The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 21, 1918, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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Clirlntiiin I'niTclN to Men Ovcrwnii
May Ho .MatliMl Flftri'ii Dnjn
Lnlor TIhim Formerly
(From Tuemlny'a Dally,)
Tliroui;li nn order of llm poHtofllco
department liuiued Novmnbur 10, thu
tltuo for mailing Clirltmnii purcoln
to tint iiiuii uvurHoun linn boon nx-
tended until Novcinlior IIO. Thin In-
formation Iiiih Juki boon received by
thu Hend chapter of thu Hud Cronn.
Thin iiinnim that purculn tuny ho
mulled up until thu cloning hour of
thu local poHlofllcu on November 30.
A provision Iiiih iiIho boon mndu for
thu nwirwl rolutlvo of u member of
tho iixpi'illtlouary forccx who Iiiih not
received n t'lirlHtuuiH lubol to for
ward a parcul to tho noldlor. Huch
jiiimoiiH may reculvo a carton not
imrllor than Novuuiltiir 21 by hIcii
Iiu: a Mtntiimnut at tho Hod Croud
ClirlHtnmH parcul Million nutting forth
that tho label Iiiih not been received,
that tho portion iiomlliii: tho carton
In Hid uiiaroftl mlatlvi) of tho ro
ulplunt n nil that hIiouIi! thu lubol bo
received at a latur tlatu It will not
l)U IIHC'll.
Thu liuilllni: ot th win parcoln will
In) under thu nupiirvliilou of thu Hod
OroiiH nn In thu cuhu of whuru thu
label In received, thu only couilltlou
being that tint Mutuinoiil tnunl liu
Hindu anil Hworn to by thu Bonder.
Nuart'Nt rclntlvcN of puriomi nurv
Iuk In thu Red Cronn, thu Y. M. C. A
KnlnhlN of, ColumliUH, Halvutlon
Army or aluilliir nrgnnltutloiiH oper
ating In connection with military
corpti of thu Unit fil State may aliio
obtain Christ uum rurtotiN from thu
local Unit CrooH lnmdiiinrtorn by
hIkuIuk a curllflculu nlmllar In form
to that of thorn) for thu non-arrival
of labuU.
County Filings.
DoKchutoH County Atmtract rom-
' jtany'H report of ImttrumuiitH Mod for
record In I)enchutm county:
Thu IlKtid Co. to Kdmund llrnudou,
f warranty diwd, $10.
Wm. L. (Iraliam to A. J. Jomw,
warranty iIhuiI, $10.
Tho. M. Johimon to Hniunuii
1'etnrnoii, Hnrrunty deed, $10.
Kiimm Kituu to llanmiiH 1'oturnou,
warranty dfi'il, $1000.
Ktithur CockKrhntn to F. (1. Voogo
loln. wnrrnnty dood, $10.
CIiiih HIprluMi to Ountavo Ilormuu
lion, WHrrnuly deed, $10.
William Chiimoii to It. Nyatuun,
wnrrnnty deed, $.100.
1). II. (Into to Alfred Muiix, war
ranty doml. $1100.
City of Hum! to William J. Shnn
non, -warranty deed, $10.
Win. Illram Power to K. I). Oil
nou, lit nl warranty dood, $1.
I.yllu TowiihIIo Co. to Mnngnrot F.
Ilati'M, wnrrnnty deed, $10.
, J. M. Judd to Clarouco Wood aril,
j ot al., wnrrnnty dued, $2000.
Htntu of Oregon to II. II. HolgoBon,
J. N. WllllaniHon to W. M. Wllnon,
warranty deed, $10.
J. N. Wllllnnmon and holm ot II. F.
Allen to W. M. Wllnon, warranty
(lord, $1.
W. II. Rtnatn to O. A. Thornc.ii, quit
claim iluod.
W. II IluilHon to O. A. ThorHiin,
ijult claim deed.
