The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 19, 1918, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    iiknh MJiiMrrw. iiknd, oiucoon, tiii'iihimy, ijkcrmhkk m, una
imob n
(From Thurmlny'ii Dully.)
Mr. mill Mm, llnrohl Hinltli nro
111 Willi lllllllCIIll,
(I, M. r'onmlt In In Uio city fnmi
bin liiiiiio In I'llnovlllo.
J, W. Ilnfcor of TiiiiiiiIo In IriuiM.
acting buiilncwi In llllllll.
Mr. mill Mm. II. 10. ItuUtoii of
Iliirmi nru iipniiilliiK llm iluy Iinro,
1M win J. ItiiKi'iii wiiii In tlm city
IiihI nlijlil from Mm home In TiiiiiiiIo.
MIhh Murlon (.uwi'i'iicii In nt hur
Iioiiii mirroring from a novum cold.
Fred Alton of lluriw wiih In Dm
rlly yi'Mli'rtliiy on IiIm wiy lo Port
land. DoiikImk JoIiiihoii, rlnrlc In tlm for
ixitry office Im III at IiIh Iioiiiu In
thin city.
Mr. anil Mm. II. A. Dlllanl arrived
In Ilitnd from Umlr homo In lliirim
lltHt IllKllt.
A. A. Miindmni of Portland Ih In
Hum! to look after furiii property
near Intro,
Mm. Carry McKay of Tualatin Ih
vIhUIiii: Itur daiiKlitnr, Mm, It. J.
Todd, In thlH city.
(!. I'. Hhciphnrd of Anhland arrived
In Ilitnd IiihI night to vltdt with IiIm
non, I,. K. Hlinplierd.
ItaumiiN Piititmnn ami ('I undo Mc
Cauloy of Dcitcliutim woro traiiMiiol
liiK biiMlnotw In llend ywtturdny afUir
noon. (,'. M. Iti'dllitld and I'rcd Htanloy
of Dotioliillo wuro III Ileud ImmI night
to attuml tint KuIkIiIh Toniplur
1). K. Iliuitur will leave tonight
for Porltiind. I'roin there Im In
tiimlM to proceed to Kan PnuKilaco to
upend ClirlNtmiiH with bin brother.
T. M. Ilaldwln. J. W. ('Mrlnon and
George V. Noble of Prlimvllli) mid
Percy David of Hlntom uor In llend
taut night to attend tlm KuIkIU
Templar moffllug.
today looking nflur pcnioiial IhihIiiuhh
iiinth'iii, U Ih hIiiIIoihxI at Van
couver HiiitikiIih, WiiMlilngion,
Heruoaiit (!. A, Unlink arrived In
Ildiid today from Portland, accom
panied liy Mm. Iliiiiok, Ho has Jimt
linen miiHleri'd out from tint Hhiihoii
Polytechnic Inilnliu; detnchmeiit, and
will iimle IiIh homo In llond.
Harry Hinllli mid Jay (lould of
JlillliM were In llend IiihI night to
Hocurit mitl-piiotimococulcmid Hlropto
coccli! iieriim to he iihciI In I ho treat
ment of "lln" ciimoh. They report the
liilliieiia epidemic In Wheeler coun
ty to Im well under control.
(from Friday' Dally.)
Homer lto of Prlnevlllu wait In
llond HiIm morning on IiuhIiiwmi.
H. N. I. uce arrived In llend hint
it Ik ti t from bin home at l.akevlew.
Fred Mhliilaffer of Kant Lake li
Iranxactlug IiuhIiinm In Inmd today.
Dan HelidiiK It In the city on hind
urn today from IiIh Midway ranch.
T. II. Foley returned to llend thin
inornliiK from a IiunIiiiwm trip to
J. II. Upton of Prlnevllltt xpeut the
morning In llend trnmMctlng legal
Claude Mnnnhnlmtir returned thla
tnorultiK from a uualtiHtt trip to
II. J. Ovurturf In In Portland nt
tend I n K the ftlnto Chamber of Com
marc meeting.
