The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 02, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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Central Oregon
Misses Fern and Margaret nitora.
Naomi nnd Marlon Hoskins, Lois nnd
Eda Tovno. Messrs. Darwin nnd
Fred Waltors, Goo. Tuckwoll nnd
Paul IJrooklng formed n skating
party at tho Hoskins' pond Wednes
day evening.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Callahan and fam
ily from tho High Desert arrived
Saturday and will mako their homo
nt Lower HrldRO. where they bought
tho Rublo ranch.
Mrs. Fred Walters entertained on
Chrlstmns T. J. Qulgley, Geo. Tuck
woll, Sid West and Jim West.
Mr. nnd Mm. Evans and family
from near Bend aro visiting nt tho
Hauscr home.
Tho Nowbold family are ill with
Darwin nnd Fred Waltors wero In
Redmond Tuesday.
Lovl Ncatolgh Is spending Christ
mas vacation visiting with his Bis
ter, Mrs. Mary Chapman.
L. A. Hunt was a Dcnd visitor
C. F. Hoskins and Darwin Wal
tors wore at Lamonta on Monday.
'Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Towno enter
tained at dinner Christmas tho Hos
kins family.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Fuller wore In
Redmond Friday.
Misses Lois and Eda Towno enter
tained Friday ovenlng Misses Fern
Walters, Naomi Hoskins, Marlon
Hoskins, Florence Boles, Messrs.
Fred and Darwin Walters, Paul
Brookings and Lovl Nealelgh.
George Kidder came out from Red
mond to visit at the Hunt homo over
Christmas and camo down with tho
Mr. and Mrs. Young wero in Red
mond Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Howard spent
Christmas with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Dietrich, at Torrebonne.
Mrs. Fred Walters and Mrs. C. F.
Hoskins wero visitors at Mrs.
Young's on Thursday.
Mr. Halg was taking his cattle
from his ranch on tho peninsula to
Cloverdale to feed during the win
ter and spent Friday ovenlng at tho
Holmes ranch.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Roberts were
visitors at tho Hausor homo on
Thursday evening.
Morle Jac spent Friday visiting
with Omar Hoskins.
The Sunday school Christmas en
tertainment on Tuesday evening was
well attonded in spite of tho Influ
enza scare. A very good program
was arranged, after which Santa
Claus paid a visit and distributed
presents and boxes of candy for all.
MILLICAN. Dec. 30. At tho spe
cial school meeting held here the
vote was In favor of hauling the chil
dren out of walking distance to and
from school, but as yet they do not
know who will do the hauling.
Reuben Keller and brother made
n trip to Bend Friday, returning
Tbero was an Xmas danco at the
Smith ranch Wednesday evening. It
was quite well attended. Mr. Brooks
furnished tho violin music. The A.
D. Norton furolly was out from Bend
to attend the dance and also to call
on the Hollands while hero.
Mr. Brooks enjoyed his Xmas
dinner with the Holland family.
Leo Keller had Xmas dinner with
his family.
Everett Grlnstead made a trip to
Bond Thursday.
Mr. Brooks was a guest at tho
Holland and Keller homes Thursday.
The Spencer boys called nt tho R.
R. Koller place Thursday.
Mrs. Holland called at tho Koller
ranch Tuesday.
Tho news was received too late to
express our regrets at tho death of
our dear neighbor and friend, Mrs,
H. E. Smith, the past week, but our
sympathy and sorrow are for the
bereaved husband and little, mother
less daughter, who aro left, besides
many relatives and friends to mourn
Mrs. Smith's untimely death.
Tho C. II. Graffonborger family
spent a very merry Xmas, their
daughtor and her husband, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Holland from Washing
ton, and their son Raymond from
Prlnovlllo belug homo to help cole
brato tho holidays. Mr. and Mrs.
Holland camo Monday and Raymond
DESCHUTES, Dec. 30. Tho Xmas
tree and children's entertainment
and exercises wero well attended,
also much onjoyod, at this place on
Xmas ovo. Old Saint Nick -was there
and told of some of his travels over
thiB country, Missouri and some parts
of Europe
Most of tho farmers In this sec
tion aro through with their Trlm
Btono farming for tho present time.
