nRND IIULLHTIN, HRM), OURflON, THURSDAY, NOVKMltKIl OR, 1018 FAGK RED CROSS WILL AID SICK PEOPLE CONVALESCENTS TO BE GIVEN CARE. Food and Supplies Arc to lie Fur nished Homw Money Will Bo Necessary to Carry on tho Work. (From Friday's Daily.) rinn8 for taking caro of thoso con valescing from influenza wero made today by tho Bend chapter of tho Red Cross when It was announced by tho officials that a fund would bo provided for this work, and as far as posslblo all thoso needing aid nro to bo given it by mombcra of the chapter. It has been reported that thcro aro many homes In tho city where practically all members of tho family havo been afflicted with tho disease, and It tho physicians, neigh bors or persons themselves will re port these cases help will bo given them, together with food and sup plies. Tho Red Cross motor corps will deliver tho necessary provisions where a demand is xnndo for them, or upon tho order of tho attending physicians. In this manner it Is hoped to furnish milk, mnlted milk, soup, steaks, eggs and fruits to the patients. Thcro has been no fund provided for this work, and tho expense will of necessity have to be raised through popular subscriptions. Thoso who nro willing to donate to tho fund may leavo their subscriptions at Tho Bul letin office, with Mrs. H. K. Brooks or -Mrs. W. C. Blrdsnll nt tho Pilot Butto Inn, or it notification is mado to any one of tho above donations will bo called for. It is a worthy causo and members of tho Red Cross see in It a possi bility to aid those who through sick ness aro unablo to attend to their own wants. Tho names of thoso who aro willing to donate their time, money or supplies are needed and should bo turned over to either Mrs. Blrdsall or Mrs. Brooks. STRIDES ARE MADE IN PAST CENTURY (By United Prrs to The Dod Bulletin.) LONDON, Oct. 29. By Mull.) Should women bo whipped? Just a century ago wiseacres, poli ticians and noble lords of Orcat Britain wero debating the point. It was quite a new idea to worry about what was happening to women, but after some discussion It was decided that they ought not to bo whipped that tho best way to handle them was on tho "gentle-but-flrra" method and In 1820 tho wiseacres, politicians and noble lords passed n bill known as tho whipping act, prohibiting the corporal punishment oC women. Having mado this exertion on women's behalf they returned to the discussion of things which inter ested them. Fifty years passed. Tho seed which had ben planted in 1820 began to take root in 1870, and tho ques tion of special legislation for women again bobbed up. This time an act was passed allowing women to be possessors of their own property a magnanimohs document known as the married woman's property act. Those two acts, small In them selves, were of great Importance to women. They were the first admis sion that women had any rights or legal status. In the last GO years women havo come to tho foreground in leaps and bounds. By the interpretation act of 1889 tho'government went to far as to allow that "words in nny act of parliament passed after 1850 im puting tho musculine gendor shall include females unless the contrary intention appears." Somotmng to sell? Advertise The Bulletin's classified column. in BRICK vs. BRICK BUILDINGS IN BEND OTHER BUILDINGS VALUE ABOUT VALUE ABOUT $500,000 $2,000,000 FIRE LOSS IN FIVE YEARS FIRE LOSS IN FIVE YEARS OVER NONE $100,000 Build With BRICK! BEND G UN or Albert KDep EX.GUNNER AMD C.H1FP PFTTVSciPCfrrrF-i i-Lmav ? MEMBEPv OF THE FOREIGN LEGION OF FRANCE Z?' CAPTAIN GUN TURRET. FRENCH BATTLESHIP CASSArD-r7 WINNER OF THE CROIX DE GUERRE Cr CHAPTER VII. Stopping the Hum at Dlxmude. X was standing in a communication trench that connected one of our front line trenches with a crater caused by the explosion of a mine. All around me men of the third lino wero coming up, climbing around, digging, hammer ing, shifting planks, moving sandbags up and down, bringing up new timbers, reels of barbed wire, ladders, cases