The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 03, 1918, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    PAGE 5
nrcND iijm,ictin, iik.vd ohkgoh, thuiihday, ootoiikii n, ioih
I M I ... r -1 ..I . r. ., . , , , f .
"1 . . " i i 'i i- iU
7k fttaxa&L S(ot
You Want Specific Remedies
-Not "Cure-AHs"
A lone; Hum (ti, (to ii'itlliil Hint.
Iliii i'iilltlilciicl public wiim Imiiiliiu
In itlxi'i'liiiliiiilii hi-twi'4'ii "niie-nlls"
mill "npi-ellln iimiiiwIIi."
Il alua)M illil k iik'iIiih( our uriiln, it
liiiiri'NNloiiiil pliuniiiirlNiN, in M'll pill
I'lK "i-iim'-iiIIh" iiImhiI uIhinii ttii'irt
fortiitiliiH n Idiiuv lllflit nr iiiiIIiIiiki
Mill n linil In, iin lout; iih Hut ptihlli!
ilriiiiimli'il (hem.
,oMlllll)N, lllHll'llll llf PIITI'I IITliril-
Ilium ullli n iniilHillrily of (IiiIiiih iin
iminrt'iiN fur nil llhi, llilnkluu iM-opIn
lixl; fur Ili'nll itiihmIIi-n, i-ikIi wllli
Hn hpii'llli' vlilun In (Iin ii'lli'f of a
iiicilllc nllinciit.
Was Forced to Go
Out of Business
,Mi. llall'M Hoallli Pnlliil CoinplHely
Tanlai) ltclHH
gp Whwuimmm M ViiMiimininmia
One for Every Ordinary Ailment
Made Upon Honor Sold Upon Merit
Willi GiumiImgI Stliiftclionoi Youi Money I)ck
We no iiuul le ty llitt out tlore ii "I lie IUill Slole" in Iltixl
It. It. Canterbury linn returned
from n htmlueK trip to I'orllnml.
.Mm. Hiihcdh Howard of Dew-hutu
Ih vlnltlng with friend In the rlty.
Limit. Win. C'iiIIh iixpiK-tH to return
to I'ortluuil tonight. I.leut. Myplutr
will probably remain until tomorrow.
A. If. IMwnnU rtiturnwl thin
morning from Portland, whoro lio
linn been on IiuiIimmm In connection
with tlm Htatn Federation of Ijibor.
which meets In this city thin month.
(From Haturdny's Dally.)
Hoy I.. Thompson of Vancouver In
In tlm rlty.
It. I.. Noel of I"t. Itoctc WON 111
Diniil yesterday on IiusIihmh,
(V i:. Kmlth of Condon In transact
ing business In tin city toiluy.
H. K. Hiiillh of Hiinilpolnt, Iilnho,
lit ii lnmliiiHw visitor In tho city.
Mrs. S. J. llucktoy of Hhnulkn In
visiting with frlnuila In Hid city.
Mrs. K. (1. Furl iupcrts to lenvo
thlt evening for a short visit to
(From Tuesday's Dully.)
Forest Huporvlsor N. (5. JurolMCM
In out on a totir of InNpuctlou over
Ihn fori'Nt n-wirvn.
Dorothy Taylor linn returned to
her homo In this city iiftor n Hliort
visit with relatives at Sister.
H. K. Alton mill (JonrKo Wilson
liuvo returned to their homo at His
turn after n Hliort vllt In thin r"v.
C I.. Hull, wiiNtvrn buyer , .
IMwnnl IIIiioh Lumber coinpuiiy of
Chicago, In hnrii on business toilny.
Tho Kilwnnl lllnim l.uiuhur company
In tlm ItUKOHt luinliur rotnllliiK con
corn In tho world.
(From Monday 'n Dally.)
A. II. 1 .ii no of I'nrtlnnil In In tho
city on hunlni'NN.
.Mm. W. Illurton of Pomlloton l
In tlm rlty vInIHiik frlwiiiln.
Mr. nuil Mm. D. O. Mcl'hurNiin
npnnl Huuilny nt 1'rliioTllln.
