HUM) BULLETIN. IIKXI. OltKflO.V. Tlll'ItHIUV, NOVE.MHEH 7, 10111 PAOR ft i l X : ' t !? FORTY COTS ARE AT GYMNASIUM PATIENTS ARE TO WO jmOUGIIT IN. Will Hit OtTiipliMl I'rolmlily Late TIiIm Evening; Help mill .Material Nccili'il Commit (re In Mi'i'l TiiiiIkIiI. (From Momlny'n Dally.) Forty cola will ho liiHtullml and ready to receive putlniitH al thu llond Anmtour Atlilotlo club IIiIh evening, itcronlliiK to an iinnouncomciit made thin afternoon liy inoinhorM of tho nimmlttoo liavltiK tlm work In chnrgo. Doiliilto action' to two tho KymuiiHliiin iih it lioHpltal ilurliiK tlm Influenza upliliniila w'iih arrived at at tlm mooting of tho commlttiM'A Hut unlay nlKlit. anil tho work of plac Ini: partltloiiH, UHHDiuhlluK tlm uticmi Miiry ImmI IIiiimi mill getting thu placo In readlnouM to nicnlvo patluutn nt thu oarlloHt poDHlhlu tulii 11 tu wan com inminxl thin morning, Mm. lllrdHiill, HDcrotary of tho Hod CroHM, ami olio of thorni In rhniwi of thu work of iiilppluK lh building, mated (IiIh afturiiooii that help would hit needed In carl iik for thu patlmitH. Three onlnrlli'H, either experienced or thoMit wIIIIiik to work under thu direction of othum, ant iiHkud to re port. In connection with thin, hud linen and hluukiitM ant needed, and pur mum am nuked to IkiiiI whatever aid lit poHHlhlu to furulHli Homo artlcluM. If only ouu pillow itllii or hIiohI In ftirnlnhed hy each family It will glvo all that Ih reiinlred for thu proaont einorKoncy. Any piece which Ih loaned to thu committee hIiouIiI hu marked with a permanent mark ho It may hu returned when there Ik no further UNO for It. All kooiIm will hu wimhed and MerllUed hoforo ho Iiik returned. lleHldett thu 40 rotri which ant be ing liiadu reaily thin afternoon, nthem will hu Initialled an they are needed No definite ptatiH were taken nt thu inetitliiK Katiirdiiy iiIkIiI for further protection from thu nproad of thu iIInkiihm In thu city. TIiIh han lien left to thu comity and city health oftlclalK, mid no action han yet been taken hy them. Another meetliii: of thu committee Ih to ho hold IIiIh uvonliiK, at which tlmu plmiH for flnnncliiK thu cam palKti aru to hu outlined. It Ih ex pected that nt IIiIh ineotlnK further annutincement reKardltiK the future pulley of hmidlliiK thu dlNoiuo will lie reported. Huvoral new ciihkh have developed within tho city durliiK thu pant two day, It wiih announced. .miw. 'rnoiti nritn:i. Funeral Hervlceit over tho remaliiH of Mm. Faiiutu Thorp, who died ym torday mornliiK from lunuunzu, wuru huld IIiIh inoriiltiK at Tiimalo, -Try n lltillutlu Want Ad for quick rcHiiltN. IPHONE - YOUR j WANT AD i I f TO THE BULLETIN EVERYBODY READS 'EM! The Hcsl Wuy To Buy To Sell To Exchange Call No. 561 BUCKHBCH RKG. U. S. PAT. ARMY SHO Acknowledged the standard Army Shoe on the Coast and. small wonder: "Extra Sorvlco Every Step Comfort Every Minuto" Tliat's wly it Jj beinc worn by thousands of men in all walks of life Offlco Man Attorney PhyticUn Hiker Farmer Orcharditt Motormen Conductor Hunter Look for the name DucKiincirr stamped on the sole of every Shoo It not otitaliialite from your dealer, icatl name and your order direct to BUCKINGHAM (Q. II E C II T MANUfACTUHBH N l'MANCUCO NEEDS OF MEN ARE CARED FOR THU U'KLI'AltK OIUIANIATIONH WATCH OFT lOlt I'llVHK'AL, .MOUAIj AM) HI'lltlTFAIi IMC HlltlCH OK .MEN IN HEItVICE. Preparing for thu tlmu whun 4, 000,000 American flithUm; men will hu under arum In UiIm country mid nvommiH, thu hovoii wulfaru orKmilr.ii tloiiH Mervliii! thu Holdlun will, at thu rufiuimt of I'rimlduiit WIIhoii, inakua iiullud drlvu for 170,500,000 November 11 to 18. Thime orRiinliuitloiiH aro ab-eady carliiK for thu phynlcat, moral mid Mplrltuul needH of thu men already In Hurvlcu. In