Ilond Park Co. to II. C. Solvlg,
wnrrnnty diu'd, $10,
Luclllu J, Joiiuh to I, (Hi a C. Mc
Nuuloy, wnrrnnty deed, $10.
duo. J. Illbbard to Nolllo I. DuuiiIh,
warranty cloud, $10,
duo. J. Illbbard to Nulllu I. DuuiiIh,
warranty duud, $10.
It. L, Low, ot al to Loona A.
Dyor, ot al., wnrrnnty duud, $10.
l.tylo TowtiHltu Co. to Hllun M.
rutnam, warranty dood, $1.
Arthur It, lladluy to lloburt L.
Knorr, warranty duud, $4100.
Jlund Park Co. to N. uud M, David,
warranty duud, $10,
Alfred A. Ayn to William WIN
HatiiH, warranty dcud, $10.
IJva ,, Swank to I.uutor 10, Davis,
wnrrnnty dood.
Wm. II. Bulllvnu, ut nl to II, 1),
Illack, warranty dood, $10.
Htuto ot OrctKon to Mary B. Colo
man, duud,
JanioH JackRon to Juanlta M, Cono,
warranty duud, $10.
William 10. Claypool to Harvoy J,
llnrrln, $10.
HarrlHon M, Haudolph to H. II,
Loop, warranty duud, $100.
llrookH'Scaulou Lumbor Co. to
John Kort;iiHon, warranty dood, $10,
8, 10, Itoburtn, Hhurlff, to Morotllth
Unlluy, Jr., tax duud.
" " "
Ono cont a word la all a llttlo Want
d will cost you.
(From Monday's Dally.)
Tliomim lloltt, who lata boon
opuratliiK tho Llborty auto mnrkot
horo for tho punt throe montha, Iiiih
takon tho nuiiumoinont ot tho CiihIi
Mnrkot, on OruKon uvonuo, It wna
1 nnnouiicoil thlu morulug, and will
conduct tho bualuuuB In tho ifuturu
for tho ownora.
Many Yearn Ago Chnrloi Dlckeni
Looked Into tho Future With Vlt
Ion nerrmrknlily Prophetic.
'I'lii'ic Ih iininclliliiK iilmoHt uncanny
about tho accuracy with which Oniric
Dlckrmi fort'Haw thu Ilun and IiIh ii Iiiih
iih wu know Ilium today, Not lone
iiko tliuro wan iiiolid part of Dick
van' ruply to an Invitation to bucomu
n membur of a pcacn Hocloty that a
nuinhiT of pithoiih wcro cndt'iivorlnjr.
to form In 18.11. Thu wordd wrlttun
tlion by thu Kruut KiikIUIi author uru
worth ropeiitliiK:
"Look out lownfil AuHtrln, look out
toward acrmiiny," ho couiiHi-lud. "Do
you Hun nothliiK thcru?
"I toll you that It Im Iiociiiiho thuro
nrn thu wild bvtiM of thn forcnt , . .
bccaiiHii I would nut bu noldlui' ridden,
nor bnvo othur mm no, Iiocmiihc I dread
und hato thu iiiIhitIi'h and tyranny of
wnr, that I nm not for thu illmirinliiK
of IOiikIiiiiiI, nor can I bu a membur of
your penco nocluty."
i:very render of "Little Dorrlt" will
remumber thu landlady of thu "llrualc
of Dny Inn" of Clialotm. Wordi of
thin French character of IiIh hnvu n
pecullnrly prophetic rliitf. Ilcru they
"And I tell you thin my friend . . .
That theru uru peoplu whom It Ih nee
ermry to ilotcHt without compromlHc.
That theru uru peuplu who nniit bn
dealt with nn rumulcH of Hid human
rncu. That tbero nro peoplu who Imvit
no liumaii heart, mid who 'mint bu
cruitbed Ilko miviiku beimtH, nod cluur
uil out of tho wny."
Chilean Government Aikt Return of
Unexpended Portion of In.
demnlty Paid In 1821.
Thu full bench of thu MnfinarhunettH
HUpremu court hu been called uon
to determlnu thu owuumhlp of a fund
ncnrly n century oh which Ih claimed
by thu commonwealth of MmmuicIiu
MettN on onu hand and thu Chilean kov
eminent on thu other.
