The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 05, 1918, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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i n mm taiuy
MOVED. Jl. A. A. C. fllvei Use of llulltlluR
for Hospital Sltunllon In
City Is Greatly Ini
proved. (From Monday'e Dally.)
Tho Emergency hospital was
closed at noon today. In a report to
it special mooting of tho executive
committee, held shortly boforo dinner
today, Manager Donoran reported
that only four patients wero In tho
Institution, thrco of whom wero con
valescent, and that conditions wero
such In tho city that the now cases
might ho taken caro of In their
homes, or In other quarters less ex
pensive. Thcro nro approximately 40 cases
of tho InHuenza In tho city at tho
present time, part of which aro con
valescent and aro being adequately
cared for without the expenso of
maintaining tho gymnasium ns n
Concluding tho report of Mr.
Donovan, It was voted by the mem
bers of tho committee present that
tho Institution bo closed Immediately
and that a statement of the expendi
tures and disbursements bo prepared
by Mr. Donovan to bo presented at
n meeting of tho commltteo held
Wednesday evening. In the mean
time, Miss McClay Is to remain In tho
employ of tho hospital board until
December 7, for tho purpose of mak
ing collections from tho patients as
far as possible, either in cash or
According to Mr. Donovan, who is
nlso acting as assistant city health
officer, tho situation In tho city Is
greatly improved, few now cases be
ing reported, nnd all thost who are
111 Improving rapidly.
An order was Issued by the city
health officer Saturday evening mak
ing it ft misdemeanor to cough or
snecio on the streets of the city, and
city officials today declared the rulo
would be rigidly enforced, additional
police protection being put on to
aid tho officers In-patrolling the city.
At tho same tlmo a quarantine of all
homes where tho dlseaso is to be
found has been ordered, no person
being permitted to enter or leave the
No Itent Cliai-Rccl.
No dally rent was charged for the
nso of the gymnasium by the Bend
Amateur Athletic club, but any
amount which may be offered by the
hospital board will be accepted. At
n special meeting of the directors,
held Sunday evening, It was ordered
that tho minimum dally rental of 525
bo waived for tho period from No
vember 1 to December 2, tho time
during which it was used as an emer
gency hospital to take caro of the
Influenza cases In tho city. This will
relievo a portion of tho deficiency
that exists, although it is expected
that tho hospital board will make
Bomo provision to reimburse the club
for tho building.
(From Friday's Dally.)
Mrs. Clifford D. Ketchara of Phila-
delphia, formerly Esther Jano Clark
of this city, has recently recovered
from an attack of tho Influenza and
pneumonia, according to a letter
written by her to friends In this city.
The condition of the epidemic in
Philadelphia is best shown by an ex
tract from her letter In which sho
sayB "Philadelphia was a city of
death for six woeks and it will tako
years to forget tho horror of It all
There wero 11,000 deaths In October
alone, and the mental effect was such
that It Is a wonder that anyone hav
Ing tho dread disease lived,"
Mrs. Ketcham Is now with a sis
tor in Cloveland, Ohio, .recovering
$500,000 $2,000,000
NONE $100,000
iuRicWKih BEND
On Runner Service.
Ono night n man named Hart el nnd
I wero detailed for runner servlco and
wero Instructed to go to Dlxmude and
deliver certain dispatches to a man
whom I will call the burgomaster nnd
report to tho branch staff headquar
ters that had been secretly located Jn
another part of town. Wo wero to
travel In an automobllo and keep a
sharp watch ns we went, for Dlxmude
was being contested hotly at thnt tlmo
nnd German patrols were In the neigh
borhood. No one know exactly whore
they would break out next
So we started out from tho third
line trenches, but very shortly ono of
our outposts stopped m. Ilartel car
ried the dispatches and drove the car
too, bo It was up to roc to explain
things to the sentries. They wero
convinced after n bit of arguing. Just
as wo were leaving n message came
over the phone from our commander,
telling them to hold us when we came.
