The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 07, 1918, WEEKLY EDITION, Image 1

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No. no
Vinton iiml Wood Hauling for Hut
Primidone)' of Heiinlr Tliroo
Renin) HH'nkt'rnlili of
llm House.
(Hi.mI.I to T)u llultrtln.)
8AI.E.M, Nov. 7. Willi thu demise
of (ho lulu gunurnl ulcctlou politics
licit adjournal, Thai In, l( Iiiim nil
Juiiriinil to tint lobbies of the Im
jiorlul hotel, whorn It will remain
timlitr cover for tlm noxt several
weeks until tho legislature convenes.
A Kiilliint llttln Imml or 00 patriots
liullvliluully iiml collectively rolled
up 90 little pairs of slnuves when tho
liiHt lmllot was dropped Into tlm ran
on Tuesday night anil from now nn
thorn will liii u IiIk splash In tlm
legislative tub
Ninety llttln patriots, nil In u row,
und nvnry IiIikiiiiIiik onn of them
would liu prcsldout of tlm minato, or
speaker of thu house, u tho ciiho
mlKlit bu In each respective Inntiiuco.
Mnity of them knowing, however.
Hint thorn In hut onn Jot) of thu kind
mentioned In each room, thorn will
liu u hlit Mcruuihlo for committee
ships Tlm season of Ira dim, barters
mill deals Ih how oil mid llttln
online Hill roll out over tlm Htntu
from Hie Imperial lobby, where nil
nurh ileiiU, hurttirH mid trail ex urn
lllll Vinton, stentorian-toned luw
er from Yiuuhlll, nnd lino Wood of
WiiKhliiKtou county, self-constituted
guardian of tlm sacred treasury of
thin grand old state, nru bucking mid
hauling for tlm huiiiiIo presidency,
while many innro would ho morn
thmi phniNcd ir It mlKht full thulr
lllll nnd Doc have both boon In a
number of sessions mid both urn well
known to n majority, at leant, of the
member of tlm senate, lllll hai
Mnser mid Hint troiip lined up he
hind hlin, nnd luiiitiiiuch mi thu Moiier
group was thu nil-potent factor In
tho Iiml somite, mid them urn 1 B
holdovers to bo reckoned with,
Hill's chance look iul;hty Rood.
Hut Doo Wood nlio Ih u holdover mid
ho may have mmiuthliig up hlit sloovu,
Tlm Vlnton-Moxer-Orton combination
clulms to have uu absolute cinch nn
tho thing for Vinton. Ho far Doc
W.ooiI'm claims have not heun mo
prouilitciiouii. Otlmm nro also mak
liu; rlnlni. Thuru may ho a chnncu
for a deadlock.
If that Ik tlm en ho there scums to
Im a good clinnco for onu Wultur A.
Dliulck of Orugou City to climb onto
tlm IiIk sent. Whether Waltd wants
It or nnt In not known. Perhaps liu
lit lined up with someone ulsu. Hut
It In it -perfectly sufu hut, knowliiK
Walter well when tlm remark In
madu, thai U a hunch of tlm sunn
torlnl Hlrongarms wiru tojgrnb Wal
ter by tlm scat of thu brioches nnd
thu scruff of JJo neck mid hurl him
iiHtrldo thu fKrsoat under thu pic
turu oC I)r.lJlcLoughlln, Walter
would nplthnivJWv thulr cam nor
tear thol elutjfa: It llkuvylqu would
Im some sMdUKworn Walter to,' pro
tddu over Itflf o In a pnrfoct hound
for pearln(raput skulduxgury nnd
watchliiK over) tho Interests of tho
people and llttlu pieces of Jobbery
that .ifcpnurally Blip by unheeded
wuuhUrccolvo unrau proper rnarliiKH
out Injnvonl Wultur were put Into
thu lilwi placo.