In 18'JI an American Hhlp returning
from f'hlun to Itoilnn wiih seized by
Chilean revolutlonlHtN nnd Km enrso
conllncateil, When normal rondltlonn
prevailed In Chllu thu Unit. 11 .State
demnnded Indemnity and Chllu paid
Wllllnm II. dnrdlner of Ilrookllne.
Mbm., wan Holected to dlKtrlbutn tho
money unions: Ihonu entitled to It. Iln
fxeciitiil thu triint except nH to two
Chinese known only iih Paqun nrvt
Mixiiia. merchants and Thornim I'nr.
her of ItoHton. Mr. dnnllner fnlled to
locnlu tlienu pernoim or their reprcHen
tnllven. When hu died the trutt wan
tramimltted to bin Hon, and upon thu
Intler'H death to thu urondHon and
Kient-KranilMm, Hubert II. flardlncr
ami Itoburt II. nnrdluur, Jr., who uru
now It.s ctiNtodlnuH.
Thu present holder of tho fund
hnvo din relied through tho rccordi of
tint Htntu department, through thu
American comuihir Hervlce at Cantnn.
China, nnd throncli vnrlmii other
loiirce. for tho helm of Pnijnn, Mmjtia
and ThomiiH Furber, without nuecuns.
"Cleani" Crowd of Cah.
Vacuum glcnnlm; money from ntrcct
crowiU wnn lint HtrlkltiK Hchemo cm
ployed In ono of tho lnrjru cltleH tmmo
weekn nKo for thu benellt of thu Ited
CronH, finyn Popular Kclrnco Magnzlnc.
A Piictlnn plpo wns held over tho
hcnilH of permum cotiKreunted on tho
ildcwnllc, ami cuntrllmtlonH nollclted
by n Icnther-luiiKci! Keniunn who Hhout
td through a meKiiphone. CrlNp dol
lar IiIIIh mid worn KreenbackH, It mat
lured not which, wero drawn In by
itrntif, miction forco when Inserted In
I ho nnzxlo o( thu tube.
Thu novelty of tho plnn nttrnctcd
piiHHera-by nnd drow forth many dona
Oandagei Now Made Quickly.
A recent Invention which Iiiih not
)een mnrknted iih yet, but Ih reported
:o bu n icreut nuccesH. Is an electric
roller for uso In iniiklnj; tho much-
iceded nvo-yard rolla of lmndiiKCH.
1'IiIh now duvlco Im not only n crent
ilmu und labor aaver, but rorpilrea
llttlo prnctlcu to lenm to operate. Tho
roiiern operated by hand, iih they lmvo
lieeii herutoforo, reipilru nklll and
Iralnlnj,' to opernto them succeHsfully,
ind tho work Ih Htrcnuous. Hy rolling
lectrlcnlly tho operator la ahlo to
teep both luindH on tho bnndnuo,
whllo In hand operation ono hand
mldcH tho roll or bnndnco und tho
Dthcr operntes tho roller.
Swamp a War Garden.
Too old to bo taken Into tho aervlco,
CleorKO Hoy, a Jnpnneso resident of
Juneau, Alaaka, bna turned u moa
Hilto Hwnmp Into a patriotic Knrdcn
that him becomo tho udmlrutlon of tho
ItadlshoH In this unlquo gnrden send
their Kreen tops upward to form tho
word "Liberty," nnd nenr by Is formed
a bell.
To ono Bldo n cross blooms In red
iweut pens, whllo tiny walks, wrlgnly
fencea uud rockH with flowers wander-
Iuk over thorn add to tho attractions
or tho place.
Coat of Infectious Diseases.
Scnrlut fever, measles and diphthe
ria cost tho peoplo of CIiIciiko $7,502,.
412 durliiK tho courso of tho year. This
Iiiiko hill represents so much paid out
as tho prlco of carelessness and In
(lirfureiicu, for much If not nil of this
dlHCUHu illicit have boon prevented by
precautions, inornlUeH tho Journal of
thu American Medical Association,
urging tho dollars and cents valuo of
illscuso provcntlou.
