IIKNI) IIUMjOTIN, JIKNO, ORIX10.V, THURSDAY, OOTOIKR 17, 1018 PAOW T 4 , XMAS PARCELS : FOR SOLDIERS NOT TO BE SRNT LATER THAN NOV. 15. ';iirlMiiiiiN Parcel Litbi'M MiinI Ho He- niml Ili'fiiro a I'ikUmko (.'iiii Mo Hi'iit lo Mi'ii Ott'iNt'iiM Itiil Crim lo Hamlin. No ClirlHtuum piirccilH lo men over tintiN can lio mailed tutor than I ho 15th of November, nayn an order which him Jimt liiiiin received by (ho local chapter of the Hod Croiw from tho illntrlct ofllco al Huattlu. TIiuho lniitructloiiM havu 1iun IhhiimI by Ihn nntlonal hnadijunrtcrM of tho Amorl cnti IUhI promt anil am tinned on an iixroomimt with tho war lniartiiiont mill lint liontofAco department. All Vii renin am to lio handled through tli ii local chapter of Ihn Hod Cronn, nnil cannot ho inallml by tho hull vldtnil, nccorillm: In tho rulon ami riiRiilallmm which havu 1ntun tnailn liy tho department, ami which nro tin f olio ww : "Fatnllli'ii of tnnn In nnrvlco ahrnail nro nngor to mako Clirlnttiiuti over nonn ii h tnnrry an conilltlotiN permit. "Tint war ilupartinnnl, rnallxliiK thin, bun decided that each man may receive from IiIh family a Chrlntmnn imckngu of ntnnitnrd nlxo and npproxl mainly Htnndnrtt con Inn In. "Tho Amorlcan Itnri Cronn will Iiroparo thiHii pnrcoln for mailing, an nrraiiKninunt havliiK boon completed lintwi'iiii tho war ilopnrtmont, the jionliifflco dnparlmiinl and tho I ted 3ronM. "Shipping Npnco avallnhlo will por tnll tho nondlng of hut ono parcol to onch man. "To avoid any duplication and to mako Mtiro that nach parent I cor rectly mldrenncd, u Chrlntmnn parcul label In now being Innut'tl to every man nbrond, "Every man abroad will mall hi ChrlHlnimi parent labul to no run ruin 1 1 vi) or trlnnd who will bo ontltlod to nniid him a parcul by complying with tho condition!! heroin not forth. "Tho relative or frlnnd who re ceive a ChrUtmn pnrcnl labol from a man In nnrvlco ovornonn will apply to Iho noarrnt chapter,, branch or community auxiliary of tho Ilml Cronn, or lo nuch othor Chrliitmaii parent Mutton an may bo denlgnatod by hlit lied Cronn chuptor, and upon hIiowIiik tho Chrlntmnn parcul labol -will rrcolvo ono carton, 3x4x9 Inchon In nlziv It will ho cany to uncurtain from tho iitiwnpnporn whnthnr cartons linvii boon received nt tho Chrlntmnn parcel ntatlou. Application nhould not bo mndo until carloim arn on hand. "Specially manufactured cartons for this purpono will bo ont lo chnpturn from dlvliilou hi'adijnurtnro and will bo dlntrlbuted by chaptum to brnnchm and community nuxlll-liirk-H or nuch othur Chrlntmaii parcol Htatlnnn an tho chaptor may establish, together with Hod Cross Inspocllon labels, also furnished from tho divi sion oftlco. "Tho carton may bo flllod with nny combination of articles that fit In It and which nro not bnrrtHl from Christinas parcols by tho ponlofflco department. Tho list of articles that may not ho sunt may bo pro cured from tho narau plnco as tho cartons, "Tho wolKht ot tho parcol must not exceed 2 pounds 10 ounces un wrapped. "When carton Is flllod It nhould lio taken to tho placo whore It wan nrocurcd, "Hod Cross representatives will 'Inspect tho parcol and will (a) ox cludo any nrtlclo "barred by tho post offlco department from Christiana , parcels; (b) remove any notes or toobbukos; (o) wrap, tlo and wolgh tho parcol; (d) plnco on tho parcol tho Chrlntmaa parcol labul received -from abroad, boarlng namo and nd drosu of reclplont. "Tho person minding tho parool nhall thon In tho presunca of tho Hod -Gross representative nfilx ntaraps at tho rate of 12 contu for onch pound or fraction thereof (parcol post rato to Hobokon, N, J,). "Tho Hod Cross roproflontatlvo ,rwho limpeoted tho jmrcol -will thon 1 .affix to tho parcol tho Rod Gross In tipoctlou label, properly