11KND llUMiKTIN, 1UCND, OllRGON, TIIU1WDAY, OCTOllKU 17, 101H rAGK 9 IS Central Oregon Neighborhood News WELL DRILLING OPERATIONS ON MILMCAN. Oct. 11. Tho Shaver well drlllng outnt is busy drilling at tho Edmonds plnco. Mrs. J J. Holland called at tho R. n. Koller ranch Friday. Wm. A. Itahn called at tho C. H. araffenbongcr and P. Tauschor homos Saturday. Tho Leo Keller family and Mrs. F. Tauschor wero callora at tho It. 11. Keller homo Sunday. R. It. Kollor was a week-end vis itor at his homo. J. J. Holland was an over-Sunday guest at his homo. Mr. Shaver will take Wm. A. Rahn nnd J. J. Holland to Bend today. Mr. Rahn will niako final proof on his homestead and J. J. Holland will bo ono of his witnesses. Mr. Ornffcn bergor expects to bo at Dend also as Mr. Rahn's other witness. P. B. Johnson was a business callor at Bond this weok. Mrs. Leo Kellor and son Harold wero at Bend the past weok. Mr. Guorney was a business visitor nt Bend Thursday. Mrs. J. J. Holland called at tho Rahn and Loo homes Monday. T. E. Going has tho J. R. Beotsno place rented and Is going to have Bomo fall seeding dono. Mrs. Holland spent Thursday afternoon with Mrs. R. R. Keller. Tho .Hollands called at tho Schafter place Sunday. F. Tauschor called at tho L. B. Koller homo Sunday. Roy Cook Is now employed at Bend. PLEASANT RIDGE NEWS LETTER PLEASANT RIDGE, Oct. 12. Antono Ahlstrom was In Bend on business Monday. Air. and Mrs. C. M. Redflold and children and W. E. Van Allen of De schutes called at tho Anderson homo Monday evening. O. E. Andorson made a business trln tn TTedmond Monday. Rasmus Poterson and Hans Mlk kelsen wero Bend visitors Friday. Mrs. O. E. Anderson, Mrs. W. H. Gray nnd Henry Johnson left by auto for Medford, Ore.. Monday morning to vlst Mr. and Mrs. X. W. Gray, who formerly lived In this neighborhood. Thoy returned Satur day afternoon accompanied by N. V . Gray, who will spend a short tlmo hero looking after some business. Thoso attending tho Bradley sale nt Redmond Saturday from this neighborhood were: J. A. Chase, Androw Nelson, Rasmus Peterson, O. E. Anderson, Anton Ahlstrom, F. B. Boughman and J. W. Peterson. Mrs. Carrlo Johnson of Bend spent a few days visiting her sister, Mrs. J. W. Peterson. Gust Nelson and Fred Scaling of Bond wore down a short time Satur- Hans Mlkkolson was In Redmond on business Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Anderson at tended the movies in Bend Sunday evening. . , L. M. Fosa of tho First National bank of Bend was calling in this neighborhood Sundny. Fred Seeling of Bend spent Sun day In this neighborhood. Miss Joyce Wood is attending high school In Bond. HAMPTON BUTTE NEWS LETTER HAMPTON BUTTE. Oct. 10. Mr. and Mrs. Horaco Brookings have re ceived word that their son J'aui was promoted to corporal. Mr. Thompson brought his thresh ing outfit down and threshed rye for Mr. Schreder. From here ho wont to Buck Creek to thresh for several ranchers thero. Laurel, tho 12-year-old son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Chas. James, was run over by a grain truck near Moody, Ore., and is in a critical condition. Little Neddlo 8tauffer, who has been n the hospital at Portland for tho past five weeks, returned to his home Saturday. Mrs. V. P. Wray carao out from Bend Sunday and was the guest of Mrs. Bert Moeks. She returned to Bend Monday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Hash moved to their homestead near Glass buttes Tues day. Mrs. Gus McLouth of Stauffor niado some purchases at Brookings' store last Tuesday. Air. and Mrs. Eades and children of Cutlow valley passed through hero 'Tuesday on their way to Madras, whero they expect to mako their homo. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Donlvan of Ttnntnmln lako were guests at Ttrnnklncs' Wednesday night. Mrs. Bert Alecks and daughter WJla, Mrs. V. P. Wray, Ned and Ted Stauffer visited tho Rolyat school Monday. .... ., Mr. Kerko and family moved to Bend, whero tner cnuaren win ih tend Bchool. w nm.kinefl returned from Torre bonno Saturday to round up his stock and will spon move tnem io mu homo. C. J. Stauffor was a passenger on the mall atago today. Who la Pioroy & Bona, Tumalo? Adv. p SISTERS SCHOOL SPELLING CONTEST SISTERS. Oct. 1-1, Alton Har rington and Henry Cllutt stayed up tho longest In tho regular spoiling contest Friday ovonlng, Dorothy Taylor stayed up tho longest In tho railroad spelling nnd In tho geog raphy contest, nnd Goorgo Davis stayed up tho longest In tho arith metic match. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. E. Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Porry South, Mr. nnd Mrs. Jack Stldham, Georgo Messer, Mrs. Scaberry, Miss Allco Kapphahn nnd Miss Anna Nootnnglo wero present nt tho spelling contest. Tho following songs wore sung: "America." "Columbln. tho Oom of the Ocean" nnd "Keep tho Homo Fires Burning." Mrs. H. K. Allen nnd Mrs. W. T. E. Wilson visited tho school Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Hnrtwoll called nt tho school hoU80 Friday. Tho program which Is to bo rendered Friday evening, Oc tobor 25, will also contain thrco good pantomlmo plays. Dorothy Taylor enrolled in tho sixth grado at school Thursday, which makes tho total enrollment 38. Assistant Forest Supervisor H. E. Vincent and Forester John Horton of Bend wero at Sisters several days during tho past weok checking up work relating to tho forest service. Tho following wero registered nt tho Sisters hotel during tho past week: John Marsh of Tumalo. Fern Bock of Condon, Mrs. J. M. Murphy of Nome, Alaska; Mrs. Bced Frleblo of Chicago, Mrs. John Cyrus nnd son nnd Esther Morgan of Prlnovlllo, and Mrs. Dan Anglnnd of Now York City. W. H. Pelkcr and son of Salom passed through Sisters Sundny on their way to Bend to visit with Ar thur Schilling of tho Bend Hardwaro company. J. H. Wilson nnd B. W. Wilson of tho Wlllnmetto valley wero at Slstors Monday and returned Tuesday to Eugene, whero they are working for tho Booth-Kolloy Lumber Co. rank ing neroplancs. John Meyer, who has spent sovcral weeks at tho Allendale resort on tho Mctollus, returned to his homo In Philadelphia Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ersklno Wood of Portland aro spending a few days at tho Allendalo resort fishing. Max Wurzweller was In town Friday on business. Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor and daughters Ada and Dorothy of Bend wero at Sisters Wednesday and Thursday visiting with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Allen went to Bend Frldny and returned Sunday. Mr. Allen has tho mlsfortuno of hav ing his foot crushed. Mrs; N. M. McKinnoy and daughter Inez, Mrs. Fred McKinnoy and chil dren, Margaret Qulbdrg and F. W. Wober wero nt Bend Saturday. Mar garet Quiberg was examined by Dr. Hendcrshott, tho county physician, and advised to go to Portland nnd hnvo her nose treated by a specialist. Mlko KIct and son Milton wero at Bend Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor and daughter Ada and Mrs. Jack Stldham woro fishing at Blue lako Thursday. Flro Warden J. D. Bowman and family wero at Sisters Sunday visit ing with Mr. and Mrs. William Berry. Tho Beard & Scott threshing ma chine is threshing at Cloverdalo and will soon bo In tho vicinity of Slstors. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Gist of Bend wero at Slstors Sunday calling on relatives and old acquaintances. Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter Helnrichs of Grandvlew wero in town Sunday. Clarenco iMonlcklo and party of Bond wero at Sisters Sunday. Van Wilson wont to Grass Valley, Sherman county, Monday to work for Tom Frazlor. E. M. Harrington nnd Ellis Edg Ington woro at Bend Monday on business. DON'T YOU NEED ONE NOW? Indigestion, biliousness, bad breath, gas, constipation or any con dition arising from a mass of un digested food in the stomach needs lmmediato attention. Foley Cathar tic Tablets aro mild and gentlo, but sure in action. Cause no griping, pain or nausea. Cleanse bowels, sweeten stomach, and tone up liver. Sold ovorywhere. Adv. THRESHING IS ON AT CLOVERDALE CLOVERDALE, Oct. 14. Tho Beard-Scott threshing machine is working n Ciovordale this weok, hav ing arrived hero from tho Lower Bridge country last Wednesday. Thero will bo ahout one or two weeks' work in Cloverdalo, after which they will go to Slaters. Mr and Mrs. J. B. llodson and Mr. and Mra. Harold Kline attended tho fair at Prlnovlllo on Thursday. A. E, Peterson lost a valuablo milch cow last week of bloat. Mr. and Irvln Parberry spent last Sunday ovening at tho Harold Kllno home. D. H. Long last a belter calf laat week from clover bloat. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Parberry and Mrs. Robt. Burling wero Bend shop pers on Wednesday. Mrs. Frank Burling waa tho hos tess at a delightful luncheon at tho Burling home in Cloverdalo on Tues day. Tho luncheon was in honor of tho birthday of Mrs. Robt. Burling, who Is making her homo here. Tho guesta wero: Mra. Cora Cutler, Mrs. A. J. Weston, Mlsa Gladys Parberry and Mrs. Irvln Pnrborry. lllnck Bros, ft Henderson, who ro- contly purchased tho Van Matro place, took possession of tho much on Frldny. Mary Fryroar, who has boon stay ing for somu tlmo nt lloppnor, nr rlvod homo Inst wuok. Mrs. A. J. Weston and Mra. Corn Cutler spent Friday at tho F. J. Hurling homo. La Vorno Skoltnn, who hns been working In Slstors nt tho mill, re turned homo Wednesday evening. Sundny school nnd church Horvleos woro hold at tho school houso Sun day afternoon. Rev. K. McVIcker preached, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Pnrborry and Mr. and Mrs. I. K. Pnrborry spout Sundny nftornoon at thu W. H. Abbey home. Mr. nnd Mrs, J. 11. llodson and Mr nnd Mrs. Harold Kllno woro Bond shoppers on Monday. Mrs. W. It. A'bboy and Mrs. Geo. Bumsldo nnd dnughtor woro shop ping In Redmond on Friday. Elvln Van Matro, who loft for Camp Lewis with tho July 22 draft call, has arrived safoly In Franco. Ho Is In tho Ambulance corps. Mr. nnd Mrs. J, L. Pnrborry mado n business trip (o Redmond on Fri day. Mrs. W. R. Abboy nnd Gladys Par borry woro Redmond shoppora on Monday. For farm land loona boo J. Ryan & Co. Adv. STOPPED HKH IIAUY'S COUGH. No remedy is bottor known than Foloy'a Honey nnd Tar for giving Quick roller from coughs, coma anu croup. Mrs. W. M. Slovens, Vivian, W. Va writes: "My baby had a torrlblo cough, and nothing did him any good. I road about Foloy'a Honoy and Tar, tho first doso holpod him and In two days tho cough stopped." Sold everywhere. Adv, POWELL BUTTE WOMEN BUSY POWELL BUTTE, Oct. 14. Ow tng to tho fact that mora than two thirds of tho usual Red Cross work ers aro In tho flolds at present help ing to save tho crops and gnrdons, tho Powell Butto branch of tho Red Cross has not tnken up work yet this fall. