UKND BULLETIN, I1KND OUKOON, TIIURHDAY, BKPT, 10, IMS PAQR7 Jf' ESTIMATE NEAR i TOTAUiMBER TOTAL IN NATION TO BE GREATER. Hovrn Hundred ntul Ninety Mn Hc- turini Agm f IH nnd -in Aro K , ItrKlMortMl In This . L'lty Ymtrrilny. (From Friday's Dolly.) - WAHfllNOTON, Hopt. 13. Thi offlco of Provost Marshal (lonera! Crnwdor linn announced -- Hint ruKlntrntlon under tlin now - mart power Mil In (ho Unltml HtntfH has oxcoodod tho ostl- mntoH ly 814 Ior emit. Tim - totul rcp.lntriillon In tho nntlon will total nliout 14 million. Registration In Deschutes county will not vary 100 nnmes olthitr way from tho estimated nuinhor of regis trants ns iiropnrod prnvlnuii to tho registration. Thin ls determined to lay by tho inaiinnr In which tho ro turim from tho various districts nro coming In. Tho tintlinntod nuinbor wa not at 1000, and at tho prciiont time with 18 dliitrlctN hoard from tho nuinbor of registrant totals 1034. Of tho total county registration iipproxltnatidy 700 registered with 1n tho llmlta of Ilond In tho nix district. Or tho 18 district reported to tho local war board at 3 o'clock thin ftrnoou tho followliiK registration In .given: Ilond No. 1, total registered ., .138 llond No. 2, total registered G7 Jlnnd No. 3, total registered CO Ilond No. 4, total registered 33 llond No, 5, total registered 40 Hrooks-Kraiilon . 143 Hliovlln-lllxon 202 llrlck Vard .. 8 llond No. C, total registered....... 44 JlrookN'Hcaiilon Camp ........ 41 Lava .. - 2 Tutnalo 40 Hlster .... 3C Lower llildRO ........................... 1C Terrebonne ....... . 3!i Dcsrlititu MMMWM...M.. 23 JVIfalfa itwt.m.iMwMMM. 16 Ornngu ............. 32 Received by mall CO Total 1034 Itopnrln from Tho ijhavlln-lllxon -cmnp, Mllllcan, I.n I'lno and Hod mend havo not yut boon received. In tho lattnr placo It U estimated that something Hko 100 registered. All report from tho outnldo pro litit sufficient havo cotuo In to certify tint itufrtclont havo conto In to corlty tho oRllniato an being very near tho total ii u in I) or. In all districts tho registration xhowod a vory itmatl porcontago of mm between tho ages of 18 and 21, with a largor proportion botwoon tbu iircn of 32 and 3G, and another fall liiK off botwoon thosu from 3C to 45. In tho nix dlntrlcts reported from Jlonil, Including tho Ilrooks-Scanlou und Bliovlln-Hlxon plants, thoro worn but CO of tho yotuiKor ngo Tnglstorod against tnoro than GOO of those botwoon 32 and 40. Deschutes amo In with tho groatest numbor of men falling undor tho now nges for cull from 32 to 3G, Twonty-throo liorsoiiM woro registered In this dis trict, all of whom aru botwoon tho iiRca to bo called. ' FIRST "VICTORY" SIREN "Jfe. ' Impressive ceremonUs iiiurUed the liiHtallutlon of tho llrot "Victory" slron In tho nation on tho roof of tho Kvnna building, Wnbhlnuton. Tho "Victory" or "Angclus ' siren sounds each day tho signal for noondiiy prayur for victory for our nation anil our allies nnd for n jponco everlasting. Tho photograph tahowH little Miss Irouo Elliott Mooro, who unveiled tho siren, One cant a word la all a llttlo Want, Ad will coat you, 5 TT . i I l 17 III tmlVrr.iV WVtlMI sMsM'mJ TOWN HAS HISTORIC PAST llfracombo, Popular English Oummer nesort, Has Oeon Well Known Through Many Centuries. Ilfrncoinlio In rapidly becoming popu lar iin a summer resort or, us tho Kng llsli call It, a watering place, It Is not on n sleep hlllsldn, surrounded by "(ho seven hills," ,on (ho beautiful Devon shim roast. From