FAOK 8 UMNO miM.KTIN, 1KN, OIlKGOXf THURSDAY, OOTOllKll IT, lflH HEATH AGAIN FACES COURT ARRESTED YESTERDAY BY OFFICIALS. Thirty (Junrt.s of lloozo Taken by the Sheriff's Oftlco .Utcr Two Ar rests mid KxrltliiK Auto Unco. (From Wodnosdny's Dally.) Tho searching of a local business houso nnd the discovery of liquor, tho posting of n cash bond o( f 1000 by tho proprlotor and nn nuto rnco between tho sheriff's car nnd that of tho mnn arrested figured heavily In a bootlogging enso which resulted In tho capturo of over 30 quarts of booxo by the officials early this morn ing. Lnto yesterday nttcrnoon Sheriff Roberts nnd l. A. W. Nixon tnado a search of tho E. Heath second hand storo In this city, unearthing a gal lon jug over two-thirds full of liquor. Heath, who has been boforo tho courts boforo on a similar charge, "was placed undor $1000 cash ball, which ho paid with a certified check. Later in tho evening, Sheriff Rob erts, who had Information that Heath might bo working with confederates, watched tho lattor, and shortly nttor dark saw- him got in his car and tlrlvo out of town. Roberts and Nixon followed, until they wero within a half rallo of tho ranch of Claronco L. Smith, who was suspect ed of bolng In -with Heath, where they turned out their lights and tlrovo slowly, hoping to get to the placa without being observed. As they wero about to turn Into tho lane leading to tho Smith ranch, a car was drlren out of tho lane from tho ranch at a high rate of speed and tho officials followed. When the man in tho car, which It was later detormined to bo Heath, saw that the officials woro following ho put on all speed, and despite the tact that tho roads wero muddy and lull of water, tho two cars made up ward of 40 miles an hour for several miles. Just boforo arriving at De schutes the men overtook tho lead ing car. A search was made of it, but no liquor found. Heath stoutly maintained that ho was on bis way to Redmond to sccuro legal counsel. Tho officers permitted Heath to go Ills way and camo back to Dend, later coing to tho Smith ranch, arriving there before daylight this morning. A search of tho premises was made and several sacks, containing be tween 25 and 30 quarts of whiskey, wero taken from the barn, where it had been buried In tho floor. Smith was later arrested and prac tically admitted his guilt by telling tho officials It was his first offense. Sheriff Roberts stated this morn ing that ho had been watching the operations of the two men arrested tor several weeks, but had beon un able to get together sufficient evi dence to causo an arrest. Lato yes terday aftornoon Heath's second liand store was searched, tho jug of liquor discovered and the subsequent actions of Heath gave tho officials the necessary Information to search the Smith premises. Roberta declares that the amount taken last night is not all tho liquor which Smith had In bis possession, and ho is now seeking tho other caches. The trial will probably bo held some time today. SIX BILLIONS FOR NEW ARMY Xargcst Deficiency Ever Presented In History of tho Country Now Rcforo Congress. ft) United Preti to The Bend Bulletin.) WASHINGTON, Oct. 1C Charley Shlrloy of the houso appropriations committee has submitted tho largest deficiency ever presented to congress. Tho bill carries $6,345,756,606. Six billions of this amount goes to the war department for enlarging the army program to placo three com plete American armies in Franco by next July, tho remainder going to tho navy. THREE LOSE LIVES IN HOTEL BLAZE OAKLAND, Oct. 10. Threo Hvqs, are believed, to have beon lost in, a flro which destroyed tho Motropolo JioteUbTre at noon. Two children uro reported to have been trapped qri tho upper floor, Tho Metropplo was 'the oldest hotel in Oakland, Something to sell? Advertise in The Bulletin's classified column. UNCLE SAM'S ADVICE ON FLU U. S. Public Health Service Issues Official Health Bulletin on Influenza. LATEST WORD ON SUBJECT. Epldemto Probably Not Spanish In Origin Germ Still Unknown Peo. plo Should Guard Against "Droplet Infection" Surgeon General Olu Makes Authoritative Statement Washington, D. O. (Special.) Al though King