AtfftK thu Iiouho, Ilurb Gordon of
MultnMuali, Seymour Jones of Mar
lon siim'Donton U. Ilurdlck of Con
tral Uri'Kon nil ileHlro to Hit In thu
neat which was adorned by Hob Stan
Hold, Hlienp kltiK. two yonrtt ago. Each
mid ovory ono of thorn, bo It said,
to Imru net down faithfully whul Ih
talked hereabout, Iiiih tlm Heal
tucked away In IiIh watch pocket and
with votcH to Hparu. Of course this
HUdduu uccuhhIuii of votes on tlm part
of each makes It look Hurt of quuur
for thu other 57 mumbors of thu
Iiouho, hut nevertheless 11 seems to
bo a curtain fuct.
Ovor around horu Seymour Jones
Ih iih convincing In regard to IiIh
uluctlon iih (Iuh MoHer wiih lit ruKard
to IiIh In thu Jnst prlmarleH. Ilurb
(lonlon Ih uiiuiilly curtain, or at luuut
(Oontlnuod oil puga 4.)
uovkhnoh withycomhe
Who la luudliiK for Rovoruor by
44GC votoa,
mmzMtiv1 Him
mm ' y IM
tUiwrwnry ArrmiKcmcul for Cnrn of
InlliieiiMi I'atleiitH Am (Niuipli'liMl
Volnnli'cr Alili'M to Anolit
.NiimcH Am Wantcil,
(Prom Wudnninlay'H Dally.)
Iiiclplonl friction In tlm maniiKO
nmiit of tlm imwly created oinurKuncy
honpltnl, uHtnhllnhed to cam fur In
fluniizu ciihiih In thu city, wan re
moved thlx mornliiK and nrrmiKu
mentH Hindu to obtain thu bent m
iiii Itn from tlm liiittltiitlon. City and
county offlclnlH, rupruHentatlvuH of
thu mill coinpmileN and other cltUoiiH
were pnmuiit at tlm meetliiK, and all
uKrued on tlm arrauitemuutH which
liavii been pul In offccl today.
Under thin plan, J, I). Donovan Ih
to hu u completu clinr;o of tlm hos
pital nud no patluntH are to be ad
mitted without a certificate from n
phyilclun that they am nuffurltiK
from Hpmilnh lullueiua,
Trained uuracH aru to bo provid
ed mid volunteer allien are denlmd to
iiHnlHt them In thu work. Huvnrnl preH
clil at tlm meetliiK exprcNMed thu
hope thnt thu hcIiooI teacher, who
am now Idle hut reculvliiK full pay,
will hu iimoiiK thu one to volunteer.
C'ommltteiw appointed at tnuutliiKH
hint week will continue In chan;u of
tlutallH for tlm nunldtauco of Mr
Donovan, mid another couiiultten wiin
appointed to attend to thu audit of
oxpennefl mid decUloun coucuriiliiK
payment by patient.
(From Monday' Dally.)
Hchool boariln aru reijulred to pay
full unladen to thu teacherM who aru
tnkltiK a forreil lay-off on account of
thu cloxhiK order In thu county. Thin
announcement wiih received by J.
Alton TliompNou, Hiiperliituiidont of
Hchooln, from tlm Htutu nupurlntend
ent'n' office, and Ih IidIiik hoiU to Hut
nchnol dlrectorn In tho varloun din
trlctfl by Mr Thompnon today.
I'ructlcally all hcIiooIh of thu coun
ty, with but one or two exception In
thu rural dlnlrlctH, nru cloned, Mr
ThotnpHon tnted thin inornliiK, and
bin office In beliiK Hooded with
iUorlen an to whether thu boariln nru
ruijulred to pay thu toachem durliiK
thu clonltiR purlod.
didatk with ma1u1i.v ok
mm: voti:h.
(From WodnosnoyiDally.)
II. I Mlntur, ruunliijrlmlupaiidont
iiKnlnnt thu labor mid IiuhIiiohh men'H
tlckut, wiih thu HiiccoHHful cmulldntu
for thu city council ovor I-. A. Frl
borK nt yuHtcrdny'H city uluctlon with
u innrKln of iilnu vote.
