HRN1) HUI.LETIN, HKND, OUKflON, THUHHDAY, NOVKMHEH Ul, 101H FOOD DISPLAY STEADIER HOG MARKETS PLANNED Hog Producers and Packers Confer With Repre sentatives of the Food Administration and Agricultural Department and Adopt .New Plan of Regulation. LAST OF MONTH OF INFLUENZA GUEYS MEKCHANTH AND DEALEHS TO AID (IOVKKNMENT IN POINT I. OUT THE NEED OK UU5ID ECONOMY IX USE OF FOOD. 31 US. MAUD McNAMEE DIES AT 1IEK HOME IX THIS CITY LAST NIGHT Hl'SHAND AXD TWO CHILDHE.Y AUK ILL. i I IK FAGE2 S WOMAN VICTIM (Prom Thursday's Dally.) Merchants and business houses of tho city dealing In foodstuffs nro re ceiving from tho ofllco of tho food ndmlntstratlou posters nnd other matter for tho window displays dur ing tho week of November SI to 2S, which Is to 4io known throughout tho nation as food conservation week. Under tho plans of tho food ad ministration dealers aro to bnso their windows along tho lines advo cated by the government, putting on display thoso things most necessary to bo conserved, with instructions on how to effect tho Baving. It is not tho Intention that tho goods will bo advertised for n greater sale, but to teach the pcoplo tho noccsslty ot Baving certain foodstuffs, so that the peoplo of Europo may bo properly fed until tho next crop has been planted and harvested. It is understood that a nurabor of tho merchants aro to uso tho idea In making a display with which It is hoped to help tho government In the food conservation program. SISTERS GOES OVER QUOTA 152 REPORTED IJY CHAIRMAN TONE THIS MOUSING SAYS AS ADDITIONAL AMOUNT CAN HE SECURED THERE. (From Friday's Dally.) B. L. Tone, chairman of tho Sisters district in tho United Welfaro drive, this morning reported his quota with an additional 50 per cent., $152 be ing announced on a quota ot $100. Mr. Tono states in his report to Chairman Poloy that an additional amount will bo reported from his dis trict before tho end of tho drive. Following aro tho subscribers in Mr. Tono's district: Mrs. Meredith Bailey. M. Bailey, Jr., William Wurxwoller, Perry Smith, George Aitken, Percy Davis & Co., John Dennis, F. W. Weber, B. I. Tone, Wm. Combes, P. Lelg hauser, Mrs. Kettle Cobb, Pearl Davidson, Mr. Ilartwcll, Mrs. C. N. Allen, Mrs. JJortha York, Jake Quleby, R, Foster, C. M. Soronscn, II. K. Allen, Mrs. Lucy Wlnklo. SURGICAL DRESSINGS. (From Monday's Dally.) The surgical dressings work ot tho local Red Cross haa been discon tinued until further orders from headquarteni. Advices aro to the ef fect that plenty of these- dressings aro now on band In both this coun try and Franco, but the Bend chapter is instructed to forward dressings al ready made up. Not oven is the work to bo finished that Is cut out, ma terials on band to bo held for furthor orders. ' FIRST PAYMENT THURSDAY. (From Monday's Daily.) Tho first installment on tho fourth Liberty loan bonds is duo Thursday, November 21. On a 50 bonds 10 Js duo. ( Tho second installment is duo December 19, and tho third and fourth payments duo January 10 and January 20. Financial Statement Of .. The First National Bank 'J OP BEND j 'At the Close of Business November 1, 1918 l RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts $516,963.60 Bonds and Warrants 88,733.80 Stock in Federal Reserve Bank 1,500.00 Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures 32,131,11 Other Real Estate Owned 7,787.77 Five Per Cent. Redemption Fund 625.00 Cash and Exchange 294,305.22 Liberty Bonds Owned by Us 46,100.00 $988,146.50 LIABILITIES. Capital ,...., $ 25,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 36,206.85 Circulation 12,500.00 Deposits 914,439.65 t $988,146.50 (From Friday's Daily.) Mrs. Muud McNameo, 33 years ot ago, wlfo of Patrick McNameo, died nt her homo on Aubrey avenuo nt 1:30 o'clock this morning from com plications following an attack ot In fluenza, Her husband Is also til with tho dlsoaso, together with tho two chil dren, one ot S years nnd another ot 2. Mr. McNameo was taken ill nhout 10 days ago. Shortly nttor ono oC tho children contracted the disease, and later Mrs. McNameo hor- selt was compelled to tako td hor bed. Through tho shortage of nurses In tho city, neighbors havo beon cnrlng tor tho members ot tho family, and woro with them during tho entire night last