HKNI) HUJiliKTIN, HKNI), OHBGON, TIIURWDAY, JANUARY 0, 1010 BRIDGE ASKED BY RANCHERS STRONG OPPOSITION VOICED TO C. 0. 1. DISTRICT BONDS OLSON NATCH IS Jeff Says fef y ARRANGED i. that ho used io think lio was (cltiii( more for his money by buying n bi( p'ul( uf ordinary to bacco, until lio rnn across Real Gravely. Now you couldn't make bltn switch back to the ordinary pluu uuaiu. Gravely has that PEYTON Real Gravely eacn piece paccea in 3 poucn HARDSHIPS BRAVED BY DUCK HUNTERS Alimitlftiit Onmo Found nt Head- Millers of Dm In Creek, AKIioiikIi Merrury I JKJ lleluw. (From Baturdny's Dally.) Duck shootlni: with (ho Uterinum utor ruKlHtorliu: 312 iluxri'i' below zero wnn thu experlenco of Dr. J. C. Vnudiivurt, Arthur Viuitlovurl und K. I.. Clark of l.u Fine, who returned yesterday with it ntrlun of 3G fine mullurds, Thu threo nonetralod to thu headwaters of Duvlu crutik, drlv Iiik throunh two fuul or snow, but reported an uhundunco of kiiiiiu us u rccompouso for thu hardship they hitil uiiilor;oni. On their return to Uond tholr auto rnn out of KtiMollne, mid Arthur Vunduvort IrudKud 10 in I Ion Into town to secure enouKh to onublo thuiu to complete tholr Journey. VOTE OF THANKS IS GIVEN TO R. A. WARD County Farm Bureau I'mmm Rim lution HcroKtilzliiK Work of County AkcuI. (From Friday's Dally.) HccoKulzInn tho work dono dur Iiik thu past yunr by County Agricul turist Ward, thu Deschutes County Far in bureau him authorized thu pub lication of thu folluwlui; resolutions: "lln It resolved by HiIh meeting of thu tnuinhuni of thu Deschutes Farm bureau, that wo votu It, A. Ward nn unntiltuouH votu of thanks for his past year's work anil com iiiuud hlit efforts In thu tiromotlon of thu iiKrlculturnl and II vo stock In teresls of Central Oregon to thu enrufu! consideration of thu county court of Deschutes county," WILLARD HOUSTON WRITES FROM FRONT Rend Hoy In Air Hervlre I'ritlMti Urn Work of Halvntloii Army for American Holdlcr. (From Friday's Dully.) Wrlttun a wouk boforu thu ccssa tlon of hostilities In Europe, u letter from Wlllurd HouHtou of lluud, who unlisted In thu nlr norvlcu and Ih now nt thu front, wub received huru today, Porsonnl experiences nro ruluted, and especially does thu writer pralHU tho work or thu tinlvutlon Army for thu soldiers In Europe. Peace scorned near at thu tlmu Houston mnllud IiIh letter, but ho In dlcatod that ho would prefer to stay itcroRH for nnothor your after tho fighting wnH ovur. BUG ifOE1 Tlic jtanJard Army Shoe made from top-gnulc materials by ton-notch work men under expert supervision. All the more reason why you should Insist on the DucKHECIlT Army Shoe and accept no other. Worn by thousands of men In all walks of life Offlco Man Attorney Physicians Hlkert Farmeri OrchanlUU Motormen Conductors Hunters Look for the name BucKHrJCliT stamped on the sole of every Shoe. II not obtainable ftoncyour dealer, send niuie and our order direct to BUCKINGHAM & IIKCHT MHurACTUus Ban 1'sancisco 1X23ZI flood tanto that every man wonts. It lasts co much longer that you get thos tobacco nntisfnclion you ore looldnu for without extra cost. fori urlhrrtial1! why ytu rati t'l ll'i tl toil tf thlt Wail tohtco tvllteul txtra coil. BRAND Chewing Plug REND MAN RETURNS ON EARLY TRANSPORT XV. It. Van Vlrrl RlMluirgiil an Ar tillery HerKrant Major After Hrrvlro Overscan. (From Katurdny'n Dully.' After seeing action on thu wmiem front, V. It. Van Vluut ruturned to Mend HiIh morning, huvlng been ills charged from thu servlco nn u sor Keanl major of artillery. II" camu hack to thu United Htules on tho third traimport to leave European shores after thu signing of thu urmls tlce. Hergoiint Van Vlcct unlisted from Ilend more than n year and u half ui;o. In rcgnrd to thu fighting In Franco and Ilelglum, lie wns ex tremely reticent. "Wo don't llku to talk about It now," ho explained. LANDS IN FOREST OPENED TO ENTRY lottery Will Deride llctuecn Itlvul ClaltiuuilM In Aiinnunrt'iiii-ul of local Offlrr. (From Friday' Dally.) Announcement In made by official of thu Deschutes national forest of thu opuulng to entry of approxi mately 4000 ucroH within thu forent llmltH, I'n try may bu mndu after it a. m., Jniiuary 15, and tho first hour for ttottlenient In fixed at 0 a. m., January 2-'. Conflicting clulniH