IIKND IHJI.IJCTIN, IIENJJ, ORKGON, THUIWDAY, OCTOIJKR 17J 11H PAGnn LOCAL NEWS ITEMS (From Woiliiiimtiiy'H Dnlly.) (I, Mi Hhirlt of Prlnovllln In u Mm city on Iniiiliiims I. B. WIIhoii of I'rlnnvlllo lit trutirt nctliii; liuiiliumii In llm city. Arthur Dlzmiy or Miiilruu In a ImimIii'iimh vlnltor In (ho clly. O. 11. HoitutiiK of I'rliinvlllu hi In t Im oily IraiiHiivtliu: hiiMlinmii, N. 0. (llllinrL Ion thin aftoriioou , fur u itovoral ilayii' hunting trip, It. A. Ward, county annul, In In thu city today on IiIh tmiiul biiHlmmii trip. Mm, ItoHcno Howard of DchcIiuIwi vlnltud with frlumlH In tho city yon turday, wMr, and Mrn. John Murphy of Bll vnr Lnku aru In tho city vliiltliiK wil(i friends, W. It. Illloy of l.a Pino wpunt yes tnrdny aftoriioou and thin iiioriilnK In tho city on business. (From Tuuidny'a Dally.) Arthur DUnoy of Madras In In thu j city today. 11 Ac Ilrnsnold or Alfulfa In In tho city today, It. M. Lit Fullnlt nt Crvncunt In In thu city on business. Frank II, Dayton oC Tuinulo was In tho city yon t onlay. C. L. Kchwah or Dry l.uko In trans acting business In tho clly. W. J, Wlnwall or Portland In n liUNliuin vlnltor In tho city. C. A. Mlllur or Portland In trims actliiK business In tho city. Ora Van TiihhiiII or Mud ran In a tniNliii'nn vlnltor In tho clly. W. C. Cooper loft thin morning for u tun dayn' vlnlt nt I' a Ml I.ako. John W. Nelson of Kllvur Uiku In transacting business In tho city. Jiinii'rt tlavuiiport of I'rlnuvlllo wan In llund yonturday on business. .Mr, and Mrn, M, Itabur of Ft. Hock am In tho city vlnlllnK with rrlundn. Mr. and Mrn, Charles L, Lotiz or Klamath Fall am In tho city visit lug with friends, Mrn. J. V. Iteeder or Hllver I.ako returned to hur homo thin mornluK nrtor spending ft fow dayn with friends hero. Tho Ladles' Aid of tho Methodist Episcopal church will moot at tho church to work on Thursday, Octo hur 17, nt 2 o'clock. (From Monday's Dnlly.) Francln Clark ot Ilurnn In In tho rlty on business, I, H. (Jeer of Ilurnn In transacting hunlnunn In tho city. l L. Hwi'iirltiKcn of Ilurnn In In thu city on business, I!. I.. Clark ot l.a Pino In trannact liiK business In tho clly. W. W. Drown of Flfti wan In tho city Haturday mi IhihIiiiww. E. A. Bather han returned nf tor a novural dayn' litislne trip Mrn. J. W. Itnmlor of Hiker Lake In In (ho city, registered at tho Hotel Wright. Mm. A. I.. O'Neal or Btarbuok. Wash., arrived thin morning for an oxtuudud vlnlt with hur Hlntur, Minn Mary F. Mlllur. YV. I). Blokes, who him been In thu city tho pant wuuk on huslnwMi for tho state, In expecting to leave for ttulom thin evening. Itlchard F. Hay wiih tho guest of honor at it dluiiur kIvdii hy Mr. and Mm. J. K. Hock yonturday at thulr Iioiiio on Chamhiirlaln Htrout, II. A, ICundal of Hndmond In In tho city trammeling hunlnunn. II. 10, Novol of Hau Francisco In triiiisnotlng hiiiilniiiiif In tho ally, N. (I, Wallaco of I'rliiovlllu In traiiHiictliiK liunlnuiin In tho clly, A IiiiiiIiiohs vlnltor In tho city In W. (1. Fordliam of l.a I'lno, who In registered at tho Ilotol Wright. (luy II. WIImoii or Portland, form erly of Hood, In horo today on