The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 05, 1918, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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    PAGE 8
Anniversary Sale!
Beginning Saturday, Dec. 7, and Continuing 3 Days Next Week
On account of the Health Board restrictions during' the Spanish influenza epidemic, we were obliged to postponed our 2nd Anniversary Sale. Saturday the
ban will be lifted and the GREATEST SALE of women's and Children's wearing apparel ever held in Bend will begin at this store. Everything marked in
plain figures on original tags no fictitious prices no mark-ups for this sale. Our customers know that our prices are always the lowest. But the prices in
this sale will long be remembered by thrifty Bend shoppers.
Discount on Our Entire Slock of Coats, Suits
and Dresses.
Discount on All Women's and Children's Fall
and Winter Underwear from Our Regular
Unusually Low Prices, at the Very Time When
You Need Good, Warm Underwear.
For Christmas Gifts
Beautiful Waists of fine crepe do chine, Georg
ette crepe and striped silks; tailored effects and
fancy models; white, flesh and all the leading
suit colors. 2nd Anniverstary Sale 1 f0n
Discount ... .. " ' U
For little tots or growing girls, of Velvet, Plush
and Wool materials. Any little girls would be
glad to get one of these Coats for Christmas.
2nd Anniversary C(9
Discount x a iV
At Anniversary Sale Prices
Skirts for afternoon or sport wear, in plain navy
or black, all wool serges and poplins, fancy
plaids, stripes or rich satin or talFeta Skirts.
2nd Anniversary Discount. on entire "I COn
At 2nd Anniversary Prices
Heavy, warm, wool Hose, black or fip
gray mixed; 2nd Anniversary Sale price
Burson Hose, fast black cotton Hose; nn '
hemmed lop; 2nd Anniversary Sale price"
Armor Plate Hose; hemmed top; black 1Q
or white; 2nd Anniversary Sale price
Armor Plate Fibre Silk Hose; sixes $i to 10; in
black, white, tan and gray; 2nd Anni-" flQ
versa ry Sale price U7C
Choice of entire stock of Silk, Wool and Fibre
Sweaters; at 2nd Anniversary Sale 1 XtQi
Discount IV O
At Anniversary Prices
Wonderful assortment of cotton and silk crepe,
rich, washable satins and dainty, soft silk
trimmed with lace, satin or self materials. 2nd
Anniversary Sale C0r
Discount iU
Petticoats of dark striped outing flannel, scal
loped edges; Anniversary Sale 7Q,
Outing Flannel Skirts of heavy white QOr
outing, wide flounce and scalloped edges ?
Petticoats of extra quality Black Sateen, with
wide flounce or rufllcs; 2nd Anni- i1 OQ
versary Sale price P1.I7
(Continued from Page One.)
pirate gang will bare Bob Stevens
walking the plank blindfolded before
many -weeks are up.
The possibility of receding costs
Tor labor, materials and supplies
opens up a ray of hope (or the legis
lators who bavo been looking ahead
to tbo solving ot Intricate financial
One ot the best informed Btato of
ficials on financial matters estimated
the other day. after privately going
over the figures ahead, that the
problems may bo mot by the finances
-which will bo available. His figures,
however, wero based on contingencies
which may not nrlse, and what is
looming on the financial horizon of
the state for the next blennlum is
problematical, to say the most that
can bo said.
By a combination of numerous
"Its" a deduction may bo roacbed
that If there Is money enough to go
around the state may get through,
Jiut If there is not tho stato won't
gut through satisfactorily. That
teems to bo the most logical solution,
and will no doubt bo tho basis upon
which tho legislature works, after it
lias its first few spasms in trying
to straighten out tho tnnglo.
There is little doubt but this gravo
(problem will be the one to tako up
the most ot the legislator' tlmo and
ijray matter and tho guess apparently
lias chances for being a good ono
that tho tanglo will not bo stralght
uned out until tho G per cent, limita
tion amendment, by Its own auto
matic growth, reaches a place whoro
sufficient funds will be provided.
When that financial mlllenlum Is
reached no doubt tho people will rc
peal tho amendment. Thero Is little
liopo ot its over being repealed bo
foro that halycon day. Dut wliatovor
"becomes of it there are a largo num
ber of state officials who do not heBl
tuto to declaro that a mlstako was
made when tho amendment was
Indications point to tho fact that
tho public service commission may
Tdck over the traces in tho telophono
TUto cases and precipitate a tight
which will determine whether or not
tho federal govornment may rido
rough shod over stato statutes and
state regulatory bodies In a tlmo of
comparative peace. Tho commission,
during the tlmo that actual hostil
ities wero in progress, threw down
the bars and acquiesced In tho ac
tions taken by tho federal regulatory
administrations, but tho control ot
telephone and telegraph lines ap
parently takes on a new phase with
a practical, If not actual stato ot
peace existing.
