til . TAOS HKX1) BU1XKT1N, BHND OlttOGON, TJIUKHDAV, HKTT, 10, 101ft S i J H OTho CbnfeSi of a GeMalr DG5Gffer f Written 1y a Prussian Officer uvtrt H i.t .1 , it r iirio rarucipaiea tn me stavag g and Pillaging of Belgium, , OnrVJ h ftfa fm i), CHAPTER VIII. Wo now tried to pitlicr by com panics. Of our own company only 12 men remained. Presently others slrng Bled In until there were 20 of us as sembled. There Is caper questioning cTcrywhcra as each man attempts to learn about his comrade or acquaint unco. Few questions can be answered, however, as each man had thought only of himself In that flight. Driven by hunger we approached the village. The first thing we did teas to hasten to the wells and drink. We drank os If we wanted tojlll our selves up with enough water to last us the rest of our lives. Only here and there were we able to And anything to at A few beets were left In the gnr dens and we nte them eagerly, without waiting to wash or clean them. Whcro Is our company? Nobody knows. We are the company, we 20 men. And our olllccrs. "Somewhere rarely," said a soldier, "somewhere In a bomb-proof corner. But what were we to do? No one could decide. Presently a noncommis sioned officer of the field gendarmes approached on horseback. It Is the duty of this particular class of defend ers of the fatherland to round up slackers behind the front. Tou are pioneers, he called to us roughly. "What are you doing here?" Then be asked us Innumerable ques tions, wblcb wo answered as well as we could. "Where are the others? he asked. "Over there, said a young Berlin soldier, and pointed to the battlefield. "The others are dead or perhaps prisoners. Several others have man aged to save themselves and are some where, perhaps." "Never mind." the noncommissioned fllcer said roughly. The conversation bad become disagreeable to him. "Walt licre. until I come back. Where are the officers?" Again no one could answer. "What are their names? I shall find them. Perhaps they are In Vltry. We told him the names of our offi cers. Oe gave us Identification papers so that we might be able to prove to others Inquiring wby we were waiting whore we were. "I hope bis horse falls and he breaks Ills neck," said one of our men. We entered one of the bouses whlcb had been robbed, as were all the others, threw ourselves down upon the mat tresses to sleep, sleep, sleep. How long we slept no one knew. We only knew thnt It was night and that some of our company had aroused us. These were newcomers who had been hunting for us for a long time. "Come along. The captain Is out side and ho Is very angry. He 'has fathered 17 of his men together and Is cursing like the very devl! because he could not locate yon." Sleepy, and entirely Indifferent to the future, wo left the building. We knew that wo would be sent Into action again but no longer cared. I had never before seen among a body of soldiers such an atmosphere of absolute Indif ference. We came upon the captain. lie saw til approach minus our headgear, our uniforms torn Into shreds and without suns and knapsacks. "Why are you running around here? he roared. Thnt was our reception. Nobody answered. Nobody cared. .Nothing could be worse than what we had been through, but although every one among us felt keenly the Injustice of the captain's attitude we all re mained silent. "Where is your equipment? Lost lost . This has been a nice business. The state equips you, you rebel. If all were like you " lie raved on for n while after this fashion, this brave fellow, who, without any action on his own part permitted the rebels to retreat while ho defend ed his fatherland In VI try, 4.20 kilo meters behind the battle line. Wo selected guns from those lyjng We will give you value for your money in what can be procured in the markets and we adhere strictly to all Food Administration Rules Baker's Grocery Ms ksmm. 4K0Hifcc3Si9?i jrSSB.KJrMrSliLrlj 'fWlfjwWfv v I VfeWkSB3 y f) a( s&k around "Os In lien ps "uTul "Soon" VETO ready to tight again. We stood around half asleep, lean ing on our guns, and waited to be led once more to tho slaughter. A shot fell In our midst. It struck n color sergeant and smashed his right hand. He cried out from the pnln. ills hand was quickly bandaged, lie was the first. An eyewitness told us how this had happened. He