thu front lino IronchcH, under ahull flru anil kuh attack, In thu runt cmnpH behind thu Hiich, on thu traiiHportM croHHliiK thu ocean, In thu homo cniupH and wherever thu llchtliiK men aru to hu found, thu Hiicrt'tarlun of thu Y. M, O. A., K. of (' , Halvatlon Army and Juwlnh Wul faru hoard aro doliif: valiant work. Thu Y. W. O. A. Ih doing u wondor- fUl MlirVlcU With ItH llOHteitH Iiouhoh mid aiuotiK woiiidu munition work erj thu American Library iinhocIii (Ion Ih HtipplyliiK thoiiHandii of hookn to -thu men, and (hu War Camp Community norvlco In look I id: nftor thu Noldlern In thu cltlim adjacent to thu cauipH, Much of tlm mivon welfare organi zation Iiiih I(h particular work and lookH to thu people for mipport. TIkwu orKunlzatloiiH link thu mililler with home, ntroiiKlheii IiIh moralo and inaku life euiiler and happier for him. To mipporl tliein Ih to fur iiIhIi your hoy or your nolKhbor'H hoyn with the comfortH and convonl oiicom which you want him to have. STEALS OVERCOAT; LANDS IN JAIL (From Mnndny'H Dally.) Matt Aunt, an Auntrlun, wan nr rimted hy Hberlrr ItobertM In thin city hiHt nliihl for thu theft of an over coat from thu hrakouiau on thu H. 1'. Ac K. Tho thufl wiih committed while AiiNl wiih tin route from Fort laud to thin city. IIIm hearliiK will hu held today. When arretted, Aunt hail an honorable illHcharKu from thu United Ktatim army on IiIh perxon, havliiK etillNted over u year iiko. HIh din churce wiih occiotloned through IiIh huliiK an alien enemy. SIIEVLIN-HIXON OFFICIAL' HERE (From Mouday'H Dally.) It. W. WutiuOro, Hccrutary of Thu Hhovlln-lllxou Company, In compitny with W. It. Moullon, arrived In thu city IIiIh mornliiK from MluuunpollH for a brief huHluuHH vlnlt. Horaothlmc to noltr Ailrcrtlio In 1 tin ualldtln'i nlasalflod column. VOU KNOW OF A Viiiiof A Dpituie A Hath -A Dcili An AcckJrnt An lllncM OR- Any New Building Social Funcl!oo Mcrtingi A Rel EittjTlnicrKn Any ImpiortntnU on- , ; Anylliing ihtt li ol Inttrctt ITS NEWSI Phone it to The Bulletin 5(11 OFF. BLACK GUN METAL v OR INDIAN TAN CALF $7.00 to $8.00 i' i JR'ijSK jfjM &r MEALS AT NOMINAL PRICE Emeroency Kitchens In Dutch Capital Have Deen Found to De of Great Value. l'tru'Wocy lillrhi'iw worn not known In Holland before thu war, hut aru now f'MlnhllHlicil In all tho luwr rltlcx for thu ptirpoxe of HiipplyliiK tin poor, an well iih perxoiiH and faiullleH of xmnll tneaiiH, with one warm and wIioIchoiiio meal it day al a nominal price. In Thu IIauit tiro three, unch kllcheiiH, which ore well patrontr.ed and have accom plished n Krent amount of Kood. Ouo wiih eHtubllHlied by (lie munici pal government and Ih mainly Intend ed for thu tine of the really poor of thu city. It furnlHheH to all rnllorii one inenl dally for thu prlcu of four centM. Thu menu for ono wfck follows: Monday, oatmeal, milk, butter, and NtiKtir; Tuesday, potatovH, carrotn, on Iouh, and beef; U'ednefeliiy, Ktatoc, red cabbage, mid beef; Thumdny, pea notip, with pork; Krlday, potntocri, HauiT-krnut, and edible fain; Haturday, potatocM, heetx, and cllblo faU. No meaU aro nerved on Kundayn. Another kitchen wan rMahllidied hy "Thu Uitlrli KoHely of HoukcwIvph," and Ih luteiiiled for thu uho of Hinnll Hiilnrled perfauut. Dlnncm aru nerved In thu rexlaurant for V ccntx, and for 10 centH If mnt for. Tho dinners con xlHt of meat or Koup, vecctableM, nnd potatoeH. Thu third kitchen wn alno nlnrtcil by private Initiative nnd Ih patronized hy thu better salaried perform, audi an tenchern, clerkH, oMcith of thu army, etc., who here et a K"od Kjuaro meal for ItO centH. FOUND MAN TO COOK CORN Lucky Find Solved Dig Problem for Ono of Hoover Helper In Hard Time In Delglum. A cnrKO of corn nent to tho com mlwdon for tho