rAGK a IlKNI) nUMiKTIN, 11KNI), OHKttON, TllUILHDAY, DKOICMIIKH 12, ID1H Central Oregon Neighborhood News - -- SEVERAL CASES OF 'FLU' AT CLOVERDALE CLOVERDALE, Doc 10. Goorgo Cyrus nnd family h.iTo bcon ill with tho "flu" but aro doing nlcoly now. Dr. Wilson of Redmond was In Clovcrdalo ono day last week. Mr. nnd Mrs. Geo. Burnslde mado a trip to Redmond on Thursday. II. O. Wilson was n Sisters shoppor Tuesday. Ray Abbey killed two coyotes on his ranch Sunday morning. Mrs. H. O. Wilson has been ill with tho "flu," but is convalescing now. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kllno camo home from tho Wilson mill on Satur day nnd returned on Friday. Mr. Skellon nnd Verne mado a trip to Dcnd on Monday night. Gcorgo Pnrton mado a trip to Red mond Tuesday night. Calvin Burnslde, Dean Van Matro, H. C. Miller nnd Frank McDonald mado n trip to Mill creek Monday. A. C. Petorson and Bert Hodson were in Bend on Friday. Gladys Parborry was on the sick list last week with tho "flu." Mr. and Mrs. Irvln Parberry wore buiilness callers at the W. R. Abbey homo on Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. W II. Abbey wcro shopping in Bend on Friday. Frank Beard, who hao ben very 111 with tho "flu," is now on the con valescent list. LaDona Gyrus returned to Red mond Sunday, whero sho is attend ing hish school. John Doakon went to Bend Satur day with a load ot grain. F. J. Burling mado a trip to the Henry Beard home Friday morning. J. L. Parberry Is ill with tho "flu." John Doaken has purchased Bob Woodward's telephono and has had It installed in his home. Henry Beard mado a trip to Red mond Thursday evening. The Beard-Scott threshing ma chine, which has been operating at Lower Bridgo. has postponed all operation until tho recover ot Henry and Greeno Beard, who have been 111 with the flu. Mr. Burling, who has been running the engine, returned homo last Wednesday. SCHOOL ACCOUNTS AT SISTERS FOUND 0. K. SISTERS, Dec. 10. Mr. and Mrs. IL K. Allen and J. D. Bowman of Bend attended tho special school meeting at tho school house Satur day. Perry A South wns elected a director to succeed J. D. Bowman, who has resigned. W. E. Graham is now chairman of tho school board. County Superintendent J. Alton Thompson and County Treasurer Clydo McKay audited the clerk's hooks and found everything satisfac tory. 9G por cent. Tho eighth grndo ex amination will bo held Janunry If nnd 17, 1019. Dorothy Taylor, George Davis and Ircl Harrington secured tho honors at tho spelling contest Friday evening. A lnrgo en cyclopedia has ben placed In tho upper grades for supplementary use. Mr. and Mrs. P. A. South nnd Georgo Messer attended tho spelling contest Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Allon nnd son John nnd Mrs. P. B. Davis went to Redmond Frldny. Tho now school houso on tho Mo tolltts is almost completed. Master John Allen visited tho Mo tollus school Thursdny nnd had din ner with Mrs. Earl Updlko, tho teacher. L. E. Smith nnd Mr. Odel, son of A. E. Odel, mado an Inspection ot tho Tutn-A-Lum mill. Green Beard and son Henry woro in from Cloverdnlo Saturday. Both havo recovored from tho "flu." R. H. Krug ot tho Black Butto sec tion was in town Saturday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Chas. Holnman woro shopping at Sisters Saturday. J. B. Fryrear of tho Squaw Creek section was In town Saturday. Martin Hanson, O. L. Belshe, Gcorgo Henncgan and James Kccncy, ranchers of Sherman county aro at Camp Sherman on tho iMetollus for an outing. Pern South and Gcorgo E. Altkcn went down to Camp Sherman Satur day evening to attend a stag party and returned Sunday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Claude Knapp moved to Portland. Inez