html iiiihm and visiting wllh frluudH, A. L, Froiinh and fiunlly loft thin aftoriioou for Lexington, Kuntucky, whuru lliuy will iimko thulr future homo, '' Mr, ami Mrn. N, 0, Jacohnuu, who havo huuii Hpuudlui; tho pant novural dayn at Kant Luke, aru expected to return homo thin ovoning.' II. B. Dorrlck, a homesteader of tho Flnutwood dlntrlct, piiHsdil throuKh llund thin morning onrouto to hln homo nftur npundliiK nnvural weeks In tho Wlllitmottu valley- I. lout, Ooorgu II. Hyphur of Port land, of thu spruce production di vlnlon, arrived In llund thin, tnornlnx for a novural dayn vlnlt In thin re gion on hunlnunn connuctud with thu Loyal Loglon work. Goo. T, Cochran of Ln Orandu, nftur itttundliiK tho conclitvo of thu KnlKlitn Tomplar Thumday, loft yes turday for thu nouthorn part of tho ntato on hunlnunn connuctud with hln officii an nupurliituudunt of wntur dl vlnlon No, 2. (From Frldny'n Dally.) Vurno Hmlth of Portland In trans actltiK hunlnunn In tllo clly. L. I). Fruulaud of Portland In a hunlnunn vlnltor In tho city. M. 11. Htowart or Hlanfluld In In tho city transacting business. Klin or Jamun of Ilurnn won In llund last night on 'business. U. C. Ilolllunhud or It Pino In transacting hunlnunn In tho city. K, Canon or Portland wan a hunl nunn vlnltor In tho city yuntordny. Mr. and Mm. John Monro of Olon dalo aru In tho city for a nhort vlnlt with frlundn, Mr. and Mrn, llaly of Mllllcan worn visiting wllh rrlundn In tho city yon turday, Thuy ruturnud to thulr homo thin moriilnR. J. M. Garrison, a poultry minor of Halum, who han boon vlnltltiK In thu clly for tho pant novural dayn, ru turnud to hln homo on thin morn Iuk'h train. (From Saturday's Dally.) Martin Daluy ot Crcncont In In thu city on hiiHtiiuHH. W. K. Van Allon of Donchulcn In In tho city on hunlnunn. (From Frldny'n Dally.) II, T. Cofloy of Hammond In In thu clly. JuiIku II. C. Kills wan In Tumalo thin aftoriioou. K. H. IlarKult of Mamhlluld In In Iliinil mi hunluunn. Mr. and Mm. K. K. Mngeo of Klaiuath Faltn aru In llund. F. A. Piiko nt Eugene In In Monti iittondliiK thu Htato conclave Mm. V. II. Btlckol of Lakuvlnw In visiting with frlundn n tho city, K. II. McDnuluIn of Portland Ih In tho city attending tlio state conclavu Edward K. Klddu or Inland City, Orusoti, In in tho city attending thu meeting or tho ntato commandury. News in Brief. (From Wudnonday'n Dnlly.) APPEAL MADi: T .MOTHERS. A npuclal appual to tho mnthora, wlvon and nlnture of noldlura and nnllom In inadu In connection with thu collodion of lliiua uuodud for Hud CroHH honpltnln In Franco. Thu llund chapter han had an uxtonnlon of 1 1 id u grunted In which to compluto thu i)tiota, and Aim, Illrdnall, In charKo of tho drlvo, ntatud yesterday If tho woinon would aid hy bringing Women's and Children's Underwear and Hosiery For thoso Cold Wot Days at Substantial Savings. An impeetion will convince you tlut your Jollara tfo farther nt tli torc tlmn they will eliewliere. Our merchandise it nil of the highest standard maVcftiol jml ihe kind that's made lojcll cheap Woiiiuii'n VonIn mill Tight", of lino iiuallty cotton anil wool; all him ' P t.7H Woiiuiii'h