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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1918)
WEEKLY EDITION IL The bend bulletin. VOIj. XVI. IIKND, DKHOIIIJTKH COIJNTV, OltEOO.V, TIIIlWI)AV, HKIT. 'At, H'lH No. 0 STATE OFFICES TO BE PROBED B. A. A. C. ILL PUT ON PLAYS MUCH WORK TO MOTHER HEARS BELGIAN RELIEF AT PILOT SUITE DO IN FRANCE SON IS GASSED DRIVE TO START MAN ARRESTED L 'i a h a V ' fl PEN EMPLOYES IN THE LIGHT. (fowimir WltliKomlm HWh HtntoV Attorney l Clrnr Up Cliurgi' (if Svnr Graft- ul Hliilo In nllliilloiiN. I IHfrrUl l 'Hi llullrlln.) SALIJM, Htipt. 2C Attorney Cluti uml llrowu hH uconptiid n formnl ri)(uimt from Governor Wlthycumbii tlmt Im runko a thoroiigh-Koliig l,ro,", of cniiilltlofin lit tli't Htnln piuilton tlnry In ascertain duflnltoly whether my HktililiiKKHry Is KoloK thorn tilinuU In tint peddling out of parole 10 convicts for ii money enimlilnni 'twill. If miipIi liimlriMMN triiuHtu'lloiiB huvti bmm going on nt tint port of OOllVluttMl IIH'll, tllll WIIIHNt IlllVlfll tlit could Iih Imnitwt nut to Urn pwldliTH wiiulil tin to prepare for h long, huril winter. Brother llrowu, when Im starts on Hit trull of u criminal. go t U llkn u Coumimhii Indian mill never lots up until the dog Ih run to hlx knnol. Tim nttonmy gouorul has iiiiulu quite u lilt wllli the newspaper boys nliout the cupllnl. Ilo linn two hobble, ono Im to chow gum anil tint other Im to follow tlio luw, Tim faster ho follows tlm Inw thn harder Im chnws Kiiin, nnil when hU eye nro twin kling nnil his Jaws urn innkliiK uliout 100 revolution u inlnuto ovor a Mini 1 1 tin nil of Hpenrmlnt, ono Im rea sonably citrtnln thnt tlm Inw Is not in nro Own two laps uhimil nnil will Im cipluri'tl by tlm wily nttonmy Kouiirnl nl nn mirly opportunity. It mny Im mild tlmt whon Im re ceived tlm governor's Instructions to make Urn probe nt tlm prison tlm In cisors bognn to work with consider iihln precision nml nt high rntu of iptimt. . Consequently If thnro Im nn -xhuutiuulgmi gainiM solng nn nt tlm 'prison n largo amount of sympathy mny be extended to tlm operators without lislng misplaced. Tlm nttonmy general loves tlm Inw llkn n Frenchman love n Yankee. Tor n great tiiHiiy years he whm prosecuting Attorney down In Douglas county nml Bevnn or (tight itdjncent and contiguous rotiutlox, uud nliout two-thirds of tlm lilrdH nt tlm prison don't Ket down on tholr kiirtm every night to pray for George Jlrowu, because Im put them thnro. Ill won tlio Ural district to no dry wny hack In tlm old dnys whun tlm ordlunry saloonkeeper believed It was nliout nn poHnlhlo to put n million out of business iih Kaiser Hill foil four yimrH ago It was possible to put hln overrated wur murhluo out or IhihIiii'hm, It wnri n rnthur difficult tuHk, (-onsdiuontly, to hnndlu u doltcntn situation, hut (loorgo M. handled It hy chewing Kiiiu, follow. I ni; tlm Inw, mid sending n trlbo of ItnotloKKors to Jull nn big nn tlm ivholu "Ton Trlhim of Inrnul. Conno uuuntly thoy tlm pooplo, not tlm honttoKKorn nindo hlni nttornuy Konurnl uud by coincidence It foil to hln lot to Intnrprot thn flret Btntiv wldn prnhlbltlon luw to bo onnrtod In tlm Htiitn, Chminm nro thnt tlm ntntivwldu prohibition Inw In OrnKon luiH boonti'd tlm KrouH rocolitH of tlm 7; it m factories to an Inculculublo ox tout, Kvnry dlntrlct uttoruoy In (ho ntntc, whuunvor ho Iiiib boon Htumpod by n clniiHo of thnt Inw, hna iinkod QoorKo, nml