IIKNI) IIILLKTIN, IIHNf), ORKOON, TIIUIINDAV, NOVEMBER 28, 1018 PAOH 7 FORD WRECKED IN COLLISION TWO INJURED SERIOUS LY, TWO SLIGHTLY. i.'nr Driven by Lrtrr Wilkinson flora Hrfl(J On Into Orfycon Trunk Nwltcnlnff I Engine. f (From Saturday's Dallr.) Two tnomliera of an automobile parly were seriously Injured and two nllghtly Injured when n Kord enr, driven nl a high rntn of upend, dashed Into nn Oregon Trunk awltch onglno on thn Franklin street cross Iiik of tlio 0. T and H. I. & 8. tracks nt y o'clock last night. Thn Injured were Luster Wilkinson, driver; Jason Price, Lillian Oeriird and Idn Rnlil, Wllklnnon and Minn Clmirnrd nrn nt (ho Ilcnd sunxlcal hospital, where thoy nni receiving tnodlcnl attention MIhh DiiIiI remained nt thn homo of friends IiinI ulKht, hut wun tuken to hur own homo (IiIh mornliiK. Tim party hnd linen out for nn nuto ride nnd worn niturnltiK to tho city when ttiii accident happened. All members of tho party thin mornliiK agree Hint tho cur was being drlviin perhaps no miles pur hour. As thoy nenri'd thn rnllrond cross Iiik WllkliiHon, who was drlvliiK. failed to net) tho lights of thn nwltch engine, which wnn bncklnic down tho trnck. Thin una perhaps duo to tho fnct Hint thn sldo curtains worn fastened tightly down on bin nldo, nnd whom tho glass hnd been broken out blnck oilcloth hnd boon sewed In, entirely shutting off any nldo vision Just nn thoy renchnd tho trucks ono of thn party In thn iicnt with tho driver saw thn appronchlng locomo tive nnd Knro tho alarm. Wllklnnon swerved tho enr to tho right In nn offnrt to avoid n collision, nnd tho machine crashed Into thn nwltch oiikIiio nt nn angle Junt In front of tho forward truckn, Tho engineer, who lind seen tho enr romltiK, not bin brakes nnd suc ceeded In coming to n ntop nftnr tho tnncbluo hnd bon dragged n distance of nbout 30 font, Tho members of thn pnrty worn taken from tho wrecked enr by mum born of tho trnln crow nnd witnesses to tho nccldunt, nnd phynlclnnn cnllod. Iloth Wllklnnon nnd Minn flournrd arc suffering from numerous woundn Inflicted by tho flying glass from tho windshield, while those In thn roar neat received their Injuries from tho nuto top, which wnn crunhod In upon them when tho enr ntruck tho onglno. Tho automobile, which wan the property of Wllklnnon, In almont n total ruin, thn entire front nnd bo Inx dnmaged beyond repair. Wltnonncn to thn necldont thin morning declnrcd no blnmo for tho necldont could bo pltcod upon tho engineer or members of tho trnln crow. Tho nwltch onglno carrlod n headlight both In front and In tho roar, both of which worn llghtod, while tho bell hnd been kopt ring ing conntnntly. It In presumed thnt thn occupnntn of tho enr, through their Innblllty to noo out of tho nldo curtnlnn nnd tho ronr of tho engine, neither heard nor nnw tho approach Iiik train until It wnn too lato. WHAT AN OLD GEEHER DID. Thorn wnn nn old gaenor, ho had n lot of nonno. Ho ntnrtod up n biittluoHH on n dollnr eighty contN, Tho dollnr for ntock nnd tho eighty for nn ad brought him th run lovely dollars In n day, by dad. Well, ho bought moro Koodtt and n llttlo nioro space, nnd ho played thnt ays torn with n smllo on IiIh face. Tho ctiHtomora flocked to hla two-by-four, und uoon ho hnd to huntlo for n regular ntoro. Up on tho uqunro whuro tho pooplo pnnn, ho gobbled up a corner thnt wnn nil plato glntta, Ho fixed up tho window with tho bent ho had and told thorn nil nbout It In n full pago nd, Ho uoon hnd om coming, nnd ho never, novor quit, nnd ho didn't cut down IiIh nds ono darn whit. And ho kopt things hum ming In tho town ovor since, nnd ovorybody calls him tho merchant prince. Soma nay It'u luck, but that'll all bunk; why, ho was doing business when tho times woro punk, Pooplo havo to purchnsu and Oio goosor wns wise for ho know tho way, to got 'om was to ndvortlso. Ex. (X)Illl COMING FKI). 