The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 05, 1918, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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The Bend Bulletin
KnIaIiIHkmI ll(2.
An Independent nowBnnpor stand
ins for the squnro deal, clean bus!
boss, clean politics and tlio best In
torosts of Hond and Central Oregon.
Ono Year $2.00
Six MonthH 1.00
Throo Months .CO
Jtecently wa mentioned tho sub
ject of n memorial for our soldiers
and sailors and. now comes the Ore
gon Journal with, discussion of the
pUfittBX of rpoa for the purpose.
Safr the. journal i
"la many states plans am bow Vo-
ingr iormuuiea 10
. i '
tlon) and tlio food ndmtulstratlon's
request that wo save.
Tho American people hnvo Rhown
that they oro ready to snvo. Last
winter's solf-donlul proved that. Hut
their economy must ho urRnnlccil In
somo wny. Tlioy must too told just
what lo savo. Stnudnrdn of economy
must ho sot up for them. Otherwlso
tho food program can only bo n hit
or miss proposition, ami that Is what
must come from tho present enor
erect memorials in
honor of soldiers and sailors. A
trttlnc fenturo of theso ptans is
that the old idea of building monu
ments of stono or bronze Is hardly
discussed. Instead the general
thought seems to bo directed toward
those constructions which have lite
and can ho made to combine senti
ment with utility.
"A favorite plan Is the building of
boulevards, which are to bo adorned
with memorial trees. At tho national
capltnl an 'Avenue of the Allies' is
suggested, tho avenuo to bo planted
with trees in honor of the allied na
tions. In Chicago a 'Pershing boule
vard, to bo lined with memorial
trees, Is talked of. In St. Louis tho
planting of trees, as a proper setting
for the memorial under discussion, Is
"A similar suggestion is heard In
Kansas City. Governor Capper of
Kansas has Indorsed n plan to plant
memorial trees along tho main high
ways of tho state. 'Victory oaks' or
Victory elms' are proposed in New
York City.
"Tho suggestion that Oregon build
a 'Victory Highway' between Port
land and Salem is based on this
general trend of thought, but is
broader In conception.
"In all other plans thus far
brought forward there is more or
less a predominating feature of local
influcnco and benefit.
"This phase manifests Itself less
appreciably In tho suggestion of a
highway which offers the most in
viting field for the Integration of n
state-wldo Interest. Yet it affords
opportunity for local expression In
the way of embellishment in conform
Jty with a general scheme. Every
town or community through which
tho highway shall pass may honor
those whom it desires to so do by
planting trees, hedges or by erect
ing triumphal arches, statues or
other memorials by tho roadside.
Another thought Is that there is In
existence something on which to
build. The state has already under
taken the improvement of the road
between Salem and Portland. Theso
plans could be taken over and en
larged In conformity with tho larger i
Idea which it Is desired to symbolize
and perpetuate.
"From every viewpoint tho sug
gestion of a highway makes tho
stronccflt anneal to sentiment and
practicality. It is one which offers '
tho widest field for state effort and
one which could be made a subject ;
of progressiva development through
tho years to come."
Mr. Hopver undoubtedly knowB
What ho is talking about whenho
toljs us that wo must send unpreco
dentedvquant!t!es of food abroad and
that to" get this food wo must con
tinue to save In every wny, but In
view of other announcements con
cerning tho food situation tho public
finds Itself in a good deal of per
plexity. Lust year wo shipped abroad somo
10,000,000 tons of foodstuffs, prac
tically every bit of It representing
voluntary saving on tho part of tho
American people To effect this sav
ing, however, definite programs wero
laid boforo tho pcoplo of meatless
days, whcutless duy and tho use of
wheat substitutes in bread making.
Tho program was followed us re
quested, and the savings wero ef
fected. In other words, wo wero
given particular directions as to
suvlng specific kinds of food and wo
saved them.
Today tho wholo thing lies In tho
realm of generalities. All restric
tions on tho uso of food of overy
kind, unless perhaps sugar, aro re
moved. And In tho case of sugar
tho permitted amounts aro so largo
ns to amount to practically unre
stricted uso. Meat may bo eaten
overy day and three times a day, if
wo desire; wheat may be purchased
without substitutes, and full wheat
broad may be madq and purchased
without restraint, Tho only limits
are tho individual's qblljty to pur
chase (stjll an ' important, couuldera-
Tho pcoplo who aro running tho
affairs of tho war risk Insurnnco get
somo odd communications. Hero aro
n few authentic extracts from matter
received: .