Mr. nuil Mm. I.oMiir TowuniiiiiI of
Culvor nro In tho city tor u Hliort
Mr. mnl Mm. W. K. Onli(irni) of
Culvor nro vIhUIiwc with frlomlH In
thu city.
II. II. Do Armonil roinrntMl U
inoriiliiK from n huNlmwri trip to
Mr. mnl Mm, Jerry Mooro of Itml
inniul won) vlultlun with frlomlH In
tho city yiiNtorilay.
(From Frlilny'ii Dally.)
I.loul. HiHirKO I'. HyiHur In In tho
it. It. Cautnrhury lufl lnnt tilRht
for a bniOniHtN trip to rorttnnil.
M. It. DiiI.ouk of I'ortlntul Ii
tratiNiictlnx IhihIoiihh In tho rlty.
II. It. Do Arinoiiil lntt thU Tiioru
Iiik for n litiHliii'RH trip to I'ortluuil.
Mr. mnl Mm. duo. II. Hmlth of
Flmttwnotl nro vUIHiik with friend.
In thu city.
J. I.. Khad of tho Owl I'harmnry
nxpoctN to Iftivit for Kalum In n fuw
ilnyN, whom ho will uudorxo an
oporntlon on hln oyuN,
"I rt'Krnt now Hint I did not tnko
Tanlac Honnor, iin I wotilil iot linvn
hml to ndII out my ImihIiidmi," miM
Mm, Mlnnli) Hull, proprlotnsNn of llin
lunch Htmiil known nn "Motlmr'N
Lunch" In tho Fnnnum" niarkot nt
Hcattlo, WiiNliliiKton, rocnntly. Mm.
Hall linn llvml In Koattln for olKhtoon
ynnrii ami roMlilim at :ino 3Ith Avo.
North wimt. CoiitlniilnK hur jttato
innnt, Mm. Hall Haiti
"I hail Mirrored from xlmnnnli
trouhlo mnl nurvotiNiH-HN for Nnvornl
yniim. My HyNtom ot In a terribly
rundown condition mnl kopt nuttlnc
womo until It ri'Nultiiil In norvouR
nroNtrntlou. I wold out my IiuhIiichn
hnciiiiNo I JtiNt could not hold out
ony lotiKcr. I wiin tlinn taken to
tho hoRpltal, whuro I lay for nonrly
two wookH, mnl wlii'n thoy carried
mo hoiiin I wan no bettor off than
before. My head ached no badly I
felt like my eyiiM were welKhted
down with load, and my hack hurt
mo It foil llko It would break, my
ntomnrh Kiit In niirli a bud condition
I could hardly eat aiiythlni;, mnl
what little 1 did mamiKo to form
down would ferment, mid tho puln
coumimI by It -would nlmoHt draw me
ilouliie. (JiiH would form and bloat
mo nip no I could not wear my cor
Hot, and I wuh ho nervoun and mlser
abln that I never knew what a good
nlKht'n Nleon wan. I lout wclulit all
tho time, and had Kottcn In nucIi n
bad fix that I roully tliounht my time
nan annul come.
"Then an n IuhI rcort I bo;an
lakltiK Tanlnc, iin I had read and
heard ho much about It, and the first
bottlo made a IIk chango in my feci
Iiikm. I have taken four bottleH now.
and II Iiiih mitilii Hiirh n wonderful
Improvement lu my condition that I
havn bnuxht my IiuhIiiobn back and
am workliiK overy day without tho
leant bit of trouble. I have already
Kotteii back flftoen pnundn of my lout
welnht, mid am not bothered ony
more with headaches or bnckacho.
.My appetite U fine, and my Htomach
In lu micli a Kood condition that I
can cat Jimt nnythliiR I want and
nuver feel a hIrii of IndlKeHtlon.
for men of 14 to 21
I There aren't any boys nowadays in the sense of fellows
who haven't begun to take things seriously. The boys
are ail men in spirit; doing men's work; many are holding
down the jobs of the men now fighting in France.
They're learning too, that it's economy to pay enough
to get good stuff-clothes or anything else.
We can help any of you young men who are doing the work of the
fellows gone to war; we can see that you get elothes that save.