10, i ' (From Monday'a Dally.) Irwin S. Cobb, noted lecturer und author, will nrrlvo horo on tho ly coum platform Fobruary 10, accord ing to word received today. AT HOME IN LOFTY PLACES Mountain Cheep Cllmbn With Oafety nd Cmo Where No Hunter Would Dare Venture. Of nil American animals, bighorn, thn mountain sheep, In ono of tho mont reinnrknblo. Not only In ho remark iililn In appearance, but ho In equally reinnrknblo In bin nblllty to live, nnd llvo well, In nn environment whore It would acorn thnt no nnlmnl of such nlzn could possibly auntnln Itfo. There, on tho roof of tho world, ho not only auntalnn life, but, winter or winner, appesrs to bo fat and In the beat of condition. In America there nro alt species of mountain sheep. Tho Urgent nnd bent known la the truly magnificent big horn, also called Itocky mountain sheep. One nbundnnt In tho Reck Inn, from Mexico to Ilrltlnh Columbia, It In now found only In amnl! scattered bands. Thla In duo to mnn'n pernlntent bunting. It la now protected for a term of yearn In some states, and la nlowly Increasing !n numbcra. Bighorn la of a gray-brown color, with n white or crcam-ycllow patch on thn hind quarters. A big rnm will weigh WX) pounds. Tho femulo la amnller. Iloth mnlo nnd femulo bnrc horns, but thono of tho Intter nrn abort nnd straight, whllo thono of tho rnm nro linmeiino nnd curvo buck nnd nround until sometimes thoy fonn nl mont n complete circle. Thn bighorn lives In tho mont Inac cessible plnces among thn towering critics of tho Itocky ninuntnlnn, nnd travels with ennn plncen In which It would neem no creature lacking wings could ponnlbly get obouL sIt bounds down precipices which appear to tho onlooker to offer no foothold, nnd Its safe nrrlvnl nt tho bottom neems little lens thnn n mlrnclc. It r.cnles cliffs which tho hunter dnres not attempt. People's Homo Journal. SMALL REWARD FOR BIG FIND Man Who Discovered Qold In Au trails Remunerated by the Mag nificent Olft of Five Dollar. Tho first dlncoTcry of gold In Aus tralia wnn mndo na early as 1839 by n convict servant of n Hcotch aettlcr named McAllster. Tills mnn found n nugget f what ho rightly conceived to be gold whllo tending his master's sheep near where tho town of Hnllarnt now stnndn, and took It to McAllster, who submitted It to tho governor, Sir George Olpps. Tho Intter hnd It annoyed, and found that It really wan gold, but fearing n mutiny of thn convicts If tho truth woro nllnwed to become known, ho kept his knowledgo to htmnetr. Menu while, ho ordervd tho finder of tho specimen to bo given n sovereign (f5) In recognition of his Monterprlne." Tills Is probnbly tho smallest re word ever given to n white man for what wan tho biggest find recorded In history, for when, 12 yeom Inter, Ed ward llargrenvcu rediscovered thono name goldflrlds, many millions sterling were taken from thorn In tho courso of b few months. Dread of Poverty. A Brest denl of apparent poverty comes from drend of poverty. A man snves every cent and goes mind nnd soul hungry and, ten to one, ho Is starving somebody clao at tho an me time, along with himself. Ho Is rvnlly poor, for tho time being, although ho ban n large bank account. Poverty will como every tlmo nn tho result of tho Improper attltudo fownrd money. Money Is not a reality; It represents things that wo consider for our good. Hut there Is no poverty llko thnt of tho starred noul that shrinks and dries up Into narrowness nnd compres sion. In getting tho feeling of wenlth, look nbout you. 8eo all tho wonders of nature; bellevo thnt won ders will happen and then get rendy for them. After tho day's work Is done, build nlr castles, nnd then go In nnd lay n strong foundation under ono of them. Expect to develop Into efllclency necessary for tho bigger Job, Tho key to this