Alfalfa Qrowere of the Yakima Val
ley Used Novel Method to Adver
tise Their Product.
To ndvrrllmj their iiKrleulttiral prod
ucIh thu fnlliH of thu HiiiinjHlde recln-
matloii project, In thu Htntu of WiihIi-
IiikIoii, built hiHt Hummer a bruud-uew
1 kind of Htructuro. They culled It n
hay palace,
It waa built wholly of baled liny
alfalfa hay of thu fe-flt quality, 0,000
tpiiH of It, contributed by tho fanners
of Yaklmu valley. Home house I Well,
yes. It wan ICO feet lomj, 100 font
wide and '!,' feet IiIkIi, with an exteri
or effect Homewhat reHi'iiibllm; that
of a medieval fortreHH.
Intildo of It weru exhibits of ovrry
ImiiKlmiblo kind relating to thu field
and Kardeti produrtH of (ho valley.
AIho mi uudltorlum, with a Htago for
HpeakerH, lauxlc nnd vaudeville net.
The palnco wiih Illuminated by elec
tricity and cooled by electric funn.
Hut, uIIIioukIi thu Yakima valley
produces wonderful frultn und vejee
tnhleH, ItH IiIk moiiuy-Kettlnt; crop la
alfalfa. Thu celebration fit thu liny
palace (which wait, Incidentally, n nort
of carnival) was planned mainly for
thu purpoxo of brltiKlm; toKclhcr thu
grower and consumer of alfalfa bay,
with elimination of thu much-objur-gated
On the hiHt day of thu fair thu hay
from which the palaco wiih construct
ed wiih Hold at auction to the hlghi-xt
bidders mid the proceeds wrru distrib
uted pro rata iiuioiik' the fanners who
had contributed the material.
Dusky Ctevedore In Franco Was Rap
Idly Cettlno nich nt Expento of
His Comrades.
They used to Mioot Home craps In
Mcvodore company No. , but they
don't any inure. TIiIh as n conse
quence of a atirii company order Is
micd nfter n prolonged argument with
thu tile which followed tho flrnt pay
day on this hide.
Theru wna n gnme nt every oppor
tunity for nbout n week, nnd then
enmu u lull. SlmultniKoiiHly with the
lull the men begnn to tur up nhy of
uppnrel and equipment. Investigation
disclosed that onu dusky private with
a pair of illco that behaveil particu
larly well bad mndo a sensational
He linil gathered most of tho
francH In thu company In tho first
tbreo days and then started on per
Konal effectH. At tho conctuMon of
the series lie had Hourly enouph
fnini'S to flnnncu a war of his own
nnd more clothes than the nuppiy
sergeant, tint to ppcak of .'1(1 Identltl
cation tngs. seven boxes of C.C
pills, n bottlu of castor oil, 11 tow
els, most of the soap In the com
pany and n packing chm full of other
articles. At tho miggwitloii of tho
captain he returned all of the belong
ings nnd most of tho francs.
"Ah learned dat game In do old
Tenth cavalry," h exclaimed, "nnd Ah
Just wniited to show dese new soldiers
dot dey didn't know nullln' about It."
Sturs nnd Stripes.
He Did Not Forget
.Moro thnn two years ago, Chnrlle,
nn old tiro department horse at dreon
castle, left the station, his plncu there
hnvlng been tirtson by n new motor
truck. Since that time Charlie 1ms
turn doing heavy hauling for his pres
ent owner.
Tho other day Charley nnd his work
ing iiiuto wero Mopped near tho (Ire
department station, and onu of thu
firemen ventured thu statement that
Chnrllo would still mnku a good tiro
horso If tho old equipment bhould
lmvo to bo resorted to. To provo
Ids contention thu fireman unhitched
Chnrlle, led him to his old stall, ad
Justed tho harness ubovo tho old
wagon and sounded tho alarm. Thu
door opened and Just ns of old Chnr
llo trotted out nnd ran under tho har
ness ready to make u run. In two
years bo had not forgotten bis lesson.