Hart Schaffner & Marx make that kind and we sell them
because they are that kind; the styles are live ones. But
' the use no unnecessary cloth nor make the clothes cost
: any more. Ask us to show you the "Prep" styles.
DJhIioii, Mm. W. H. OorlnR of Turn
alo, Mm. K. M. Thompson, Mm. W.
K. CIiuno of Portland. Mm. H. .M.
think no much of Tunlac that when
ever anyone- comeN to my Htund and
tnlkN of havltiK IndlKentlon and
ntomach trouble I always tell them
to take Tanlac, mid I know neveral
peopln who are taking It because
they know iwhnt It has itnno for mo."
Tanlac In mild In Ilend by tho Owl
I'harmnry, hnd In Slstera by Geo.
Aitkin. Adr.
Jluy rye sued from I.. L. Fox.
News in Brief.
Hughe of Denver, Mm. J. K. Larson,
Mm. Claude Mannhelmer, I.. II.
Ilulrd, C'larenco Mannhelmur, MIan now attondlng tho IIciihoii I'olytcch
(From Tuesday'H Ially.)
Atteml Coment Ion. Several mom
bom of thu Itcbokah lodco of this
clly attended tho district convention
of'tho order, which was held in Ilcrt
mond yestonlay afternoon. Mm.
Oono Ilurke, Htato prosldont, who
was a guest of the local order at a
reception Saturday night, wan among
those going from this city. Other
members of tho party were: Mm.
.Morgan, Miss Whlttmore, Mr. and
Mm. Al Govo and Mrs. Ganbar.
llonil Man tirrKant. H. H. Do Ar
tnond has returned from a trip to
Portland and Salem. While In Port
land ho saw Clair Hauck of Ilend,
nlc institute, which Is training me
chanics for tho army. Hauck has
recently bcon appointed a sergeant.
Tuxes Aro Payable. Tho second
hair of tho 1918 taxes aro payable
bororo October C. Payments mado
after that date will bo subject to a
penalty and Interest. For tho con
venience of taxpayers, tho shorlft'H
offlco will bo open evening this week
between 6 and 8 o'clock.
Victim of Him Itnld. Tho news
has been recolved by Thomas Tweet
that his grandson, Morris Johnson,
In tho army from Montana, was one
of tho victims of a Hun attack on
an American hospital behind the
linos in Franco. Tho young man fcas
In hospital wounded when tho attack
was mado and was killed.
Ilaliy Itoy. A seven and a half
pound boy was born to Mr. and Mm.
P. W. Staats this morning.
School Attendance Ijitk. Pupils
to tho number of 851 wero In school
on Thursday last, according to a
count mado that day. This does not
mean that that number was regis
tered, but that they wero actually in
their seats. Pupils absent on that
day wero not counted. As showing;
tho Increaso In the schools this year.
It is pointed out that tho total en
rollment last year was 880 and that
tho number In attendance at tho
closo of tho year was 640.
CoukIicxI So He Couldn't Sleep.
Bronchial coughs, tickling in
throat and asthmatic spasms break
ono's rest and weaken ono so that
tho system Is run down and serious
sickness may result. Enos Halbert.
Paoll, Ind., writes: "I had a severo
cold and coughed continually at
night; could hardly sleep. Foley's
Honey and Tar cured my cough."
Sold everywhere. Adv.
Dr. Turner, uyo specialist of Port
laud, will ho lu Ilend again nt Thor
hoii'h Jewelry Htorn all day Huuiluy
and Monday. Oct, 07. Don't full
to commit him about your eyim mid
KlAsHeH. Don't forget tho date
Hunday mid Monday. Adv.
Si'IIn Work for 1trl CnN. Tho
llnml lied CroHN chapter has been
made rlrher by the muiii of fl'J.'JO us
n result of n donation of money re
ceived for her work by Mm. 0. V.
HIIvIn. Mm. HIIvIn, whom work In
hand painting china Is ho well nnd
favorably known hero, has been
decorating bow In with thu Ited CrosN
and Helling them for 11. Tho bowls
roNt hur 30 ceutH and hIiu Iiiih so
far Hold 27 of them mid turned the
net proceed over to the local chap
ter. Purchnsem hnvo hecu Mm. Wal
ter Wing, Mm. I.ylo ItirhiirdNon, Mrs.