8he la staying at a dissipated
He was Inducted Into the surface.
PreTlons to his departure wo were
marred by tho Justice of tho peace.
X have a tour months' old baby and
he Is my only support.
'A lone woman and pasley depend
ent. I was discharged from the army,
ns I have a goiter which I was sent
homo on.
I do not know my husbnnd has n
middle name, and It ho has I done
bellevo it is none.
I need his nsslstanco to keep me
Caring for my condition which I
haven't walked in 3 months from u
broko leg whoso number Is 975.
Your relation to him? Just a more
aunt and a fow cousins.
I received $61.00 and am certainly
provoked tonight.
In service of the United States
I received the Insurance Polish,
and have since moved my post of lice.
You usk for my allotment number.
I have four boys and two girls.
Please correct my name, ns I could
not go very well under a consumed
Date of birth? Not yet, but soon.
I have been In bed thirteen years
with ono doctor and I Intend to got
Dear Mr. Wilson: I havo alroady
written to Mr. Hoadquartcrs and re
ceived no reply. Now If I don't honr
from you I will wrlto to Uncle Sam
Money was kept for tho elopement
for money which I nover received.
Plnnirt roftirn ml- mnrrlnrn rnrMfl.
cato; baby hasn't eaten for two days.
Now, Mrs, Wilson, I need hulp luul;
son It tho President can't help inn. I
need him hero to sec uftor me.
It you don ndt hoiuI my allotment
1 will ho forced to lend an Immortal
My Sou Ik In tho middle of tho
Mediterranean Sen,
Tlimw WnlkhiK 'nno Awny Aflor
llchnr HcIIcumI of ItlieitmiilNiii
(Jains Fifteen Pounds.
(From Tuesday's .DatlVi)
So that members ot tho senior
class In high school nblo to
complete their studlcn and mnko the
required number of credits for grad
uation, a courao of homo study was
given out to nil members of tho clam
by Superintendent Mooro yesterday
morning nnd will bo continued by tho
students nt their homes until such
time, as tho schools of tho city uru
again opened.
With the schools closed for more
than six weeks, It was feared that
under any plan which might hu
adopted by the school hoard for the
reorganization of school classes with j
the lifting of the ban, members of j
tho senior high school class would I
not bo nblo to complete tho course j
and gain the required number of
credits for graduation unless homo
study was taken up.
Hindenburg Will Be
Taken by Workmen
and Soldiers Council
(U Unltnl Prnw to Tho Ilrnd IlulMln.)
Leipzig workmen and soldiers' I
- council has decided to arrest
Von Hindenburg' and thereby '
dissolve tho groat general head-
- quarters, it was announced to-
day In dispatches received hero.
"When I first started on Tanlaa I
wnn ho crippled up with rheumatism
that I had to use two walking sticks
In order to get about ut all. Hut
after taking tour or live bottles every
pain wits gone, and I have actually
gained fifteen pounds besides."
The above Htatetunnt was made by
William Chonto. .14 West Riverside
Ave., Spokane, Wash., recently.
"Rheumatism," ho continued,
"wns only ono of many troubles Tan
Inc relieved mo of. I had suffered
from a had stomach for twelve or
fifteen years, I couldn't ent scarcely
anything hut what gas would form
nnd almost cut off my breath, and
bring awful faint, weak feeling- over
no. Tliejro was, a terrlblo hurting
In tho pit of my etomnch, nnd It I
Ventured to eat anything except tho
lightest food It would almost put mo
out of commission.
"This wns my condition a llttlo
over n year ago when I made my
mother and brother over In Iowti a
visit. Soon after I got thorn my
troubles got worso. My kidneys
started bothering me, I had awful
pul n h in tho smalt nf my bnck, and
constantly had headache. Then
started In a Hlego of rlioutniitlmn
which 1 will never forget. I was
laid up for six months and was tint
on my back for several weeks hardly
utile to move. It started In my legN,
then got In my arms, and the pain
was something awful, from the tips
of my fingers to my toes.
"When I did get up I was In such
a had shape I had to use two canes
In order to get uliout at all and tills
Is the fix I was In when 1 got Taulac
I read the statement nf a mini In
thu paper one day, that (It my case
exactly, and decided lo see It It would
do mo any good. Well, to make h
long story short, Taulac simply did
wonders for me. Ileforo I llnlnhed
my second bottle, 1 threw my ennes
away, and could walk as good mm
anyone. And out; why, I never had
such nu appetite. All the Houruexn
left my xtoumcli. my ImckachH and
headaches disappeared and I havmi'l
lisd it touch of rheumatism to thin
good day. One of llione-liottleM of
Til nl uc I drove 30 inllos lo get. our
local druggist being nut at the tint"
and I would do to again under th
same circumstance. It's n f;il '
ploiiHiire for mo to recommend Tnn
lac, and I will gladly toll anyone
personally what It has done for me."