relief of Helium early In 101(1 wiih a problem to din por.o of until ItoblnHon Kmlth, ono of Hoover! helper, ran Into luck on n diiNty Helchin road ono day. Nono of thu ItelKtanH had ever uncd American corn. Tho enrso wn tinelcw unless nomo o;ic could ho found who knew how to cook It. Kmlth was thlnkltiK over thu prob lem as ho drove alone In Ids car, he related tho other day. Ho copied n rnKKeddookliiK negro lttlnR by tho roadidde. Ho drew tip hi car. "Are you an American citizen!" ho nuked the bundle of mpt. "I ilonn know, box," the hundlo nn Bwered. "I comes from Nohfolk. All I knows Is I ain't cot no business lieuh, Hah." Ilut you can cook, can't jrouf" Bmlth asked with rlnttu; hope. Hes thing I do, ah.M Without n puss for him, Smith vran perplexed ns to how he could get tho find hack to IlruMels. Hu took a chanco nnd put the negro In tho rear of tho machine under a blanket and drove him off to tho C. It. H. kitch ens. I They put him In n chef uniform nnd brought In the corn. Tho wny the Ilelglans nte com pone, corn bread nnd ''torn cakes mado that enrgo go so quickly the C. It. II. soon hud no problem on Its hand. "A Good a Your." Recently there arrived at ono of our Atlantic ports nn American who re cently managed to get out of llttRtla. Hu tells nn ntnuHlng story illustrative of tho chaos and tho lack of rcKpect for government which recently novo como Into existence In Russia. Tho KerenNky government, It seems, nt ono t lino put out an Issue of forty ruble notes. They were nbout the size of n largo postago stnmp, nnd qulto artistic In design. Almost Immediate ly they were copied by n band of coun terfeiters, who In nn ccstnsy of frank contempt for tho government, printed across tho face of their notes: "Ours tiro Just ns good ns yours." As an example of Slavic humor, It must bo admitted that this has its merits. And ns things arc turning out, tho words of tho counterfeiters wero apparently ns truo ns they wero nmus lug. Migration of Moiqultoes. Homo surprising facts regarding tho migration of mosquitoes and other In sects hnvo been discovered by Prof. S. C. Rail, who spent n mouth nt Re becca Shoal lighthouse Inst summer. This lighthouse stands out in the ocean 12 nautical miles from tho nearest land, which Is Key West, Tortugns, whtlo tho nearest region on which nny considerable number of mos quitoes can breed Is Marquesas Atoll, 21 miles distant to tho eastward. Rreezea from the north nnd cast brought mosquitoes to tho lighthouse nnd In one cast u strong southern wind brought them from Cuba, 0ft miles nway. Indeed, In somo Instances there was evidence thnt they wero brought by fuvomblo winds from even more distant points; perhaps from Tampa hay, ISO miles distant I House flies nnd various other Insects wero also captured nt tho lighthouse. Sci entific American. In His Spare Moment. Thero was a hideous nolso Issuing from tho waiting room of tho lonely country station, and tho strouded pas senger feared foul play. "Who's thnt howling in thero?" he asked tho small hoy wlw played porter. "That's tho station master," said tho lad. "'E'a got bo llttlo to do now thero ain't many trains stop 'ere so Va scttln' tho tlmotablo to music for tho porters to learn when they como back from tho war." London TU-B1U. I STUDY HOLDING OF CAMERA fluccessful Work With the Instrument Depends Largely on It Delna In Proper Position. Hucci'MHful hrind-cnmern work de pends largely on tho power to glvo Mow shutter exposures with tho cam em held In tho hand, nnd In this con nection hiilllcleiit attention Is rarely given to tho matter of "grip." It Is not enough to hold tho camera firmly against tho chest or stomach. Tho bo'.t poHlllon must ho found hy trial, nnd this will vary with