Mr. and Mm. ltd (I. Wall of Do
pohuto are the panmUi of an night
pound baby girl.
Kobort Hradehaw, attorn)- from
TIih Halloa, la apinullHg tint day In
Hand on IckmI inattora.
Mr. and Mm. Itotiert Kelson of
U'elitiorlH an rolvng cosratula-
Hon over the nrrlral of a 10-pound
Klrl baby.
Mr. and Mm. Will Sproat will
Ivhvii tomorrow for (Irand ItapliK
Mloh., to wpnnd tint Chrtalmaa holl
daya with relntlvoN.
Mr. mid Mm. Prank M Cuffury,
their aim, Fred McCaffery, and MImm
Mario AiimIIii wuro Hand vlriltom
from Prluevlllo yuaterday,
llarpur V. HI'.uhu, formerly of
Hand, Ih vlaltlng for n few dnya In
tho city from Portland. Mr. Sktmo
nt a Km that he Ih coiiMlderlng locathiK
in iieiiu enuiii. I
J, Alton ThompHon and II. II. !)
Armouil loft HiIh morning hy auto
for Itiidinond to attend tlm dlrectom'
imittllm: of tho Ctmtral Orocoii Irri
gation dlHtrlct.
(Prom Tuiiiilay'H Dally.)
('.. W. McCulley Im Iii tho city from
Hummer l.ako.
.1. M. Htowart U In tho city from
IiIh homo at Urol hem.
D. (iood and II. Cook are npundliiK
tho day In the city from A I fill fa.
Hohert W. Kmllh and P. M. Aiik
laud, of llurnH, were In llond litnt
J. P. Keyim Iiiih returned to liund
after n IiuhIiii-mh trip to Vancouver,
II. C. mid Powell Itlver.
' Dr. U. C. Ctio, of Porlland, form
erly of t IiIh city, Ih recoverliiK from
a Movent attack of Influenza and
Deluiar You in:, J. H, navy, who
Iiiih heen atatlonrd at Maro Inland,
arrived In llend UiIh moriiliii; on a
two wood fiirlounli.
('.. li. Hamlltoii. formerly of HiIh
city, Im In llend today from Wi'iiat-
chee, Wanh Mr. Hamilton tuny re
locate In llond later on.
H. J. Overturf returned to llend
from Portland HiIh moruluK after
atteuilliu; the orminlatlon meetliii:
of the Hlale Chnmliur of (tomuierco.
Dr. Turner, eyo npeclallHt, of
Portland, III he In llond m;aln Do
comlier -II lo January 1, IiicIiihIvo.
CoiihiiH him at Thomon Jewelry
Mr. ami Mm. I.. V. Day. of Bllvor
l.ako, were In Hand lam iiIkIU on
their way to Willamette Valley. They
were married In Silver l.ako Hun-
day, Mm. Dey helm: formerly MIhh
I.aura .Small.
'iv i ui''i'm,- fvit'ifiiu i. ii.-i "l
CllltfKT.MAH CAM,.
With hollullom for tho Hod CroitH
huxlly comhltii: llvnil and Jeffenion
and DcHchutcH coiiiiIIcm for iiieinlier
hlpH, tho ChrlMttnaa roll call In pro
KreHHliiK encoiiracliiKly, It wna re
ported today. In a number of the
outtyliiK dlMtrlctH, work Htortcd
ahead of time. Tint week Ih officially
Met anlde for the drive In an official
proclamation hy Clydo M, McKay,
action mayor of llend,
CnptaliiH of the various dlntrlctH
are miuouiiced iih follown:
Mm. V.. P. IlroHlorhouB, cant of tho
railroad and north of Greenwood
'iveniio; Mm. Frank Kulp, cant of tho
railroad mid houHi of (Irccnwood;
MIhh M. K. Coleman and Mm. K. M.