It was lucky they stopped us, for oth
erwise we would have been out of
reach by the time his message came.
The commander told me, over the tele
phone, that If a French Hag flew over
the town the coast would be clear; If n
Belgian, that our forces were either
In control or were nbout to tako over
tho place but that Germans patrols
wero near. After this we started
When we had passed the last post
we kept n sharp lookout for the Hag
on tho pole of the old fish market, for
by this we would get our bearings
nnd perhaps, if It should be a German
flag, a timely warning. Hut after wo
were down the road a bit ond had got
clear we saw n Dclglan flag whipping
around In a good, strong breeze. Hut
while that showed that our troops or
the British were about to take over
tho place It also Indicated that the
Germans were somewhere near by.
Which was'not so cheerful.
As we went throujjh the suburbs
along the canal which runs on the
edge of the town we found that all
the houses were battered up. We
tried to hall several heads that stuck
themselves out of the spaces between
buildings and stuck themselves back
Just as quickly, but we could not get
an answer. Finally we got hold of
a man who camo out from n little
He told us that the Germans had
been through the town and had nhot
It up considerably, kilUng anil wound
ing n few inhabitants, but that shortly
rfterward a small force of Belgian
Invalry had arrived and driven tho
Roches out. The Germans were ex
pected cither to return or begin a bom
bardment ut any moment and all tho
Inhabitants who sported cellars wero
biding In them. Tho rest wero trying
to get out of town with their belong
ings ns best they could.
On reaching our objective we mndo
straight for the Hotel de VIllc, whero
wo were admitted nnd after a short
wait taken to the burgomaster. Wo
questioned him ns to news, for we had
been Instructed to pick up any Infor
mation ho might have as to conditions.
But we did not get much, for he could
not get about because of the Germans,
who had made It a policy to terrorlzo
the people of tho town.
We had Just got Into tho car nnd
wero nbout to start when tho burgo
master himself came running out. Ho
ordered us to leave the car there and
said ho would direct us whero to go.
He Insisted that we go on foot, but 1
could not understand when ho tried
to explain why.
Wo eoon saw tho probablo reason
for tho burgomaster's refusal to rldo
In the car. All around for about a
mile tho roads wero heavily mined nnd
small red flags on Iron staves wero
ituck between the cobblestones, as
wurnlngs not .to j)Ut Jn. much tlmo
IIKNI) nUIiliKTIN, 1KNI, )11K0N,
irolind those 1acc"ar."A1io,"TlieTo wt-i'o
notices stuck up nil around wnrnlng'
people of tho mines uml forbidding
benvy carts to pass. When wo got
off tho road I breathed again 1
After a great deal of questioning we
Qnally reached our destination nnd
mndc our report to the local coimiinnu1
tnt. We told him all we co'uld and In
turn received various Information
from him. Wo were then taken over
to tho hotel. Here we road a few
Paris newspapers, that wero several
woeks old, until nbout eight, when wo
had dinner, and a lino dinner It was,
After wo had eaten nil we could, nnd
wished for more room In tho hold, wo
went out Into the garden and yarned
n while with some gendarmes, nnd
then wont to bed. We had a big room
on the third floor front. We had Just
turned In, nnd were all sot for a good
night's rest, when there was an explo
sion of n different kind from any I
had heard before, nnd wo nnd the bed
rocked nbout, like n cnuou In tho wako
of a stern-wheeler.
There wero seven more explosions,
nnd then they stopped, though wo
could hear tho rattle of a machine gun
nt some dlstnnco uway. Bartel said It
must be the forts, and nftor some argu
ment I agreed with him. He said that
the Germans must have tried an ad
vance under cover of n bombardment,
nnd that ns soon ns the forts got Into
action tho Germans breezed. Wo wero
not worried much, so wo did not gut
out of bed.