Fullerton went to Albany Thursday to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor and son Elba and daughter Ada wcro down from Bend visiting relatives. Mr. Taylor had an exceedingly hard siege of tho Spanish influenza and spent four weeks nt tho Bend surgical hos pital, having lost 35 pounds, but is now looking none tho worse from his experience. J. O. Kinney, who has been operat ing a warehouse for tho Greeno cor poration at Blalock station, in Gil liam county, returned homo Satur day. Mr. McKlnncy also visited his sister at Harlem. In tho Milk river valley in 'Montana, and on his return from Montana ho was called to the bedsldo of his undo at Arlington. Gilliam county, who had contracted a serious Illness and died. Warren Farthing and J. H. Stld ham went up into tho mountains Sunday to look at their traps. They caught four marten on tho last trip. Tho Tum-A-Lurn mill Is now run ning with a full crow nnd turning out a largo cut every day. Hourlgnn, was taken seriously ill ot flu and was taken to tho Prlitovlllo hospital Sunday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ireland. P. 11. Poln dexter nnd Cora nnd Vornon Poln dexter visited nt tho homo of C. M. Charlton Sunday aftornoon. Powoll Uutto community wns sad donud to hear nt tho (loath at l,ako vlow of Mrs. Pat Auglaud of this place. Mrs. Auglaud, with hor hus band nnd two small chlldrou, was on a visit to hor pnronts, Mr. and Mrs. Pendleton, nt Lakovlow. whon sho was strlckuu with flu and died. The sympathy ot tho entire commun ity goes out to Mr. Angland In this sad hour. Mrs. Gcorgo C. Truesdalo received a wlro that hor daughter, Miss Paulino Truendalo, will arrlvo soon for a visit. Miss Truesdato Is a uurso In training In a Senttlo hos pital and tins boon away for more than n year. E. II. Stowart Is in Portland and Hood River on a business trip. Horn, to (Mr. nndiMrs. C. O. Fostor, a ulnu nnd a half pound boy. Name, uren Charlton, This Is tho first grandchild in tho Charlton family at Powoll Butto and there Is great Joy over his arrival. Tho mother, Ha Charlton Fostor, Is u graduate nurso ot Good Samaritan hospital, Port laud, and has many friends hero who extend congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Bussott aro both 111 of Intlucnzn. Mrs. P. B. Polndexter, a nurso of Prlnovllle, Is at tho Charlton homo to caro for tho now grandchild. Iiiflurnzu Gets Old and Young-. "Grip" nnd "Flu" coughs should not ho neglected. Profit by tho ex perience of thousands llko Mrs. Mary Klsby, 3T.33 Princeton Avo Spokane, Wash., who writes: "Our llttlo boy found relief In wondorful Foley's Honey nnd Tar. It surely cured me I am 75 years old; had very bad cough from la grlppo." Sold overy whoro. Adv. CLUB MEETING HELD BY PLAINVIEW FOLKS again In tho near futuro, Ho has boon at homo nick for nliout two weeks. Georgo Calvorly spent novoral days last weok helping 11. T. Hurl loy. Mrs. Prontlso Van Tassel was a callor In Sisters last Thursdny, Shu mot iMr. Van Tansol as ho Just to turned from n trip to Portland. Mrs. John MoKlnney ot Alston spent last weok with her mother, Mrs. Lotizetta Pulllatu. John Stnhllu mado a huolnrss trip, to Redmond Thursday, then went to uoiui on tho evening train nnd re turned homo Frldny, I Ida lions has been III for several days and though sho is bettor It will , bo some tlmo beforo sho can return , iu nuiiuui. , Edgar Parsons has traded his ranch and entire equipment nnd ex pects to loavo hero for tho valley In tho near future. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Conn ley and two llttlo sons from Dallas, Oregon, arrived last Thursday and aro visit ing at the Armstrong homo. Mm. Counloy Is tho daughter of Mr. nnd .Mrs. Armstrong, SCHOOL BOARD WILL CONVENE AT MILLICAN Ho Was Weak and All Hun Down. "I thought my kidneys might bo tho causo of my rundown condition ind weakness," writes W. II. Frear. 