Hen In your hnnds In doing tho llttlo things well. Pat rick Fcnton, In tlio Nautilus. Lead Poisoning In Waterfowl. According to Mr. Alexander Wet nioro of tho United States biological survey, lend poisoning In waterfowl, which has been known for n number of years, has recently assumed consid erable economic Importance. Wild ducks, whistling awnns and n few oth er birds subject to tho disease, pick up nnd swallow pellets of nhot lying Nn tho mud In mnruhoa nnd shallow Inkea nbout old shooting blinds. Tho hot remains In tho stomach until It has been ground Into flno particles by tilts of gravel, nwnllowed to aid di gestion, and part of tho lend Is pro gressively absorbed Into tho system, resulting In alow paralysis, emaciation nnd death. Mr. Wetmoro's experi ments ahow that In soioo cases n sin Bio No. 0 shot Is nufllclcnt to causo death by lend poisoning. Scientific American. Ecolooy." Although tho word "Ecology" hns long been known In Its meaning, llt tlo practical attention has been given until recently to tho methods of study It connotes. Ecology la thnt phnso of biology that considers plants und anl qiiiIh as thoy exist In naturo, nnd stud ies their Interdependence, nnd tho ro tation of each kind and Individual to Its environment. It ia tho study of tho actions and interactions of living things and their reactions toward ex ternal Influences. I-'ICW AUK TUAVKMNO. Travel at tho present tltno Is llghtor than It hail bon for many months, according to hontolry pro prietors In tho city, No reason In given for tho slack up, LEGAL NOTICES CAM COU.NTV ItOAI) WAIUIANTH. Notice In hereby glvun that Do nchutcs county registered -warrants drawn on tho Itond Fund, Nu in hers 400 to 490, Inclusive, nro called for payment nt the County Treasurer's office, Ilcnd, Onoton. Interest stops on nnd aftor November 23rd, 1918. OI,YI)B M. McKAY, Treasurer, Deschutes County. OIWIH'J lino NOTICE OK CONTEHT. Department of tho Interior, United Htntns Land Office, Tho Dallon, Orugon, November 12, 1918, To Andrew Engorl of Ilutid, Oregon, contuntuo: You nro hereby notified thnt Jerry N, Quirk, who gives (General Deliv ery) Portland, Oregon, nn his post offlco nddrens, did on October 17, 1918, file In thin offlco his duly cor roborated application to contest nnd secure tho cancellation of your Mome nt end entry, Herlal No, 019382, mndo October 22. 1917, for KA NWit, W 'A NEV't. Hectton 29, Township 18, H.. Itnugo 13 K Wlllnmeltu Merid ian, nnd ns grounds for his contest ho nllegen thnt I urn Informed nnd believe mid therefore nllegu that sold Andrew Engurt abandoned said land tho day ho filed on name and for more than nix months Immediately there after and that ho ban never boon on nnld land nor ronldud thereon nor made any cultivation thereof or Im provement thereon nor at all nnd that ho has over nlnco nnd still doen abandon nnld land; thnt nnld Andrew Engerl In n man between nlxty nnd nuventy yearn of ago and that bin nbnntico In not duo to bin services In nny wnr In which the United Stntes hns or may now bo engaged. You are, therefore, further noti fied thnt the said nlloxntlons will bo taken ns confessed, nnd your nnld entry will bo cancelled without fur ther right to bo hoard, either before this offlco or on appeal, If you fall to file In this offlco within twenty days nfler tho FOUIITH publlcntlon of this notice, ns shown below, your nnswer, under onth. specifically re sponding to theso nllegntlons of con test, together with duo proof thnt you havo nerved n copy of your nn swer on thn snld coutentnnt cither in person or by registered mull. You should state In your nnswer the name of the postofflco to which you desire futuro notices to bo sent to you. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, Register. Onto of first publlcntlon, Nov. 21, 1918. Onto of second publlcntlon, Nor. 28, 1918. Onto of third publlcntlon, Dec. C, 1918. Date of fourth publication, Dec. 12. 