A hearing will bo hold next week
In Portland to detcrmlno whether or
not the Pacific Telephone & Tele
graph company Is justified In mak
ing material Increases sought under
tho guise of giving higher wages to
operating employes. Tho company
admits its servlco is a heinous of
fenso against an entirely unoffending
state, but contends that its only
remedy Is an increase In rates so
that It may boost tho wages ot some
decidedly underpaid girls.
The assumption seems to be that
in these times of high prlcos tho old
schcdulo of wages for telephone
operators Is entirely too low for a
girl to llvo in decency and solf
rospect and thero doosn't seem to bo
much objection on tho part of any
one to paying them wagon that are
something near commensurate with
the sarvlcos rendored and tho cost
of living.
Tho commission agrees that this
should be done, but the members
are not all suro that the phono com
pany needs anything llko tho in
crease asked, nor Is It at all sure
that It needs any Increase at all.
Tho solid fact of tho matter Is
that It is barely possible It may bu
found that tho present rates of tho
company might bo reduced, tho oper
ating employes' wages raised, and
still havo money left for tho company
and the government. This Is not a
prediction that such will bo found
to bo tho case, but It Is hinted at
as a possibility.
Whatever is found, tho commission
will operate along tho lines that It
will go completely Into tho situation
and roturn an order squarely on Its
The situation simmers down to
something llko this: Tho company
filed its rates with tho approval of
tho postmaster general, but did so
Illegally aB far as tho stato statutes
aro concerned. Strong protests from
tiic commission finally brought tho
postmaster general -to a point whoro
ho conceded that the stato statutes
should bo followed and that he
thought tho company had followed
ho regularly provided channels of
procedure. lie ordered tho company
to do this, but ho did so laboring
under tho assumption that by fol
lowing tho proccduro It would be
merely a perfunctory proceeding and
that tho commission would merely
Issue an order approving tho in
creases without going into tho situa
tion any further.
There is whoro tho postmaster
general stubbed his too, becauso tho
commission fs going to do nothing at
all ot the kind. It Is going squarely
Into tho matter on Its merits, nnd
horo It seems to havo tho P. M. G.
over a barrel, as when tho merits
of tho case nro shown up, commis
sion members hint, tho merits will
bo such that tho esteomed P. M. G.
won't havo tho nerve to kick over
tho traces If ft Is found that his
wishes aro not compiled with.
As near as can bo determined,
without prejudging the cause, the
company Is endeavoring to slip
I something over on tho patient pa
trons that Is not entirely Justified
by tho conditions and the commis
sion Is lying In the brush wnltiivg
to Jimmy the company squurely on
the coco at tho first uppuaranco of
tho aforesaid company's benn.
Those telephone cases may be tho
opening wedgo toward determining
how far the government has control
over the rights or status to regulato
public utilities within their own
borders, and inuy havo an Important
bearing on tho future of government
control and ownership ot public
As It Is, there Is not u community
In tho state but Is waiting to see
what tho public service commission
will do.
In tho light of Increases in Port
land on tho Portland Hallway, Light
& Power company, us well as of the
interurban carfare rises, and In
creases given to utilities In many
parts ot tho stato, It Is likely that
with tho first dawn of pcaco tho
commission will tako a gougo at tho
telophono company, It Is apparent
that prices for materials, at least,
will drop to a certain extent and sup
plies ot many kinds will go tho same
wuy. Tho company, , or tho govorn
ment cannot expect to hold out for
long tho cry of advancing costs, bo
causo costs will probably go down.
Tho postmaster general gavo as
surances when ho took over tho
lines that ho would hotter tho reve
nues by increasing tho volumo ot
business, and that tho way tho vol
umo of business would ho Increased
would ho by lower rules und hotter
service. Instead tho company lias
Immediately been endeavoring to put
on higher rated with a service which
smells to tho high heavens. If any
of tho government ownership bugs
think Hint the P. M. O. Is making
their cause popular they should back
up nnd go down another switch.
Just ask any poor, downtrodden gink
who has been asked to punglo up
10 or 1C bucks as an Installation
His answer would have to be print
ed on asbestos paper to securo tho
propor effect.
is i:i.i:crn:r grand caitain ok
Clyde McKay of this city was elect
ed grand captain ot the guard,
Knights Tomplar. at an adjourned
mooting or the nnrrTial conclave which
wits held In Salem Monday. Kugeno
was selected as tho meeting place of
tho annual grand conclave to ha hold
tho Hccond Thursday In October, next
The mooting ut Halcm was called
nt tho order of Grand Commander
Kdward E. Kiddle of Island City,
and wan u continuance of tho meet
ing held In this city in October,
which was brought to an adjourn
ment through the death of ono ot tho
mombors und prominent officers dur
ing tho noon recess.
(Krom Tuesday's Dally.)
Immediately following tho opening
of tho city tho annual carnival of tho
Mooso lodgo Is to bo staged horo, It
was announced this afternoon. Plans
havo been made for several weeks
for tho event, and everything Is in
readiness to put through tho annual
tun test.