signed. "Parcols ready for mailing shall roranln In tho custody of tho Hod OroHS until delivered by Its represen tatives to tho poBtofllco authorities," f 1 llL !L Wmwfri3 LETTERS from our boys in tho trenches and ' from tho women In canteen rind other war work, nil brinjr to u tho same me Bajro SEND US NEWS FROM HOME. World nows In nil rlffht, but OUR BOYS want NEWS OF THIS TOWN. They want tho homo newspaper. Publishers nro prcvontod from sending; their papers free to anyone, oven boys in tho service Consequently n national movomont has beon Btarted by Col. William Boyco Thompson of Now York, who is acting as President of tho Homo Paper Servico of Amorica to givo tho boys what thoy aro calling for. Every community is Joining tho movomont. Let ut ace that our boy are not forgotten. Send to tho publisher of this nowspapcr whatover nmouut of monoy you can 6 cents or ?G0.00. Wo will publish n list each wook of thoso contributing, and the amounts contributed. Eve.T cent received will bo used to send this paper to our boys at the front. If at the end of the war, there U any surplus, it .will be turned over to the local Red Cross Committee. Thoro is no profit in this to the publisher even in normal times, subscriptions are not Bold at n profit With war prices prevailing, nnd tho high rate of postago on papers sent to France, our cost will scarcely bo covered by our full subscription prico. Romomber that over in tfratao, somo bravo soldier or sailor from this town porhaps even somo splondid woman working within Bound of tho guns is deponding on you to "KEEP THE HOME LOVE KINDLED." They aro calling to YOU from "Over There1 GIVE. WHAT YOU CAN THE BEND BULLETIN FULL STOMACH ALL THEY NEED YANKH AllU: IX) F1HIIT IT T1IKY KNOW C!U)18 AHK CJOOl) IX NOHTI1WKHT HAYS COIUMHIAI, WAITKH O. lllCMSIiKY. (lOfiNKY IN HII1E1UA. Clou (lonnoy, son of Mr. and Mrs. XI, K, Qounoy of this city, Is now 1n Blbortu with American forces thoro. Mr. nnd Mrs. Oounoy roculvod u lottor from hlnl this morning, JfYoung Qounoy loft Bond on May 1 for Camp Fromont, California, where io has tioen stationed until the call le for the voyage to Siberia. (From Friday's Dally.) A Snmmlo can go through holl on n full stomach or through tho snmo regions to fill it, according to n letter from Corporal Walter C. Ileosloy, formorly of Hedmond nnd Ilond, to his father C, Hoofdoy nt Tho Dallos, Oregon. Corporal llecsloy was ono of tho flrat men In Deschutes county to ofTor his sorvlces ut tho outbreak of tho war, and is now In n hospital in Franco convalescing from an attack of rhoumntlsm. This lottor, especially Interesting bocauuo of his dcslro to got woll and got an othor blow in at tho Huns, follows: "Dear Daddy: I ruobs it Is about tlino to wrltu you to lot you know that I am yot among tho living, "I am in tho hospital, but not down nnd out, only rhoumatlBm in tho right log nnd hip. Thoro is ono thing that makos my mind at o(bo. I got to soo somo real war, and Juut as soon an I can truvol I want to soo soma inoro. I may uovor boo my old company again ns I expect to go to Homo casual camp from tho hospital, but nil I want 1h my gun buck and a chnnco to uso it. "Wrlto to mo at tho snmo old ad dress nnd bo suro nnd lot mo know it tho crops nro good in tho north west this yonr. That is what wo nood most to sottlo this thing ovor hero, A Sntumto can go through holl on u full stomach, or it nocosonry ho will go through holl toigot it full." LOCAL TALENT IS CREDITABLE "OU)ItY OP Till: .MOUSING" AN!) "TI1U MAKKR OF DHKAMS" AHK WOUTHY OF HIGH IMIAIHK A Mi TAUTS AHK WEUi TAKKN. GOEH TO HKATTIiK. (From Friday's Daily,) 0. 