A few minutes Inter we heard foot
steps on tho roof, nnd then u woman
In a window ncross the street, asking
n gendarme whether it wits sufo to go
back to bed. Thou I got up and took
a look Into the street. There wore a lot
of people standing nround talking, but
it was not interesting enough to keep
a tired man up, so Into tho hay.
It seemed nbout the middle of tho
night when Bartel called me, but ho
said it was time to get out nnd got to
work. Wo found he had made a poor
guess, for when wo were half dressed
he looked nt his watch anil It was only
a quarter past seven, but we decided
to stay up, since wo wore that far
nlong, nnd then go down and crulso for
a breakfast.
When wo got downstairs and found
some of tho hotel peoplo It took them
n long time to get It through our heads
that there had been some real excite
ment during the night. The explosions
wero those of bombs dropped by a
Zeppelin, which hud sailed over tho
The first bomb had fallen less than
two hundred yards from whero wo
slept. No wonder the bed rocked I It
had struck n narrow three-story house
around tho corner from the liojrl, nnd
had blown It to bits. Ten peoplo hnd
been killed outright, and a number
died Inter. The bomb tore a flno holo
and hurled pieces of Itself several hun
dred yards. Tho Btreet Itself was
filled with rocks, and a number of
houses were down, and others wreck
ed. When wo got out Into the street
and talked with some army men wo
found that even they wero surprised
by the forco of tho explosion.
Wo learned that the Zepp had sailed
not more than five hundred feet nbovo
the town. Its motor had been stopped
Just beforo tho Unit bomb was let go,
nnd It had slid along perfectly silent
nnd with all lights out. The purr thnt
wo had thought was mncjilno gunB,
after tho eighth explosion, wns tho
starting of the motor, as the Zopp got
out of ran no of tho guns that wero be
ing set for tho nttnek.
Tho last bomb had struck In a largo
square. It toro a holo In tho coble
Mono pavement nbout thirty feet
square and five feet deep. Every win
dow on tho bquara was smashed. Tho
fronts of tho houses wero riddled with
various sized holes. AH tho crockery
and china nnd mirrors In tho houso
H om In fragments-.-
X --
Not imicTTiimru than mi hour before
tho Zopp came, wo hnd boon silting in !
n room nt the houso of tho local mili
tary comtniiiuliiiit, right under u big
glass-domo sltyHcht. Tills limine wan
now n very pretty ruin, nnd It was Just
ns well that wo loft when wo did. You
could not even II ml n splinter of tho
big round table, The next tlmo I sit
under a glass skylight In Dlxiutide, I
want a lad villi a llvo eye for Zeppe
lins on guard outside.
Something aliout the branch head
quarters ruins iiiadu u think of break
fast, which we had forgotten, so hack
to tho hotel. Then wo started buck to
our lined. Wo were ordered to keep
tu the main road all the way buck, or
wo would ho shot on sight, nnd to re
port to headijuartors Immediately on
our return. I thought If tho sight of
mo was so dlHtastoful to anybody, I
would not tako tho chnnco of offend
Ing, being anxious to bo pollto In such
cases. So wo stuck to the main road.
Fritz did not give us any troublo and
we wero back by five, with all hand
i out to greet us when wo novo In slghl.
and n regular prodigal son welcome on
tap, for wo wero niter than they hnd
expected us, and they hnd made up
their minds that some accident had
While I was nround Dlxmude. I snw
ninny living men nnd women nnd chil
dren who hnd been mutilated by tho
Germans, but most of them were wom
en nnd children. Almost every ono
of thu mutllntod men was too old for
military service. The others hnd been
killed, I guess.
But the Belgians wero not tho only
ones who hnd suffered from German
kultur. Jinny French wounded wore
tortured by the Ilims, nnd we wero
constantly finding the mutilated luxllei
Wo Were Constantly Finding the Mutl
lated Bodies of Our Troopi.
of our troops. It was thought that tho
Germans often mutilated it dead body
as an example to the living.
The Germnns had absolutely no re
spect whatever for the Bed Cross. For
Instance, they captured n wngon load
ed with forty French wounded, and
shot every one of them. I saw tho
dead bodies.