of ammunition, machine guns, trench mortars all the things that make nn army look like a general store on legs. Tho noise of the guns was Just deaf rnlng. Our own shells passed not far abovo our heads, so close were the enemy trenches, and the explosions wero so near awl so violent that when you rested your rltlc butt on something solid, like a rock, you could feel It shake and hum every tlmo a shell landed. Our first lino was Just on tho out tklrts of tho town, in trenches that had been won and lost by both sides many times. Our second line was In the streets and the third line was almost at the south end of the town. Tho linns were hard at It, shelling tho battered remains of Dlxmude, and to tho right stretcher bearers were working In lines so close that they looked like two parades passing each other. But the bearers from the com pany near me bad not returned from tho emergency dressing stntlon and the wounded were piling up, waiting for them. A company of the 2mc Legion Etran gere had Just come up to tako their stations In the crater, under the para pet of sandbags. A shell landed among them Just before they entered the cra ter and sent almost a whole squad west, besides wounding several others. Almost before they occupied the crater tho wires were laid and reached back to ns, and the order came for us to remain where wo were until further orders. Then wo got the complete orders. We were to make no nol.n but were all to be ready In ten minutes. We put on goggles and respirators. In ten minutes the bombers were to leave the trenches. Thrcv mines were to ex plode and then we were to take and hold a certain portion of tho enemy trenches not far off. We wero ull ready to start up the ladders when they moved Nlg"s section over to ours and he sneaked up to me and whis pered behind his hand, "Bo a sport. Doc; make it fifty-fifty and gimme n chance." I did not have any Idea what he meant and he had to get bock to his squad. Then the bombers came up to the ladders, maKked and with loaded sacks on their left arms. "One min ute now," said the officers, getting on their own ladders and drawing their revolvers though most of tho officers of the Legion charged with rifle and bayonet like their men. Then Boom I Slam I Bang! and the mines went off. "Allezl" and then the parapet was filled with bayonets and men scram bling and crawling and falling and get ting up again. The smoke drifted back on us, and then our own machine guns began ahead of us. Up toward the front the bombers were fishing In their bags and throw ing, Just like boys after a rat along the docks. The black smoke from the "Jack Johnsons" rolled over us and probably there was gas, too, but you could not tell. The front lines had taken their trenches and gone on and you could see them, when you stood on a para pet, running about llko hounds through tho enemy communication trenches, bombing out dugouts, disarming pris oners very ecury-looklng In their masks nnd goggles. Tho wounded wero coming buck slowly. Then we got busy with our work In tho dugouts OTHER BUILDINGS BRICK & LUMBER CO. ftE&S nrw l jJ-v-- and communication trenches and fire bays, with bayonets nnd bombs, dig glng tho Bodies out nnd sending them "west." And every onco In n whllo a Frit on ono sldo would step out and yell "Knmemd." while, llko ns not, on tho other side, his pnl would pot you with n revolver when you started to pick htm up, thinking he was wounded. Then wo stood nsldo at tho entrance to n dugout nnd somo Roches en inn out In slnglo tile, shouting "Knmernd" Tho Bomber Were Fishing In Their Bag and Throwing. for nil they were worth. One of them had his mask and fnco blown oft; yet ho was trying to talk, with tho tears I rolling down over the raw flesh. Ho i died five minutes Inter. I On. night, whllo I wns lying back In ! tho trench trying not to think of any-. thing and go to sleep tho bombs began ' to get pretty thick around there, end when I could not stand It any longer I rushed