rAGK a DAILY KDITION, REND, ORKtJON, THURSDAY, DKCKMUKR SO, 1018 Central Oregon Neighborhood News ALFALFA HAY SOLD BY PLAINVIEW MAN PLAINVIBW. Hoc. 19. Alex Levoront sold 40 tons of alfalfa liny Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Clark, Mm. Louzottn Pulllan and Mrs. A. W. Armstrong woro shoppers in Dcnd, Monday. Miss Constanco Knickerbocker re turned to Rond to rcsumo her High school studies last week. A. W Armstrong has hauled sev eral loads of rye to Redmond the past weok. Mrs. Paul Scroggln returned home from Portland last Tuesday after spondlng several weeks. Word has focon received that Louise Glllet and daughter, Grace, former Plalnview residents, have been ill with influenza. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Scoggln and Homer Connloy were callers nt the Tlno Tree mill last Thursday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. H. T Hartley were business callors in Dcnd Saturday. Mrs. M. W. Knickerbocker and daughter, Itoo, wero week-end visi tors In Bend. Miss Graco Riggs has been 111 with a light attack of influenza. George Calverley has been work ing at tho Hartley ranch the past week. iMr. and Mrs. Armstrong and Mr. and Mrs. Connley called at the J A. W. Scoggln home Sunday afternoon. POWELL BUTTE DRIVE HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL POWELL BUTTE, Dec. 24. Mrs. S. D. Mustard, captain of tho Red Cross drivo in Powell Butte commu nity reports fine work has been done 6y her lieutenants, who aro Mos dames. E. A. Bussett, Ross Bussott, Gates, Rice. Arnold, and Wallace Smith. This part of Crook county will go over tho top without a doubt. Elop Johnson former merchant and postmaster at Powell Butto ar rived Sunday night with his son, Ted to spend Christmas with his daughter, airs. Ross Bussett and her family. Mrs. Arthur Wurzweiler and Mrs. E. II. Stewart were shopping in Prineville Saturday. Miss Fay Bussett who is teaching tho Edwards school has two weeks vacation at this holiday time to close her school as many others did on account of Influenza. Mis Katsch went to Portland Wednesday night where she expected to meet her brother, who has recent ly been In the army. Mrs. E. A. Bussett has gono to Portland and Vancouver to visit friends and relatives nnd also to jneet her son Lloyd, who is returning from an eastern cantonment where ho has been in training. Sho will bo accompanied home by her mother, Mrs. Brown, who has been visiting with her two daughters in Vancou ver Boveral -months. Miss Martha Horigan of Prine ville visited at tho Truesdale home last wee. Sho was accompanied homo of Paulino Truesdalo who vis ited Jn Prlnevillo a couplo of days. Ed. Barnard's family havo moved to tho cottago on tho Ross Bussett placo to reside temporarily until their new homo is completed on tho Ochoco project. George Truesdalo mado a business visit to Deschutes Monday, Frank Klssler mid George Trues dalo were delivering beef to tho resi dents on tho Ochoco project Satur day. Mr. Klssler had more orders than ho could fill. S. D. Mustard is ill at his home I with Influenza. Ho is roported to bo Improving at present writing. Work on Peter Paul's now hlmo Is I progressing nlcoly. They hope to be able to movo Into It In about two Iweelcs. A letter was received from Will Pauls last week. Will had Just ar rived "over thoro" when tho armis tice was signed. Ho hopes to bo re turned homo soon. Mrs. Mary Truott extends her thanks to tho men who so gencrnous ly donated work on her house, thus aiding her to occupy it much sooner than sho