The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 19, 1918, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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    rAOK a
(Cdntlnuod from Pago Ono.)
nn opportunity for Oregon to securt
n largo slice ot thfs monoy In soon
providing Oregon tins the funds 01
jianil to match up. It looks llko grom
tlnvs for tlio good roads shark.
Tho ububI crop of ombory enntor
Hovcrnors, congressmen and what no
l.i Incorporated In tho list of legls
lntora which Iteu Olcott tins nov
) rlntod ready for puhtlc use. A nlm
?)li finger skipping down the lint
will find thorn there nplonty.
To net close at homo down OreRor.
Clv way one may start off with Wal
I Ji'ulck. who has been biennially sup
K3'cd as a coturesslonul nosslbtllt
nnd a little bird soems to tell ut
hereabouts that Walter Is begtnntiir
to think the accepted time will bt
aloiiR about the fall of 1920 for r
sloiiRh Into the blR pond. Jt Is r
known fact that Walter's tingort
havo been fairly itching to wave
about the end ot his I.lncolucsque
arms In congressional balls and If
they ever wave there no ono Is de
nying the fact that that particular
member of the Dimlck family will
be able to make itself heard.
Lively Seance Fore-eon.
"What a scurrying of tho lovers of
the flesh pots there will bo If Walter
over puts Into motion his' true Clack
amas county spirit of economy and
hurls It at the national lawmakers!
However, in this same legislature
which is coming up in January Wal
ter is not alone by any means in his
congressional aspirations.
For instance, there Is Louis Dian,
'who thinks he has practiced law long
enough in Kugene. Louis is thor
oughly satisfied that he could pre
sent a shining mark in congress and
that numerous Issues ot national
gravity arc awaiting solution at his
hands, Louis Lachmuud, former
mayor ot Salem, also did not dip Into
the senatorial tank for the sole pur
pose of representing Marion county
during the next four years, not by
any means, nnd it Is barely possible
that Louis might wish to oust Haw
ley from the seat which he has lovod
end kept so long.:
W. H. Qoro down Med ford way,
as well as C. ,M. Thomas from the
same ballwlck and Ike Patterson of
fqr.fained Kola, the luimlct that once
lost tho itato capital by ono vote
all of these gents believe they are
congressional timber.
The seance will be quite lively and
each and everyone of the political
birds mentioned will do his durndest
to make a record during the coming
H.-nvley Mny Seek Topi.
AH see chances from the First dis
trict as they are looking ahead to
Haw ley allowing his valor to become
the better part of his discretion. It
in whispered about a bit that Hawie.v
may try to rip the toga from the
tack of Our George.
In the ranks of prospective candi
dates for governor, like Abou Ben
Adhem, leading all the rost. Is one
Seymour Jonas, .who will sit on the
very pinnacle of the seats of the
mighty in the forthcoming somIoti
of the lower house, Jones hasn't
Hald a word about lite gubornatlonal
aspirations himself, but to one sitting
on a rail fence and winching the
Honorable Seymour passing ly tho
aforementioned aspirations stick
out all over him like quills from a
Hilly Vinton and Arthur Orton
tilso may have tucked away, way
'back in the rear of their cerebrums
somewhere the idea that If the peo
ple call in a loud and unanimous
voice they might become Cincinnati
and surrender up tho plough and the
sheepskin for tho big chair-now occu
pied by tho Hon. James Wlthycombe.
Way down In Coos county ono I. S.
Smith, known among his colleagues
as "Iry," is meditating to himself
that the governorship has novor be
fore been held by such a -great man
We Wish You AH a
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
We relsh to thank you for your liberal patroncge
the past year and remember that In the future,, a'
well as in the past, our standard of merchandise mill
be maintained.