When the Germnns camo. to Dlr
mudo they got all the men and women
nnd children nnd mndo them march
beforo them with their hands In tho
nlr. Thoso who did not were knocked
down. After a while somo of them saw
what they were going to get, nnd being
as gntno sports ns I ever heard of, tried
to fight. They wero finished off nt
once, of course.
Tho former burgomaster hnd been
shot nnd finished off with nn ar,
though ho had not resisted, becnuso ho
u-ntitfl n nave tho lives of his citi
zens. They told mo of one case, In Dlx
mude, whero a man came out or ins
houne, trying to carry his futher, n
man of eighty, to tho square, whero
they wero ordered to report. Tho old
man could not ralso his hands, so they
irni'fixi his son uwnv from him,
knocked the old man In tho head with
nn nx, ond left him thero to die. Thoso
who were spared wero mudo to dig tho
graves for the others.
There was n doctor thcro In Dlx
mude, who certainly deservos n mili
tary cross if uny tnnn ever did, Ho
wns called from his houso by tho Ger
mans nt G :30 ono morning. Ho left his
wife, who hud hud n baby two days
beforo, In tho house. Ho was taken to
tho squure, lined up against n wall
with thrco other big men of tho town.
Then ho snw his wlfo and baby being
carried to tho square on a mnttresH by
four Germans. He begged to bo nl
lowed to kiss Ids wife good-by, and
they grunted him permission. As hu
stepped uway, there was n rattle nnd
tho other men went West. They shot
him, too, but though ho wiih riddled
with bullets ho lived, somehow, nnd
begged tho Germnn olllcer to let him
accompany IiIh wlfo to tho prison
whero they wero taking her. This was
t'mn"'L tco. but- ou. thu. war. they
Tuning i
AA Your Itrmfitt
Gold metallic boxei
Klbbon. TAKa no
ti.ull Anil aik
-lv ' ' JSKJaO
&Jf sVJrfX.
for cni-ciins-TKR n A ,
, tetted with VluetC?
OTUKB. ir;nr v
r. mrxiHifS.Tus V
years rcRtrilcd Dt, Bifctt, Always KtlULlc
(From Monday's Dally,)
A comploto check of tho men who
hnvo boon Inducted Into servlco, both
for oversells duly and limited service,
together with tho date of their In
dticttous and tho camp to which thuy
were sent, has been completed by
tho local war board. Tho report
covers n period of tlmo from March,
1018, until tho HlguliiK of tho armis
tice. With tho completion of thin re
port and suveral cither statements,
the work of tho wnr bonrd Is prac
tically brought to a close. Those
Htatumoitts hnvo taken tho tlmo of
Ciinlrmuu Itohortn, Secretary I Inner
and Stenographer Wolf during the
past two months. All that now re
mains to be done In the work Is tho
alphabetical arrangement of quos
ttonuatroH. Prlvuto Worlf expects to leave
either Tuesday or Wednesday for tho
Vancouver training station, mid will
probably receive his dlxchiifKo. He
has been hero aiding the local war
board In the limited servlco since
early In September.
Tho total number of uieti sent from
the county during the period from
March, 1918. to November 111 IS, was
178. This does not Include tho vol
unteers or tho mmi who have been
nu'lgufd to the Students' Army
Training courses.
(From Saturday's Dally.)
Fdwnrtl I. AbrHhuiiiHOit uml Miss
Anna Anderson wore married In this
dty Wednesday afternoon by Itnv.
i nderlck A. T. CoriielliiHSHii of thu
NvAeglan church. They urn to
make their home In this city.
(From Saturday's Dally.)
Itaiigo stock In tho neighborhood
of Hampton nro now In good shnpo,
but there Is the poimllilllty of a liny
shortage beforo spring In the event
of an extrnmt) wiutttr, according to
Wm. atelnkump, who was In from his
Hampton ranch yiwterday.
di:i:i wi:i.i. Ditii.t.iNu.
