The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 16, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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MILLICAN, Jan. 11. After drill
ing three hours on the Itoaln placo,
water was struck. There was 30
feet ot water In a depth pt 45 feel
drilled. Mr. Shaver, the well driller,
Bald It is tho nicest now ot water
Rtruck In tho high desert during all
his exporteiico as "woll drlllor horo.
Tho drill will now be moved to tho
P. Tauschor placo.
Mr. Shavor and Mrs. Love 8ch a ft or
made a trip to Dend Wednesda.
Leo Kcllor raado a trip to Mtlllcan
Thursday with Jlonry Trgh, return
ing to 'Dend tho same day. They
towed Mr. Roller's car to tho post-
Mr. Shavor and Mr. Holland made
a trip to Dond recontly.
Miss Mao Caseboor returned from
her vacation trip and resumed her
duties as teacher at our school house
Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Johnson and
son Itobert wore out from Bend
Mrs. iMary L. Rosin and daughter
Virginia were out from Bend Satur
day night to loo utter tho drilling
on her homestead and to visit at the
Holland homo, wheYo a dance- was
given Saturday night.
Mrs. It. R. Kcllor and three sons,
Mr. Brooks and Benny QraiTonbcrger
wcro Sunday visitors at the Holland
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Holland re
turned to their homo In Washington
Friday after spending the holidays
with Mrs. Holland's puronts, Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Graffenbergcr.
Leo Keller and family started for
Bend Friday, but unfortunately tho
car broko near the Ileamos place,
o they went to Bend with the
school In Bend now.
Two now scholnrs, Nolllo and
Helen Wilson, stnrtod to school
A. NcfT will carry tho mall from
Bond to StaufTcr Monday on account
ot W. L. Coffey's nbsonco.
Loo Young loft last Snnday even
ing for an cxtonded visit at Aber
deen, Washington. Mr. Young has
been suffering from muscular rheum
atism and thinks a change ot clt
niato will help him.
Sunday school was held at tho
Mountain Vlow school houso Inst
Sunday for tho first tlmo In sovoral
wooks. Desplto tho epldomtc thoro
was a good crowd out. Hereafter
thoro will bo Sunday school every
Sunday at 2 o'clock.
Little Gortlo Coffey is staying at
her grandma's, .Mrs. A. Ncff, whilo
her mother Is gone.
children and Mr. and Mrs. Ifrsklns
woro cullers nt tho Anderson homo
Tuesday ovonlng,
Bill Johnson went ovor (o Charles
Low's, nenr tho Grange hull, utter
his horses Sunday.
Hniis Mlkkelson Is hauling wood
to Deschutes to ship.
Mr. and Mrs. F, B. Bnughmnn and
Mr. and Mrs. Hobklna woro Bond
visitors Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Bales and Mr.
and Mrs. W. N. Ray of Tumnto woro
callers in this neighborhood Sunday.
Anton Ahlstrom was In Redmond
on business Frldny,
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Gray and Mr.
and Mrs. O. H. Anderson spent Sun
day visiting Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rob
erts at Powell Butte.
Gust Nolson came down from Bend
Saturday night to visit ovor Sunday
with his cousin, Anton Ahlstrom.
Miss Hllma Nolson had as guests
nt supper' Saturday ovonlng BUI
Johnson and Mr. And Mrs. O. E.
LOWER BRIDGE, Jan. 13. Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. NIeport, who have
been living In Portland, whore Mr.
Nleport has been working in tho
shipyards, havo returned to their
C. H. Cathro, manager of tho dlato
ralte plant, made a business trip to
Portland Thursday.
Mrs. Fred Walters and Darwin
Walters were Redmond visitors last
E. P. Mahaffey was a visitor at the
Hosklns homo over Thursday and
C. P. Boles was a Redmond visitor
G. K. Stadlg, Geo. S. Roberts. C. F.
Hosklns, L. A. Hunt and Horace
Brooking were In Bend Monday on
water business.
Mrs. C F. Hosklns and Marlon
Hosklns were In Redmond Saturday.
L. A. Hunt was in Portland to at
tend tho irrigation congress.