A hays at
The Parisian
Prlre BaUdlnC- Bend. Oretfon
All Mall Orders Promptly and Carefully Fllfed
s ho himself considers himself am
io, too, Is merely awaiting the cat
if tho sovereign people to steer I Ik
trnnd old ship safely through th
torms ot eight years,
An nmnzluR bunch of put Hum whe
tre willing to wicriflco large nnd re
nunerntlve businesses, practices, am
alaiies, for tho trifling stipend tlur
he state so niggardly shells out t
ts servants, Is lining up to put it
lose Into the trough It Is quite as
oulshlng whnt sacrifices some o
horn nre propnrod to tnnko - ovoi
o the humiliating nnd dlsgustlnr
proposition of having to live In Salon
for eight yoiys!
It Is also astonishing to see on the
rostor of legislators that lion Olcott
uis prepared the names of the satin
non who have told the writer at tin
nd of each sowdon for many, nmn
losslons back Hint never again would
hey appear in the legislative halls
It Is moro than likely that many of
Uiose are contemplating becoming
"lamlldntos for other offices just ti
wold this insistent and annoying
way that their constituents have of
ihovlng them willy nllly back Into
the legislative halls.
Private Scheme Noted.
While the legislators themselves
havo somo aspirations along tho lino
ot landing other men's Jobs, somo of
the other fry have their little schemes
under way for working the legisla
tors. As an instance, It is reported
about the Statu Capitol, that Spouce
Wormian, sealer of weights nnd
measures, would not be In any way
opposed to seeing tlfe weights and
measuros Job slipped by the legisla
ture out from under Stato Treasurer-
elect O. P. Hoff and put into some
moro convenient placo the public
service commission, for Instance.
Brother Hoff will appoint W. A. Pal
lid as deputy sealer of weights and
measures which will leave Spenco
out of a position that ho likes very
much, nnd which It may be said in
nil candor and fairness, he has hand
led in very good shape.
On the public servico commission
sits Frederick G. Uuchtel, who Is
a very, very good friend indeed of
Spence, and a child who ts taking his
first lesson In the political primer
could understand quite readily why
Spence would prefer to see the
weights nnd measures office consoli
dated with the public service commis
sion. Considerable talk has been passed
also as to Just what Is going to bo
done for Judge Thomas F. Itynn, of
Oregon City, deputy state treasurer.
He will not be retained In the treas
urer's office, that Is certain, but
many Republicans aro Inclined to
feel that some berth should bo made
for him If he wishes It and thero Is
wondorment as to Just what that
berth will be.
Samuel H. Davis was Lieutenant In
I'ir-.t Union Company Organ
ized in West Vlri-lnla.
Sfimutl H. Davis, of Clovurdalc,
veteran of tho Civil war, and Mrs.
Clara K. Nichols, woll known Tumalo
womun, wero quietly marrlnd last
night at the Christian church In this
city, Itev. Williams officiating. Only
rolatives and Jntirnute friends wore
present. Mr. and Mrs. Davis left
today for Long Iioach, Cnl whoro
thay will stop for a time before pro
ceeding to Fort Sill, Okla., to make
their home.
The groom was a nontenant in the
first company raised for the Fedora!
army In West Virginia, at the time
tho war of the Ilebolllon broke out.
In bplto of his advancing years, he
Is tho physical equal to many a
younger man, and until a few
months ago personally managed his
Clovcrdalo ranch. His daughter,
Mrs. W. P. Myers, resides In Iiend.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Davis havo
lived In tho vicinity of Uend for a
number of years past.
Your Service
Twelve days utterly lost
Short Period In Which No Record o
American Hlttory Wm Kept,
and the Reason.
Twelve days In the history of Amer
ica are blank, uu o.ehuugc return Us.
If you should try to learn what hup
peiied In the period between Septem
ber It ami September lit, 17.VJ, you will
And no records, for those dates do not
exist. I'nder the old stylo enlemlar,
September V 17f-, fell on Wednesday.
The next day tho Gregorian or now
stylo calendar n adopted by Great
Britain and her American colonies, and
the tittle set forward to September 1 1.
l'i to this time tho Julian calendar
hud been followed by the Kngtlsh
sinking world. As reformed by Julius
Caesar In -id M. l It made the year
consist of :iiW days anil six hours, with
nn extra day added to February each
fourth j ear to tueouut for the six
hours. This was the most accurate
calendar ear yet devised, but It was
11 minutes ami II seconds longer than
tho true solar year of JUIT days, i hours,
IS minutes and -III seconds, amounting
to a day In l-'S years.
