I y t " t WEEKLY EDITION THE BEND BULLETIN. VOIj. .NVI. IJF.NR, RKHdIIUTKH COUNT V, ORKdO.V, TJIIMWIMV, JANCAHV 10, WW No. Jfl SOW READY FOR BUSINESS tUMN CORPORATION FOR WOOLEN MILL IS PROPOSED PROMPT WORK !ARMY PROBLEM ITO FIND JOBS CHECKS 'FLU' IS EMPHASIZED FOR ARMY Ml V ? I. )& ? ' fi Dt TELEPHONE) QUESTION STILL HANGS FHlft "ffi-j1- -' I'ubllo ''Hrrvl'co CoiHrnlKidon May- Ufl - - . l'J Uluuigod- New Member Flint I J'avor with Old (Junnl L v Ml Htflto Capital. Hlcll lo Tti llullttln.) 8ALKM, Jnn. IB. Whllo the legls laturo In sotting down to business to jtiuict uorao now luws ami ttim over nomo now enrdn, soino rather Import nut nmttorn or iitato mlmlnlulratlori iiro to bo performed on tho side dur ing the noxl month or tVo, If tho lORlalnturo lenvon tho functioning jiowcru In nttitus quo long enough to got thorn accomplished. Tho Import unco of thoso may bo nomowhnt oyer whndowod by tho ruih and bang -of tho legislature, but nevertheless tho jicojilo nru awaiting action on thum with probably moro concorn than I hoy uro awaiting on tho legislature to' determine what now not of Uwi thoy will bo com polled to becomo fumlllarlzod with. Foremdst In tho tolophorio rato iiucttlou, which In mill banging flro with tho public service commission mid tho fat of which In rather closoly allied with legislative action. It wan asserted after the, Brat ltoarlnc that further hearing -wore tos bo .hold, and us theso hearing! liavo Mot ;ct materialized It will probably bo' far Into tho session, or ivcn,after It, before tho aorvlco com tulMlon finally decide what It will do In tho rnto matter. . Homo rruel souls havo suggested that tho commission has been play tng foxy In delaying tho decision on tho rato cane. lt paramount lm purtanco to tho pooplo la apparent to ilveryono and It hnn boon suggested that tho commission In holding this bqck to domonstruto to tho loglsla turo Just how Important a body It really In. Tlioro In immu llttlo trepidation In regard to what will bo dono with tho tiorrlco commission among tha mom bom themselves. With all tho talk of consolidation and elimination and -a llh tho fuel thnt tho rallroada nro .....a -. .. ba ua. ! mt. nliii ' iiuucr KOTuriiiiiDiiL iuihium with tho sore apnta which tho com mission mint necessarily Imvo boon rubbing durlivg nil theso yearn, If It nccompllslwd an) thing at all, thoro In bound to bo discussion nsyto tho futuro of tho commlsnlon. And lot It bo known that thin fact la ono to -which tho montbora of tho commlH ulon nro fully nllvo and thoy nro pro uircd to meet It. Railroad to Inlliii'iicc. Thoro In no "justification In , tho churgo that tho tolophono rnto ordar linn boon -withhold ns n club to whip legislators Into lino for tho commls (don, but It linn been umtertod thnt thin thing will bo douo. It could bo done, thnt In canity- admitted, an tho commission could sny to tho mom ' bom, horo wo nro with tho moat 1m (Contlnuod on Inst pngo.) CENTRAL OREGON AIMS GAMED AT STATE IRRIGATION CONGRESS I (From Mcaday'H Dally.) t Eminently auocwBful In what they lind aet out to nccompUnh for tho development of Central Oregon, dele KHtei rrom llend to the Stato Irriga tion congroBB, which completed its itunual soHBlon In Tortlnnd Saturday night, returned thin morning,, For ktho two chluf offlcea of tho congroBU, Contral Oregon mon ware ro-olectod, J. II, Upton of Prlnovlllo being again Iirealdent, whllo rwl N, Wallaeo of "'.Tum'alo contlnuea na secretary, .Moroovor, tho throo lending rocolu jtlonn pnHHod by tho IrrlgutlonlBts hnva a direct bearing on tho futuro of Central Orogon and tho Deachutoa project. Hoport of tho resolutions commit too wns submitted to (ho congress at .tlio Inst session, Following is a dl jgest of tho resolutions adopted: ,& Indorsement of tho Slnnott bill ap 'loprlHtlng ?r,000(000,000 for roo 'Iwmatlon and drulnago. FttYorlng fodcrnl nld for tho iIoyoI fopmerit 'of the Dwchutes project. ' Urging stato legislature to com (From Wodncadnr'a Dally.) Uy hii Investment of $GD,000 Bond can nccuro a woolan mill plant within seven