out Into tho bay of the II ro trench and right up against tho para pet, whero It was safer. Hundreds of star shells wero being sent up by both sides nnd tho field nnd tho trenches wero ni bright cs day. All up and down the trenches our men wero dodging about, keeping out of the way of the bombs that were being thrown In our faces. It did not seem ns If thero was any plnco Whrr It WAR nosslhln tn ent mrnp I Most of tho time I was picking dirt out , of my eyes that explosions hnd driven Jnto them. If you went Into a dugout tho toed ' already In thero would shout, "Don't i Btru tn n hunnh nron,i n wi, bunch spread -"- " " WW .. ..I'....... WU , ,,.tU I you wero In n dugout you kept expect ing to bo buried nllvo and when you went outsldo you thought tho Bodies wero aiming nt you direct and thero was no place at all where you felt eafe. But tho flro bay looked better than tho other places to roc. I had not been thcro moro than a few minutes when a big ono dropped ln nnd that bay was Just ono mess. Out of the 21 men in the bay only eight escaped. When the stretcher bearers got thcro they did not hnvc much to do in tho way of rescue It wns moro pallbear er's work. A stretcher bearer was picking up one of tho boys, when n grenndo land ed alongside of him and you could not find n fragment of cither of them. That mado two that landed within twelve feet of mo; yet I was not oven scratched. When I got so that I could movo I went over to whero tho captain wns standing, looking through u perlscopo over tho pamper. I wan very nervniiH nnd oxctted nnd wart afraid (o speak to him, but somehow I thought I ought to nsk for orders. Hut I could not any n word. Finally it shell whirred over our heads -Just missed us, It seemed llko, nnd I liroko out: "Whnt did you sect Wlmt's nil of tho news)" and so on. I guess I chattered llko a monkey. Then ho yelled: "You'ro tho gunner officer. You'ro Just In tlmo I've lo cated their mortnr batteries." I surely wished I was tho gunner officer. I would hnvc enjoyed It moro if I could hnvo got back nt Fritz somehow. Hut I wns not tho gunner ofilcer nnd I told him so. I had to shout at htm qulto n whllo beforo ho would believe me. Then ho wanted mo to find tho gunner ofilcer, but I did not know whero to find him. If I could hnvo got to our guns I guess I would hnvo had another medal for working overtime, but I missed tho chanco there. About this tlmo another bomb cams over and clouted out tho best friend I had In my company. Beforo tho war ho had been one of tho finest sing ers In tho Paris opera houses. When ho was with us ho used to sny that the only dtfTtyenco between him nnd Caruso was $2,500 n night. A pollu nnd I dragged htm Into n dugout, but It wns too Into. Ono side of his fnco wns blown ofT; tho wholo right sldo of him wan stripped off and four fingers of tho right hand were gone. I stuck my head out of tho dugout nnd there wns the captain discussing the matter with himself, cursing tho Oermnns from hero to Helgoland nnd putting In n word for tho bombn every once In a while. All up and down the trenches you could hear our men cursing the Germans In nil kinds of language:.. Believe me, I did my bit nnd I could hear somebody else using good old United .State cusi words, too. It certainly did not make mo feel any better, but It gnve mo something to do. I think that was why all of ns cursed so much then, though wo wero pretty handy with language nt nny time. But when you are under heavy tiro like that and cannot give It back ns good as you get. you go crazy unless you hnvo something to do. Cussing Is tho best thing wo could think of. Up the trench tho third bny was simply Hinnshed In nnd the Oermnns wero placing bomb after bomb right In It and In ours. Tho captain yelled nut that he was going up to the next liny to examine It, but no moro hnd ho got thero than he hnd his head taken clean off his shoulders. At daybreak our trenches wero nil pounded in nnd tnoit of our dugouts wero filled up. Then