tho near town of Hillsborough llfrncombo shows a mass of whltu cot lace, clinging desperately to the hlllsldo to keep from tumbling; Into tho Atlantic ocean. Many people think that llfracombo Is n modern town, In splto of Its quaint ness, bocnuso It has such nn up-todnto nlr. Hut llfmcomhu Is n skillfully com ouflaged antique, hnvlng been n harbor of some note 'way back In tho twelfth century. This attractive townlet has bron Inflicted with n Krent variety of Jnw.breaklng names during tho cen turies of Its existence. Its names rango nil tho way from Aelfrlngcombo and llfordscomho to Alfredscombo, nnd, at last, llfracombo. Hut tho Kd folk round about llfracombo Just call It 'Comlm. In 11114 llfrncombo wn ono of tho 45 Kngllsh porta that sent representa tires to tho council of shipping, and In 1010 It wns captured by Fairfax. They say thorn wero snmo hot skirmishes ot that tlmo In what Is now known as "Woody Mcndow." Bomo connon balls of that period found hero corroborate thin tale. In theso olden days wrecks rear 11 frncombo wero frequent, and pearls nnd other valuabln treasures of tho In dim wero often sold to advntitngo by tho fisher folk to merchants In neigh boring towns. SEA BUFFALO "GOOD EATING" Other Thlnoa Beside the Beefsteak, to Which the Nation Is Attached, May Be Made of Use. Sirloin of sea buffalo li much es teemed In Kan Francisco nnd other Pacific const citlos, whero meat of thin highly valued nnlrnnl In coming to mnr ket In such quantities nn to lower tho cost of living by keeping down tho prlco of beef nnd mutton. Ken cows and sea horses bnro long been familiarly known, but most folks would confess themselves unacquaint ed with tho sen buffalo. If they saw one, they would call It a whalo; nnd no wonder, for that la tho sen buf falo'a other name. Homo peopto might bo prejudiced ngnlnst eating whale meat, but sen buffalo steak sounds good. It Is good jull equal, In fact, to tho best beef steak, nnd hardly dlstlugulshnhlo from tho Intter. In tho market, nea buffalo tenderloin (boneless "filet") costs only 15 cents n pound; other cuts nro cheater. Tho gray whalo (common In I'oclflc waters) furnishes most of tho meat. A OO-foot specimen will yield as much butcher's material ns 70 head of cuttle. First Quakers. Tho first Quakers to Innd on Ameri can noil wero Mnry Fisher nnd Ann Austin, who reached lloston In 1030 after n long voyage from Knglnnd by way of tho West Indian Island of Hur bndos. Tho two women cnuscd great consternation to tho Puritans, nnd George Illshop, In nn nddrcss to tho magistrates, said: 'Two women arriving In your har bor so shock ye, to tho everlasting nhamo of you nnd of your established order, ns If n formldnblo nrtny had In vaded your borders." Tho Quaker sect, or Boclcty of Friends, was founded by Fox In 1048, nbout eight years before tho first mem ber, reached America on July 11, 1030. Later fleorgo Fox vlstted America. Thu part played by William Tvun and other Qunkern In tho early history of Pennsylvania und Now Jersey Is fa miliar to all students of history. Can Shyness Do Cured Whnt Is tho remedy for shyness? What Ih tho shy man to do In ordor that ho may bo shy no longer? Tho remedy Is simple, nnd Ih to bo found by consideration of tho cnuso. Tho shy person Is shy In thu presenco of strnngera only. Let him havo no opportunity of meeting strangers, nnd let tho opportunity bo abolished not by abolition of tho meetings, but by abolition of tho strangeness. In other