to any of thu lands will hu nettled by lottery. WRESTLER PRAISES BEND'S GYMNASIUM Hot In .Vorllmcit Outside of Fort- laud anil Keattlr, Hccliirr Cliaiiiplou (Snippier. (From Monday's Dully.) Thill Dend In pohhcuhciI of tho llmmt athletic club and RyinnnMum In tho northweflt, outnldu of Portland mid Heattlo, Ih thu declaration of Charlie OIhoii, northweat nilddlo welRht wnrntlliiK champion, who In huru proparlnK for bin match with Ad OuHtavo of Uuud on Friday uLsltt. "1'vo worked out In practically every i;ym In thu norlhwoat," ho mild, "and I cuu nay without exnKorntlon, that Ilund him much to bu proud of In thin reHpuct." OIhoii'u mutch will bu tho main event In n amokur urranKod to bu held at tho nyinniiHluni, thu bout to bu to n flnlHh, bout two out of thruu fullH, QuHtuvu hua ahown real cIuhh In hla recent mutchea hum, and will mako n Btrouuoua offort to naln posaoHslon of Olson's title. Who la Florcy & Sons, TuninloT 44n Adv. $7.00 to $8.00 ip iwiArANntaQB m calk JMi9HHh fc. jIM1 v,i !,iy liiH fcoi'm: of tumai.o mixtion woum) hiiohtkn iioaii to hkhciiutkh much work ih ahead of countv court. (From Friday's Dully.) Heukliii; to cut off from four to five miles from thu prenent trip to Deschutes, residents of tho Tumalo section appeared boforu tho Do schules county court, In regular ses sion yesterday afternoon, to petition for thu construction of u brlilKu over thu Deschutes river on tho C. II. Hwalluy road, neur thu Aubrey homo stead. Thu hrldKo, It Is estimated, would cost In tho neighborhood of $1000, and If It Is thrown across tho river thu ranchers are planning tho erection of a co-operutlvo waruhouso, thuy told thu court. Thu matter was taken under advisement. A petition from Tho Hhcvlln Illxon Company requesting Hint light blasting bu permitted to loosen Ico In thu company's log pond, wns grunted, with thu stipulation that thu work should bu done under thu direction of J. J. Cunningham, deputy ruido warden. Bo carefully was thu dyna miting dono that trout In thu river weru left absolutely untouched. Today thu court Is In session again, thu chluf routine business bo lug tho selection of a Jury list of 200, thu choosing of election boards and the auditing of bills. BEND HIGH SCHOOL HAS LAST HOLIDAY Unbroken HtrHcli of Work Now Be fore I'upIN Hutkclbull Nom ination Miule. (From Friday's Dully.) January 1 was tho last of tho scries or holidays for tho Dend high school. From then on there will bo an unbroken stretch or school days until Juno 20. Duu to tho Inlluenza tho first number of thu Lyceum course, which was to have been put on In Decem ber, will bu transferred to March. Tho other numbers will appear ns previously scheduled. High school students have received "One Hundred nnd Ono Songs," which will bo used at leant twlcu a week during thu romnlnder or tho school year. Singing will bu led by Mr. Sexton. William Williams has returned to tnko up his studies again In tho Junior class, Hu has been attending O. A. C. ns ono or tho S. A. T. C. nt Corvnllls. Nominations for basketball man ager weru submitted to thu student body to bo voted upon Tuesday, Jan uary 7. Those chosen nH nominees by tho student council were Halph llauck, Fdward Hrosterhous and Do voru Helfrlch. Three new students cntorcd thu senior high his week Wuyno Jaskarl and Martha Ayres, both freshmen, mid Dora 01111b, n sophomore. GUSTAVO RETURNS FOR FRIDAY BOUT Hem. Wrestler Anxious to Meet Churllo Olson and Is Confident of Ilia Hcsult. (From Saturday's Dally.) After u brlof uusenco In Portland nnd AHtortu, Ad Uustnvo, Ilend middleweight wrestler, returned horo this morning, called' by wlro artor tho arrival or Churllo Olson, north west wlddlowolght tltlo holder. "I nra vory nnxtous to moot Olson," austnvo said today. "In Inct, I can celled n bout which had been half arranged ror mo In Astoria In ordor to take udvnntngo ot Olson'a visit to Horn!." Oustavo Is In flno shape lor tho coming event, scheduled to ho hold on tho evening or Friday, January 10, nt tho Ilonil Amateur Athletic club gymnasium. Ho has boon hav ing sonio hard workouts with good men during his trip toward tho couat, nnd oxprossod hlmsolt as con ndont or tho result or Friday night's contest. Iloth Olson nnd austnvo will spend tho romalning tlmu boforo thu mntch In u llttlu extra training. Ho Knows Wlicroof Ho Hpcuks. J. F. Hnrnor. 