ThompHon, llond and Wall utrootH,
down town; Mm. Iva Ward, liotwecn
-Ivor anil railroad north of Green
wood; Mm. N. (J. DavlH, from llond
to the railroad, between Greenwood
and Franklin aveuuen; Mm. J. J.
Clapp, between railroad and Hill
Htroet, houHi of Franklin aventio,
alno Terminal addition; Mm. C. IC.
Norcott, from tho river to Hroadway;
Mm. II. II. I.ampltiK, Hrondwny to
Hill from llrookh-Kcnnlon yarda to
Franklin avenue; Mm. C. W. Hayi-H,
wimt of tho river and north of Now
port avenue; Carl Jolumon, Tho
Hhulvln Hlxon Company; H. K. Allen;
Ilrookit-ficaiiloii I.umbor Co.; W. K
Van Allen, Doiichutiu; J. M. Qrlfriri,
Tumiilo; M. A, Lynch, Itcdmond;
JuIIuh Peternon, dlHtrlct 21; P. H.
To Our Many Friends
and Patrons
All of us wish all of you
A Very Merry Christmas
And our sincere appreciation of the pat
ronage accorded us during the past
year. We hope to merit a continuance
of the good Will that has made this store
The Buying Center of Central Oregon
(From Wediii'Hilny'n Dally.)
drover (lerkliiK, of Tumiilo, ar
rived In tho city lunt nlnlit.
.Mary C. Keller, of Mllllcan, Ih
liii; In llend today.
('. N. Miller Ih itpeudliiK tho day
lit llend from IiIh Iioiiiu at Ilrothem
Mm. P. T. Itedmonil, of Itudmond,
wjm In tho city ycaterdny afternoon
vUltliiK friend. '
Dan llouiimi and Deiiuln O'Con
nor, central Oregon Hhapmen, nro In
the city today from I.NkHVlew.
Mm. K. 11. Chapel and dnuKhlcr.
Ilelle, who have bcu vlaltliiR rela
Uvee In Hand, atnrled thin inornliiK
for their home In Princeton, Ida.
Aubrey Perry, formerly dr,itt
county WNtrrnmalrr, now couu'y mr
veyor of Cmatlllu wninty. pariMod
throuKh ileud this week on hlit way
iu Sitters.
j iM
' I ' W W T till
I ll l-i
Denser, district 22; Leo Young, dis
trict 28; F. F. Hafner, Alfalfa;.Mrfl.
Henry Suttong and Mm. J. c. IUch
ter, districts 20 and H; Mrs. Fred
Shonqulst, Lava Butte; C. H. Clow,
La Pine; J. A. Smith, Mllllcan; S. E.
Lochrle, Brothers; Mrs. C. B. Har
mon, Hampton; Mm. V. Schroder,
Itolyat; Hev. B. Gallahcr, Jefferson
Tho ro-openlim of the Ileud Ama
teur Athletlo clut) cyiiiiiiiHliiin will
bo uiailit the oecaalou of a Now
Year'a evo ball, Tho entire i;ym
will be open fur liiHpectlon, mid
Mpuclal iiiiihIc Iiiih been Hccured forj
thu itaucem. A iioiiiliiiiludmlhHlon
of ono dollar iter coupu-wlll be
For Christmas Shopping Is Near
(From Snturdny'H Dally.)
LouIh Knlnlit of Prjnovlllo Ih In
thu city.
Horn, to Mr. mid Mm, John HiiRnn,
a 10-pound boy.
(), 0. Halo of Hummor l.ako l
iipuudlut: tho day In Head,
Oncnr I,. Illack la In thu city today
on IiiihIiiuhh from IiIh homo at Hamil
ton, Mr, and Mm. Charles I.. Lour, of
Prluevlllo wore Ileud vlnltova liuit
Mr. and Mm. W, II. Davla left
today for Heattlo, whoro thoy will
miiko thulr homo.
