PAflR4 11KN1) nUM.KTIX, 1WM), OREGON, TIIUItHDAY, OCTOMCR I T, 11)18 I The Bend Bulletin BKND. OREGON Kstnbllshed 1002. GEORGE PALMER PUTNAM Publisher ROBERT W. SAWYER Edltor-Managor, An Indopomlont newspaper stnnd- Ing for tlio sqtinro donl, clean busi- nosB, clonn politics nml tlio beat In- torcata of Bond and Central Oregon. fact la resorted to In nn effort to luro the favor of the votltiK public, It la high tlmo thnt tho voters nro ndvlsed of true conditions. There fore tho editor of this pnpor lma tho following statement to mnko to the renders ot this paper: Tho present delinquent tax law Ono Ycnr $2.00 Blx Months 1.00 Throo MontliR .60 THURSDAY, OCTODER 17, 1918. SUPPRESS PUBLICITY. (Omtun Voter.) Tho essenco of C. S. Jackson's tax publication 1111 is that tt docs away with notlco to tho public ot the names ot property owners whoso taxes are long past duo. Tho prop erty owner may postpono tax pay ment Indefinitely so far as any tear ot publicity is concerned. Mr. Jack eon's moasuro puts an end to print ing tho delinquent tax list. In ono important way tho moaauol is dccoptlvo. It sails under tno camouflage ot substituting a mailed notlco for tho published notlco. In effect, tho bill proposes no such sub stitution, for already each property owner whoso postofflco address is on ilia with tho tax collector is notified when his taxes aro due. Tho only substitution thero will bo in offect under the Jackson bill will bo to sond another notice by mail to follow tho incffectlvo first notice, instead ot publishing tho list in the county paper whero tho public may read it and ascertain who tho delinquents aro. Tho Jackson bill In effect sub stitutes suppression for publicity. It Is notorious that tho bill origin ates in Mr. Jackson's dcslro to punish tho country press of tho stato by de priving it of tho llttlo rovenue that has come to it by annual publication of tho delinquent tax list. It tho measure is understood by tho tax payers and tho public, It will bo de feated on Its merits. Wero tho mo tlvo behind It generally understood, it Would bo burled by an overwhelm ing negative majority as a rebuke to tbo bullying tactics employed by a wealthy newspaper publisher to bend tho small country papers to his will or break them as punishment for their Independence ot his dictation. SURRENDER? Tho people of tbo country want nothing In tho shapo of peaco terms but unconditional surrender. Can tho present German offers bo con strued as such? That Is tho ques tion to bo answered by President Wilson In deciding on his reply to tho latest German note. To a man on tho street tho German request to namo a commission to make the necessary arrangement concerning tho evacuation sounds like a stall. It took no commission to make ar rangements for tho occupation of tho invaded territory'. Germany walked in without so much as knock ing. In our opinion she can walk out the samo way. There's a mixed commission ot Belgians, British, French, Italians and Yankees now on tho ground and making arrange ments that seem to bo pretty com plete. Unconditional surrender means unconditional surrender and nothing less. It Wilson can Jockey tho German chancellor Into that, all well and good; IC not, he'd better uso his notes as wadding for shell. wns passed by tho state legislature ot Oregon, tho men you and I sent to Salom to represent us In affairs ot state. It is u fair law, devised In the In terest of tho taxpayer, to give him n square deal in the hour ot emergency and to protect him In that hour from the tnx title vulture and tho schem ing land attorney. It provides for tho publication ot tho delinquent tax list, It Is true, but It also provided and this Is tho part ot tho law tho Portland Journal would hnvo you overlook that publication of tho de linquents shall only bo niado after a mailed notlco has been sent out, regulnrly advising tho delinquent that his taxes lmvo not 'been paid. Tho publication, thoreforo is but nn emergency moasuro, to bo resorted to only when personal notice has failed to notify. Tho taxpayer should quickly real- Izo the practical valua of such a law. Supposo you aro away for tho tlmo being. Or let us assumo you have changed your addross. In olthor case a mailed statomont would In nil probability tall to reach you. Somo tlmo later, tho delinquent list Is pub lished in tho homo papor, and your friends, rolntives or neighbors notlco immediately that you havo ovor- lookca