416 Nnvnrro St., San Antonio, Tex., writes: "I consldor Foloy'a Honoy and Tar absolutely tho host cough romedy on tho markot. I know whoroof I bpouk, irnving inou it in mv nwn fnmllv. Your roniodv nolo nuinkiv nnd relief la normancnt." Oood for colds, coughs, croup. Con tains no opiates. Sold ovorywhore. AdT, a (From Monday's Dally.) Htrong opposition to thu proposed purchase by tho Central Oregon Irri gation district of tho rights of the C. O. I. Co. In tho district was voiced at n meeting held In tho circuit court room Hnturday afternoon to dis cuss tho proposition. Meetings In othor places held earlier In tho week developed thu same opposition, ac cording to reports. In opening the meeting President J, Alton Thompson explained the provisions of the proposed contract und outlined tho property rights to bo acquired, Thosu of cspeclul valuo to tho district he stated to bo about 1700 "excess acres" and A COO acres available for sale through tho non uso of water for this amount of land on tho 46,000 acres or tho district. Thu salo of tlic-o lands, hu said, would bring tho district tho greater part of thu contract prlco of $200,- 000. In uddltlon, hu laid especial stress on tho valuo to thu HOttlorg of tho contruct provision for deter mining the amount of water neces sary to raise crops and tho conse quent allowance of thin amount without reference to existing limita tions to one and eight-tenths feet. "Thu contract," said Mr. Thomp son, "Is the best one, In tho Judg ment of tho directors of thu district, which cun bo mado with the C. O. I. Co. It Is not, however, a contract BEND BOY WRITES FROM FRENCH TOWN Frei! Triplet! Is Made Drum Major May Return to America Koou, He Writes. (From Monday's Dally.) Thanksgiving in Franco In 1018 was one or tho big events or the war, according to Fred Trlplett or Ilend In a letter from Thczec, France, to his father, Thomas W. Trlplett of this city. It was "some feed." according to tho writer. "I was mado drum major tho other day," Trlplett writes, "and It's a good Job. I'll bo after coming home In n few days, probably 2C or 30, us they're sending tho boys home now by the thousands. I'll be having lots of souvenirs when I return. Everything from n silk stocking to a Gorman machine gun bullet. "Kveryono Is looking forward to tho tlmo when we'll see tho statue or tho Goddess of Liberty In New York harbor." Trlplett has sent ono or his rrlends In Ilend n fragment or parchment which Is labeled "pleco of German drum head found on tho battlefield of Chateau Thierry." On tho reverse sldo aro lined thu opening bars of "Tho Star Spangled Uanncr," with tho Inscription, "Try this over on your piano." RED CROSS ROOMS TO BE REOPENED Urgent Need for Winter Garments In Helgluin HriiiRS Appeal for Many Workers. (From Monday's Dnlly.) Sowing rooms of tho Dend chap tor or tho Red Cross will bo open Wednesday afternoon nt 1 o'clock, according to plans nnnounced today. Mrs. E. P. Mahaffoy and Mrs. Horton will bo in charge. A Inrgo number or garments ror winter wear by the Belgians have boon on hand In n partly completed stnto ror some tlmo, but work was hulted by the Influenza epidemic, Now that sowing can bo resumed, it is requested thnt as largo n nuiubor of women members or tho chapter as poBslblo turn out to finish up tho work on hand. An nppcal has Just como In from Rod Cross head qunrtors emphasizing tho need for supplies of this kind. COLONEL LEADER TO LECTURE HERE SOON Head of Htnto University Military Training to Ho Invited Hero for January in. (From Monday's Dally.) That Col. Lender, in chnrgo ot mllltnry training ut tho University ot Orogon, will speak In iDuud In tho near futuro wob tho announcement mado this morning by T. II. Foley, president or the Commercial club. A letter rocelvcd rrom tho extension department or tho Unlvorslty states that Colonel Loador will havo leisure for locturo work this month, and tho Commercial Club will ask that ho appear bore on tbe fifteenth. which tho directors wish to forco on tho settlers. Thclrj.only dcslro is to hnvo tho contract fully discussed and understood thnt the settlers may vote on It intelligently." Following Mr. Thompson, II. II. Do Armond dealt with tho