Indianapolis News.
Mount Rubber.
"Itemember Mount Hubber when you
como to Newton," urges thu Knusnn.
Mount Hubber Is u heap of rubber ruN
blslt on Knst llrondwny, near Main
street, which, when It assumes the de
sired proportions, will bo sold to old
rubber collectors and tho proceeds
turned over to tho lied Cross. The
nation needs tho rubber, tho lied
Cross needs tho money und tho public
needs Its riddance. "Anything llko nn
old auto tire, bicycle tire, rubber boots,
old garden hose, rubber out of your
neck In fact, anything In tho form
of rubber m bo chucked Into tho
pile nnd It will bo n Jolt for tho kal
nor," says tho Knnsau.
Napoleon's Descendant
A Krent-Kmiidson of Napoleon llonn
pnrto was killed recently In action not
fur from Helms, whore ho was at the
head of a muclituc-gun section. Ills
lining was Daniel Napoleon Mesuard,
and ho was tho sou of a lady whose
mnlden iiamo was Leon, and who was
ttio daughter of Count Leon, a natural
sou of tho emperor, Tho dead soldier
bore himself bravely In defense of
YCulms, uud was mentioned In dis
patches. Ominous Quiet.
"Now do you nccount for tho fact
that Crimson Gulch has becomo "so
"It Isn't peaceful," replied llroncho
Hob. "It only seems so because tho
boys nro saving their ammunition for
tho Heches Instead of wasting It qu
ono another,"
Notlco Is hereby ijlven Hint Do
Hchutes county ruglsturod wnrrntits
drawn on tho Ilond Fund, Numbors
400 to 49(1, fncluiilvM, nro called for
payment at tho County Treasurer's
oflco, Hand, Orison, Interest stops
on and nftor November 23rd, 1018,
Treasurer, DonchuteH County.
In tho Circuit Court of tho Htntu of
OruRuri, for Deschutes County.
Western Loan & Hulldlrw; Company,
n Corporation, Plaintiff, vs. Donnld
V. Mackintosh; Oscar Carlson nnd
Kd Lyons, doing business under
thu firm name nnd Mylc of Carlson
& Lyons, Defendants.
Ily virtue or an execution, Judg
ment order nnd decrco and order of
sale Issued out of tho ubovo entitled
Court In tho nbovo, entitled cause,
to ma directed und dntcd tho 12th
dny of November, 1918, upon n
Judgment nnd decreo rendered nnd
entered In said Court on the 9th day
of November, 1918, In favor of
plaintiff, on Its first cnuso of suit
for thu sum of $1330.87 with In
torest t hereon at tho rato of 10 per
cont. per annum from Juno 10, 1918;
for thu further sum of $100.00 at
torney's fees and tho further sum of
$8.10 costs nnd disbursements, and
thu costs on and upon this writ
commanding mo to make snlo of thu
following described - real property
Hltunto, lying nnd being In the Coun
ty of Deschutes, Statu of Oregon, to
wit: All of Lota numbered 12 and 13
In Illock uumboroil 2 of Hend View
Addition to ilond according to thu
duly recorded pint thereof now on
file and of record In tho office of tho
County Clerk of Deschutes County,
Htntu of Oregon.
