The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 21, 1918, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    1'AGIO a
-- H
Central Oregon
MILLIOAN, Nov. 1G J. J. Hol
land Is homo with a Tory bnd cold.
His Ron Joseph Is out of school, also
suffering with n cold.
Mrs. L. II. Keller -wont to Bond
with Mr. mid Mrs. Everett Qrlnstond
Saturday, returning with iMr. Keller
Wm. A. Itnhn hauled wood for
Mrs. Leo Keller Wednesday.
Wm. A. Knhn was a caller at the
Holland homo Tuesday evening.
It. R. Kellor was omployed at tho
Smith ranch Thursday.
P. D. Johnson mado a business trip
to Dcnd Tuesday.
Tuesday was "Indies' day" at Kd
Moore's store, Mrs. Geo. Cook, Mrs.
J. J. Holland, Mrs. Leo Keller and.
Mrs. Kverott (Irlnstcad and Mrs. It. It.
Keller all calling at the store that
Mrs. Leo Kellor Is on the sick list.
O. O. King from Brothers passed
through Mllltcnn Wednesday having
mado a business trip to Ileml.
Mrs. Everett CJrlnstcad and son
Glen wero visitors at tho Leo Keller
home Tuesday.
F. Tauschor Is Imsy hauling wood,
prcpnrlng for the well drill, which
will bo nt his placo as soon ns they
hnvo water on tho Ernest Edmonds
P. E. Lee mado a business trip to
Bend this week.
Clydo Schaffer also went to Dend
on business.
C. II. Graffenborgor was selling
meat In the vicinity Wednesday.
Mr. Garsko went through Milli
on n Thursday on his way to Bend
with a big load of potatoes.
Mrs. J. J. Holland called at the
It. n. Keller ranch Thursday after
noon. Mr. Haines of Bond was In this
neighborhood Tuesday.
Vernon Clovcnger and his fnthcr
went to Garden Hollow this week to
finish their houses on their respective
ranches, which they purchased re
cently. L. A. Hall Is In a hospital In
Franco with a wounded arm.
C II. Graffenberger dug his po
tatoes, harvesting about 100 sacks.
Mar' M. Holland is again able to
attend school.
BE.N'D R. F. D. No. 1. Nov. 18
Thero hnvo been several cases of In-
iluenza In this neighborhood, but all
' aro Improving at this writing.
, Roy Cook, who is stationed nt Port
! Townsend, Wash., was home on a
uhort furlough to visit his relatives.
Mrs. Fern Henderson and daugh-
ll ter, who have been hero visiting tre
1 1 G. L. Mooro family, left some time
i ago for their homo at Astorlu, Ore.
Autls Moore and Tom Merchant
have been at Crescent tho past two
weeks hunting for cattle.
J. Malosh has been helping J. T.
Newberry dig his potatoes.
C. H. Ponllous Is -working at the
mill In Bend now.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Coffey and
daughter Gertrudo wero Sunday
J visitors at tho A. Neff home.
i Frank Smith sold his farm, cast of
Bend, to G. R. Barkloy, and tho
latter moved In his new home Wed
nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Smith will
niako their homo In Bend.
G. H. Slack. A. Neff and II. S.
Mersdorf wore out appraising land
Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Stookoy, form
erly of this district, are now living
at Oswego, Oregon.
E. E. Butler, who has been seri
ously ill with Influenza, Is slowly
Dr. P. II, Dencor and his now brldo
are expected to move out on tho farm
this week.
Mrs. Albert Wornstaff and son
George aro living in Bend now. They
liuvo rented their placo to Sam Elder.
Mr and Mrs. J. T. Newberry and
eon Raymond were visitors at tho J.
Malosh homo Sunday.
Molvln Bedlent camo out home
Wednesday to help with tho farm
'Mrs. Autis Mooro and daughters
are staying at tho G. L. Mooro homo
whilo tho former's husband Is rid
ing for cattle.
Mrs. P. C. Burts has boon nursing
In Bend the past week.
Will Wornstaff and children, John
nlo and Margreto, wero callers at tho
Elllngston home Sunday.
