The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 12, 1918, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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The Bend Bulletin
KHtnMUhcri 11)02.
An Indopondont nowapapor atnnd
tag for tho Bnuaro deal, clcnn busi
ness, clean politics nnd tho host In
torcBtfl of llond nnd Contrnl Oregon.
Ono Ycnr ?2.00
81x Months 1.00
Throo Months .50
Tho G per cont. tax limitation law,
In connection with tho Increase In
county valuations Bhown on tho cur
rent tax roll, has tho effect of auto
matically reducing tho county tax
lory for tho coming year, a result
that woa bound to occur, ns pointed
out by Tho Dulletln during tho coun
ty division campaign two years ago.
Lacking exact figures on tho valua
tion of tho public utilities, tho mill
ago for tho coming year cannot now
bo definitely determined, but, ns
stated above, It Is bound to bo under
last year's figure of 22 mills.
In preparing Its budget for tho
coming year, tho county court prop
erly provides for an Increase up to
tho statutory limit. Higher costs
alone requiro that increases be made
while tho additional nmount Is so
comparatively small In dollars and
cents that It makes Uttlo difference
In tho tax levy. Then, too, with
prospects of future growth before us,
In tho development expected to fol
low tho end of tho war, it is desir
able that the full 6 per cent, addi
tional bo taken in order that next
year, it necessary, a larger amount
bo raised.
Action of this sort, wo remember,
was prophecied and its possibility
urged in objection to the 6 per cent,
limitation law, but under existing
circumstances to levy to the limit
seems necessary nnd advisable, and
because of these reasons is not a step
of tho sort to which objection has
been made.
However nil this may bo, tho total
levy determines tho mlllago and tho
Individual Items determine tho total
levy. And taxpayers havo full op
portunity, under tho law, to appear
at tho budget meeting and discuss
tbeso items. At that time tho final
decision is made and tho amount of
the tax determined.
Dolmoy St. Ores nrrlvcd last night
from Camp Lowis nnd will apend n
fow days in Horn!. Ho Iihm Just ro
celvcd his discharge front tho Infantry.
Except for probablo Liberty loans,
our last war drive comes next week
-when the Red Cross membership
lists will be renewed for tho coming
year. The national aim Is universal
membership and all you need Is a
heart and a dollar.
"Where's your button?" Is tho
slogan for tho campaign. By tho
end of next week wo predict that It
will bo where it should bo on tho
coat lapel or In the hat band of every
resident of tho county.
(From Saturday's Daily.)
C. W. Hayes went to Fort Rock
this morning.
Sam Doyco of Brothers Is in the
city on business.
F. E. Dayton of Tumalo Is spend
ing tho day in Bend.
Forest Supervisor N. G. Jacobsen
Is 111 at his home in this city.
Guy Dobson, Redmond banker, is
In Bend today on business.
Max Cunning is in tho city from
Redmond today on legal business.
T. V. Warner of Portland is hero
looking after his business interests.
Eugeno S. Kolley of Portland is
transacting business in the city.
Austin and Lester Barber of Al
falfa aro In tho city for a brief visit
with friends.
Elmer J. Merrill has returned
from Portland, where ho has been
omploycd In the shipyards.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen II. Slack left
this morning for Prlnevlllo to attend
to business matters.
Clydo McKay returned this morn
ing from Salem, where ho attended
tho Knights Templar encampment.
Bhorlff S. E. Roberta Is spending
tho day in La Pino on official busi
ness. Father Luke Shcohan returned to
Bend last night from a trip to Tho
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Helslng nnd
daughter Beulah aro spending tho
day In Bend doing their Christmas
Tho Mooseheart ladles aro re
quested to meet at Mrs. Pearl's Sun
day afternoon at 2 o'clock to discuss
plans for tho carnival.
Sam Rltter; who had been in train
ing In Infantry at Camp Lewis, re
turned to his homo in Redmond last
night, having received Ill's discbarge
from the army.
(From Friday's Dally,)
W. E. Johnson of Ln Pine Is hero
on business.
U. C. Holllushcad of Ln Pino is n
business visitor In the city.
F. V. Wnrnor of Portland Is a
business visitor in tho city.
William Presley of Mlllicnu is in
tho city visiting with friends.
E. A. Bnyllss of Altnlta Is here
attending to business matters.
Frank Wlmer of Prlnevlllo Is
transacting business in tho city.
W. II. Garrett of Tho Dalles Is
transacting business ln tho city.
Mrs. Thos. Holtt of Fort Rbck Is"
In, tho city visiting with relatives.
