1 1AGM 4 room bulletin. nKNi orkooni Thursday, wrronroit a, ii18 j - ;. .am'j-t - --w ' Be sure to mak if a poi'if to be on hand when the great BOMBARDMENT OF PRICES BEGINS ON THE A. L FRENCH STOCK of Clothing, Shoes and Men's Furnishings Goods THE REAL WAR IS SURE ON $25,000 Stock to Be Sold Under Cost for the Benefit of Bona Fide Customers Only NONE SOLD DEALERS or COUNTRY MERCHANTS MMMMMMMi,,M,WMiMMI1j,,i1MMijpPjjMjMMajaijMSMSMsjMsji The Common People Get the Benefit. SALE STARTS SATURDAY, OCT. 5th The Bend Bulletin BEND. OREGON Established 1002. GEORGE PALMER PUTNAM Publisher ROBERT W. SAWYER Editor-Manager. An Independent newspaper stand ing (or the square deal, clean busi ness, clean politics and the best In terests ot Bend and Central Oregon. Ono Year .'. 2.00 Six Months ....................... 1.00 ,Threo Months BO THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 191S. TAXES. Serious charges are made by the Labor Bender, the official organ of ho Central Trades, Labor and Farm ers' council of Bend, In Its latest Is rue. It Is unfortunate that they are not more specific. Reference to "the graft system In public offices," the allegation that "Shevlin-Hlxon" and "Brooks-Scanlon" are stooping "to such graft" and the suggestion that someone Is guilty of dishonesty all theso are rather grave matters, and the Individuals concerned, as well as the public, aro entitled, to know more specifically what they are charged with. If It Is meant that there aro graft ers in public office In Deschutes county let's have the facts. One of the reasons for our advocacy of the creation of Deschutes county was a belief that In a smaller county the people would bo In closer touch with their officials. If graft has sprung up here, let's know about It. It the reference Is wholly tho matter of property valuations now under discussion, we think tho lan guage somewhat stronger than the conditions warrant. We have long felt that valuations in Crook, and later, Deschutes, county were low. That is agreed by every man who lias any knowledge of the facts. If they aro unequal they should be equalized. Wo believe that all want to pay their Just share of the taxes, and with valuations equalized they will so pay. Until man changes his nature, or knows that his nioghbor is assessed evenly with him, he Is going to make bis tax return Just as low as bis conscience will permit. Wo do not iseek to Justify the practice but simply fo stato the fact recognized by all. In this county, where valua tions aro agreed to bo low, no one Is going to Impose a penalty on him self by giving, In a 100 per cent, valuation to tho assessor. Each -will try to keep even with bla neighbor in having a low assessment. If tho time has come when tho valuations are to bo raised, and, it discrepancies exist, equalized, well and good. Wfliaro sure overy good citizen wjU be glad to seo tho work d'oqe. Tho only thing that has held any class of property owner back in thfc past Jhas been the fear that all -clas'sea would nof join In the change. If conditions have now arisen under which the farmer Is (getting the short end and he therefore Is ready to kick out for an equalization, ho ought to get what he Is after. And wo believe he will. We believe that all classes ot property owners can' get together and work out an adjust ment that will bo mutually fair. They can ask nothing more. But to charge graft In public of flco and dishonesty in private busi ness In. connection with tho matter is putting it pretty strong. If wo aro all slncero in this tax business wo can get our results without quarelllng and without calling each other names. OFFICERS SPEAK AT C. C. LUNCHEON New Relationship Rctuecn Employer and Kmplojo Ih Lauded Flro QuCNtlon Up. (From Wednesday's Dally.) A talk by Lieutenant William Cutis on 'the new relationship be tween employers and employes, brought nbout by the war, featured the noonday luncheon of the Bend Commercial club today. Lloutenant George P. Syphers also spoke, saying how favorably Impressed he was by the town. For tho fire commltteo it was reported that the bond money was ready for tho purchase of equip ment. Carl A. Johnson announced that on Friday evening there would be an exhibition of French war post ers at the athletic club, and II. C. Ellis called attention to the fact that Hershel Rongy, formerly ot Bend, had been killed In action In France. C. S. Hudson reported that tho county had met