Union HiiIh ?.! "JLH to ljt.lH Clillilrun'M Vi'tlM anil PiuitN l!.tu-JHr-(IHo CIiIIiIitii'h I'lilon HultH 7fJu up to I.IH Dr. Di'iilon'H Hlcuplnn (liirmriitH 7Hc-H7c-l)H HOSIERY FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN ()f Hitch well Know n liraniN iw Armor Plato, Humoii anil Hoar llriiuill In cotton, viool, llhro anil all-nllkj lit lilaclc, whlto anil all tho wnntwl hIiiuIum; prlcud lo U to JjcJJS pair Now Hlilpmunt Plaid HIctrtN .Mint Huculvud Homo Very Clover Models nt Wonderfully Uw Priced The Peoples Store Agent (or R fie G ConcUknd Armor PUlc Hou'ery In hut ono pluco II would holp to fill tho iiiola, WILL VJBIT lIKHK. flor:uant CMmrluH W. Krnklno l ox poet oil horo tomorrow on a nhort vlnlt, Ho han como went from Iho KdKowood arnutial, nuar Ilaltlmoro, Maryland, with thu hody or a do cuanod noldlur, and will como to llund hoforo roturnliijt to hln ntutlon, Hur Kuant Krnklno In nurvltiK Iti thu oliumlcal wnrlaro dlvlnlon, cilN(;i:h at cluij. At a rucuul nicotine or tho d I roc lorn or thu llund Amatuur Athlotlc cluh, It wan ducldud that Hucrotary WhlRtiant nhould havo charKo or thu publicity work for tho club. W. 0. Daly, thu now club inanaKur, wan up polntod phynlcul dlructor In pluco or IIIlllo GuorKO, LKAVIX KOU POHTIiANI). W, (J, Htokun ol thu flru Tnnmhnl'n offlcu, who han boon In IJond for tho pnnt 10 dayn on hunlnunn connuctod with hln work for tho ntato, loft thin inornlnjc for Portland, from whuru ho will ko to Halum. OIIKHH AM) CHIX'KKIW. CLUIl A mootliiK will bo hold Thumday ovunlng nt 7:30 In Dr. J. II. Con nurn'n officii to form a chunn and chocknra clubn. All who aro Intor untml In thunu Kitmun aro Invited to attend. TitAi.v hkvk.v iiouiw latk. Thin mornlng'n train from Port land wan noven bourn lato as a ro null or u brokun onglno bctwuon this city and thu main lino. IltKCAUTIO.N'H IHHUKI). Hlniplo prucautlonn for tho preven tion of Hpnnlnh Influonin aru kIvuii flrat paKo promlnunco In tho Octobor 12 Innun of tho bulletin ot tho northwunturu dlvlnlon of tho Hcd C roil a. HAYH hi: HTOLK OU.V. Win. M. Cayton wan arrunted lant nlRht and In today lodged In tho county jail on a charga of ntcallnR it .32 Wlnchuntur automatic rlflo from Cyrus Todd. Tho trial will bo hold In Junllco court aomo timo today. Mr. Claim T, Fullor, Tho corotrfony wan purformud hy Judgo Darnen, (From Mondny'R Daily.) I'Arnonn to Wtftt Point. Vnlton Pnmonn, non of H. II. Pnraonn of Hodmond, hun boon ono or two mon to rccolvo nppolntmcnt to tho mili tary nendumy nt Went Point for ono yuar'n training, nccordlng to an an nouncement roculvud by hln Inthor. Vouiik Pnrnonn ban boon atatlonud nt Vancouver barrackn. Library (luh .Meuin. Tho Library club will hold an Important muutinR tomorrow afternoon nt 3 o'clock nt tho public library. Tho Library cluh In open to nny woman In Hand. Thoru aro no duun or annennmoutri connuctud with tho club. Kvcry woman In Huud who In Interented In tho public library Ih urged to atteud thin muutinR. Hiiiitcr-I'iillur. - Minn Claire K, Iluntur, ditURhter or Mr. and Mm, Joseph Iluntur of thin city, wan united In marrlnRo nt thu homo ot her pnrentH