53 Myrtlo Ave.. Albany. N. Y.. "so I took Foley Kidney Pills and thoy did Adv. POWELL BUTTE TO SELECT DELEGATES A'program of recitations, readings ' Hl wor,15' l c-rfully recommend nnd songs will bo rendered by tho "" . lou Ienu,0 "' na.ra wcr sehool children on Friday ovonlnc. over. you wish." They stop rhou- Dccember 30. A decorated Christ-1 'n""c ttCHe8' Som everywhere. mas tree will lio placed on tho stage nnd a sack ot candy will bo given in pfiofi phflf". Thc teachers' Institute which was ! to havo been held at Prinovlllo De cember 1C, 17 and 18 has bcon in definitely postponed on account ot the Spanish influenza, so that our Christmas vacation will bo com menced December 21 and terminate Janunry 5. Our first semester will bo completed by tho 20th of Janu ary, 1919, as ours Is tho only school in tho county that has not been closed on account of tho Spanish In fluenza. John Allon is back in school again after an nboonco of ono week on uc- pnnnt fit wnntr r.vna Tim nltnnil. nnce for tho month ot November was ' POWELL BUTTE, Dec. 10. A meetln.3 of Powell Butto Co-operative company was held last Thursday night. Tho resignation of Delbert. French was received and accepted, Mr. French being In tho army, and Mrs. Mary V. Charlton was elected to fill tho vacancy. A special meeting was called for Thursday, December 19, to elect delegates to tho Irriga tion congress, which meets in Port land early In January. Joe Townscnd, a herder for Dan If "YOU DIDN'T !" "I DID I" YOU DIDN'T!" HUSH! STOP DISPUTING. You can Prove that you paid that bill, if you paid it by check. Deposit your money in the First Nation al Bank; pay by check, and avoid ugly disputes. The First National Bank OF BEND M i PLAINVIEW, Dec. 11. Tho O. D. O. club hold Its rogulnr mooting Inst Thursday afternoon, December G, nt tho club rooms Besides tho regular business meeting a conservation pro gram was given nnd tho club mom bors adopted tho conservation pledge. A motion wns made and carried to hold tho next meeting Thursday afternoon, January 9. No doflnlte announcement tor tho placo ot meet ing was mado. F. W. Levorenz mado n trip to Sisters last Thursday evening to holp John McKlnncy home with his car, the englno of tho McKlnncy car re fusing to work. Paul Scoggln nnd Gcorgo Cnlverlcy rodo for cattle In tho lower Squaw Creek country soveral days last week. John McKlnncy of Sisters was a caller In Plalnvtow last Thursday. Mrs. Roscoo Howard of Deschutes and a friend from Portland visited Mrs. John Stnhllo ono day recently Mrs. Howard Hartley visited at tho Pulllam ranch last Wednesday. Miss Nelllo Scoggin went to Bend Saturday to spend tho week-end with hor sister, Mrs. Louis Bennett. School was closed Monday, Decem ber 9, on account ot sickness. A. W. Armstrong, Homer Connlcy and F. W. Levercuz wero business callers in Bend Saturday. Guy C. McCnIIIster and II. A. Scoggln wcro In Bend on buslnoss Monday. F. G. Powora mado a trip to Red mond Wednesday. A. W. Armstrong nnd party at tended tho tractor demonstration nt tho Howard-Wilson ranch last Sun day afternoon. Tho PInlnvlow school opened Tues day, December 3, after being closed for about a month during tho Influ enza epidemic. A good representation from Pluln vlow nttended tho auction salo at tho F. E. Dayton ranch last Tuesday. Mrs. F. W. Loverenz Is blowly Im proving after a light attack of In fluenza. Jim Pulllam expects to bn out MILLICAN, Dec. 10. -The school board will meet Saturday nt tho West End school house. Mrs. P. II. Johnson was a caller at tue j. j. iioljniul homo