your taxes, and hasten tO; orop you a nno. uney Know wiioro you nro tho tax. collector doesn't bother about you unless you notify him ot the change. Tho result? Tho tltlo grabber, that peculiar pest who Is always loitering about tho books in the tnx office, loses a chanco to buy in your place for a song, nnd you aro saved tho embarassment and work of re deeming your placo. This is the present law, and this is exactly tho way It works out. Jackson, working with a certain Portland attorney, would cut out tho publication requirement of tho pres ent law. Ho would end tho matter onco and for all with the sending ot notice through tho mall. It you fail to get It, under his scheme, you aro tho loser, and tho tax tltlo vulture will then pick up some easy money and you. will foot tho bill. Such Is the bill proposed by Jackson nnd Hapgood. Kill It if you would con fer a favor on tho taxpayers of Oro gon. Voto "NO" on tho Jackson do- that n roster bo made up ot tho Do schutes county boys in servlco. Wo want to know how many stars there would bo in tho Desohuten county servlco Hag. Sotuo day n memorial wilt bo planned for thosn who do tint return and for those who offered themselves. Wo should have a Hut ot them nil, Secondly, Tho Bulletin linn Joined In tho "Homo Paper" Service of America campaign. Tho purpose ot the campaign Is to send tho homo papur to the soldier boyH nurond, w will receive subscriptions lu any amount nml tor tho money ho re ceived will send tho pnpor either to designated names or to names as thoy appear on our list. Kor this reason wu want n ltst ot all tho Do Bohutos county boys in servlco. - Tho lufluontn scaro has saved the Bend sunshine from a lot ot knock ing. It wns on tho plea that thoro would bo plenty of sunshine hero that tho Federation oC Labor voted to como to Bond this week. And wo have had nioro rain than sun so far. Tho shorlff makes another haul ot boozo. Soon nn addition will bo needed on tho Jail to hold tho boot loggors nnd tholr booty. It it Is true thnt Prlnco Max has resigned, tho fact gives us a vlow Into tho real political situation in Germany. Woodrow Wilson, to Kaiser Wll helm: "This way out. Step lively." Tho Island of St. Helena Is under stood to bo still without a tenant. THE GREAT CLOSING OUT SALE! GOES ON IN FULL BLAST Don't delay laying in your Winter's Supply of Clothing Shoes, Hats, Underwear and Sox Never Again Such a Profitable Investment A. L. French's Entire Stock Goes at Less Than Cost! FIXTURES FOR SALE CHEAP HALF MILLION WILL BE NEEDED (Continued from Pago 1.) Ilnquent bill. GIVE TAXPAYERS A SQUARE DEAL. Thorn Is a scheme on foot to wipe out tho present delinquent tax lav now In offect In tho stato of Oregon. Those behind tho plan would substi tute in Its placo a piece ot pernicious legislation, cleverly devised by the Fortland Journal and a certain clique of politicians. Tho scheme is a clever ono at first observation and by reason of the fact that ono ot tho backers of the pro posed change is a man ot independ ent wealth at tho head ot a Portland paper, tho columns of that paper tho Portland Journal havo been thrown open to further the measure and 'befuddle tho voters' minds at tho coming election. By smooth camouflaging ot tho facts, and some times by direct misrepresentation, tho voters aro led to bollovo that tho proposed measure is ono originated and to ho passed entirely in their own interest. This is the influence that comes from reading tho Portland Journal's propaganda for tho abolishment ot tho present delinquent tax bill now in forco In tho stato of Oregon. Tho editor of this paper is not in tho habit ot Instructing his readers how to vote in various elections. As a rule wgcpnsldor the voter will support tho measures which he be lieves to bo ot worth, and register his protest with a vigorous "NO" on' useless or pernicious legislation. This ls'.tfte! rdlo' usually followed by the country1 ' newsp'aper ' man, bub -when direct misrepresentation of NO CHANGE IN WILSON. Whllo wo wero waiting yestordny to know what President Wilson would roply to the latest German poaco noto, thero wero mnny who asserted that he could do nothing but accept slnco tho Germans, thoy said, had definitely accepted his 14 peaco terms. And today, when we know that he will not mako peaco with the kaiser, somo aro saying that ho has gone back on his word, asserting that ho himself offered peaco if tho 14 terms were