Mr, mid Mm. William Hproat loft
IttHt ulb'tit for Grand HtipldH, Mich.,
to Hpond thu liolldayH,
MIhh Ollvo Campbidl waa called to
her homo In Hudinoud hint iiIkM hy
tho IIIiiohh of hor inothur.
Mm. J. N. Hohorta Iiiih returned
front Portland, whuru hIio wan callud
hy tho Rurlouu IIIiiubh or hor mother,
Mm, Harold Shumwny Iiiih ro
turnud to hor homo In Portland after
it wook'a vlult with hor purontu, Mr.
and Mru. Potor 'Dybprjj. of this city.
Lloutonunt D. W. Dldlor of tho
Medical corps, U, 8, army, la In llond
Get Busy
We have still n
very nice assort
ment of frills
suitable for
Christmas Presents
Here You Will Find
cox ixti3i.ti:s in: is with
ll V -eaai
U L-
(From .Mnndn'a Dally.)
Tho first, word from any Bend sol
dier In tho 01it division since the
Blgnlw; of the armistice. Is a letter
received by Miss Kleanor Whltmoro
last night from Glen Cox, U. S.
nrmv. The letter Is dated N'nvamhrr
Cox writes that ho is seeing moro
couhtVy than at any time since land
ing In France, Indicating that he may
bo on tho march Into Germany.
Juil Remember
Magill & Erskine
Velocipedes $2.65, $3.15, $1.-15
Wagons ....$2.25, $2.65, $3.00, $3.45
Autos, $8.50.
Hand Cars $5.00, $5.50
Wheelbarrows 90c, $1.25, $1.75
Toddle Horse $2.25
Rocking Horses $1.50, $2.50, $3.50
Sleds ....$1, $1.59, $1.89, 2.15, $2.89
Drums $1.50
Animals, 15c, 25c, 50c, 75c, $1, $2.00
Friction Toys 85c, $1.00, $1.39
Tinker Toys 50c
Erectors 50c, $1, $2, $3
Trains on Track, $1.25, $1.75, $3, $5
Sand Toys $1.19, $1.45
Dolls 25c, 50c,ji75c7$l, $2, $3
Furniture $V.2o, $1.50, $1.75
Beds 35c, 60c, $1.25, $2.50
Pianos 35c, $1.35, $3, $1.50
Black Boards 50c, 90c
Chairs 35c, 50c, 60c, $1.25
Writing Desks $4, $6
Doll Buggies 75c, $1, $2.50
Games T 5c, 10c, 15c, 25c, 50c
Sewing Sets 35c, 50c, $1
Painting Sets 15c, 25c, 35c
Books 5c, 10c, 15c, 25c, 35c
Pictures 10c, 15c, 25c, 50c
Dish Sets 15c, 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c
5c, 10c, 15c, 25c, 35c, 50c
Our l'rciciit!oii Department i Complete
in livery Detail.
Chinaware, Cut Glass, Silverware,
Water Sets, Tea Sets
Hundreds of Other Useful Things for Men, Women and Children
(From Monday's Dally.)
Showing tho Interest taken In Cen
tral Oregon by tho Reclamation serv
ice, Is a letter received today by
T. H. Foley, president of tho Bend
Commercial club, from A. V. Davis,
chief englnor of tho sorvico.
In his letter, Mr. Davis says:
"One crucial question In connec
tion with tho feasibility of 'flenhnm
Falls resorvolr relntoa to its water
tightness. Tho known geological
conditions gonornlly obtaining in
that section, na well -as oxporlonco
with othofr nearby resorvoirs, makea
It necessary to consider this question
with tho greatest caro boforo regard
ing tho Denhnm site as safe. For that
purpose wo havo In mind tho study
of tho data made- available by tho
old borings and an examination on
tho ground by an expert geologist
or geological onglneer. Such work
can not bo dona so satisfactorily now
as in tho spring, and wo hope at that
tlmo to secure tho sorvico of ono well
fitted for such work. Meanwhile wo
uro gutherlng togqther In the offlco
tho office tho available Information
from past work."