different In dividuals and different makes of camera. In general It will ho found thnt thu most comfortable poxltlou Is tho steadiest. At waist level tho hands will ho usually placed sym metrically on either side of tho Instru ment, the right, near tho release, for ward, nnd tho oUier n llttlo behind. When tho camera Is held at eye level, ono hand Is usually held rather under thu Instrument as a support, mid tho other gilps tho back or side, or with u folding typo of camera both hands rnny grip tho back. With tho very small types, ono hand often nlmoxt In closes tho Instrument nnd releases tho shutter, whilst tho other Is used ns a support. At eyo level It Is often a great assistance to a steady aim to press thu buck of tho camera against tho cheek. Just as tho feel of n fa vorite gun gives confidence, so tho use of tho camera should bo familiar, and regular nnd systematic practice with tho unloaded camera will be n great help In this. Trial exposures should bo given from ttmci to time, nnd thu resulting negatives carefully ex amined. At first fairly short exposure only should bo given, to gain confi dence, gradually employing slower speeds us tho hand Is trained and nerve Is acquired. FIRST RECORDED AIR FIGHT Frenchmen, Rivals In Love, Had Qtrsnge and Fatal Duel More Than One Hundred Year Ago. Tho first battle In tho nlr and tho strangest duel In the long history of tho Held of honor was fought 110 years ago nenr Paris. Two Frenchmen wero ardent rivals for tho affections of n woman, nnd so bitter did their quarrel become thnt only blood could wipe It out. Ordinary methods wero too tame for theso fiery spirts, so It was agreed that tho duel should bo fought from balloons. The cause of tho trouble- agreed to marry tho vic tor. When the selected day arrived tho two fighters and their seconds repaired to tho meeting place, only to find n great crowd assembled, for word of the strange encounter had spread broadcast. Tho principals, however, wero undeterred. Two bnlloons, pre cisely alike, had been prepared, and Into these they stepped. To ench was handed a carefully loaded blunderbuss. Tho word was given nnd tho moor ings cast off. Slowly the balloons us ceiwlcil, nlmost side by side. At tho height of nbout half a mile, when tho great bugs were but 80 yards apart, the signal was given nnd both men opened tire. Soon one of the balloons collupscd and crushed to the earth. The record says tho woman kept her promise and married the victor of tho aerial battle. Dog Recognizes Portrait In his reminiscences "Spy" sketches my credulity. Hu had painted n full length portrait of his host at a country house. 'iVheu It was Just finished ho came down early one morning to In spect It nnd found his host's dog sit ting up begging beforo the portrait of Ids master. It was Apelles, tho ancient painter, I think, who depicted grapes so realis tically that tbo very birds pecked nt them. Ilut In a long association with dogs I have never found one who could recognize a figure or a landscape In a picture. Tho nenrest nppronch to such Intel ligence Is when I hnvo set n looking glass on the floor nnd confronted n dog with Ids own likeness. Ho growls sus piciously, uncomfortably, until ho wnlks behind to Had the other dog that Isn't thero I London Chronicle. Easy Way to Measure Distances. Roy scouts who are Interested In emulating deeds of their older friemta uro practicing many engineering stunts. One of tho most Interesting Is to measure distances without instru ments and where thu travel from point to point la Impracticable. The method followed Is ono employed by Napoleon when his engineers sought to learn tho distance across nn unfordublo river. Tho llttio corporal took n position on tho ban ; at tho water edgo, gazed across tho btrenm until tho opposite shore lino wiu just discernible below tho visor of his cap, then turned on his heel and spotted, n point at tho sumo level up stream. 