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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1918)
l l WEEKLY EDITION The bend bulletin. h VOI. AVI. MEND, DKHCIIPTKH COUNTY, Oltl.GO.V , Till iwiuv, i)i:ri;.Miu;ii 12, iih No. 41 1 FEDERAL HELP TO BE SOUGHT WORK OF NO. NEED WORKERS 'BEND SCHOOLS 'LAY PUIS FOR DIES OVERSEASiUNIT EfflAIf FOR EOPEN TODAY! ENIIA1 FALLS Rffl m BIG m VEi R R i V N 4' IRRIGATION SESSION IS HELD BY ROOSTERS. L'liiiinitiit-liil Club Will Git In Clotrr Tnui'li Willi Iterlmtiatliui tfrrrlro Crurio Pnilrltt Hi'xerwilr Hlto rtmiml. (From Wednesday's Dully,) Thtt doviilopmurit of u bigger mill bettor Commercial club In llond, Us chltif object tlio boosting of nil pos nlblti waj'H for ulToctlvu government ulil In IrrlKiUlon mutters, wnn tho keynote of tllnctiMMlori liy tlio cluli members tlilrt noon, when tlio first ImihIiichm tnbullnn In two months wan linlil at llin Pilot Ilutto Inn. A com mittee report favoring u mumbur shlp unit iiIi'iIrm campaign to finance Hid employment of 11 trained club inaniigor who will bo nliln to put In all liln tlinii on liooNtor work, was approved, unit tlio iii:tlon token by tho Irrigation coiumlttuo which nu'l liiHt night with Ittnlinouil mill Prlno vlllo roprimi'iilatlvim wiih also on domed. Opinion In ntcKnl to Irrlguton lo VHlopitU'iit wiih moHt fuvoraliln to thu Griiuu I'ralrlu ronorvolr plan, an In volving tlio ImiHt tin I ay, mill offering 110 hindrance to other projects which might "conni up later. T. II. Kolvy, president of tlio club, spoko of tlio Crane Prulrlo plnu an tlio mont feasible, ns government surveys liuvo already Immui made, llxlug vu tlio approximate com of Mich n duvolop iniiiit. Ilo rttml letters from Rtnto Engineer Percy A. (Hipper anil from tlio II. H. ri'clumiitlou mrvlro propoit liiK 11 geological survey of tho Hen liain Pal In reservoir silo. "Tho government In Intere-ted In Citntml Oregon," ho declared, "anil wo can Kut results by cotiHlNtiintly pushing matter right now." Cnint I'rnlrli' Hlln 1'iivonsl. II. II. Do Armmid sketched tho Central Oregon IrrlKiUlon district (iltuatlon, referring to tho contract being drawn up with tho North Unit illntrlct. Ilo ndvlitod a Commercial club 111 P 111 born hip nml pledgo cum pali;n to provldo sufficient funds to oinploy a uinuiiKor to direct 11 united effort In IIiIn section tor government aid In Irrigation. County Agriculturist It. A. Ward urged concentration on tho Crnuo Prulrlo plan and on tho North Dull problum, whllo Olydo M, McKay nil- a plan of action to uiiiko pos mIIiIo tho HhiirluK of oxponso by tlio county mid city In securing a man ager . It. W. Sawyer recommended that tho club at onco got In touch with tho plium of tho reclamation Morvlco mid ikIvInciI corporation with Joffor Hon county. WiiiiIn City Manager. Tho report on tho thrco-cornorod Irrigation mooting In Redmond IiihI nlKht wiih quoted, tho chluf recom mondutloiiH mndii by thu Iluud, Hod monil mid Prlnovlllo delegates being for (i standing Irrigation cotninlttoo from tho thrco localities, tho nppor tlonliiK of expenses of Heading n roprcsnntatlvo to Washington nnd tho endorsement of tho Crnno Pralrlo ilto, Tho drafting of resolutions was loft to thu Htnndliif cnmrultto. IloforrlnR to tho plan of tho club to employ n trained manager, A. E. Edwards suggested a city manager, who might hold thu samu position In tho club. SHEEPMAN BUYS GRAZING TRACT (Prom Monday'a pally.) Ono of (ha big realty transactions of tb6 year waa closed, today when Conliroon, prominent Alfalfa olioop man, bacamo tlio owner of 3600 acres utilund, In tho Dear Crook Uutto sec tion, (ho purcluiHo being mudo from W. M. WJlBojt of lowoll nutto, Tho consideration 1b known to bo botwoon $40,000 and 50,000, Thirty-four hundred norca of tho tract in griulnK land, well auppllod with wutor, whllo tho ramaindor Is In ulfulfn, . Tlia ranch llos partly In Dechut,efl und partly In Crook county. JOHN C, NICHOIXON, WITH IN FANTRY I.YHfllEltIA, UNMHTKI) I'llO.M IIHIli: O.VbV HI.V .MONTIIH ItMI'OIti:, fKrtim TuoNilny'N Dally.) Word of tho death of tholr mm, John C. NIcIioIhoii, whllo HiirvliiK with tho American expeditionary