had rested his hand on the gun barrel in the snmo manner as did all the others except that his hand partly covered tho muzzle. The orders provldo that the gun be locked If loaded. Turning to the color ser geant, who was writhing with pain, the captain roared at him: "I Rhnll report you for punishment for your gross carelessness and for mutilating yourself In the field." The color sergeant, a noncommis sioned officer, realized that his military career was at an end. We all felt for him. During the months preceding this Incident he had always associated him self with the privates. We never learned whether he was brought before a court-martial. Pun ishment for sclf-mutllatlon was a dally event and many severe sentences were pronounced and then made known to all the others to serve as a deterring example. The color sergeant's place was conferred upon another, after which the captnln disappeared once more In the direction of VI try. We inarched away and halted at a point northwest of the village. Here we met other pioneers who had been gathered together from various bat talions and our unit was once more brought up to S5 men. The officers told us that we would not enter the battle today. Our only duty for tho time being was to keep the bridges over the Marne In good condition for the' German troops fighting on the other side, so that they could be used In case the battle went against us. Wc then marched to our destination, which was at the point where the Saulx flows into the Marne. Wc reached our destination about six o'clock In the morning. The dead lay around In heaps everywhere. We were camping on a wooded height and could overlook the country for many kilometers In all directions. We saw shrapnel bursting by the thou sands. Little could be seen of the men who were fighting despite the fact thnt many divisions were locked In a death struggle. Presently we saw the fighting line. The Germans were about two kilome ters behind the Mnrne. which flowed by directly in front of us. German cavalry In great numbers was en camped along the banks nf the river Two temporary bridges In a very dilap idated condition constructed of what ever materials were ut bund were lo cated near us. Preparations had been mnde to blow them up with thousands of pounds of dynnmlte. The electric fuses had been strung to the point where we were located and It was up to us to manipulate the switches. Con nected with the battle line by tele phone, we were In a position to destroy the bridges at a moments notice. The fighting became more lively We saw the French rush to attack and retire again. The fire of musketry In creased and the attacks became more frequent. This coutlnucd for more than two hours. We saw the French continuing to tiring up re-enforcements conxtuntly despite the German urtlllery fire. After nn extended pause tht- French made another attack, employing sev eral different kinds of formations. Each time tho waves of offensive troops were forced back. At three o'clock in the afternoon, under a blow which contained the full power of France, our troops were forced to re tire, first slowly, then In wild tllght. The exhausted Germans could not bo rallied In the faco of till a blow. With Wfi&Effs mm t Ha Ft ' - V r L J ' The Fighting Dccame More Lively. wild confusion all tried nt tho same time to reach tho bridges beyond which lay safely. At this Instant tho cavalry which had token cover along tho river bunk gnlloped to the bridge position. In a moment tho bridge was covered with human bodies, nil racing for the op posite bnnk. We could see this tem porary structure trembling under this enormous burden. Our officer saw tho situation and he nervously pressed the telephone re ceiver to his left enr. His right hand was on the switch. llrenthleisly he stared at the fleeing masses. "If only tho telephone connections had not been broken." he muttered to himself. Ho knew as well as all the rest of us that ho was to act on the Instant thnt the curt order came over tho wire. It was not much that he had to do. Merely make u movement of his bauds. Masses of troops continued to rush across the bridge until more than half were safely over. Tho bridge further abovo was not in such great demand, and with the lessened congestion al most all who crossed hero were already safe. We