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Agco carao over from their Ochoco homo to dig their potatoes on tbolr Powell Butto farm. Geo. Truesdalo haa a flno crop of alfalfa as third cutting on his ranch horo. John Brown and C. M. Charlton also have third crops of alfalfa. Geo. Brazeo attended tho fair In Prlnovlllo. Mrs. Mary V. Charlton wont to Mndras last week, where aho ad dressed a convention on "Called to Sorvlco." Sho returned on Sundny night's train. Ed Barnnrd will soon go to Prlno vlllo, wtforo ho will commonco build ing a flno now modern houso on his Ochoco proporty. Wo nro sorry to loso tho Barnnrds. Thoy aro good neighbors In any community. Mrs. Arthur iMilncr camo In last week from San Francisco for a weok's visit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Bayno. Mrs. Mllnor'a huaband ia In Franco, and sho Is em ployed In tho Red Cross headquarters in San Francisco while ho Is serving lils country. Mr. and Mra. Pormn Marker and Mr. and Mrs. Jesso Shnbort and Earl Tweet attended tho show In Prlno vlllo Saturday. C. M. Charlton nnd son Charles, Jr., went to Prlnovlllo Saturday. Whllo thero they attended "Over tho Top." Otto Pauls Is tho now superintend ent of tho Sunday school at Com munity hall. Helen Snyder Is secre tary. A threshing machlno belonging to Messrs. Forrest of O'Nol! camo in Saturday to Frank McCnffroy'H. Geo. Shobort la threshing for Ed Barnard. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Bussott woro Redmond vlsltora Sundny. Thoy accompanied Mrs Arthur Mllnor to tho train, as alio started on her re turn to San Francisco. John 8ombs, Independent candl dato for sheriff, was shaking hands with Powell Butto pcoplo Saturday. Many peoplo from horo attonded tho salo near Redmond Saturday. Among theao wero E. L. Ivorson and wlfo, Mr. and Mra. E. H. Stowart and John Drlscoll, Roy Roborts nnd wlfo, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Truesdalo, Frank Rico and wifo and Mr. and Mrs. 8. D. Mustard. Mrs. John Drlscoll has gono to Portland for an extended visit. Allen Wlllcoxcn returned from a business trip to Portland Monday morning. Lloyd Bussott Is qulto 111 at Ben son Polytechnic with Spanish in fluenza. Harold Charlton, who ia at Ft. Stovons, haa boon appolntod sergeant major. Alvin Rlggs' header crow took a lay-off Saturday aftornoon nnd at tended "Over tho Top" at Prlnovlllo. colvlng congratulations on tho birth Mr. and Mra. J. E. Warner aro re ceiving congratulations on tho birth of their second child, a dnughtor, born October 8 at their homo at Powoll Butto. Sho haa been named Joslo Lucille. Wurzweller and aona brought 200 head of flno stock cattlo to tho w 8 STOP! And Investigate oar prices before baying your groceries. We cab eavo you money. P.B.Johnson's MJUlcMs. Ore. Teleeboae Si -iffi Frosty Mornings, Arent They? MAKES YOU WANT TO HUG THE FIRESIDE BEND HARDWARE COMPANY Powoll Butto ranch Snturdny. Thoy will bo kept horo this winter. Wnllnco Smith lost n flno holfor from bloat last wook. Sho hnd ranged In tho public ronda and broke Into an alfalfa field. Boo J. Ryan ft Co., for farm land loana. Adv. A Mnn'a Cheerful Uwommrwlntlnn. W. II. Frenr, C3 Myrtlo Avo., Al bany, N. Y writes: "I thought kid noy trouble might bo tho cnuso of my rundown condition and weakness, no I took Foloy Kldnoy Pills, nnd thoy did tho work. I cheerfully rec ommend thorn." Thoy rollovo lamo back, rhoumatlc pains, stiff Joints, soro muscles. Sold ovorywhoro. Adv. MAD DOG CAUSE OF APPREHENSION TERREBONNE. Oct. 14. A mnd dog was reported to havo boon soon in Garden vnlloy sovcral days ago. After running Into sovornl yards, tho dog loft tho country. It hns not boon seen slnco, but tho Inhabitants aro on tholr gunrd. Friday ovonlng tho pupils of tho Torrobonno high school nnd tholr tonchor, Mrs. Whltuls, wont to Red mond to attend tho Literary socloty. which waa orgnnlzed by tho Hedmond union high