And for tho further Judgment ot
$1339.87 on plaintiff's second cnusu
of suit, with Interest thereon at the
rnto of 10 per cunt, per nnnutn from
Juno 1C, 1918; for tho further sum
of $100.00 attorney's fees and tho
further sum of $8.10 costs nnd dis
bursements and thu costs of nnd upon
this writ commanding mo to make
sale of the following described real
property situate, lying and being in
tho County of Deschutes, Stato of
Orogen, and to apply tho proceeds
of said sale toward tho satisfaction
of Judgment obtained on said second
cnusu of suit, to-wit:
All ot Lots numbered 11 nnd IS
In Illock 2 of Ilond View Addition
to Ilond, according to tho duly re
corded pint thereof now on fllo nnd
of record In tho office of tho County
Clerk of Deschutes County, Slalo of
And the further Judgment of
$1402. 95, on plaintiff's third cnuso
of suit, with Interest thereon nt tho
rnto of 10 per cont. per annum from
Juno 1(1, 1918; for tho further sum
ot $100.00 attorney's fees and tho
further sum of $8.10 costs and dis
bursements and tho costs of and upon
this writ commanding mo to mako
! hale of tho following described real
property sltunto, lying and being In
the County of Deschutes, Stato of
Oregon, and to apply thu proceeds of
said milo toward tho satisfaction of
Judgmont obtnlnod on said third
cause of suit, to-wlt:
All of Lots numbered 13 and 14
In Illock numbered 8 of Hend View
Addition to Hend, according to tho
duly rucordod plat thereof now on
tile and of record in the offlco of
the County Clerk of Doechutoa
County. Stnto of Oregon.
And tho further Judgmont of
$1402.95 on plaintiff's fourth cause
ot suit, with Interest theroon nt tho
rnto of 10 pur cent, per annum from
Juno 1C, 19 IS : for tho further sum
of $100.00 attorney's rocs und tho
turthor sum of $8.10 costa and dis
bursements und tho costs ot nnd upon
this writ commanding mo to mako
snlu of tho following described real
property sltuuto, lying nnd being In
thn County or Deschutes, Stnto of
Oregon, and to apply tho proceeds of
snld salu toward thu satisfaction ot
Judgmont obtained on said fourth
cause of suit, to-wit:
All of Lots 3 and 4 In Illock num
bered 1 or Ilotitl View Addition to
Hend. according to tho duly record
od plat thereof now on fllo nnd ot
record In tho offlco of tho Countv
Clorlc ot Deschutes County, Stnto of
NOW. THKHEFORB. by vlrtuo ol
said execution, Judgmont order, de
cree nnd order or sale and in com
pliance with thu commands ot snld
writ, I will on Saturday, tho 14th
day of December, 191 S, nt 10 o'clock
A. M., at tho front door ot tho Court
houso in Hend, Deschutes County,
Oregon, sell at public auction (sub
ject to redemption) to tho highest
bidder for cash In hand, all tho right,
title nnd Interest which tho within
nnmed defendant, Donnld V. Mnclc
Intosh, had on tho dates or mort
gages horoln foreclosed, or slnco
that dnto had in and to tho abovo
described property, to satlsry snld
execution, Judgment order und do
croo, Intercut, costa and accruing
Dntcd this 13th day ot Novombor,
Shoriff of Deschutes County, Oregon.
Dato of first publication, Novem
ber 14, 191S.
Dnto ot last publication, Decom
bor 5, 1918. 37-40c
Department ot tho Interior, U. S.
Land Otflco at Tho Dalles, Orogon,
Octobor 21st, 1918.
Notlco is hereby glvon that Fred N.
Van Mntro ot Hond, Oregon, who on
Octobor 17th, 1018. mado Dosort
Land Entry No. 09584 for Lot 4,
SMj VM. Cn.mi 4 TrtvvMial.l.. IT
South, Rango 12 East Willamette
Meridian, has filed notlco of intontlon
to nmko flnnl throo-yonr proof to
esiuonsii ciaini to tno lnmt nbovo do
scribed boforo II. C. Ellis, United
States commissioner, at Doml, Oro
gon, on tho 12th dny ot Docombor,
Claimant namos as witnesses;
Lomuol A. Brandonburg, ot Bond,
Wilbur F. Htinnoll, of Hand, Ore
gon, James Wlnnlnghnm, or Ilond, Ore
gon, Lllllo II. Hrnndonburff, or Hend,
In tho Justice Court tor tho District
ot Ilond, Deschutes County, Ore
gon. P. A, Erlckson, plaintiff, vs, Edward
Hnnds, dofundant.
To Edward Sands, tho abovo named
In tho Namo of tho Stato of Ore
gon, you aro hereby required to ap
pear and answer tho complaint In tho
abovo entitled action on or before
December S, 1918, thnt dnto being
six wooks from tho first publication
of this summons, or for wnnt thoro
or, tho plnlntlff will tako Judgmont
ngalnst you for $7.58 with Interest
nt C por cent, from May 10, 1918,
nnd tho costa and disbursements of
this action.