Bnturday afternoon to (From Mturdny' Daily.) ICiiturlalu Yoiiiikmuiih. Mr, and Mrn. W. W. YoutiRnon woro untor talned by Ward Coblo yentorday afternoon In an nutomohllo trip tliroiiRh tho valloy. Thuy woro olJ nulRhhorn ot Mr. Coblo In Portland Mr, YotitiRHun In grand prulatu of thu grand commandury ot tho United Hlnlun. Tliruo Mllun of IUind Doiiu Thrco mllun of tho now Knnt Lako road bolng built by tho government han boon completed, according to nn an nouncumont in ado by tho forest of flcu thin morning, Thoro yot ro malnn about nix miles of tho road lo bo built, Sr.w KcIiimIiiIo Htitrted A now nchudulo covering tho work of tho varloun clanncn at tho Oymnanlum han been ntnrted by Manager Ilntloy, but hnn not yet been completed. Mr. Dnltey hnn, howovor, announced his flmt chnrvgu in tho meeting ot tha Hoy ficoutn, Tho former bourn of from C:30 to 8 each Tucnday havo been changed to 3:30 to C on tho snmo day. (From Frldny'n Dally.) Vor Offlrcm' TrnlnhiK Camp. F. L. Kvurnon will Icavo tomorrow night for Portland, where ho will under go examination for cntranca to an otflcere' training camp. Mr. Kveraon mudo application nuvernl wcekn ago nnd received hln cnll thin morning. Dinner Pnrty. J. F. Uennley wnn tho guest of honor nt a dinner party given lnnt night at tho Pilot Ilutto Inn by tho omployen of tho Drpokn Bcnnlon office, with whom ho has been nnsoclntcd. Mr. Ucanlcy will loavo tomorrow night for Astoria. KnMoi Made Acnt J. A. Kastes hnn been nppointcd agent for the Hivcr Terrace company and has taken chargu of tho company's sales and collections. Dr. Turner, eyo specialist, will bo In Hend again Saturday arid Sunday, Oct. 2C-27, at Thornon's Jowolry store. Consult him. Adv. 33-34 FIIKK LKCTUIli:. Tho Christian Science society ot Ilond announces a frco lecture on Christian Sclcnco by Dr. Walton Hubbard, C. 8. U member ot tho board of lectureship ot tho mother church, tho Flrat Church of Christ, Scientist. In DoHton, Munsnchusottn, nnd cordlnlly Invites thu public lo bo preuunt. October 22, 191S, 8 p. in., nt tho Liberty thcatro. Adv. A cordial Invitation is extended to tho people- ot Hend and vicinity to vlnlt our photograph ntudlo in tho O'Knno Uldg. Opened Saturday, Sptombor 28th. Wo aro equipped lo mako sittings day or night. Adv 31-3c THIS PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGN ADVERTISING BY THE GENERAL OFFICES NEW YORK AND CHICAGO (1RANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES w ARNER BEND'S ECONOMY CENTER S Get Ready For The Cold Weather Beat The Weather Man To It We aro well equipped to supply your wants in MM fflHsiM fill tijTs tllK-JL kSi 1 Sweaters ! MEN--Your kind of Sweat er is here-Ruflheck, Slip over or Vest Style colors, grey, red or klmki $2.50, $3.50, $5.00 $6.00, $8.00, $10.00 LADIES--A long line of Fancy and Plain Styles some delightfully different colors and combinations $3.50, $5.00 $6.85, $8.85 Boys and Cirls'-$1.25v $2.50, $3.00, $4.00 J You'll find at Bend's Busy Store a large stock of Cool Weather Togs and Seasonable Merchandise. JUST INA New Line of Beautiful Blouses in Georgette, with the new wool trimmings, all the wanted