BEND I1ULLKTIN, BEND OIIKOON, THUHHDAY, OCTOBER 0, J01B PAGR 7 WILL YOU HELP OUR BOYS ABROAD? 'Every Man, Woman and Child Cnn Join to Send News of This Town Into tho Front Lino , Tranches. , WHOLE NATION MOVES TO BANISH SOLITUDE Our Heroes Aro Calling From Over There Glvo What You Cnn to Help ThoBo From Home. Kviry cltlren IntiircNtml In Ilia boys of tilit lioimi town now nt (ho front, mid In Ilio tiravo woiiimi who tMjuully tiro ijmtvIiik liu'lr country iilironil, bus nn opportunity to show IiIh nppn-cliitlnu at tint sncrlllco limy ii ro iiiukliii;, Tliu opportunity I'oiuoN iim ii rt-Miill or tint jtcncroidly mill thought of Colonel VII limn I lo) en Thompson of Now York, who Iiiin cnfiivlvt-d niul put Into execu tion wluit la known as tliu Homo Va lirr Hervlcw. Uiidur tliu plnn, every innn mid wo ;tnnn In forelKii sorvico will rccelvo the "town niiwpn)ir, mul no bo kept In conatnnt touch with tho places and tho jpropln they know mid love. Every hrmich of tho United Htntoa Oovcrntuent la Interested In tho plnn. Tho Government rcnllxe tho Impor- tnnco of kceplnic those In the servlco hnppy mul conatnntly In (ouch with .their home Ilea nml naaoclntloua. Noth Ins la moro drprrssliiK In u national TinrrKPiicy than the spirit of loneliness Jn I hone serving their country, nml of. (trlnla know thnt nothliiK cnn illapel .till feellne moro effectually thnu read. iliiK (ho homo town newapnper. I'uhllahera of nowapnpera In nil parts of tho country thin tmwainper Inclml ed limit Rrnie(l with pleasure tho iplnn outllneil by Colonel Thompson, (anil they Imvo n creed to cooperate In every wny. Under tho rutins of tho War Indus 'trlra ltonrd newspaper publishers are 'forbidden to tend their newspaper ifrre, even to soldiers. Tho newapnper ,tnut ho aithacrlhod for In tho rcKiilnr 'way, tho only exception belnic soldiers (who formerly were In the employ of the newspaper nnd who left thut a err. it co to rullat. Colonel Thompaon there 1foro propoae thnt tho itihllc In rnch "community contrlbuto to n fund ao thnt 'the homo newapnper (In our cnao thin itipwapnper) inny rench every man ami iwomnn now In the service of Ida coun. ftry. Anyone inny contribute to the fund, innd nny atiin inny be contributed. It la not necessary to rontrlbuto tho entire uiinount of one atibacrlitlon. It does 'not mntter whether the rich mnn sends III one hundred dot I urn or the poor hoy tor little Kir! sends In live cent a. Each Klft will he n uicaaitKO of love nnd help 'fulness to tho home town folks "Over rriiero." Tho money will bo lumped Into one fund, out of which xuhacrlp. itlona will ho entered ua fnat ns tho tinoney la received. ContrlhutorH who acini In tho full prlco of n yenr'a subscription mny, If tthcy wish, dealcunto to wbnt pnrtlciiliir (person they wish tho uimspnper sent, Viut If tho nnuin Riven la nlreiidy Mated ma receiving tho paper, then tho pub lllahor reserves the rlcht to npply the (subscription to aomo lean fortiiunto not. dler boy or nobto wouiiin who la Juat na 'lonely for nuwa of homo und homo Ifolka. Tho nnme of every cinitrlhutnr to this homo pnper aurrlco will bo put). Ilshed In thta nnwspnper, nnd tho nnmo of everyone entered for nhmhscrlptlon will be publlahed na well iim tho num. 'Iter of those rpminlni; whowo subscrlp- itlona Imvo nol been covered. If tho nmotint of money received hnll lie moro than la nucessnry to aend tho pnper to every poraon from th (town now In the aervlce, then tho but- nnco win bo tunica over to tlio lieu Cross. Tho plnn la endorsed by tho pub. jllsher of thta newspaper without any thought of profit, either directly or ln directly, but with n alncero desire to help keep tho homo tlrea burning nnd to aend to our hurooa nnd heroine Incwa of our town, to keeji their heurta iwnrm for ua mid to lot them know they aro constantly In our minds, Tho publisher, of course, ennnot imnko n profit on circulation, nnd nddl itlonal circulation such ns this