The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 31, 1918, WEEKLY EDITION, Image 1

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The bend bulletin.
HUM), hhmcmutkh countv,
No. .13
Out of 0( Men Placed In Class 1
117 Aro Heady for Hcrvlcc,
with ItiilHiico In Other
(From Wndnosdoy's Daily.)
Ono liumlruil iimt seventeen men
liotwutm tint ages of 10 nmt 30, In
ctunlvo, who registered floptombor
12, linvii pnssod tlio physical exam
Inntlon Mini tiro placed lit class 1A,
nubjoct to cnlU nccordliiK to mi mi
nouncomont in ml o by tho local draft
board thlw morning. Examination
of nil tnun In tlio class wan com
ploted yesterday,
Approximately 200 men In tho
iiros ulinro stated were In llin class
mid took tlio physical examination,
with tho nut row ti It of 117 fit for
military service, with tho balance
divided lintween limited orvlco men,
remedial phyHlcal tlUfjuullflcntdini
mid total physical dlHiuallflcatlon.
While tho HhIh have not yet been
completed, It In stated there wro
hut very few within tho Inst named
Tho percentano of men passing tho
physical oxamlnatlon In the class I it
slightly higher thnii that of tho flint
Tho following aro tho mutfon of
thoio who have successfully panned
tho phyitlcal examination and nro
Htihjecl to call In tho order In which
their untile appear:
Carl V. Hamilton, Terrebonne
It, K. WIIroii, Portland.
It. O. Archer, Itedmond.
Harry J. Thull, llond.
Axel II. K, Larson, Ilend.
Harry Roberts, Itedmond.
KtiRono Ackloy, llond.
Douglas Mullarkoy, llond.
1). It. Walter, Lower HrldRO.
Gordon J. Warner, Itoberta.
II. J. Aimer, llond.
H. llorg, Ilend.
Paul Caruso, llond.
Harold W. McFiiddon, Terrobonno,
lllchtird H. Jones, llond.
David 0. Steele, Tumalo.
I'aul I). HrookltiR, Ilend.
Win. I.. HoiuhtnlliiK, llond,
llnymond lladdlck, IlaiiKor, Cnl.
John I). Chnplln, llond.
W, A. Price, llond.
Thomas K. Drlscoll, llond.
Antoln I.. Ilollocourt, Alhortn, Can.
Cliiudo I.. McCiiuley, Deschutes.
George M. Ilolton, Dottchutoa.
Jloruce T. Turner, llond.
J. M. 8hlvloy, Itodmond.
Dorsoy llelsliiK, fllstorn.
Fred Hattorlck, Bond.
Hiram I), Ilolsor, Ilend.
IrvltiR 0. Bmlth, Itedmond.
Lowls Frohmndor, llond,
Nelson K, VlhorR, llond.
Klnor Mo In toil, llond,
Fred L. Einoruou, llond.
Karl A. lllnto. Ln Pino.'
Henry L. lllllodeau, Ilend.
IJ. L. Owen, Ilend.
H. ltottH, llond.
John 8. Holuin, llond.
3loy AndorHon, llond,
Melvln KliiR, llond.
Kugonu T. Carroll, llond.
Hiunuol II. WlMORarvor, llond.
Carrol Bather, llond.
Floyd II. ItoyuoldH, Ilend.
John II. Clarno, lleud.
Dick IhiHton, llond.
L. 8. Mellaril, llond.
John It. Lumont, llond,
Fred Tnylor, llond.
II. A. Dlckmun, llond.
Cournoy It, Pronthi, llond,
Itcx V. Powers, Gist,
Mnrtln Culler, llond.
JnmoH W. Orny, Slalom.
Arthur II. Tim, Itodmond.
11, A. aiorsdorf, llond.
i Wilbur J. Statu, llond. .
Othi Holllmihcd, Lu Pino.
ChurloH OIhoii, llond.
Albort L. Brown, llond,
1 MrlliiR M. RoRdo, llond.
' Stirling P. Hurolay, llond.
