn n callor nt
tlio J. U. Parborry homo on Thum
dny. Mr. nnd Mm. J, II. Hodson, Mr. nnd
Mm. Irvln Parborry mid Mr. und Mm.
Harold Kllyo spent Tuesdny evening
at tho homo of Mr. and Mm. W. It.
leo. Cyrus and Mr. Helling wore
Itcdmond visitors on Baturday.
Mr. Harrlnon has beun on tho nick
list for n fow days, but In recovered
at present.
I.Ioyd HouRher. who han been
visiting ut thu Miller homo, went to
Doud on wodnesday, whoro ho will
seek employment In tho mills.
W. F. Fryrcar and non Sterling
and Mr. Peck were llcnd business
visitors on Friday.
Mm. Dean Van Matro spent Batur
day ovenlng nt tho homo of her par
outs, Mr. mid Mm. II. C. Miller.
I). II. Iing. F. W.'Lnntx nnd J. C.
Aldrlch mndo n trip to tho hcnd of
Squaw Creek ditch on Thursdny to
break thu Ico Jam.
Mm. Irvln Parborry spent Sunday
afternoon nt tho F. J. Hurling resi
dence. J. I,. Parborry and son havo leased
tho Dulkln ranch for tho coming
W. W. Van Matro was In Clovor
dalo Saturday looking after his busi
ness Interests hero.
Hill Fry rear Is hauling straw from
tho Arnold ranch.
Van Wilson motored to Tumnlo
Sunday evening.
. . t
(From Monday's Dally.)
Local delegates to tho ntnto con
vention of thu Oregon Federation of
Labor returned last night aftor suc
ceeding lu having Hcnd named an tho
noxt meeting placo of tho federation.
Representatives from tho different
districts nnd industries nil over tho
nlato will gnthor horo on July 21, it
was decided. Two from thin city re
ceived offices in tho ntato organiza
tion, O, II, Haker being named a
member of tho executive committee,
whllo Hay Canterbury was noluctcd
ns Farmers' union delegate,
Tho election of officers will bo by
referendum voto of tho members of
unions affiliated with tho stuto feder
ation. Flection supplies will be for
warded In five days to each union,
which must cant Its voto and make
Its return within 30 days, when tho
voto will ou canvassed. Tho officers
elected will bo installed March 1.
Without n dfssuntlng voto tho con
vention by resolution petitioned tho
legislature for tho enactment of a
law establishing a basic cl.hthour
day In lieu of tho 10-hour basic day
for nil Industries now affected by thu
basic 10 hour day. Discouragement
of overtime work, except in caso of
extreme emergency, was also recommended.
When you walk Into a dependable
inoc store ana asK lor a pair or
DuCKliuaiT Army Shoes, you
can uc sure
Tint thb Army Shoe I up
to It4ndrd-that it is
mads by workmen who
have turned out more than
6oo,ooo Army Shoe under
flltert aunervhlon and that
it ii backed by a record of more than Cay
ytut of honett ihoe manufacturing.
Look for our regiitcrej trada name
Ducumcirr ttampejon the tole of every
Shoe for our mutual proteAion.
f3MIKi r r.J'IjJinMf V'
Hi .-WiL'W,
There's juit one thing
to remember ask for
the BucKUECltT Army
Shoe by name and be
sure that you get it,
Then you wjll appre
date why it Is worn by
thousand or
Offlca Men Farmers
Attorneys , OrchwrdUU
Phyatdani Motortnea
Hikers Conductor
-and others In every walk of lift.
U not obtainable from your dealer, ciut name an J our
order direct to
$7.00 to'$8.00
BISTKHS, Jan. 16. Miss Anna
Nbotnnglo of Blstora wob married to
Otto Schonck of Tnconm Saturday,
January 4, tho Hoy. Salrormnn, n
Lutheran mlnlstor, performing thu
coromony. They will mako tholr
homo In Tncoma.
Kills Kdjlngton was at Bond Tues
day on business.