will he circulation from non.purchnsont sent 'far across tho sen am hnvo no ndded vultio to tho advertiser. These fuels nro atntcd so that ovory contributor may feel that every cent (contributed kocs to tho good cause. Tho mothers of our boys nro facing mn ordeal with a bravery that com imamlH reapvet nnd ndmlrntlon. Here mnd thoro whoro tiny Mara nro turned rfrom bluo to gold, where iiiikiiIhIi Krlps tho heart, tho nation stands In silence und honors tho women who have Riven of their blood, tlio very bono of their bono, to their country, To them, homo has lost Its inoiinlnu tho soul of It Mum lied thoro Ih no homo, It Is Just u jplnco, and no pluco Is qulto so lonely, .unlcsH It bo within tho hearts of thoso (brine sous In far off Franco who long tor Just a word of homo, Thuro can mot bo u mini, there cannot bo a wo iinnn, no, not even n child, who will rfull to contrlhutii Just n little to muka itho heurts of tnoso patriots llflitur. Not ouo. Not In our town. LETTERS from our boya in tho trenches, and from tho women In canteen nnd other war work, all brine to tin the nnmo mca- naifo SEND US NEWS FROM HOME. World nowa la all rlht, but OUR BOYS want NEWS OP THIS TOWN. They want tho home ncwapaper. PubliBhora arc prevented from aondinp; their papers free to anyone, even boya in tho acrvlco. Consequently a national movement han been atartod by Col. William Boyco Thompson of Now York, who ia acting na Prcaident of tho Home Paper Service of America to givo tho boya what they are calling for. Every community ia joining tho movement. Let us sec that our boys are not forgotten. Sond to tho publiaher of this nowapapcr whatever amount of money you can 5 cento or $50.00. Wo will publiah a Hat each week of thoao contributing, and tho amount! contributed. Eve.? cent recivod will bo used to send this paper to our boys at the front If at the end of the war, there is any surplus, it will be turned over to the local Red Cross Committee. Thcro ia no profit in this to tho publisher oven in normal tlmca, aubacrlptiona are not Bold at a profit. With war pricca prevailing, and tho hlgh'rnto of poatago on papera acnt to France, our coBt will acarccly bo covered by our full aubscription prico. Remember thnt over in France, aomo brnvo V aoldier or anilor from aomo aplcndid womnn working within Bound of tho guna ia dopending on you to "KEEP THE HOME LOVE KINDLED." They are calling to YOU from " Over There ' GIVE. WHAT YOU CAN THE BEND BULLETIN FOREST RANGE IS CHECKED UP EXAMINATION MAIM TO IM.TEH MINI: IK (IRKATKR AMOUNT op HToac can in-: kra'.i-:i m.'ltlNO ANOTHER HEAHON. (From Thursday's Dally.) An examination of tho national forest cnttlp rnimo within tho Sisters district In being inado by momburs of tho Deschutcn natlonnl forest sorvlcu to determine tho effoct of tho Krazlnx In this vicinity durhiK tlio present season, and to dotormlno It It will bo possible to Kraxo n grenlor nutnbor of stock )ti this rcsorvo dur ing tho coming yoar. H. K. Vincent, assistant foront Buporvlsor, nnd J. C. Ilorton, grazing examiner, loft this mornlnn (or that vicinity nnd will Yomnln tlmro for sovoral days whllo tho examination Is boliiB mndo, Whllo n Kroator amount of stock wan permitted to grazo on tho re serves during tho season which Is Just closing than formerly, In tho hopo of tho govorumont officials to Induco n greater development of tho llvo Rtook Industry, promlsos nro thnt next season will soo ovon a greator nutnbor pormlttod, Qrowora to whom permits hnvo boon Issuod will of uocosalty bo coinpollod to koop n closor watch on their horda and to conform moro rigidly to tho govoriunont rulings In regard to boundary linos. Whllo thoro will bo nn tntstako niado In ovor-Htocklm: tho rosorvo In tho futuro, It Ih tho Intent of tho ofdclalH to got us gront a bonollt from It for tliu llvo stock Industry as possible. Four chairs at your sorvico nt tho Metropolitan, No waiting. Adr. Cut This Qut It