could see how tho first of the French units had crossed, but the bridge continued to stand. Tho sergeant who manned tho appa ratus at this bridge became restless waiting for orders, and finally on his own Initiative blew It up. Some Frenchmen and hundreds of Germans upon the bridge fouud their graves In tho Marne. At tho same moment the officer standing next to me received the order to blow up the last bridge. He ties). tated to obey, for he could still see many Germans on tho other side. He could see tho nice for tho road leading to tho bridgehead as all sought safety at the same Instant. There a terrible panic reigned. Many soldiers Jumped Into tlie river and tried to swim across. Tho pressure became greater ns the thousands still on tho other stdo tried to get back. Tho message over the wire became more and more Insistent. Finally the officer sprang up, rushed by the pio neer standing at the apparatus and a second later there was a terrible deto nation bridge and men were thrown Into the air hundreds of meters. Just as a river at high tide races along, taking with it all mnnner of debris, so the surface of the Marne was covered with wood, men, torn uniforms and horses, efforts to swim were futile, yet soldiers continued to Jump Into tho river. On the other sldo tho French began to disarm such German soldiers ns stood there with raised hands. Thou sands of prisoners, Innumerable horses and machine guns fell Into tho hands of the enemy. Several of our company were Just about to retire with the electric apparatus when something de veloped which certain of our number had suspected. An error had been mado and It was too luto to rectify it. The upper bridge, which had not been used to any great extent by the Germans, should have been left stand ing! It had been the purpose of the staff In command to leavo this brldgo so that the enemy might continue Its pur snlt of our troops until a certain num ber of Frcnctimen had crossed the river. Tho plan was to permit enough Frenchmen to pass so that they could be taken prisoner, yet, not too largo a force, lest It might prove a nienuco to the German arms. After these hostile troops had crossed, tho plan was to destroy the brldgo to prevent their being re enforced. That was why tiro sergeant manning this switch had been kept waiting for tho order to blow up tho bridge. Hut the sergeant In tho ex citement and confusion thought thut the cnblo to which his phone was con nected had been disconnected and blew up tho brldgo on his own Initiative while It wus crowded by Frenchmen and long before the etieiuy could have bud an opportunity to cut that cnhli At the hutno time the miw-i-r m r switch connected with the explosives under the second brldgo received ids orders. IIo afterwards raid that tho order ho received was hard to make out und thnt ho had lost his presence of mind and threw In tho Nwtch, thereby killing thousands on tho bridge and leaving many other thousands to tho mercy of tho enemy. Heforo there was tlmo for moro Im pressions our entire unit wns ordered to Vltry t? i)9 ""'"mblcd In fjoni o.f o Hie caffieiTrnl, "WITT KfETETT oTTSITCt we hurried nway, for the French ar tillery began once tuoro to send shells with much accuracy over tho entire countryside. Wounded men from other detachments whom wo passed on the read told us thnt tho French had al ready crossed tho Mnrno In several different places. Rveryono among in Tolced the name opinion. W had al ready sustained great losses on Bel gian soil and each day brought new sacrifices. Our lines boenmo thinner and thinner. Many companies were entirely destroyed nnd nil units suf fered heavily. These companies whose forces hnd been reduced to n minimum and with the survivors half starved were opposed by nn army well equipped with supplies and arms. The enemy constantly brought up fresh troops while our forcca bvcamu fewer from hour to hour. Wo realised that It was Impossible to make n stand here. We were constantly learning from soldiers of other contingent that their losses lu men and materials were enormous. I thought nf the God of tho Ger mans, Had ho forsaken them? I thought It so loud that the others could hear. "Yes," said another, "whom the Lord wishes to punish Is first stricken with blindness. Probably he thought of nelglum, Donchery, Sommepy nnd