forcoH In fllborln, wiih recnlvod buru ycttlorduy by Mr. mid Mth. C. J. NIcIioIhoii of :i23 l.afnyotto ntroot, In mi official lottnr from tho war rink liiHiirmicu bureau, U, H. treiiNiiry de partment, Tho letter nHHtimed that pruvloiiH uotincatloti had boon rn'iit, but no (inch iiowh had been received by tlio NlnliolnoiiH,' Whether tho youtiK man died In action or from dlnoiiHo wait not Hinted In tho letter, and no additional In formation In f umbilici! In cununlty IInIn Mint In up to date. Tho (Into of duath wiih kIvoii iin Octobur 29. Nlcboliou wiin 2i yenrH of iiku, mid enllnted from Monti on April 29 of thu current year. Ho wan enrolled In Co. K, .tint Infantry, mid received IiIn military tniluliiK at Camp Pro moot, California. Tho hint letter which ho had Kent to bin purHtitH won dated October 13, and Indicated that tho youni; noldler wan In tho btwt of health. Tho name of IiIn ntatlou wiin blotted out by tho connor. AT CARNIVAL addkksh oivk.v iiv It. V. ON WOHK OK .M(M)SI WItlMTI.KItH TO AV- i'i:.u this wi:i:ic. (Prom Wodnemlav's Dally.) With a crowd double that of the precodliiK nlKht, the Mooo carnival continued litnt iiIkIiI, mid mumboni of tho conuulttao In charK" report receipts Rreatly In exeww of tho Hint ovenlm;. A feature of tho program wiih tin atldroDN t;lven by It, P. Ml titer on Moonnhearl and tho work that In beliiK douo by tho Mooho IoiIro tor men In tho U. H. mirvlce. Ho told uIno of tho Koldlorn homo In Parts which Is Hiipportod by tho Moohu. Tho local IoiIko alone has CO mom lient In tho army or navy, WrontlltiK oventH which had been tinted for tho ovenlm: wero poHtponnl until tomorrow nlKht, when SIiir Ilananta, Hindu champ, will Btaeo an exhibition match. Ad Gustavo, who In to meet llanmita on December 17, will meet all coin era Friday night. LA PINE MAN TO WORK FOR SiH (From Thursduy'a Dally.) Altrod A. Aya of La Pino, who for tho past 10 years bus been engaged In development work In this Boctlon, linn boon secured to tnko charge of tho industrial development work of tho Swift Packing company, n do purtmunt which baa boon but recently organized. It Is announced that It In tho purposo of thla now organiza tion to co-opornto with all otbor In torestH In Oregon, having for tholr purposo tho bringing of now Indus trlou to tho stato. In u Btatomont Issued today, Mr. Aya said: "Don't concludo from this that I am going back on an old stumping iground. I think tho work will onnblo mo to do moro tor Cen tral Oregon, or, for that matter, tho ntato at largo, than if I stayed up In tho woods," PINE TREE MILL IS CLOSED FOR REPAIRS (Prom Monday'n Dally,) To ullow for tho uBital wlntor ro palm mid overhauling' of tho plant,1 tho Pino Trou Lumbar Co. has bub- ponded operations, nnd will probably roopou about tlio first of tho now CROWD CANS J your, SECRETARY ANDERSON GIVES INFORMATION. Outlinm tin Condition Under Which North Cult Took Over Holding of (ho C, O, I, Company In Central OrcKon, (Prom Fridays Dally.) Tho following Htatomont of tho purposes of tho North Unit In pur chasing rlKht of the C. O. I. Co. Is taken from tho current Innuo of tho Mudran Pioneer: On July in, 1918, tho board of director of the North Unit Irriga tion district entered Into u purchase contract with tho Central Oregon Irrigation company for all Iln hold Iiikh of wury kind mid nature for tho sum of 170.1,100. TIiIh wan a purchano conditioned briefly as fol io wh: That tho ntnto oiiKlnuer shall ap prove tho fwiHlblllty of tho plan of wntorloK tho North Unit from tho North Canal dam; that tho ntato land board nhould approve this contract mid that tho United Hlnto capital Iimum committee nhould approve tho nalo of the bonds for tho purchano. If the district hIioiiIiI fall In any one of thofto Htepn It could declare tho purchitHH conceited. Tho ono main Idea and principal reunon for this purchnno wan to net control of all tho unused How of tho DoschutoN river. Hut to i:et thin tho board wan forced to take much inoro, much on tho name principle that you doelro to purchase a maro and you And ono that Milts you mid she ban a colt by her nidi), you cannot buy tho ono anil not take tho other. Possibly there