Ih Worth Money. DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this slip, oncloHo with 6q to Foley & Co,, 2835 Shofllold Ave,, Chicago, 111., writing your nama and nddruss clearly. You will rocolvo In return n trial paokago containing Foley's Honoy nnd Tar Compound, for coughs, colds and croup, Foloy Kid noy Pills nnd Foloy Cathartic- Tab lota, Sold ovorywhero, Ady, aE?VaMsaasaaaaVV JaM V this town pcrhapB even BOND MONEY IS READY FOR BEND MomtiK iiitoriiinus notify tiik COUNCIIiMKN THAT KVIJUY- tiiino hi:aki)inj i:i,i:trioN FOUND TO 111-: KKUUIjAU. (From Monday's Dally.) Tho money (or tho purchaso of flro lighting equlpmont Is avnllablo. This was tho announcement received by city officials (rout Morris Hroth ors, bonding houso, lato Saturday evening. Tho attorneys (or tho com pany havo passod upon tho election and doclarcd everything to bo reg ular, and tho money will bo ready to turn over to tho city officials ns soon as tho bonds ha,vo boon printed and signed. City officials this afternoon stated thnt ns soon us possible tho city will ndvortlso (or bids for tho purchaso of II ro equipment, nnd tho commit tees from tho council, Comiuorclnl club nnd labor organizations will pass upon these btds and award tho contracts. GRAHAMS LEAVE ON TRIP TO THE EAST (From Tuesday's Dally.) Mr. and Mrs, S. I), Graham, former proprlotors of tho Wright hotel, loft yostordny morning for Portland. Mrs. arnlinm will visit hor son In that city for some tlmo and will lator inako a trip to her old homo nt Paris, Illinois, Air. Qrnlinm will spond sov oral dnyB In Portland arranging his futuro affairs and will thon go to his old homo In Indiana for n sovoral months' visit, Tutor joining Mrs. Oru luun. Thoy oxpoct to return to tho west Homo tlmo early In tho spring. flONH TO CAMP LKWIS. (From Saturduy'a Dally,) 0,i H. McCulloy of Summor Lako loft this moruliiig for Camp Lewis, whoro ho has boon called (or training. OVERHAUL THE ATTIC FOR BELGIAN RELIEF (From Thursday's Dally,) Overhaul tho attic, trunks, clothes press nnd bring your unused or out grown clothos to tho Hod Cross con tra! dopot, Tho Ilnlglans nro suffer ing from luck of clothing nnd Amer ica and you should do tho part of clothing thorn. Do It today. Tho volunteer motor corps will call If you will phono your address to Hcd 1C81. Something to soil? Adrortlso In Tho Ilutlotln's classified column. LEGAL NOTICES HUMMONH. No. -IIJH. In tho Circuit Court of tho Stato of Oregon, for Deschutes County. P. O, Itompcl, Plaintiff, vs. Anna Vlcns Ilc-mpel, Defendant. To Anna Vlcns Hompcl, tho above n tuned defendant: In tho nnmo of tho Statn of Ore gon, you aro hereby required to ap poar and nniwor tho complaint filed ugalnst you In tho above entitled suit within six wcoks from tho dato o tliu first publication of this summons, to-wlt: on or before tho 1st day of Kovombur, 1018, and If you fall to answer or othorwlso plead within said tlmo, for want thereof tho plain tiff will tnko Judgment against you and a decree of tho court for tho re lief prayed for In the complaint filed horoln, to-wlt: An absoluto decreo of dlvorco from defendant and that tho bonds of matrimony now exist ing between plaintiff and defendant bo annulled and forovcr held for naught; thnt plaintiff bo decreed to bo tho owner of tho land described In tho complaint and that tho de fendant bo forever barred from any right, tltlo, c'mlm or Interest In and to said lands, Including dower and claim of dower, and for such other and further relief as to tho court may seem Just and equitable. tiervlco of this summons is mado unon you by publication In Tho Ucnd Bulletin for six successive and con secutive, wcoks. by vlrtuo of an order of tho Hon. T. K. J. Duffy, Judge of tho circuit court, mado on tho Gin day of September. 1918. Dato of first publication of this summons. Sent. 19. 1918. Dato of last publication of this summons, Oct. 31, 1918. W. P. MYERS. Attorney for tho Plaintiff. Postofflco Address: Dona, Oregon. 