Dad Brula has been In tho Madras
Metollua country looking after his
wood buslnoss. Ho will dellvor sev
eral carloads thoro in tho near future.
Mr. Bales of Tuuialo has loaded
two carloads of apuds during the
post week.
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon aro again
living on their Long Butte ranch
after bolng absent from there for two
or throo yonrs. They rocontly at
tended tho funeral sorvlcos of Mrs.
Brandenburg's brother, Fred Hun
nel, which wero hold In Portland.
Mr. Hunnel had many friends and ac
quaintances in this vicinity, as ho
lived hero n number of years boforo
going to work In tho shipyards nt
Portland, whoro ho was onga.god a
tho tlmo of his death, which was
caused by influenza.
Mrs. Debing is rocovorlng from
tho flu.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Carl Tucsley nro the
proud parents of a little son.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Roy Gllson nre
spending tho holidays with their
parents. Evorett Brandenburg is
also homo, from Eugene, whoro ho
hns been going to tho university.
CLOVERDALE, Dec. 31. E. E.
Hcs80, A. E. Peterson nnd W. F.
Fryrear shipped two carloads of
cattle and sheep to Portland on Sun
day. Mr. Hcsso had tho mlsfortuno
of injuring his foot while loading the
cattlo nt Redmond, but ho accom
panied tho cars to Portland in splto
of tho nccldont.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Abboy spent
Christmas day visiting relatives In
J. B. Hodson. Mr. and Mrs. F. J.
Burling and Mrs. Irvln Parborry
wero Bend business visitors on Fri
day. Miss LaDona Cyrus Is spondlng
tho Christmas vacation at homo.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burling and
John Doaken wero Christmas dlnnor
guests at tho Parborry home.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kllno spent
Sunday at tho W. R. Abboy homo.
Lovcna Long Is quite HI with ton
stlltls. Bert Hodson went to Sisters on
Saturday to work at the Duckott mill.
Gladys Parberry was shopping In
Sisters on Saturday
Charles Abboy nnd Adam Stlon
kopf wore visiting friends In Clover
dale on Christmas eve.
H. H. Kllgore, a former Clover
dale man who is now living at his
ranch near Sink, is 111 with tho flu.
Ivan Miller and family from Sclo
are visiting Mr. Miller's parents. It
Is their Intention to make Cloverdalo
their homo for soma time.
Walter Miller and wife from Anto
lopo aro spending tho holidays here.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Arnold woro
dinner guests at tho Hodson homo on
Verne Skelton was a Sisters' vis
itor on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Peterson nro
both ill with tho flu.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Abbey wero
Sisters shoppers on Friday ovenlng.
Air. .vcAiustor or rialnvlew was
o. visitor at the Burling homo on
G. E. Stadlg was a business caller
at the J. A. Aldrich home on Sunday.
Cal Burnsldo made a trip to Bend
ono day last week.
Mrs. J. L. Parberry spent Monday
at tho Peterson homo.
Mr. and Mrs. II. O. Wilson wero
calling at the Peterson homo on Sun
day afternoon.
J. A. Aldrich has purchased a
gasoline engine, feed grinder and a
new wood saw.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Parton are re
siding at the Greene Beard homo.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Parton and fam
ily spent Friday at the Greene Beard
Tho stockholders of tho Squaw
Creek Irrigation company attended a
meeting In Redmond on Saturday for
tho purpose of raising bonds for tho
new irrigation district.
Dr. Wilson of Redmond was sum
moned to the Rlellng homo Christ
mas night owing to tho illness of ono
of tho children.
Mrs. J. B, Hodson nnd Miss La
Dona Cyrus made u trip to Redmond
on Thursday evening.
Dean Van Matro mado a trip to
Redmond on Friday.
vin Rlggs and C. (M. Charlton will
attend the Irrigation congresB from
Powell Butte next week.