Wm. Pablo has moved from tho
Mooro place to tho Brown place,
which ho has rented.
BEND R. F. D. No. 1, Jan. 8.
The Mountain View school opened
again Monday after being closed sev
eral weeks. There Is an attendanco
of 14.
Dewey Mooro, who was homo visit
ing during tho holidays, loft Wednes
day night for Portland, where ho Is
employed in the shipyards.
Mr. and Mrs. Ncff and Mr. and
Mrs. J. Malosh attended church in
Bend Sunday evening.
Arthur Harris, who was homo on
a ten-day furlough, left for Maro
Island Thursday after visiting with
Triends and relatives.
Mr. and Mrs, W. L. Coffey and
Courtnoy Pontlous took New Year's
dinner with the A. Neff family.
Glonn Slack, A. Neff and 11. 8,
Mersdorf were down in tho De
uchutes country appraising land Sat
urday. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Coffey took
the train Saturday evening for
Joe Wornstaff of Oswego is hero
on a business trip. While here ho
Is helping Will Wornstaff, who is
Blowly recovering from a very bard
attack of the flu.
Dorothy and Fanny Moore spent
Sunday in Bend visiting the Virgil
Cook family.
Court Powers, from Iowa, is hero
spending the winter with his sUter,
Mrs. G. h. Moore, and family.
Mr, and Mrs. A. Neff -were visitors
at J. O. Williams' home Thursday
Cecil Youn Is attending high
TERREBONNE. Jan. S. Mr. and
Mrs. W. O. Ralston ot this locality
hnvo lately 'hoard from their two
sons, Clifford and Earle. Clifford
Ralston Is now In England recuperat
ing from nn attack ot tho flu, whllo
Earlo Ralston is in France.
Word was received hero that Jako
Smedcnga, a visitor in this commun
ity at tho homo of his undo, Illchnrt
Dykstcdlmls, prior to his enlistment,
has just died In Franco ot the In-
Mrs. Wester has received a lettor
from her brother, Forrest Miller.
Ho Is among tho first to nrrlvo at
Berlin for police duty.
George Whitcls has purchased tho
40-ucro tract northwest of Torre
bonne, formerly owned by Gerrit
M. M. Miller has recently pur
chased tho McFaddcn placo, north
west ot Terrebonne.
Brynn T. Lowo is the first Terro
bonna soldier to return from tho
camps. Several others aro expected
A very cnjoyablo evening was re
ported by thoso who attended tho
party at tho McEltrcsh homo last
Tuesday evening.
A dance was given at tho Farmers'
Union hall In Terrebonne last Fri
day evening.
School reopened Monday with
nearly normal attendance Nearly
every ono in tho community had been
absent with the flu.
Due to a largo head ot water be
ing turned down tho flume back of
O. Bakor's place, tho road and sur
rounding wood was flooded. The
road is damaged so that It cannot bo
used until repaired.
A surpnso party was given at tho
Geo.- H. MacGrcgor homo Now Year's
The annual election of tho Terro
bonne Red Cross auxiliary was hold
Monday, December 30'. Officers oloct
ed aro as follows: Mrs. F. L. Wester,
president; Mrs. W. R. Davidson, vlco
president; Mrs. Mao Hall, secretary,
and Mrs. W. O. Ralston, treasurer.
It you nro bloated, languid or Insy,
havo "tho blues." headaches, nalnl
tatlon, biliousness, bad breath, una,
constipation or indigestion, you will
fool bettor In tho morning It you tnko
a Foley Cathartic Tablet tonight.
This Is a wholesonio laxative and
cleansing physio that acta without In
convenience, griping or nausea. Sold
everywhere Adv,
and Mrs. John Edwards entertained
tho following guests at Now Year's
dinner: (Mr. and Mrs. II. T. Mlkkel
sen, Alfred Mlkkelson, Rasmus Peter
son, Anton Ahlstrom, Mrs. Catharlno
Johansnn and Mlhs Hllma Nelson.