words, shy persons nro thoso who In early life had not practlco and no ex perience In meeting strangers, nnd no having tho attention of strange di rected to thorn and attracted to them. If tho meeting with strangers becomes customary It lose.s Hh strangeness. As a Qentlemnnl Llttlo brother accompanied Ida mamma on a visit to sumo friends In Chicago, und Included In tho entertain ment of tho visitor was u luncheon at pnu of tho fashionable cafes. Llttlo brother wiih taken along because thoro wiih no placo to "check" him. "Now, brother," mild inaniinn, "you boo this beautiful placo and all theso lovely Indies you nro tho only man present, nnd I want you to bo very pollt'o and net Just Hko your father would If ho wna here." "Well," said brother, "I guess I'll tuko a cigarette." Enterprloe. "How far can you travel on n gnl Ion of gasollno?" "Not im far na I used to," replied Mr. Chugglns, "Hut I'm hoping to re duce tho exponso by developing n by product. Tho gasollno la bo oily and tho roads nro so rough that with n llt tlo caro wo ought to inako every trip yield a good churning of nxlo grease," BROOKS FUND ENDS S. A. DRIVE SUBSCRIPTION OP $180 IS MADE. llrookN-Hcniilon Kmplo)w In All De partment Donalo to Knlvntion Army Drlvo Ilond Total Near County Quota, (From Thursday's Dally.) Clang! Did you If car tho boll rlnj; this morning? H rang with a loud nolso, the gong was smashed, tho pieces flow all about and tho Salvation Army drlro was over so far as tho Ilond quota was concoruod. llrooks-Bcanlon did tho trick with a smashing subscription ot 1 180, "and moro to como," In tho words ot an officer of tho company, tho con tribution of company employes in all dopnrtniouts. No further effort will bo mado to Increase tho amount ot tho Ilond sub scriptions, tho present total being Al most up to the quota for tho wholo county, and with tho special con trlbutlon mado at the Labor day picnic, much In excess ot tho amount nskod of tho wholo county. Another district to report with an, over-subscription Is Deschutes, W. K. Van Alien of tho C. O. I. Co. yestor day bringing In a check for $11, or $1 over tho allotted quota. Hand subscriptions now total I3G9.40, tho now subscribers bolng as follows: Previously ackonwlcdgod 1184.40 J. N. Iluntor - 2.00 W. C. McCulston 2.00 Mrs. A. W. Modell 1.00 Hrooks-Hcanlon Co, and em ployes 180.00 Total I3CD.40 DOING GOOD WORK IN WAR English Church Army Has Accom plished Much for the Men In tho Field, Says Message. Tho Kngllsh church army Is doing a noblo work In tho war," was the messngo received In this country by tho Kplscopnl church from the Church of I'nglnnd. "Fully equipped recren lion huts, open to men of nil creeds, hnvo been estnbllshed In nil training camps In Kngland nnd Wules. On the French front huts, tents nnd tempo rary churches nre provided. In nil more thnn 600 of these huts and tents nre In use; some In remote plnces In tho north for tho men of the nnvy; others In Malta, Egypt, Palestine, Macedonia, Mesopotamia, East Africa and even In India. Frequently 'last letters havo been written from theso huts, bearing tho heading, 'Church Army Hut' letters now treasured by thoso nt home. Tho bill for writing paper alone Is over fOO.OOO n year. "Closo to the front lino trenches tho church army keeps soveral 'kitch en cars' to supply tho men with hot coffee In England hotels hnvlng nil tho ndvnntages of n club nro being mnlntnlnod, whero men nro cured for during their furloughs. Prisoners