ho him boon Inuucdlntoly ;lven a HUtUfactory roApoiiHO. l'ro lilhltluu Iiiwb nro duck Houp for (looriso, iih ho wuh for conviction in on unilor thoin boforu thorn worn nuy Much Ihwh to Hpoak of, mid Im sort of Hottlud In prohibition luw torrltory nml Brow up with tlm country,, ns It worc. Hut ho nuvor Hpcolnlltod nlont; thnt lino mid ho hna boon rootliu; out ovll from laud traudH to putty larcou Ma until ho Iovoh tlio khiuo. Ho tiurolo HollorH, If thoro aro uny, nro up nKitliiBt 11 rodhot proposition ivhon thoy ko up iiKulnat tho llttlo vittornoy Kouornl from DoukIuh coun 'ty, nml tho wrltor, nt lonot, would liuvo to huvo a lilKKor bnlt thnn u conjilo of huinlroil dollnm lioforn ho would Him to nttompt to nlcln away from tlm Hcont of tho llttlo blood Jiouml of tho law, A lot of IntoroHtliiK thliiKB nro npt to dovolop out nt tho prison If thoro nro any IntoroHtliiK UiIukh to lovolop thoro and It thoro aro tlm (Continued on pngo 4.) MiKX, AIIIUIIAMK OK DKTItOIT JH IIKMI ON ( 'IIAItOi: OK HAV ING I.U1VOH I.V IIIH.I'OHHKHHION TO IIH THIICM I.V (MTV ("OUHT. (Krom Woilnomlay'H Daily.) Alox. Abnihuum of Dulrolt, Mlchl ;nu, wiih nrrt'fltDit nt llio Pilot Ilutto Inn hy Chlor of I'ollco Nixon luto hint nlKht nml In IioIiik hold poudliiK IiIn trial thin uftoruoon on n diurc'i of IihvIiik llijuor In IiIh ponnuHnloii. Tho trial will bo hold Imforo JuiIk" l'ltln, In tho city court, IhjIiik tlm llrnt onnu to coino up undor tho now city ordl 1111 n co. Arcordlm; to Chluf Nlxou today, Aliruliniiin wnn dlitcovoriid by him uftor HBvrirol ptoplA hud Iidoii noon to loHvo tlm I'llnt Hullo Inn In mi lutoxlentfld wjihIUIoii. Ho tniulo ui InvontlKBtlon, mid koIiik onto tlm KBPond Hour of the hotel nw thn door of mm of iIih ronton njar. CoIiik fur tlmr nml NBunhlUK tlm room, ho din covarud tltrcH full itinrt hot Hon of whlnkoy In u null chmo mid thruo empty hottlon 011 tho dronnnr. In mi (itlior room udjoluliiK two mou worn found lutoxlcutod. AbrnhauiH was In tlm llrnt room nwucliml lytitK 011 tlm bud. ANTI-SALOON LEAGUE PASSES RESOLUTIONS Wiiulil Ihfiut Pn'iit IH-trlil Atlor- tipy 11111I Coiiuly Nhorllf nnil Plnro In Oilier ('nuilliInt4N. (From WPdnonday'n Dally.) DoclarliiK that tho prohibition lawn havn not boon enforced by tho dis trict attoruoy'n mid Bliorlft'n offlcon, tho Dunchuten County Antl-Hnloon I en Kilo nt a mcctliiK hold early thin week panned resolutions urging tlm tlofcat Of Dlnlrlct Attorney II. II. Do Armond and Hhorlff ItohortM and on dornttiK lions Fnruhum for district nttonmy nml It. II. Fox for sheriff. A pnmpalKU rommltloo of flvo was mithorlzod to bo appointed for carry ItiK on tlm camptilKU aKalunt the prosont Incumbents In favor of tlm loaKiio's choice FEW CHANGES MADE IN COUNTY PRICES (From Wodiipsdnv's Dnlly.) Members of tho county prlco flxInR bonrd met last iiIkIu with tho county rood ndmlulstrmlnn for tho fixing of prices for this weok, which nro to uppMir In Tho Hullotln tomorrow. Faw oxtrn chniiKos In last wuok's prices woro iiutilo. FORMER BULLETIN EMPLOYE PROMOTED Heroin roiiiiulmdtui iih Cnptnlii nnil Will Imi AsmIkiumI to llio Infantry. (From Snturday'B Dnlly.) Fred A. Woolllcn, former nowa cd I tor of Tho Hullotln, Iihh boon pro moted to tlm rank of captain, accord- Ciiplaln Vi-isX A. W(Kl(lon. Iuk to n dlupntch rocotved this morn Iub. Captain Woolllou'B promotion enmo Just uluo moutliB from tho (Into of his llrnt commission nn nontenant. Tho