Friday. Mrs. Mary Rosin and sou rilrrnnt moved out an old soldier onto her homestead to look nftor her Interests out nore. Thoy stopped nt tho Hol land homo Friday and Hutur.l.iv nights, Mrs. Rosin nnd son returning io uonu aiinuuy nrtor spending thu dny with tho Johnsons. Mr. Brooks called at thu Holland homo Saturday evening. Mrs. Johnson called at tho Pressly homo recently. Leo Keller wns homu for a fow days to visit with his family. Mrs. J, J, Holland called at the R. It. Keller homo Tuesilnv. Tho P. II. Johnsons called nt Vor non Clovengnr's Thursdny morning, P II. Johnson Is busy this week moving their household goods to Bend. Mrs. J. J. Holland cnlled nt the Going placo Thursday. Clara Graffcnberger is very III. Floronco Roam called at tho R. R. Keller homo Tuosdny. W. II. Ream Is busy hauling hny from Alfalfa. Mrs. Ream was quite III Tuesday. Mr. Brooks called at tho Keller and Holland homes Wednesday. II. It. Kollor loft for Bend Wednes day to tuko some cattle to Bend for ueo. cook. Tho former neighbors nnd friends all smpathlzo with J. II Ileatsnn in nis recent bereavement. Mm. limit. son nnving boon well nnd favorably known In this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Ell Spencer, son Virgil nnd daughter Bertha wero Sunday guestH of tho P. II. Johnsons. F. K. Leo cnlled on Mr. Brooks nt the Georgo Cook home. F. E. I.co got n load of hny from Bend this week. NO 'FLU' RECORDED AT LOWER BRIDGE A Most Attractive Combination itif$9fci f t""tc, fragrance, tmgjjjSj strength ami color in I kW Crescent Ask your H Cream of All Coffee grocer 4l)o lb. $2.00 By special arrangement we can now offer you a 1 Year Subscription to The Bend Bulletin and a 1 Year Subscription to The Oregon Farmer for only $2.00 Tliii ipecul price (or both piperi ii good only for ihoit time. USE THIS ORDER BLANK The Bend Bulletin, Dead, Oregon. Encloied find $2,00, for which tend me The Bend Bulletin nd The Oregon Firmer for one yer each. Name............................ Poiioffice State LOWER BRIDGE. Dec. 10 School opened Monday after being closed for two weeks to prevent tho spread of Influenza. Thorn havo been no cases of Influenza In tho neigh borhood. G. E. Stndlg was a Redmond visitor Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Fuller wero shopping In Redmond Tuesday. A. F. Hauser returned Wodnesdny from Silver Lako. Mr. Calahan camo down with him to do some work on his houso on tho Ruble pluco before moving his family hero. Francis and Holun Newhold and Margaret Walter went to Terrebonne Saturday. Tho (Hmpmaus have bought Mrs. Walter' ulfalfu buy nnd nro feed ing a carload of steors. Mrs. C. P. Boles was a Redmond visitor Saturday. L. A. Hunt, C. V. Hosklns and Hid West huvo beon surveying prepara tory to widening tho association ditch. Mrs. Frud Walters nnd Mrs. C. F. Hosklns visited at Mrs. Book's on Tuesday. tho weok at tho McGuIrn homo and nnslstlug with tho work while Mr. McGuIro Is 111. Itorntcu Couch and Mary Sllvurs worn aftornoon callers at thu (I M. Couch homo ono day thin w.uok. Ml'lvln Couch spent several days at tho Pulllam ranch this week. It Is reported that Will Handed and brother havo purchased tho W, Pi George place In Hunnysldo nnd will tioon tako up their residence there. trira U'ltiuir nml Hniintrli nulla j menced haling hay for C. Pedorson Thursday, Frank Wallace was out from Tumalo and spent Wednesday nt tho McOuIro farm. Mrs. G. M. Couch spent Thursday nfturnoon with Mrs. C. E Nichols of Tumalo. Miss Freda Clark of Bend spent the week with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. I). Clark, In Hunnysldn. Mrs. G. W. Snyder was a Tumalo visitor Wednesday. Mrs. F V, Swisher holds tho rec ord for the largest crop of