Pope Gregory XIII corrected this
alHiut 1IWJ by dropping ten days from
the calendar and ordaining that on the
ono hundredth year In three out of
every four centuries the o.xtrtt day for
leap year should not be counted. Six
teen hundred was a leap year and '-tKK
will be one. but 1700, 1S(X) ami 11HKI
were not. Kven this calendar Is Jttl
seconds too fast, amoimtlug to a year
In Itx'ti'l years, so when -HHK eomo
around It will have to be robbed of Its
lent) year day to correct this differ
ence. The Grogorlnn calendar was adopted
In Catholic countries. Including France.
Italy, Spain and Portugal. In LWJ. and
within a short time by the Germans,
SwKs and lltiiiRarlau.s, but not until
17.VJ by Knglaud and her great colonial
Ordinary Wire Screen Declared to De
the Best Backing That Can
De Employed.
Tho electrician Is frequently re
quired, In the Installation of wires In
finished buildings, to cut holes here
and there through the plastered walls
of ceilings. Before these holes can be
replnsteretl some sort of backing must
be put In which will take the place of
the lath. Tho majority of men make
use of old rags'or paper for this pur
pose. The writer, In reptnstorlng holes,
uses a backing of ordinary wire screen.
The wire should be cut about one quar
ter Inch larger than the hole to bo
flllcd, nnd when pressed Into It will be
found to make a good, stiff bucking, as
tho edges hold It llrtnly In place. Far
less plaster will bo necessary with this
backing than with the others, which
will cover the cost of the wire screen,
nnd a more workmanlike ami durable
Job Is obtained. W. 1. Perry, In Klcc
tric World.
Protection (or Birds.
Somo twenty Mates of the Union
have provided bird sanctuaries, or
laws for tho proteetlon of migratory
birds on their long 'lllghts In crch
of feeding places. The matter has
even been made the subject of an In
ternational treaty between the United
States and Canada affecting practi
cally all birds that regularly migrate
between the two countries. The
treaty provides. In effect, that no bird
important to agriculture because of
fiiKect-dohtroylng proclivities shall lie
shot at mfj time. Second, that no
open game season on any species of
game limit extend for a longer period
than lx months. Third, that both
the countries xhnll so restrict omui
seasons on game birds us to prevent
them from being taken during the
breeding season.
Noah's Ark In China.
A curious Chinese picture Is of great
antiquity, ami Is supplied to repre
sent X iIi'h ark on tho top of Mount
Am rat. As Is well known, tho re
ligious literature of almost every na
tion and race contains an account of a
deluge, but a Chinese manuscript re
cently unearthed follows very closely
the story as recorded In tho ISlblo.
It Is particularly Interesting lit that
tho roof of the Chinese ark Is of the
gablo variety associated with tho
Noah'K arks which prove such enter
taining toys for our youngsters. The
Chinese picture, however, shows a double-storied
vessel, and, so far from
there being only ono window In the
roof, thero nru windows In every pos
slhlo space. It would be Interesting
If sjirno Chinese scholar or antiquarian
could discover the exact date of the
Literature's Deglnnlng In Amer'ca.
The North American Itevluw was es
tablished In 1815; Bryant'H "Thunii
topsls" was published In 1817; and
When the good-natured Monroe, after
a presidency thnt was culled "tho era
of good feeling," went out of olllce, al
though Whlttlcr was still a boy on
his futher's farm, and Longfellow nnd
Hawthorne were still undergraduates
at Bowdoln college, and Emerson was
still a country schoolteacher, Atnetl
can literature was Urn, Tho thlncr
was settled. Thomas Wcntworth
Her French,
"I enjoyed your husband's humor
so intuit. Ho Is ulwuys dialling, Isn't
"Yes; I tell lilm he Is quite a chauffeur."
Once Humble Flower Rapidly Delng
Drought to High Position by tho
Matter Florists.