had anticipated, They wero Gcorgo Truesdale, Frank and Georgo Klssler, B. Manceau, J. McDantol, E. L. Iverson and Fred Snyder. It Pays to Patronize Our Adver- Jsers. (PARTY IS GIVEN AT PLEASANT RIDGE PLEASANT RIDGE, Dec. 24. A party was glvon at tho homo of W. II. Gray Saturday evening, tho oc casion being Mr. Gray's birthday. The evening was Bpent in social converse and music. A delightful lunch was sorved by Mrs. Gray. Tho guests woro: Mr. nnd Mrs. II, T. Mlkkolson, Alfred Mlkkolson, Mr. nnd Mrs. O. E. Anderson, Anton Ahlstrom, Pasmus Peterson, Cathcrlno Johanscn and Illlmn Nelson. Mrs. Kd Smalloy is roported to bo recovering from the "flu." Marsh Aubrey returned to Bend Wednesday nttor spending several days at tho Gray home. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Baughman nnd family wero Bend visitors Wednes day. Ernest Frank was In Redmond on business Saturday. Fred C. Seeling loft Saturday night for Blaine, Wash., where he will visit with his mother during tho holidays. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Peterson wont to Bend on Thursday. Mrs. J. A. Chaso and daughter, Etta were Redmond visitors Monday afternoon. Mrs. L. A. Brandenburg received word that her brother Fred Hunnel had died at Portland of tho Spanish Influenza. Mr. Hunnel formerly lived In this neighborhood and at ono tlmo was rider on tho Smalloy ditch. Anton Ahlstrom was In Redmond Monday. John Edwards was a Bend visitor Friday. iMr. and Mrs. Hans Mlkkclscn wero In Redmond on Friday. Con Brecn of Alfalfa was In this neighborhood soveral days this week looking after his sheep. Mr .and Mrs. O. E. Anderson ac companied by Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Gray wero shopping in Bend Wednes day. C. M. Redfleld and family of Des chutes called at tho Anderson homo Sunday. Mr. and Airs. N. D. Wood and chil dren nnd Mrs. Emma Houghtallng wero Redmond visitors Saturday. Those attending tho farmors' meet ing In Redmond Saturday from this vicinity were: Rasmus Petersen, O. E. Anderson, Anton Ahlstrom, F. B. Baughman and Mr. Hosklns. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Andorson wero In Redmond on business Monday af ternoon. Mrs. Emma Houghtallng Is staying at tho Armstrong homo during the Illness of Mrs. C. B. Armstrong. Rasmus Peterson and Mrs. Cath nrlno Johanscn made a business trip to Bend Friday. Mr. and iMrs. J. A. Chaso and daughter, Etta, were shopping in Redmond Saturday. LOWER BRIDGE BOYS BACK FROM S. A. T. C. LOWER BRIDGE, Dec. 24. Dar win Walters and Paul Brookings re turned Wednesday evening from Oro gon Agricultural College where thoy wero in S. A. T. C. Paul Brooking was taking gas engineering and Darwin Walters was doing foundry work. Mrs. George Roberts was visiting Tuesday, at tho Hosklns and Wal ters home. Mr. L. A. Hunt was In Bend Fri day. IMr. and Mrs. A. S. Holmes and family wero Redmond visitors Sat urday, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Hunt and Mrs. R. S. Towno wero shopping In Bend Wednesday. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. J. Fuller who has been ill with influenza aro recov ering nicely. C. P. Boles was in Bend on Busi ness Wednesday. George Tuckwell Is now working for T. J. Guifoy. Mr. nnd "Mrs. Young and Mrs. Frank Newbold wero Redmond vis itors Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Chapman woro shopping In Redmond Thurs day. Mr. A. C. Ilausor arrived Saturday from Silver Lake with his cattle. Tho Diatomlto plant at tho Lower Bridgo is running full blast with day and night shifts. Mr, Lelghton who is staying at the Fullers is trapping for coyotes. Mr, Cathro, superintendent of tho Diatomlto plant left Tuesday oven- Ing (or Portland whuro ho will spend Christmas. IMr. C. S. Ilosplng was In Red mond Saturday, to attend ngrlout tural council mooting. PINEHURST HAY IS SOLD IN BEND PINEHURST, Doc. 24. I). W. Dietrich has sold his hay to Auno Bros., of Bond and commenced hhitl lit It Monday. Last week was butchering woek In Plnohurst. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. H. Qpnugh, Ruth Bnyloy, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Pholps nnd daughtor woro holiday shopporn In Bend Saturday. F. V. Swtshor was a business visi tor In Bond on Saturday, taking In a loan of mutton, veal, etc., for tho holiday mnrkot. Ruth Bnyloy, Violet 8pnugh nnd Myrtle Spnugh woro guests of Miss Ethel Snyder Sunday. I. E. Winner hauled a load of tamarac lumber from tho Tumnlo mill Tuesday. Russell Doltorlch was thrown from his poncy ono day this week, nnd received n badly Bpralncd arm. Mrs. Garner was among tho Christmas shoppers In Bend Thurs day. Basil Baylcy is a new pupil In tho sixth grado, entering school this weok. John Ballmnn and family were down from the mill Saturday and woro guests at tho C. M. Pholps' homo. Messrs. Gcrklng and Smith havo purchased a part of C. II. Spaugh'a hay. Mr. and Mra. C. W. Howell, Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Winner nnd Ethol Snyder wero shopping In Bond Wed nesday. W. E. Searcy Is erecting n new born ou his farm In Sunnysldo this week. .Mrs. G. M. Couch spent tho after noon nt tho A. J. Hartcr farm Thursday. Harry McGuIro hauled several loads of potatoes to Deschutes for shipment this week. C. F. Montgomery was a caller at I. E. Winner's Wednesday. Ivy Snyder spent Sundny with homo folks, returning to tho Star ranch Monday. B. A. O'Donnell nnd family, of Bend, woro business visitors In Pino hurst Sunday. C. W. Howell was In Bend Satur day with a nlco lot of dressed tur koys for the Christmas trado. Mr. and Mrs. Harry McGuIro spent Friday evening nt tho C. W. Howell farm. "FLU" DANGER PAST STAUFFER SECTION STAUFFER, Dec. 24. Everyone has recovered from tho "flu" suffi ciently to bo up and around again. However school will not open tilt after New Year's. Ho Was Weak and All Hun Doun. "I thought my kidneys might bo tho causo of my rundown condition and wenkness," writes W. II. Frcnr. 63 Myrtlo Avo., Albany, N. Y., "so I took Foloy Kldnoy Pills and thoy did tho work. I .chcorfully recommend them. You can use my namo whor- evor you wish." Thoy stop rheu matic aches. Sold everywhere. Adv. $2.00 By special urrnngement we can now offer you a 1 Year Subscription to The Bend Bulletin and a 1 Year Subscription to The'JJregon Farmer for only $2.00 Thit special pries (or both papen it good only (or a ihort time. USE THIS ORDER BLANK The Bend Bulletin, Bend, Oregon. Encloted find $2,00, (or which tend roe The Bend Bulletin and The Oregon Farmer (or one year each. Name.... PoitofEcc . State Mr, Kwdnrds, of Bund, passed through our valley Sunday, Roy Stuuffor, who went to Bund a woek ago, returned homo Thurs day by doctor's order, lie In Just recovering front tho "flu." Edgar Ltvemty who wont to Demi to stay with Ills aunt, Mrs. Smith, Is reported to ho about thu name. Mr. Llvi'sny has been III with tho "flu" for over u month. Mr. Knsspohl Is staying at tho Guh Mcl.outh homo whllo Mr. Llvo say Is nt Bund. Mr. McLouth has been spending sovornl days looking for some of his cnlves that seem to havo strayed a way, Gus