ChnrloH H. Moiul, Itodmond.
Stanley N. llond, lloud.
' Harry M. IrvluBluuu, llond.
floorgo W. Hobcoo, Tumalo.
aOlvfu I, Shaw, llond.
, "William O. Hurlan, llond.
Ivloyil 10. Mcdlinn, llond,
Frank C. Illco, Itodmond,
Mlko Drown, llond,
AVm. K. JohiiHon, Lu Pino.
atoRlnnld, F. Hanoy, llond.
Marl K. Hot'om, llond.
(Continued oifPagO'G.)
Voter Hlxlng Up Candidate! for the
" ' Various Office Lllflo Intercut
In Htnlo Affair, with
Tho Exceptions.
With tho Htato eloctlon Ichb than
ono week dlntant, public Interest han
taken a decided turn, and possible
candidates for the various county
and ntnto offices aro boliiR discussed,
with "war and peace negotiations as a
nccondnry consideration.
Tho greatest Intorent In porhnpi
centered about tho county offlcon,
whore It In predicted tliu contest bo
tween tho candidates to fill certain
vacnncloH will bo koon. Porhaps the
local and county Intorent In occo
nloiied through tho lack of content
Ior Upji.'lilKhor offlccn, whoro with
but fow exceptions tho Domocrnts
havo either failed to place n candi
date lu tho field, leaving It open to
Itepubllcaii nomlnecn opposed by tho
Socialists. The exceptions nro In
tho race for United States nonutor In
congress for tho term hcRlnnlnR
March 4, 1019, wherein Charles L.
MoNary, tho Republican nominee
and present Incumbent, Is opposed
by farmer Governor Oswald West.
For tho Rovernorshlp, tho Domo
cratn nro ptittliiR their whole faith In
Walter Plorco aRalnst Coventor
Wlthycombo. Plorco boRnn his cam
paign Hoveral months dro, whllo
(lovernnr Wlthycombo han contontod
himself by standing on his record
and tnkltiR his chances with public
Tlinru In but ono ploco In tho vote
for ntnto officials whoro contusion
may nrlso. Thin In In tho voto (or
jUHtlco of tho mi pro mo court to fill
tho vacancy cnuscd by tho death ot
Juntlco Frank A. Mooro. Voters nre
expected to wrlto In tho nnmo of
their favorite candidate and ploco a
croiis before tho name, A voto In
nny other manner will not be
counted. .
Threo candidates nro out for rop
rononlntlvo from tho first representa
tive district, at which two aro to bo
elected. Denton (I. Uurdlck of Do
schutes county and OcorRo II Morry
mnn of Klamath county, both Ropub
llciui and Domocrntla uomlnoen nt
tho primaries, havo n third contest
ant to deal with In tho nomination
of P. II. Doncor of Deschutes county
by tho flood Government Ioiiruo.
' For district attorney II. II. Do
Armond, present Incumbent, Is op
posed by lions Farnhnm, Domocrntlo
nominee. Farnhnm nlso has tho
support ot tho Deschutes County
Anti-Saloon lenRiie, but was deprived
ot tho ondontomout of tho Good
(lovornmoul Iohriio throiiRh n dead
lock over tho question lu tho county
convention of that organization. Do
Armond will draw about ono-halt tho
votes ot tho Good Government loaRiiu
If tho nttltudo of tho convention
can bo accepted as nu oxnmplo by
which to JiuIro, whllo Farnhnm will
take tho other half. Labor has not
made an endoraomout for this of
fice, but Its voto Is generally con
cocded to Do Armond.
In tho rnco for county Judgu JudRo
W. D. Ilnrnos la unopposed, tho only
possible coutostor having annouiicod
his Intention to withdraw from tho
For tho offlco ot county sheriff S.