school. J. M. Garrison, proprietor of tho Forest Grovo poultry yards of Salom, visited tho Torrobonno school Friday to organize n poultry club for tho benefit of somo of tho pupils. Mr Garrison waa ono of tho Judges of tho poultry at tho Prlnovlllo fnlr. Thlrty-aoven hundred bend of sheep, belonging to Hlnkoly club of Shanlko, wero brought to tho stock yards Friday to bo shipped, but as tho cars wero not horo word was ro colved to trail thorn. Thoy loft Sun day afternoon. A danco waa hold Friday, October 11, nt tho Fnrmor'a union hall, Torro bonno. Tho musicians woro Fred Lucaa nnd Spoc Young of Bond. A Inrgo crowd waa present nnd it proved to bo a vory onjoyablo affair. Tho Torrobonno Union Sunday school gave, as a rownrd for thoso who had not missed a Sunday In tho last quartor, an auto rldo. Two car loads started but returned because of car troubles. Threshing has boon In progress for two weoks. Claud McCauloy haa sold hln fnrm hero. Tho now ownor expocta to movo In tho first of November. An unusually sovoro hull storm passed noutheast of Torrobonno about 6 o'clock Sundny, Somo dam- ago was dono to atnndlng grain. Cut Thla Out. It In Worth Money. DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this allp, encloso with Cc to Foloy & Co., 2835 Shofflold Avo., Chicago, III., writing your namo and nddrcaa cloarly. You will receive In roturn n trial packago containing Foloy'a Honoy and Tar Compound, for coughs, coldB and croup, Foloy Kld noy Pills and Foloy Cathartic Tab lota. Sold ovorywhoro. Adv. ILLINOIS MAN VISITS MOTHER PINBHUR8T, Oct. 12. Mr. Rood of Illinois la apondlng tho wook horo visiting nt tho homo of hla mother, Mra. A. H. need. Miss Ethol Snydor spent Friday night in Tumnlo, tho guest ofj Mlaa Ruby Marlon. (Mr. and Mra. Voght woro ovor from Plalnvlow Thuraday and apont tho nftornoon nt tho F. V. 8wIahor homo. Mra. Nolta McGuIro motored to Bond Thursday. Mra. A. J. Hartor of Tumalo Bpont Tuesday afternoon at tho homo of her mother, Mra. G. M. Couch. Mr. and Mra. Frank Swlahor and family woro tho guoata of Mra. Rob ert Smith of Tumalo Sunday. C. F. Montgomery Hpont tho wook In Bond in nttondanco at court. Ho waa ono of tho Jurora. Mra. Howard Hartley of Plalnvlow apont tho aftornoon Monday as tho guoat of Mra. Harry McGuIro. Ruth Bayloy, 'Myrtlo Spaugh and Vlolot Spaugh woro callora at I. E. WImor'a Sunday aftornoon, Sovornl of tho farmers of this neighborhood coramonced digging potatoes this wook. Tho potato crop eeoms to bo exceptionally good this year. IT TAKES A CARBON HEATER to acid cheer to the home They arc h heuutiful little stove with h mien front, Kivinij the elleet of u lirepluee. Nicely niekled, with it polished steel hotly ami east lining, inakinir. one of our most popular healers. You should order one anil enjoy the wintry months with a wood saver, instead of a wood thief. , Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Johnson woro In Tumalo on business Tuesday. H. S. Simpson returned homo Tuesday, having brought tho 'Marsh, Park and Ileokor bnud of ahoop out of thu mountains for tho winter. Mr. and Mrs. C. It. Spaugh and Wm. Oaskll woro callora at A. J Hurler's Sunday nftornoon, Mr. Osmnr nnd wlfo moved (o tho brtckynrd this wook, whom Mr Osmnr haa employment for tho win tor. Mra, O. W. Hnydor and daughter Ethel. Mrs. Phil Smith and Mrs. C. II. Spnugh attended tho Red Cross In Tumalo Wednesday. Th day waa spent In sowing for tho Holglann. Sam Reed wua hauling liny to tho Plnu Troo mill several duya this weok. Mr. Grutinm haa been quite III sovornl days tho punt wook, but at tho present writing la much Im proved. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Nichols and fam ily of Ashwood and Mrs, (J. E. Nichols of Tumalo woro callora at tho G. M. Couch homu Friday. Mr. and Mra. W. K. Searcy. C II. Spuugh und.Wm, Oaskll attended tho The realities of war have never been portrayed bo graphically and vividly as in the gripping narrative, Gunner Depew READ IT! MONASTERIES HIGH IN AIR Qreek Rellaloui Buildings Construct ed In tho Fourteenth Century, Aro Difficult of Aceets. Perched lightly on tho dizzy sum tnlta of tho cllffa of Meteorn aro tho monasteries of tho ulr. They nro aim plo buildings, theao old Oreek monas teries, nuatero nnd unadorned, and If they are not literally renting on air certainly thoy nro ns far us la prac ticable from tho earth and Its Influ ences. To roach tho monnstorloa It accma oa If nn nlrptano would bo needed, for thoy nro built cuch on a sepuruto rock several hundred feet high. Thn cliff aides rlso In perpendicular Btccpncsa, which would bnfllo tho moat daring of mountain cllmbcra. Only when tho cllffa aro nearly approached ran tho tiny Inddcra nnd ropes which bind tho peaks to tho valley bo seen. Tho old monnstorlCH wero built, they tell ua, In tho fourteenth century, yet no aubatl tuto for tho medloval method of ascent hns ever been made. Conveni ence and comfort nro not sought by tho monks, and tourists llko thu nov elty of climbing tho frail swinging ladder or of being hauled up In a Jolt ing cage propelled by a rope. Somo of tho soven monasteries mny not bo visited by tho public; tho holla and altars of tho others aro open to tho Inspection of thoso who will risk their necks for tho prlvllego of the sight. Onco, tho monks say, thero woro over twenty of theao monnstorlea among tho clouds, but tho fnto of all but tho aovon la hidden In mystery and their very existence la doubtful. Chicago Dally News. rmmf auto nt tho llrudloy fnrm, tieur Hud- moiid, Huturdny. Mlsa Hitler Mas n caller nt thu (I nihil m homo Huturdny aftornoon. Hum Hoed left Friday evening for IiIn homo In Illinois, after upending tho laat your hero nt tho homo of Ida grandmother. Ills father ac companied him. Mra. (.', ,M. Pholpa and dnughtor and Mrs. A. II, Iteed spent tho aftor noon shopping In Bond Huturdny. Mr nnd Mra. Elder of Bond wont culling on tho fnrmor'a sister, Mlna Elder, Weduosdny evening. IIOFF DISAPPOINTED AT POSTPONEMENT (From Friday's Dally.) One of tho moMl disappointed men In Bund at tho ordor fur tho post ponement of tho Htnto Federation convention la (). P. HofT, atuto Inbor commissioner, who hns been In thu city slnco yesterday morning, Mr. Iloff camo to Bend for tho purposo of attending tho grand conclave of the Knlghla Tomplur yeaterduy, and oxpected (o remain over until Mon duy and attend thu lubor convention. When tho nuwa of tho postponement arrived thla afternoon ho inudo prep arations fur hla depnrturn tomorrow morning, or in thu uvuiilng at tho latest. ItOOMH ALL FULL. (From Friday's Dolly.) Hotels In tho city hnvo been filled during thu preaont weok. Every available room hns been brought Into uso for thu accommodation of thoMo attending tho Knight" Tem plar conclave and thn session of tho district court. With thu atato feder ation convention but threo dnya ahead, tho ninnagora aoo llttln relief In sight until tho middle of next wook. Ono com a word li all a llttlo Want Ad will cost you. Brand Directory 'RANK PKHCIVALL Mllllcttii, Oregon. adv.BDp Right aldo; right oar crop pod; wattlo right hind log. II. L. TONE, HUtrrM, Oro. adv.lOOa -8- I II. JOHNSON, MUllcnn, Oregon. 44 The New Suction Feed SHARPLESS SEPARATOR COME IN AND SliK IT F. DEMENT . &CO. mTt A C( I Mi IlOl flr ini nli tin pt) dn u r w) J III w In c 1" ii' b ti i: ti tt i V I. f t I t r I I I. l fcf ' i J-i