The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 17, 1918, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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J i
rTfafen 5y a Prussian Officer
Who Participated in the Ravaffl
$ig and nllagmg of rklgtum,
OypfcUfelUwaftwbMi jm3&
W were of the opinion at first thnt
this was only a temporary condition,
but after a few days wo saw a
laughter bordering on Insanity under
taken agala and again, ny night and
day It was always the same. Using
Verdun as their base, the French con
stantly brought up now masses of
troops. They had marshaled their
heavy guns from the nearer Verdun
forts by the use of field railways.
In the spring of 1015 both sides be
gan an offensive of local, but of an In
comprehensible, murderous nature
German and French artillery bombard
ed Vauquols so that not a square foot
of land could be found which had not
been torn up by shells. Thousands and
thousands of shells, large and small,
were hurled Into the town for three
days' and tlirco nights.
This continued until not a single sol
dier was left In tho village, for both
French and Germans had to retire
from this fire from both sides, as It
was absolutely Impossible to have sur
vived this hell. The entire hill and ad
Joining heights were enveloped In
On tho evening of the third day the
enemy bombardment abated somewhat
and we were once more sent Into tho
pile of debris, which had been torn by
a hundred thousand shells. It was not
yet dusk, and as tho French had also
advanced an attack developed. They
came Into our lines with strong reserve
units and the wildest kind of a band-to-hand
encounter ensued.
Sharp daggers flew from head to
head, breast to breast. Men stood on
corpses in order to make new corpses.
New enemies continued to arrive.
JFor each man who was killed three
others appeared.
We also received re-enforcements,
thus permitting the slaughter to con
tinue. Each man fought frenxledty, expect
ing his death blow momentarily.
No life was worth a penny. Each
man fought like a beast.
I stumbled and fell upon the stones
and In less time than Is required to re
late it I saw before me a giant French
man with a pioneer's spado raised to
strike a blow. With llghtnlngllke speed
I dodged and the spade struck a stone.
In the next moment 'my adversary
had a dagger plunged to the hilt In his
If He went down with a terrible cry
and crumpled up In agony on the
ground. I thrust tho dagger Into my
.boot and seised the spade. There
'were new enemies all around and the
spade came In handy.
I struck an enemy between the head
and shoulders. The sharp spade en
tered his body and burled Itself half
way In. I heard the bones crack under
the force of the blow.
Another adversary was nearby and
I dropped the spade and seized the
He struck me with his fist and the
blood ran from my inouth and nose.
We clenched. My dagger was In my
right hand.
Each of us held the other around the
breast, no was not superior to roe In
strength yet ho clung to me as tightly
as I did to him.
We tried to reach each other with
our teeth. I still held the dagger but
was unable to strike.
goon one of us would have to let go.
While I was trying my best to find a
way to kill htm there was a terrible
explosion nearby.
I saw my opponent fall and I my
self felt a terrible pain In the right
side of my lower Jaw.
I ran as quickly as I could to the
rear and after a search of several
hours found a dressing station, where
I was bandaged.
My faco was so swollen that the doc
tor could not tell whether or not my
Jaw had bocn broken.
I was placed on a train for wounded
men, bound for Germany, and was
taken to n honpltnl In Pusselrtnrf.
l'?cwh BEND
T arrived af Dusseldorf August ZS,
101ft. My wound was not dangerous
and they expected I would bo cured In
14 days. Yet It required three weeks.
During this time I made up my mind
firmly that I would not murder any
mora people at the order of and to
further the Interests of Uohensollern
Ism, that this war would mean the end
of the Hohcnrollerns and of Prussian
militarism. I decided to dessrt to Hol
I prevailed upon the authorities re
grant me an eight-day furlough to visit
my home and I took advantage of this
to cross the Dutch border. I left my
home under a pretence of Intending to
visit relatives, wearing clvlllnn cloth
Ing. I bought a railroad ticket to Kal
denklrchen, a medium-sized town near
the Dutch border. During my trip to
Kaldenklrchen I had plenty of time to
review all that had happened.
How different everything was after
the first yenr of the war I My home
town, once a lively country settlement,
was now as calm as a graveyard. In
this town, which had a population bo
fore the war of 3,000 souls, more than
40 had been killed and many others
crippled. Food was very high with lit
tle to be had.