months time, ncconl Ing ro n toiler rnnd (hit noon at tho wookly nicotinic of tho llend Com morclal club by T, II. Foley, pros! dont. Tho letter wan from tho Wil bur Woolen Mllln company of 8lny tdn, Oregon, nud offored to bring tho plant, valued at 125,000, to Hand, and to turn It In, with $10,000 additional, for stock In a $100,000 corporation. Tho matter wan ro furred to tho club director-., mid In titlll under ndvlsnmont. Wr. Foley igavo u renumo of tho work douo In thu cuuno of Irrigation lent week, montloulng thut all tho itltnn of tho club, namely, tho pans Ing of ronolutlonn at thu Irrigation congrcBN, tho ntato chamber of com mQrco and tho reconstruction con greNN, lind boon attained, Ho apoko nliio of thu laCor altuatlon In tho northwest, doclarlng that llend up to data liufnr uhoad of a majority of tho cltlen In providing work for ro 1000 CARS NEEDED FOR DRAFT RECORDS Rnormou Amount or Work Handled for Army Hhoivn In letter from Adjutant tienrral. (From Wednesday's Dally.) Knowing thu enormoua amount of work carried on by tha draft boards of tint nation during tha -war In n letter received thin morning by Sheriff 8. K. llobortn from tho office of tho adjutant gnnoral, Washington, I). C In which It in atatcd that 1000 earn would bo required to transport tho draft record to thu national capital, . It Ih further estimated that If all audi recordn woro placoat In filing cnicn, tli ono would .(stand n dlstnnco of CO mlltui, It arranged four In n Htnck. Military Information In ro gnrd to 23.000.od0 men In contained In tho papeni on file throughout tho country, JOHN USHER WEDS MISS LELA BELL (From Monday' Dally.) John W. Usher, and Miss Lela Hell, both of Ilond, wero qulotly married yesterday afternoon by Iter. Wllllnmn. Ilotlt brldo and groom liuva lived lit this city for roiiio tlmo pant and lmvo n largo clrclo of ac quaintances hero. Thoy will mnku their homo In llend. GREETINGS SENT BY BEND CAPTAIN (From Thursdny'a Dally.) Orcotlna from Captain Frank- R. Prince of Ilond, woro rocolved today by tho Ilulletln. Cnptnln l'rlnco wroto from Franco but It Is undor atood thnt bo la now on IiIh way to America pleto Tumalo project, or to co-opor-ato with United States or prlvnto In torestu for Its completion. Ask leglalaturo to iuoreasa fund nyallablo for stream nieunuromenU to provldo tor reconstruction pro gram of Irrigation dovolopmont, Call upon stato officials to Investl gato and Mo suits to recover school, echool Indemnity and. awamp lands secured from etnto through fraud, Rulofl amended so thnt oneh organ isation holding membership lu Ore gon Irrigation congress pay annual dues of $C, payable In ndvanco,- Jlecommoudatlon to tho legislature that a full appropriation tor tho mnlnteunnoo of tho Oregon bureau of mines and geology bo granted, Itc'commoud chnngo in law so that pormlts for uso of wntor grnntod by state engineer may bo mndo.donnUQ ns to tho right of holder- to- ohanjjo placo of, proposed usO. Rocommondutlon for propor in (Continued fiom Pago Four.), turned suldlom, and asking tho co operation of tho club with tho com munity labor board to prevent any nerious condition of unemployment jlllllliliiailiitv iDUii iiiuu, . . r , J. I', Koycs npoko along tho nnnie line, outlining tho plan now' bolug favored In tho lumber (Uitrlcta of tho noutb, whoro government aid to returned soldiers taklivg up loggod off landn in being sought. Tho "back lo tho land" movement ho declared to bo tho most practical solution of tho returned soldier labor problom. Thu matter of putting out litera ture for tho club was brought up by R. A. Ward, and In this connec tion It. V. Mlnter advised that n can vass of tho buslncsa men of tho city bo made to secure funds for such publications. Representing tho Library club, Mrs, K. M. Thompson and Miss M. K. Coleman t,cra present to ask for as nlstanco in securing now library quarters, as tho rooms at present fConttnued on psgo 4.) ROOMS ARE FREE TO RETURNING SOLDIERS No Clmrgo Will Bo Mado at Inn for Army Men WnlUnj for TrniiH portatlon to Interior. . (From