WEEKLY EDITION the bend bulletin. vol, xvi. HEND, DKHCIIUTKH COUNTV, OUEGON, Tlll'HMDA V, OCIOHEK 0, JIMH No. m R BOOZE IN RICKS LIEUT. FRANCIS LOYAL LEGION IOLSENISGIVENA IN COUNTY JAIL REPORTED DEAD BACKS DISQUE FIRST NUMBER BOY IS DEAD PLACE ON BENCH AYTflM HOLDS FORMER BEND . ?' t ? ,' j THREE MEN ARE HELD FOR TRIAL. HIicrlfl'N Ofllro (Jrnlit Ono of tho IurKet Hindu V.wv .Mniln In tJJi County Wntrlied '?Wjfeeii fr Week. Tiii'mliiy'ii Dally.) bUO uuurtH of Huimylirnok ami Jomo Mooru AA nro la tho pon- " hohhIoii or Hhorlrr H. K. Ilobortn, mill llyrd Lowell, W. K. Ilnguo ntiil llllllu Itohliinuu aro tn tho enmity Jnll n it ronult of n haul mndo thU tuornliiK Jiy KlinrllT Huberts on tint La I'lno rond uliout Huvttii iiiIIuh tuint of Iho city. For two weeks Mr. ItoliortH mill "L. A. W. Nixon hnvu boon kiMrpliic (ho throo nioti under tholr nurvoll 'J n tint. It In tlm opinion of tho of Ilclnln Unit tho inon Imvo boon bring ing "liooxo" Into tho district, nml mi (irfnlr nt Alfalfa two wookn ago whim liquor wan HowIiik (rooly nt n dnnco liold thoro coiiDriiiHit tholr auspicious, Tlm in on left for tho California lino In nn automobile Into lant wouk nml tho official lininoillntoly not tholr lilntiH to catch thont upon tholr ro tnrn. Yontordny nftornonn Sheriff JtobortH, In company with I.. A. W. Nlxon. ilrovo out on tho routo tho men must roturn by nml laid In wnlt lor thorn. All cut-off romU ovor which tho moil in Ik lit ronch otlhor of tholr Ihiuion worn wntchml, tho vigil litHtliiK "II night until Hourly noon todny. At nboiit 11 o'clock tho sheriff loft Nixon to guard ono of tho cut off rondJ nml started for Ilitml to Kot nnothor mnn to mllnvn them. Ho liml boon gone but loan than linlf no hour wliou tho car with tho throo men appeared nnd Nixon uindo tho rrot. Iln mitlfloil llolierts nt unco mid tho inon woro brought to thin city nml placed In tho county Jail, whuro they will bo lu-ld ponding tholr trial, which In to tnko plnco nonio tliuo tomorrow. TIiIh afternoon, while In tho county Jail, nun nt the inon Insisted tlint tho trial be hold Immediately ho thnt ho might bo relonned from custody In onlur to put up It In hay, which ho eomplulnn Ik down lu tho Hold nml ciwnllliiK hlii nttentlon. Thin In ono of tho biggest haul thnt linn over buon made lu tlm county. All of tho liquor In lu tho original wrappings nml In pi I ml In tho enridor of tho Jnll much tho muim iih cord wood. CASH MSB B (From Frldny'H Dally.) (Irocorymon of llotul nro not tn go on a uitHh biibln, TIiIh wiih dollultoly looldml ytwtordny afternoon wlion tho commlttooH nppolutod nt Wednes day ulglit'H mooting to got thu opin ion of tho various manngorH reported that tho v'au could not bo carried through, many of tho morchuutH do- clarlng that It would work n hurdnlilp on tholr customers and would not jirovo nu Bittlsfnctory mi thu prouont luifiltt of operating. A mooting had boon called far to night tn tako dollnlto notion, but .after tho finding of tho commlttoo It Jiiih boon docldod to call tho mooting olf, leaving tho matter uu It now In, Thora Iiiih boon but ono cliuugo that Iiiih boon dollultoly announced .ut thin tlino, IIIIIh In tho futuro nro to bo paid twlco monthly, on (ho UOtli and 5 tU of ouch mouth. In utoAd of operating on a 30-ilay baHlri ftH pruvlnus, practically all of tho tntoreti arc to lmilntiilii tho lG-dny iinrlod, oxcopt lu a fow Instances, whoro Hpoclnl provlulon will ho mndo 'by