Alphonso of Spuln was one of tho victims of tho Intluciun epi demic In 1803 and again this summer, Spanish authorities repudiate any claim to Infiueuzn ns a "Spanish" dis ease. If tho people of this country do not take caro tho epidemic will be come so widespread throughout the United States that soon wo sholl hear tho dlscaso called "American" Intlu enra. In response to a request for definite Information concerning Spanish Influ enza, Surgeon General Rupert Ulue of the O. & Public Health Service has authorized tho following ofllclnl Inter view : What Is Spanish Influenza? Is It something newl Does It come from Spain? "Tho dlseaso now occurring In thts country and called 'Spanish Influen za' resembles n very contagious kind of 'cold' accompanied by fever, pains Coughs and Sneezes Spread Diseases As Dangerous as Poison Gas Shells In tho bend, eyes, cars, back or other parts of the body and a feeling of se vere ilekness. In most of the cases the yiyptoms disappear after three or four das, the patient then rapidly recover ing. Somo of tho patients, however, develop pneumonia, or Inflammation of the car, or meningitis, and many of th5c complicated cases die. Whether this so-called 'Spanish Influenza Is Identical with tho epidemics of Influcn ju of earlier years Is not yet known. "Epidemics of Influenza have visited tills country since 1G17. It Is Interest ing to know that this first epidemic was brought hero from Valencia, Spain. Since that tlmo thcro have been numerous epidemics of tho dis ease. In 1SS9 and 1800 an epidemic ef Influenza, starting somewhere In the Orient, spread first to Russia and thence over practically tho cntlro civ ilized world. Three years later there was another flare-up of tho disease. Both limes the epidemic spread wide ly over the Culled States. "Alllwuuh the present epidemic Is called 'Spmilsli Influenza,' thero Is nn reason to believe that It originated In Sp.iln. Somo writers who have studied the question believe that tho epidemic came from the Orient nnd they call at tention to the fact that tho Germans mention the disease as occurring along the eastern front In tho summer and full of 1017." How can "Spanish Influenza" be rec ognized? "Thero is as yet no certain way In which a slnglo case of 'Spanish Influ enza' can be recognized. On tho oth er hand, recognition Is easy where there Is u group of cases. In contrast to tho outbreaks of ordinary coughs and colds, which usually occur In the cold months, epidemics of Influenza may occur at any season of the year. Thus the present epidemic raged most intensely In Europo In May, Juno and July. Moreover, In tho caso of ordi nary colds, the general symptoms (fever, pain, depression) aro by no means as severe or as suduen In their onset ns they aro In Influenza. Final ly, ordinary colds do not spread through tho community so rapidly or so extensively as does Influenza. "In most coses a person taken sick with Influenza feels sick rattier sud denly. Ho feels weak, has pains In the eyes, ears, head or back, and may be eoro all over. Many patients feel dizzy, somo vomit Most of the pa tients complain of feeling chilly, and with this comes a fever In which tho temperaturo rises to 100 to 104. In most cases the pulse remains relative ly slow. "In appearance one Is struck by the (act that the patient looks sick. Ills eyes and the loner side of his eyelids may bo slightly 'bloodshot,' or 'con gested,' as tho doctors say. There may bo running from the nose, or thero may bo some cough. These signs of a cold may not bo marked; never theless tho patient looks and feels very sick. "In Addition to the appearance and the symptoms as already described, examination of the patient's blood may old tho physician in recognizing 'Span ish influenza,' for it has been found Hint In this dlseaso tho number of whlto corpuscles shows little or no In creiifo above thu unrtnnl. It Is possl bio that tho laboratory Investigations now being made through the National Research Council and the United States Hygienic laboratory will fur nish a more certain way In which Indi vidual rapes of this dlsenMu can bo recognized." What Is the course of the