In tho hands of the Germans nro also cared for by tho church nrmy." Recently General Pershing address ed nn nppreclatlvo letter to Preben dary Carllle, head of tho church army, thanking him for tho help tho army had been to American soldiers passing through England, It Is proposed to mnlntnln a hut to be known ns the "denernl Pershing Hut." The cost of ono of theso huts equipped, Is $2,500. ENDS ONE NOISE OF CITIES Invention of Philadelphia Man Does Away With Racket When Cars Cross Intersection. Tho problem of suppressing tho nolso nnd shock of tho street car In passing over nn Intersection has been nttneked In a novel manner by a Phil adelphia Inventor, Samuel 11. Meeker, who accomplishes tho object without tho uso of any ot tho moving and In terlocking parts which chnracterlro most of tho Inventions for this pur pose, and without making nny great changes. In tho design of tho crowing Itself. Tho Intter Is constructed In ono pleco or unit, and at a point slight ly In ndvnnco of thu Intersection of the rail sections. Each rail section Is formed with tho fnce of tho rail cut nwuy In an Incllno Which nllows tho weight of tho vehicle to pass from tho bnsu of tho wheel to tho llaugo on which It continues for n fow foot, until tho wheels have passed entirely over tho Intersection, when tho weight of' tho car again passes to tho baso of the wheel. This change Is so grndunlly accomplished that It Is not noticeable to tho passengers nnd tho car pusses over tho crossing without Jolt or noise. Tho latter Is n nmttor of great Importance to persons living In tho vicinity of such Intersections, for tho pounding of tho cars over thorn at night comprises a serious nnnoy-nnco. INSURANCE MEN ARE ORGANIZED LOCAL OIK.ANIZATIO.V OF HTATE OltllElt IH FOIIMED IN THIH CITV VKHTKUDAY HI'IMX'IIKH Alti: DELIVKHEI). (From Thursday's Daily.) Insuranco mon of Ilond In all branches of tho business wero or ganized as a local branch ot tho In suranco federation yesterday morn ing at tho closo o: a mooting, during which they woro addressed by Frank 8. Olovcr and C. A. Colvln, Insurance mon of Portland. Tho following offi cers woro elected: J. C. Ilhodes, president; II. C. Kills, vlco president; J. F. Arnold, secretary; J. A. Eastes, secretary. The cxocutlvo commlttco, of which tho nbovo officers aro members. Is composed ot Ashley Forrest, C. V. Kllvls, H. M. Grolncr, C. P. Dorian, J. II. Anderson, J. M. Lnwrenco, C. S. Henson and Hobs Farnhatn. Mr. aiover and Mr. Colvln In their addresses spoko on tho subject of "Communal Insuranco and tho Farm ers' Non-Partisan League," pointing out to thoso present tho danger to the pooplo of tho carrying out of the mothoJs suggested by thorn. 611 DESCHUTES MEN ARE IN FIRST AGES Nearly One-Half of tho Total Num ber IU"Klntcrxl to Ho Listed for tho I'lntt Calls. (From Tuesday's Dally.) Of tho 1388 men registered In Deschutes county last Thursday Cll of thorn aro between tho ages of 19 and 21 and 32 and 3G, Inclusive, which will Includo the first classifi cation ot theso men for service. This was tho announcement ot the local war board yesterday afternoon, com pleting the segregation of tho names of tho registrants into tho various groups, thoso to bo called at onco under tho ordor of tho war depart ment and thoso who havo passed tho prescribed ago to come later. TOBACCO IS SCARCE ARTICLE IN FRANCE (From Saturday's Dally.) Tobacco Is very scarco in France, and a much appreciated gift, says Corporal