29-34 SUMMONS. In tho Circuit Court of tho Stato of Oregon, (or Deschutes County. T. II. Foloy. Plaintiff, vs. Henry W Heed. Defendant. To Henry W. Hood, defendant aboro named: In tho nnmo of tho Stnto of Oro- gon, you aro hereby required to ap noar and answer tho complaint filed against you in tho nbovo entitled caso and causo on or beforo tho 7tn day of Novombcr, 1918, which is moro than six weeks atter tno zctn day of September, 1918, tho dato of tho nru publication of tills summons, and It you fall to so appear and answer, for want thereof tho plaintiff will npply to tho court for tho relict prayed for In tho complaint, to-wlt: For n decree declaring that tho plain tiff is the owner, In fco slmplo, of Lot Kloven (11) In lilock Fourteen (14) of Doschutcs, Deschutes county (formerly n portion of Crook coun ty), Oregon, according to tho ro corded plat thereof now on fllo in tho offlco of tho County Clerk o Deschutes county, Oregon, and that tho dofondant havo no right, tltlo or Intorcst In, or lien or claim upon the real proporty nbovo described, or any part thoroof, and that said plaintiff's tltlo to said proporty bo quieted against said dofondant, and that said defendant bo forever barred from as serting any claim or intorcst In or to said premises, or any part thcToof, adverse to this plaintiff, and (or such other and further relief as to tho court may appoar Just and equitable Sorvico of this summons is mado upon you by publication thereof In Tho Rond nullotln for six consecu tive and successlvo wcoks, under and by vlrtuo of nn order mado and on torod on tho 11th day of February, 1918, by tho Honornblo T. E. J. Duffoy, Judgo of tho above entitled court. Tho dato of tho first publication Is tho 2Gth day of Septombor. 191S, nnd tho dato of tho last publication Is tho 7th day of Novombcr, 1918. 30-3CC E. O. STADTBR, Dond, Oregon. Attornoy for Plaintiff. HU.lfMONH 11Y rUHMCATION. In tho Circuit Court of tho Stato of Oregon, for Deschutes County. O, L. MoVoy, plaintiff, vs. Alta P. McVoy, defendant. To Alta P. McVoy, defendant: In tho Nnmo of tho Stato of Ore gon, you aro horoby required to ap pear and answor tho complaint filed against you In tho above entitled suit within six wooks from tho dato of tho first publication of this summons, to-wlt: Within six wooks from tho 12th dny of Soptdmbor, 1918, and It you tall so to answor tho plaintiff will apply to tho court for Judgment against you ns domandod in his complaint, to-wlt: For a docroo of tho nbovo ontltlod court dissolving tho mnrrlago rotation betwoon you and tho plaintiff. . This summons Is sorvod upon you by tho publication thoroof In Tho Dond nullotln, Wookly Edition, for n portod of six cousocuttvo and suc cesslvo weeks, In accordance with nn nrdor mado thorefor by tho Hon. W. 1), names, Judgo of tho County Court of Doschutos County, Oregon, on tho 11th day of Soptombor, 1918, which ordor requires publication for six consocutivo and successlvo wooks, and that tho first publication thoroof shall bo on Soptombor 12th, 1918. R. S. HAMILTON. Attornoy for Plaintiff, 38-34o Address: Bond, Orogon. I'OUND NOTICE. Notlco in horoby glvon that tho City of Rond has taken up tho fol lowing described llvo stock, to-wlt: Ono sorrel horso, ago about 10 years, wolght about 900, two whito hind feet, brands, if any, undecipherable Tho cost of redeeming said llvo stock will bo 1.00 per day In addition to actual oxpenso of kocplng and cost of advertising. In caso of failure to redeem on part of ownor, said llvo stock will bo sold as provided by tho charter of tho City of Rond on tho 24th day of Soptombcr, at 3 p, m. at city pound, h. A. W. NIXON, Chief of Police nnd ox-Offldo Poundmastor. 