H, Roberta, Hopubllcnn cnudldato, Is
opposed by It. II, Fox, Domocrntlo
uomlneo, Lacked with tho endorse
niont of tho Good aovorumont
lonRUo, Fox has nuiilo n thorouRh
campalRii In tho county, throiiRli his
own efforts and thoso ot his frlondB,
and Is optlmlstlo regarding his
chnncos, Roberts hnu nt all tlmos
boon bimy, but is conducting his
campaign with tho Idoa that his past
record of convictions aRalnst law
violators In tho county will stand
tllO tOBt,
For county clork, assessor, treas
urer and county school superintend
ent no cnmlldates havo boon nomin
ated to opposo tho prosont lucum-
For county surveyor Ilobort Gould,
Domocrntlo nomlneo, la opposing
Frank II, May, tho prosont Incum
bent, Gould's nomination enmo nu
a result o( his uiunp boliiR written
lu ut tho primary election, although
ho was not n profossod candlduto
The Delinquent Tax Bill
A good deal has been said In Tlio Bulletin In (ho past few week
concerning tho hill to ho voted on next Tuesday to repeal tho delinquent
(ax publication law. In (hi lant Inkiio of the weekly coition of Tim Hullo
tin before olerllon ho vtlsli (o sum up (ho argument and make n final
presentation of (ho matter. In roiiNlderlng vlit In set forth below wo
nro qullo willing (hat It nlinll ho remembered (lint wo havo an Interest
In (ho matter throiiRh our position its official county ncuspaper. Tho
reasons for retaining tho present law nro (julto beyond any matters of
persoilal Interest.
An (ho law stand (the law adoptrI by (ho 11)17 IcKlsIaluro), post
card notlccM aro mailed to Icllniiicnt ill a certain Hmc, and then, after
a certain tltun has -laped ultliln Mlilch payment may Imj made by thoso
uho havo rerelveil tho canls, (ho names of all who havo not paid aro ad
vertised. Tho projMiied new law iIock mmy with (ho advertising; and, In
plaro of tlio Mst rnrd notlre, niibttlttitCN letter notice to all delinquent.
It seems to Tho llullellu (hat them are tvto main question Involvccl
In any ronfderallou of tho subject: (1) What method of dealing vtltli dc
HmiuentN will brliiK In (he mot (ax money, and (1!) what method of
Kiting notice vtlll ho moit likely to
(ho taxc aro delinquent. Tim first ipientlon, It vtlll be seen, consider
the matter from (ho point of view of the dlxtrlct Interested In tlio collec
tion of laxe, and tho second, from tho point of view of (he Individual who
Is Interested In property and vlhew (o ho protected against a salo for taxes.
Tho auMtter (o both question seem to us to ho rlenr. Tho brat
results, iMith for tho tax collet tor and for tho taxpayer, will bo obtained
by a continuance of tho existing law.
All the county, or other (axing district, I Interested In I getting the
lax money. Taxes aro (ho hills n property owner pays (o (ho city, county
and school district for (ho possession of property. Tho various district
want those bills paid as fast lis may he. Anil, since most men dislike to
havo puhllcKy gltcu (o (ho fact (hat they oho money, the prosjiect of
publicity through tho ndcrtlcmcnt of dcllii.jucncy I calculated to bring
lu tho money faster than tho pcrwonnl notice alone bring it.
Thoso who have had to do with the publication of (ho delinquent list
know that on It first appearance number of people pay up In order to
get their name out of tho list. That I tho effect or (he publicity, and
It I tho publicity that tho proposed hill would do away with. Kverj thing
tho proposed hill offer I provided for by (ho present law. The only
change Is lu tho matter of publicity. That Is needed to help get tho
(axe In.
Tho publlrlty f needed In another way, aUo. The advertisement Is
not only Intended to get delinquent to pay up; It also tell (he general
public that after a certain date, If tho taxr aro not paid by tho owner,
rertlllcate of delinquency will bo for Mile on (ho property listed. The
sale of these certificate also bring In tho (ax money lo (he county, and
they art adtcrtlscd In no other way.