(From Baturday'a Dally.)
Arthur H. Kd wards of Mtlllcnti Is
In tho city today on IiiinIiumm. Mr
Kd wards Is having a well drilled on
tils ranch, the drillers already lining
down to u depth of Sou feet.
nenrd tho souiuTIif firing. The" soldiers
yelled. "Die Frnnrosenl" nnd dropped
tho mnttroMs ntid ran. But It was only
some of their own butchers nt work.
Doctor Laurent cnrrled his wlfo nnd
baby to an old aqueduct that wns being
rebuilt by the crook. Thero they lived
for three days nnd three nights, on tho
few herbs and the water that Doctor
Laurent sneaked out uml got at night.
Doctor Laurent says that when tho
Germans killed and crucified the civil
Inns nt Dlxmude, they first robbed
them of their wutches, pockctbooks,
rings and other things. Thero wns n
Mnilomo Tllmnns there, who hnd hnd
thrco tliousnnd frnncs stolen from her
and was misused besides.
These were Just n very few of tho
things that happened at Just ono plnco
whero the Germans got to work with
their "kultur." So you can plcturo tho
Belgians agreeing on it German pence,
while thero Is n Belgian alive to nrguo
nbout It. They will remember tho Ger
mnns n long time, I think. But they
need not worry: thero nro a lot of us
who will not forget, either.
(To Bo Continued.)
Your Holiday Menu
(Mr Unllcl I'rro In Tlir llrn.l Mullrtln.)
PORTLAND, Doc. 'J. Tho seventh
annual Oregon Irrigation congress
will meet ut the Imperial hotel, Port
laud, January U, II) and 11, This
congress has outturn! much construct
Ivo legislation In former years, and
Its sessions next month will ho of
unusual Importance hernuso of tho
new era of development for tho
northwest following tho war.
Heconstriictloii, liuid development
ami thu caro of returned soldiers nro
tho principal matters that will bo
considered by tho rongnms. Tho pro
gram committee J. W. Brewer, gov
oriimeiit farm help specialist, Port
hind; C. C ('1111111111111, editor tho Ore
gon Voter, Portland, uml (leorgo
Qunyln, of the Omgun Development
department ot tho Portland Chamber
of Coiniuitrc'i Is iirranr.lng for
speakers of national and Interna
tloual reputation. Among those who
nro expected to talk are Secretary of
the Interior l.aiio mid ttecrotnry of
Agriculture Houston.
Tho officers of JIih Oregon Irriga
tion congress are: President: Jay
11. Upton, Prlnsvllln; vice presidents.
II. W. (lard. MadrHsj D. D. Joslyn,
Jordan Valley; Portr J. Noff, Mod
ford, and tlm sucrntary, Fred N.
Wullnctt of Tumalo.
(From Hatiirduy's Dolly.)
Private John J. Fan nil. with the
expeditionary fore In Franco, naiuU
his appreciation (or a Bulletin to
bacco kit to F. WIUimi of Tumalo.
"Many thanks for th tobacco kit,"
ho says. "Vuur gift Is warmly up
preclatoly by a soldier hoy In
Four chnlrs at your service nt tho
Metropolitan. No walling.-Adv.
Cut Till-. Out It l Worth .Mime).
DON'T MlHil TIIIH Cut nut this
slip, undone with fc to Foley & Co,
U.xar. Hhetllelil Ave . Chlcngo, III ,
writing your name and address clear
ly. You will receive In return a trial
packmen containing Foley's Honey
and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds
and croup, Foley Kidney Pills mid
Foley Cathartic Tablets fluid every
where Adv.
The Htist Way
To Huy
To Sell
To Exchange
Call No. 561
calls for Crescent JJetttr
Extracts. They are full
of flavor, and the flavor
does not cook out it's
the hinder.
Get them from your grocer
All standard flavor.
The Owl Pharmacy
""""iirnn r ii uiihw -n
--"- imrr