its Liberty loan quota and'thanked all those who had worked In tho drive. DON'T YOU NKKI) OXK NOW? Indigestion, biliousness, bad breath, gas, constipation or any con dition arising from a mass of un digested food In the stomach needs Immediate attention. Foley Cathar tic Tablets aro mild and gentle, but suro in action. Causo no griping, pain or nausea. Cleanse bowels, sweeten stomach, and tono up liver. Sold everywhere. Adv. TAKES $2000 IN BONDS. (From Monday's Dally.) The Uuron Timber company ot Saginaw, Michigan, with largo hold ings in this county, has taken $2000 In bonds of the fourth Liberty loan in this county. Notification of tho purchase was made to the county chairman Saturday afternoon. TOOK OUT DREADFUL SORENESS. When tho kidneys are weakened and tall to throw impurities out of tho -blood, tho poison remains In tho system and backache, soreness and rheumatic pains dovelop. Mrs. David Henry, 05 S. Lincoln Ave., Washing ton, N. J writes: "Foley Kid ney Pills took tho dreadful soreness ant pi, my limbs and I walk good." Sold everywhere. Adv. TAX VALUATIONS ARE DISCUSSED (From Tuesday's Dally.) No appcaranco being mado by tho petitioners, the hearing before- thr board of equalization yesterday after noon In respect to tho tax assessment ot a number of Bond and Redmond firms resolved Itself Into a discussion of county valuations. Assossor Mul larky detailed tho manner In which the assessments were made and u; sertcd that they were as equal throughout tho county ns ho and hi deputies could mako them. AH th firms represented Indicated their willingness to open their books to tho board for verification ot their claims. Tho sittings ot the board for equalization purposes aro not over until October 9, and tho 'matter will bo held open until that time to give tho petitioners opportunity to bb heard further It they doslro It. Cut This Out It Ih Worth Moiiej, DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this slip, encloBo with 5c to Foloy & Co., 2835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, lit. writing your namo and uddrejs rlnnrlv. Von will receive In retuskl ' a trial packago containing Foloy'ff i Honoy and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds and croup, Foley Kid ney Pills and Foloy Cathartic Tab lots. Sold evorywhero. Adv. . . , jt A cordial Invitation Ih extended to tho people of Bend and vicinity to visit our photograph studio In tho O'Kano Bldg. Opened Saturday, Soptember 28th. Wo aro equipped to mako sittings day or night. Ajjv 31-3c Buy ryo seed from L. L. Fox. r A Mun'ii Cheerful Recommendation. W. H. Froar, 03 Myrtlo Avo., Al bany, N. Y writes: "I thought kid ney trouble might bo tho causo of my rundown condition and weakness, so I took Foley Kidney Pills, and they did tho work. I cheerfully rec ommend them." Thoy rollovo lame back, rheumatic pains, stiff Joints, soro muscles. Sold everywhere. Adv. OLSEN IS GIVEN A PLACE ON BENCH (Continued from Pago Ono.) ho had come In ho would havo mot certain defeat and tho derision of his former party mates. As It Is, thero may bo a prlzo shining on a golden shelf uomowhero for tho Judge. Chapman Against J loft. C. O. Chapman, editor of the Ore gon Voter, has various different kinds ot fits overy tlmo tho namo of O. P. Hoff. Republican nomlneo for treasurer, is mentioned. C. C. C. (suspiciously familiar Initials on billboards and thlngB) has bqon working whllo others slept dovlslng ways and means for cuBsIng O. P, Hoff as a dangerous brand of an- Something to soilT Advertise in Tho oallstln'e classified column. nrchlst, Bolshovlkl or some similar i typo of an nnlmal. I Tho Impression had sort of gained ground that Chapman wished to bo linked up us a Republican, but his , onslaughts on Hon mako this rather I doubtful. Chapman's attitude on a I number of public questions has not I met with altogether tho bust of favor , from tho grcot mass of pooplo who joro trying to pay houso runt nnd grocery bills by thu toll of their hands. His llttto magazine has more thnn once been accused of having a kindly leaning townrd the larger In terests. Holt Is a sort or n plain plug, for tho common peoplo, and ho hasn't scorned to core much whether thoy wore overalls or silk whlto panties. As n result, Chapman shud ders when ho thinks of tho "horrid common thing." Ah has been said bo fore, Hoff will mako a good treas urer and no revolutionist. Tho state Is 'going to get 111 in anyway nnd