Frltx opened up with his nrtlllery flro right on us. Wo thought they wero going to clmrgo and wu Krc.i tiieir nnrmgo woum mi nn wo coul(l BC0 ,hetn como ovcrv , Wo received orders to stand to with RvA bayonets. Then tho mnn nt tho perlscopo shouted, "They cornel" A battery directly behind us went mxo action nrsi nnu men u.ey mi J0'' ln '""' lnHl,lu ot nvo minutes nbout eight hundred guns wero raising Coin with Fritz. Tho Bodies wero caught rquaro In No Man's Land nnd our rifles nnd machine guns simply mowed them down. Many of them enmo half way ncross, then dropped their guns nnd run for our trencher to give themselves up. They could not hnvo got buck to their own trenches. It wns n shame to waste a shell on these poor flsh. If they hud been civ vies tho law would prevent you from hitting them you know tho kind. 'IllCy COUIU hardly drug themselves n'ong. '" ls ,,' wy " ,ook w,,cn yu navo got them. Hut when they hnvo &ot you kicks, cuffs, bnyonet Jabs thero '8 nothing they will not do to wld to your misery. They seem to ......... '.. . think that It boosts their own courago. An nrtlllery fire llko ours wns great fun for tho gunners, but It wns not much fun for Fritz or for us In tho trenches. Wo got under cover almost as much ns Fritz nnd held thumbs foi tho gunners to get through In n hurry. Then the flro died down nnd It was eo quiet It mudo you Jump, Wo thought our pnrapet wns busted up a good deal, but when wo looked through tho perlscopo wo saw what hud happened to Fritz' trenches nnd, bellcvo me, they wero practically ruined. Out In No Man's Land It looked llko Woolworth's Hvc-und-ten; everywhere were gruy uniforms, with tlncups nnd accoutcrmcntfl thnt belonged to tho Oermnns beforo our nrtlllery nnd ma chine guns got to them. Our stretcher bearers wero busy, currying tho wounded back to flrst-nhl dressing station, for, of course, wo hnd suffered too. From thero tho blesses wero shipped to tho clearing station. Tho dead lay In tho trenches ull day nnd nt night they wero carried out by working purtles to "Stiff purk," ns. I called It. A man with anything on his mind ought not to go to tho front-lino trenches. Ho will bo cruzy Insldo of n month. Tho beat way Is not to euro whether It ruln3 or snows: thero nro plenty of Important things to worry about. (To Bo Continued,) COUNTY 'J'UUKKYri AM'! 'TOO LAItCJI'3 With tho prosont prlco of, turkoys, butchers of tho city nro not landing up with tho fowls, A greater portion of tho birds grown ln this county havo been too largo for tho local markot and growers havo boon com. polled to ship tholr product to roallzo on It. IWELFARE DRIVE MONEY DONATIONS ARE STILL BEING SENT IN. District No. !!U HoportN with nn Addi tional Amount of Other Name Added to the l.tnt in Mend. (From Thursday's Dally.) In spltu of tho, fact that tho county Htandttiig In tho United Welfare War drive Is over 171 per cent., with u total amount received of over $11,400 on an original quota of I6G00, contributions continue to come In to Ihu officii of Chairman Foley, an additional lint of names lining sent In this morning by It, K, Crimen of school district No. 22, $17.60 In donations having been added to tho former report from this district. In tho city district additional names have also been added. Deschutes county Is still lu the lead III tho Mate, It was atiuouiired today, although ono other county had raised n total of IG4 pur cunt, on Its quota. Tho following nro tho additional nnimm to tho roll of honor In Hand: 1 C. Iludow. (lertrudo Foley. Harry Ittluy. .Margaret Hansen. J. I.. Ivy. Thoso whoso iinmes nro listed on tho second report sent In by Chair man Crimes from district 22 aro us follows: P. K. U. Chrlstofforsoii. H. II. Hiiyti, !:. Wornstnff, A, Wornstuff, l. Nelson, 11. J. Mersdorf, Mr. and Mrs. Sultong, Mrs. K. A. (Irlfllii, J. I.. MnloRh. John Williams, J. II. Miner Mulosh. WAR TROPHIES ARE WANTED AT TEMPLE (From Mondays Dally.) An effort to secure war trophies to bo placed on exhibition In