Mrs. Ross Bussott suffered a re
lapse from her recent attack of In
fluenza and Is qulto sorlously 111 at
her homo here.
Ora Foster and family apont
Christmas with Mrs. Fostor's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. TerriU Osborno, at
Mrs. Martha Foster spent sovoral
days with her brother, Jake Krltchor,
at Redmond.
Mrs. Allan Willcoxon and daughtor
Harriett aro visiting Mr. Willcoxon
over tho holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Truesdalo en
tortalned at dinner Christmas day,
among tholr guests being Lieutenant
Rel Powell, who was on a short fur
lough from his duties as Instructor
at tho O. A. C.
C. II. Morris of Spray, Whooler
county, was a guest at tho E. II.
Stewart homo this wook. Ho wont
on to Prinevillo to consult a physi
cian for a heavy cold ho had con
tracted on his trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallaco Smith had
Mr. and iMrs. Sknnn an rflnnnr mDii
Christmas day.
Mr. and Mrs. V. If mrf ...
Mr. Jackson spent Christmas day
family. A Jolly good tlmo wan had
nronnd Itttlo Inn iRoborts' troo and
after that n splendid dlnnor served
as Mrs, Roberta known how to dn,
Mr. nnd Mrs. John Drlscoll will
entertain n largo dlnnor party on
Now Yonr'a day.
Miss Adnh Ferry Bpont Christmas
with tho homo folks nt AUnltn.
Harold Mooro visited his pnronts,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Robort Moore, near
Redmond, over Christmas.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Wnllnco Smith and
Mrs. Mary V. Charlton shipped tur
keys to the Portland market last
A. W. Bnynn sold his dressed tur
koya to a (Bond mnrkot.
Mrs. Frank Klsslor tins Imnn III
tho mutt wnnk.
Sergeant Harold M. Charlton wired
Chrlstmns greetings to his pnronts,
Mr. nnd Mrs. C. M. Charlton, from
Camp Eustls, Vn.
Cut This Out It Is Worth Money.
DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this
slip, enclose with 5c to Foley .1 Co.,
2835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago. 111.,
writing your noma nnd address
cloarly. You will rocolvo In return
a trial package containing Foley's
Honey nnd Tar Compound, for
coughs, colds and croup, Foley Kid
ney Pills nnd Foley Cathartic Tablets.
Sold everywhere. Adv.
SISTERS. Jnn. 2. Tho Influenza
has been completely controlled In tho
Sisters community and tho attend
ance nt school Is normnl ngnln.
A Christmas nnd Now Yenr's pro
gram was given by tho school chil
dren nt tho school house Wednes
day ovenlng. Tho eighth grado ex
amination will bo held In the upper
room on Fobrunry 6 and 7.
Miss AIlco Knpphahn was unnblu
to resume nor duties In the prlmnry
room nnd Mrs. C. W. Allen hns boon
plnccd In charge temporarily. Miss
Knpphahn has n novoro cold.
Tho Black Butto school chlldron
gavo n program at tho Parkn resi
dence on Chrlstmns day. Mr. and
Mrs. Perry A. South nnd children.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Frnnk Zumwnlt and
children nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Enrl Up
dike wero present at tho entertain
ment. Mrs. C. W. Alton nnd children
spent Christmas at tho Allondnlo re
sort. George Davis spent a fow days at
tho Allondnlo resort.
Rod Fostor lost some of his cnttlo
on tho Indlnn reservation.
John Allen nnd Gcorgo Davis spent
Friday at tho Parks home.
Mrs. Hartwcll spent Christmas
with Mrs. Scaberry at Sisters.
Forester Perry A. South wns at
Bond Friday on business rotating to
tho forest sorvlco.
Ellis Edglngton attended u meet
ing of tho Deschutes Farmers' asso
ciation nt Redmond Friday and was
elected a delcgato to attend a moot
ing of tho association in Portland In
Mr. nnd Mrs. John W. Dennis wero
at Bend Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Kief motored
to Bend Tuesday.