Ah In thu Keneral election, tlmro
wau but llttlu Interest Hbown, thu
votu beliiK exceptionally llKht.
Tho niuaniiru referred by tho cty
council for thu tax budget carriod,
thu total flguriM on this not holtiK
FoIIowIiik am thu iiuuich of tho
cmulldateH, with thu total votu re
ceived: J. A. KiiHtcn, mayor 043
M. K, Coleman, trcunuror rta
U. HonHon, councilman 449
H. A, FrlborK 393
I). 0. Mcl'homon C'-'U
It. 1. Mlntur 401
R. I.. I'nyno .. 4G2
J. O. IthodcH 4 80
F. T. Huthurlmid 4U)
WIioho load ovor Woat has ronoliod
iilmoat 10,000,
mmWmr mm
Germany Accepts
Allied Terms and
War Is at an End
PARIS, Nov. 7. The allies and the Germans signed
an armiHlice at 11 o'clock this morning, accepting the
terms laid down by General Foch. Hostilities ceased at
2 o'clock this afternoon. The Americans took Sedan be
fore the Armistice became effective.
The greatest war of all (time has come to a close.
With the signing of the armistice and the cessation of
hostilities neace will be declared, as Marshal Foch's
terms are known to include provisions which will pre
vent the resumption of hostilities.
.Member of Hoard Aru to Hu at
DeolKiialcil Place from Ijirly
.Morning 1'iitll III o'clock
lluch Hwnlup;.
(From Monday 'n Dally.)
Completing plmiH for kIvIiik aid to
rBKlntranln In (IIIIiik out thulr que
HoniiiilroH, commencing tomorrow
mornltiK attorney or pumoua capable
of ruudurlnfc hiicIi aid will occupy
qunrturn In tho circuit court rooms.
Thin wun definitely decldod upon at
n moetliiK of thu attorney of tho
city hold Saturday tilKht, at which
inembur of thu IukuI advlnory board
were pronunt, concurrltiR In tho ac
tion taken.
Nearly S00 reentrant received
thulr iiientlonnnlreH from tho local
draft hoard thin morning. All of
thenu mtiHt bo returned within tho
prencrlbed limit of seven day unless
an extension of tlmu In clvon In
nn effort to aid theno reRlntrnutn tlm
attorney nro of tho opinion Hint by
havltiK liendquiirtcrH where thlt work
can hu done It will relievo thu men
of counldernblu trouble, bcldcn giv
ing ench of thu attorneys greater
time to tnko care of IiIh pomonal
A nchedulo ban been nrraitKcd
whoroby each attorney will lvo at
lunnt ono day to thu work, the rooms
lieltiK open for tho accommodation
of tho ruKlntrnntn from early In tho
mornliiR until 10 o'clock each even
ing. Tho following nchedulo linn b'en
nrrnnged, tho men nnmed nflor tlio
period Hpeclflcd having chtirge of
tho work:
Tuesday, Novombor C, Foronoon
nnd Evening. H. S. Hnmllton, K. O.
Stndtor. Afternoon W. I. Myers,
A. J. Moore.
Wednesday, N'ovombor C, Foro
noon and ICvenlng. II, C. Ellis, Itoss
Farnhnm, J. F. Arnold, R. S. Hnmll
ton. Afternoon C. 8. Hanson, II. C,
Ilartrauft, J. M. I.nwrunco, J. A.
Thursday, Novombor 7, Forenoon
nnd Kvonlug. It. W. Sawyor. II. II
Do Armond, W. D, Hnrnes, Clyde M.
McKay, Afternoon II. S. Hamilton,
R. O, Stndtor, a. C. iMorgun, Don
Friday, Novombor 8, Foronoon nnd
Rvonlng. W. I. Myors, A. J, Mooro,
W, D. Humes, J. Ilynn. Aftornoon
II. C. Rills, Hosh Fjirnliuni, J. F. Ar
nold, C, 8. Housoii.