There was no enthusiasm for the war
manifest anywhere. Tho pcoplo were
downhearted, stunned.
It was the same In other cities. Tho
longing for peace was universal yet no
one talked of peace or expressed the
desire for It.
One word spoken, which displeased
the autocratic government, merited tho
severest punishment. That Is how It Is
to be explained that the German peo
ple cannot force the Ilohenzollcrns Into
peace because the government, with
assistance of the military, smothered
every expression of peace with blood,
even at that early date.
The present Prussian government
will slaughter any German citizen to
further Its own Interests In the same
way that It attacked the Innocent pop
ulation of Belgium without regnrd.
With a clean conscience and clean
"Gott strafe England. Er 1st strafe
Going through the streets this was
heard right and left as a comment nud
a reply.
To me, fresh from the front, this
kind of greeting was unknown.
Presently I learned the reason of
this modern form of salutation. Tho
hatred within the German nation was
not so great toward France and Ilus
sl'o. The people quietly accepted the enor
mous sacrifices which the wnr demand
ed from them In course of time.
Hut tho government, which even
then, foresaw the unfavorable couno
the war was taking, conceived the Idea
of setting England up as tho arch
enemy which Intended to destroy Ger
many entirely.
The German war machine rande use
of the blockade which England drew
around Germany to such on extent,
ploying upon child murder, so-called,
that the people developed an ever-Increasing
hatred toward England.
Tho French language was no longer
spoken anywhere. A large part of the
German people formerly used the
French word "adieu," as a farewell ex
pression but that was stopped. Care
had to be taken In the use of this word
to avoid arrest on a charge of high
I thought about these things as I
neared my temporary destination. I
was sufficiently acquainted with the
border so that when I arrived In Kal
denklrchen I was able to reach It with
out asking any questions. The spot
which I had selected for crossing lay
In a forest After a march of two
hours I arrived near the border. It
was soon dark and I decided to remain
In the woods over night
The next morning at daylight I ven
tured on and without being seen by the
tnnrin I crossed Into Dutch territory.
(From Saturday's Dally.)
Henry N. Fowlor, formerly nsso
clntu editor of Tho Bulletin, has
been appointed to tho officers' train
ing camp nt Camp Znchary Taylor,
Kentucky, nnd Is now on his way to
his now assignment.
Mr. Fowler wna with Tho Hullotln
for n year, leaving In" Documbor Inst
to enlist In tho Medical corps at
Vancouver, Wash., with tho Idon '.
thoroby getting in touch with n
younger brother who wns already In
Franco In tho Medical corps. Ho has
been stationed since nt Vancouver,
whero ha reached tho rank of ser
geant. Tho nows of his appointment to
tho training en nip is contained In a
letter received this morning nml ad
vises that ho was leaving for Ken
tucky nt onco. O. P. Putnam, pub
lisher of Tho Bulletin, Is nlso In tho
artillery school at Cnmp Taylor.
Coughed So Ho Couldn't Sleep.
Bronchial coughs, tickling in
throat and asthmatic spasms break
on o'8 rest and weaken ono so that
tho system Is run down and sorlous
sickness may result. Enos Halbort,
Paoll, Intl., writes: "I had n severe
cold and coughed continually at
night; could hardly sleep. Foloy's
Honey and Tar cured my cough."
Sold everywhere. Adv.
With" a BfglTor relief I arrived at the
next town, Ven , In Holland.
Everywhere I was received In a
friendly manner. I observed that the
Dutch people hated the German people
as much as I did.
After passing several months In
Holland, where tens of thousands more
German deserters lived, I mado up my
mind to move farther away than that
from Germany for the arms of the Ger
man government are long and Its spies
are everywhere In most cases con
scienceless criminals.
Some of my Dutch friends made roe
acquainted with sailors and these con
sented to smugglo mo to America on
their ship. When the ship deported I
was placed In the coal bunkers and ar
rived after 14 days In New York, safe
and well.
The first thing that struck me on ar
riving In the United States wns the
wide latitude permitted German propa
ganda. Most of the German papers pub
lished here were body and soul for the
kaiser and tried dally to Justify the
German fight for the German cause.