County Suporintondent J. Alton
Thompson and F. W. Webor motored
to Sisters Sunday. F. W. Wobor
took tho city and school census of
Bond and succeeded In enumerating
1559 school children between the
ages of 4 and 20, and a population
of C200.
Mr. and Mrs. Warron Farthing and
Mr. and Mrs. J D. Stldham and son
Vino spont Christmas with tho Tay
lors at Bond.
NewtCobb Is regaining his health
slowly after having a sovero attack
of tho flu.
J. P. Duckett. Herman Seaman,
Georgo Mcssor, Harold Allen, H. K.
Allen, Anthony Roach and Ed Spoo
are moving tho Duckott mill from tho
King ranch, 14 miles south of Bend,
to tho Tum-A-Lum mill site, ono
mile south of Sisters.
Miss Anna Nootnnglo has gono to
Tncoma for an extended visit with
J. H. Stldham and Warren Far-
By special arrangement
we can now offer you a
1 Year Subscription
The Bend Bulletin
and a
1 Year Subscription
The Oregon Farmer
for only
Thit ipecial price (or both papon li
good only for ihort time.
The Bend Bulletin,
Bend, Oregon.
Enclosed find $2,00, for which tend
me The Bend Bulletin and The Oregon
Farmer (or one year each,
' ,.
thing nro up In tho mountains,
Minn Georgia Wnodn, who In nt
tending high Hchool In Itedmnud, In
homo for n few dnyn to visit with
her parents during the flu ophlomto.
PINEHUllST, Jan. 2. What
might have boon n very serious ac
cident occurrud In Tumnlo Saturday
afternoon when 0, M. Couch's Ford
cur was struck by u truck returning
to Bond. The Ford wns completely
wrecked, while Mr. Couch very
luckily escaped with n few minor
Mr. nnd Mrs. Luther Clnrkston ar
rived from Pullman, Wash., Sunday
to spend tho holidays with the tat
ter's parents, Mr. und Mrs. C. W.
C. H. Spnugh wns n business vis
itor nt tho Tumalo mill Sunday.
W. B. Searcy was a bUHlnvait vis
itor In Bond Snturdny, returning
Sunday afternoon with u lend of
Mr. and Mrs. P, A. Devers ami son
wore dinner guests nt tho II. K
Brooks homo In Bend Chrlstmns.
Mrs. C. Pedorson spent Sunday
afternoon ns n guest of Mrs. Jones.
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Smith left
Tuesday for Portland to spend the
holidays with relatives,
Muhlon Couch was n 'guest over
night at tho Hartley ranch Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Howell, .Mr
and Mrs. Hurry McGutre, Ruth Bay
ley, Mr. nnd Mrs. Clnrkston nnd C.
II. Spnugh nnd family were guests
nt the Howell homo Christmas,
Miss Freda Clnrk spent Chrlstmns
with home folks, returning to Bend
Mr. Carey Is assisting with the
feeding at tho Smlth-Corklng ranch
during tho nbseuce of Mr. Smith.
Mr. nnd Mrs. C. Pedorson nnd
Lester Snyder woro dinner guests at
I. E. Wlmer's Christmas.
Miss Mary Silvern Is staying at
the G. M. Couch homo thin week.
Wllltnm Root, who hns linen stny
Ing nt the Bnyloy homo, loft Monday
ovenlng to spend Christmas with his
parents near Modford.
Ono of the most pleasant events of
tho season wns held nt the C. M.
Phelps homo Frldny ovenlng, when
about 30 neighbors gathered for n
gouoral good tlmo. Tho evening wnn
spent with making candy, playing
gnmes nnd music. All report a very
enjoyable tlmo.
Mrs. G. M. Couch In confined to
her bed this week with n sovoro at
tack of neuralgia.
Mr. and Mrs. G, W Snyder enter
tnlned Miss Elder nnd Mrs. Edwards
at dinner on Christmas dny.
Mrs. Frank Swisher wns among
tiioso in Bend Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Bollmnn nnd
family, Mrs. Garner, Miss Vldn Boll
mnn nnd mother woro dinner guests
nt tho Phelps homo Christmas.