night. P. D. McNameo is head ot tho Cul inary Alliance ot this city nnd Is em ployed at the Downing restaurant. Dcsldes her husband nnd two chil dren, tho deceased leaves hor mothor nnd two married sisters, nil ot whom live In this city, nnd a brother. MORE TROUT RECEIVED HERE AQUARIUM AT THE PILOT IJUTTK INN IS AGAIN FILLED WIMi INSTALL MINIATURE FISH HATCHERY THERE. fFrom Friday's Dally.) Thirty trout have been received from tho stato fish hatchery at Bonnevlle and havo been placed In tho aquarium at tho Pilot Butto Inn,. This is tho second consignment of livo trout which Mr. Blrdsall has taken from tho state fish hatchery, early last spring tho first lot arriv ing. Becauso ot tho chlorlnation of tho city water at that time it was feared the fish would dlo in tho tanks and they woro released in tho De schutes river. In connection with keeping tho fish on exhibition a mlnlaturo hatch ery will also bo Installed at the hotel. OTTO HODGES BADLY INJURED Received Fractured Skull on Trip from Alaska Is Sow Recover- luff, Says Letter. (From Wednesday's Dally.) Word was received this morning by Mrs. R. D. Ketchura that her nephow, Otto Hodges, was In a hos pital in San Francisco recovering from Injuries received whllo en route from Alaska. Hodges, who Is n member of tho navy, had been sta tioned In Alaska, and was returning on tho steamer Saturn when ho was struck by a wavo and washed over board, suffering a fractured skull. Ho was taken to a hospital In San Francisco, whoro for somo tlmo It was feared ho would not survive Ho Is well known here, having made several visits with his relatives. Something to seilT Advertise in Ihu oalldtln's classified column. In uccoidaucc with the policy of tho Food Administration slnco Its founda tion to consult representative men In the agricultural industry on occasions of Importance to spcclul branches of the Industry, on October 'J I Hutu was convened lu Washington a meeting ot the I.lvo Stock Subcommittee of the Agricultural Advisory Hoard and the special members representing the swlna Industry to consider the situation In the hog market. Tho contort-nre lasted for three days, und during thin time met with tho executive committee of the tlfty packlug firms participating In foreign orders for pork products and with the members of the Pood Administration directing foreign pork purchases. The conclusions of tho conference were as follows: The entire marketing situation has so changed slnco tbw .September Joint conference as to necousttnte an entire alteration In tho plana of price stabi lization. The current peaco talk has alarmed the holders of corn, anil there has been a prlco decline of from L'.l cents to -10 cents per bushel. The fact that tho accumulations of low priced corn In the Argentine and South Afri ca would, ujwn tho advent of peace nnd liberated shipping, become unlia ble to the European market has cre ated a great deal of apprehension on the part of corn holders. This decline has spread fear among swlnu grower that a similar reduction In the price of hogs would naturally follow. More over, the lower range of corn price would, If Incoriwrated In a 13-to-l ra tio, obviously result In n continuously falling price for llvo hogs, lu view of these chnnged conditions many swine producers nntlclpnted lower prices and as a result rushed their hogs to market In Inrge numbers, nnd this overshlpment has added to and aggravated the decline. The Information of tho Department of Agriculture Indlcntcs that the. sup ply of hogs has lucrensed about 8 per cent., while tho highest unotllclal esti mate does not exceed 15 per cent. In creased production over last year. On the other hand, tho arrival of hogs during the last three weeks in the seven great markets has been 'St per cent, more than last year, during tho corresponding period, demonstrating tho unusually heavy marketing of tho avnllablo supply. In the face of tho excessive receipts some packers havo not maintained the price agreed last month. On tho other hand, many of the packers havo paid over tho price offered to them In an endeavor to maintain the agreed price. Tho re sult In any event has been n fnlluro to maintain the October prlco basis determined upon at tho September con ference and undertaken