Wednesday's Dally.) Roturnlng soldiers stopping in Ilond whllo making connections by stage or othor means of transporta tion to interior points need lmvo no worry In regard to their expenses while bora. W. C. Illrdsall, manager of tho Pilot Ilutto Inn, announced this morning that no chargo for rooms would bo made at tho Inn for men roturnlng from the scrvlco who aro forced to remain In this city whllo waiting for transportation to their homes. "It Isn't much." Mr. Jllrdsnll said, "but wo want to show that v,o think enough of tho boys und what they havo dono so thnt wo aro willing to share their csponsos." iiDTvnrn t c iAVifT) imiimjiiun miiiji. DIES IN PORTLAND! T. M. HuMmIii, Prominent In MumiiiIc AfTiilr, Found Dcnd In Ills Room at Hotel. PORTLAND, Jnn. 14. Thomaa M. Dnldwln of Prlnovlllo, past grand master of tho Masonic Orand Lodge, wns found dead In his bed at tho Im perial hotel horo yestarday after noon. Heart troublo In bolloved to havo caused his death. Mr.. Raid win soomingly wus In tho IxM of health when hu lufl his friends Sunday evening to go to his I room. Hu wns Identified with banking Interests at Prlnovlllo and wus at ono tlmo n mumbor of tho statu legis lature. Ho was known throughout tho Btnto as n closa studont of civic affairs, Funeral services will bo hold at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon In Prlno vlllo. BATTLE EQUIPMENT IS RECEIVED HERE (From Thursdny'a Dally.) Samples of army equipment from tho bnttloflolds of Franco woro recolvcd ycatorday by J,1 S. Jnnls, from his con, Robert 1C. Iunls, lu tho U, 6, navy. A gns mask worn by a Boldlor killed in action, u leather trench Jnckot of tho kind Issued to American troops, nud a. battered helmet or ''tin hat" nro tho articles aunt hero. Tlio oqulpmont Is on display at tho Metropolitan. BEND MAN MARRIES BltlDE FROM BAKER (From Monday's Dally.) Aflor a brlut wedding trip, Mr. and Mrs, Kd. Dougborty arrived In Ilond this morning and will make tholr homo huro Mr, Dougborty la yard foreman for Tho Shovllu-Hlxon Company, und Mrs. Dougborty was formerly Miss Grotta Dooloy, assist. ant to tho postmnstor at Raker, Oregon. ONE NEW CASE FOUND IN BEND TODAY. VfKHmiftJ Will-riot Mo Relaxed. Ilm ' .'i ' ' "- cver Until All .Danger I I't Uso of Mimics .Deemed UuncccHNHrj'. (From Tuesday's Dally.) Prompt, declsivo measures on tho part of tho city authorities, and co operation by tho peopto of llend havo already shown cxcollont results in checking tho threatened influenza epidemic hero, for Quarantlno Of ficer Frnnjc May reported this morn ing that only ono now cane had ap peared In addition to tha 40 listed yesterday. Vigilance, however, will not bo relaxed In tho slightest degrco uptll all danger is past. In connection with Jho ''flu" situa tion ravealcd yesterday, citizens of Rend met last night with E. L. Payne, chairman of tho health com mittee of (ho city council, and Dr. J. C. Vandevcrt, city health officer, to dlscuRS further means of prevent ing tho spread of contagion. Meas ures advocated by tho committee yesterday were endorsed, with tho exception of tho face mask 'edict, which, it was decided, would not bo practicable, duo to thji difficulty In koepng such mouth'and noso covers clean, 'Managors of theatres and dances. It van decided, should bo deputized, -without pay, so aa to havo full au thority to evict any persona cough Ing or sneezing. Tho need for re porting immediately any now cases of tho dlsoaso was thoroughly ap preciated. No death from influenza has oc curred in Bond since that of Harry Kveringham last Friday. Funeral services woro 'hold from tho Nlswon ger chapel, Rev. II. C. Hartrantt of ficiating. 