Frank McNanlmon, who has boon
stationed .nt Camp Lewis, roturncd
on a novon dnyn' furlough to spend
Christmas with his mother, Mrs.
Ada McNanlmon.
Mrs. Adams, Mrs. Bollman nnd
Miss Vldn Bollman attended the
party nt tho Pino Tlreo mill Friday
Ho Knows Whrroof Ho 8nvikN.
J. F. Hnrpor, 416 Navarre 8t San
Antonio, Tex., writes: "I consider
Foloy's Honey nnd Tnr absolutely tho
best cough remedy on tho mnrkot. I
know whereof I speak, hnvlng tried
It In my own family. Vour remedy
nets quickly and relief Is permanent."
Good for colds, coughs, croup. Con
tains no opiates. Sold ovorywhoro.
For Quick Results.
Try a Want Ad.
A Viiilor
A Departure
A Birth -A
An Accident
An lllneti
Any New Ouldiog
Social Function .
A Real Eriate Traruaction
Any Improvement
Any thing that it o( Interctl
Phone it to
The Bulletin
And Investigate our price)
before buying your groceries,
We can save you money,
Millioaa, Ore. Telephone
Hank pinned
the bee on Ed
for fair
Ed never could nco nny
clicw but n big hunk of
overswect tobneco. "You
tako this pltitf of Rcnl
Gravely,' sny a Hnnk.'Tnka
nsmnll chew two orthrco
squares. Sco how long it
holds its pure, rich Instc.
If you don't ndtnit that
Gravely gives you tobacco
Real Gravely Chewing Plug
eacn piece pacKea in a poucn
Not Just
Meat But
I'l.KASANT 1111)01-:. Dec. 31.
A pnrty wns given nt the homo of
Mr. and Mrs, O. K. Anderson Thurs
day evening. Tho guests were Mr.
and Mrs. C uM. Itedlleld, C. U. Mac
Cauley. W. K. Van Allen. Mr. nnd
Mrs. Gen, KnnotT, Miss llllgn Holm
green, Henry Gray, all of Deschutes,
and Miss Hlennor Whltmorn of Mend.
Tho ovenlng was spent In plnylug
"COO," after which n lunch was
served by tho hostess.
II. T. Mlkkolsen was In Redmond
Saturday on business.
Mnrsh Aubrey visited nt tho Gray
homu tho first of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. O, K. Anderson at
tended the movies In Ilond Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gllson of Port
land nrrlved to spend tho holidays
with Mrs. Gllson'n pnrents, Mr. and
Mrs. I.. A. llrnudunburK,
Mr. and Mrs. O. I'. Anderson wore
Redmond visitors Friday. Mr, An
derson nttuuded tho Irrigation meet
ing thoro.
Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Ilaughman, ac
companied by Mr. and Mrs. J A.
C'haso, were Redmond visitors Fri
day. A Chrlstmns dinner wns given nt
tho home of Rasmus I'eterson on
Christmas dny. Those presunt were:
Mr. nnd Mrs. Ole Hanson and linns
Hanson of Deschutes, Win. Gift, Mr
and Mrs. If. T. Mlkkolsen, Alfred
MikkolHcn, Mr. and Mrs. John Kd
wards, Lnwronco Kdwnrds, Antoue
Ahlstrom and MImh llllinu Nelson.
O. K, Anderson Installed n tele
phone In his housu this week.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. II. Gray worn
guests nt tho Anderson homo Xmas
J. W. Peterson nnd II. T, Mlkkel
not! wero Horn! callers Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs, IM Swnlley spent
Christmas In Ilond.
Kvorott Ilrnndonburg nrrlved from
Kugone, Ore,, to Hpond Christmas
with his purents,
Krnest Frank was in Redmond on
business Friday.
Mrs. Cnthnrlne Jnhnnson nnd Mrs.