cabbago, having grown and disposed ot about four tons the past season, Mr. and Mrs. Hatch of Tumalo woru callers In thu neighborhood Thursday. Robert Smith purchased u nun team of horses nt tho Dayton sain Tuesday. Mrs. C. I;. Nichols of Tumalo spent thu week-end at thu G. M, Couch farm. Win, Gnskll spent tho week visit ing with relatives In Tumiilo Smith & (lerklug aro Installing n new hay chopper at their ranch this week. Miss Ivy Snyder spent several days this weok at thu Dover's farm. Mrs. Twoedl called on Mrs. G. M. Couch Saturday afternoon. Mr. Parsons passed through Pino hurst Wednesday on his way home, having Mulshed tho season's run with his threshing machine. RANCHERS WINTERING STOCK AT CLOVERDALE SHIP HAY TO BEND FROiM PLEASANT RIDGE PINEHURST BOY IS KILLED IN FRANCE PINE.HUR8T, Dec. 11. Mr. nnd Mrs. D. W. Dluterlch received u tele gram from Washington, I). C, an nouncing tho death of their sou Lewis on October 21. In Franco, of wounds received In bnttlo. Miss Elder returned from Bend Hunduy ovonlng. but on uccount of ill health decided not to open school till next Monday, tho Dili. AIox. Howoll of Plalnvlow passed through horo Monday on his way to tho timber for wood. G. W. Snyder, R. H. Hny loy, C. F. Montgomery, Goo. Hpaugh, J. L, Couch, I. E. Wlmer, C. II. Spaugh, F. V. Swlshor and Mr. and Mrs, Searcy woro among thoso from Pino hurst who attended tho salo at F. E. Dayton's Tuesday, 'Mrs. C. M. Pholphs, Miss Vlda Bollman mid Mrs. Garner wero busi ness visitors in Tumulo' Wednesday. Raymond Churchill Is spending (T STOP! And investigate our price before buying your groceriee. We can save you money, P.B.Johnson's PLEASANT RIDGE, Dec. 11. -W II, Gray Is loading soveral oars of hay at Deschutes this week to ship to Bend. Huns Mlkkelseu and O. E. Anderron aro helping him. Fred Wllkey and wife of Bond willed at the Anderson homo Thurs day aftornoon. A shower for Mrs. Gen. Holton wns given nt tho Doschutos hotel Friday afternoon. Tho following laiiKw from this neighborhood wero pres ent: Mrs. John Edwards, Mrs. linns Mlkkolsen. Mrs I.. A. BrnudBiiburg. Mrs. O. 12. Anderson, Mrs. W. II. Gray nnd Mrs. Catharine Johansen. J. V.'. Petersen and Alfred Mlkkol son were In Bend Saturday. Con Union brought In a hunch of 800 sheop Monday nnd Is feeding them on tho Anderson plnoo. Mr. Broon bought considerable hay around here and will feud his shuep hero this winter Mr. nml Mrs. O. E. Anderson wore shopping In Redmond Wedniday. Anton Ahlstrom went In to Red mond Monday after a load ot grain. Rasmus Peterson was baling hay for Hans Mlkkelsen and O, E. An derson Tuesday. Thoso from this neighborhood who attonded the charivari on Mr. and Mrs. (loo. Holton of Deschutes w.tni: J. W Peterson, Rusmus Peterson. Mrs. Cathurlno Johansen, Mr. unit Mrs. linns Mlkkolsen. Alfred Mlkkol soii, Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Gray unit Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Anderson. J, W. Peterson wiw In Bond Mon thly on business. Anton Ahlstrom unit L. A. nran donburg nttended tho sulo nt the F. E. Dayton place, near Tumalo, Tuesday. 'Mrs. Catharine Johansen and Mrs. Hans Mlkkelsen spent tho day with Mrs. W. II. Gray Monday. Mrs. O. E. Anderson was n Red mond visitor Monday aftornoon. Mr. nnd Mrs. Hans Mlkkolsen nnd Mrs. Cathurlno Johunseu and Ilnsmus Petorson wero shopping In Bund on Wednesduy. Mrs. T. 11. Ilaughmun nnd children woro Redmond vlsltom Wednesday, Marsh Aubrey of Bend camo down Bunduy ovonlng to visit at tho Gray homo. , .. Mr. nnd Mrs. W II. Gray nnd Mr, nnd Mrs. Huiih iMIkkolsen nnd son Alfred woro dlnnor guests ut tho An derson homo Sunday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ed Swulloy woro In Redmond on business