accepted. It seems worth whllo to point out that those who havo this feeling are not following tho course ot events and havo not put thomselves In full touch with the facts. Mr. Wilson has never offered peaco on any terms. From time to tlmo he has stated tho war alms ot tho allies and on various occasions ho has set forth conditions which should be met in tho peace settle ment. Tho 14 terms are in this class and there are other conditions which ho has announced notably, that peace cannot be made with tho present ruling power in Germany. In short, ho has nevor said that peace could bo had on any particular set of terms, but that when wo camo to mako peace theso various terms should bo Included in tho settlement. Remembering this fact, the recent set of notes shows that Mr. Wilson has not gone back on his word, but Is holding strictly to it. Prlnco Max asked tor peaco, saying that ho ac cepted tho 14 and other terms. Mr. Wilson made his reply a set ot ques tions, giving no nssuranco of peace whatever. The questions wero an swered and now ho replies that to get peaco Germany must clmngo rulers. Presldont Wilson has not changed. Ho has simply inado a llttlo more definite somo of tho terms on which peaco may bo had. SEND IN THE NAME8. The Bulletin wants the names of all tho Deschutes county boys in tho army and navy of tho United States. Evory relative and every friend of a man In tho servlco is asked to send his name to Tho Bulletin. If he is in Franco or Slborlu, or anywhere out of tho United States, wo want his address that Is, tho namo of tho regiment and company to which ho Is attached. Wo want this information for two reasons. n tho first place, we think it tlmo nnd, as Shakespeare satd, that Is no Josh. Many After Job. Conrad Patrick Olson, who -was clovated to tho supremo bench from the stato sennto and a Portland law- shop, may havo so many contenders against him that ho Is liable to bo re-elected, whether ho wishes to or not. John S. Coko ot Coos county, Judgo Jim Campbell ot Clackamas county and Judgo Percy R. Kelly of Linn county aro all talked of as probablo candidates, whllo thero probably will bo somo more before the game Is over. Thoy can como In up to tho last minute now, as no one's namo will be on tho ballot nnd tho field is opon without fear or favor. Rumor hath It that tho momhers of the bar association are whetting their knives to got Conrad's scalp. Tho appointment didn't set well with a largo number of lawyers, Includ ing ninny In Portland. It Is more than likely that many of the afore said lawyers havo folt that they would havo graced tho hunch with much nioro eclat than Conrad nnd have looked at tho appointment with a little green In their eyes. Bo that as It may, some of the boys wllf go gunning for Conrad, but the big field seems to all In favor of tho man who tins landed and has tho prestige ot tho appointment. Nevertheless, Judges Coko, Kelly, Campboll, el ul., aro all big men and anyone of thorn would not doubt trot Conrad u win ning heat. 1'rolio Is Thorough. As expected, tho probe at tho stato penitentiary is taking -on the com plexion ot being a very thorough go ing affair. Attorney General Brown Is not only going into tho problem himself, but ho has enlisted the serv ices of n largo number of the best known district attorneys In tho stuto to assist hm. That Is a way the at torney genoral has with him apd there Isn't much question In tho minds of those who know George M. Brown und his ways that If thoro hns been anything go!n on wrong at tho prison it will very nearly bo located beforo ho geta through with It. And it Is evident ho Is taking no chances by enlisting tho services of somo regular prosecutors. So far tho lino ot probo that lie. will carry on Is more or less In definite as ho is not very responsive to questions as to how ho Is going at tho Investigation. However, It Is probublo that tho district attorneys will bo instructed to uscortaln all the Information available from paroled men In their respectlvo counties and It Is more than Itkoly that tho 200 or nioro paroled men scattered ovor tho stato will all havo u chanco to tell what thoy know If thoy know anything With a peculiar persistence that scorns to be ono of tho pot hobbles of that paper when it is politically soro at any individual or office holder, tho Portland Journal is en deavoring to mako tho prison probe tho basis for political capital against Governor