1918. 38-Up NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In tho County Court or tho Stnto of Oregon, for Deschutes County. In the Matter of tho Eatnto of John Otiniur, Docenned. Notice is hereby given thnt tho undorslgued, Enoch I. und. wns on the 18th dny of November, 1918, duly appointed tho administrator of tho estate of John Otimnr. deceased, by Honorable W. I). Unrnes, county judgo. All pontons having clnlms ngnlnst snld estnto nro hereby notified to presont tho snmo nt tho offlco of II. II. Do Artnond nt Rend, Orugon, at torney for administrator, within six months from tho dnto of tho flret publlcntlon hereof, nil elnimn to bo verified In tho manner provided by law. ENOCH LUND. Administrator. II. II. Do ARMOND, 38-12c Attornoy tor Administrator. POUND NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given thnt tho City of Rend bus taken up tho fol lowing described llvo stock, to-wlt: Ouo buy inaro about 9 youra old, weight nbout 800 or 900 lbs., brand ed F or P 1mr underneath, right shoulder; ono mouse colored in are about 9 years old, weight about 850 lbs., brands, If any, undecipherable; If YQU KNOW OF A Viuior A Dc piture A Birth ADelh An Accident An IllncM OR- Any Ntw Duilding Social Function Meetingt A Real EtUte TlnactIon Any ImpiovcmenU OR Anything that u ol Inlernt ITS NEWSI Phone it to The Bulletin 501 nlso ono dark buckskin horse, weight nbout 1000 lbs., 7 years old, hnd wlro cut bulow loft shoulder, brands, If nny undecipherable. Tho cost of ro dooming said llvo ntock will bo $1.00 per dny In addition to actual oxpunnu of keeping nnd cont of advertising. In enso of failure to redeem on jmrt of owner, said livestock will bo sold as provided by tho chnrtor of the City of Hond on tho 30th day of November at 3:00 p. in. at City Pound. h. A. W. NIXON, Chief of Police and ex-OfflcIo Poundmaslur, 292-w37-8 NOTICE OF HHEHIFF'H HALE. In tho Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon, for Deschutes County. Western Loan A Building Company, n Corporation, Plaintiff, rs. Donald V. Mackintosh; Oscnr Carlson and Ed Lyons, doing buslnons under tho firm name and stylo of Carlson & Lyons,' Defendants, Ily virtue of on execution, Judg ment order und decree nnd order of nnlo Issued out of tho nbovo entitled Court in tho nbovo entitled cause, to mo directed nnd dnted tho 12th dny of November, 1918, upon a Judgment nnd decree rendered and entered In snld Court on tho 9fh dny of November, 1918, In fnvor or plaintiff, on its first causo of suit for tho sum of $1339.87 with In terest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum from Juno 1G, 1918; for tho further sum of $100.00 at torney's fees nnd the further sum of $8.10 cents nnd disbursements, nnd thu costs on nnd upon this writ commanding mo to mako salo of the following described real property situate, lying and being In tho Coun ty of Dchutes, State of Oregon, to wlt: All of Lots numbered 12 and 13 In Rlock numbered 2 of Rend View Addition to Rend according to tho duly recorded pint thereof now on flla nnd of record In the office of tho County Clerk of Deschutes County, Stnto of Oregon. And for tho further Judgment of $1339.87 on plaintiff's nccond causo of nult. with Intercut thereon at the rato of 10 per cent, per annum from June 1C, 1918; for thu furthor sum of $100.00 attorney's fees and tho further sum of $8.10 costs and dis bursements and the costs of and upon this writ commanding mo to mako salo of tho following described real property situate, lying nnd being in tho County of Deschutes, Stnto of Orogon, nnd to npply tho proceeds of snld sale toward tho satisfaction of Judgment obtained on said second causo of suit, to-wlt: All of Lots numbered 14 and 16 in Rlock 2 of