In this respect tho government In
Washington certainly went too for un
til It was realized that no concessions
could be made to the Prussian govern
ment and that concession tnado to
Washington were nothing hut deceitful
talk, sustained only by action when It
served Its Interests of Imperialism.
The promises which the German gov
ernment made to Washington concern
ing the Lusllonln cose, the U-boat war
fare and so forth, were nothing but de
celt on the part of tho Berlin govern
ment It wns tho desire to preserve pence
for tho American people which Im
pelled President Wilson, again and
again, not to declaro war nnd If Amer
ica fights today It has only kept faith
with Its democratic principles nnd as
sisted the world In defensive war
agalust the nutocracy that Is a constant
menace for the world, which prepared
for this war over several decades.
With tho entrance of America Into
the war the backbone of Prussian mili
tarism will be broken. The Hlnden
burgs and the Hohenzollerns are
doomed. A victory for the allies will
be a victory for democracy and a vic
tory of the greatest majority seeking
the welfare of the human race.
(TnK END.)
When tho kidneys are weakened
and fall to throw impurities out of
tho blood, tho poison remains In tho
system and backache, soreness and
rheumatic pains dovolop, Mrs. David
Henry, 05 S. Lincoln Avo Washing
ton, N. J writes: "Foley Kid
ney Pills took tho dreadful soroncsH
out of my limbs and I walk good."
Sold everywhere. Adv.
(From Friday's Dally.)
Money for tobacco which wna con
tributed to Tho Bulletin tobacco
fund during tho months of July,
August nnd September by lis rcndorB
has been utilized for this .purpose,
according to n letter received
from Louis J. Hunter, deputy comp
troller of tho American Red Cross,
national headquarters, which- rends
as follows: ,
"You will bo glnd to knpw that
tho contributions received In July.
August and September from your
readers tor tho purchase of tobacco
for tho men In tho American expe
ditionary forces in Franco have boon
utilized na designated.
"Tho wnr council of tho Red
Cross has mado appropriations for
largo quantities of pipe tobacco nud
cigarettes to bo sent to our men
overseas, nnd your donations will lie
applied In this connection. Thero Is
surely nothing that adds more to the
content nnd comfort of our soldiers
than nn ample supply of tobacco,
nml wo assure you thnt tho gener
osity of tho donors Is greatly appre
(From Friday's Dally.)
R. K. Potter has again accepted
tho position nn tester for tho De
schutes Cow Testing association.
Mr. Potter resigned his position with
the association several weeks ago to
nccept another position, but has been
Induced to return to his old position.
Fa niters of tho county nud members
of tho association are urgent In their
statements thnt with butter fat at
tho present high mark dulrylng can
not bo conducted successfully unless
a teat Is made.
Tho Christian Science society of
Bond announces a free lecture on
Christian Sclonco by Dr. Walton
Hubbard, C. S. B., member of the
board of lectureship of the mother
church, tho First Church of Christ,
Scientist, In Boston, Massachusetts,
and cordially Invites the public to
bo present. October 22, 1918, 8 p.
m nt tho Liberty theatre. Adv.
Starting Next Week!
The Most Amazing
Story of the War
After two years of bat
tling with the Huns, Gun
ner Depew has written hk
story of the war a big,
thrilling, blood-stirring
story in which there is
"something doing" every
minute from the tap of the
gong to the final round.
Gunner Depew is an
American sailor - fighter,
as handy with his fists as
with a 14-inch gun. His
narrative is packed solid
with fighting and adven
ture in many corners of
the world. Read
Gunner Depew
You Will Enjoy Every
Installment of This Great
Story to Appear Serially
Wilson s 14 Terms of Peace
President Wilson's, program of
world peace, Hinted In 14 terms in
bin uddroim to coiigroMii last January
8 and whloli tho (ionium chancellor
now HtntoH (lormany Ih willing to ac
cept, are as follows:
1. Open covenants of peace, open
ly arrived at, utter which thero shall
ho no private International under
standing of any kind, hut diplomacy
Hhall proceed always frankly ami in
tho public view.