The chrysanthemum Is not to have
ocr, thing Us own way In (he world ol
(lowers. No doubt the chrysanthemum
show gels more of the limelight ol
publicity than a dahlia show, hut tin
gorgeous blossom (hat was once culled
"the Him old maid of tho llower world'
Is having Us "shows" or exhibitions
Jut the same, and the reports have It
that they are attended by large crowd
The dahlia show has heeotuu a rogului
thing In many cities and It Is sold Ihul
there aro persons who can work up
quite as much enthusiasm for the dull
Ha as for the "mum." The dahlia,
from a very simple ami home-loving
llower. has become somewhat of a so
chtl pet.
It was not many years ago that the
ilithlla bloomed In the yards of small
homes. Sometimes It grew In the ft'ou
yard and sometimes In the buck ard
It might he remarked here that the
"yard," especially the "front yard,"
has disappeared. Nobody now has a
front yard. Nobody who l.s anywhere
near up to ditto would hiue such a
thing about the house. The piece of
real estate which wo ued to call the
front yard has become tho "lawn."
Well, formerly tho dahlia growonl
In the yards of humble homes. It had
not broken Into what Is culled "so
clely." Fashionable "grounds" could
not think of admitting such a plain
hardy ami highly coloted citizen of the
llower world as n Mere dahlia. It did
not belong to their set. Hut the merit
of this llower and the high state of cul
ture which It has attained under the
guidance and tuition of muster llorlsts
has forced the proudest gardens to
open their gates or let down their
fences. The dahlia now holds up Its
stately head among the exclusive set
of tuberoses, gludlln. carnations ami
the like.
Term Had Its Origin Long Ago In a
Plot Which Involved Existence
of Sparta.
The origin of the phrase sub rosu,
"under the rose." Implies hecreoy. and
had Its origin In the year -177 It. C, at
which time Pauiiinliirt, the commander
of the confederate tleet of the Spur
tans and Athenians, uis engaged In
Intrigues with Xnsuu for the subju
gallon of Greece to the lVmlun rule,
and for the hand of he monarch's
daughter In marriage. The negotia
tions were carried on In a building
attached to the temple of Minerva,
culled the Braxeii house, the roof of
which was a garden forming n bower
of roses; so that the plot, which was
conducted with the utmost secrecy,
was lilt-rally matured under the roses.
PnuxuuhiH, however, was hctrajod by
one of Ids eiuissarluM, who, by a pro
concerted plan with tho overseers and
counselors of state, the In nuinlmr.
gave them u seert optortunlty to
hear front the lips of I'hiumiuihm the
acknowledgment ut Ids trisiwm. To
escape arrest, he lied to tin- temple
of Minerva, and as the sHiirtlly of the
place forbade intrusion, the people
walled up the edltko so tiuit be might
dlu of starvation.
The Welcome CueiL
There Is scarcely aityono who docs
not wish to bo a welcome guest, et
everyone knows that some persons pos
sess the ability to make themselvi-s
tar ti)oro desirable In the home than
others. Tho vUltor who brings a sun
ny, fresh point of lew with her Is ul
wuys sure of a cordial reception, pro
viding she U careful to curry out cer
tain other requisites which a stieeo
fill guoMt Is wise enough to follow,
whether she has ever aiialyxed tlicm
In this cold fashion or not. It might
bo safe to guens that she has never
thought about It all, hut, guided sim
ply by her sincere tbwlre Hi expros
real fellowship, has Instinctively ful
filled her obligations. Vet when con
sidered, perhaps tho one thing moro
than another which Insures one's re
newed welcome may bo summed up In
the single word, adaptability.
Cane It Mark of High Office.
It has been tho custom of the sur
geon of the king of P.uglaud to carry
u "gold-headed cane." This cane has
been handed down to tho various In
cumbents of tho olllce since tho days
of Dr. John ltadcllffe, who was tho
first "holder of tho cane." It has been
u him I for - years or more by the
greatest physicians nnd surgeons In
the world, who succeeded to It. The
"gold-heatled cane" was adorned by n
crossbar at tho top Instead of n knob,
The fact Is explained by Mtiuk, In
that ltadcllffe, the first owner, was a
rule unto himself, and probably pre
ferred this device as a mark of dis
tinction from the knob used by iniy
sliiuns In general.