Rend Vlow Addition to Rend, according to tho duly re corded plat thereof now on file and of record In tho offlco of tho County Clerk of Deschutes County, Stato of Oregon. And tho further Judgment of $1402.95, on plaintiff's third cause of suit, with interest thereon at tho rato of 10 per cont. per annum from Juno 16, 1918; for the furthor sum of $100.00 attorney's fees and tho furthor sum of $8.10 costs and dis bursements and tho costs of and upon this writ commanding mo to mako Balo of tho following described real proporty situate, lying and being In tho County of Deschutes, Stato of Oregon, and to apply the procoods of said sale toward tho satisfaction of Judgment obtained on said third causo of suit, to-wlt: All of Lots numborcd 13 and 14 in Rlock numbered 8 of Rond Vlow Addition to Rend, according to tho duly recorded plat thereof now on file and of record in tho offlco of tho County Clerk of Deschutes County, Stato of Oregon. And tho furthor Judgment of $1402.95 on plaintiff's fourth causo of suit, with Interest thereon ut tho rato of 10 per cent, per annum from Juno 16, 1918; for tho furthor sum of $100.00 attorney's fees and tho furthor oum of $8.10 costs and dis bursements and tho costs of and upon this writ commanding mo to make salo of tho following described real property sltunto, lylag nnd bolng In tho County of Deschutes, Stnto of Oregon, nnd to npply tho proceeds of said salo toward tho satisfaction of Judgment obtained on said fourth causa of suit, to-wlt: All of Lots 3 and 4 in Rlock num bered 7 of Rend View Addition to Rond, according to tho duly record ed plat thoroot now on fllo and of record In tho offlco of tho County Clerk of Deschutes County, State of Oregon. NOW, THEREFORE, by vlrtuo of snld execution, Judgment order, do creo nnd ordur of snlo nnd In com pllnnco with tho commands of said writ, I will on Saturday, tho 14th dny of Docombor, 19 IS, nt 10 o'clock A. M., nt tho front door of tho Court house in Bend, Deschutes County, Oregon, soil nt public auction (sub ject to redemption) to tho highest bidder for cash In hand, all tho right, title nnd interest which tho within named defendant. Donald V. Mack intosh, had on tho dates of mort gages heroin foreclosed, or nlnco that date had in and to thu abovo described proporty, to satisfy said execution, Judgment ordor and do creo, lutoroit, costs nnd nccrulng costs. Datod this 13th day of November, 1918. S. B. RORERT8. Sheriff of Deschutes County, Orogon, Dato of first publication, Novem ber 14, 1918. Dato of last publication, Docom bor 6, 1918. 37-40c 00384 NOTICE FOR PURIFICATION. Department of tho Interior, U. 8. Lnnd Offlco at Tho Dalles, Oregon, Octobor 21st, 1918. Notlco Is horoby given that Frod N. Van Matru of Rond, Orogon, who on Octobor 17th, 1918, mndo Desort Land Entry No, 09684 for Lot 4, SWUNWU. Section 4. Township 17 South, Raugo 12 East Willamette Meridian, has fllod notlco of Intention to mako final throe-year proof to establish claim to the land abovo de scribed before H. O. Ellis, United States commissioner, nt Bond, Oro gon, on tho 12th day of Docomber, 1918, Claimant names as witnesses: Lomuol A, Brandenburg, of Bend, Orogon, Wilbur F. Hunnoll, of Rond, Oro gon. James Wlnnlnghnm, of Bond, Oro gon. Lllllo B. Brandenburg, of Bond, Oregon. 