To the Indltldiial the Important thing I lo havo Ids memory Jogged
and If the post card or letter notice were sure (o ge( to tho man who I
Interested lu seeing that tho taxes arc iald, probably the advertisement
would not be needed. Hut, a everyone knows, (hero arc hundred of
ease In cery county where someone, not tho record owner, I (ho ono
who Is paying (ho (axe mid (ho one who wauls his memory Jogged when
they nro due. He I tho one who
Purchaser of lot on tho Installment plan nlwa) contract to pay
taxi. Suppose the fact that' taxes
not pay. They do not get the written notice of delinquency. That goes
by mall to the man or company that I selling to (hem. Suppose ho throws
It away, or disregard it. Utile. an advertisement I published nil chance
of notice lo tho htijer I gone.
Or MipiMtso jou have sold property and given a deed, taking a mort
gage back to Insure pigment. Tho
and if ho fall lo pay (ho taxes when due (he notice of delinquency I
mnllcd to him. Supiwiso ho disregard It, or throws It away. Your only
protection I In having published the list of tho delinquent tnxc. Unless
)ou get jour notice by publication and step In to pay, tho property may
bo Mild for taxes and a title ucrlor to that mMcIi jou Imvc through your
mortgage littrrent may shut jou out.
Those aro tho main features of tho delinquent tax business and n
logical discussion loads (o (ho Inevitable conclusion that, for tho best
results to tho taxing district. nnd thoso Intcrc-dcd In pajlng tho (axe,
mall notice should bo supplemented by news-mper advertising.
Thero aro many minor jtolnt or argument. Aihocates of tho pro
ixed low say that tho cost or publication I luirno by tho count)-, anil
that thl should not he. A a matter
Instance, does pay (ho cost, it I reimbursed. J.'very (ax (hat I delinquent
has ndded to It certain charges which must ho paid before flio property is
cleared. When these taxes aro jmld tho county gets Its nmney hack.
Tho high rate of Interest paid on delinquent taxes moro than reimburses
tho county for Interest paid on n warrant Issued for advertising.
Abuses of tho law aro rlted as an argument. Thero liavo been abuse?.,
without doubt. Their citation, however, 1 not an urgument against tho
law, but against Its udmlnlstratlon, and tho remedy lies in nctlon by tlio
proper ofllelabj In getting the abuse eliminated. '
Hack of tho argument on tho merits of tho existing law Is tho ques
tion as to how tho utters of tho stato Intend to deal with tho power of
money when used lo present bill under tho Initiative. Hills of real
merit fulled to get on tho ballot this fall because funds were lacking for
tho publicity necisary to get siKnatures. The bill In question, however,
tho hobby ot a rich man, a mllllonalro publisher, backed by his money,
did get on tho ballot, as did a measure, nlso fathered by him, to reduce lepd
advertising rates in (ho country press. Ills own rates nro where lie
wants them.
Will (ho voters of Oregon continue to permit tho use of tho Initiative
for private, ends? Will they let money propose and make their laws?
These are even moro InqMirtniit matters than any connected with tho de
linquent lax law. To rebuke, such uscTof. the power of money, to aid in
quick collection of tnxe.s and to protect tho Individual taxpajer, vote
next TucmL y
UOt) X XO.
previous to that time.
In thu rnco for commissioner for
tho four-yoar torm A. 8. Holmes,
Oood Govornmont longuo candldato,
la opposing C. II. Mlllor, Hopubllcan
Domooratlo nomlnoo, but It 1b In tho
wn.voiir torm whoro tho groatest
lntorost 1b contorod. Throo aBplrants
aro In tho flold for thin offlco, II. J.