disease? Do people die of It? "Ordinarily, tho fever lasts from three to four days nnd the patient re covers. Hut wlille the proportion of dtnth In tho present epidemic has ccnernlly been low, In some plneon the outbreak tins been severe and dentin hnvo been numerous. When death oc curs It Is usually tho result of n com plication." What causes the disease and how la It spread? "Hacterlotogtsts who hnvo studied In fluenza epidemics In the past have found In many of tho cases a very smnll rod -shaped germ cnlled, after Its discoverer, Pfelffcr's bacillus. In other cases of apparently tho samo kind of disease there wero found pneumococcl, the germs of lobar pneumonia. Still others hnvo been caused by strepto cocci, and by others germs with long names. "No matter what particular kind of gonn causes tho epidemic, It Is now believed that Influenza Is always spread from person to person, tho germs being carried with tho air along with tho very small droplets of mucus, expelled by coughing or sneezing, forceful tnlktng, nnd tho like by one who ulrendy has the germs nf thn dis ease. They may also bo carried about In tho air In tho form of dust coming from dried mucus, from coughing and sneezing, or from careless peoplu who spit on tho floor and on tho sidewalk. As In most other catching diseases, n person who has only a mild attack of the disease himself may give a very severe attack to others." What should be done by those who catch the disease? "It Is very Important that every per son who becomes sick with Influenza should go homo at onco nnd go to beL This will help keep away dangerous complications nnd will, at tho samo time, keep tho patient from scattering tho disease far and wide. It Is highly desirable that no one bo allowed to sleep In the samo room with tho pa tient In fact no ono hut tho nurse should bo allowed In tho room. "If there Is cough und sputum or running of tho eyes nnd noso. caro should bo tnken that all such dis charges ore collected on bits of gauzu or rng or paper napkins und burned. If the pntlent complains of fever nnd headache, ho should bo gtven water to drink, n cold compress to tho forehead and a light sponge. Only such medi cine should bo given as Is prescribed by the doctor. It Is foolish to ask tho druggist to prescribe nnd may be dan gerous to tnkc tho so-called 'safe, sure and harmless' remedies advertised by patent medicine manufacturers. "If tho patient Is so situated that ho can bo attended only by some one who must also look after others In tho fam ily, It Is advlsablo that such attendant wear n wrapper, apron or gown over the ordlnnry houso clothes while In the sick room and slip this off when leav ing to look after tho others. "Nurses nnd attendants will do well to guard against breathing In danger ous dlseaso germs by wearing a simple fold of gauzo or mask while near tho patient" L Will a person who has had Influenza before catch the disease again? "It Is well known that an nttack of measles or scarlet fever or smallpox usually protects a person ngalust an other attack of the same disease. Thin appears not to bo truo of 'Spanish In fluenza.' According to newspaper ro porta tho King of Spain suffered nn nttack of Influenza during tho epi demic thirty years ago, and was ngnln stricken during tho recent outbreak In Spain." How can one guard against influ enza? "In guarding against disease of nil kinds, It Is Important that tho body be kept strong nnd ablo to light off dls easo germs. This can be done by hav ing a proper proportion of work, piny nnd rest by keeping tho body well clothed, and by eating sufllclciu whole somo and properly selected food. In connection with diet. It Is well to re member thnt milk Is ono of tho best all-around foods obtainable for adult as well as children. So far as a dls caso llko Influenza In concerned, health authorities overywhero rccogulzo the very close relation between Its spread and overcrowded homes. While It Is not always possible, especially In times ilko tho present to avoid such overcrowding, people should consider tho health danger and make every effort to reduce tho homo overcrowd ing to n minimum. The vnlue of