Tho Slstum-Metollun Llvo Stock
association will hold its annual
meeting at Sisters In Allen's hall tho
first Saturday lu Fobruory. All
monition are eurneatly requested to
bo present.
Mm. J. IL Stldham was nt Ho ml
C. W. Alton mado a business trip
to Ilond Friday,
Krod McKlnnoy wont to nond Sut
urduy. A nurpriso party on Inox McKlnney
was given Saturday evening.
Mm. John Bruns is sick with
II. I.. Tono was in town Tuesday
on business,
Oeorgo Davja has complotcd all
tho eighth grado work In spoiling,
agriculture, urithmotlc, reading, civil
government nnd ponmunshlp; Arnold
Urndy tho olghth grado work in spell
ing, agriculture, reading, civil gov
ernment, urithmotlc nnd ponmunshlp,
mid John Cocll Hobblns, Hlldu und
Idulln MoAdum, Alvln Hrudy mid
John Allon tho fifth grado work In
urithmotlc. John Allen has com
pleted tho olghth grndo work in agri
culture, mid Vom Klut Iina .flnishod
tho touth grndo work in botany nnd
tho eleventh grndo work lu English
Mr. and Mm, II, K. Allen nnd son
Harold hnvo moved back to Slstors.
Mra. Horman Sonmnn wont to
Horn! Tuesday to hnvo hor oyos
Shelby Allon is now In Bolglum
nnd has boon promoted to corporal
In tho 91st division.
Little Huth Shearer is qulto 111
with flu. Mm. Shearer enmo down
from Oruwellcr's mill to nurso hor.
Mm. Crpnlu has flu qulto badly,
but Mr, Cranio, who has been down
for so long, Is much Improved.
Sorgcant Harold M. Charlton ar
rived home last week from Camp
Kustls, -glad to bo once moro a plain
citizen of Crook county.
Mrs. K. A. Uussett and Miss Fay
Bunnell havo been qulto 111 with Uu,
but at present writing aro somewhat
Improved. Miss Uussett's school Is
dismissed because of It.
Lloyd Uussett nnd Harold Charl
ton drovo to Prlnovillo In tho car
A good nttendanco was had at the
dance Friday night. Everybody re
ported n good tlmo.
A flno snow came Friday night, en
suring a good supply of moisture for
tho farmers.
Pat Anglnnd tins returned to Lake
view to remain with his children.
C. M. Charlton returned Monday
morning from nttendanco nt tho Irri
gation congress. Ha reports n good
tlmo nnd bollovcs much good will re
sult to tho country from- tho work
they did.
Mr. nnd Mra. Gray and Mr, and
Mm, Andrcson of Deschutes wcro vis
Itora ut tho homo of Hoy Huberts ro-'
contly. They wcro old tlmo Hood
Hit or friends and neighbors.
Mr. nnd Mm. E. II. Stewart wcro
business visitors to Itcdmond Mon ,
day. Mr. Stewart has but recently
recovered frm tho flu.
Miss Mario Austin of Prlnovillo
was u iguest of Aim. Arthur Wurz
welter for tho danco Frldny night.
Mra. Almu Hall was a houso guest
of Mrs. John Drlscoll a fow days this
u eek.
Is Sealed!
BrWr'- iffimwxtMuvunMuwtiwimiimKfflm mutt-
i I " tPvw m ift lr
i" If Look tor the ill
LljM Iflj sealed package, but
lilllii ave an eye out SS
H I Sill aIso or e name IS
1 S That name is your pro- i
SflliiiH fectlon against Inferior :
SSlSiffl Imitations. Just as the
III Bill! sealed package Is pro- gi;
BjBW tectlon aaalnst Impurity. f
ttm u fflfmittmi Hie ureaiesi itdinc jm
ml 9 HB23 Rati-
Hgpp in Goody-Land rS5w
y5y Lasts x3- Ktft rJaW iimM
Wednesday to attend several mem
bora of tho Dletcrich family, who arc
suffering from a severe typo of
Mra. Howard Hartley spent Tues
day with Mrs. Nclta McGulre.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Rhclboff and Mr. nnd
Mm. Twcedt of Sunnysldo wero
callers at tho Spaugh homo Satur
day afternoon.