Withycombo. Tf la unll 1nnun flint tfin TAimnnl has Non-Partisan league leanings nnd always has had, over slnco that lenxuo stuck Its hydra head Into tho stato. Consequently it Is nioro than Inclined to boost tho game ot Walter Pierce, who always has boon favor able to the Non-Partisan lenguo, de spite his frantic denial at Sclo a fuw days slnco. Disliking tho governor and loving Walter Pierce, tho Journal now as serts that tho governor is waiting until nfter tho ulectlon beforo ho fires Warden Murphy and .puts J no Keller into his place, or at least tho pnpor Intimates as much. Tho fuel of) thu matter It that tho gov ernor will fire Murphy when ho gets ready and put whoever ho pleases In Murphy's place when he feels llko It, nnd also If Murphy makes good at tho prison ho will stay on tho Job. Tho question of tho election doesn't enter Into this matter at all, and tho writer happens to know whereof he speaks. It Is nmuslng to hear tho governor accused of playing politics at every turn In thu road, when as a matter of fact anyone who knows tho gov ernor at all knows ho Is the most Impolitic gentleman who ever sat In tho executive chair. He causes somo of his henchmen to fairly writhe on occasions by blurting out Just what he thinks nnd Just what he feels at whutever place or tlmo It happens to como out. Tho -governor hns n peculiar way of tolling unpleasant truths very frequently that hurts mid ho hewn to thu lino, letting the chips fall where they may, a durn situ morn than tho Portland Journal. As far ns politics Is concerned, that Is prob ably the best kind of politics to piny In n stnto llko Oregon, but it is not What Is generally known ns playing politics. The governor hns hurled somu harsh remarks nt various or ganizations and people at divers and sundry times In a manner which has made his advisers wlnco, and no doubt hu has antagonized a number ot peoplo by so doing. But ho hns swatted tho null on thu head quite often in doing so und n large mini- bor of thu peoplo have applauded him for It. But tho very fact thnt ho ploughs right ahead and tells those whole some truths Indicates that ho doesn't particularly "piny politics" us that phrase Is genernlly understood In Its most frequently ucceptcd usage. For Instance, ho hasn't been pluy ing tho kind of politics which has caused Walt Pierce to plaster on street car signs the alleged fact that ho got his last kernol of grain lu for thu benefit of thu soldiers beforo ho started his campaign. I'Jerco Out Marly. Anyone who has been watching Plorce maneuvers knows that such an ussortlon Is pure camouflage be causo ho has boon campaigning to heat tho band ovor slnco thu boo first buzzed in his noggin that ho wished to bo governor. Also ho doesn't play tho kind ot politics that Walt Pierce played when ho repudiated tho Non-1'artlsun league at Sclo. Whon Walt thought tho Non-Purtlsan louguo wus (going to cut tho same kind of a swath lu Oregon that it cut in tho Dukotus ho wus for it stronger than tho kalsor is for hell. But when ho found out that tho .Non-Partisan Joaguo leadors wero being arrested on charges ot violating tho nsplon ago act and a few other unpatrlotio stunts ho thought hotter ot It and repudiated It in his Sclo speech, Tho Non-Pnrtlsnn league was not quite no popular as Walt thought It was going to be nnd ho cut It cold. Perhaps those stunts nto not play ing politics, but to n man up a treo they seam to carry that sort ot a brand. And Wait is going to piny thu game strong. Hu Is going to talk war nnd patriotism until his red face turns blue nnd ho Is going to hit tho ball nt evory chanco hu gets. In thu monntlmu thu wily Demo crats who aro seconding his mo tions will talk soft and low to their neighbors thnt the governor Is play ing politics and thu only way to havo thu statu cnpltol pure und unsullied will hu by putting the redoubtable Walt In tho big cushioned chair in tho executive offices. Tho Republicans mustn't forgot that thoy have n fight on their hands nt thu coming ulectlon, because the Democrats nnd n lot of disgruntled Republicans aro going to do all they can to put It over. To hu honest nnd candid about It, there Is no question hut what thu governor has made somu mistakes on thu Job. Thorn nlso Is no ques tion hut what Walt Pierce would make inlstnkes, and from watching his career In thu sennto and thu general tenor nf his political affilia tions there seems to be every reason to believe