II. T Mlkkolsen cnllod on Mrs. Ole
Hnnson nt Deschutes Friday,
Those attending tho Chrlstmns
tree and exorcises nt tho school housu
at Deschutes Tuesday evening woro:
Mr. and Mrs. II, T. Mlkkolsen. Alfred
Mlkkelson, Mr. und Mrs. W. II. Gray,
Mr. nnd Mrs. O. K. Anderson, Mr.
nnd Mrs. J. W. Peterson und chil
dren, Rnsmus Petersen nnd Mrs.
Catharine Johnnson, Mr. and Mrs.
U. A. Hrandonburg nnd Kvorott
Anton Ahlstrom wont to Ilond
Tuosdny to liuvo soma dental work
C. P. Docker of Tumalo was a
caller nt tho Anderson homo Mottdny.
Harold Cook passed through hero
on his way to Rodmond 'Monday.
Miss Etta Chaso Hpunt sovoral days
this wook at tho homo of hor brother,
Wnyno Chaso of Redmond.
Yr H. Gray was doing noma car
pontor work for Anton Ahlstrom
Mr. and Mrs. II. T. Mlkkelson en
tertained tho following persons at
dlnnor Chrlstmns ovo: Rasmus
Potorson, Mrs. Cntharlno Johnnson,
1)111 Johnson, Mr .and Mrs. O, E,
Anderson and Mr. nnd Mrs. W. II,
Mrs, Carrlo Johnson of Ilond is
80 or 1(50 acres In tho R. W. 1-4
of Boo. 14, To. 17, H. R. 13 B.
This lies 8 miles oast and 3 miles
north of Hond. Wutor rltfht
fully paid und ditch to highest
point. 130 aoros arublo. Muko
mo an ofTor, cush or trudo.
Tacoma, Wank.
nntSsfnction without extra
cost, I'll buy your plus for
n month." Ilnngcd if Ed
didn't walk in next tiny,
Rrab off n nlup; of Gravely
nnd throwdown his money
junt like a litllo man I
ll I fmrlitr- lisl'imkt ftmumttt
lit ft J Hut tfllU tUu Iiimi milk'
! ulr tut.
visiting her sinter, Mrs. J. W. Peter
son. Mr nnd Mm. J A. Chase nnd
daughter Etta spent Chrlstmns at tint
home of their sou, Wayne Chime, In
(intrrnnr Wlttiyrumhe Compliment
Hlntn Oi-Kiinlmtlon on Highly
Kfilrlnit Work.
(tlr tlnltxl Prr U. Th. Ikn.l llulMln.)
HAI.BM, Dec. 31. Thin Is the Inst
dny of life for tho Statu Council of
"Tho Oregon Btnto Council of Do
fnnsn hns shown n high degree of ef
ficiency, nnd tho peoplo should bn
grateful to and proud of tho splendid
work dono by thnt orgnnlintlnn dur
ing tho war," said Governor Withy
combo today.
It wns necessary to disband tho
atnto council enrllnr than In most
states becauso It has exhausted Its
Tho vnrlous defense councils
throughout tho stntn hnvn boon asked
to continue as voluntary organiza
tions, assisting in reconstruction
tnr Unit) I'rw to Th ltn. Ilull.tln.l
LONDON, Dec. 31. Tho capture
of 13 towns, four vllln-gea nnd nn Im
portant section of railway by tho Ilol
shovlkl was reported today In n wlro
less tllspntch from Moscow. The
towns went captured between Decem
ber 25 nnd 2D,
BAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 31. What
Is oxpected to bn the most serious
crime wavo in criminal history Is
predicted by San Francisco psycholo
gists and criminologist!) to prevail
throughout tho world for some tlmo.
Police records nro already show
ing nn Increase over pre-war nnd
wnr-tlmo records.
According to Thoodoro Kytkit, fa
mous criminologist, history shown n
great Increase In crlmu following
August Vollrnor, chief of pollco at
Ilorkoloy, says crime has Incronsod
moro than 25 per cent. In tho last
fow months,
Try a Uullotln Want Ad for quick
JMrmJyVci. T I C2S8XB nm
KyyfciScjyij1 HPsfeaywiffiyy?ra
wiin moir inenas, me aioy Roberta