Saturday, Novombor 9, Foronoon
and Rvonlng. W. I Myors, J. M
l.ftwronco, H, C. Ilartrauft, R. O
Stifdtor, A Whlsuiuit. Aftornoon
ItT'W. Sawyer, 11. II. Do Armond, W,
I). Hnrnos, Clydu M. McKay, J. A.
Rust es.
Monday, Novombor 11, Foronoon
mid Rvonlng. W. I). Haruus, R. O.
8tndtor, J. Ilynn, A. J. Mooro. After-noon--A,
Whlsnnnt, lloss Farnhnm,
J. F, Arnold, C. S. Honson,
Tuosdiiy, Novombor 12, Foronoon
mid Rvonlng.- II H. Do Armond, II
C, Hartrunft, II. C, Rills. Afternoon
W, D. Humes. J. A. Rastos, J. M
Lawronco, Clydu M. MolCny, II. S.
1)0 UUCCO'MlU llllUDOlf.
Victory Hoj mill CilrN Are to Coin,
ineiico Their Campaign Tomor
row Afternoon Third
I of yuota IlalNcd.
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
Mllllcnn is tho first district In tho
county to report with a full quota In
tho United Welfare cntnpalgn drlvo.
V. II. Johnson, chairman for tho dis
trict, reported to Mr. Foley this
morning Thu quota subscribed was
on thu first allotment to tho various
districts and did not Include tho ad
ditional CO por cent, which was added
through n tclogrum from tho stato
headquarters yesterday. This will
bo raised tind reported Immediately,
Mr. Johnson stated this afternoon.
In tho drlvo in tho city, tho work
(of tho second day equaled thai of
Monday, and about $1100 has now
boon subscribed against n quota of
$3300. Tho doors of tho Liberty
templu worn opened this morning at
9 o'clock to recelvo subscriptions,
und It Is thought this will probably
hnvo an Incentive to Increase tho
Chairman Foley stated this morn
ing that but ono-thlrd of tho amount
noccssary had been subscribed, nnd
tho majority of tho largo donations
, hnvo been received. Unless a greater
numbor of pooplo make their sub
scriptions during tho remaining days
of tho waok it will bo necessary to
put solicitors in tho field to finish up.
Persons subscribing this week will
hnvo tholr names placed on tho
honor list. This fcaturo of the drlvo
s' at an end Saturday, as It Is under
stood tho list Is only niado up of pa
triotic cltlrcns who havo voluntarily
mndo their contributions.
As nn Incontlvo to tho drlvo, tho
Victory Hoys and Victory Girls will
commenco tholr campaign In earnest
Thursday aftornoon. Three captains
will havo chnrgo of tho boys, and an
other throo will load tho girls In tho
campaign in tho city to enroll as
many of tho youngsters as possible
In tho organization, each member
pledging himself to give a certain
sum which ho has earned by work
ing tor It, to tho United Wei faro
Tho mimes of thoso who havo
pledged, togothor with tho amount
pledged will bo published Inter,
which will in itsolf constitute nn
honor roll for tho younger ones In
tho city.
(Iff United Vtv to The Iknil Pullctln.)
I'OKTiaND, Nov. . .McXnry's
lend over West Incrouseil this after
noon to, 1IOHO, on incomplete returns
from lid counties, ImltidliiK .Mult
nomah. Governor Wlthyconibe's
lead N 11115 on a count from fovtcr
PORTLAND. Nov. 6, Senator
McNury, tho Republican candldnto,
Is leading West, Domocratlo candi
date, by 1358 votes In 200 Multno
mah county precincts. Governor
Withycombo Is loading l'lorco by 912,
Me. Vary Ahead In Statu,
Iiicompluto rot urns from tho stato
at largo Into this attornoon glvo Mc
Nary 10,009, Woat 9227.
For roprosontatlvo Lufforty 3147,
MoArthur, Itopubllcau, 10,047,
Smith, Democrat, a r. 0 D . For Justice,
of tho Htipromo court to fill tho va
cancy caused by tho donth of Jus.