tho morclinntH for tho accommn elation of thoso win) uro receiving 'tholr milary hut onco onch month. IMIICM 1'IXINO HOAHD MMKTH, Tho Donchutou county prlco llxlug llmnrd Im to moot this ovonlng In tho TORtilnr wookly sohhIoii. Publication of changoa In prices la to bo mndo Inter in tho woolc. Hg TURNED DOWN DIES OF SPANISH INFLUENZA AT CAMP EUSTACE, VIIMHN1A iiodv mav in: removed to (11.11 HOME IN CANADA. Limit, C. II, FrnnclH, forinor optl clan In thin city, dlod it t Camp Eun tnco, Virginia, nt r o'clock lant night, according to word rocolvcd hero by Mrs. Frnncln. Death occurred after n nhort llluonn of Spanish Influniiza. Dr. Francis wnn Of! youni of ago nml imd boon n ronlilout of lioml for it iiuinlior of ynnrn, whoro ho had boon engaged In tlm profession of optomotry. Wlion hostilities com menced botwiiou tho Unltud Htnton uml Oonniiny ho tnnilo nn umlnavor to ontor tho service, nml finally ro colvod n coiiiiiiIiimIou lu tho Modlcnl corpn, receiving hln cnll tho early part of August, uml loavliiK horu on August 2fi for tho Presidio, Cnll Ifornlii. No wan ntntlonod nt tho Pronldlri for novornl woolen, IioIiik transferred to Ciunp Eustace only n nhort tlmo ago. Mm, Francis In In thin city nnd ro colvcd tho word of bin death lant uixlit. Him linn wired to Washington to dotorniluo If It will be possible to hip tho body of Limit. FrnnclH to Canada, tholr old homo, and If no will Iwivo linmedlntoly to tako chnrKo. In tho cvout thnt tho mili tary nuthnrltlon will not permit tho body to bo moved. It will bo Intorred lu n military cemetery In Washing ton, I). C. HviIiIch Mrn. Frnncln, n non, who llvnn nt (lortnnnn, Ontario, Cnnndn, and n married daughter, who rcnlden nt linker, Oregon, nro tho nurvlvorn. STATE BOARD ASKS FOR TIME WOl'I.D IIAVH AN ADDITION OlM TUN Yi:.l(H (SltANTlvD I'Olt HHCLA.MATION Ob" Tl'MAM) I'HOIKCT IN THIS COfNTV. (From Friday's Dnlly.) Otamln TUwm.) HA I. KM, Sept. . Hy renolutlon ndopted todny, which will bo printout d to tho Oregon delegation lu can groeit and to Sfcretnry liue of the department of the Interior, the Htnte donerl land boajd nskn thnt n special net bo pnttied by congnwn, granting addttlouul time of 10 yearn within which tho rticlamiitlou of the Tumalo project may bo completed. This In tho Htnto'n project lu Deachutoe county for tho countructlon of which HS0,000 wiih impropriated, Tho Carey act hIIowh 10 ynnrti within which to cnmplotn tho reo lamntlon of the Carey not Inudn and gives i tho Hiicretnry of tl?o Interior tho dlnorotlnn of granting nn addi tional period of llvo yonm. This ox touHlnu hnH boon granted for the Tumalo project by Sccrotnry Lano mid tho extumleil (lino oxplroa Junu nry 12 next. It In 'therefore, neces sary to got an net pnnsod granting ad ditional tlmo. I. ant your n similar actWAH passed grnntlug additional tlmn vllhlu which to complete tho reclamation of tho largo project of tho Central Oregon Inlgatlon com pany. LIBERTY CHORUS MAY BE CONTINUED (From WodnoBdny'8 Daily,) l'lans nro being eliaped for mak ing tho Liberty chorus, tho organiza tion which Iiiih boon so actlvo during tho fourth Liberty loan drlvo, a por mnncut organization. Mrs. ltoscoo Howard of Deschutes, who has ohargo of tho work of tho chorus, announced today that a mooting la to bo hold nt tho Oymunulum to morrow night, nt which tlmo tho proportion or continuing tho chorus would bo taken up, It la liopod that In thlH mniiuor tho IntoroHt