fresh air through open windows cannot bo over emphasized. "When crowding is unavoidable, as In street cars, care should bo token to keep tho faco so turned as not to In hale directly tho air breathed out by another person. "It Is especially Important to b waro of tho person who coughs or sneezes without covering his mouth and nose. It also follows that ono should keep out of crowds and stuffy places as much as possible, keep homes, offices and workshops well air ed, spend somo time out of doors each day, walk to work If at all practicable In short, mako every posslblo effort to breathe as much pure ulr as pos sible. "In all health matters follow tho ad vice of your doctor and obey tho regu lations of your local and state health officers." "Cover up each cough and sneeze, If you don't you'll spread disease." We want to mako a straight-from-Che-shoulder business state ment to you. We Want Your Clothing Business because tin's is strictly a man's store, dealing in men's reliable merchandise, and catering to men in all walks of life, and wo know we are conducting it along lines of merit to our customers, which justifies us in aslting you for your business. You must buy clothing from some one and our method of going after your business, and caring for it after we get it, is on the regular American man-to-man basis, and if we can get it, be assured we will take care of and appreciate it. We can mako all the usual claims about our merchandise, service, etc., but they do not mean anything to you. You know that any successful clothier must have reliable merchandise and give you service of some sort or other, and you realize these conditions exist here. There are differences in grades and qualities of merchandise, methods of pricing and service to customers true but we can put ourselves straight on these three points in a few words. We are too able merchants (no ego intended) to be in any posi tion on them, other than the best possible. Our success proves that fact, but any way, you'll judge those things for yourself, regardless of what we might claim. We Want Your Clothing Business STETSON HATS HOME OF Felt Like Musclee Were Tied in Knot Thnt Ih Exactly the. Way Tlndnll Hn)s 111k ItlictimntlMii Artrd. "I had novor tnken n doso of Tan lac In my life till somo six wooks ago, but I havo received more benefit from tho threo bottlo I hnvo Just finished than from nil tho other medicines I havo taken put to gether." said Oeorgo It, Tlndnll of COOS 18th Avo. South. Seattle, tho other day. Mr. Tlndnll Is employed at tho Skinner & Kddy shipyard. "For several years," ho continued, "I sufTored terribly from muscular rhoumntlsm nnd kidney troublu. The muscles of my right arm would druw up nt thu elbow nnd feel llko they woro tied in a knot. I had no nppu tlto nnd tho little I forced down didn't do mo much, If any, good. My kidneys worried mu night nnd day, I had nn nwrul misery up and down my spine, nnd my back right over my kidneys would hurt so bad that If 1 stooped over It would nlmoMt kill mu to strnlghten up again. I coumn i rest well nt night, and many a time I would wnko up nt midnight, and never sleop another wnk tho balance of tho night, thou my bnck would stnrt hurting so bad that I could hardly get up out of bed. "I guess I havo taken most every kind of mcdlclnuHold without getting a bit or roller, and I was In mighty bad shapo when I decided to set) If Tnnlnc would help mo. Well. I can honestly suy that 1 hnven't had nn ache or a pain since shortly after I started on Tanlnc, I sleep llko a log at night und my wife tells mo that I'm llablo to cat us both out nt houso and homo If I keop on with tho nppo- tlto Tanlac has given mo. I feel so well and hearty In every way that I havo told tho boys down nt tho shipyard how much good Tanlac has done for mo, for I hope that my ex perience will bo tho meanH of help ing othors who may huvo troubles llko I had." Tanlnc Is sold III llond nt tho Owl Pharmacy and In Sisters by Geo. B. Altken. Adv. CHICKEN POX CLOSES SCHOOL 8TAUFFER, Oct. 14. Tho school Is closed this -week on account or chlckonpox. Ruth Iirndloy Is a visitor nt tho Rhodes homo. Mr. Musser