Hco Mooro, llonnot 1439, CumpboU
008, Coko 1000, Olson 20S7
Of tho $170,500,000 to bo raised In
tho United Wur Work drlvo, $3,GO0.
000 will ho spout by tho Amorlcun
Library nssoclntlon for hooks,
Chairman Hnjri Claim n Majority
in Hotli thu Hoiiho and Hcnnto
Mbotnuri lU'-clcctH
Champ Clark.
nr UnltMl rr. to Th tWiul Ilullrtln.)
NKW YOKK, Nor. . With the
Republican ami Democratic head
quartern claiming the Iiouho anil
hcnatc, United l'rrH election tiffurvn
till iiftcniooii Inillcatc the result In
thu M'linfo I doubtful, uitli the
house apparently Repiihllcnn. The
M-iuite? nice I no clone It may he n
He, with Mundial ciintlnK tlm ilccld
litK otc.
The sltuntlon In changing hourly.
At 2 :,'!) It npioiircl that the Demo
crats had lost the senate neat In
Sew Ilmnpililrc, Delaware, IlllnoN,
KniinnN and probably Montana, lth
Idaho nnd MIsmiuH doubtful. The
prevent enale In made tip of K2
DemocratN mid -1 1 Rcpubllcani. As
suiiiIiik that Montmia Iiiim elected n
Kepubllcan, It will (,'he the Demo
crat 47, the Republican 10, with
Idaho and MlHMiurl doubtful, and
conccdcil Democnitlc. If lioth Idaho
und Missouri elect Democrat, the
senate will tie.
TIicmj figures u.sutne Hint the
Democrats have won Kentucky, nl
though Republicans aru Mill claim
litK the htnte.
The DcmocnitH are claiming Ford's
clrctlon, although Newberry I still
Icadlnp; In the state.
It Is Indicated the Republican
will have nbotit iilM congrc-soien to
11)5 Democrat ami one Socialist,
Herger of Milwaukee.
HRLRNA, Nov. 6. Senator Walsh,
Democrat, Is this afternoon lcudlng
Lnndstrum, Republican candldato for
xenator, by nearly 4000.
NEW YOiy, Nov. C Tho Repub
lican headquarters this aftornoon
claimed tho election of a Republican
bousu and senate, with 51 Republic
ans and 45 Democratic senators.
They claim to control thu house
by 29.
NEW YORK. Nov. 6. Incompleto
roturns Indicate that tho Republicans
will control both tho senate and
house. National Republican Chair
man Hayes this morning declared tho
Republicans had gained soven sen
ators and 2C representatives. Ho de
clared this would give tho Republic
ans a majority of throe In tho senate
nnd 35 In tho house.
Telegrams which havo been re
ceived by him, ho declared, show tho
Republicans to havo gained senators
In Colorado, Missouri, Idaho, Kan
sas, Illinois, Dolawaro and New
WASHINGTON. Nov. 6. Acting
Democratic National Chairman Cum
nilngs at 2 o'clock this afternoon
claimed tho sonato by from two to
four votes and tho house from flvo
to 10.
ST. LOUIS, Nov. 6. Incompleto
returns from all counties in tho
Ninth district show tho re-election of
Champ Clark by 2200.
(Portland Journal.)
WASHINGTON, Nov. 4. Tho su
prurao court today dismissed vho ap-
poal of tho Deschutes Railroad com
pany ngalnst the Eastern Oregon
Laud company to onjoln tho construc
tion of a railroad ovor lands along
thu Deschutes rlvor for lack of Juris
Reprcjentativo from Twenty first
Twcnty-Thrco Precincts (live 115
.Majority Race Hctwccn Htookey
nnd Overt u rf for Com-
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
Complete returns from 2.1 out of
the 21 precinct in the county Into
till afternoon give Roberts for
sheriff 827, lot 070; Do Armoml
for district attorney (111, I'nrnham
051; Ovcrturf for two-year commis
sioner -101, Htookcy raii Vnrco 451.