lu tho ongnnlzatlon In tho city will liocomo utrougor. Mrs, Howard Blatos that lu the fuhiro tho work will not lio conilnod ontlroly to pntrlotlo boiirb. BY Sentiment In UiiiiiilinoiiHly In I'avor of Ht-ttlliiK All Dlf.puli'w Through .Mitlliini of Tliclr On ii Coin- mllti'N uml Council. liy a umtulinouH vote 4 CO members of (ho lioynl Lucloii nt n meetliiK at tho Oy m no hi in Innt iiIkIU went on roeord nn fuvnrhiK tho nottlcmont of nil dlfforoncon through tho rulcp sot out by tho central council of tho or ganization lu tho meetltiK held nt Hpnkuno novornl wookn iiko, Tho ptiMHlnt: of tho renolutlon fol lowed nn n ronult of n tnlk inado to tho men by ofdeorn of tho npruco pro duction dlvlnlou, who have been In tho city during tho pnot novornl dnyi meotlnK with tho inon. I. lout, Cuttn, tho flrnt Mpookor of tho ovcnlni;, out lined tho work of tho npruco dlvl nlou briefly and then took up tho mutter of tho nettlomont of differ oncrm between tho men and tholr omployon through tho organization of tho Loyal Loglon. Tho bunlnonn of tho hnynl Legion, ho doclnrod, In nettled through tho men thomnolven. Kach locnl roust elect throo committeemen, and In order to oIhcI tbono throo committee men It In neconnary thnt T1 per cont. of tho momboTH of tho local bo In at toudnncu at tho election, othorwlso tho proceeding would bo considered null. Tho committeemen elected from each local under any ono operntor In turn olect three of their memborn to act on n Joint conforonco commltteo to moot with tholr employer. In tho AGREE TO ABIDE RULINGS. ovont It Is Impossible for this com- it will bo several days until a com mltteo to coma to an ogrooment onljiieto list has been secured, any differences which may arlso, tho i matter is inon mKon to tno district commltteo. From there It would go tn tho central council, nnd di rectly to Col. Dlsquo'n office. No momber of nny oommltteu, ho Mid, could bn dlnchnrgod by the company f,,r M nctlvlty In bohnlf of tho cm- ployo. Won fill. tn Man lllm-elf. Lieut. Cuttn declared that he In n union man himself and has nerved us district organizer for tho A. F. of L. "And In tho organization of the Lnyal Loglon," he declared, "I see the (greatest poMlblltttot which have ovr been presented for tho working , man ami for organized labor. Uncle , (Frotl, Wodnosday's Dally.) Stun Is behind tho Loyal Loglon nnd I Tho Heud high sehool football working for It. team will play the first gamo of the "There in nbsolutoly no friction be- Mnson at I'rlnevllle noxt Saturday twutn tho inemberH of the Loyal morning at the fair grounds with the Legion and orgnnlzod lnbor. The Crook county high. This wns the only thing that tho officers nml nnnouncemont made this morning by men aro trying to do Is to prevent ,Bh school officials. friction lu organization methods. We Tho organization of tho Ilond onnnot have two organizations, the ton,,,, un(ar Conch T. 11. Sexton, bus Loynl'Loglon nnd nny othor agency, boon going on for tho past throo dlokorlng with tho employers for.wuoks. Tho boys have boon training wngos or tho mtttlemont of disputes. I Btrenuously, using tho ball park as It must bo dono through ono hood, U practice ground, und Mr. Sexton ono organisation." bollovos ho lias tho matorlal for a At the conclusion of Lieut. Cutis' talk, tho resolution, In which tho men ngrood to accept tho rulos nH bolng used In tho olevon this ywir. Inld down by tho contrnl council of Thoso nro