Albert Graham was a business
visitor In Tumalo Wednesday.
D. W. Dletcrich sold two of his
steers to tho butcher in Dcnd and
delivered them Friday;
Luther Ciakreton left Monday for
his homo at Pullman, 'Wash., after a
10 days' visit hero with relatives.
3Ira. Jones was a caller at tho
G. .M. Couch homo Tuesday.
The Owl Pharmacy
POWELL BUTTE, Jan. 14. Quito
a number of young lambs aro re
ported in tho vicinity. Nearly all
havo been saved, notwithstanding
the cold,
PINEHURST, Jan. 14. What
came near being a disastrous fire oc
curred at tho Pino Tree mill when
a plla of wood nt tho school houso
caught fire, tho flames spreading to
the building. After horolc efforts on
the part of Mr. Dollman and others
thu tiro was finally extinguished after
It had burned off tho porch nnd
chnrrod tho front of tho main build
ing. Miss Anna Elder ontortnlncd with
a part Saturday eeulng for tho par
ents nnd pupils or District No. 9.
Thoso present woro: Huth Hayloy,
Hesslo Snydor. Wavorly Hayloy, Los
tor Snyder. Ethel Graham. Violet
Spaugh, Hussell Graham, John Mc
Ntinlman, ltozolla Phelps, Myrtlo
Spaugh, Raymond Wimer. Ralph
Swisher. Gladys Spaugh, Mr. and
Mrs. L E. Wimer. Mm. C. M. Pholps.
Mm. F. V. Swlshor nnd Mr. and
Mrs. C. H. Spaugh mid daughter
Alice. Tho evening was spent with
playing games and making candy.
Rozolla Phelps was entertaluod nt
tho Snydor homo Sunday.
C, II. Spaugh und family woro
dinner 'guests nt tho Stnr ranch Sun
day ovenlng.
Mra, J lurry McGuiro was taken
suddonly ill Monday ovenlng, hut nt
presont Is much Improved.
C. M, Pholps, accompanied by Mr.
und Mrs. Anron Johnson, woro busi
ness visitors lu Doud Monday.
Mra. O, W. Howell spent tho wook
ut tho McGuiro homo.
Iilalna Dovoru. C. H. Snnunh.
Hnrry Dlotorlch, F. V. Swlshor, 811ns
uieioricn, ivoillo Howell nnd Mrs.
Glnrkstou woro business visitors In
Ilond from Plnohurst Thursday,
iMl8s Alary Silvers, who has boon
staying with Mra. G, M. Couch, was
called homo Tuesday by tho illness
of hor mothor,
C, Podorson has sold his bnlod liny
nnd Is delivering It In Uoud this
wook, iMessre. Hnrry nnd 811ns
Dlotorlch nro helping htm.
O, M. Couch was In Rodraond
Thursday with eovoral bushols of
whoat, which ho had ground at tho
mill tnore.
Mr. and Mrs. Joan "Wlmor woro
business visitors In Bond Wednesday.
A doctor from Bend "was called
Shoes for Real Service
The Oregon Farmer
Both for the Price of One
By a, special arrangement with Tfat Oregoa Farmer yon can
ecnra Tho Oregon Parmer with this paper at the pries of this
giper alone. In other words, when yon subscribe for YOUR
OME PAPHE, or renew yomr present sabMriptloa, you are
entitled to
Receive The Oregon Fanner
for the Asking
SZCB OXEOON FARMER is Oreroa'c gnul aUU fans pepe
lamed erery week and devoted to the Oregoa farm and the
Dnfoe farm home, just as thk paper b deroUd t the people,
Med t the intents of this loeai eoBukaaity,
This Opportunity May Not List Loig