2. Absolute freedom of naviga
tion upon tho neas, oulsldo territorial
waters, alike in peace and In war,
except us tho seas may bo closed In
whole or In part by International
notion for tho enforcement of Inter
national covenants.
3. Tho removal, so far as posslblo,
of nil economic bnrrlern nnd tho es
tablishment of an equality of trade
conditions among all nations con
senting to tho peucu nnd associating
themselves for Its maintenance.
4. Adequate guarantees given nnd
taken that national armaments will
be reduced to tho lowest point con
sistent with domestic safety,
fi. A free, open-minded and abso
lutely Impartial adjustment of all
colonial claims, bused upon a strict
observance of the principle that In
determining such questions of sov
ereignty tho Interests of tho popu
lations concerned must have equal
weight with tho equitable claims of
tho government title Is to bo
G, Tho evacuation of nil Russlnn
territory and such n settlement of
nil questions affecting Russia as will
secure the bent and freest co-operation
of tho othor nations of tho
world In obtaining far her nn un
hampered and unembarrassed op
portunity for tho Independent deter
mination of her own poltlcal develop
ment nnd national policy and assure
her of a sincere welcome Into tho
society of free nations under Institu
tions of her own choosing; and, more
than n welcome, assistance nlso of
every kind thnt slio may need and
may herself deslro. Tho treatment
accorded Russia by her sister nations
In the months to come will be the
ncld test of their ood will of their
comprehension of her needs, as dis
tinguished from their own Interests
nnd of their Intelligent and unselfish
7. Belgium, tho whole world will
agree, must bo evacuated and re
stored without nny attempt to limit
tho sovereignty which she enjoys In
common with all other free nations.
Strength and
It Is packed In
Its freshness.
TM Russttt Tractor I
No othor Hlnglo not will nerve lis thin
will servo to restoro coiiIIiUiiipii
iimoiig the nations In tho Iiiwm which
thoy tlinuiHolvoH have mil nml deter
mined for thu government of Hitilr
rolatloim with ono another. With
out (his healing net tho whole struc
ture and validity of International law
In forever Impaired,
8. All French territory iihould ho
freed and tho Invaded portions re
stored and the wrong done to Franco
by Prussia n 1871 In tho matter or
Alsace-Lorraine, which has uiiHiittleil
the peace of tho world for nearly GO
years, should bo righted, In order
that penco may once more ho mado
sooure in tho Interest of all,
0. A readjustment of tho frontier!!
of Italy should bo effected along
clearly recognliablu Hues of nation
ality. 10, The peoples or Austria-Hungary,
whoso place among nations wo
wish to see aafoguitrdod and assured,
should bo accorded the freest oppor
tunity of autonomous duvehipmgut.
11, Houmunla, Serbia nml Monte
negro should ho evacuated; occupied
territory restored; Sorbin accorded
free and secure access to tho sea unit
thu relations of tho several Balkan
states to one another determined by
friendly counsel along historically
established lines ot allegiance anil
nationality: and International guar
antees of tho political and economic
Independence and territorial Integ
rity oC tho several Balkan state
should 1io entered Into.
12, Tho Turkish portion of tho
present Ottoman empire should bo
assured a secure sovereignly, but tho
other nationalities which urn now
under Turkish rule should be as
sured an undoubted security ot llfit
and nn absolutely unmolested oppor
tunity of autonomous development,
and tho Dardanelles should be per
manently opened an n free passngu to
tho ships and commerce of all na
tions under International guarantee.
13, An Independent Polish stnto
should be erected which should In
clude tho territories Inhabited by in
disputably Polish populations, which
should bo assured n free and seciiro
access to thu sen and whoso political
and economic Independence and ter
ritorial Integrity should bo guaran
teed by International covenant. ,
14, A general association of na
tions must bo formed under spectrin
covenants for the purpose of afford
ing mutual guarantees of political
Independence nnd territorial Integ
rity to great and small stntes alike.
are blended in perfect proportions
in Crescent Creitin Coffee. It
makes it cup of coflee with the
it kal coflee tuste.
ulrtlght tins, which Insure
i Hi, 4cc. IU. ;jc
Aik your sipccr.
The Owl Pharmacy