Lostor Sanders, fullback; tho -IL'h, wuh adopted unanimously, Kd llrostorbous, quartorback, nnd Lieut. Syphcr SM'k. ' Loroy Coynor, tncklo. Tryouts for in oponlng his talk, Llout. Syphor , tho othor mon on tho toam are bo prnlsod tho mon and tho operators g nmdo under tho following dlvl ln this section for tho hnrmony which 'sioua: Halfbncks, llalph Hogyo, oxlstod. "It comes nearer to bolng a Karl Tuckor and Frank Loohr; onds, 100 por cont. community," ho do- Cordon Dutt, Frank Hnnor; tackles, claroily "than any I Imvo vlsltod." j Dovoro Holfrlch; guards, Loo Wright no Btaieu inai no nun uuou assigueu to thla district and would bo lu tho city porhapH ovory two or throo weeks nnd doslrod to moat tho mon iih frlouds nnd follow workers, VOOTIUIh KTAH HUTl'HNS. (Kuiiciia (iiinrtl.) Kvorott Hrandonburg, a Bophomoro at tho university, has re turn oil from Ilond to at total tho S. A. T, C. camp. Hrandonburg was n member of the freshman football squad last yoar, and after wntchlng him porform on tho gridiron, ox-Coach Hugo Hozdok predlctod a promising career for tho Ilrst-yoar man. Ho will llkoly work out uudor Coach "Shy" Huntington during tho noxt fow months. A, L. French 8tlln. A. L. French hnH dlsposod of his Black of goods in this city, according to an aunouueo inout mndo thU morning, A salo will bo conducted to disposo of tho stock of goods. BEND BOY IS FIRST ON LIST. I'lrnt Kviitwfi NnrncH Drawn Afh"ct lnj lU-iiil Kliotv Largo Number In Iln Over Ago of Tlilrty-Klx Vohm. (From Mondny'n Dally.) Hoy Wonloy Hnxtnn of thin city, ogod 20, norlnl number 32Z, holdn oritur number 1, drawn In tho govern ment lottery which commenced at Wnnhlugton today noon. Twenty-nlx hundred namen aro to bo drawn from tho groat bowl, nml It In expected that tho drawing will continue ovor ktho bettor part of two days, lielow In given tho flrnt 17 numborn drawn an affect Ini: Ilend: 1 Hoy Wesley Haxton, Ilond. 2 Logan Philip Hnapp, Terrebonne. 3 Slvert IJ. Ileeno, Can by. -I Itnphnol Statin Townc, Lower Ilrldge. '5 Samuel Sanderson, Hend. C Ilao II. Leonard, Alfalfa, 7 Warren b. Smith, Itedrnond. 8 Clyde M. McKay, Hend. I U Hunsoll W. Nicholson, Ilond. 10 Thoman Lyons, Hend. hi Frank N. Oanbar, Ilend. 12 Merl I. Hoover, Ilend. 13 Carl W. Hamilton, Torrobonno. l( John L, Scnrth, Hend. 10 Garnet S. McCartney, Tumalo. 1C Charles A. Harlwell, Sisters. 17 William Francis Foren. Of tho first 17 numbers drawn a major part of thorn arc for names of men who nro over tho ago of 3G years nnd will not bo affected under tho present ruling. Later numbers nru to bo sent out by tho war de partment to tho various districts and BEND HI SQUAD TO PLAY CROOK 1'IIIST (.Mi: OK Till: HKASON TO in-: iiavi:D at fhinkvilli-: Nl-:.V SATL'HDAV .MOltNING TKAM LOOKS OOOD. winning olovon. Throo letter inon of last yoar nro nnd-Torball Simpson. LIMITED SERVICE MAN ARRIVES TODAY (From Friday's Dally.) John Wolf of tho limited sorvlco branch of tho United Status army arrived In Houil thla morning and will bo stationod horo during tho next threo or four months taking earn of tho clerical work for tho local bonrd. 