by tho pack ers. Another factor contributing to the break In prices during tho mouth has been tho Intluenra epidemic; It has shandy curtailed consumption of pork products und temporarily de creased tho Inbor staff of tho puckers about M per cent. Tho exports of 1.10,000,000 pounds of pork products for October com pared with ubout M,000,000 pounds In October a year ago, and tho export orders placeable by tho Food Administration for November, amount to 170,000,000 pounds as contrast ed with the lesser exports of 03,000,000 for November, 1017. The increased demands of tho allies aro continuing, and nro In themselves proof of tho necessity for tho Inrgo production for which the Food Admin istration asked. Tho increase In ex port demands appears to be amply sufficient to toko up tho Increnso In hog productljit, hut unfavorable mar ket conditions existing In October af ford no fair Index of tho aggregate supply and demand. It must bo evident that tho enor mous shortngo In fats In tho Central Empires nnd neutral countries would Immediately upon peace result in ad ditional demands for pork products which, ci top of tho heavy shipments to tho Allies, would tend materially to Increase tho American exports, In asmuch as no considerable reservoir of unnlles exists outsldo of tho United States. It seems probahlo that tho present prospective supplies would bo Inadequate to meet una worm uemniiu with tho return to peace. So for as It Is posslblo to Interpret this fact, It ap pears that there should be even a stronger demand for pork products after the war, and therefore any nlarm of hog producers as to the effect of peace Is unwarranted by tho outlook. In tho light of these circumstances It Is tho conclusion of the conference that attempts to hold tho price of hogs to tho price of corn may work out to tho disadvantage of pork producers. It Is the conclusion that any Interpre tation of tho formula should be broad gauged policy applied over a long period. It is the opinion of the conference that In substitution of the provlous plans of stabilization the Livo Stock Subcommittee of the Agri cultural Advisory Board, together with the specially Invited swlno representa tives, should accept the Invitation of the Food Administration to Join with the Administration and the packers In determining the prices nt which con trolled export orders aro to bo placed. This will bo regularly done. The In fluence of these orders will be directed to the maintenance of (ho common ob jectnamely, the Htnblilzntlon of the price of llvo hogs so as to secure as far as It Is possible fulr returns to Uiojby the Food Administration aud the producer and the itisurnnco of nn tele, quale future supply, These foreign orders arc placed upon the basis of cost of hogs to tho packers. As tho rcRtilt of long negotiation. neiueen mis tiody nnd the Packers' Committee, representing the 4fl to 50 packers participating in foreign or ders, together with the Allied buyers, all under the Chairmanship of the Food Administration, the following un dertaklng has been given by the pack ers: In view of the undertakings on tho part of the Pood Administration with regard to the co-ordlmttcd purchase of pork products, covered In the at tached, It Is ugreetl that the packers participating lu these orders will tin- dertake not to purchnie hogs for less than the following agreed minimum for the month of November, that Is a dally minimum of IIT.W) per hundred IHiunds on average of packers' droves, excluding throw-outs. "Throw-outs" to ho defined ns pig under 130 pounds, stags, hours, thin sows and skips. Further that no hogs of any kind hnll be bought, except throw outs, at less than $10 .V) per hundred pounds. The uverngo of packers' droves to bo construed as the aterago of tho total sales In the market of all hogs for n given day. All the nbovo to be based on Chicago. We agree that a committee shall be nppolnted by the Food Administration to check tho dally operations In the vnrious markets with a view to super vision and demonstration of the carry ing nut of the above. Tho ability of the packers to carry out this nrrangemi'tit will depend on thoro being a normal marketing of hogs based upon the praiortlonato In crease over the receipts of last