Rutppcs, and still many other place and let us run Into this perdition Ilk flying fiends." Wo reached VI try. Hero the misery seemed to bo still grenter thnn ever before, for in tho entire town there wns not n single hnusu thnt wns not overcrowded with wounded. In tho midst of nil this misery robbery flour ished. All residences hnd been emp tied of their furnishings and every thing wns thrown Into the streets to mnko room for the wounded. Tho saullnry squads went over the town nnd took everything of any value. Tho munition and railroad columns followed the samo practice. They had plenty of room for plunder. This wns amply proven by numerous seizures afterward of parcels put In tho mall, which contained gold rings, watches, precious stones, etc. Tho business of the marauders flourished hero In Vltry. The soldiers In the supply columns en countered very llttto actual danger; they had an easy tlmo ns compnred with soldiers fighting nt the front. Wo soon reached tho cathedral and reported to Lieutenant Kim. He also had defended his fatherland nt n safe distance and here In tho city, freshly shaved and In Immnculato attire he looked very presentable. The contrast was vivid as he stood before us who were torn, dirty and cov ered with blood, with unkempt hair, with beards grown and caked with mud and dirt. Wo were obliged to wnlt so wc sat down and looked nround us. The church was full of wounded; many died under tho hnnds of tho doctors. They were carried out to mako room for others. Tho dend were carried to ono side, where whole rows of corpses lay. We counted more than sixty. On our way to Vltry wo hnd begged some bread, but wo were still hungry and our field kitchens were nowhere In sight. Tho crows of our field kitchens as well ns our forAge officers and non commissioned officers prefer to defend their fatherlnnd mnny kilometers be hind the bnttle fronts. They did not caro about us as long as they were not obliged to go within range nf the artillery fire. Comradeship has its limitations with them. Other field kitchens were near by. They had prepared more food than their companies needed. Many for whom they had cooked will never ent again. Wo were Invited to come nnd get whatever wo wnnted. Wo hnd scarcely finished entlng when wo hnd to march on. Presently we were Joined by moro members of our company. Our captain appeared. Ono of our olllccrs reported to him the number mlsidng. Ho stopped In front of the company nnd said cheerfully, "Good morning, men," although It was seven o'clock In tho evening. A growl wns the only response. Wo were then ordered to go to tho wagons standing at tho north side of tho town,, where each man was to supply himself with cartridges nnd threo hnrid grenades. Wo gnthered at tho wagons nt 0:30 o'clock and each man took 600 car tridges, his three grenades and matches to light them. On the way to the wag ons wo snw everywhere formations be ing hastily organized from stray sol diers nnd wo received tho impression of some great activity In preparation, Tho rain had begun to fall in tor rents. As wo took our places we saw tho streets filled with troops wearing special uniforms to protect them against the weather. These uniforms consisted of a suit of weatherproof clothing, n cap, such baggngo as must bo taken on a march, n tent cloth, tent sticks, dishes nnd, with tho pioneers, trench tools. Thus equipped, wo stood In tho ruin and waited, Ignorant of whnt luy before us. Wo wero ordered to tuko tho breech locks out of tho guns nnd put them In our bread bags. Tho guns now wero no good for shooting. Wo now begun to understntid what lay boforo iih. A night fittncl' was planned with bayonets and hand Kreiiudc, .mil tho measures which hnd been tnkon wcru tnlten po that we would not shoot at one another In tho darkness. Wo stood nnd waited until eleven o'clock, when the order suddenly camo to go Into quarters. Wo did not know what to mako of this after all the preparations. We could toll from tho drum lire and tho red glare In the sky that the hattlo had not lossencd In violence. The sky glowed, Illumined by tho burning villages and farms. On the wuy to our quarters wo heard tjie officers snylng among themselves ,nt imfiTSMFCT' Trail livTB UTRIltlTa TC defeat the French. This hnd been tho Field Kitchens Were Near Dy. reason behind