1'rlvato Wolf, whoso homo Is In Portland, linn been nt tho train ing station nt Vancouver during tho past ton days, TIMi: OHANOKS ON -7TII, Stntomonta to tho effect that uudor tho daylight saving plan tlmo would chnugo back ono hour on Soptombor 30 nro lucorroct. Under tho law passed by congross tlmo changed back on tho lnat Sunday in Octobor, or Octobor 27. HIItHCIIKL HONOKV, FOItMHKLY of tiiih citv, d1f-s of wound kkci:ivi:d in action whilk IN ITtANCi:. (From Wednesday's Dally.) On Soptombor 28, 1918. Hlrnchcl Itongey wan tinted among tho mlsn- Ing and on September 29 tho war department reported him an having died of wounds received In action. Thin, no far as known here, Is tho first man from Hend to looso his life In tho trenches on tho present ndvnnco toward Metz. He voluntar ily onllstod from Hend early In tho war and his ono ambition was to get to tho front as soon as possible that ho might do all in his power to crush I'russlanlsm. Tho deceased was 23 years of age, a ntudent, a hardworking boy, and owing to his good habits and pleasant ways was a great favorlto among his acquaintances. Ho was a son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Itongey, who lived In Hend until about a year ago, when they removed to Ccntralia, Wash. Hesldcs his parents ho leaves a brother, Clyde, who Is In tho scrvico; a brother 12 years old and two sis ters. FARMERS GIVE AID ON ROAD I'LF.DGi: TIIKMSKLVKS TO HELP flOVKKNMENT IN CONSTKUC TION OF NKW ItOLTK INTO 1LST IiAKK 23 SIGNED UP. (From Wednesday's Dally.) Farmers living to tho cast of East ' Lake on tho lino of tho proposed 1 government road to that vicinity are , pledging from ono to threo days' I work on tho hlghway.jaccordlng to officials of tho forost service, Tho line for the now road into tho lake was established by tho forost sorvlco several woeks ego and already sev eral milee have been built. From the main road at China Hat to the lake ovor tho now routo Is but about nlno milos. Tho grado ovor tho greater portion of the dis tance does not oxcoed 4 per cont. and no igrade on the road will exoeed 7 per cent. It passes through a country comparatively smooth, with but Uttlo timbor to mako difficult tho construc tion. Tho greater portion of tho high way lies to tho south, making it pos sible to trnvol this road much earlier in the yoar than Is possible with tho prosont route in from tho west, which in tho main is impassible for cars ovon as lato as tho lattor part of August. HORNED DORSETS ADDED TO HERDS C. F. Hopkins Has Eleven Heml of Famous EnMcrn Sheep Shipped lo This County. (From Wednesday's Dally.) Elevon hoad of Hornod Dorsots, tho sheep which have become so popular through tho east during tho past sovoral yoars, woro rocolved by C. F. HoskhiB of Lower Hrldgo Mon day. Tho shoop woro shipped from Vermont by oxpross. Growers of tho Horned Dorsot nro omphntic In tholr declaration that tho lambs will, with proper enro, mako a growth of from threo to threo and a halt pountla per wcok, while It is not an uncommon occurrence for twins to bo lforn. They aro claimed to bo tho most proline brood of shoop In oxlstonco, tho owo giving birth to twins oftlmea twlco each year. Mr. Hoakius will add tho shoop to his already solcct herds. COUNTV COUHT IN SESSION. (From Wednesday's Dally.) Working on routine buslneBa, the county court was In sosslon today. Tho work will probably bo concluded tonight. O. H. Miller of ltodmoud camo up to attond tho mooting. GOVERNOR MAKES HIS CHOICE. IloJIcrrd Ho Mar Muko flood Hynn Will Keep Out of tlio Itaco for Trranurcr Against IfofT. (SptcUl to Th hullttln.) SALEM, Oct. 3. Everyone agrees that "Our Ocorgo" Chamberlain, now running tho military affairs of tho United States from tho sonata ond, Is ono of tho