J, W. Peterson and Mrs. Carrie
Johnson were In Bend Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Brandenburg
wero in Redmond Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Anderson, ac
companied by Mrs. W. H. Gray and
Mrs. II. T. Mikkelsen, wero shopping
In Bond Thursday.
II. T. 'Mikkelsen took two steers
to Redmond Thursday, which ho had
sold to tho butcher.
Mrs. Ed. Swallcy was u Bend vis
itor Thursday.
Rasmus Peterson and Mrs. Cath
arine Johansen entertained tho fol
lowing guests at a dinner New Year's
ovo: Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gray, Mr.
and (Mrs. O. E. Anderson, Mr. and
Mrs. H. T. Mikkelsen, Alfred Mikkel
sen, Bill Johnson and Mr. and Mrs.
John Edwards.
Ed. Swalley Is remodeling his
house. W. H. Gray is doing tho
Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Anderson and
Bill Johnson wero Kucats at tho Gray
homo New Year's day.
Con Breen of Alfalfa was over
Tuesday to look after his sheop.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Peterson, Mrs.
Carrie Johnson, Anton Ahlstrom and
Miss Hllma 'Nelson visited at the
Anderson homo, near Tumalo, Tues
day evening.
Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Baughman and
TOWELL BUTTE, Jan. .7. Word
has been rocolvcd hero Hint tho
sugar boots grown by Chnrlcs Charl
ton and son tested tho highest ot any
beets sent away.
Tho directors ot Powell Butto club
will glvo another ot their popular
dances Friday night. Good music
and a good suppor will bo furnished.
A good attendanco Is doslrcd.
Little Ruth Shearer, who has boon
visiting hor mother at Orowllcr's
mill, has returned to school nt
Powell Butto.
Mrs. Norrls Morgan ot Prlnevlllo
passed through Powell Butto Mon
day on her way to Denver. Colo., to
caro tor a sick sister. Mrs. Morgan
stopped to hid her triends, Oio Geo.
Trucsdalcs, goodby. Hor stay in
Colorado will probably bo quite cx
tonded. Messrs. Truesdalo, Brazco, Wurx
wcller and Driscoll attonded tho irri
gation mooting at Bend Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Bayno enter
tained Mr. nnd Mrs. Allan Wlllcoxen
and daughter Harriett and Mr. and
Mrs. J. A. Rlggs with n dinner on
Now Year's day.
Jack Meyers and his father camo
up Sunday night to visit Horman
Meyors at tho ranch. Jack has Just
received his discharge from tho army.
Mrs. Anna Boolgor was visiting
her brother, Frank Klssler, and fam
ily Sunday. Sho returned to Red
mond Sunday ovonlng.
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Ivorson enter
tained Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rico at
a New Year's dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallttca. Smith woro
with the Skcno family for-Now Yenr's
J. E. Elliott wont to Portland this
week, whoro ho will attond tho Irri
gation congress tor a few days.
E. IS. Hall was also a dclcgato
from this community.
Roy Skono returned to school at
Willamette university this weok after
a pleasant visit with the homo folks
during tho holidays.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. J. Chapman cntor
talned Roy Skono nnd sister, Mrs.
Jcsslo Bales, Wednesday ovonlng.
Attorney Do Armond of Bond at
Butte hall Thursday night to listen
to discussion ot tho bonding (luna
tion in pnymont for purohnno ot tho
Central Oregon Irrigation company's
plant. Tho directors of tho Irriga
tion district presented their views,
after which William Wurswollor,
Frank Foster nnd Mr. Elllnger each
Hpoko. Tho flnnl and most thorough
ly appreciated talk of tho uvenlng
was rondo by Judgo M, 13. Brink.
Dr. Rosenborg wnn called to sea
E. H. Stownrt lant week. Mr. Stow
art tins influenza, but Is recovering
nicely now,
Geo. Truosdnlo, C. M. Charlton,
Frank Klssler and Goo. Klssler wero
transacting business in tho county
sent Thursday.
Mrs. Allen Wlllcoxen and daugh
ter Harriott roturnod to Portland on
Sunday night's train after spending
tno noutiays witit Mr. Wlllcoxen.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Rlggs spent
Sunday with friends in Madras.