tho Liberty temple In this city Is being nindu by tho county war workers, tho following uottco appearing In tho Oregon Journal: "War trophies aro wanted for tho Liberty temple, nt Hem! and Holier! K. Smith, Liberty loan executive manager for Oregon, has Joined with tho Bund committee In asking for loans, 'It might bo that somo per sons residing In Portland hnvo In their possession war trophies- which they would ho willing to loan for n short tlmo to tho Bund committee. II. J. Ovurturf, the chairman of tho Bend committee, will bo penionully responsible for their safe return. Any wnr relics can bo left nt this of fice, 222 Northwestern Bank build ing. Wo will recolpt for them mid uttend to ull transportation dulnlls,' " LINCOLN LAMBS ARE DISTRIBUTED (From Thursday's Dally.) Pure bred Lincoln ram lambs which wero brought Into this county from Union nnd Wallowu counties hnvo been distributed nmoug the sheepmen and farm flock owners of Central Oregon. Twenty woru pur chased by Oeorgo Jones, whllo others nro being tnkon by tho farm flock owners of tho county. Tho Llncolus nro heavy sheep, par ticularly adapted to Central Oregon ran go conditions. Try u Want Ad. For Quick Results. for breakfast, dinner or any occasion Crescent 99 A fine, full flavor that iclls for 25c a at all ifroccri. TANLAC 711 ARE TO BE COMING RETURNED HOME THIRTY DIVISIONS TO REMAIN OVERSEAS. 1,100,000 .Men Aro to Remain with Fondling an Army of Occupa tion Certain Unit to Ho Kent Hack, Hy Carl I). Croat (UnlUd I'rrM HUft CurrnponiUnt.) WASHINGTON, Nov. 2.1. -Nearly f.0,000 American aoldlors died dur ing tho war nnd nearly 1 HO, 000 worn wounded, Ounorul -March, chief or stuff, told tho correspondents today at tho weekly conference. The sol diers killed In action or died or wounds number nearly 30,000, whllo 1C.000 died ot disease, with 2130 takuu prlsonuni. Tho total casual ties reached tho number of 230,117. Many divisions aro slated for an early return to tho United Htntes. General Pershing Is understood to havo cabled the recommendation that 30 divisions ho kept abroad for tho present, leaving approximately 1, 400,000 as America's portion for tho occupation of enemy territory, and releasing 700,000 to bo returned to the Pulled States. Tho first divisions to bo returned to this country, according to (lenoral March will In all probability bo tho Thirty-first, tho Thirty-fourth, Thir ty-eighth, Thlrty-uliith, Seventy- sixth, KlKhty-fourth, r.lKhly-slitti and Klghty-soventh, together with nine regiments of coast artillery and two field artillery brigades, beslden tho aero siiiiailron from Knglatid General March said (Jenurnl Per shing had been ordered to send homo, ns far as the available trans portation facilities will permit, such units as nro not needed for tho present army ot occupation, Theso branches nro in embers of thu railroad nrtlllery and army nrtlllery, tho gns, tank and air services, besides skeletons ot certain divisions used In replacement. Forty-four thousand Germans fell prlsonuni to tho Americans during thu war, and 1400 guns wero taken. MISS SI'AULDING BUYS ALTAMONT (From Thursday's Dally) Announcement of tho purchase of tho Altamout hotel by Miss Allco HpauldliiK from Dr. K. 11. Jackson of Un Angelim wus mado this afternoon hy J. II. Miner, who negotiated tho sale. Miss Hpuuldlug hits operated tho Altamout during tho past several years, having It under lease. Con sideration In thu transaction In being withheld. j WILSON WILL HAVE COMPANY (11 Unltr.1 Vm to Tli lUal IlutMln.) WASHINGTON, Nov, 2C French Ambassador Jussuruud will accom pany President Wilson to Franco on thu pence conference mission, It was learned early today. WAR BOARD WORK STILL COIN ON Work of compiling n statement for tho govorumont giving thu number ot men to go from Deschutes county during thu wur Is still being carried on at tho war board office. It Is ex pected that tho work will bo com pleted this week. coffee pound (N-H) FOR SALE BY The Owl Pharmacy SOLK AGENTS