proposi tion, going Into detail on the subject or thu amount or tho bond Issuo. Tho sum of $200,000 was to bo paid tho company In cash or its equiva lent mid tho bond issuo had been mado largo enough to provldo 11118 cash In case tho bonds wero sold at a discount. In addition, Interest for the first year and various expenses connected with tho bond Issuo wero provided ror. J. J. Elllngcr. F.. K. IJutlcr and Ocorgo L. IJrazca led in tho argu ment against the bond Issue, taking tho position thnt It would place a $6 mortgage on each acre or their lands without corresponding valuo in re turn and that It was wholly unneces sary to buy rrom tho company now what would bo turned over to the settlers by operation or the Carey act In less than two years. Specific clauses of the contract wero ridiculed by Mr. Kllinger, and Mr. lira zee doubted tho value to tho district of tho 4 COO acres referred to by Mr. Thompson. Other meetings for the discussion of tho contract will bo held beforo January 14, the date or the election. TO EXPLAIN WORK OF LOYAL LEGION Lt. Hyphcr, U. H. Army, to Be In Charge of Meeting Set for Mon day Night at Gymunsluni. (From Saturday's Dally.' To explain tho work of tho Loyal Legion, Lieutenant Sypher of 'the U. S, army will arrive In Bend Mon day and will conduct a meeting for all who aro Interested In the work ot the Loyal Legion In the Bend Amateur Athletic club gymnasium at 8 o'clock the same evening. A tele gram received today announced Lieutenant Sypher's coming. Pictures showing what has been dono by the Loyal Legion in tbe northwest will be shown nnd a lec turer will further explain tho results attained by tho organization. TANLAC Shoes for Real Service OUR SPECIALTY IS TO MA.KB SHOES THAT STAND THE TEST NAP-A-TAN SHOE J. E. TILT SHOE A. HANSON LOGGER. BONCr-STREET R. H. LOVEN The BEND BULLETIN and The Oregon Farmer Both for the Price of One By a special arrangement with The Oregon Farmer yon eaa cure The Oregon Farmer with this paper at the price of this Siper alone. In other words, wheu you subscribe for YOUR OME PAPEE, ox renew your present uhscription, you ax entitled to Receive The Oregon Farmer for the Asking THE OREGON FARMER b Oregon's rreat state fares papn Iaae4 every week and devoted to tka Oregoa farst and th Oeeffoe farm home, just as this to is mwna Oi uw kksu This Opportunity GRASP NOKTHWK8T MIDDIiKWF.IOHT TO WltKSTIiK AI) OUHTAVO TO A FINIHH IN HKNI) ON KVKNINO OF JANUARY 10. (From Frldny's Dnlly.) Final arrangements for a wrest ling match to bo held hero Friday ovonlng, January 10, between Charllo Olson, northwest middleweight champion, and Ad Gustavo of Bond wero completed this morning when Olson and Tom Carton, representing Gustavo, decided on the tlmo for tho mat event. The mntch will bo tho big attraction at a smoker which will start at 8:30 o'clock Olson has boon In Bend for tho last two days, nnd yesterday at his request, Mr. Carlon wired Gustavo at Astoria. This morning Gustavo's answer was received, expressing his willingness to meet the champion, and the time tor the bout wa quickly decided upon. With Olson's reputation through out the northwest and tho showing put up by Gustavo in his recent bout here with Hindu Basanta, fans aro assured of a contest ot unusual interest. Olson started rigid train ing today and declared that ho would make 160 pounds by the night of the match. Gustavo will -weigh 1G5 pounds. The champion is confident that he will be able to win tho best two out ot threo, but backers of Oustavo ex pect that tho local man will give him a tough run for his money, and may even reverse th'.s prediction. Tho match will be under Pollco Gazette rules, no holds barred ex cepting strangle The go will bo to a finish, no tlmo limit being set. BEND BOY IN ACTION ON WESTERN FRONT (From Saturday's Dally.) A sharo In the fighting at St. Mlhlel, on tho Argonne front, and at Waughem, Belgium, was tbe ex perience of C. C. Beach ot Bend in tbe weeks preceding the signing or the armistice, according to a letter received by bis father. Jl. II. Beach, recently. Ho Is attached to the 91st division and has recently been pro moted to a Borgeantcy. FOR SALE BY The Owl Pharmacy SOLE AGENTS DEND OREGON paper is devoted to the poofU pomnninnji. Hay Not Last Loag IT NOW