Suturday. Bill Johnson of Powoll Butto Is hording sheep for Con Brcen. HAMPTON BUTTE, Dec 10. Messrs. Peck, Black null Crow or Hampton havo taken their stock to Clovurdalu for tho winter, M J. Heeberger ot llniid passed through hero Wednesday with souio l horses, which ho took to Alkali lako for tho winter. Mr. unit Mrs. F, Dibble of Silver creek were guests nt thu Ilrooklngs hotel Inst Wednesday. E. I.lvonloy of Staurtor went out to llend on the mall stage today. Ho has had an attack of "tin" and is going to ll.ind, where ho will ho nearer medical aid. ('has, Cochran returned to his much today after being out tor soma mouths, Carson Waters of Wngoutlm niitoed through hero today, on route to llend. Last Saturday at 1 o'clock Baldwin Casponl died at his homo near hero oC Spanish lulluimzn, ut thu agu of .11 years ills remains worn taken to Bend fur htirnl. Ho was a uiniiiber of tho Masonic lodge. Ho leaves an agud father and onu brother to mourn his Ions. Miss Agues Kchrador has been ab sent from school this week owing to sickness. i'ago and Roy Ktuuffer stopped horo Friday on their way out to Bend, Mhoru they havo employment. FUNERAL HELD FOR CLO V ER DA LE WOM A N FOR. SALE ! 80 or 100 acres In tho 8. W. 1-4 of Hoo. 14, To. 17, B. It. 13 K. This lios 8 miles oust and 3 miles north of Hond. Water rliflit fully paid and ditch to highest point. 130 acres arable. Muko mo an olTur, cusli or trudo, C. F. BEUTEL, Tacoma, Wash. CLOVERDALE. Dec II. -Mrs. Greene Beard, who has been a resi dent ot Clovurdalu for u number of 'nrs, passed away at tho homo of h-r sou, Henry Beard, last Monday utter a short Illness of tntltionitn Sho was born In Mini county. Ore gon, In 1 SRC. and spent tho gntnter part of her life there. Thu family moved to Prinovlllo In I Kill and has lived In Central Oregon ever sluco. She was an active iiieiuber of tho Red Cross nnd will ln cgroutly misled by her many friends and neighbors. Tho funeral was held Wednesday and tho body taken to Mill Creek for hurls). Sho Is survived by her hus band. Greene Beard, two sous, Henry slid Frank Board of Cloverdnlo, two daughters, Mrs. Mark Partem nnd Mrs. McCormnrk of Bond, nnd n number of grandchildren. Word received from Mrs. Forren and sou Dan, who left recently for KnnsHN, says that they have arrived at their destination Mrs. Forren has been unite III with liilluenza since her arrival. II (. Miller of Cloverdnlo rocolvod a telegram last week notifying him nf thu death or his mother, Mrs. Miller of Sclo, Oregon, at tho ago of 78 years. Sho was an active member of thn Red Cross, having thu record of knitting 12fi pairs ot sox. Henry Board was visiting at tho Partou homo Monday ovonlng. J. II. Hudson, .Mrs. Cora Cutler, Mrs. Edith I.uwls ami Mrs Irvln Parberry mniln u trip to Bund on Tuesday. F. J. Burling mado a trip Io tho Wilson mill on Thursdny of last week. Mrs. II. C. Kllno Is on tho sick list. Fay Miller returned to Redmond, whero shu Is ntteudlng high school, last week, Mrs. It J. Skelton has been qulto III during the past wuek, -but Is Im prove at present. Jack Weston came homo from Sis ters on Monday, F. J. Burling was u business visitor to Slstem ono dny last wuek. Mrs. Cora Cutler and Mrs. Frank Burling woro Slsturs shoppers ono day last week, F. J. Burling wns a business visitor ut thu Nootuiiuglu homo on Saturday, RUNNING IIOUNDAUV LINES. (From Thursday's Dally,) Forest boundary lines In tho Mllli cuu region nro being run by Rancors Harold and Bend Smith. FwSSaeS&jk .Ux.U. STT ni i a a the RJJSSELL TRACTOR, UUIUTINALUSIZtO ENGINES BOILERS SAW MILLS THRESHERS fTriACTORS BEAN AND PEA THRESHERS CLOVER IIULLER5 CALL OR WRITE FOR PARTICULARS 'fit H 3ryCHjnjHIjBjjH Mlllicuu, Ore, Telephone JS