Tho directors ot tho North Canal
unit paid a visit to J. A. Rlggs Fri
day to discuss business connected
with their projoct.
Wm. Wurtweller paid ft flying visit
to Powoll Butto to attond tho irriga
tion mooting nt tho hall Thursday
night. Ho returned to Portland
Mr. McMlcklo ot Redmond was
buying lambs nnd fat hogs for tho
Portland mnrkot tho flrst ot tho wook.
Tho Powoll J)utto Sundny school
elected now officers January G: Su
perintendent, Miss Ebba Llndqulst,
nnd secretary-treasurer, Otto Pauls.
Teachors tor tho various clauses will
ho elected Inter.
Open for business at tho former French Store, One
Door West of J. C. Penney Co.
The Palace Meat Market
135 Orron Sunt Ci IAS. HOYD, Proprietor
Sufferers from kidney troublo ox
porlonco backache rheumatic pnlns,
nchos In joints and muscles, shooting
pains nnd other torturous afflictions.
E. W. Kltt, R. F. D. 2, Box 0. Short
crs, Ala., writes: "I used Kolov
Kidney Pills as I was so restless ovor
night with pnlns in tho small ot my
back nnd side. Thov illil mn vnini."
Sold ovorywhore Adv.
In our new quarters, better
located and with better facil
ities for handling a larger
"The Kind You Want"
Tests Mndo on Clovrnlnlo Ranch
Show Mr Yield nnd High
Fowl Value.
CLOVERDALE, Jnn. 7. After
corresponding for some tlmo with tho
agricultural collages of Montana and
Idaho, J. L. Barberry of Sisters be
lieves ho has solved tho feed prob
lem of Central and Eastern Oregon
by using sunflowors for silage. It
is almost Impossible to rnlso corn
successfully In this locality, und as
sunflowors planted on tho Barberry
rnncn grow to heights of eight to 12
feet when Irrigated nnd from Ave
to seven feet when not Irrigated, Mr.
Parborry Is planning to soed nbout
flvo acres to sunflowers nnd will
erect a 75 or 100 ton silo on his
Clovordalo ranch this summor. In
Indiana feeding tests conducted for
eight years show that st,eors fed sll
ago mado a profit ot f 1C.24 a head,
whllo steers fed no sllago show a
profit of only fC.85, mnklng a gain
of 16.39 whoro sllngo was fed. Ohio
exporimonts show thnt 28 per cent,
moro butterfat nnd 17 per cent, mora
milk nro tho gains whero cows woro
fed largely on sllago over cows fed
heavily on grain. At tho Montana
Agricultural college two plots ot
ground wero seeded to corn and sun
flowors for experimental purposes.
Tho one seeded to corn yloldod 11
tons to tho aero, whllo tho plot seed
od to sunflowers yielded from 28 to
30 tons to tho acre Thoso experi
ments show thnt sllago greatly
chcapons beof, milk, mutton nnd wool
by cutting down tho cost of craln.
tonded tho meeting at Powoll Butto Still anothor uxnerimont shows tlm
hall Thursday night. saving on clover hay -when sunflowor
Charles Elklns of Prlnevlllo was at sllnco Is fed to dalrr cows. Thin v.
Powell Butto hall Thursday night to flvo pounds of hny and 12 pounds of
near tno oonuing question discussed, grain por cow wero fed to dairy cows
Tho Misses Fay Bussett and Crys- in comparison with 13 pounds ot hay
mi oiuruuvuui uiivnuuu uio uuncu m unu au nounus or siiaco. uius mate
Terrebonno Friday night. They were
chaperoned by Mrs. Heaves Wlllcoxen
of Redmond.
A meeting was .hold at Powell
ing a saving ot 32 pounds of hny nnd
resulting In n gonoral Increase In tho
milk flow. Mr. Parborry has also
conversed with County Agricultural
Agent R. A. Ward about the sun
flower proposition and was furnished
with u table showing high food
values of sunflowers compared with
corn, oats and peas.