year. Tho Increase In production appears to bo a maximum of ubout 15 per cent and wo can handle such an Increase. If tho producers of hngs should, as they have In the past few weeks, pre maturely market hogs" lu such Increas ing numbers over the above It Is en tirely beyond the ability of the pack ers to maintain these minimum, and therefore wo must have tho co-operation of the producer himself to main tain these results. It Is n physical Impossibility for tho capacity of the packing houses to handle a similar over-flood of hogs nnd to find a market tor the output. The puckers aro anx ious to co-operate wltli the producers In maintaining a stabilization of prlco and to see thnt producers recelvo a fair price for their products. (Signed) TIIOS. II WILSON, Chairman Packers' Committee The plan embodied above was adopt ed by the conference. Tho Food Administrator hns appoint ed a committee, comprising Mr. Thom as E. Wilson, chairman of tho Pack ers' Committee; Mr. Everett Drown, president of the Chicago Livestock Ex change; Major Hoy of the Food Ad ministration, Mr. Louis D. I lull of the Hurenu of Murkets, to undertnko the supervision of thy execution of tho plan In tho vnrious murkets. Commis sion men are asked to co-operate In carrying out tho pluu embodied lu the packers' agreement. It must bo evi dent that offers by commission men to sell hogs below tho minimum estab lished ubovo Is not fair, either to the producer or the participating packers, Mr, Drown has undertaken on behalf of the commission men In tho United States that they will loyally support the plun. It Is believed by tho conference that this new plan, based as It Is upon a positive minimum basis, will bring hot ter results to tho producer than uver ngo prices for the month. It does not limit top prices and should narrow the margins necessary to country buy ers In more varlablo markets. It Is believed that tho plun should work out close to $18 average Swine producers of the country will contribute to their own interest by not flooding the murket, for It must bo evident thnt If un excessive over per centage ot hogs Is murketed In any one month prlco stabilisation und con trol cannot succeed, and It Is certain that producers themselves can contri bute materially to the efforts of tho conferences If they will do their mark eting In as normal u way as possible. Tho whole situation as existing nt present demands a 'frank und explicit ussursneo from the conferees repre sented namely, that ovory possible effort will bo mado to malntuln a llvo hog prlco commensurate with swine production costs und reasonable sell ing values In execution of the declar ed policy of the Food Administration to use every ugency In its control to socure Justice to the farmer, Tho stabilization mothods adopted for November represent tho best ef forts of the conference, concurred In Announcement: To help meet the needs of the government, Wrigley's has discontinued the use of tin foil as a wrapping for milWfflfflm Hereafter all three WRIGLEY flavors will be sealed in air-tight, pink-end packages. So look for WRSGLEY5 in the pink sealed wrapper and lake your choice of fla vor. Three kinds to suit all tastes. Be SURE you get The Flavor Livestock Subcommittee of the Agrt- cultural Advisory iionril. together with special swine members nnd the representative of thu packers, to Im prove tho present unsatisfactory situ ation, which has mifortuualely result ed because of tho Injection of uncon trollable factors. Wo ask the producer to cooperate with us In a most dllllcult task. Tho members of tho Confrrenco were : Producers II. C. Stuart, Elk Oar den, Vn., Chairman Agricultural Ad visory Hoard; W. M. McFadden, Chi cago, III.; A. Hyki-s, Ida drove, la.; John M. Evvnrd, Ames, la.; J. II. Mer cer, Live Stock CommUnlon for Kan- sbji; J. O. Drown, Morion, Jnd.; E. C, Drown. President Chicago Livestock Exchange; N. H Oentry, Mo. ; John (irnttnn, llroomtlcld, Colo.; Eu - gene Funk, Illoomlngton, III.; Isaac Lincoln. Aberdeen, H. D.; O. V. Hunt, Ixgau, In.; a E. Yancey, W. It. Dod son. Food Administration Herbert Hoo vor, F, S. Snyder, Major E. L. Itoy, O. II. Powell. Department of Agriculture Louis D. Hall, F. It. Marshall. Tho packers present and others sharing In