the preparations for tho night attack which had now been cnlled off. Headquarters apparently hod de cided otherwise. Perhaps It was known there thnt nothing could bo accom plished by attacking and the order wns given to begin tho retreat which was put Into effect the next morning nt six o'clock. Wo did not realise then thnt this was to be our Inst night In Vltry. Wo wvre sheltered In n shed for the nisht As we were very tired, wo soon were fast asleep. We were aroused at four o'clock In the morning, everyone was given n loaf of brend and ordered to fill his canteen with water, after which the march began. Although we were Ignornnt of our destination, the inhabitant of Vltry seemed to under stand where wo were going nnd they stood on tint streets throwing us sig nificant glances. Everywhere tho feverish movement was on. W stopped In front of tho town hall. Here tho cnptnln told us that because of difficulty In the terrain our troops hnd to vacate their wl tlons nnd retire to nearby heights and occupy new defenses. With that he turned around and Hlnted to a rldgo on the horizon. "There we shall mako a stand nnd wait for tho enemy," he said. "No re-enforcements will arrive tinlay and In a fow days wo may send picture postal cards to your homes from Paris." (To Do Continued.) A Woman's Hrnrtv Itrcoiiunoiulntlon. Worry and overwork cnuso kidney trouble, and women sulfur equally with men. Miss Sara Wcsten, llelvl lore, III., .writes: "I could not stoop nnd whan down I had to crawl up by a chair. I was so lamo 1 suffered agony. Now I feel llko n now per son, stronger and bettor In every way, I heartily rocommond Foley Kldnoy Pills," Bold everywhere. Adv. (Tlj t?mmm UILT IN RUSSELL 1EANANDPA THRESHERS CLOVER HULLERS -CALL OR WRIT! fOR MRTICULARS KSBSVir,lTi J.'IIBaTriTdJIIJIfl-l-SffsI Summon! all the fnrcei tuc (icicnic oi rrccuom THE OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE which the United States authorities Imvo ranked at one of the fifteen diitlngutihed Inititutinat of the country for excellence In military training, hat rcinondcd to the call. The College is diitingulihcd not only for its military imtruction, but Distinguished alio roa Iti strong Industrial cotinei for men and for women! I ii Anilculturt , Cumincict , l''nlncnpi, Komtiy lluintl'.connmlci, Mining, l'luimicy, n J Vocitlontl llduntlon, lu wholesome, purposeful student life, Its democratic college spirit, Its successful graduates, Studrnts enrolled last ycar,p45t stars on Its service flags, 1258, 1 over forty percent representing officers. Colloco opens Soptembcr 23, 1918 niw IllutluttJ Rootlet, soil other Inlormitlon welts to tin Rcxlitrar, Corvillli, Oregon Forciuloi, TANLAC CALL ON COUNTY IS MADE TUN MI0.V MUi TO UK KNTUAINKU riio.M i)i:soiiuti:h county on OCTOIIKK 7 WIMj kxiiauht AI.IjOI' l!l TO III HKMHTKANTH. (From Tuosdny's Dully,) A call tor ton men from Dosuhuten county to report for training nt Camp I. owls has boon rvculvod by tho local draft board, und tho list will bo complotod either Into thin afternoon or tomorrow morning. Tho moit nro to ontrnin huro for Camp Luwls on October 7, This Is tho second call to bo ro rnlvml by tho local draft board thin mouth, tho formur lining for 18 men. Thlrtooii men urn now loft In class 1 In Dnscliutus county. This Includes four of 1917 classification, four or Juno, 1U1H, classification and flvo of August, 101K, classification, Tho call of tnu men for Octobor 7 will loavu but threo within tho list. Four chairs at your snrvico at tho Metropolitan. No wattlnft. Adv. Dr. Turner, oyo specialist of Port laud, will ho lu llond ngitlii Wednes day and Thursday, Hopt. 11 and 12. nt Thorson's Jnwolry store, Dr. Tur ner Is a specialist of vxporlnnco nnd standing and you wilt mako no mis tnko In consulting- him about your eyes and glasses. Headache re lieved, Cross-oyes straightened. But Isfactloti Kunrniitoed. Consult hi m. Don't forget tho date. Adv.27 If YOU KNOW OF A VUilof A Dpitue A H.-tli - A Dih An Accident An ll!iti OR- Any Nw DuiUing - Socul FutKtioni Mfuj A Rrl EJUIe Tltnitdion Any Itnjsotcmrnli OK- Anything lint li of Inlrf rtt ITS NEWSI Phone it to The Bulletin tn . . ALL SIZCS ENGINES BOILERS SAWMILLS THRESHERS ACTORS and reiourcei of the Republic to SECOND 501 FOR SALE BY The Owl Pharmacy SOLE AQKNTH VV'I w Y I ?& T v