. Who is Plercy & Sons, Tumalo?
44p Adv.
Mrs. G. Hyde, Homestead, Mich.,
writes: "I had that torrlblo back
acho and tired out feeling, scarcely
able to do my work, but And by using
Foley Kidney Pills that I soon foel
liko a now person." Foley Kidney
Pills holp tho kidneys throw out
poisons that cauBO backacho, rheu
matic pains and aching JoIntB. Sold
ovory where. Adv.
PINEHURST, Nov. 1C Messrs.
R. II. Bayloy and G. W. Bales woro
canvassing tho neighborhood Wed
nesday In tho interest of tho United
War Work campaign.
Miss Anna Eldor and brother were
callers nt tho King homo Sunday
Miss F.thol Snyder left Saturday to
spend sovornl wooks with friends in
Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Becker and
daughter of Tumalo woro guests at
tho Bayley farm Sunday.
J. L. Couch butchered a flno beef
this week and was delivering it in
I tho neighborhood Tuesday. Ho was
accompanied by Mrs. Couch.
C. W. Howell wns n business vis
itor In Bend Thursday.
Two of C. H. Spaugh'8 colts wan
dered away from homo soma tlmo
ago and wore later located In tho
pound at Bend.
Miss Ruth Bayloy spent several
days this week as tho guest of Mr.
and Mrs. C. P. Becker, near Tumalo.
O. W. Snyder was attending to
business matters In Bend Monday.
'Mr. Parsons spent Sunday nt his
homo near Plalnvlew.
Mnhlon Couch spent several days
this week riding for cnttlo on tho
rnngo In tho vicinity of Broken Top.
Mrs. A. J. Hnrter of Tuninlo spent
Monday nt tho G. M. Couch homo.
Mrs. W. E. Searcy and son Gerald
motored to Bend on business one
dny this week.
The first snow of the season visited
this section Thursdny, accompanied
by n severo wind, which will dolny
threshing for several days.
Reginald Bayloy returned home
Friday after spending sovornl weeks
visiting at tho homo of L. II. Root
and family at Medford, Ore.
A. J. Hartor and Ray Gorklng
wero soliciting subscriptions for the
war campaign In tho Sunnysldu dis
trict this week.
Ethel Snyder spent several days
with home folks tho latter part of
the week whilo nursing a soro arm
occasioned by a "shot In the arm"
for Influenza.
Mrs. C. M. Phelps visited with her
mother, Mrs. Gnrner, Wednesday.
R. II. Bayley made a trip to Cllnc
Falls and Redmond on business Fri
day. Miss Anna Elder, teacher of tho
Pinehurst school, Is reported III In
Bend, so thero will be no school this
Children aro as likely to get the
grip and Influenza as grown-ups.
Foley's Honey and Tar gives quick
relief from all kinds of coughs, colds,
croup and whooping cough; covers
raw, inflamed surfaces with a heal
ing, soothing coating; clears air pas
sages, checks strangling, choking,
coughing. Contains no opiates. Sold
everywhere. Adv.
Andrew Nelson mado a business trip
to Redmond Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs w. II. Gray wore
helping tho Mikkelsens dig potatoes
Wednesday and Thursday.
Rasmus Peterson went to Bend
Tuesday to be examined for tho
Mrs. Russell of Whlto Salmon,
Wash., who has been visiting hor
daughter, Mrs. John Edwards, for
the past month, will leavo for her
homo soon.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Poterson and
Mrs. Cnrrle Johnson wero in Bend
Anton Ahlstrom was a Redmond
visitor Monday.
It is reported that ono of the
Baughman children Is qulto sick.
Mr. und Mrs. Ernest Frank wero
callers at tho Anderson home Sun
day. Rasmus Peterson and Mrs. Cath-
arlno Johansen were in Redmond
Anton Ahlstrom Is building a new
Androw Nelson is on tho sick list
this week.
Mra. Catherlno Johansen bus been
helping Mra. Mlkkelscn several days
this week.
Ray Gerklng of Tumalo was In
this neighborhood Tuesday looking
after stock.