shades, Priced from $6.50 to $1 1.75 NEW JERSEY DRESSES arc here Gray, Tan. llluc and Khaki. SEE THEM NOW. LADIES' & CHILDREN'S COATS Buy yours now an'6?"s7ive 25 per cent Our line of Wool Knit Goods is ready Sweaters, Toques, Knit Gloves. LADIES' & CHILDREN'S WOOLEN HOSIERY AT BEFORE THE WAR PRICES From 35c to 75c fPI HI BROT m 'TYLE AND OERVICE )top aiu Ohop PROCLAMATION. By order of tho Surgeon General or tho United States Public Health Service, communicated to mo through Dr. Kobcrt E. L. Holt of tho Oregon State Doard ot Health, and In conso quenco ot tho presence of Spanish in fluenza In Hend: I, Clydo M. McKay, as President of tho Council and Mayor pro tern., by vlrtuo ot authority In me vested In tho absenco ot Mayor Caldwell from tho City ot Ucnd, hereby direct the closing of all schools, churches, movies, libraries, lodges and so cieties; also all places ot public amusement, Including billiard and pool halls, bowling alleys, card rooms, whether public or in club rooms. Tho necosslty Is urged upon every one to avoid crowds, public assem blies and shopping until tho present opldemlc has subsided. Tho hearty co-operation of everyone In this war mcasuro will facilitate tho lifting ot this proclamation nt an early duto. This order becomes effective at 7 o'clock A. M., Octobor 17th, 1918. CLYDE M. -McKAY. President of tho Council and iMnyor Pro Tem. Attest: J. C. VANDEVEKT, M. D., City Health Officer. Approved: A. E. EDWARDS, CLYDE M. McKAY, JOHN STEIDL, Health Committee, City Council. Adv. advocate, tho patches state Constantinople dls- GERMAN PEACE HOPES DASHED (Br UnlUd Prow to Th D,nd Dollttln.) COPENHAGEN, Oct. 18. German newspapers dcclaro that Wilson's peace noto answer has dashed tho hopes raised by his first reply, which. It Is claimed, wero excited during tho conference with tho allies. INFLUENZA IN ARMY NOW UNDER CONTROL WASHINGTON, Oct. 1C Secre tary of War Baker has announced that the Influenza in the army Is now probably under control. SEATTLE HAS HEAVY FIRE LOSS IVt United Prou to Th Bend Dollttln.) SEATTLE, Oct. 16.- Kires which destroyed tho Great Northern oil piers aro still burning this morning, although they aro now under con trol. Tho loss has been over two million dollars. Advertised Letters. INFANTS' SETS-HATS, GLOVES, MITTENS SHOP AT TheOriginal Cash and Carry Cut Price Store Beaver, Clara (2) Bond Studio Belknap, Art Carson, C. Cook, A. L. Funk, Miss Olivia Ford, Mrs. Myra Hlnton, J. C. Horgonrodor, Joo Hnrkuess, G. V, McDonald, Mrs. J. M. McKeuzle, II. T. Nichols, Wra, Norton, Ilazol Olson, Miss Dorothy St. John, W. E, Wonsloy, Geo. H. Wilson, John PEACE ADVOCATE IS GIVEN SEAT YOUR DRUG STORE As a Preventative for. Spanish Influenza use ZePYROL ma a Perfect Mouth Waih, Gargle or Spray Turkish Pro-Gorman Ministry Re signs and Now War Minister Is Put lu Place. (I)y United Prru to Tha Bend Bulletin) COPENHAGEN. Oct. 10. Tho Lowflk ministry in Turkoy has re signed and Izzot Pasha has boon named as grand vizier and wur min uter. Tho Lowflk ministry was pro- Gorman, -while tho Izzot is a peaco Jml Remember Magill & Erskine O'KANE BUILDING YOUR DRUGSTORE