A. L Wood's of La Grande, "Oregon,
is In tho city transacting business.
A. R. Donahue of Ln Pino Is In
the city for a brief business visit.
R. A. Howard of Springfield Is
here looking after business interests.
Charles Olsen nnd A. Friswold of
Fargo, N. D., are In tho city on busi
(From Thursday's Dally.)
C. W. Brant of Vnncouvor Is hero
on business.
C. 11. Dealy of Alfalfa is in the
city on business.
J. A. Smith ot atlllican Is In the
city on business.
R. A. Howard of Springfield Is hero
transacting business.
D. II. Peoples mado a business trip
to Prlnevlllo today.
R. E. Eaton of La Pino Is trans
acting business in tho city.
Hardy Allen ot Sisters is ln tho
city transacting business.
Mrs. A. F. Larson has returned
from a short visit to Portland.
Mrs. Barbor of Fort Rock is iu tho
city for a brief visit with friends.
H. Y. Miller ot Portlnnd Is trans
acting business in tho city today.
H. H. Cutrtght of Salt Lako City
is hero for a business visit.
Mr. nnd Mrs. C. R. Hnrvoy of Rob
erta aro In tho city on a short visit.
F. W. Tomes, cashier of tho La
Pino bank, Is in the city, on business.
Burton Oney, forest ranger, is in
the city on business from his home
at La Pine.
A lk'tiutiful
. for
Jmt Remember
Magill & Erskine
Our Prncnption Department u Complete
in Bveiy DcUil.
Including tho 100,000 uoron within
tho North Unit, can liu Irrigated.
If it were tint for those oxtrn
lamlH wo could liuvo no hope ot In
lorentlng thu government In our con
Htructlim without you pnrtlug with
n good part ot your hnldlugR, nuil I
cannot sou that you should do that,
I bellovo that If your land Is nmdo
nioro vulunhlu by tlui prospects of
Irrigation you should hnvo thu
benoflts ot it, uither to noil tho laud
or farm It as you see fit.
Thu board'H action Iiiih already mot
with good encournKomout, the stato
laud hoard has agreed to co-opornto
and tho reclamation service has mado
Inquiries mi to fonsllilo projoctu
which could bu quickly put over and
In tho reply ours heads thu list. Wu
feel thuru Is good hupu of govern
ment aid and that In tho very near
Try n Bulletin Want Ad tor quick
results..' (. 'lit ,c '(t"t'
Mr. and Mrs. William Wilson of
Powell Butto aro iu tho city for a
short visit with friends.
Mr. nnd Mrs. II. II. Kllgoro of
Sink, Oregon, aro in thu city tor u
visit with friends.
Mr. nnd Mrs. F. A. Crenson of
Hood River nro In tho city for a
brief visit with friends.
Mrs. O. L. Denn of Tho Dulles,
Oregon, Is In the city for a short
visit, registered nt the Wright hotel.
Doctor Said "Keep
On Taking Tanlac"
Mr. Illriil CJnliti Twenty I'oumli
Want Others to Ho
(Continued from Pngo 1.)
rights to tho land to be Irrigated so
that every drop of tho Deschutes can
ho stored nnd applied to tho land and
upward ot 200,000 acres ot land not
Of Exceptionally High Grade Character
Rich, warm Coats $13.50 to $17.30
Stylish Suits $25.00 to $15.00
Lovely Dresses at $13.50 to $32.50
Dainty Blouses of Voile, Crepe deChine and
liM.L:. $ 1 0.50
Of Sateen, Taffeta, Silk-Jersey, or Sateen and
Jersey tops, with silk flounce; fc QQ
$1.25 to v V
Of Outing Flannel, Crepe or Silk, in solid colors
or Oriental designs; d"l n Vt
$1.25 to :. vl i .OU
For the little girls and grown- CQ 7C
$2.50 to vO. D
And Underwear of soft silks and crepe de chine,
in endless variety to suit every purse.
Of Cotton, Wool or Silk, for women d? O O C
and children; priced at 15c to tj
Every woman loves Silk Hosiery.
For the little girls. Any little girl would love
to have Santa bring her one of these pretty
Dresses or a nice, warm Coat.
They are so reasonably priced, too.
Make a practical gift. Ydu'll find them here
in All Wool, Silk in a splendid variety of styles ;
colors and sizes; wonderful values (P 1 Q-EJfh
at $3.98 to iplO.QU
Handkerchiefs. When in doubt, give Handker
chiefs; single and in boxes; priced from 5c each
up to $2.00 per box.