Edith McPherson has recovered
from her sickness and is ablo to be
out again.
Frederick Karstcns returned to his
homo In Seattle after spending a
couplo of days In this neighborhood.
Cut This Out It In Worth .Money.
DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this
slip, encloso with Cc to Foley & Co.,
2835 Sheffield Avo Chicago, III.,
writing your namo and address
clearly. You will rocoivo in return
a trial package containing Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound, for
coughs, colds and croup, Foley Kid
ney Pills and Foley Cathartic Tab
lets. Sold everywhere. Adv.
SISTERS, Nov. 18. Mrs. M.
Bailey of Philadelphia Is visiting her
son Meredith.
Mr, and Mra. Wllllum Wurzwelllcr
wont to Redmond and returned with
Ruth Bales of Bend Monday,
Mrs. Grovor PulIIum of Tumalo Is
visiting Mrs. J. O. AIcKlnnoy.
C. R. Griffith and Georgo Jen
nings wore at Bend Monday.
Mrs. Frank Burling and Mra.
Robert Burling of Cloyordalo woro
In town Tuesday.
Mrs. Robert Burling went to Tho
Dalles and from thero to Tacoma to
visit relatives.
13, L. Tone and John Bruns wero
nt Sisters Monday. Mr. Tono suc
ceeded In putting Slaters over tho top
In tho war welfare drive.
C. W. Allen wont to llodmon Tues
day. Wm. F. Combs nnd wlfo woro In
town Tuesday.
C. W. Allen attended tho sale at
the Tompleton ranch Thursday.
Mrs. Bertha Wilson and sou John
moved to town.
Georgo Mossor has taken charge of
tho Duckett mill, 14 miles south of
Vern Skelton of Cloverdalo was In
town Sunday.
Frank Zumwnlt of tho Alllnghnni
ranger station wns at Sisters Sunday
for supplies.
Georgo H. Moody of Portland, Dr.
R. W. Hendorshott of Bond and
Frank Little of Prlnuvlllo registered
nt tho Sisters hotel.
A largo numbor of Cloverdalo
pooplo camo to Sinters Tuesday and
Thursday to bo vaccinated. All of
tho Slstors school children were
vaccinated Sunday, Tuesday nnd
Thursdny by Dr. R. W. Houdorshott
of Bond. Tho school houso Is being
fumigated every day to prevent nny
germs from gnthorlivg.
Vorn Klof has completed all the
tenth grade work In history nnd
physiology and tho eleventh grade
work In English literature and Eng
lish composition nnd is now study
ing botany, geometry, physics, Eng
lish history nnd typewriting. John
Allen has completed all tho sixth
grade work In spelling. Margaret
Kulborg has completed nil the
seventh grade work In spelling.
11. L. Tono was In town Thursdny.
Mr. and Mrs. William Wurzwelller
wont to Portland Wednesday to see
thejr son Max, who has taken the
Spanish Intluenzn.
Jack Stldham, who Is ongluuor at
the Wilson mill, wns nt Slaters Sun
day. Jnck Weston was in from Clover
dale Sunday.
CLOVERDALE. Nov. 13. To have
your best and largest turkey dis
appear from tho flock and then hnvo
It reappear baked and sorveu on your
own table as part of a birthday sur
prise dinner, without your slightest
knowledgo of Its whereabouts, would
bo qulto a Joke on yourself, wouldn't
It? Then Imagine tho surprlsu of
Mra. Frank Burling when n number
of friends pleasantly surprised hor
at her homo In Cloverdalo Sunday
evening. Thursdny evening Mr. und
Mrs. Irvln Parburry spout the even
ing nt tho Burling homo and the
noxt morning tho turkey was miss
ing. Of coursu it wns believed that
coyotes or owls had feasted on the
missing fowl, but certnn members of
tho Burling nnd Pnrbcrry households
knew whero tho turkey wns ns It
gobbled In n coop nt tho Pnrbcrry
ranch Friday morning. Well, tho
turkey mat its intended fate, was
nicely roasted and carried by some
of the members of tho baud of plot
ters to tho Burling home, whero It
was ushered Into the kitchen by
Mrs. Robt. Burling. Whilo tho rest
of the band, composed almost entire
ly of the Pnrberry and Cutler fam
ilies, woro being entertulned by Mra.