Justice ot tho Peaco.
A. J. MOORE, 34-40C
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Department of tho Interior, U. S.
Land Offlco at Tho Dalles, Oregon,
October ICth, 1918.
Notlco Is hereby given that Wil
liam II. Presley, of Hend, Orugon,
who on August 2d, 1915, mudo
Homestead Entry No. 015302, for
NBU, N SEW. Sec. 20. NW'i
8W't. 8W4 NWU. Section 21.
Brooks- Scanlon Lumber
Lumber, Lath, Shingles,
Building Material, Kiln
Dried Flooring and all kinds ef Finish
COMPLETE STOCK ot Sundird Sao.
Local Sales Agent, MILLER LUMBER CO.
Manufacturers of Iron, Drjjnie and Semi-Steel Castings for
Power Transmission Machinery: Vood Pipe Fittings, Grate
Bars. Agricultural, Mining and Saw Mill Machinery. Ornament
al and Structural Iron. WE ARE PREPARED TO RUSH
Business and Professional Cards
Rooms 13-1 0 First National
Hank Hldg. Tol. 511
(Dr. Coe'i Formr O0W.)
O'Kano Building, Hond, Oregon
H. C. JQ L L I S
United States Commissioner
Firs'. National Hank Building
A p .
Visits Bend Monthly,
Watch Paper for Dates,
or Inquire ot
Deschutes County Abstract Company
D. II. PEOPLES. President
Most Complete Abstract Plant In Central Oregon, Special Attention
Glvon to Fedornl Loan Abstracts.
First National Bunlt bldtf., HEND. ORE.. Cor. next, to Alley
Basics-Anderson Farm Land Co.
Irrigated Farm Lands a Specialty
Firtt National Bank Building 124 Oiegon SUcct Bred, Oregon
Township 20 South, Rnngo 1C Enat
Willamette Mnrldlnn, ban filed no
tlco of Intention to mnko flnnl throo
year proof to establish clnlm to tho
land nbovo described boforo II. C.
Ellis, United States commissioner, at
Hend, Oregon, on tho 6th day ot
Dccombor, 1918.
Claimant nnmes ni witnesses:
Patrick II. Coffey, of Hrolhorfl,
Roscoo N. Palmorton, of Hrothora,
Oeorgo W. Cook, of Mllllcnn, Oro
Kon. William Hothorn, of Homstcd, Ore
gon. 34-38p H. FRANK WOODCOCK,
Department of tho Interior, U. S.
Land Offlco nt Tho Dalles, Orogon,
October 12th, 1918.
Notice la hereby given that Aaron
A. Mundon, assignee ot Wllllnm A.
Dantzscher of Portland, Oregon,
who on Soptomber 14th, 1912, mado
Desert Land Entry No. 010723 tor
NWU. Section 17. Township 17
South. Rango 12 East Wlllametto
Meridian, has filed notlco of Inten
tion to mako final proof to establish
claim to tho land abovo described
before II. C, Ellin, United States
commissioner, nt Hend, Oregon, on
tho 3d day ot December. 1918.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Hubert Ifarrymnn, ot Hend, Ore
gon. August Hallbcrg, ot Hend, Oregon.
W. C. Cooloy, or Hend, Oregon.
William Peck, or Hend. Orogon.
Fkono Black 1291
2-4 O'Kano Building
i ii
O. P. NI8WONOER, Bend, Ore.
Licensed Embalmcr, Fun end
Phono Rod 421. Lady AmL
KaprapaUilc Physician
Over Logan Furniture Co.
Wall Street Hours 9 to E
Phone Rod 483
Sttrsf and KnrrdJn, Gtntral &
ulukn MttchanU.
Wt carrr OU. Caulln. Baxir, Plear,
Bait Mcata. Baa. Bacea aiU Lard.
Lawrence Bldg., Room 3
Phone Red 22S1