Providing thnt thoro nro no new
cases of flu In Clnvordale, school
win commonco on .Monday. Janu
ary 13,
Lloyd Bnughor of Sclo Is visiting
at tho II. C. Mlllor homo.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. L. Pnrborrv and
dnughter Gladys wore shopping in
Redmond on Saturday.
R. O. Andrus was n business visitor
at tho Pnrbcrry ranch on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. 11. O, Wilson woro
TKHIIEIIONNK. Jan. 14.-A spec
ial school mooting wuh held In tho
school house last Snturdny to fill tho
vacancy left by Mr Mnckoy. W. O.
Rnlslon wus elected. .
J. Draper and family of Bend hnvo
moved to tho Harness ho nut on tho
O't'nno plato west of Turrnbonno.
Rov B. F Harper of Milton, Ore
gon, Is holding services In tho L. I).
C. hall this week.
A meeting of tho stockholders of
tho Farmer'n Union was hold last
Tuesday ovonlng.
II. Drow and family havo moved to
(hit farm nf tho Into Charles Douglas
shoppors In Redmond on Thursday. "na. ,nlona ,0 ronl ,,, I,,nco for ",0
H. C. Mlllor and son Ivan hauled n
couple of loads of (train to Redmond
on Friday Ifnd returned on Saturday
with a load each ot lumber.
J. B. Hodson, whllo working at tho
Duckott mill last week, Injured his
hack so that ho was obliged to re
turn homo.
Van Wilson was In Sisters on
fltlss Gladys Parborry, Mrs. Irvln
I'nrborry and Mrs. F. J. Burling
wcro shopping in Sisters ono day
last weok.
LaDonn Cyrus and Fay Mlllor re
turned to Redmond on Sunday,
Lynn Wilson, who tins boon In tho
spruco division nt Vancouver bar
racks, roturnod to Sisters on Wed
nesday and spent a couplu of days
nt tho Weston ranch.
Mr. and .Mrs. Wnltor Miller of
Antolopo returned to their homo
thoro on Sunday, Ivan and Mrs. II.
Tho nonni-flrntt iiiponiiimr'ninrhii,., Somothtng to soUT Advertise In
is now operating nt Lower Brldgo. Tho Uullatln's classified column.
following year.
A Christian Kudonvor social was
held at tho Davidson homo last Fri
day ovonlng. An enjoyable evening
wits reported by nil who attended.
Tho friendly Chinook or Sundny
was follow id by a cold wind which
loft some of the roads very Icy. Homo
men who wero hauling hay up tho
grado west of the depot woro com
pelled to glvo It nip,
Karl McFaddun ramo homo Satur
day iiiumlng from Ynqulun bay.
Mrs. V. P. Wray of Bond, spout
Sunday nt tho McFaddcn home.
Mr. Sherwood has returned to
llund to resumo his work nguln.
Mr. Mooro Is doing n real service
lo tho community by purchasing
old, unsightly buildings, (earing thorn
down und building something that
will ba both useful and beautiful.
Not Jut
Meat But
By special arrangement
we can now offer you a
1 Year Subscription
The Bend Bulletin
and a
1 Year Subscription
The Oregon Farmer
' for only
Thii ipfciil price (or both paper U
good only for ihort time.
The Bend Bulletin,
Bend, Oregon.
Enctoted find $2,00, (oi which tend
me The Bend Bulletin and The Oregon
Farmer (or one year each. ,
Name .................. ... .......
Pot'ofiice .........................
You'll Spend the Money
Get the most out of it
Every year you spend a large proportion of the money you get.
So much for clothing. So much for shoes. So much for things
to eat, house furnishings, garden seeds and tools and what not.
There's one sure way to get the most for your money. Know
what you want before you go to buy.
READ ADVERTISEMENTS. The advertisements you read will
tell you what is new and good. They will give you the latest
ideas and improvements. They will help you to live better and
dress better at less cost.
If you think of it, youlll be surprised at the world of interest and V
the wealth of new ideas you'll find' in reading advertisements.
Advertisements are the daily record of progress. They aro the
report to you of the manufacturers and merchants who work
for you telling what has been accomplished for your benefit. '