237-29-242 NOTICE FOR PURIFICATION. OUO It. Department of tho Intorlor, United States Land Offlco at Tho Dalles, Oregon, August 28th, 1918. Notlco Is hereby given that Michael M. Mackcy of Rend, Oregon, who on Juno 18th, 1015, made Homestead Entry No, 014G44, for lots l-2-84 NEK, SB4. Boctlon C, Township 20, South, IUngo 14 East Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to mako final threo-ycar proof to es tablish claim to tho land abovo de scribed beforo H. C. Ellis, U. S. com missioner, at Rend, Oregon, on tho 18th day of October, 1918, Claimant names as witnesses: A. J. Dyer, D. C. Rogers, Fred Klgcr, Clifford Evans, all of Mllllcan, Oregon. II. FRANK WOOODCOCK. 27-31c Register. Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Company Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Building Material, Kiln Dried Flooring and all kinds ef Finish SASH AND DOORS COMPLETE STOCK o( Suadwd Sbo, BROOKS-SCANLON LUMBER CO. Local Sales Agent, MILLER LUMBER CO. HUFFSCHM1DT-DUGAN IRON WORKS Manufacturers of Iron. Bronze and Serai-Steel Caiting' for Power Tranmisiion Machinery: food Pipe Fitting, Grate Ban, Agricultural, Mining and Saw Mill Machinery, Ornament al and Structural Iron. WE ARE PREPARED TO RUSH YOUR ORDERS ON REPLACEMENTS FOR BROK EN CASTINGS ON ALL KINDS OF FARM MA CHINERY. BEND. OREGON. Business and Professional Cards R. S. HAMILTON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Rooms 13-16 First National Rank BIdg. Tel. 611 (Dr. Coe'i Former Office.) H. H. DeARMOND LAWIER O'Kano Building, Bond, Oregon H. O. S L L I B Attoraey-at-Law Ualted SUtes CoramluloBer First National Bank Building BEND, OREGON W. W. FAULKNER, D. M. D. DENTIST Sulto 6-8-10, O'Kano Building; Bend, ... Oregon DR. TURNER KYB SPECIALIST, of Portland Visits Bend Monthly, Watch Paper for Dates, or inqulro ot TIIORSON, T1D3 JEWELER DeacHutes Counly Abstract Company D. II. PEOPLES, President Most Coiuploto Abstract Plant In Control Orojfon, Special Attention Qlvon to Fedoral Loan Abstracts. First Nutlonal Dank llldtf., BEND, ORE., Cor. uext to Alloy Eastes-Anderson Farm Land Co. Irrigated Farm Lands a Specialty GENERAL INSURANCE Fint Ntional Dank Building 124 Oiegoo Stiett Bend, Ofagaa HUMMONH. In tho Circuit Court of tho Stato of Orogon, for Deschutes County. Ooorgo D, Clomonts, Plaintiff, vs. Helen V. Clomonts, dofondant. To Helen V. Clomonts, tho aboro namod dofondant: In tho namo of tho Stnto of Ore gon, you aro horoby required to ap pear and answer tho complaint filed against you in tho abovo ontltlod suit on or boforo tho 24th day of Octobor, 1918, which is moro than six weeks after tho Cth day of Soptomber, 1918. tho dato of tho first publication oC this summons, and if you fail to ap pear and answer, tor want thoroof, tho plaintiff will apply to tho court; tor a decree dissolving tho bonds of matrimony now and horetoforo exist ing between plaintiff' and dofondant, and for a furthor decreo awarding tho futuro caro, custody and control of Clarence Clomonts to tho plain tiff herein, as prayed for In said com plaint, and for such other and fur ther rellof as to tho court may ap pear Just and equitable Tho sorvico of this summons is mado upon you by publication thoreoC In Tho Dond nullotln, a nnwspapor of. general circulation, for six consccu tlvo and successlvo weeks, by vlrtuo of an order mado and entered by tho Hon, T. E, J. Duffey, Judgo of tho abovo entitled court, on the 31st day of August, 1918. E. O, STADTER, Attornoy for Plaintiff, Rend, Oregon. Date of first publication, Soptom bor S, 1918. Dato of last publication, Octobor 24, 1918. 27-33o I Phono Black 1291 LEE A. THOMAS, A. A. IA. Architect 2-4 O'Kano Building BEND --- OREQON O. P. NI8WONQER, Bend, Ore. UNDERTAKER lioeasod Embalroer, Ftuierml Director. Phone Red 421. Lady Awt. DR. R. D. 8TOWELL Naprapathlc Pbyilclaa Over Logan Furniture Co. Wall Street Hours 9 to E Pboae Red -189 THE UNITED WARE HOUSE COMPANY BUrx J rrwtx4Iar, Cnl Caa. hImWs UtrckaaU. W carry Oil, GumUb. Sr, WUmt, BtM MuU, HaBi,tRaa aa Lara, MISS B. OSTERMAN PIANOFORTE SCHOOL Baptist Sunday School Room Phono Red 101