foreign orders wero repre sented by tho elected packers' commit tee. Thoso represented were : Packers Armour A Co., Chicago, III.; Cudahy Packing Co., Chicago, III.; Morris A Co., Chicago, III.; Swift & Co., Chicago, III.; Wilson A Co., Chlca go, III.; John Agar Co,, Chicago, III.; Armstrong Packing Co., Dallas, Tex.; Iloyd Dunham A Co., Chicago, III.; Ilrennan Packing Co., Chicago, III.; Cincinnati Abattoir Co., Cincinnati, O. ; Cleveland Provisions Co., Clove land, O,; Cudahy Dros. Co., Cudahy, Wis.; J. Dold Packing Co., IlurTnlo, N. Y.; Dunluvy Parking Co., Pittsburg, Pn. ; J. E. Decker A Sons, Mason City, la,; Evansvlllu Packing Co., Evans vllle, Intl. ; East Side Packing Co., East St. Louis, III.; Hammond Standlsh A Co., Detroit, Mich.; O. A. Hormel A Co., Austin, Minn.; Homo Packing A Ice Co., Terra Haute, Ind. ; Independ ent Pucklng Co., Chicago, III.; Indian apolis Abattoir Co., Indianapolis, Ind.; International Provision Co., Ilrooklyn, N. V, ; Interstate Packing Co., Winona, Minn,; Iowa Packing Co., Des Moines, la.; Powors Ilegg Co., Jacksonville, III.; Klngan A Co., Indianapolis, Ind.; Kroy Pucklng Co., St. Louis, Mo, ; Lake Erie Provision Co., Cleveland, O. ; Lay ton Co., Milwaukee, Wis. ; Oscar Mayer A IJro., Sodgwick and Ilecthoven streets, Chicago, III.; J. T. McMillan Co,; St. Paul, Minn.; Miller A Hart, Chicago, III. ; J, Morrcll A Co., Ottum wa, la, ; Nuckolls Packing Co,, Pueblo, Colo,; Ogden Packing and Provision Co,, Ogden, Utah ; Ohio Provision Co., Cleveland, O.; Parker Webb A Co., De troit, Mich.; Pittsburg Packing and Provision Co., Pittsburg, Pa,; Itath Pucklng Co., Waterloo, la.; Iloberts A Oako, Chicago, III, ; Hobo A Hros., Now York City ; W, O, Itouth A Co., Iogans port, Ind. ; St. Louis Ind, Pucklng Co., St. Louis, Mo.; Sinclair A Co., T. M, Cedar Itaplds, la. ; Sullivan A Co., De troit, Mich, ; Theurer-Norton Provision Co., Cleveland, O.; Wilson Provision Co., Peoria, III. ; Western Packing und Provision Co., Chicago, III,; Charles Wolff Packing Co,, Xopcko. lOm, iSllll SRALKD TICIIT-KiriT IUGIIT WRIGLEY'S Lasts! PROTEST AGAINST MOONKY HANGING (Ur Unit.) l'rr to TJt. HnJ llull.tln.) OAKLAND, t'ul., Nov. 20 Ala medu county shipyard worker am to day voting on a proposed strike, to tnko effect December 2, as a protest against the hanging of Moouuy. HOW A SALESMAN' Kt'l-'I'EltED. it. J Porter, Sterling, Col., writes; "I suffered with a painful, weak hack. As a traveling salesman I had to stoop frequently to pick tip my grips, and tho pain when I straight oned up was awful. I was Induced In try Foley's Kidney Pills. Itellef was j ttZu UB7 '""' . fc J " ,&. 'J& J 1 Adv. ro great." uvurywhuru. CliANHIFIED ADVEHTIHHMHNTH CliiMlrinl KilvrrtUinic rhurs. Ivr Lau TO rtnU fur 20 wuril or !. On. -r nl fur all over JO. All clutlnnl xlrcrlUlnit Mrlttlr mh In .nc -- - . .- M1! HALE. FOU HALE- Homo firm H. O. White Leghorn cockerels, O. A. C. stock; also yoiuiK pigs. M. E. Lnndls, Hedmond. G7-38-'Jp FOU HALE - Thoroughbred White Leghorn cockerel from a Mno lay. ItiK strain. Itoim Hatch, Tiuualo, Oro. 40-37-8p FOIt HALE-Klnvon hand of puro bred reglstored HampKhlro bucks, ono yoar old, Priced right. Will soil ono or all. Phono No. 4 OB Hedmond exchange. J, J. Ellin gor, Hedmond, Oro, 83.3ft-40p FOIt SALE 40 fccrcH noar Iloud, 27 acres water right lu crop, 1(1 ucres hay; with or Without stock. In qulro Ilullotln. ' 91-28tfo MISCELLANEOUS MONEY TO LOAN IR000.00 to loan on Improved farm laud, DoHchutos County Abstract Co. 00-35tfo WANTED. WANTED A team of mares, about irQ0 lbs. euch, for cash. Addross Ploroy & Sons, Tumulo, Oro. 30-32tro WANTED Frosh Shorthorn milch cows, II, L. Tono, Sisters, Orogon. f f C7-27tfo TO THADH OH EXCHANGE TO TItADE A business In Tilla mook, vuluu HfiOO, aud Saxon Six, 1018 modol, also Saxon 4, 1917. Any or all for laud or rollnciulah- niont. Immlro Ilullotln offlco. fi0-38p LOST AND FOUND, TAKEN UP On my pluco, 3 mllos onst of Hand, 1 rod cnlf, right oar cropped, brand on loft hip not Plain. Owner can havo sumo liy claiming such and paying ad. nnd Toed bill. P. Nelson, 48-38-41p TAKEN UP On (ho nond-Powoli " ilutto road. Saturday. Nov. lfl. a you tiff calf. Owner can linvo samo y proving proporty. Wilson Hunch, Powell Iiutto. Cl-3ao SB V 't 11