thnt Walt would mako one long continued series ot thorn from thu tlmo hu was Inaugurated up to tho tlmo of his recall. But thu peoplu know this: that despltu a fuw mistakes of the head, rather than of the heart, the present governor was on tho Job when con gress declared that tho United States of America was nt war against thu Gorman Imperial government; thnt ho wns on tho Job when Oregon was called upon to do her duty In thnt war against thu German Imperial government, and that thero has been no stago of tho game slnco that time when ho hasn't shown 100 per cent. patriotism nnd loyalty to his govern- GLAHHIFIKD ADVICUTIHKMKNTH CUmMI aittrrlUIn ehr. on rent tr wunl t-r Imu. Minimum chars. It rvnta. All rlftulnnl xlrtrtUIn trUtly cuh In ad-anr. KOR HALE. FOR HALE- 100 acres, with wnter right, near lleiid, nt sacrifice; SO Improved, part rendy for nlfnlfn. Address owner, 0 I). Rogers, Port, land Hotel, Portland. 34-33 FOR HALE Furniture of thu Thrm Hlsturs Hotel, und building for rent. 3-33 FOR HALE 40 ncres, partly Im proved, Inquire Edmund Boxers. Tumalo, Ore., Box fi. 1333-G FOR HALE Potatoes, a llttlo Irs than market price. Edmund Honors, Box G, Tumalo, Ore. 14-33-Cp FOR HALE Finest corner lot In Park addition, lot 10, block 10. Make mo an offer. Address Elmer V. Hteavous, Pomona, Cal., guiiurnl delivery. 22-33-4p FOR HALE 101C Ford car In ex cellent condition. For particular inquire c. w. Allen, Hlsturs, Ore. 27-33 FOR HALE Two bucks. Full blood ed. Fat and In good shapo. To hu seen at placu, 10 miles front Mllllcan. II. E. Moore. 41-32-34 FOR HALE 2 fresh milch cows with calves. Mrs. II. A. Johnson, throo miles southwest of Tumalo. 14-3I-3 FOR SALE Olio tnuin, weight 1300 lbs., 4 years old; ten head conrstt wool owes, nil young. Reeves WIIIcoxhii, Redmond, Ore. 01-30-3p FOR HALE 10 acres near Hand. 27 neres water right In crop, 10 aorss liny; with or without stock. In quire Bulletin. 01-28tfa FOR HALE HoUteln hull calf; dam. mado ir.,000 lbs. milk, r,70 lbs. fat nt four years. P. C. Burt. Bend, Oro. rl-2fitfo FOR HALE About 30 head of cattle, mostly young stuff. Hoo or wrlto P. II. Johnson, .Mllllcan, Ore, 27-2Gtfe FOR HALE 14 head of cattle and one work toam. H. A. Gosnoy, Union barber shop, Phono 2171. 19-lltfc aaKsntsnanaaaasBBaiK WANTED. mont, to his stnto and to thu 2fi,000 odd true-blooded American Orogon- THREE HALF MILLION Inns who ure participating In tho great conflict of decency against un righteousness, Tho peoplo of Oro gon aro familiar with nil nf theso facts nnd Walt Plurco will havo nothing but u campaign of promises to wage against a campaign of ac complishments. That Is whero Walt Is goln to fall down nnd unquestionably ho a In going to fall down so hard It will hurt. Tho governor has u 1000 por conU butting nverago us a who)o-hearod American citizen nt a tlmo whon American citizenship means much lu tho high places of 'tho land, und It Is n goodly horltugo which ho Is passing on to his children, and by vlrtuu of his offlco Is pausing It on to tho people of tho statu ovor wliloh ho sits as chief executive. Tho Portland Journal may accuse him of; playing politics; Wait Plorce may pussyfoot from tho sagebrush of Eastern Oregon to tho shores of tho Pacific, nnd a fow disgruntled birds may shout tholr denunciations from thu housotops, but tho .great rank nnd fllo of tho voters of tho stnto hnvo roachod tho conclusion that Governor Withycombo its squarely on tint Job as an 18-carat 'patriot. Upparontly It will bo u campaign of) poison against patriotism and bn alii fronts so far patriotism Ib tvIii- WANTED Experienced girl to ns slst with housework. Tel. Red Id. Mrs, Muuiihulmor. :il-33tfo WANTED- Ranch on shares, close to Bund. Must bo somo nlfnlfn, Y V., Bulletin. , 8-33 WANTED A team of mares, about I B00 lbs. each, for cash. Addross Plercy & Hons, Tumalo, Oro. 30-32tfa WANTED Fresh Hhorthoru milch cows. B. L. Tono, Hlstors, Oregon. C7-27tfo LOST AND FOUND. n warn TAKEN UP Stray hbrso, dark Irotf gray, aooui inreo yours old, brnnclpd J. P, on right shoulder, weight 1000 lbs. Oliver Thor bjoriison, on Allen ranch. 02.30-30 RIVER TERRACE The Itlvor Torrnoo Addition Iiuh been turned over to mo ns Hales AkoiiI. This Addition In tho most beautiful residence property In tho city. All poymtfih on faimti anj Juluit fonliailt to to maj Ihnuih mv tifie; Lttiilf tlonji Uktn an poynunl, J. A. EASTES, Aijerit. ftillnur Tfiias, Componv r I ''', Xl