will be nreat value later to you In tho colt. Ko with tho North Unit. Already u doal In nonrliiK comple tion with tho new district compris ing tho sold lands of tho company, whereby they tako ovor their own inunnconiont and distribution of tholr own water system mid take over all lauds said to bo Irrigated and ready for snlo together with scattering iiImium of limited lands nnd town lots with nil equipment of tlio company. ," cl,nnco ,ero nro nn" who nro not TIiimo nro thliiKff wo would havo no '""dtod. It is requested that such UHutl of and can prolmbly be better '"'"vldunls bring or mall tholr mom handled by tho people themselves , borshln foOH to thc M1)erty ten,P'0 mid yet this reduces tho price several i thousand dollars to us. ' Wo still retain tho ownership of ; tho North Canal dam, which Is Just I north of tho city of Ilond. This Is a magnificent structure built entirely . across tho river and raising tho water, Homo 30 feet In height, ami Is capable of tllvertlng thu entire How of the river at this point. It has been in usu about eight years. It is built from crushed basalt rlck and tho sand wns made from tho sumo rock. It is built on tho arch plan and tho ends nro built Into tho solid rock wall of tho canyon. It Is us scion- tlflcally mid substantially built as any dam In tho United Stntos, Wo retain nil tho company's water filings mid Caroy aqt contracts with nil their survoys or these lands. Thcso ox tend from near Hand on tho south utmost to Crookod river on tho north with tho railroad running along tho west side of thorn. With water this will bo a very valuablo ploco of laud, Tho company bus irrigated all around It. Whllo this tract romnlna uu watored llond, Deschutes, Ilcdmoud nnd Torrobonno cannot bo what they should bo. No doubt you ask yoursolt what this Iuih to do with tho watering of tho North Unit. Simply this, it Is nnothor colt. Docs tho North Unit want to reclaim and soil this laud? No. Tho board of directors has started already to mnko uso of It In n far dlf foront way, Wo havo informed tho United States government of need of Irrigation for tho North Unit and huyo uskod Us co-oporatton in financ ing nnd constructing our system. Thoso Caroy act contracts which wo got can now bo lowed as a valu ablo asset. Wo havo no doubt that tlio government will look favorably upon thoso and wo hopo through thoso to got it to construct tlio ontlro projoct, Tho gavormuout has novor yot irrfgatod prlvato holdings mid it is very doubtful if it would ovor con Bent to Irrigate tho North Unit ox copt it could got land out of it tor tho returning boys. Wo now hnvo tho water rights and (Continued ou Pago 4.) RED CROSS SOLICITORS ASKED TO REPORT. OrKunlMilloii of City, MUM and Colin- lien to Ho Completed Htxm Uulvernnl .Membership In Hid (ioiil KouKht. (From Tuesday's frally.) Volunteers for tho lied Cross mom bonihlp drive to bo hold In Deschutes mid Jefferson counties from Decem ber 1C to 23 aro needed and are re quested to report nt onco at tho LId arty temple, or to iibono to H. A. Miller, in charge of arrangements for tho campaign. Sufficient solicit ors nro needed so that every man and woman not already a Hod Cross mem ber cun bo visited, and Mr. Miller is mixlous to have pinna completed ho that tho drlvo can sturt ahead of schedule. Organization of tho city, the mills nnd tho countios will bo completed eforo tho end of the week. A 100 per cont. membership is tho goal hoi for tho drive. Two thousand members nre now on the roster of tho locul chapter, and thoso not on tho lint will be solicited for M initia tion feos. "Universal membership Is tho goal of tho Ited Cross Chrlstman roll call," Mr, Miller declared In speak Ing today of tho coming drive. "Tho objoct of tho drive In to show the unanimous support of the people of DoHChutoH nnd Jefferson counties. It is hoped nnd expected that this great ambition will bo realized." Headquarter for tho drlvo havo been established In tho Liberty tem ple, and preliminary work was start ed this morning by Mr, Miller and lbou who havo already volunteered to Join In tho work. Tho personal appeal is to bo tho most Important factor in tho sue ! cc"8 of l,' Ue- CroS8 Christmas roll I caU- Tho cnnipalgn has been so I P'""nod that every resident of tho , ,wo -""' " " "" uii"r.un Ity of becoming a mombor. If by SEASON'S FIRE REPORT IS OUT 121 FIUKH OCCL'KUi:D ON FOHKST Ill'iSKHV!