PARIS, Dec, 4. Tho Polish gov
ornment has sent an ultimatum to
(lerniany domnudlug tho Imtnedlato
evacuation ot Polish territory which
Is bolng occupied by German troops.
In the Circuit Court of the Stato (if
Oregon, for the County ot Do.
Stella Y. Hnnklns, Plaintiff, vs.
Ilalph E. Hunklnit, Defendant.
To Ilalph E, Hnnklns, tho Above
Named Defendant:
In tho name of tho Htatn of Ore
ron, you nro hereby required to ap
pear and answer (he complaint In
tho above entitled suit on or before
January 16, 1910, that date lining
six weeks from the first publication
of this summons: or for want there
of the plaintiff will apply to (he above
entitled court for and take a decree
of divorce against you mid for the
care, custody and control ot the
minor child of said niurrlne, namely,
Ilalph V. HunkltiH. This HUiniiions In
served upon you by publication there
of once a week for six consecutive
nnd successive weeks, pursuant to an
order of the Hon. T. K. J. Duffy,
Judge of tho above untitled court,
data Dccombor 3rd, 1918.
Attorney for Plaintiff
First publication, Dec. fi. 1918.
Lnst publication, Jan. 10, 1919,
4 0-1 fie
('UmIOtiI kilvurtUinir thitrttF tr Uu SO
cent for 10 wuriU f !. Ono rnt it
wuril (or nil over 20. All rlaulfUil mlvrrtUlni;
trlrllr rtih In mlvmicr..
i-oit ham:.
KOIt HAI.K Woven head or pure
bred registered Hampshire bucks,
ono year old. Priced right. Will
sell one or nil. Phono No. 4 OR
Itedtnoud exchange. J, J. Ellin
ger, Hedmond, Ore, 83.3G-I0p
MONEY TO LOAN- IG000.00 to loan
on Improved farm land, Deschutes
County Abstract Co. 90:iGtfc
WANTED A toam of mares, about
lftOO lbs. each, for cash. Address
Plercy & Sons, Tumulo, Oro.
WANTED Krosh Bhorthorn milch
cows. I), L. Tone, Sisters, Oregon,
LOST Dark ray tnulo, branded 84
liar on left stllle, Howard. J, O.
Silver, Deschutes, Oro, 71-39-42p
TAKEN UP On my plnco, 3 rnlloa
oust of Ilend, 1 red calf, right ear
cropped, brand on left hip not
plain. Owner can havo iiamo by
claiming such and paying ad. und
food bill. P. Nolson. 48-:i8-41p
Try a Ilulletlii Want Ad for quick
Notice Is hereby given that the
City of Mend has taken up tho fol
lowing described llvo stock, towlt:
One black horse, about .1 yearn old,
white star In forehead, has boll on:
brands undecipherable. The cost of
redeeming said live stock will bo
$1.00 per day In addition to actual
expense of keeping and cent of ad
vertising. In case of failure to ro
deem on part of owner said live stock
will be sold an provided by the
charier or the City of Mend on the
7th day of December at :i p. in. ut
city pound,
Chief of Police and ex-Offlelo
Poundmanter. 39-4Qa
Notice Is hereby given that tho
City of Ilend has taken up the fol
lowing described live stock, to-wit:
Ono bay mare about 10 years old,
branded DIAMOND right shoulder;
one hay colt ntmtil 7 months old,
brands. If any, undecipherable; ono
bay hortie about 8 yearH old, branded
lazy D left stllle. The cost of re
deeming said live stock will be $1.00
per day and cost or advertising. In
ruse of failure to redeem on part ot
owner, said llvo stock will be sold as
provided by the charter of the City
of Ilend on the 14th day of December
nl :i p. in. at City Pound.
Chief of Police and ox-Ofllelo
Pouudninster. 10-4 lo
STIIAYKD $n.00 reward for the re
turn or Information leading to the
recovery of black hull, 11 mouths
old; left ear cropped with W cut
out. C. II. Graffeiibergor, Mllllcan,
i.irwi uai i.' ti-n .. ii i.... . ". 'w.
. ui uiiiii. iwu iu;nin, mi irrigllll'll,
under Arnold ditch system; 135
acres cultivated, 30 In alfalfa,
clover and timothy; level; deep
soil, free of rocks; 7-rooni house,
barn, 2 cisterns. Iteason for sale
am widow, Prlco reasonable, in
cows and young stock. Mm. Mury
Kuotts, G miles from Ilend Oro.
G head ot cattle, J, O.
Whltaker, Ilend.
Brand Directory
Mllllcmi, Oregon.
, adv.80p
night ahjoj rjght oar cropf r a .
pod; wjattlo right hind log. lvT
11. L. TONE, Hlstor, Oro. I
auvayuo ;
Mllllcmi, Oregon.
(This brand has bqon sold to II. E.
inn n, iii, fliouru.j