Thomas O'Connor, Com pany H, COth U. S. infantry, in a card to T. A. McCann of this city ns nn acknowledgement of a Bulletin tobneco kit sent by Mr. McCann. Tho card reads: "I received a to bacco kit donated by you and wish to thank you very much for it, as tobacco is scarco hero in Franco and a packago ot It is always appreci ated." LEGAL NOTICES HUMMONS HY I'UHLICATION. In tho Circuit Court ot tho Stato ot Oregon, for Deschutes County. O. L. McVoy, plaintiff, vs. Alta P. McVoy, defendant. To Alta P. McVoy, dotondant: In tho Namo of tho Stato of Oro gon, you aro horoby required to ap pear and answer tho complaint filed against you In tho nbovo entitled suit within six weeks from tho dato of tho first publication ot this summons, to-wlt: Within six weeks from tho 12th day of September, 1918, and It you fail so to answer tho plaintiff will apply to tho court tor Judgment against you as domanded in his complaint, to-wlt: For a docrco ot tho nbovo ontltlod court dissolving tho marrlago relation botweon you and tho plaintiff. This summons Is sorvod upon you by tho publication thoroot In Tho Hond Hullotln, Weekly Edition, tor n porlod ot six consocutivo and suc cessive weoks, In accordance with nn ordor mado thorofor by tho Hon. W. D. names. Judgo ot tho County Court of Deschutes County, Oregon, on tho 11th day of Soptombor, 1918, which ordor requires publication for six consocutivo nnd successive wooks, and thnt tho first publication thereof shall bo on Soptombor 12th, 1918. It. S. HAMILTON. Attornoy tor Plaintiff, 28-34o Address: Hond, Oregon. POUND NOTICE. Notlco Is horoby given that tho City of llond has takon up tho fol lowing described live stock, to-wlt: Ono sorrol liorao, ago about 10 years, weight about 900, two white hind foot, brands, If nny, undoclphorablo. Tho cost ot rodeoming said live stock will bo $1.00 por day in addition to actual oxponso of keeping and cost ot advertising. In caso ot falluro to rodoom on part ot owner, said ltvo stock will bo sold ns provided by tho charter of tho City ot Hond on tho 24th day ot Soptombor, at 3 p. iu. at city pound. L. A. W. NIXON. Chief ot Police and ox-Otflclo Poundmnator. 237-39-242 NOTICE lxm PUBLICATION. 011(111. Dopartmont ot tho Interior, United States Land Offlco at Tho Dallos, Orogon, August 28th, 1018. Notlco Is horoby glvon thnt Michael M. Mackey of Hond, Oregon, who on Juno 18th, 101C, mado Homcstoad Entry No. 014C44, for lots 1-2-8 NE, 8Kt, Section R, Township 20, Houth, Hnngo 14 East Willamette Meridian, has filed notlco of Intention to mako final thrco-year proof to es tablish claim to tho land nbovo de scribed beforo II. C. Ellis, U. 8. com missioner, at Hond, Orogon, on tho 18th day of Octobor, 1018, Claimant names as witnesses: A. J. Dyor, D. C. Hogors, Fred Klgor, Clifford Evans, all of Mllllcan, Oregon. H. FHANK WOOODCOCK. 27-31c Register. HUMMONB. In tho Circuit Court of tho Stato of Oregon, for Deschutes County. Ocorgo D. Cloracnts, Plaintiff, to. Holen V. Clements, defendant. To Helen V. Clements, tho abovo named defendant: In tho namo of tho State of Ore gon, you nro hereby required to ap pear and answer tho complaint filed against you In tho above entltlod suit on or beforo tho 24th day of October, 1918, which Is moro than six weeks after tho Cth day of September, 1918. tho dato of tho first publication of this summons, and If you fall to ap poar and answer, for want thereof, tho plaintiff will apply to tho court for a decreo