Life of Congrees.
Knch congress lasts two years and
under the Constitution must assemble
at leust once each year. Two regular
sessions aro "held, both beginning on
the first Monday In December. The
long session lasts from December of
each odd year until congress ndjourns,
generally on tho following Juno or
July, and tho short session, beginning
In December of each even year, ends
nt noon on tho following March 4. The
long session (in.iy last until tho next
session begins, while tho short session
Is ended by the expiration of tho two
yciirh' term for which the. ccjigress Is
elected on Mnrcli -1, following Its
1 VWfi$ I
ii I
JC you have two dollars
JLJ join the Red Cross with
one and start a Savings Ac
count with the other. If you
have only one dollar be a
sport and join the Red Cross.
Tlic First National Bank
AbundAnt Testimony a to Splendid
Work Thy Hv Dorto In Cng-
land Since War Started,
How IIiikIsuiI's women pollef !iitt
developed Into a real foreo for (he
maintenance of order and public nior
nllly has appeared In the report of
Miss Gohlliiclmm. deputy comman
dant of the women police xervlre. at a
meeting In Klchmoml, where the es
tablishment of such a force was under
She mid thnt theo forces hail been
formed from oluntary workers early
tu the wnr. as a initios of helping
refugee and young I'uielMi cirls nnd
boys who were In need of aid or nil
Wro. In three ami a half )ears l.lfN)
women Iihw- been trained for the
work ami have found appointments.
At present women are Millclng LI)
munition factories, whore lhy per
form all the duties, pruetlixlly. that
roilld be expected of iiiueiiMo police.
The women's police service has also
supplied police for IS towns, In four
of wh'rh women have been sworn In '
as constables.
Hun Captives Are Oxlikc.
(hire through Tcmplctittx and on
the riiHln rofld for IVronue things ho
came lews oxHtlng and we drew up
to m'c a column of isx) prisoners liss
us. 'mv Mile of the cHinn-way was
lined by Auatrollnno. with thlr ken,
clear-cut, falcon tev, and between
lurched the hi-avy-Jawed, beetle
browed, uncouth louts, now -caught and
staring round with hcHlhli'ifd eye st
tholr dehoiinnlro captor. I saw nous
of that relief at getting out of It
which I lme ritol of; nor did I see
any signs of fisir, but the prevailing
ImprofrMlnn whs hii oxllke stolidity mid.
dullm. It was a herd of beasts, not
a procwwlon of men. it was Indeed
farcies I to think that them, uniformed
bumpkins roprecutod the grent mili
tary nnlbui, wnlle the gallant II t: lire
who lined the nssil belonged to the
nice which they had dtplcd as be
ing uiiwarlliiij. 'lime and I'm Ik (bo
tween them have m pretty son-of hu
mor. Arthur O'oiiHii )oe In lit Lon
don Times.
What Nest?
Becenllj-. after the routln of phys
ical examinations and IIh at the In
dlhintHillM orphans' home hnil boii
ghen, consisting of tho Uphold ami
smallpox Miciimitlons, eye ami ear
tests am) treatment recommended,
search for ami removal of adenoids
ami tonsils, dental tests and cure,
diphtheria Immunity lest and anti
toxin ami finally tuberculosis test,
somo of these requiring repeated trials
and treatment, ono llltH fellow nld
to his teacher In the sc.iol, In speak
ing of tho various overhattllugs:
"They'll bo testing us next to see If
wo have any brains, won't theyV
New Source of Leather.
Durable leather from tho bladders
of animals Is claimed by Budolph
Obrlst-Doos, a Swiss. Tho bladders
are stretched and dried, giving them
a smooth sin face, and aro then made
pliant ami waterproof by a special
process of fulling and tanning. The
piece, so obtained may bo pressed to
gether, with a suitable adhesive, and
with or wilhout felt, lo give a leather
or leather substitute of any desired
thickness, ,
Brand Directory
Mlllican, Oregon.