-. DUltlNO PIKi: SKA SON MAJOIUTV WKIti: IN DK SrilL'TKS COUNTY. (Prom Thursday's Dally.) Tho unnual flru report, which has Just boon completed by tho officers of the Deschutes national forest re serve, shows 124 fires on or near tho resorvo during tho tiro season, with a tothl of 16,604 acres burned over and damages estimated at $18, 149.93. Ninety-two Area originated on tho national forest, burning ovor govern ment lands; five burning ovor private owned lands within tho resorvo. Four fires originated without tho boun daries of tho resorvo und later made their way onto tho resorvo. Of tho 124 fires occurring, 72 woro causod by lightning, 3 by burning of brush, 43 by campers nnd through lighted cigars and cigarettes being thrown uwny, and six of unknown origin. In Deschutes comity alono there wero 91 (Ires, 71 occurring on tho forest resorvo on govornmont owned land. Of this number 55 wero causod by lightning, 2 woro brush flros and 33 causod by canipors. Tho total number of acres In tho county burned ovor was 9449, with an esti mated dnmnco of $9543.93. In Jofforsou county Imt 11 Area occurred, with an estimated damage of JO. In Klamath county thoro woro 16 fires, burning ovor an area of 7007 acres nt an estimated damage of 8560. Lake county oxporionced four fires, tbroo within tho boundary of tlio forest, with an estimated dam- ago of f 51. ATTK.VDANCi: NIIAIlfiV NOIOIAD LONCHNPOHCJSl) VACA TION DUIUNO KPIDIJ.MIC OP IN-Pl.UKNZA. (From Monday's Dally.) Terminating a six -weeks' enforced vacation, tho result of the Influenza epidemic, tho Hcnd schools reopened this morning with an attendance of about 8G per cent, of normal. Tho proportion in tho high school was slightly abovo this, according to City Superintendent Moore. Tho decrease was believed to bo chiefly duo to threatening weather conditions, only a few pupils remaining at homo through fear of cxposuro to tho "flu." In tho county all schools were holding classes, with tho exception of Tumalo. Superintendent J. Alton Thompson stated. It is expected that rogular sessions in this district will be resumed at an early date. Night school will bo started In the city this evening, tho course being planned to continuo for four months and ono week. Classes aro to bo held In tho high school building. At tho tlmo that tho influenza epidemic rondo Itself felt In Dcnd, night work was being hampered by lack of type writers, but four new machines havo been received, sufficient to tako caro of all needs In tho commercial coursos. During their absence from classes, pupils took advantago of tho tlmo placed at their disposal, and lessons assigned nearly two months ago wero found by Instructors to have been thoroughly prepared In tho ma jority of cases. Miss Jennie Larson succeeded Miss Allco Hasmussen as a member of the teaching staff this morning. GOOD BILL READY FOR TUESDAY NIGHT Jlend sport fans aro promised an unusually ood bill Tuesday evening In tho appcaranco of Ad Gustavo, promler Argentine middleweight, and Sing Uasanta, Hindu mat artist, whoso bout Is scheduled as tho main, event of tho Hippodrome smoker. Added Interest Is taken in tho event since tho winner has been challenged by Charlie Olson, northwest middle weight champ, to a bout In Bend on New Year's day. Boxing preliminaries Tuesday night will bo between Richard Stev enson and Kid Nichols, to bo followed by Ernest Lo Clair vs. J. P. Prlco. For tho main event, Gustavo, who has been training in Uend for somo tlmo. Is in prime condition. Uasanta, who has been putting on tho finish ing touches in Portland, is expected to arrive hero the lattor part of tho week. MOOSE OPEN BIG CARNIVAL AUDItKSS OT MOOSKHEAItT AND KXHllUTION IJY AD GUSTAVO SCHKDULKI) VOW THIS EVEN. ING FIHST NIGHT SUCCESS. (From Tuosday'a Dally.) A feature of tho Mooso carnival, scheduled for tho opening night, but which was unavoidably postponed, will bo glvon this ovonlns at tho