11. Johnson, who Cor tho past Bovoral months has hold tho position of night clork at tho Pilot Dutto Inn, will loavo tomorow for Soattle, whore ho has accoptod a position with J, M, Patterson, oporator ot a string of four hotels In that city. (From Friday's Dally.) Soldom it ovor has tho Ilond tho- aire going public boon offered more entertain inont by local tnlont than was afforded at tho Oymnaslum last night and tho night previous, when "Glory of tho Morning" nnd "Tho Mnkor of Droams" wore presented. Doth one-act plays tout ot two en tirely different Bettings, thoy ap pealed especially to tho nudlonco. Tho formor a story of tho life ot nn Indian maid in tho early settle ment o tho middle west, was plctur CBqua In tho stage sottlngs and cos tuming, for which elaborate prepara tions had boon made. "Glory ot tho Morning," portrayed by Miss Hazel Stovous, "Oak Leaf" by 'Mabel Sphlor, "Rod Wing" by nruco Mnc Grogor, "Hlack Wolf" by Goo. It. Pauly and tho Chovnllor by It. D. ICotohum, woro all woll taken, tho pnrtlos taking tholr cuBt with case and grace, Much tho samo can bo said of Mrs. Charles Krsklno as "JMorrotto" nnd Stanley Dond, n manufacturer, in "Tho Mnkor of Dronms," a whimsical play outlroly tho opposite ot Its pred ecessor. Intoraporslng tho plays, the music rondorod by tho orchostra undor tho direction of) Mrs, Hoscoo Howard was croditablo. 350 POUNDS OF FRUIT STONES Tuo KrliiiolN In (lio City Htipply Nearly (Jtinrlcr of n Tim of .Mali-rial for Iih MimkN, (From Friday's Dally.) Th roe hundred and fifty pounds of fruit stones were gathered by J. Al ton Thompson, superintendent of schools, Wednesday from tho Con tra) and Kenwood schools. These ntoiios had boon gathered by tho pu pils of the two Institutions, Mr. Thompson stated this morn ing that this represented 'but a small amount of tho number ot stones it will bo possible to gather in tho county. Ho has been notified Hint there Is already nnother largo quan tity at thu Heed and Central schools, while all of tho outside districts havo been making tholr collections. LEAGUE CHALLENGES OFFICER FOR DEBATE (From Friday's Dally.) A challenge for a dobato hns boon Issued by tho Anti-Saloon lenguo to H. II. Do Armond on tho question, "Hesolved, that H. H. Do Armond, the present district attorney for De schutes county, should bo elected on his official record." LEGAL NOTICES HUMMONH. No. 108. In tho Circuit Court of tho Stato of Oregon, tor Deschutes County. P. G. Hompol, Plalntirr, vs. Anna Vlcns Hompol, Defendant. To Anna Vlens Hompol, tho above named defendant: In tho namo of tho Stato of Ore gon, you aro horcby required to ap pear and answer tho complaint filed against you In tho above entitled suit within six wooks from tho dato o! tho first publication of this summons, to-wlt: on or boforo tho 1st day of November, 1318, and it you fall to answer or otherwlso plead within said time, for want thereof tho plain tiff will tako Judgment against you and a decreo of tho court for tho ro lief prayed for In tho complaint filed herein, to-wlt; An absoluto decrco ot divorce from defendant and that tho bonds ot matrimony now exist ing between plaintiff and defendant bo annulled and forover hold for naught; that plaintiff bo decreed to bo tho ownor of tho land described In tho complaint and that tho do- fondant bo forever barred from any right, title, claim or Interest In and to said land:, Including dower and claim of dowor, and for such othor and further relief as to tho court may soora Just and equitable. Sorvico of this summons is made upon you by publication In Tho Ilond llullotln for six successive and con Recutlvo weeks, by vlrtuo of an order of tho Hon. T. K. J. Duffy, Judgo ot tho circuit court, mndo on tho 6th day ot Soptembor, 1918. Dato ot first publication ot this summons, Sept. 19. 