Right sldo; right oar crop
.n,1, i.rollln rll,lll III III! lnlf
O 11. h. TO.NK, Bisters, Ore,
ci.,ssii'ii:i Aivi:iiTiNit.wi;.VTM
t iMinl ., rharar i-r Uv jrt
.IVL.iI'V'i1 VTt ?8, A" ''""in-! lwtuB
Mrkllr Hut, in jh..
FOB BALK 11M8 Ford ear. B2R. In
t good condition. Only run 1000
milt Tin new. W. J Xchuldt,
Tumalo, Box n.1. 07-1 1 -Sp
FOB. KALK- 20 nno wool ewe,
bred to start lambing Jan. Ifith;
or would exchange for wittlo or
lambs. Addrt-Mi (!. W. Muiuh, Bed.
iiiond. Ore. Phone No. 807
FOB BAI.K-Onod, mllnh row.
AddriMHt Box G30, Bond, Ore.
29-4 Ip
FOB HAI.B -20 bushels spring ryo
sued; also 600 bushels or oat.
Will soil all or part. Inquire
Bulletin. 0h-2-3p
FOB HAI.K ICO acres, all Irrigated,
under Arnold ditch system; I3R
uoriM cultivated, 30 In alfalfa,
clover and timothy; loved; deep
soil, freo of rocks; 7-ronm house,
barn, 2 cisterns, itos.oii for sale
mn widow. Price reasonable. 18
cows nnd joung stock. Mrs M.try
Knotls, S tulles from Bond Ore.
. 'JMO-lp
FOB 8AI.K 100 acre, all Irrigated,
under Arnold ditch system; IX
ncri cultivated, 30 In alfalfa,
olover and timothy; lovel; deep
still, frse of rocks; 7-rontu house,
born. 2 olstorus. Itoason for shIh
am widow. Price roasonHblw. r,
cowa and joung stock. Mrs. Mary
Knotls, f, mllim from Bond, Ore.
FOB HALK Ford ShiIiiii oar. latent
modal, pntutlcally new; Gray-Davis
self starter; oleotrln lights; bought
before advance. Will soil at ro
duollnu on terms. Inquire Ford
Garage. 42-tfc
TOTu7lK Will exchange" Tll'la".
mook busltiHiw property for Uend
same. Inquire DiiIIhIIii. 24-1 lp
MONBV TO LOAN- 1000.00 to loan
on Improved farm laud. IiosahiitoM
County Abstract Co. UD-SOtto
WANTKDGood cow anil team for
theli feed. Will buy If suited.
Inquire Bulletin. 22-4 Ip
WANTKD-Man and 'wife to cook nt
Brooks-Hcaulou Camp 2. Apply
gonoral office or call 14-F-2.
37-1 lc
WANTKD A team of mares, about
lfiOO lbs. each, for cash, Addresa
Pleroy & Hons, Tumalo, Ore.
WANTHI) Nood farm oqulpment
nnd stock. Will trado almost now
1018 Saxon 8lx or 40 acrtm In
Josophlno County on railway. In
quire Bulletin, 20-4 lp
roil iti:.vr.
FOB BKNTp. A. Dovora & Son,
Tumalo, Oregon, tiro prepared to
winter stock at tholr plnco alx
Jiillos weal of Tumalo, Ample
running wutor on plnco. 34-4 lo
LOST Dark array mulo, brnndod 84
bur on left stltlo. Howard, J, O,
Silver, Deschutes, Oro. 7l-30-42p
TAKMN UPOn my placo, 3 mlloa
east of Bond, 1 rod calf, right ear
croppod, brand on loft hip not
plain. Owner can havo sumo by,
claiming such nnd pnylng ml, nnd
feed bill. P, Nolson. 48-38-41p
STBAVKD--JD.00 rowurd for tho re
turn or Information loading to tho
rocovory of bluck hull, ll montlm
old; loft our croppod with W cut
out. C. II. aruffuuborgor, Mlllican,
Oro.' 01-40-4an