34-38C II. FRANK WOODCOCK, Roglstor. HU.MMONH. In tho Justice Court for tho District of Bend, Deschutes County, Oro gon. P. A. Erlckson, plaintiff, vs, Edward Sands, dofondnnt. To Edward Sands, tho nbovo named dofendnnt: In the Nntno of tho Stnto of Ore gon, you nro horoby required to ap pear and answor tho complaint In tho abovo entitled action on or before December 6, 1918, that date being six weeks from the first publication of this summons, or for want there of, tho plaintiff will take Judgmont against you for $7.58 with intorcst at 6 per cent, from May 10, 1918, and the costs and disbursements of this action. J. A. BASTES, Justlco of tho Peace. A. J. MOORE, 34-40C Attorney for Plaintiff. oianoa NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of tho Interior, U. S. Land Offlco at Tho Dalles, Oregon, October 16th, 1918. Notlco Is horoby glvon that Wil liam H. Presley, of Bend, Oregon, who on August 2d, 1915, made Homestead Entry No. 015302, for NE4, N4 SE. Sec. 20, NWVi 8W. 8W4 NWU. Section 21. Brooks- Scanlon Lumber Company Lumber, Lnth, Shingles, Building Material, Kiln Dried Flooring and all kinds ef Finish SASH AND DOORS COMPLETE STOCK ol Standard Sua. BROOKS-SCANLON LUMBER CO. Local Sales Agent, MILLER LUMBER CO. HUFFSCHMIDT-DUGAN IRON WORKS Manufacturers of Iron, Bronze and Sctnt-Stcel Caitiogt for Power Traninuiiloa Machinery: Wood Pipe Fitting!, Grate Bars, Agricultural, Mining and Saw Mill Machinery, Ornament al and Structural Iron. WE ARE PREPARED TO RUSH YOUR ORDERS ON REPLACEMENTS FOR BROK EN CASTINGS ON ALL KINDS OF FARM MA CHINERY. Business and Professional Cards R. S. HAMILTON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Rooms 13-16 First National Bank Dldg. Tel. 511 (Dr. Coa'a Former 08V.) H. H. DeARMOND LAWYER O'Kane Building, Bend, Oregon H. O. JGLLIS Attorney-nt-Lnw Catted States Commissioner First National Bank Building BEND, OREGON THIS PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGN ADVERTISING DY THE GENERAL OFFICES NEW YORK AND CHICAGO BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES DR. TURNER HYH HPKCIAUQT, of Portland Visits Bend Monthly, Watch Paper for Dates, or Inquire of THORSON, T11B JBWKLBS DescHutes County Abstract Company D. II. PEOPLES, Preaident Most Cotnploto Abstract Plant in Central Oregon. Special Attention Given to Federal Loan Abstracts. rirst National Sank Bldtf., DEND, ORE.. Cor. next to Alley Eastes-Anderson Farm Land Co. 1 I II II III I I II !- ,, Irrigated Farm Lands a Specialty GENERAL, INSURANCE Firtl National Bank Buildug 124 Oregon Stiort Bad, Oragoa Township 20 South, Rnngo 10 East Wlllamotta Meridian, hns filed no tlco of Intontlon to make final three year proof to establish claim to tho lnnd nbovo described boforo II. C. Ellis', United States commissioner, nt Bend, Oregon, on tho 6th day of Docombor, 1018. Claimant names as witnesses: Patrick II. Coffey, of Brothors, Orogon. Roscoo N. Palmorton, of Rrothors, Orogon. Oeorgo W. Cook, of Mllllcan, Oro gon. William Hothorn, or Hemstod, Ore gon, 34-38p II. FRANK WOODCOCK, Roglstor. 010733 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of tho Intorlor, U. S. Land Office at Tho Daltos, Oregon, Octobor 12th, 1918. Notlco Is hereby given that Aaron A. Mundon, assignee of William A. Dantzscher of Portland, Orogon, who on Soptomber 14th, 1912, mado Desert Land Entry No. 010723 tor NW4, Section 17, Township 17 South, Rango 12 East Willamette Meridian, has filed notlco of Inten tion to mako final proof to establish claim to tho land abovo described before H. C. Bills, United States commissioner, at Bend, Orogon, on the 3d day of Decomber, 1918. Claimant names as witnesses: Hubert ifarryman, of Bend, Ore gon. August Hnllberg, of Bend, Oregon. W. C. Cooley, of Bond, Oregon. William Peck, of Bend, Oregon. 34-38C II. FRANK WOODCOCK, Register. BEND. OREGON. Pkono Black 1391 LEE A. THOMAS, A. A. IA. Architect 2-4 O'Kane Building BEND --- OREGON O. P. NI8WONQER, Bend, Ore, UNDERTAKER Licensed Embalraer, Funeral Director. Phone Red 421. Ladr AaaL DR. R. D. 8TOWELL Naprapathlc Physician Orer Logan Furniture Co. Wall Street Houra 9 to E Phone Red 48a THE UNITED WARE HOUSE COMPANY Sltraft a4 FnranUnjr, Gaaarsl Cam. kalaa MtrckaaU. Wt tarrr OU. CaMUn. kaar, WUur, Sail Muta, Ham, Bacaa a4 Lard. MISS B. OSTERMAN PIANOFORTE SCHOOL Lawrence Bldg., Room 3 Phone Red 3251