most successful politicians ovor turned out in Oregon, oven It disagreement-Is had with hia political party and tondonclcs. Tho fact al ways remains that Ocorgo brings homo tho bacon and ho hasn't missed a public pay check for so long (hat generations bare grown up and passed on slnco ho used to buy his ham and ozgs from tho sweat of private practice and tho lucubrations of his brain in a country nowspaper office. Now ono of George's pot theories about politics Is to novor forgot his friends and whonever ho spots a good and faithful sorrant he rewards him by something more than merely toll ing him "well done," providing the. patronago pot Is full enough to pass tho emoluments all around. Governor Wlthycombo may hare had some such idea In mind whoa he appointed Conrad Patrick Olson, 8r.. to tho supreme bench of tho state of Oregon to succeed Justlco F. A. Moore, who died last week. In that ovent ho played good politics. From a largo number of comments heard on tho outside perhaps tho politics he played In this particular Instance, It ho was playing at all, was not so good. Patrick had charge of tho. ot ernor's last campaign beforo tho pri maries and he did right ycomanlr and well, as tho result of tho election indicated. He "put It ovor" In big shape and no one would grudgo him a suitable reward. Out putting him on tho supremo bench has been a sort of a crawful for somo people, Including somo ot the men on tho bench tbomsolves. It tho truth wore known. For instance, it Is an open secret that Justlco Wallace McCamant and thero has never beon a bettor Jurist grace tho bench, hung onto his office tor dear llfo until after tho primaries, to keep this namo Patrick Olson from landing. Justlco McCamant doslred to resign away along early In the year to return to private practice. He got wind of tho fact; howevor, that Olson might bo his successor it ho quit at that tlmo and so ho hung on. As a result, tho Republican nomlneo was named after the primaries. Olson has alwuys had a deslro to got onto tho supremo bench and possibly he will graco It as an emi nent Jurist. Evoryono is hoping so. Hut it can scarcely be said that ho has won tho spurs to drive him onto tho highest tribunal in tho land, and a largo aumbor of peoplo sniff aus piciously and say that ho was ele vated because of his activities In tho last political campaign. That may, or may not, bo truo. Whether It Is or not Is supposltionary at tho best. Hut tho fact remains that tho ap pointment was not altogether hallod with gleo. Olson, howovor, is a young nttor noy ot much promise and has con ducted successfully a largo private practlco. As said before, ho may ahiuo on tho bouch as a flrst rato luminary and ovoryouo Is hoping bo. So It sooms to bo up to Conrad to Justify tho trust that tho governor has roposed in him and it is a largo mouthful to masticato. Ityan to Stay Out. Judge., Thomas F. Hynn has dono tho right thliiig and bus decided to stay out of tho gamo na nn iudopond out candidato tor tho stato trcasuror shlp. Aftor norno conferences with Republican loadors, tho Judgo rotlrcd gracefully, and although thoro la a Democratic candidato for tho Job, It is conceded on nil aides that ho hasn't a looklu and tho placo -will fall Into tho hands of a bona fld Kopubltcnti.- Judgo Ityan sbowed himself a bona fldo Republican' by backing dawn and deciding- not to bocomo an hulopondont candidate. It (Conttuued on page 4.)