F. J. Burling In another room, tho
rest of tho fenst was being prepared.
After tho dinner tho rest of the even
ing wns spent in enjoying delightful
selections of music. Tho guests
wero: Mr. nnd Mra. J. L. Pnrberry,
Mr. and Mra. Irvln Parborry, Mlns
Gladys Parborry, Mra. Cora Cutler.
Mrs. Edith Lewis, Curtis Christy and
LcRoy Cutler.
Prlvnto LeRoy Cutler,, who has
been stationed at Galveston, Texas,
with tho U. S. Marines, returned to
his homo last Thursday. Ho Is re
leased on an indollnlto furlough.
J. B. Hodson canvassed Cloverdalo
Monday, raising Cloverdalu's quota
for tho War Work drive.
Mr. Gray and Dan Forcn woro
business cnllora at tho Parburry homo
ono day last week.
Madison Holton nnd Dean Van
Mntro went to Bend to bu physically
examined for tho draft Inst Tuesday,
but owing to tho fact that all tho
By speeiul arrangement
we can now offer you a
1 Year Subscription
The Bend Bulletin
and a
1 Year Subscription
The Oregon Farmer
for only
This tpecial piice (or both paper it
good only for a ihort time.
The Bend OujIcU'n,
Bend, Oregon.
Enclosed find $2,00, (or which send
me The Bend Bulletin nd The Oregon
Farmer (or one year each.
Name........... .................
Posioflice ........ J.. ....... .......
doctors woro called out of town they
woro requested to report noxt wook.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. R. Abbey mid
Miss Gladys Pnrberry rode for cnttlo
on tho resorvu Tuesday nnd Wodnoii
dny. Verne flkelttm nnd Mr. nnd Mm.
Donn Van Matrn wero Slstors visitors
Sunday evening.
Mrs. Irvln Parburry spout Thurs
day afternoon nt tho Peterson homo.
Mrs. Forren and son Dan uro re
ceiving many cnlloriKas they expect
to leavo soon for tho oast. Their
many friends wish thorn n pleasant
trip and will surely miss their pres
ence huro.
Dudley nnd Lnveua Long returned
from tlu) High Desert Tuesday with
a bunch of sheop nnd cnttlo.
Sovornl Cloverdalo families wont
to Sisters Sunday to tako the and
Influunzn serum from Dr. Wonder
shott. Mrs. Irvln Pnrberry assisted
Dr. Hendorshott.
Tho Beard-Scott threshing ma
chine Is back In Cloverdalo and Is
threshing at tho Aldrlch ranch.
Geo. llelllug mid family of Bend
hnvo moved onto tho Harris place.
Mrs. Robt. Burling and Mrs. Frank
Burling spent Moudny afternoon at
tho Pnrberry home.
t.Mr. nnd Mrs. Georgo Cyrus went
to Portland Thursday night, where
they woro called to the bedside of
Mrs. Cyrus' sister, who passed away
shortly after their arrival.
Madison Holton spent Sunday
evening nt tho Cyrus home.
Mrs. Com Cutler and son Prlvnto
LoRoy Cutler, Mrs. Edith Lewis and
Curtlss Christy wero entertained at
tho J. L. Parborry homo Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Andrus, Mra.
Clyde Johnson und Mrs. II. C. Miller
called nt tho Forren home on Sun
day. E. E. Hesse has built a 9x16x40
foot cistern on his placo.
An miction sale will bu held at
tho Cutler homo Thursday to dis
pose of stock, farm Implements und
household goods.
Tho Kelly and Job families of Ileml
wero Cloverdalo visitors Sunday
Verne Skelton has been working
nt tho mill In Sisters during thu pant
Mr. nnd Mrs. Heinle Boyd called
ut tho Forren homo one day last
D. II. Long purchased u hack from
Dan Forren Inst week.
Don't Inlte n Cold or the Grip.