This glvc Htookry the election, his
lend being sufficient to oiercomo
any votes from thu one remaining
precinct, Cllne I'nll.
Deschutes county has again voted
strong Republican, reports from tho
24 precincts of tho county showing
that tho Democrats have been de
feated In practically every voting
precinct. Returns aro comng In
slow, many of the outside precincts
having failed to report at noon to
day. Tho vote overywhoro in tho county
has been light, in tho six precincts
in Bond slightly over 700 votes were
polled, ngalnst 1700 at tho election
two years ago. Other districts havo
shown a similar lack of Interest In
tho campaign, La Pine, which ordi
narily polls over 100 votes, coming
In with but slightly over 30.
In six precincts In the city Mc
Nary carried, over his opponent
West, with 353 ngalnst 33C. Withy
combe has a margin of 52 In tho
same precincts, receiving a total of
371 votes against 319 for Pierce.
There was no fight on any of tho
remaining state offices, tho greatest
Interest centering In the race for dis
trict attorney and sheriff, on tho
county ticket.
Roberts carried the city over his
opponent, Fox, with a margin of 104
votes, receiving a total of 417
against 313 for Fox. Late this
attornoon incomplete returns from
17 out of the 24 precincts in tho
county givo Roberts a margin of 140
votes, but It is generally conceded
by tho Roberts forces that five of
the unreported districts are strong
for Fox. Whether or not Fox will
receive sufficient votes In these dis
tricts toyoveicorao tho lead Roberts
now has lies" critlroly with tho in
terest displayed by tho voters. It in
these districts' as little Interest was .
shown as In other parts of tho county p
the Roberts lead will bo sufficient
for his election.
Do Armond, running ngalnst Farn
ham for county attorney, has a
greater lead over his opponont than
Roberts. In tho districts reported he
has a majority of at loast 150. while
tho districts yot to bo heard from
can as easily bo claimed by him aa
by Farnhnm. His election Is coner
aUy conceded, although there Is still
a possibility of Farnbam overcoming
the lead. In the city precincts Do
Armond Is leadlns by 131 votes,
carrying every precinct with the ex
ception oQ two.
Tho race for county commissioner,
two-year term, is still unsettled.
Overturf Is leading In tho city pre
cincts with 258 votes, Stookey, Demo
crat, is second with 231 votes, and
Varco, tho Independent candidate, hi
bringing up the rear -with 221 votes.
In the county Stookoy has a slight
lead. In 11 precincts hoard from
Overturf has 371 votes, Stookey 378,
Vurco 310.
For county commissioner, tour
year term, O. II. Miller has a heavy
lead ovor his opponent, A. S, Holmes.
Eleven precincts complete give
Holmes 287, against 638 for Miller.
For representatives, Twenty-first
represontattvo district, Ilurdlck, Re
publican, and Doncer, Independent,
havo carried the county over Geo. H.
Morriman of Klamath county.
Robert Gould for county survoyor
has a lend over his opponont, Frank
Mny, which is not likely to bo over
come. C. E. Nlswongor for coronor Is
leading Grimes by u wide margin.
All Meiuiureti Carry.
All Initiative und torondum meas
ures on tho ballot havo been carried,
Including tho delinquent tax bill.
The llvo stock mensuro, which was
voted on In six precincts, has car
ried. Iiillucn.n Hampers Vote.
Tho epidemic of lntluenza had Its
effect on tho voto in tho city nnd
county. Iloud polled loss than hull
the normal voto, whllo outslda com
munities report u slmMur drop.
In many Instances In making re
turns of election today Judges of thu
outsldo precincts mndo tho inlntuko
of placing both sots of tally shoots In
tho ballot boxes und dealing them up.
This iiocossltatos tho returning ot
tho boxes to tho precincts to bo
oponcd by tho judges, and will do
lay complete returns for u couplp ot
(Dy Unltc4 Trow to Thtt Iknct Dulk-tln )
overwhelming null prohibition voto
In Sun Francisco has probably swung
tho statu wot.