Chapmark might as woll accept the Inevitable. It is tho writer's guess that mighty few flaws will bo left to pick In his administration when nil Is said and done, and that If he wishes it for four years moro ho will got It. Somebody asked Hoff whether he would tlo up with Olcott or Wlthy combo on tho state board. "I will tlo up with Hoff," was IiIh nswer, "If Olcott Is right I'll voto with him. If Wlthycomba Is right I'll voto with him. It neither of thorn Is right I'll voto with Jloff." That's plain enough. It Is our guess that tho great mass of tho eloctorato Is look ing for Just that sort of an adminis tration ot affairs in tho treasurer's offlco. Tho desort land board has peti tioned mombers of Oregon's delega tion In congress to pass a bill giving another 10 years' extonslon of time on tho Tumalo project. If this is granted ample timo will bo glvon to work out tho details of tho great centralized project for tho Deschutes valley'. STOPPED HER BABY'S COUflH. No remedy is bettor known than Foley's Honey and Tar for giving quick relief from coughs, colds and croup. Mrs. W. M. Stovous, Vivian, W. Va writes: "My baby had a torrlblo cough, and nothing did him any good. I read about Foley's Honey and Tar, tho first doso helped him and In two days tho cough stopped." Sold ovorywhoro. Adv. POUND NOTICE. Notlco is hereby given that tho City ot Bond has tnkon up tho fol lowing dcscrlbod live stock, to-wlt: Ono whlto faced pinto colored horse, branded M bar over top or M lazy Y ovor top, loft hip; ono bay mnro branded 7 far ovor top, right stifle. Tho cost of redcomlng said live stock will bo SI. 00 per day In addition to actual exponso of keeping and cost of advertising and all other nocossary expenses. In caso ot falluro to ro- doom on part of owner, said llvo stock will bo sold as provided by tho charter ot tho City of Bond on tlio 12th day of October at 3:00 p. in. at city pound. L. A. W. NIXON, Chief of Police and ox-OfflcIo Poundmastor. ai-32o classified advertisements for hale. FOR SALE 2 fresh milch cows with calves. Mrs. II. A. Johnson, three miles southwest of Tumuto. 1 4-31-rtp FOR SALE CHEAP Or will trade for cow, good saddle home, broke to work, weight 950. Tel. 13F12. 77-30-lp FOB SALE Ono mule, weight 1300 lbs., 4 years old; ton head coarse wool owes, nil young. Itceves Wlllcoxeu, Redmond, Ore. 01-30-3p FOB SALE Pigs, n few wenuers. Phono Rural 112. 39-29tfc FOB SALE 40 acres near Bond, 27 acres water right In crop, 10 acres hay; with or without stock. In qulro Bulletin, 91-28tfc FOB SALE Holsteln bull calf; dam made 16,000 lbs. milk, 570 lbs. fat at four years. P. C. Burt, Bond, Ore. 61-2ltfa FOR SALE About 30 head ot cattlo. mostly young stuff. Huo or write P. B, Johnson, Mllllcun, Ore. 27-2Ctfc FOR SALE CHEAP Ono horse. Seo Chief of Police Nixon. 32-22tfc FOR SALE H head ot cattlo and one work team. II. A. Uosnoy, Union harbor shop. Phono 2171, 10-lltfc THE PARISIAN For Fall and Winter Wear for Ladies and Misses. BUY NOW WHILE OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE! The Parisian LADIES' OUTFITTERS Pringle Building Cor. Wolland Oregon Stf. i! WANTED. WANTED 2 V4 tons "f looso nlfnlfa liny. Dnllvur nt 1133 Newport. Statu price. Phono Red 2 1 CI. 3031n WANTED TO BUY Ten tons of hay, grutu or alfalfa. Will pay cash. Statu price. Cnro of Bulletin, 68-30-ln WANTED Fresh Shorthorn uilloli cows, B, L. Tone, Sisters, Oregon. 67-27tfo Will RENT. FOR RENT (lood pasture for horse only. L, C. Young, 6 mile N. K. ofJlund. 2631o LOST AND FOUND. FOUND Two hats, near Powell Butte. Cull Sanitary Laundry. Bond. 28-3 lu TAKEN UP Stray horso, dark Iron gray, about throe years old. branded J. P. on right shoulder. weight 1000 lbs. Oliver Thor- bJoriiMon, on Allen ranch. 02-30-3p TAKEN UP- 1 bay mare, branded 101 on right hip nnd II on left shoulder, (loo. Jones, I2F2. 48-290 Our reputation for Millin ery, Coat. Suit, Dreuei, Wtiiti and Skirts of Quality and Style Is Absolutely Main talned in tlu'i Season's Show ing. You probably know something of the difficulty of finding garments priced on the basis of previous sess ons -there's little to be bad. But our stock represents tliat very thing--which means value. And best of all, the styles breath the very latest thought, and the work manship matches up to our demands and yours. You could be no better dressed and could not buy as reason ably were you to search tho largest stores of the largest cities. M f