If you feel "stufTed up," bloated,
bilious. ImiKuld or hnvn nick Imml.
ache, sour stomach, coated tongue.
nun oreawi or other condition mused
by slowed up digestion, n Foley Fa
thartlc Tablet will give prompt relief.
It is II KOIltlo. whnliwnini- tlinmniflitv
cleansing physic that leaves no bud
nitor-enects. aom everywhere.
CLOVERDALE. Nov. 19.- In the
reCIHlt ITllllllll U'nr Wnrtr nnliinnluii
Vloverdalu went over hor quota
again. I no quota given fur this
community was $50 and the amount
subscribed was JCG.60. J. II. Hod
son had change of the drlvo here.
D. II. Long and family woro Sls
tors shoppers on Thursday.
noy cutlur nml Kay Abbey rode
tho reserve looklnc for lmr(i nn
J. L. Parherrv nml famllv u-nm
visitors nt the Cutler homo on Fri
day Mr. nnd Mrs. N'lchnlH nt iiami mnni
Thursday night nt the Cutlor homo.
.r. nnti .Mrs. i. rc Pnrberry wore
Sisters Visitors mill nlmnnnni nn
Lovena Lone linn hnnn mi tin, ulnk
list during tho past wook.
Mr. Cyrus took John Dnlkln to
Bond to consult a physician on Sat
urday. Mr. Harrison nml Mr lilnxlr u,....
at tho Parborry homo Monday morn
ing on hUBlllUaS.
A ploasant little fnrowell party
was given nt tho Pnrberry homo Sat
urday evening ns n farewell to Mra.
Robt. Illlrlllll?. Willi InilVim tir ri'n-
comu, Wash.. Tuosday, and Mra.
v uuor anu .Mrs. i.owih, who leavo
for Philadelphia soon. Tho evening
was spont In onjoylng delightful
music nnd gnmos, ufter which u de
lightful lunch wns served by tho
hostesses. Tho iguests were: Mrs,
Cora Cutler, Mrs. Edith Lewis, Mrs.
Robt Burling, Curtis Christy, Mr,
mid Mra. F. J. Burling, Mr. nnd Mra.
Ray Abbey, Chns. Abboy, Adam
Stelnkopf und Lillian Van Matro.
.-urn. cora rutior and Mra. Edith
Luwls. Curtis ChrlHlv nml Mr. Pnrlnt,
woro Bend visitors Monday.
Jioy uutiur went to Portland Sat
unlay. LI I Ha in Van Mni nr n .i .,.... i
spont Saturday und Sunday In Olovor-
Mrs. Irvln Pnrlmrrv mw.nt an.1,1,...
at tho Cutlor homo.
Doan Van Mutro nnd wlfo woro
Redmond visitors Monday.
Frunk Beard and Arvllln Wilson
went to Sisters Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Van Matro nnd
Lillian spent Sundny nt tho HarrlHon
Madison Holton spont Sunday
uftornoon at tho Cyrus homo.
ALFALFA, Nov. 20. Sovornl
shocp men nro surveying rango land,
S T Q.P !
Anil Investigate our price
bcforVbuyiug yourVroccrleti.
Wo can, save yoi) money, .
) '
MUllcoii, Oro. Telephone
h M
Oh Boy, How It Cuts !
It Is A Simonds
and il should cut.
What Saw do you prefer ?
The Royal Chinook
The No. 520
The No. 541
We curry them all
BOYS Our stock of Wood
Choppers and Falling Tools
is complete. Don't forget us
Bend Hardware Co.
making tho Brcen ranch their head
Tho lutlueifzn has made Its ap
pnamnco In Alfalfa, Miss Ada Ferry.
Mho came homo for u visit, being
stricken the day of her arrival from
I'owoll Butte, but thus far It has
been con lined In tho ouu family.
Albert Shults Is again sawing
wood In the I'owell llutto section.
Mra. M. L. Pyntl will leave Wed
nesday to Join lmr family In Mon
tana, where they will tniikn their
future home. They hnvn Iwwn for
many years residents of this suction,
and best wUIipm attend them.