Ovorturf bolus tho Uopubllcan nom
lneo. oloctod nt tho primaries last
May and Rtvon tho cortlOcnto ot nom
ination nftor tho attorney gonorai
iin.i decided that K. H. Varca had
lost tho nomination through his
failure to liumo tho offlco for which
ho wub a candldato, two or four
venrs. Varco Is again In tho flold
against Ovorturf, this Umo as a cau-
dldnto of tho Good uovornmoui
longuo, with Soth Stookoy, Domo
crntlo nomlnoo, making up a three-
get vtord to (ho Interested parties that
getH hi notice through (he newspaper
arc duo slips (heir mind and they do
record tlllo then Maud in (ho bii)cr
of fact whllo the county, In (he first
cornered ruco. Stookey'a nnmo was
written In nt tho primaries on tho
Domocrntlo ticket, giving htm tho
Elovon products ot tho county, In
cluding tho flvo Dond precincts, ,aro
to oloot justices ot tho peaco and
Tho question of whothor or not live
stock Is to bo pormltted to run at
largo In South SIdo, Torrobonne,
Itodmond, Tothorow, Cllno Falls,
Deschutes and Mlllican Is to bo de
cided on by a vote on an Inlttatlvo
petition which will appear on the
ballots for these products,
Two bllla have boon roforred to
tho pooplo by logislatlvo assembly,
two roforomlum measures ordored by
tho petition ot tho pooplo, two pro
posed by initlutlvo petition and ono
roforred by tho stato tux commission.
Utile Doubt That Ilcpubllcaa Can
didates Aro to He Iteturned
Governor Kxoucratcd of
Moscr Charge.
(8pUI to The Bulletin.)
SALEM, Oct. 31, Next Tuesday
will Bcttlo tho question of who will
hold a numbor of stato offices In
Oregon for tho next four years. In
tho minds ot politicians around hero
that question In pretty definitely
settled as It In, and It looks like a
straight Republican victory from top
to bottom. In only one placo docs
thoro seem to bo much doubt and
that Is as to tho supremo Judgeship,
to fill tho vacancy caused by tho
death ot Justlcq F. A. Moore. Even
some of tho most stalwart of tho
stalwart Republicans admit that
Judgo A. S. Dennet, Democratic can
dldato from Tho Dalles, has as
good, and perhaps a little better,
show than any of tho Republicans.
With a divided field among tho Re
publicans, with all of tho uncertain
ties attendant upon tho voters writ
ing In the names and with tho pe
culiar complications arising tboy
concede. that Judgo Dennett has a
strong clianco. Ills nnmo Is much
better known to the voters ot tho
stato than tho name ot any Repub
lican candidate after tho Job; ho has
u strong following among tho mem
bers ot tho liar, and on top ot that
ho is apt to develop some unexpected
strength, not only in Eastern Ore
gon, but In Portland, whero. ho Is
widely known, and ho will probably
have a pretty solid backing among
tho Domocratn.
A story is told which may bo true
or not but Inasmuch as It Is being
told by some pretty reliable people
It may bo repeated with tho reserva
tion that porhaps It Is no more than
political gossip. Tho story Is to tho
effect that tho Plorco gang was to
throw Its support to Coke and that
In turn Coos county was to coma up
strong for PIcrco. A fow flattering
remarks In tho Portland Journal
about Coko editorially may give some
somblunce ot reliability to tho yarn.
It It Is truo tho entrance ot IJonnott
Into tho raco has given a peculiar
twist to tho situation tor the Demo
crats. But whether the story Is
truo or not Dennett is apt to got a
very considerable vote and tho guess
would bo he Is a formidable con
tender for tho toga. Justice Olson
Is confident ho will win, Judge
Campbell is equally confident ho
will win, whllo tho Coko supporters
nro spreading a strong campaign as
fur as thoy can roach. '
It Is all a toss-up, but Is really the.
only Interesting situation in tho
campaign. Tho rest of It appears to
bo a walkaway for tho Republican
Democrats Throw Mud.
It Is certain that this campaign
will go dowu Into history as ono ot
tho dirtiest over waged. Tho dirt Is
all coming from tho Democratic sldo
us near as can bo discovered.
No stono Is being loft unturned to
vllllfy nnd underrate Governor
Wlthycombo, nnd it past history in
the stato Is any criterion tho mud
slinging will Blmply pllo up a" larger
voto tor the governor.