Mcl.outh mndo n business trip to Buck Crook this wook. Ben Rhodes Is gathering cnttle tor Mr. Cowan. Guy Brown nnd Ben Rhodes nudo a trip to Paisley Inst weok to get Mr. Rhodes' horses, which ha lost Inst August. Wesley and Robert Mcl.outh wero callers at tho Stautfer ranch Mon day. Influenza (Jets Old nnd Ynuntf. "Grip" nnd "Flu" coughs should not bo nogluctod. Profit by tho ox- purlnnco of thousands like Mrs. Mary Klsby, 3C33 Princeton Ave.. Spokane. wnsii., wno writes: "Our llttlo boy found relief In wonderful Foley's Honey nnd Tar. It surely cured mo I am 75 years old; had very bad cough from la grippe." Sold ovory- wnoro. auv. PROGRAM HELD AT PLAINVIEW SCHOOL PLAINVIEW, Dec. H. Tho Plain view school closed tor tho Christmas holidays today. There wns a tlno program and Christmas tree at thu school houso In tho afternoon. Misses Luelln and Josephlno Bur gess and Hazel Wlkstrom from Mon mouth arrived from Bend last Wed nesday overling to spend tholr vaca tion nt tho Box ranch. A tlno lotter hns Just been received from Roy Hearth stating ho Is stn tloned In Paris at thu present tlmo doing government work. Gcorgo Cnlvorloy will leave Bend this evening for Oregon City whoru ho will spend some tlmo with his pa rents. Mr. nnd Mrs. Hartley wor callors at tho Knickerbocker ranch Satur day. Mr. nnd Mrs. II. A. Scoggln, Misses Luolla nnd Josephine Burgess nnd Miss Wlkstrom wero dinner guests nt the home of Mr. nnd Mrs. 0 rover Pulllnm. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. W. Scoggln vis ited at tho A. W. Armstrong homo Sunday nfternoon. Crvnl for "Flu" ami "Grip" Coughs. "I had an nwtul cold that loft me with a dreadful cough," says Mrs. M E. Smith, Benton, La. " Bought Foley's Honey and Tnr of our drug gist and It cured mo completely." This grand remedy should bo In every nousoitoiu nt tins time, wlion Inllu- enzn., grip, coughs and colds aro so prevalent. Contnlns no opiates. Sold every where Adv. For Quick Results. Try a Wnnt Ad. YOU KNOW OF A Vuitor A Departure A Birth A Death An Accident An lllne OR- Any New Build'og Social Function! ' ' Meetingi A Real Eittle Traniaclion Any ImprovemenU OR- Anylhing that ii of Interrtt ' ITS NEWSI Phone it to The Bulletin 501 OF STOP! And Investigate our prices before buying your groceries. Wo can save you money. P.B.Johnson's MiLUcaa, Ore. Telephone Ht: dS There's & Salesman from Virginia who wns clio win R nnd swapping yarns witli tho men on (no Post Office corner. "Havo- a chow," says ho to Jnkc. Jnko doesn't think, he's chew ingunlcss his check bulges out liko ho had the mumps. "Cnll that v chew?" ho snorts. "Sure!!1- snys the PEYTON Real Gravely esLcn piece pacKea in a poucn 1 .MiWLntYiVl-iK't rfIiyH'WTll 'L'illW-lfc Not Just Meat But O'DONNELL BROS. GERMANS COPY MWSOFU.S. CONSTITUTION DRAWN FOR NEW REPUBLIC Preli!cnt Will lltiw l,ni Pimer Than In America, Hut Itepre- M'litntlvc I'Vatiirrx Aro .Nearly Identical. (It? Unltnl I'm ti Th IVnil llullrtln.) HERMN, Dec. 23. Tho constitu tion of tho (lermnn republic, drawn by a committee headed by Hugo Von Prass, secretary of tho Interior, closely follows the gonorat plnn of tho American constitution, It Is an nounced. Tho central nnd state gov ernments will bear exactly thu same relations to each other as now ob tains In tho United Htntos. Tho power of tho president will be somewhat mora restricted than that of tho American executive Tho li'KNIntho nNrnbly will bo rniM ed of an equal number of represen tatives from each of thu H proposed states. Tho union of Gorman-Austria with Ilavarla