report atatCH thnt ho will prob ably bo mudo cnplaln of operations and IntolllKonco of tlm 13th Infnntry. Ho 1b now stationed at Onmp Fro iiiont, Cullfornlu, mmmmm mKtKmm, M TWO OK ONI! ACT KACII AIIIJ TO HU HIIOW.V AT TIIK OV.M.VA HII.'M O.V OtT. H AM) UtiUMl- Tirrn: wn.ii taki: kaiit. (From Wodnonday'H Dally.) On TuiiHilny nml Wodm'nday ovon- Iiikh, October Kill mid Olh, tlm Hond Amntotir Athlntlc club will launch tho llrnt of Itn homo nntortnlnmuutH, componvil of two oun-ncl playn Inter npornud with souk by a initio (titir totte. Tho llrnt of tho plityn Ih n fanciful commly, "The Maker of DroHUiH." KoIIowIiik thin will bo hIiowii "(Slory of the MornlnK," nn Imllnn tint inn. Tlm cant fur tlm two pliiyn ban Iihbii iiihiIh up of tho following wull known local pBoplu: HrzoI Htuvsiin, Mm. Chun. ICrnklno, Mahol Hphlar, John OtiKfti, Hruco MactSniKor, (iiion;n I'Hiily mid Hlanloy Hond. Tlm iiihIh iuurtBttB In tntlnod by Mm. lloncdB Howard of DeochutoA mill In ciynpnnod of It., C. Htonor, K. It.' WhII, I.ouln Hennott mid O. A. Thorstm. Mm. Hortnn will nccom pauy tho tuttrletto and Conntntico Kulckorhockor mid A. KuKlonton will nmiler the Incldontnl munlc. Popular prlcon will prevail, tho KPtmral ndmlnnlon IioIiik 2G centn and CO centn, no matM rcMorvod. Novel nccnlc offectn nro promlncd. $5 FINE FOR BEING TARDY .vi:w ci.assi:s at thk ovmna- HIOI PUO.MISi: to m: .MO.VKV MAKCItH I -OK (MA'll AM) EX- pi:nsivi: rou uvn: si-i:i:i'i:n.s. (From Wednesday's Daily.) OrKanlratlon of a "Six-Thirty Class" mid that menus C:30 In tho mornliiK has boon perfectod for the purpose of taking "setting up" oxer ctsus nt the gymnasium. T. II. Foley, who since his roturn from tho train ing camp nt Kugone has been instilled with the denlro to continue tlm train ing received there, Is sponsor for the movement nuU has boon successful In setting somo 12 or H other on thuslasts ami onrly risers to join him The classes commenced yosterday morning. Asldo from giving tho training tie s I rod, tho schomo glvos promise of being a re von 110 builder for tho II end Amateur Athletic club. Each mem ber upon Joining tho class doposlts $25 us a gunrautoo thnt ho will be In nttoudmico nt tlm clnssos nt tho proscribed time. Failure to keep tho ongagomout results In a lino of J5 for each nbsonco or tardiness. This $& is deducted from tho original $2G mid gnoi luto tho funds of tho H. A. A. C. At tho oud of 30 days tho amount loft of tho doposlt of each member, uftor deducting fluos, Is re turned to him, to bo again doposlted for tho noxt month's clnssos. Flues Itavo already commenced to accumulate. A. .M. Pringlo, ono of tho most onthuslnstlc, paid tlm pon nlty tho II rut morning, arriving on tho sceno much too Into with tho ex cuse thnt tho atnrtor on his car would not respond, nml for that roason ho was uunblo to ttttond. Tho oxcuso wnn not nccoptcd, nnd ns h rosult "Nig" hnB hut $20 loft to his crodlt, or four mnro linos. Armed. Guard Accompanies Trophy Train on Trip Through The State To Be in Bend An nrmod guard of 25 soldiers will accompany tho war trophy train to Bond on Friday, when It Id scheduled to nrrlvo hero shortly nftor 4 o'clock In tho afternoon, according to n lot tor received by II. J. Ovorturf from Uobort E. Smith, stuto Llborty loau mmmgor. Tho train will bo opon for exhibition noar tho depot nnd plnns nro being mudo to hnvo spoaklng In connection with tho exhibition. Tlm fact thnt J. P. Keyoa of the HronkB-Scaulnn Lumber company 1b rosponulblo for tho visit of tlm trophy MM: AM) A HAM'' IIOL'ltH VIM 1)AV WITH OVKKTIMi: IH NOT I'MHIAli, HAVH WILIj TIIOIM'i: i.v Mrnnit to hih komch. 