Mrs. Albert Hhults shipped n
number of dressed turkeys to O"
Portland market tho I! rat of tin
Mrs. Frnnk Ogle, who his In n
visiting relative ami fremiti bro,
returned to hor home In The Dalian.
Ralph Ferry Is home nfler mor
thnn u yr on the battle front In
Frnnrw. In his Inst engagement,
when 1000 iiiou wont over the top,
he was ono of the ten who returned
alive, lie operated u machine gun
and wns wounded In tho hip und
Some cuttle men from tint llwar
Creek butto suction brought tlilr
cattle down to the Lucas place for
tho winter, huvlttg purchased tint
hay on the ranch.
C. II. Hardy took a veal mid hv
oral d return! hogs to Bend .Monday
The Alfalfa school tins been closed
Indefinitely on account of the tin
H6mo parties rum tho Mllllouu
valley wero looking over the lands
In this section Monday, with n view
of locating.
Dr. J. N. Coghlln of Portland spent
several days on his farm In Alfalfa.
Ho returned to Portlmul Saturday
W. M. Ferry, -who Is operating a
threshing machine In Powell llutto.
spent Sunday with homo folks,
Carl Larson mado u business trip
to Bend Tuosday.
Loster Barber wns transacting
business In Redmond Tuesday mid
R. J Porter, Sterling, Col., writes:
"I suffered with a painful, weak
back. As u traveling salesman I had
to stoop frequently to pick up my
grips, nnd the pain when I straight
ened up was awful. I was Induced to
try Foley's Kidney Pills. Relief wns
Immediate. Kay, they are groat,"
Prompt (i lid tonic. Sold everywhere.
notici: ok eo.vrr.sT.
Department of tho Interior, Untied
Ktaten Land Office, Tho Dalles,
Oregon, November 12, 1918.
To Andrew Engort of Bund, Oregon,
You uro hereby notified that Jerry
N. Quirk, who gives (General Deliv
ery) Portland, Oregon, iih his post
office address, did on October 17,
1018, file In this office his duly cor
roborated application to contest and
secure thu cancellation of your homo
stead entry, Serial No. 019382, mado
Octobor 22, 1017, for KV4 NW'i, W
Vj NKW, Section 20, Township 18,
H Rango 12 B Willamette Merid
ian, mid us grounds for his content
ho alleges that I am Informed und
bulluvo mid therefore nllogo that said
Androw Kngnrt abandoned said land
thu day hu filed on samo und for more
than six months immediately there
after and that ho has never been on
said laud nor resided thoreou nor
mado nny cultivation thereof or Im
provements thoroon nor nt nil and
thnt ho has over hIiico nnd still doea
abandon said land; that said Androw
Kngert Is a roan between sixty mid
sovonty yoara of ago nnd that his
nhsouco Is not duo to his sorviccs in
uny wur In which tho United Stutou
him or may now ho engaged.
You uw, thoroforo, fuithor noti
fied thai tho mild ullogatlonfl will bo
taken an confessed, nnd your said
entry will bo cancelled without fur
ther right to bo heard, olthor bo f oro.
this ofilco or on upponl, If you fall
to file In this office within twenty
days after the FOI'HTII publication
of this notice, as shown below, your
answer, iiudi-r oath, specifically re
sponding to these allegations of con
ttwt, together with due proof that
Voil have served a rntiv nt viuir .
swer on tho said cunttmtmit either In
person or ny registered mall.
You should state In your answer
the namo of the pontoMatt to which
you diMlro future notlcon to hu sent
to you.
Date of Unit publication, Nov. 21,
Date of second publication, Nov.
SK, 1018.
I)att of third publication, Due. C,
Date of fourth publication. Dec
12, 1018 as-tip
Brand Directory
.Mllllcaii, Oregon.
Right side; right ear crop-
o pen; wnmo right hind leg.
It. L. TOM!, Hlntrrs, Ort
Mllllrnu, Orrgon.
The New
Suction Feed
txr l . w .a.
'rt'-lfctiK 0,"-r NY7TTOPW
call on wrtiTE rcn particulars
n i s ii
' v;