Htppodromo when R. P. Mlntcr will delivor an address on Moosoheart and tho work bolug dono by tho Mooso lodgo throughout tho United States for returning aoldlora and sailors. Another special attraction which will bo put ou tonight will bo a wrestling exhibition by Ad Gustavo, Argentine middleweight champion, whoso bout with Sing Uasantu Is to bo pulled, off horo on Docombor 17. Othor special features aro promised. Moro successful ovou than had boon expected by tho local roombors was tho opening of tho carnival last night. A igood crowd waa in attend ance, and dancing and games woro enjoyed to tho utmost throughout tho ovonlng. Tho apodal orchestra which furnished raualo for tho occa alon will bo retained for tho re mainder of tho wook. CUPPER WILL BOOST FOR DEVELOPMENT. Ilc'iort of Ontnil Jury In Prison Caso Itoceivctl ultli Much Dhfavor In Ix-jcfxlatlvo Circle) In Snlrm. (BpUI to Th Bulletin.) SALEM, Doc. 12. Stnto Engineer Cupper has been advised by the United States reclamation service that ono of Its engineer will mako a geological survoy of tho Ocnhara Falls project In tho Deschutes val ley. This Is In lino with tho request for Information made at State Engi neer Lewis somo tlmo ago as to tho status of Irrigation projects In Ore gon which tho stato cnglncor felt should bo considered for post-bellum development by tho government. Tho Deschutes project wax promi nently mentioned by Mr. Lewis. In that connection it may bo safely said that tho new stato engineer will take much tho samo attitude toward tho Deschutes project as that taken by Mr. Lewis. Tho wholo De schutes ralloy knows that Mr. Lewis was ono of tho most ardent cham pions of tho development of that mighty valley Into ono great project which would cover over 200,000 acres of somo of tho Sneat Irrigable lands In tho United States. Mr. Cupper bolioves as Mr. Lewis felt on that plan and behind It all tho governor also feels very much the same way. Tho governor be lieves that Irrigation of such projects must bo dono on an Immense scale, oven aa tho war was handled on an Immense scale, and Stnto Englncor Cupper will receive tho backing of tho executlvo In anything that he can do to make the dreams of the Deschutes valley como truo. IMfr Development Seen. Tho apparent Interest which the reclamation servlco Is taking In this work, coupled with tho fact that the country gonorally bcllovca that Irri gation development is a logical de velopment when linked up with pro vision for returning soldiers and sailors, all points to tho possibility of great thtngs being' dono In Central Oregon during tho next fow years. When Stnto Engineer Low la about a year ago unfolded his schomo for tho enormous development of the Deschutes valley In ono great co ordinated project ho was booted at moro or less as a visionary and a dreamer. But It Is barely possible that yet In his llfetlmo ho will soo his vision unfold and will see his dream becomo a reality. Grand Jury Urport Scored. Tho nlno days' wondor about the stato capital has been the report ot tho special grand Jury which was designated In tho first Instance to Investigate Into alleged soiling ot pardons and pnrolea at tho state ponitontlary, and which dogonerutod into an antl-Keller-Wltbycombo club. GARAGE SALE IS EFFECTED GKOIIGE P. llOOVEIl TRANSFERS 1ILH INTERESTS TO DESCHUTES GARAGE CO. NEW OWNERS PliAN TO EXTEND UUSINESS. (From Monday's Dally.) Terminating six yoars In the garage and auto business In this city,' during which tmo ho has effect ed tho Bale ot 600 cars, Goorge P. Hoover yesterday sold tho Universal garago to R. S, Hamilton, C. L. Du gan and P. F, Ileaulleu, Incorporated as tho Deschutes Garago Co, The consideration was not. made public. Mr. Deaullou, who has been em ployed at tho garago for some time past, la manager ot tho garage, aad announces that a comploto stock ot tires and accessories -will he. carried. The Interior apaco In tho building will bo rearranged so as to provide moro room for Btorage, and later the now company may accept the aaney for two or maro cars. ' Mr. Hoover baa, made no deflate plans for the future, and may remain in Bend for some time, ho states.