1918. Into ot last publication or tills summons, Oct. 31, 1918. W. P. MYEHS. Attorney for tho Plaintiff. Postofflco Address: Bend, Oregon. 29-34 HTUDY CIAJH MKKT8. Mrs, W. 0, Dlrdsull will bo hostess nt tho first yonrly mooting ot tho Ilond Study olu'b noxt (Monday, Oo tobor 14, A study ot Fronch his tory will bo mado by tho club during tho yoar. Papers will bo road by Mrs, Whlsnant on "Tho Origin ot tho Kmpiro," by Mrs.' Miles on "Tho Church and tho Franks" and by Mrs. Nichols on "Charlemagne." SUMMONS. In tho Circuit Court ot tho Stato ot Oregon, for Deschutes County. T. II. Foloy. Plaintiff, vs. Henry W. Hood, Dofondant. To Honry W. Hoed, defendant abovo namod: In tho namo of tho Stato of Ore gon, you aro horoby required to ap pear and answor tho complaint filed against you in tho abovo entitled caso and cause on or boforo the 7th day of Novombcr, 1918, which is moro than six wooks attor tho 2Cth day ot Soptembor, 1918, tho data ot tho first publication ot this Bummons, and it you fall to so appear and answor, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to tho court for tho relief prayed for In tho complaint, to-wlt: For a decreo declaring that tho plain tiff is tho owner, in too simple, ot Lot Klovon (11) in Dlock Fourteen (14) of Doschutes, Doachutos county (formerly a portion ot Crook coun ty), Oregon, according to tho re corded plat thoroot now on fllo In tho otflco ot tho County Clerk of Doschutos county, Orngon, nnd that tho dofondant hnvo no right, tltlo or intorost in, or Hon or claim upon tho real proporty above described, or nny part thoroot, and that satd plaintiff's tltlo to Bald proporty bo qulotod against said dofondant, and that said dofondant bo forover barrod from as sorting any claim or Intorost in or to Bald promises, or any part thoroot, advorso to this plaintiff, and for such othor and turthor reltot ob to tho court may appear Just and equitable. Sorvico ot this summons is mado upon you by publication thoroot in Tho Dond llullotln tor six consecu tivo and successive weeks, under and by vlrtuo ot an order mado and on torod on tho 11th day ot February, 1918, by tho Honorablo T. E. J. Duffoy, Judgo ot tho abovo ontltlod court. Tho dato of tho first publication Is tho 26th day ot Soptembor. 1918, nnd tho dato ot tho last publication Is tho 7th day ot Novombor. 1918. 30-3 6c E. O. 8TADTBR, Dond, Oregon, Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS 11Y PUniilOATION. In tho Circuit Court ot tho State ot Orogon, tor Doschutos County. O. L. McVoy, plaintiff, vb. Alta P. MoVoy, dofondant, To Alta P. MoVoy, dofondant; In the Namo ot tho State ot Ore gon, you aro hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed agoliMt yon In the above entitled suit within nix wooks from tho date of tho first publication of this summons, to-wlt: Within six weeks from tho 12th day of Soptembor, 1918, nnd If you fall so to nnswor tho plalntirr will apply to tho court for Judgment against you as demanded In his complaint, to-wlt: For a decrco of tho abovo entitled court dissolving tho marrlaga relation botweon you and tho plaintiff, This summons is sorved upon you by tho publication 'hereof In Tho liend llullotln, Wcokly Edition, for a period of nix consecutive and suc cessive week, In accordance with an ordor mado therefor by tho Hon. W. D, Karnes, Judgo of tho County Court of Deschutes County, Oregon, on tho 11th day ot fioptomber, 1918, which ordor requires publication for six consocutlvo and succcsslvo weeks, and that tho first publication thoroot shall bo on September 12th, 1918. H. 8. HAMILTON, Attorney for Plaintiff, 28-34c Address: Hend, Oregon. POUND NOTICB. Notlco is horoby given that the City of TJend has taken up tho fol lowing described llvo stock, to-wlt: Ono bny maro branded clrclo 15 loft shoulder, wire cut on right hind log, maro has black maro colt about four months old. Tho cost of redeomlng said llvo stock will bo $1.00 per day In addition to tho actual cxpenso of kooplng nnd cost of advertising. In caso of failure to redeem on part of owner, said livo stock will bo sold as provided by tho charter ot tho City ot Dend on tho 19th day of October, at 3 p. m at City Pound. L. A. W. NIXON. Chief of Pollco and cx-OfflcIo Poundmaster. 