'Nino mid a half hours' work por day, with sotnotlmos night work thrown In, Ih nothing unusual for the boyn In France, according to n letter received by Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Thorpo of Tumalo from their son William, who is among tho boys "ovor thoro." Prlrato Thorpo Is do ing salvago work, which he dc-clarea to be very Interesting. His letter roads: "Am working ovory day now. (So to work at 7:30 n. m, and quit nt 11:30. Walk two miles to tents and then back at lv.30. Work until C In the evening and sometimes at night. I Htn In the sslvagu department, which Im very Interesting work, but uwful tiring. Bo tlrod nights that I do not even fool nhlo to go across to tho Y. M. C. A. It Is hard to get anything bore. Wo sleep on tho ground and oat dirt. This war Is Bomothlng terrible. Hut I bollevo God or thn supremo power Is on our side. I hojio to bo nblo to bo at homo to tako Now Year's dinner with you, If possible "This Is In n measure a monoton ous life, hut rather exciting at times. Hut I wish tho bally Germans were all cleaned up and wo were at liberty to como home. You can bet 1 would appreciate ever! our barn or old Ice house, and could cat even greens tho rest of my life In perfect satisfaction. Hut wo nro all optimistic nnd full of pop to give tho bloody kaiser hell, nnd will not rest contented until he nnd his et their due." As postscript to the letter, writ ten thrco days after the above, young Thorpo Bays: "Moved Into hotter quartors today. I do not hurt my self much nt work, but certainly put In nil tho minutes I have over bore. Wo have no Sundays or holidays off. Work orefy day, rafn or shlno. Walk back and .forth, back and forth, back and forth. Havo darnod near walkod my old logs off, but then It gets oasler for mo ovory day." SMOKES HELP AFTER CHASING THE HUNS (From Wednesday's Dally.) "Nothing better than a smoke aftnr chasing tho Hun nwhllc," writes Prlvato F. M. Hoftor, n re cipient of ono of Tho Hullotln to bacco kits, to Henry Clow of this city, tho donor. Mr. Clow has do natod ovor 110 to tho two tobacco funds of Tho Hulletln, mid declares that the above expression is worth It all. oven though ho received no fur ther replies to his contribution. "TOMMY" RYAN HERE TOMORROW NIGHT (From Wednesday's Dally.) "Tommy" Kyan, present stato treasurer uud Llborty loan Bpenkor, who had been scheduled to apeak In thla city Friday night, will arrive to morrow, coming by nutomobllo from Eugono, according to a dlspntch re ceived by II. J. Ovorturf this morn ing. IMmiH nro to bo mado for tho address to bo hold nt tho Gymnasium. trnln to Bond wns first nindo public today lit u tologrnm from tho stato mnnagor to Mr. Ovorturf. Whon tho original Itinerary of tho train wns announced for tho Btato, tho Do Bchutes county brmtch wna not men tioned. Mr. Ovorturf Immodlntoly took up tho mattor with Mr. Smith, who lu his roply said: "In tho original Itinerary for tho trophy train tlm Bond branch wna omitted, but owing to tho fonr of John Koyos, for whom I worked na a hoy, nnd tho fact that I am still scurod of him, I am giving tho Bond branch 11 whole- day." woui) ok i'ukd i:iii:hi:aut, kk- I'OKTEI) MIHHI.Va, IH KECEIVKI) JUvIlK IB