4 W. D. IIADLEY HERE FOR HATCHERY WORK Kcpresoiitutl.o of Fb.li and Game &,,..,, w, o.cr.ce i. Multntlon of Pipe I.lne. . (From Wednesday's Dally.) To ovoraeo the Installation of the pipe line nt tho Tumalo fish hatch er), W. D. Hadloy. district game warden, nrrlvcd in Rend this morn ing und -may romaln hero for somo tlmo,, making dally trips to 'the hatchery slto. Tho plpo lino work Is in chargo of tho Deschutes for cstpra j, Excellent progress Is being mado In tho construction of tho hatcher)', and every judication Is that It will bo ftulshod abend of schedule. BEND SAILOR SENDS OVERSEAS PICTURES VIcuh of RrRii.li Crowds When Ann- Istlco Was Slxnel Aro IlcrcUctl by John Steldl. (From Friday's Dally.) Pictures showing tho rccoptlon given lu English cities to tho news of the signing of tho armistice were received today by John Steldl ot this city froni his son Stove, naval elec trical engineer stationed at Ply mouth. Crowds massing in tho streets of Plymouth until not an other ono cold bavo Jammed in woro caught by tho camera man dt tho moment' when tho momontous news wus being given out. Anothor plcturo shows tho sub mnrlno chaser on which tho Bend sailor, 'with otbor electricians, reached wo Oeruian U-boats which surrendered in tho North so a, after tho armistice wns signed, Tho boat was annpped undor full speed in n heavy eon, McGUFFIE ELECTED . DISTRICT DIRECTOR (From Wednesday's Dally,) Final returns on tho O. O, I. dis trict oluctlon, rocolved this morning, gavo J. O. Mcduffie tho victory in tho rnco for tho directorship by a voto ot 110 to tho 65 polled by his op ponent, J. J, Elllngor, SERVICE TO SOLDIERS IS DUTY. .UoVrrno'r'WltliycoBibcy Jn McSa"ge to " igfolflYurc; Outlined Pla'p-fror"'' Drinking Men and Un used Innl Together. BALEM, Jan. 15. Speaking at a joint session of tha sonata and house In tho houso chambor, Governor James Wlthycombe delivered his bi ennial message to the thirtieth Ore gon leglslatlvo assembly yesterday. Tho executive reminded tho legis lators' of their responsibility in lay ing tho "foundation for a partner ship betcen the stato and nation In tbe matter of rearranging public affairs and Institutions to meet a situation that has borne no parallel slnco tho birth of this common wealth." That Oregon "render the maxi mum degreo of scrvlco" to tho re turning soldlora was tho first recom mendation of tho governor. Refer ring to Oregon's unparalleled patri otic record throughout tbe war being "tlmo after time first of all states In the support of the country's cause" he urged tbe law-makors to every possible effort to provldo proper cam for tho men who return from service In the army and navy. He said: Opportunity Shown. "Probably tho most Important problom confronting the people ot Orogon today Is the question of land settlement, especially as it effects tho returning soldiers and sailors, who aro entitled to every encourag ment as thoy return to civil life. Wbatevor plan may bo adopted by this legislature, it must offer some thing tangible and must be prac tical. Fortunately you havo an opportunity to dorelop Oregon on a buslncss-llko basis at the samo time you aro furnishing assistance to roturnlng service men and to citizens generally." Declaring that Oregon has approx imately 2,000,000 acres of logged off lands, privately owned. Governor Wlthycombo advocated that, theso lands be divided into organized dis tricts, Improved .and allotted in units to prospective settlers. Ho 'said: riiinuclnl Aid AskiMl. .."Thesu settlers should bo required to make reasonable Initial payment and to mcot unpaid balance on long torm installments, at low rate of Interest, following tho amortization plan." Tho governor also advocated tho extending of financial uld In develop ing farms, recommending n similar plan in tho drainage ot swamp land. Ho suggested that tho honorary land settlement commission, -which ho appointed a year ago to mako a study ot this question, bo mado per manent by propor legislation. Anothor suggestion for aiding ro turnlng soldiers Is that they bo given (Continued from pago 4.) IMPORTANCE OF THRIFT DAY GREATER THAN EVER BEFORE National Thrift day Is almost here, and for tho benefit ot those who aro not sure as to just what that means a brief outline of tho purpose and Im portance ot the date is given, National Thrift day comes on Feb ruary 3, not Blmply this yoar, but every year. It is called National be cause It is observed throughout