Of fine Voile, Silk or Crepe de Chine, 1 Ca
at 23c, 58c, $1.00 and P A olJ
The Peoples Store
"I havo not only gained twenty
pounds slnco I began taking Tanlac.
hut It has done mu so much good
that my doctor after seeing the Im
provement this uiedtclno brought,
advised mu to keep on taking It,"
declared Mrs. Mary ideal of 511)
Dayton Ave., Seattle, a few days uxo.
"I feol so grateful for Tanlac, I
don't know what to say," continued
Mrs. Illenl. "For threu years I suf
fered such agony with my stomach
that 1 wasn't able to do n thing
around tho houso. In fact, I wan
hardly ahlu to get around at all. I
completely loot my appetite, and
what I did force down caused mo
so much pain I could hardly stand
It, Of course this got my nerves In
a terrible condition, and I hardly
know what It was to sleep at night.
I'd just roll and toss until morning.
"At last I got ho hnd off that I
was taken to thu hospital and had
nn operation performed. I wis
thero for live weeks, nnd when I
dually got back homo I was a per
fect wreck. I wns so weak I couldn't
move around tho house nt all ami
had to stay right In bed nnd my hus
band hnd to lea to his work and wait
on me. I had thu best attention I
could get. hut nothing seemed to
give mu any strength and although
I tried and tried to ot up and move
around. It was no use. I was too
weak: I Just couldn't do It. Every
body Insisted that I go buck to thu
hoHpltal, but I said, 'No ' I had been
through so much I Just couldn't
hear thu thought of going back there
Every Man Wants Gloves
and Hosiery at Xmas Time
No man can cvor have an over abundance of
hosiory. Every man appreciates serviceable
gloves. Such gifts, because of their practicabil
ity, are desired and appreciated by all men,
young as well as old.
Men's Hosiery
Hosiory for men, in plain and novelty ef
ects; cotton, silk and wool; g QQ
pair, 15c to i
" Giftsi' for Milady ;
More New Blouses Come to He Chosen ''
for Gifts.
Thoroughly delightful in style for all their
remarkably moderate pricings. A moat
advantageous selection for holiday gifts.
The Blouses are of crepe de chine, Georg
ette crepe, in flesh, white, also dark suit
shades much in demand right now. Priced
at $1.95, $5.-15, $5.95, $6.50 7 CA
S(J7fi mid np t JJ
Leather Toilet Sets and Rolls.
A most extensive showing of the fine sorts;
a variety of fine leathers, attractively
trimmed and practically fitted. JO ntt
Priced at $1.50 to ,- u
Gloves in wool, kid, buck, lined CA ((
or unlined, 50c to P.VU
JLannneinicr xJJrotncrs
"Then I decided to try Tanlac, as I
had heard so much about It and It's
the honest truth this medicine did
more for mu than I ever thought
anything could do. I have taken six
bottles now, and my stomach Is In
splendid condition. I have a fine
appetite and can eat anything I want
nnd never suffer tho least lilt after
ward. "Tanlac certainly has built mu up
wonderfully Just think, before I
took It, I didn't have strength enough
to set my own table, and now I can
do every hit of my house work, even
to the washing, If necinwnry, and I
sleep like a child and wukn up In
(ho mornings feeling refreshed and
full of life I've gained twenty
pounds nnil look so well' that my
doctor told uju to keep rlxhl.on tnk
ItiK Tuulnr, and you inny bu sure I'm
going to do It. I'm glnd for every
one to know whnt Tanlac has done
for mu and hope thu story of tuy
rami will help other nufferora to K't
the nnmu relief,"
Tanlac Is sold In lleud by the Owl
Pharmacy, In Slitters by Oeo. I
Altkeu, and In lleud by Morton Drug
Co. Ailv
Wrestling and
Boxing Contest!
on December 1 7 at 8:30 P. M.
Ad. Gustavo
Argentina Champion
VS., -
Ling B as ant a
Hindu Champion
Will Wrestle TO THE FINISH
Catch-as-Catch-Can StylePolice Gazette RulesNo Timo Limit
CHAS. OLSON, Pacific Coast Middleweight Champion
will wrestle the winner on New Years Day, in Bend.
of Bend. ' of Ford Garage, Bend
Brookj-Scanlon, Bend Bene
Admujion $1.00, Ladiei and Boy 50c, "tickcti on Sale at Union Gliib and Windmill Pool Hill
' "I ' r" rir (.v.
9 '