UECOVEKI.VO ITtOM AH ATTACK. (From Wednesday's Dally.) Fred A. Ebeheart of Monessen, Pennsylvania, son of Mm. M. J. Iimons of this city, who was re ported missing in the casualty lists of several weeks ago, is In a hospital In Franco convalescing from a gas attack, and his mother has received n letter from him tolling of his pe culiar experiences In mooting with pooplo who woro formerly from his old home. Ebeheart describes In detail how ho was found on tho battleflold, gaseed, by a member of the ambu lance corps, with whom ho had been acquainted In his homo In Pennsyl vania. Later ho was taken to a hospital where tho nurse who attend ed him was also from his homo city. Young Ebeheart states that two other Monessen boys were gassed during tho sarao attack. Ho states to his mother that ho Is glad that sho is working for tho Itod Cross. They bring orangos, candy and other fruit to the boys In the hospitals, and ho adds, "It doesn't cost a cent, cither." JURORS FOR FALL TERM ANNOUNCED Jurors for tho fall term of the circuit court, which opens October 7, was announced yesterday, and consists of the following: M. H. Horton, Dend; A. D. Lewis, Bend; Earl L. Powers, Gist; T. H. Foley, Bend; J. Snow parmlnter, Dend; Thco. Aunc, Bend; E. M. Swalley, Tumalo; O. C. Houkle, Bend; L. B. Balrd. Bend; mll An derson, Bend; Louis Doonar, Bend; Guy E. Dobson, Itcdmond; C. F. Montgomery, Tumalo; W. S. Fuller ton, Sisters; J. N. Hunter, Bend; W. E. Van Allen, Deschutes; F. G. Atkinson, Redmond; George L. Mooro, Bond; Burton Oney, La Pino; Charlos Boyd, Bend; S. M. Wood, llodmond; James Breon, Bend; E. A. Sathor, Bend; J. C. Rhodes, Bend; C. J. Levorott, Bend; A. D. Norton, MIIHcan; Wm. Foss. La Pino; W. T. E. Wilson, Sisters; J. C. Thorpe, Tumalo. DINNER GIVEN FOR JUDGE H. E. McGINN (From Monday's Dally.) A dinner party In honor of Judgo Henry E. McGinn anii Mrs. McGinn of Portland, ono of tho speakers on tho fourth Llborty loan campaign, was given at tho Pilot Butte Inn last night by C. S. Hudson, county chair man. Thoso In attondanco were; Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Mahaffoy, Mr. nnd Mrs. Wallaco Blrdsall, Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Allen, Mr. and Mre. J. P. Keyes, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. McCann, Mr. and CMrs. Carl A. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. A. Whlsnant, Mr. and Mrs. Henry McOlnn, Mr. and Mrs. II. J. Ovorturf, Mr. and -Mrs. Harry K. Brooks, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. S. Hudson, J. B. Knapp, Mrs. Horton, Sr., and Mrs. Hoscoo Howard. Publisher of The Bulletin to Enter a Training Camp (From Friday's Dally.) - G. P. Putnam, publlshor of . Tlio Bullotln, now classlflod In class 211 undor tho selective sorvlco law, has asked tho local - bonrd to trausfor htm to class 1 and la being inducted Into tho -- -- nrmy, going nt onco to Cnmp - Ttiylor in Kentucky for training - in nn officers' training camp. Mr. Putnam has boon lu tho - east for tho past yoar, for tho groator part of tho tlmo sorvlng as a Bpoclal Oigout of tho dopart- mont of justice Botoro going - oast ho nctod for two and a half years as secretary to Governor - 'Wlthycombo. During this tlmo ho served on tho Mexican border with Company M of tho - Orogon National Guard, - USED GARMENTS ARE NEEDED. HOO Ton of Mutr-rlnl Akel of tho Wrwtcrn Division of IU.I Cross Ilonil Drlvo Will Commence , Next