2G9-33c summons. In tho Circuit Court of tho State of Orogon, for Doschutos County. Ooorgo D. Clomonts, Plaintiff, vs. Holon V. Clomonts, dofondant. To Holon V. Clements, tho abovo named dotendant: In tho namo of tho Stato of Oro gon, you aro horoby required to ap pear and answer tho complaint flloil against you In tho above ontltlod suit on or boforo tho 24th day of Octobor, 1918, which Is more than six wooks aftor tho Gth day of Soptembor, 1918, tho dato of tho first publication of this summons, and If you fall to ap pear nnd answor, for want thereof, tho plaintiff will apply to tho court for a decrco dissolving tho bonds of matrimony now and heretofore exist ing between plaintiff and dofondant, and for a further decree awarding tho futuro care, custody and control of Clarence Cloments to tho plain tiff herein, as prayed for in said com plaint, and for such other and tur thor rollof as to the court may ap pear Just and equitable. Tho sorvico ot this summons Is mado upon you by publication thoroof In Tho Dond Bulletin, a nowgpapor of general circulation, tor six consocu tlvo and successive weeks, by vlrtuo of an order mado and entered by tho Hon. T. E. J. Duffoy, Judge of tho abovo entitled court, on tho 31st day of August, 1918. E. O. STADTER, Attorney for Plaintiff, Bend, Oregon. Dato ot first publication, Septem ber 5, 1918. Dato of last publication, October 24. 1918. 27-33C Brooks-ScanJon Lumber Company Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Building Material, Kiln Dried Flooring and all kinds of Finish SASH AND DOORS COMPLETE STOCK of Suadwd Sa. BROOKS-SCANLON LUMBER CO. Local Sales Agent, MILLER LUMBER CO. HUFFSCHMIDT-DUGAN IRON WORKS Manufacturer of Iron, Bronx and Semi-Steel Casting for Power Traniminion Machinery: Vood Pipe Fittings. Grate Br. Agricultural. Mining and Saw Mill Machinery, Ornament al and Structural Iron. WE ARE PREPARED TO RUSH YOUR ORDERS ON REPLACEMENTS FOR BROK EN CASTINGS ON ALL KINDS OF FARM MA CHINERY. BEND. OREGON. Business and Professional Cards R. S. HAMILTON ATTOUNEV-AT-LAW Rooms 13-16 First National Dank Dldg. Tol. 511 (Or. Co1 Former OtAec) H. H. DeARMOND LAWYER O'Kano Building, Bend, Orogon H. 0. JB L L I B Attorneyat-Law TJadted State Commissioner Flrat National Bank Building BEND, OREGON W. W. FAULKNER, D. If . D, j DKNTIST Suite 6-8-10, O'Kano Building Bead, ... Oregon DR. TURNER EYK SPECIALIST, of Portland Visits Bend Monthly, Watch Paper for Dates, or inquire ot THORSON, TUB JHWKLKR Pkone Black 1291 LEE A. THOMAS, A. A. IA. Architect 2-4 O'Kano Building BEND ... OREGON 0. P. NIBWONOER, Bond, Ore. UNDERTAKER XJceBsed Embalraer, Funeral Director. Phone Red 421. Lady AmL S DR. R. D. STOWELL Naprapathlc Physlciaa Orer Logan Furniture Co. Wall Street Hours 9 to S Phooo Red JSa i THE UNITED WARE HOUSE COMPANY BUns aa4 rnrar4la. 0muti Cwa. Witt Mwcbtata. W CMtr Oil. GtMUa. xtr, FWr, h MwU, Bam. tUna u4 Lari. MISS B. OSTERMAN PIANOFORTE SCHOOL Baptist Sunday School Room Phono Rod 101 Deschutes County Abstract Company D. H. PEOPLES, ProelcUnt Most Completo Abstract Plant in Central Orogon. Speoial Attention Given to Federal Loan Abstracts. Flrat National DonK Dldg, SEND, ORE., Cor. next to Alley Eflstes-Anderson Farm Land Co. Irrigated Farm Lands a Specialty GENERAL INSURANCE Firtf Natkul Bank Du&Sag 124 Onomi Stmt Bead, Or