Is planned In tho outllno of n supplementary program submitted by Horr von Unlock. ro.NHKIXH is vi!.u:i ZURICH, Dec. 23. Tho work men's nnd soldiers' council has called u congress of tho councils from nil parts of aormnny for January C, according to it Berlin dispatch. LITHUANIANS ItHVOl.T WASHINGTON, I), C, Dec. 23, Tilsit, Memol, Instorherg und othur cities In Hast Prussia, havo been oc cupied by Prussian Lithuanians who rovolted from Herman authority, ac cording to advices reuchlng Wash ington, Tho (lurmun press, admit ting this situation, gravely vluwn tho affairs of Hast Prussia from u (lor man standpoint. FUNERAL IS HELD FOR J. J. MUTZIG Hervlros on 8,'lnl Anniversary lllrtli Kntlicr of Ilcnil Man Well Known Hero. of On tho 83rd anniversary of his birth, nnd In tho town whoro all his long life was spont, tho funoral of Jacob J. Mutzlg took placo yesterday nt Pittsburg, Pa. Mr. Mutzlg dlod Inst Friday morning. Ho was tho father of Roppoll I). Mutzlg, now a roaldont of Portland, but largoly In- FOR. SALE ! 80 or 1(10 iioros In tho 8. W. 1-4 of Sec. 11, Tit. 17, 8. It. 13 B. This lies 8 in 1 1 oh oast and 3 miles north of Ilond. Water right, fully paid und ditch to highest point. 130 acres arable. Muko mo un olTor, cash or trado. C. F. BEUTEL, Tacoma, Wash. snlesmnn. "This Ifc Real Gravely, That small cltew satisfies, nnd tho longer you cliuw it tho better it taatcs.Thnt'8 why it doesn't cost anything oxtrn to chew this class of tobacco." It wiWfi-lial'l It, f Win till Uu uUm milk' ttttilrtfU, BRAND' Chewing Plug MEAT torcatcd In Bend Tho elder Mulilg nns well known tu this locality, hav ing spent part of several sum mors hero since 1903 and acquired con siderable property In Deschutes county For thu past 35 years ho was ongngud In tho bnnklng business In Pittsburg, and ho had extensive really Interests there Ho left n son and three daughters QUELL RIOTERS .MINIMIS ItlMCUi: (O.MU.MIIM FROM PRISON, Tlli:.V VAlNliV ATTACK SOt.lHIJItS' AND WORK- .mi:ns roitcKs. (It Unite! I'r... to Th lWmt llullrtln.) ZURICH, Dec. 23. Bloody slreot fighting between tho forces of tho -workmen's and soldiers' council and the Spartaclden, wns reported hero todny. .Mnuy casualties resulted, and the Spartaclden wero apparently de feated. Rioting slnrtod when strike lead urs at tho Ilottorr mluo wero arrested by agents of tho workmen's, miners' and soldiers' council. Tho Sparta cities obtaining ro-onforcetnents, at tacked tho prison, released their comrades, and Imprisoned tho Soviet representatives, An armed mob Inter inarched upon tho Molllor mine, attempting to de stroy tho plnnt. Thu workmen and soldlera, planting machine guns at ntratoglc points, unit tho rioters with a deadly flro, dispersing tho attack ing parly. Many fell, dead or se verely wounded. PROHIRITIVE LEVY ON CAMPAIGN GIFTS Senate VoMw for 100 Per Cent Tax I.uxurlc to Remain In Tho Ilovenuo lllll. (Ily Unltnl Pri U The lln! llullrtln.) WAHIIINOTON, I). 0., Dec. 23. Ily a vote of 34 to 28, tho sonnto adopted an amendment today lovylng a tax of 100 por cent on nil cam paign contributions In excess of '0. Luxuries will stay In tho rovontlo bill, for tho senntu, by a voto of 38 to 32, dofoatod tho amendment that would havo eliminated a largo number of such taxes from tho houso bill. m ranE5sieiBim0b "sir's scfirti nit RJJSSELL TRACTOR, UUILTIH ALU Slits R ENGINES BOILERS SAW MILLS THRESHERS TRACTORS BEAN AND PEA THRESHERS. CLOVER HULLER5 CALL Oft WRITe FOR PARTICULARS ifirijn'I MlR! IIvmV" ' ' ' i M MACHINE GUNS jjflam. :; IBM" I f to rt '