tho eutlrq nation. And ita purposo is to focus attention and get action on tho vital subject ot thrift. It Isn't a day to lay off It Is a day to got busy. It Isn't a day for celobratlng wlmt our forefathers did a century or two. ago it is a day to do something our solvos. It Is a day that bus boon sadly missing from tho calendars among most ot us until rccont years a day ot reckoning with material' racta us tney sianu, ami laying out plans for Improving thorn. You wouldn't expect a business houso to grow big and prosperous unless It koopa accounts and period ically summarizes thoni to see Just whore it stnuds. Neither can an in dividual depend upon gutting ahead COMMERCIAL CLUB TO BACK MOVEMENT. Returned Holdirr Akl o' lUfchter urllh Community Jjilxr ItonrtI RI Crosrt President I'romNc) Aid. (From Tuesday's Dally.) That a united effort will be made on the part of tho Bond CornmereJal club to see to It that no discharged soldier returning from service shall go Jobles was the declaration this morning ot T. JI. Foley, president of tho club, and also chairman of the community labor board. Mr. Foley has Just returned from Portland, whero tho problem ot providing for ex-army men is becoming more and more serious. Tho question will bo thoroughly looked Into at tho meeting of tbe Commercial club at the Pilot Batte' Inn tomorrow noon, and in the meantime 'Mr. Foloy oaks that all men and boys coming back from either foreign or domestic service register at once at the office of tbe club manager in tho O'Kane build ing. -The offices of tho club are to "be moved within tho next few days to tho city rest room and will also be headquarters for the local labor board. Roports that some of tho boys re cently discharged from tho (araay had been unable to secure workTbs their return to Rcndworo takeajp with J. P. Keycs, president ot the Rend Red Cross chapter and BMHager ot the Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Co. plant, with the result that assur ance was given that every effort will be made to provldo places for the soldiers. In regard to tho situation at the mill, Mr. Keycs explained that be cause of the recent closing ot the plant for its annual overhauling it hod been necessary temporarily to lay off men, but that with operations again resumed returned soldiers would be given tho preference in the matter ot hiring help. Ho intimated that a better opportunity might exist in the woods than In the mill. TOBACCO MONEY FOR SOLDIERS RECEIVED (From Wednesdays Dally.) Acknowledgment ot tho sum ot $13, representing contributions to Tho Bulletin tobacco fund. Is made In a letter received today from Louts J. Hunter, deputy comptroller of the American Red Cross. Tho monoy, which reached Washington on Do comber 19, has already been applied to appropriations mado by tho Rod Cross tor the purchaso ot tobacco tor soldlora in Franco. "It is certain that nothing adds moro to the material comfort and good cheor ot tho mon in tho serv ice than an ample supply ot tobacco," Mr Hunter writes. "Tho American Red Cross heartily appreciates your continued co-operation and support." unless he does the samo thing. Thrift day Is the day to do.lt to review, to check up accounts, habits, health, ambitions and boo whero one stands. Also, to lay plans for the coming yoar with a vlow to growing be coming hotter off. Tho first thing to do if you, want to got ahead Is to make dead sure thut you don't do any sliding back. Wo learn a little more, do a little bettor, get Into more advantageous ossoclatlous perhaps, and gradually Increase our Incomes It conditions ure favorable, but at the'same time wo grow ruslyMaBjfie ot tho things wo used to knowHTWglB to enjoy our easo a llttlo more, over look some ot qur advantages awtl learn to' Increase our spooiling atit or faster than our earnlHg luaraaija,' Yes, we make prograaa 'qi go forward a llttlo, most dig, but we also let oursolvoa slide bekd while 'often something may lutpp; to kejp ua from KeWlHitfw-wtMM,' It . Is almost never that aujfolag jater- (CoatlHued oa P& 4. -