A. M. Prluglo, Mm. Nels Anderson,
Mrs. Vellum, Mrs. Ashley Forrest,
Mm. (leniivlevu Mel.aurlu, Mm. C. V.
HIIvIh, Mm. D. Kelloy, O. K. Shop
herd of Portland, Dr, II. For roll. Mm.
A. AdnniH of St. Paul, Mm. Frank
lunbnlt (4),Mm. Dan Donovan, Mm.
T. II. SesH of Donvor, Mm. F. V.
Our Fourth
Help Win the War!
lly doing your ChrlstinaH shopping now,
TIiIb Ih in lino with orders Issued by tho National War
Council of DufuiiHO.
Tho merchants of this country plcdgod thoniHelvcH to tho
following rules, to which this store heartily Hubucrlbos:
Not to Incronso working
forcoH by reason of holiday
IiuhIiiohb ovur tho averago
force during tho year.
Not to luugthou normal
working houm during tho
GhrlHtniaH hoiihou.
To Hproad tho holiday
Hhoppltig porlod ovor October;
November and Decoinbor,
To urgo pooplo to conflno
gifts to llilugH of a UBoful
nnturo excopt for hiiiuII
To rootrlct dnllvorloti nnd
ask ciiHtomora to carry thulr
own packagQH.
To nunouueo thin policy In
tho dally utoro advortlao-
Anniversary Sale !
Starts Tuesday, Oct. 8 and Lasts 5 Days
A Festival of Bargains A Birthday Party Supreme We Want
You to Attend-We Will Make It Worth Your While.
bur Htock of Goats, Suits, Drosses, Waists, Skirts, Under
woar, Hosiery and Corsets Is now comploto and nricos aro
lowor now thnn thoy will bo lntor.
) A Small Deposit Will Socuro Any Soloctlon.
The Peoples Store
Agent for R, it G QokIi and Armor Plate Hoilery
Silk Waists
Cropo do Chine Silk Waists; nil
Hires; all colors.
Extra Good for $3.45
American Calicos
nest mado, A big nssortmont to
chooso from. I.liult 20 yards to
n customor.
Yard 18c
Kendall Gingham
27 inches wldo; n stnndard cloth.
Yard 23c
. Bleached Muslin
A good 30-Incl, puro whlto Muslin,
Yard 19c
Women's Hose
Black cotton Hose for 'womon.
All slzos. A lloal Bargain at
2 Pairs 25c
Table Damask
I'uro whlto. Extra finish. 72
Inches wldo. Worth $1-50 yard.
Yard 99c
Fancy Ribbon
Protty Hair Bow Ribbon, about
4 inches wldo.
Yard 17c
Men's Union Suits
Medium weight; ribbed cotton;
Excollout for now.
Special $1.49
Silk Sweaters
FIbor Silk Swcntors for womon;
colors, copon, green, gold; somo
real beauties.
Special $8.15
Ladies' Union Suits
Modlum weight. For now, Whlto
rlbbod cotton, With lone or
short sleeves. All slzos.
Special 98c
Lace Curtains
Mado of ecru scrim or whlto mnr-
qulsotto; has wldo laco odgos with
wldo laco lnsortlon.
Special Pair $3.00
American Dinnerware
A fancy gold pattern Chtnawaro.
A Birthday Special.
40-Piece Set $5.45
School Tablets
100 shoots, 8x10, Plain Pencil
Papor. A bargain tor tho chil
dren. Each 3c
Anniversary Specials in
3-Qt. Kottlo with tin cover 30c
6-Qt. Kottle, blue and whlto....4l)c
2-Qt. Doublo Boiler, bluo and
whlto , 991.10
14-Qt. Dish Pan, grey ware 3o
4-Qt. Sauco Pan, grey ware.,.. lOo
lrPint Cup, groy waro ...Ue
-Qal. Tin Pall and Covor. Oo
14-Qt. heavy tin Dairy Pall 40c
12-Qt. heavy Galvanized Pall..4fic
Houso Broom, well made, 4
sewed ,..... 09o