was qulto sorlouuly In jured last wook whon a largo tree ho was pulling over struck him neur tho shouldors nnd knocked him face downward among sago brush and rocks. Messrs, Rhodes, Porry and niack left Wodnosday morning to look for Mr. Rhodes' missing horses. Ted Stauffer has gono to help Mr. Drooklttga drlvo his cnttlo to his ranch near Torrobonno. Mr. Hayncs passed through our valloy last Tuesday. Mrs. Mussor, who has boon nurs ing Mrs. Stauffor for two weeks, re turned to her homo Saturday even ing. Mrs. Stauffor is slowly Improv ing. Mrs. K. McLouth mado a business trip to Drookliigs last Tuesday. Neddio Stauffor roturned from Portland Monday. Tho doctor suys his arm will bo as strong as over in about threo months. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hasch havo ro turned to tholr homestead In Olass butten. Mrs. iMcLouth mado a business trip to Hasch's last Wednesday, Mr. Stauffor was u, pussongor on tho mail stago Monday, Albort McLouth mado a fow days' M. P. CASHMAN BEND'S CLOTHIER HAUT SCIIAFNER & MAHX CLOTHES visit with lis folks last week. A. Noff of llond accompanied his son-in-law, I.. I'orfoo on his mail route Inst Thursday, Idnmnn anil Chus. Ktauffer, Jr , havo been qulto III with whooping cough. LOWER HRIDCJE NEWS LETTER LOWER IIRIMIE. Oct IB. II. A. Kendall and A. II. Ilium were dinner guests at C. P. Ilosklns Wodnesduy. Mrs. Fred Walters, Fred Walters, Mrs. Frank Newbold nnd daughter Frances wero Itcdmoud visitors on Thursday. L. A, Hunt, It. S. Townn and A. S. Holmes attended a Hood Government league meeting In llond Thursday evening. C. F Ilosklns was In Hem! on a business trip Thursday. J.oIm Towiio was homo over tho week-end. Mrs. A. J, Fuller and Mrs. Fred Walters attended tho llmdluy salo Saturday. Mr and Mrs. O. F. Ilosklns nnd family wero itedmuiid visitors Hat unlay. (, E. Studlg was ut tho Ilradloy nalo Saturday, THRESHING OVER AT PLAIN VIEW PLAINVIBW, Oct. 10. The Par sons threshing machine has finished tho threshing In tho Immediate Plalnvluw neighborhood nnd Is on Its way toward Tumalo, Mr, nnd Mrs. Donovan nf Head woro guests at thu Pino Luwn ranch Sunday. Thn Plalnvluw rattle men havo postponed tho big rldo on Snow unit Threo creeks for an Indefinite time on account or thu continued storm In thu mountains. II. A. nnd Paul Scoggln cloned a deal to sell their beef cattlu to Smith from tho Mllllcati place. Enlisl Your Dollars in Fight for BUY MORE LIBERTY BONDS The First National Bank Oil" DBND KLORSHEIM SHOES Tho teacher and pupils or tho Plalnvluw school nni making plans tor a good tlmo ut the school houso on Hallowe'en. Miss Constaticn Knickerbocker of llond spent tho wuek-oud with her home folks. Mrs. Prentice Van Tassel has been sick several days the past week. Mrs. Emma Patterson was tho guest or Mrs. Chslfati last Thursduy, Mr. and Mrs. II T. Hartley called at thu Knickerbocker ranch Sunday morning. Mr and Mrs. A E. lions and daughter Ida and Mrs. Patterson went entertained nt tho homo of F. W. Luveroux Sunday Mrs. A, E. lions. Mrs. Patterson and Mrs. A. W. Armstrong Hern callers at thu llox A ranch Monday. There was no meeting of tho O. I). (). club last Thursday afternoon, us only three members wero present at tho homo of Mrs Chalfan Sick ness or a number or tho club mem bers was partly the cause for tho very poor attendance It Is hoped thnt a good number will turn out tor the opening moating at the now club rooms on Thursday afternoon, October 21. A. 1. Hohs nnd family and Mrs J, Klklns, guust, mads it trip to Heml Friday, returning homo by way of Redmond. A. W. Armstrong and Wllmn oh 1 1 ml ut tho J, A, W. Songgln homo Sunday. Mrs. II. T. Hartley left homo TtiHsday evening to spend tho re mainder nf tho week In Redmond. Mrs. M. W. Knickerbocker and daughter Rau, Mr. und Mrs. Ann strong and Wlluia and Mr. and Mrs. P. A. KeojtKlu VMire among thu llond shoppers this week. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Srogglu worn guests for dinner at thu Hartley homo Sunday. A, E. Hoss and party wore In Olovurdalo on business last Thurs day. Ono cunt a word Is all a llttlo Want Ad will cost you. the Freedom! t I fc. mamt,Gummmam