Taiiluc Is sold In lluml by Owl Drug
Co . In Sisters by Geo. K. Altkwn and
In Heiul by llorton Drug Co. -Adv.
Try n Want Ad.
For Quick Results.
Hippodrome, Dec. 9 to 14
The Lid is Off! The Town's
Wide Open-Every thing Goes
FuiIfrori Start to Finish. Six Nights for you to
Enjoy Yourself, after two months staying at home
Real Old Time '49 Days are to be brought down to
the present time.
House and Lot and Other Valuable Prizes are to be Given Away
Admission 10 Cents Doors open at eight o'clock. Close when you are tired
Beginning today and
continuing until Christ
mas Eve, we announce
Hend having been tinder thu in
fluenza ban lor the last eight
weeks has left us with n much
larger stock than wc usually
curry at this season of the year.
NOW is your chance to buy
useful and appreciated Christ
mas Gifts at a great BRvinf
Our tpc will only pt rwit ui to mm
tion few of the many item w bv
to offer
MII.UNKHV In nil tlio tip-to-date
Htyli'H. QUALITY thu liont,
nt u kiivIiik nu every
Hut from to
COATS In nil tlio nowcHt
hIiiuIvh. In 'IIioIIiiom, I'liiHliim,
Volntirri uiul heavy wool Clmv
IiiIh; Hold olnn where ut from
J27.00 to $:i0 00; &n)rft O,
our clomi tin iirliW-SUWlJ'
Wo liitvn iiiiiuy other bountiful
CtmtH In nil tlio now mill want
ed tiiiitorlulH uiul colorn, lit liotli
plain uiul fur trimmed, from
T'm $150.00
Ml'ITS III HorKOH. Volutin, HII
verlonorf, I'elililo Cheviot anil it
lumiillfiil ituiillty of llroud
cloth; any Kiiriuoiit iuiioiik thin
lot noli! elnewhere ut from
$.tr,.()0 to; our clean
up price. tpMAM
to N
In our Wiilnt Section wo hnvo 11
complete Hue III the Worlhmor
mid Wolwortli. mnl llmirwUo
Crepe uiul CreptMlo-Cliliiifi.
fr... ei. $110.00
lUUCHHKri Nuver In Central
Ort'Kun Iiiin there liuuti hiicIi u
ntuck of DreHNim put on unto nt
one time. Themi urn nil the
very Intent Htylen, material and
color, In HorKen, JnroeyH, Vn
lourH, HutliiH, TnfTutnii, (leorK
ultii Crepe, Crept'-ile-Ctilne,
VolveteoliH mnl Clilrfou Vel
vet; not II l)reni III the lot Hold
elnewhere for Im than fl.HOO
to I7T. 00. our clean up price,
In CiulemklrtM we have Moulin,
hlili'k mnl colored tfnleeiifi, nil
color TurtetiiH. Milk Jorwoy top
with tafleta Milk llouiiriw, mnl
nil Silk Jemo); clean up
SZU $7.50
In l.uilliV 1'uderwcnr mnl Nen
IlKeeH we have beautiful wit In
mill erepe-de chilli CniiiIkoIihi,
from 9l.!i-"v ftoj n;
Ileatitlful Cropc-du Chine mnl
Corduroy Klmonan mnl Hath
in."" $12.00
The Parisian
Corner Wall (if Oreu'nn St. Demi, Ore if on
Mall Or Jen I3iompllj and Carefully Filled
JL J 1 J-jJL- o
We are unloading another car of feed which will he
the last car we can get for at least a couple of .weeks.
While it lasts we will sell at the same prices as our
car of last week, most of which was sold before the car
Bran and Shorts per ton $39.00
Rolled Oats, per sack , $2.10
Rolled Barley . $2.25
- a.. -
E wish to announce that we will
soon be able to make deliveries
of Ford Cars as tho Ford Motor
Co. is now making overy effort to pro
duce tho Universal Car. Production,
however, is going to be very slow,
and deliveries, consequently, will be
inconsistent. We therefore urge that
you give us your order immediately
so we can send it in, as cars will be dis
tributed on orders only. Let's have
your spring order now.
Cent. Ore. Motor Co.