WrtlneMlny. (From Monday's Dally.) Commencing on Wednesday, Sop- tember 25, tho Bond chapter ot the lied Cross will commence tho cam paign for used garments for tho Bob' iglan rellof, 5000 tons of thoso gar ments to ho gathered in tho United States, 300 tons being allotcd to the. Northwest division, of which, tho Bend chapter Is a part. Headquarters for tho drlvo havo been opened In tho building form erly occupied by tho People's storu on Oregon avenue, and theso rooms will bo opon from 10 o'clock In tho morning until 5 o'clock In tho after noon to receive donations. Cars will bo provided to make deliveries for bundles which may be too largo for convenience In carrying. Theso de liveries can bo arranged for by call ing tho Red Cross work rooms, phono 1681. Every kind of garment, for all ages and both sexes, Is urgently needed. In addition, piece goods, light, warm canton flannel and other kinds of cloth from which to maka (garments for new born babies, tick ing, sheeting and blankets, woolon goods of any kind and shoes oC every size aro asked for. Scrap leather Is needed for repairing foot wear. Since tho clothes will bo subject to tho hardest kind ot wear, only garments made of strong and durablo materials should be sent. It Is use less to offer any afflicted population garments of flimsy materials and gaudy colorings, lake the gifts practical. (y Garments "need not bo In perfect condition. A hundred thousand des titute women In tho occupied regions nro eager to earn a small livelihood by repairing gift clothing and mak ing new garments adapted to needs with which thoy aro familiar. Gar ments needed arc: Men's Wear. Shlrta (preforably of light colored flannels), under shirts, underdrawors, trousers, coats, work suits (overalls), suits, shoes, overcoats, jerseys, sweater vests, socks, sweaters. k- Women's Wear Skirts, drawora. corset slips, petticoats, shirts, coats, suits, shoes, cloth hats, knitted "caps, stockings, blouses. Boys' Wear. Shirts, union suits, undor shirts, trousers, coats, suits, shoes, overcoats, Jerseys, ,socks, stockings, sweaters. Girls Wear. Drosses, skirts, overcoats, nightdresses, drawors, stockings, under garmonts, petti coats, suits, blouses, shoes, waists. Infants' Wear. Baby blankets, baby shirts, sweaters, bonnets, bibs, diapers, shoes, dresses, cloaks, Jack ets, shawls, socks, bootees, binders. Miscellaneous. Bed ticks, bod shoots, pillow cases, blankets, muf flers. Woolen goods of any kind what ovor aro acceptable soft hats nnd caps for all ages. Mcn'8 shirts aud pajamas bo worn or shrunken as to no longer bo serviceable are particu larly welcome, slnco tho material can bo utilized for making children's gar monts. Do Not Send. Garmonts of flimsy matorials or gaudy coloring. ball dresses, high heelod Bllppors, etc., stiff hats, either men's or wom en's, straw, dress or dorby. Any thing containing rubber, raincoats, rubber boots, etc. (rubber hools can easily be removed from shoos). Notes or communications ot any sort or description must posltivoly not bo sent. CHRISTIAN SOCIETY WILL MEET TONIGHT (From Wednesday's Dally.) Mlsa Edna Whlpplo ot Eugeno, stato prosldont of tho Young Pooplo'n Christian Endeavor society, arrived in Bond this morning and will con duct tho mooting of tho organization wnicii is to 00 hold at tho Bantlst church this evening. All mpmbors and othor young pooplo of tho city aro Invited to bo Jn attendance.