Tho Portland Journal has been
working night and day trying to
spread dissension among the Repub
lican ranks and to nllonato friends
from tho governor. Its columns
havo boon plastered with every sort
ot inuondo It could command to en
deavor to bring about tho downfall
ot tho present govornor and to oltf
vato Plorco. It Plorco had a show
in tho world, It Is our guess that It
has been lost In tho political thug
gory which has boon oxorclsod In hla
Tho Inconsistency ot tho whole
business Is moro or less amusing to
u man with a memory moro than two
or three years old. Tho political
powors that be on tho Journal havo
hold consistently that Oswald West
and Den Olcott wora olocted to of
flco bocauso ot ropoated onslaughts
mnda upon thorn by Ropubllcan pa
pers. Thoy havo contonded that a
campaign ot vllllflcatlon and abuso
lu each Instance has turned tho tide
District Can Now Pay for Properties1
Recently Taken from Corpora
tionInclude. Long
Hollow Ranch.
Tho $08,000 Squaw Crook Irriga
tion district bond Issuo has boon ap
proved by tho stato Irrigation secur
ities commission, according to II. II.
Do Armond, who returned this
morning from a trip to Salom, whore
ho had tho matter up with tho state
officials concerned. With the bond
Issuo approved tho district can now
pay for Its proportlos, Including the
Squaw Creok Irrigation system and
tho Long Hollow ranch. Tho ranch
has already boon sold by tho district
In subdivisions. 'h-
Whllo in Portland, Mr. Do Ar
mond, In company with J. Altoa
Thompson ot tho Control. Oregon Ir
rigation district, had extended con
ferences with representatives ot the
C. O. I. Co,, out of which may come
tho purchase by the district of the
company's interests In thin section.
In coso torms can be agreed upon It
is expected that the North Unit dis
trict will release from its option that
portion of the property desired by
tho C. O. I. district.
Tho stato wool growers ossoda
tion will meet in Dcnd on November
15 and 16, providing thestato board
ot health will permit meetings at
that tlmo. This announcement was
made In a latter from J. O. Ilager,
secretary ot tho association, to II. J.
Overturf, and received hero today.
This is the first definite date which
has evor boon set for tho gathering.
(From Tuesday's Daily.)
Fines from bootlegging cases dur
ing tho past nlno months havo beea
sufficient to pay tho exponso ot the
sheriff's offlco and a portion ot that
ot tho office ot tho district attorney,
accordlug to figures taken from the
records ot tho Justice court this
Since the beginning ot IastiVb
runry there have been 27 arrests
raado In the county on bootlegging
charges. Ot this numbor 24 ot the
men arrested have eithor pleaded
(guilty or been convicted, with the
result that fines amounting to $5310
havo boon assessed against thorn.
These figures Include only tho ar
rests which have boon rnado for the
violation ot the federal and state
laws governing Intoxicating liquors.
In favor of tho men who havo been
Regardless of this fact, tho same
political powers that bo have beea
abusing and endeavoring to ham
string Governor Wlthycombo. The
result naturally will be tho election
ot Wlthycombo. That Is a foregone
conclusion at any odds, but tho sys
tem ot nbuso by the Journal turns
tho stomach of a voter that might
possibly be a friend ot Plorco, Abuso
and uncalled for tirades against a
public official nover lost him votes,
nor won votes tor his antagonist.
Ot course, It must be admitted that
Waltor Plorco has gained a vast
amount ot publicity during this cam
paign that he is not entitled to.
Pierce Not Man of Action.
Walter Plorco has novor done any
thing lu particular to cause his
namo to bo blazoned very broadly
across tho stato. Ho Is Democratic
candldato for governor and as suck
la u rather interesting specimen ef
phenomena as to Just what can be
dono undor tho direct primary m
usod In tho Oregon system. Aside
from that ho is no wora Interesting
than any other political curiosity
(Continued on page 4.)
1 1 r i mill i uMmtttt