'After mis ho pmeu oft tho dlstauco and had It approxi mately correct. Common Heather Dying Out , In tho enso of such u plant as tho common heather of England and Scot land, found growing wild In Nova Scotia, It la a matter of curious Inter est to dctermlno whether It Is nntlvo to tho soil or has been introduced from Europe. I.nwson decided that tho plant had its homo hero. Thero was a time, It Is thought, when tho plant was abun dant In our northern lauds, and Its preseut ruro occurrence murks n dying out of tho species on this side of tho ocean. Its vigorous growth In Europe la duo to tho clrcumstnnco that thero It Is n young pluut on virgin soil. Boy. Howdy! If you only knew to bacco you'd get a pouch of Real Gravely today. Then you'd have a sat isfying chew, a good tasting chew. It lasts so much longer that any PEYTON Real Gravely lO $ a pouch - FOUR COUNTY MENJ1LLED CAIih COMKS IOU MK.V OF 1017 AXI) 118 ItKGISTIlATIO.V, EX Cl.l'MXO THE HEITKMItKK 12 IlKtilKTUAXTH. (From Friday's Dally.) Under call No. 1493, received by tho local draft board yesterday, four men from Deschutes county aro to bo entrained for Camp Lewis dur ing tho five-day period beginning November 11. "This call,'" says tho order, "is to bo Hied from tho registrants of tho June 5, 1917, regis tration, Juno 5, 1918, registration, or August 24, 1918, registration. I Registrants of September 12, 1918,! must not bo inducted under this j call." Tho state quota is set at 343. Those called from this county aro Paul A Scoggln, Tumalo; Frank V. Chapman, Lower Bridge; L. P. Mlk kclsen, Snokano, and Alger W. Davis, Rend. NO WORD RKCKIVKD. (From Frldny's Dally.) No word has been received by tho forest offlco from N. O. Jacobsen, who left last Monday for an auto trip to San Francisco, where ho will ! tnko tho examination for officers' j training in the forest regiment be- lng organized. 1 Shoes for Real Service OUU SPECIALTY 18 TO LKK SHOES THAT STAND THE TEST NAP-A-TAN SHOE J. E. TILT SHOE A. HANSON LOGGER. BOND STREET R. H. LOVEN The . I M iXul BEND BULLETIN nd The Oregon Farmer Both for the Price of One By special arrangmneat with Tho Oregon Parmer yon eaa secure The Oregon Farmer with this paper at the prico of this paper alone. In other words, when you snbsraibe for YOUR HOME PAFEB, or reneit your present subscription, you ar entitled U Receive The Oregon Farmer for the Asking THE OREGON EAEMEE is Oregon's great stab farm papery (assed every wek and devoted to tin Oregon farm and the (Oregon farm home, just as this paper k devoted to the peofts, asd to the inieati of .thk local cenuaaniiy. This Opportunity Hay Not Last Loif t GRASP IT NOW ht "i TT"r''gin ri y Yfc- 7 man can chew this class of tobacco without extra cost t goes further that's why you cart get the good taste of this class of tobac co without extra cost. BRAND Chewing Plug and worth it CROWDER CALLS FOR 18,1 MEN (Dr Unit Prtu to The Dcnd Ilullrtlru) WASHINGTON, Nor. G. A call for 18,300 white men has "been Is sued by Provost Marshal Crowder for ontralnment November 25. Volun tary enlistments aro to bo permitted until November 30. Oregon's quota Is 85, Washington 150 and Montana 100. Deschutes county has not been given a quota under this call, it was announced from the adjutant gen eral's offlco this afternoon. Something to sell? Advertise In Tho Bulletin's classified column. While You Shop, We Do Your Washing ! Bring in the wash when you come to town in an hour and a half it's done Jltiy Kind ofFinhhed Work SANITARY Laundry BEND OREGON VV rMU