dissolving tho bonds of matrimony now and heretofore exist ing between plaintiff and defendant, and for a furthor decreo awarding tho futuro care, custody and control of Clarence Clements to tho plain tiff herein, as prayed for In said com- Brooks-Season Lumber Company Lumber. Lath. Shingles, Building Material, Kiln Dried Flooring and all kinds ef Finish SASH AND DOORS COMPLETE STOCK of Suadwd Ska. BROOKS-SCANLON LUMBER CO. Local Sales Agent, MILLER LUMBER CO. HUFFSCHMIDT-DUGAN IRON WORKS Manufacturer of Iron, Bronze and Semi-Steel Castings for Power Tranitniision Machinery; Wood Pipe Fittings, Grate Bars. Agricultural, Mining and Saw Mill Machinery. Ornament al and Structural Iron. WE ARE PREPARED TO RUSH YOUR ORDERS ON REPLACEMENTS FOR BROK EN CASTINGS ON ALL KINDS OF FARM MA CHINERY. Business and Professional Cards R. S. HAMILTON ATTOItXEY-AT-LAW Rooms 13-16 First National Hank Dldg. Tel. 511 (Dr. Co'i Former Office.) H. H. DeARMOND LAWYER O'Kano Building, Bend, Oregon II. O. ELLIS Attorneyat-Lsw United BUtc Commlsslone Flrst National Dank Building BEND. OREGON W. W. FAULKNER, D. M. D. DENTIST Sulto 6-8-10, O'Kano Building Bend, ... Oregon DR. TURNER EVE SPECIALIST, ot Portland Visits Bend Monthly, Watch Paper for Dates, or Inquire ot TIIOHSON, THE JEWELER DescKutes County Abstract Company D. H. PEOPLES, President Most Comploto Abstrnot Plunt in Central Orogon. Special Attont Ion Glvon to Fcdoral Loan Abstruots. First National Danh Dldtf., UEND, ORE., Cor. noxt to Alley Eastes-Anderson Farm Land Co. Irrigated Farm Lands a Specialty GENERAL INSURANCE Fir it National Bank Building 124 Orcgoa Sliert Band, Oragoa plaint, nnd for such othor nnd fur thor roltof ns to tho court may ap poar Just and cqultnblo. Tho survlco of this summons Is mado upon you by publication thereof In Tho Hond Hullotln, a nowspapor of gonornl circulation, for six consocu tlvo and successive weoks, by virtue ot an ordor mado nnd ontorod by tho Hon. T. E. J. Duffoy, Judgo ot tho nbovo entitled court, on tho 31st day of August, 1918. E. O. 8TADTEH, Attorney for Plaintiff, Hond, Orogon. Dato of first publication, Soptom ber S, 1018. Dato of last publication, October 24, 1918. 27-330 NOTICK FOK PUHIJCATION. Department ot the Interior, United States Land Offlco at Tho Dalles, Oregon, August 12th, 1918. Notice is hereby given that Wil liam A. Rahn, of Mllllcan, Oregon, who, on January 20th, 191G, made Homestead Entry No. 014400 for K (East halt) Section 11, Township 20, South, Range 16, East Wiltametta Moridlan, has filed notice of inten tion to mako final threo-yoar proof to establish claim to tho land above described before H. C. Ellis, United States commissioner, at Hond, Ore gon, on tho 11th day ot October, 1918. Claimant names as witnesses: Poter B. Johnson ot Mllllcan, Ore gon. John J. Holland, Mllllcan, Oregon, Charles H. Grarfonbcrger, of Mllll can, Oregon. Loo B. Koller ot Mllllcan, Oregon. 2C-29C II. FRANK WOODCOCK, Register. BEND. OREGON. Phono Black 1291 LEE A. THOMAS, A. A. IA, Architect 3-4 O'Kane Building BEND ... OREGON O. P. N18WONQER. Bead, Ore. UNDERTAKER Ltceased EmbAlmer. Faaeral Director. Phone Red 42L Lady AmL i X DR. R. D. STOWELL Physlcla Orer Logan Furniture Co. Wall Street Hours 9 to E Phone Red 480 THE UNITED WARE HOUSE COMPANY BUras d4 FtrwarrUaff, GumtsI Oua mIuIom limhaata. W carrr OU. GsmUs. Bacar, TUmt, Ball UcaU, Hataa. Bans am Lara. MISS B. OSTERMAN PIANOFORTE SCHOOL Baptist Sunday School Room Phono Rod 101